How good it is to insulate the balcony. Do-it-yourself balcony insulation: step-by-step instructions

September 4, 2016
Specialization: Capital construction works(laying the foundation, erecting walls, constructing a roof, etc.). Internal construction work (laying of internal communications, rough and final finishing). Hobby: mobile connection, high tech, computer technology, programming.

Recently, an acquaintance of mine with interesting name Gerasim (he has nothing to do with Mu-Mu, although he has been studying Russian literature all his life) asked me how to properly insulate the balcony from the inside. The fact is that he took out a mortgage two-room apartment with a huge balcony. And he had a great idea to convert it into an office where he is going to write his doctoral dissertation in philology.

I supported this sound idea with two hands and one leg. Moreover, if you do everything yourself , the price of such alteration will be small. And the advantages of an additional small room hardly need explaining to anyone.

Well, I'll get down to the presentation.

Possible problems when insulating a balcony

Before insulating the balcony inside, I recommend that you think carefully about all the pros and cons of such a solution. Despite the fact that the installation of heaters before the decorative finishing of this room is resorted to by all more people, this operation has several disadvantages.

Here are the ones that I consider to be the main ones:

  1. Decrease useful area premises. If just finishing already reduces the size of the balcony or loggia, then an additional layer of heat-insulating material further exacerbates the problem. Therefore, if this architectural element you have is tiny, think about whether the resulting additional area is worth the money and effort.
  2. The appearance of condensed moisture inside structures. When using heaters, the dew point shifts inward, which leads to mold and deterioration of finishing materials.

This disadvantage, however, is easy to cope with. I will tell you how to insulate a balcony with your own hands from the inside so as to achieve an ideal microclimate inside.


The technology of insulating a loggia or balcony itself consists of several important stages:

  1. Sealing cracks and eliminating defects. Before laying the insulation for the balcony inside, you need to get rid of all cracks, irregularities, potholes and bulges. I recommend blowing out small cracks polyurethane foam(just choose a quality one), cement mortar will cope with more serious troubles.

  1. Arrangement of waterproofing. For this, I always recommend that my clients use penetrating materials. For example, Avatron or Penetron. They are easy to spray, but you can also use a simple roller or brush.

The peculiarity here is that the liquid penetrates deeply into the mineral surfaces, as a result of which they are not only protected from water, but also do not freeze during operation at low air temperatures.

Penetrating waterproofing, among other things, eliminates minor defects that are not visible to the naked eye. But they still affect the effectiveness of insulation, so they need to be eliminated.

  1. Thermal insulator laying. It's easy to do it inside with your own hands. You don't need to install scaffolding or call the aerial platform. The main thing is to follow the technology exactly, which I will discuss below.

When choosing materials for work, immediately think about whether you will insulate the floor and ceiling. For these surfaces, more durable heat insulators are needed that do not change their properties from external mechanical stress.

  1. Arrangement of a vapor barrier. It is needed just in order to avoid condensation of moisture that forms on the balcony inside thermal insulation materials... For this, vapor-permeable polymer membranes are used, for example, Izospan or Rockwool.

By the way, you can avoid this stage by using heat insulators with a foil layer, placing it inside the balcony. But I, nevertheless, would recommend not to save. Moreover, the estimate vapor barrier membrane will not increase much.

  1. Decorative finishing of the balcony. It all depends on your imagination, the amount of money and the purpose of the room. I cannot give specific advice.

Restrictions on the insulation of balconies

But I can tell you what absolutely cannot be done when finishing a balcony or loggia. Moreover, violation of these rules may entail administrative or criminal liability.

So, it is forbidden:

  1. To demolish the load-bearing partitions between two balconies (loggias) or this room and the residential part of the apartment.
  2. Install engineering communications on the balcony (in particular, heating, water supply and sewerage) connected to common system apartments.
  3. To equip a kitchen or bathroom on the balcony (although, as you understand, no one forbids an office or a bedroom).
  4. Install glazing on balconies that are equipped with fire escapes to evacuate people during a fire.
  5. Install suspended flower beds or clothes drying devices outside the balcony enclosing structures.
  6. Reduce the height of the parapet of the balcony or loggia (by dismantling the upper part or raising the floor). The minimum parapet height should be 1.1 meters.
  7. Violate the appearance of the facade of the building (this is for information, so by insulating the balcony from the inside with your own hands, you are unlikely to damage the exterior of the house).
  8. Glazing the balconies above the 9th floor on their own, violating the fire safety requirements.

As you can see, not all of the listed requirements are observed by our compatriots, but my conscience would be troubled if I did not tell you about them.

Now a little about the materials that can be used.

Thermal insulators for internal insulation of balconies

A huge amount of materials are used for thermal insulation of such premises. I have compiled a table in which I have listed the most popular varieties, indicating the characteristics of each.

Name Description
Expanded polystyrene Dense material with a low coefficient of thermal conductivity, having a fine-grained porous structure. Do not confuse Styrofoam for insulation and packing foam. The latter has large pores and breaks down quickly.

Not suitable for floor insulation, as it does not withstand the load applied. Can be used for cladding, wall and ceiling installations.

Extruded polystyrene foam A material that perfectly retains heat indoors and, thanks to a special production technology, has an increased mechanical strength... Microorganisms do not grow on the surface of expanded polystyrene, it is not flammable and environmentally friendly.
Penofol Another name for the material is expanded polyethylene. For balconies, it is better to use insulation with a foil layer that reflects thermal energy and prevents moisture from the insulation layer. Foil, among other things, acts as a vapor barrier membrane.
Polyurethane foam A special composition that is applied to surfaces using special equipment... After hardening, it forms a homogeneous heat-insulating layer that prevents unproductive heat energy consumption and cooling of the balcony.

The material is great for warming, but with your own hands you cannot cope with its application.

Mineral wool Basalt fiber based material, which is excellent for insulating walls and ceilings of the balcony. To increase its effectiveness, it must be protected from moisture.

It is impossible to insulate the floor with mineral wool, since it does not withstand significant mechanical stress.

Multilayer panels We are talking about sandwich panels that are used both for insulation and for decorative design balcony. They have beautiful upper layer, which does not require additional finishing. Thermal insulation is glued to the bottom, which reduces the thermal conductivity of the enclosing structures.

Methods for internal insulation of the balcony

At this point, I consider the theoretical part finished and I will proceed to the presentation. specific schemes internal insulation of balconies and loggias with the help of several, in my opinion, the most effective materials.

Method 1 - Expanded polystyrene

The most common option is expanded polystyrene. It has a low coefficient of thermal conductivity and can be easily assembled with your own hands inside the balcony.

I am telling you how to insulate a balcony with expanded polystyrene from the inside:

  1. After carrying out preliminary operations (sealing of cracks and waterproofing), I always treat the surface with a penetrating primer. It allows you to improve the adhesion properties of mineral surfaces, remove dust from concrete monoliths and reduce the consumption of adhesive.

Processing can be done with a regular brush or spray. Treat not only the walls very carefully, but also the ceiling and floor. Otherwise, later there will be difficulties when gluing polystyrene foam.

  1. You can continue working after priming only after the composition has completely dried, which takes about 6 hours. If the walls of the balcony where I work are made of porous materials (for example, foam concrete), I always ground everything twice.
  2. After priming, you can proceed with the installation of expanded polystyrene, which is supplied in slabs. Installation is carried out using glue and special fasteners with wide hats.

I prepare the adhesive composition from the purchased dry powder. It is necessary to mix it with water in the proportions indicated in the operating instructions, and then achieve uniformity using a mixer connected to a drill.

I apply the finished glue to the heat-insulating material, after which the expanded polystyrene sheet is glued to the wall. I do the same with other materials, placing them in a checkerboard pattern with overlapping joints.

To compensate for the thermal expansion of the material, during installation, I recommend that you move away from the corners of the order of 3 cm, and also leave small gaps between the plates themselves.

  1. In order for the plates to adhere firmly, you need to fix them with dowels with plastic caps. To do this, with a drill, I make a hole in the expanded polystyrene and the wall, after which I install the corresponding bracket there.

  1. Considering that expanded polystyrene does not absorb water, a vapor-permeable membrane can be omitted. Although I see no reason to buy and fix a special film on the surfaces.
  2. The last stage is plastering. To avoid the destruction of the decorative coating, you must first fix a reinforcing fiberglass mesh on the expanded polystyrene plates, and then plaster over it. This is exactly what I do.

  1. Before plastering, you can install perforated galvanized corners on the corners, which will facilitate work and protect the corners from damage during operation.

Method 2 - Penoplex

This material is also widely used for interior insulation of balconies. It can be mounted on walls using special bitumen mastic, construction foam or plastic dowels with wide caps.

I will tell you how I insulate with penoplex using polyurethane foam:

  1. To begin with, as in all other cases, defects are repaired and the balcony surfaces are waterproofed. By the way, a primer will not hurt either.
  2. After execution preparatory operations, you need to squeeze out the polyurethane foam from the perimeter around the perimeter of the pre-fitted foam board. No more foam is needed, the insulation will be securely fixed to the surface anyway.

  1. After waiting a few seconds, you need to attach the material to the wall.
  2. Further work is carried out using a similar technology. Naturally, I recommend displacing the seams in a staggered manner in order to avoid the formation of cold bridges, which reduce the effectiveness of the insulation work being carried out.
  3. To keep the insulation stronger, it can be additionally reinforced with dowels with wide caps. Although this is not necessary.

If you, as my neighbor, want to equip a living space on the balcony, I recommend installing two layers of Penoplex insulation with overlapping seams. In this case, the balcony will be warm and cozy, and you will not have to spend a lot of electricity on heating.

  1. The last stage is decorative finishing. Here I completely shift the responsibility for the choice of materials to you. Think for yourself, decide for yourself.

Method 3 - Mineral wool

Well, I can't help but tell you about the use of mineral wool insulation. I cannot say that they are very effective, but they are very popular. I focus on them only because the laying technology itself is more complex here.

The fact is that mineral wool is very soft and does not have rigid geometric dimensions as such. It is produced in the form of rolls into which the material is rolled with a thickness of 2 to 20 cm.

I recommend buying stone (basalt) wool with a heat-reflecting foil layer for arranging a balcony. The latter will effectively protect the insulator from moisture and act as a reflective screen that traps thermal energy. heating appliances indoors.

Given the described specifications, it is possible to mount the insulating material only under a pre-equipped crate made of wooden bars or galvanized profiles. But this is good, since you can then install on the crate decorative cladding... For example, lining or plastic panels.

For example, I'll tell you about insulation using wooden blocks. It is better to take not square, but rectangular lumber with a section of 3 by 5 or 3 by 7 cm. This will save the useful area of ​​the balcony.

The lathing can be installed in two ways:

  • horizontally - if later you will trim the balcony with plastic panels;
  • vertically - if as a material for decorative finishing you have chosen the lining.

In all other cases (plywood, drywall, OSB boards, etc.), the direction of the sheathing elements does not matter.

I recommend fixing the lathing on all surfaces using anchor bolts. At the same time, make sure that the bars are installed at the same level, so that later you do not have problems with the decorative finish.

If you bought mineral wool to insulate the balcony, be sure to buy vapor-permeable membranes for it. The fact is that the fibrous material very much loses its heat-preserving functions after getting wet from water vapor coming from inside the room.

Having described all the important, in my opinion, nuances, I can now talk about the technology of the work. Everything is simple on paper:

  • install the crate, keeping an eye on the verticals;
  • insert heat-insulating material between the crate;
  • protect it from above with a polymer vapor-permeable membrane;
  • after that, mount the selected decorative coating.

Most often, the lining acts as the latter, which is why a crate is needed.

Floor and ceiling insulation

Having dealt with the walls, you can move on to the ceiling. For its insulation, I recommend using foam. Moreover, you need to buy an ordinary material for insulation and that kind, which is supplemented with a heat-reflecting foil layer, which increases the strength of the material and helps to keep heat inside.

Before starting work on the insulation of the balcony ceiling, ask the neighbors above if they have insulated their floor. If the answer to this question is yes, buy a beer to the owner as a token of gratitude and safely skip the next few paragraphs, moving to the floor (for this, by the way, you will later owe beer to the neighbor below).

You need to insulate the same way as the walls, using polyurethane glue and dowels. Only first you need to stick the first layer, and on top - the second, with a heat-reflecting surface.

The seams between the parts must be sealed with polyurethane foam, and at the end - glued with a special metallized adhesive tape. In this case, even a strong cold will not prevent you from creating an immortal masterpiece in your office on the balcony.

If, of course, you take care of the floor insulation, which I, for example, carry out as follows:

  • I clean the floor surface from the remnants of building materials, influx of cement, dirt, debris, glue, and so on;
  • I cover the floor with penofol;
  • on top I mount a crate of wooden blocks pre-cut with an electric jigsaw;
  • I install heat-insulating material inside the crate, sealing the cracks with construction foam;
  • I mount a sub-floor made of plywood or OSB boards;
  • on top I lay the floor covering (usually linoleum or laminate).

However, my neighbor - a future professor - wanted to make a heated floor in his balcony-study. So I had to tell him the order of work in this case:

  • on the reinforced concrete ceiling of the balcony, you need to make a screed with the help of a self-leveling mixture in order to level all the protrusions and irregularities;
  • on top of the hardened screed, a layer of heat-reflecting material with a heat insulator must be laid;
  • mount a heating electric cable on top, securing it with a special tape (you remember that water heating on the balcony cannot be done, which means a water-heated floor too);
  • pour another layer of cement screed on top;
  • Install the selected decorative flooring.

Decorative finishing of the balcony

I will conclude my story with a short story about how to finish the balcony after it has been insulated. Many different materials can be used for this:

  • plastic panels;
  • ordinary and decorative plaster;
  • wallpaper;
  • tile;
  • wooden lining.

Considering what I told you how to insulate a balcony mineral wool, I will continue this topic. I will describe how you can install lining or plastic panels on the walls. The technology is very similar, since both of these materials are separate lamellas, connected to each other using a special system of tenons and grooves.

And there is really nothing to do here:

  • the first part is mounted on the installed crate, starting from the corner;
  • after that, all subsequent parts are installed.

I try to give preference to wood, as it is a natural material, but plastic is easier to work with, does not require additional finishing and is cheap.


That's it, I will no longer distract your attention, because I think you can't wait to start insulating your own balcony. Or writing a dissertation in philology. By the way, I would be grateful if you write about the results of your efforts in the comments to this article.

And for those who are interested in other issues related to repair and decoration, I recommend looking video in this article.

September 4, 2016

If you want to express gratitude, add clarification or objection, ask the author something - add a comment or say thank you!

How to properly insulate a balcony from the inside with your own hands - I had to ask myself such a question when the idea came to my mind to turn our ownerless balcony into a home one. As it turned out, sewing in a room that is a nursery is not at all comfortable for me. I wanted solitude and silence so that I could be completely focused on work, and I also interfered with my studies and rest for children.

In this article I will talk about how we carried out repairs to turn our cold and blown loggia into living room, or rather, to my office and at what price it cost us. And I will also give valuable advice that will help you avoid mistakes and save your nerves and money)

  • Replacing the window on the balcony
  • Balcony (loggia) plaster
  • Costings. How much money did it take us to insulate the balcony (loggia)
  • A few tips for those who are going to insulate the balcony with their own hands

How to insulate a balcony from the inside with your own hands

What I had to face and what our loggia looked like before insulation

When I told my loved ones about my idea, at first everyone laughed at me. They began to talk about the fact that there was not enough space, and they were frightened by the coldness of the unheated room - after all, our loggia was essentially an outdoor room. In order for you to imagine what I had to face, I enclose a plan of the balcony. I had to turn three and a half squares of usable area into a full-fledged study, where my two sewing machines with a table, a cutting table, and an ironing board could fit.

The first window with a balcony door and access to the kitchen. This wall is the main one - it is already warm, so you don't have to sheathe it. Subsequently, we refused to cover it with plaster, since the brick itself looks quite interesting in the interior. We only cleaned its surface with a sandpaper from dirt.

The second window is located on the wall of the loggia; it required a complete replacement and touched up the stained-glass windows. The photo was taken after the installation of a new double-glazed window.

Replacing the window on the balcony

The first thing my story with a balcony started with was the replacement of the existing double-glazed window. When we drove into our new building, we saw that on the loggia (unlike other rooms) the developer had installed windows in one layer of glass. Of course it was summer option, they let the cold through with might and main. Only there was no question of replacing the double-glazed window, because I also wanted to change the shape of the frame, to make an opening sash of other sizes. I do not know how the project of our house was made, but the architect obviously did not try for the convenience of the residents. Therefore, first of all, I found a company that made a solid two-chamber window according to our sizes. As stated by the windows, such a window provides 25% more heat preservation in the room than the one that was provided by the developer.

When ordering a new window, there was one little fad that significantly increased the amount of our expenses - lamination. That is, from the street side, all the window frames of our house are dark - burgundy, wood-like. Therefore, we also had to stay within the overall picture and make the window in the general color scheme. For lamination, firms engaged in the manufacture of windows ask for 20% of the total cost.

The price for a window measuring 2580 * 1520 cm with a burgundy frame, with installation and delivery was 20,700 rubles. And we sold the dismantled old window profitably to the Avito website.

Important (!)- if you are going to insulate the balcony and increase the ceiling after installing the window, then tell the windows about it. They'll put extensions on the top of the window so that later your extended ceiling won't cover the shutters and you can hang the curtains.

Heating the loggia, which way to choose

The loggia usually has walls in one layer of brick, the worst option is a corrugated balcony. Therefore, in order to feel comfortable in this room during the cold season, a heater is needed.

There are two options for making the loggia warm. The first is to open balcony door so that it is heated by the adjoining room. The second is to install electric "warm" floors or buy oil radiators.

I will say right away from our experience - one heater was not enough for us, and we decided to install a warm floor. Despite the fact that the walls of our loggia were insulated, the cold came from the neighbors above and below - after all, their balconies remained uninsulated.

The choice of material for insulating a loggia (balcony)

At the very beginning, my husband was advised to do the insulation of the balcony with his own hands, in general he is rugged at me - maybe put the laminate and glue the tiles. But in the case of the balcony, I didn't have time to wait for him to find free time, here the work of a professional was needed, since it would be more expensive to correct mistakes. So we found a master who is engaged in this business and watched his work from the side. I found him through Avito, which I first of all paid attention to - real photographs and living in our area (so that he had the opportunity to go to lunch, I do not spend a lot of time).

I wanted not only to sheathe the balcony with panels, but to make walls on which later it was possible to glue the wallpaper, so for interior cladding we chose drywall. Finding a good specialist who would work with drywall and wiring (after all, I still needed sockets and lighting), as it turned out, was not an easy task. But I was lucky and found good specialist who promised me to bring my idea to life! On his advice, after taking all measurements, we purchased to insulate our loggia:

  • drywall - for walls and ceilings
  • plywood - for the floor
  • techno-nicol rocklight - for floor
  • technoNIKOL technoplex - for walls and ceilings
  • isolar - reflective metallized substrate
  • bars

The most important thing on this list is insulation. It is due to him that you get a full-fledged living room. We have chosen two types of insulation:

The first type for floor insulation is techno-nicol rocklight. It is a rectangular slab pressed from basalt fibers, in the common people it is called mineral wool. Do not be afraid that it can have an adverse effect on the air in the room (many write about harmful fumes, etc.), on the contrary, due to its ability to pass moisture, and not retain it, it is widely used for warming damp rooms where there is a possibility of mold and mildew ... According to the Technonikol company, its plates do not burn and do not absorb moisture, therefore, today they are recognized as the best heaters on the market. In order to cover the floors of the loggia with an area of ​​3.8 m. In two layers, we needed 1 package of TechnoNicol Rocklight, which contained 12 slabs.

The second insulation that we used is TechnoNIKOL Technoplex for interior wall cladding. As I mentioned above, the developer built our loggia in one layer of brick, due to this, it blew from every corner. In addition, inconvenient stained-glass windows were installed in the loggia on the sides of the window, which from the outside gave the house a business look, and inside for the residents served as a source of constant drafts and moisture. This kind the insulation is made of nanographite, due to which it has an unsightly gray color. Although by weight and outward appearance it reminded me more of polystyrene, but despite its lightness, it has excellent thermal insulation characteristics. After our balcony ceased to resemble a bamboo hut, I began to think about how to use these magic tiles to make soundproofing from neighbors in the living room)

The third type of insulation- it rather goes as an addition to the first two, this metallized substrate isolon or isolar... We all know that a shiny surface reflects well. It is this ability of the metallized surface of the substrate that allows the heat to be redirected inside the room, as if reflecting it and not allowing it to go outside.

As a result, I can say that all the heaters coped with their tasks with a bang, they really keep warm, like a thermos. But at the same time, they let in excess moisture, preventing the formation of mold.

How to insulate a balcony with your own hands step by step photo

1. We cleaned the balcony of all unnecessary things. Before the arrival of the master, we cleaned our balcony from rubbish and debris, a window had already been installed and heating radiators were installed.

2. Patching "holes" in stained-glass windows with insulation plates TechnoNIKOL Technoplex. This did not affect the appearance of the house in any way, but for us the problem of eternal drafts was solved. The slabs were laid in two layers, all the cracks were filled with polyurethane foam.

Cutting the slabs after taking measurements is carried out using a jigsaw and a hacksaw for metal.

3. Bringing out the electrical wiring to the balcony. In my workshop, it was planned to install three sockets for sewing machines and a laptop, wires were pulled from the nearest outlet from the kitchen.

4. Insulation of the floor with beams and insulation TechnoNIKOL rocklight (mineral wool). According to the reviews of our master, he most of all likes to work with this type of insulation. Since when it is placed between the bars, it expands on its own and does not leave any gaps, which means it does not require the use of polyurethane foam.

Although basalt wool and glass wool are two different things, I still played it safe and diligently closed the door to the balcony while he was laying the floors. And then she vacuumed all the walls for an hour. Our master, of course, laughed for a long time when he saw me walking in a medical mask and gloves. For me, any mention of glass wool is a fear since childhood, when we ran around the construction site and accidentally hitting the glass wool, any of us got a burn, after which it itched and burned for a long time.

The frame or the so-called formwork for the future floor and walls is first assembled from wooden blocks. The slats are fastened together with metal corners using dowels and a screwdriver.

If the frame is laid on concrete, then holes are drilled first with an impact drill. concrete floor in the places of attachments. Then in wooden logs dowels are inserted, applied to the attachment points and screws are hammered in with a hammer.

Mineral wool mats can be laid directly on the concrete screed, in wooden frame between lags. It does not shrink at all, therefore it is used even on surfaces with high traffic.

To give the floor additional thermal insulation properties- on top of the first layer of insulation made of basalt wool, you can build a second frame of the lathing and in the same way lay another layer of techno-nickel rocklight. In this case wooden blocks fastened with a screwdriver on self-tapping screws.

Next, a layer of isolar is used - this is a metallized substrate that reflects heat and protects from moisture, is widely used when creating warm balcony(loggias). After laying all the layers of building materials, we reached the same floor level as the room without thresholds and steps.

Important (!)- the metallized substrate is laid with the reflective surface up.

5. Ceiling insulation with TechnoNIKOL Technoplex insulation. In our ceiling, two wires were installed under ceiling lamps... Therefore, before proceeding with the installation of the ceiling, under wooden beams was withdrawn electrical wiring... I really like this method - it looks neat, without unnecessary wires. Electricians have a lot to learn from Bashkir masters)

6. Thermal insulation of walls with insulation TechnoNIKOL Technoplex.

The main difference between nanographite insulation and basalt wool is that it is not elastic. Therefore, when installing it in the crate, there are gaps, which then need to be filled with polyurethane foam.

After all the joints have been processed, a metallized isolar substrate is applied over the insulation. It is attached to the crate with a stapler and special tape (connecting tape) - isospan.

After sheathing the entire surface with a metallized substrate, from above using self-tapping screws and a screwdriver to wooden crate drywall sheets are attached.

Plastering the balcony (loggia) with your own hands

After the balcony was completely sheathed with plasterboard sheets, including the ceiling, we had to plaster the walls. It is impossible to glue wallpaper on bare drywall, because its top layer consists of paper and can come off when wet. Additional surface treatment of sheets includes a primer and putty.

At this stage of work, our master left us, since he was only engaged in insulation, and the work of a plasterer as a painter was not part of his duties. We had a choice - either to find a new employee, or to pick up a spatula ourselves. A significant role in the choice was played by the amount that the plasterers - professionals - asked for the treatment of our small area.

Therefore, my friends, for the first time in my life I took a spatula in my hands and plastered my balcony myself (just below I posted a photo with the result). But I will say right away that I liked plastering, as it turned out to work with plaster mix It's not difficult at all, and if you are not particularly picky about your walls - feel free to take a trowel in your hands and master a new type of activity! Subsequently (how they scared me experienced craftsmen) after drying, nothing fell off, and the loggia became even warmer - after all, I myself responsibly covered all the cracks and joints.

So, in order to plaster the balcony, sheathed with sheets of drywall, I needed:

  • gypsum plaster "Volma layer"
  • drywall primer deep penetration
  • serpyanka tape for joints
  • putty knife
  • container for diluting plaster
  • drill with attachment mixer for stirring solution
  • oilcloth to protect the surface from dirt (floor and brick wall)

1. First, I went over the walls with a primer to improve adhesion to the topcoat. I waited 40 minutes until it dries completely.

2. Sealed all the joints on the drywall with tape - serpyanka. It forms a strong bond with the cementitious mixture, which is especially important at seams and corners.

3. Prepare the solution. At first I spread everything according to the instructions, and then I mixed the plaster with water by eye. The second time you already know exactly what consistency the solution should be. I applied the plaster in two layers. It took me four hours to get to work. I concluded that it is possible to cope and learn to work with a spatula even if you are a beginner. What happened to me can be judged by the photo. After drying, the color of the "Volma Layer" plaster does not turn white, but gray, so the ceiling had to be whitewashed with water-based paint.

How much money did it take to insulate the balcony with our own hands

  • Two-chamber window with lamination (assembly, installation) - 20.700
  • Nails, switches, sockets, cable, foam, sealant - 4.800
  • Heaters, bars, drywall, plywood - 11.600
  • Window sills, bevels, laminate, wallpaper, lamps - 4.000
  • The work of the master - 10.000

Total for our loggia with an area of ​​3.43 sq. M. it took us 51.100 rubles. The amount of expenses depends on what size the area will be insulated, and what materials will be used for this. As you understand, the insulation of the balcony in the Khrushchev will be much cheaper than the insulation large balcony with panoramic windows.

1. Morally prepare yourself for the fact that you will need to allocate temporary space for building materials. All these heaters, sheets of drywall and wooden blocks are impressive in size and occupied our entire hallway with an area of ​​13 square meters. It was especially hard for me with small children, whom you cannot keep in place and I had to constantly make sure that they did not stumble and carry dirt around the apartment.

2. Separately, it should be said about debris and dust. Despite the fact that all dirty work were carried out on the loggia, yet the builder had to walk between the balcony and the hallway for materials and tools. Therefore, the entire floor was strewn with shavings and debris. I had to spend every time after his work in the house wet cleaning with a rag and a vacuum cleaner. This is an important reason why I quickly wanted to finish with the insulation of the loggia.

3. The amount that was negotiated to us at the beginning for the purchase of building materials was approximate. That is, in the process, you still had to buy something.

4. One person cannot cope with all the work. There are two ways out: find a company that does turnkey repairs, whose prices start at 50 thousand rubles. Or, as we did, we looked for a wizard separately for each option. As a result, for the whole process of insulating our loggia, we needed: specialists in the manufacture and installation of windows, a plumber, a master in insulation and cladding of balconies, a plasterer - a painter. It turned out cheaper than ordering from an organization, but I also had to spend time searching.

5. Keep in mind, if you nevertheless decide to insulate the balcony with your own hands without the help of a specialist, then you should have the tool necessary for work at hand. This is a jigsaw and saws, a drill, a hammer, a screwdriver, a sealant gun, a hammer drill, a construction ruler with a level, a plasterboard construction knife, a construction stapler.

6. Do not throw away receipts, they may come in handy when repairs are over and unused building materials remain. Within 14 days from the date of purchase, you can return them to the store and get your money back, provided that the packaging has remained unopened.

7. Shopping is best done in large chain stores. For example, Leroy Merlin gives buyers the opportunity to return unused goods for repairs within 100 days after the purchase. I had no difficulty in returning the extra rolls of wallpaper, glue and curtain rods that did not fit in height.


I hope our experience helped you on how to properly insulate a balcony from the inside with your own hands with a step-by-step photo. Many complain that after warming, the loggia still remains cold. We specially measured the temperature on the balcony when it was freezing outside. She remained as warm and comfortable as in the apartment.

The work of insulating the balcony is, of course, difficult and dirty. But how much joy I now have in my own workshop. I have my own little corner where I can work calmly without disturbing my loved ones and create in my personal space. So if you have an idea to make yourself a study, but there is no place in the apartment - pay attention to the balcony or loggia. Good luck to everyone, bye!

Notorious housing problem worries us since the days when Adam and Eve were expelled from paradise. "What does heaven and balconies have to do with it?" - the reader will ask. Moreover, the balcony is a constructive component of our home. And the solution to the question: the better to insulate a balcony or loggia may, in the end, bring either heavenly pleasure, or a headache because of the money, time and effort spent. After all, a properly selected insulation will turn your balcony (loggia) into additional cozy square meters, will expand the space of the apartment and reduce the energy consumption of this area to preserve heat in the winter.

First, consider what types of heaters exist for balconies and loggias. Then we will compare them, highlight the advantages and disadvantages, after which you can determine which insulation is best for your case.

Common types of insulation for balconies and loggias

Mineral wool

Mineral wool is widely used in the insulation of balconies and loggias due to the ease of installation and relative cheapness.

Mineral wool (basalt wool, natural fiber wool (linen) with a polyester content (up to 15%)) - good quality, modern look noise and heat insulation, used in the insulation of roofs, walls, ceilings, balconies and facades. For the roof, roll-type cotton wool with a density of 25-35 kg / m3 is often used. But for the facade, it is better to choose a heater denser up to 70-90 kg per meter, which will ensure minimal shrinkage of vertical surfaces.

The mineral wool or basalt insulator used in the insulation of loggias or balconies has shown excellent results. It can also be used as a moisture barrier by laying a hydro-barrier. The thickness is chosen according to the temperature indicators of a particular region, but usually not more than 100 mm. Fasten mineral wool under the finishing layer (plastic, drywall) using slats or counter-slats.

One of the disadvantages of this insulation is the material getting wet. Only natural linen cotton wool provides vapor permeability and stable operation when partially wet.

Brief characteristics of mineral wool ISOVER Classic Plus 50 mm:

Cutting and specifications may vary depending on manufacturers.

Extruded polystyrene foam, polystyrene foam

Styrofoam - universal insulation for balconies and loggias

Extruded polystyrene foam (foam) is a wide range of thermal insulation material with a homogeneous structure and closed cells. Almost does not absorb moisture (up to 0.1% per 1 cubic meter per day) and does not strongly react to exposure ultraviolet radiation... Foam plastic has differences in density and is mainly used in the insulation of technical premises.

A heat insulator with an optimal flammability class should be chosen as a material for insulating a balcony, or better - generally with non-flammable additives. Moreover, the market offers all kinds and classes of insulators.

Scope and some characteristics of Extraplex 50 mm expanded polystyrene:

How to insulate a loggia or balcony? It is easy to choose a suitable brand, the main thing is to consider the criteria by which the material is selected. If you have a small balcony, materials that can be applied with a decorative layer are suitable. For example, plaster of the "Bark beetle" type. Expanded polystyrene is great for this, but you should remember about the "dew point" and you should only use quality glue for slabs.

The disadvantage of expanded polystyrene is the selection harmful substance styrene, when heated over 40 degrees Celsius. Therefore, it is best to insulate the balcony outside with such material.

Expanded polystyrene can also be mounted on a mounting construction foam... Recently, this method of fastening is often used. The expanding foam leaves no gaps, filling all the cracks well. And when installing a warm floor, you can lay polystyrene foam under a heating element by gluing it directly to the balcony floor.

Advice: on the balcony it is better to make a coating or other waterproofing of walls, ceilings and all abutments (windows, doors), since balconies are usually most susceptible to leaks. You can also use a hydro-barrier as a moisture insulator.


Penofol - modern insulation, used for insulation, including balconies and loggias

Penofol is a thin modern insulation that is also suitable for insulating balconies or loggias. More than three modifications are produced.

Space saving is the number two priority in all installation and finishing works... This is where penofol comes to the fore.

Type "A" - They are used both in the combined insulation of external walls from the inside (expanded polystyrene plus penofol), and in an independent version, using a material of 10 mm thick. The product, consisting of polyethylene foam with a reflective layer on one side, has excellent durability for many years.

Type "B"- foil-clad material with two reflective surfaces is more used for additional insulation floor, both under the screed in the rooms, and in the form of a substrate on balconies and loggias under a warm floor. The high performance and reflective qualities of such an insulator have proven themselves very well.

Type "C"- self-adhesive product, with a one-sided reflective layer, easy to install on walls and ceilings. The requirements for surfaces for such insulation are minimal: cleanliness (dust removal) and surface evenness (can be glued to concrete). Do not forget to carefully prime the places of insulation.

Type "ALP" has both a reflective layer and a protective polyethylene membrane.

If, for example, you want to bring additional pipes for floor heating in the loggia, the type "ALP" foam foam is laid as a reflective layer under the pipes and screed. Protective film such material does not react with the wet mortar during screed pouring. Then, having made the mesh reinforcement (usually the VR-1 brand) and placing beacons or guides, fill in the solution. Do not forget about the aluminum tape for gluing seams and joints. It is better to wrap the edges of penofol on the walls, about 80 mm.

Important: pipes that are laid as a heating element should be under a pressure of 5-7 atmospheres when pouring. Such a measure will prevent the foundation from breaking in the future and relieve stress in the thickness of the material when heated (there is room for expansion). Installing a pressure gauge in the system will make it possible to check the indicators and tell you if there are any leaks in the system.

And the screens for additional batteries on the balcony are best glued with penofol type "C", with a reflective layer inward to the battery.

Briefly about the properties of penofol:

What is the best way to insulate the balcony?

Before deciding how to insulate a balcony or loggia, you need to understand which side to use the insulation and where. At the same time, the glazing of the balcony is a mandatory step, otherwise, what's the point of insulating it if everything is blown through.

The balcony can be insulated:

  • bottom (floor);
  • top (ceiling);
  • from the inside (walls);
  • outside (also walls).

Insulation of the floor of a balcony or loggia

The better the material for the insulation of the balcony, the better the microclimate of the closed space will be maintained. In light of the latest trends, it is highly recommended to insulate the balcony floor. This will give energy-saving heat savings of 20 to 40%, depending on the type of insulation. The costs will pay off, especially if you plan to convert the balcony into an additional room.

Warming methods:

  • using insulating materials;
  • underfloor heating system.

Insulation materials:

Mineral wool

The advantage is low cost, ease of installation. The disadvantage is that it cakes over time and loses its insulating qualities. With an illiterate calculation of the thermal insulation layer (this is a completely separate topic of conversation), you may not achieve the desired effect.


Nice, comfortable, cheap stuff. The disadvantage is that it is eaten by mice. You will need to take care of the excellent tightness.

Expanded clay

Lightweight, cheap, everlasting heat insulator, but cooler.


Moderately expensive. Combines the qualities of mineral wool and foam. It can be laid on an imperfectly flat surface. According to experts, it is one of the best thermal insulation materials for insulating balconies and loggias.


Also moderately costly, good heat insulator, but requires a very flat surface.

Underfloor heating system

Available in three versions:

Water floor

Connected to the central heating system. If you don't have individual heating, then this option is not suitable due to the lack of permissive legislative acts.


  1. Cable.
  2. Cable with reinforcing mesh.

Electric floors are effective together with self-leveling floors and tiles.

Film (infrared)

Stays in place without capital renovation works... A technically simple solution.

Attention: the film floor cannot be used under tiles and screeds. It is possible under linoleum or laminate.

Insulation of the ceiling of a balcony or loggia

It makes sense to insulate the ceiling on the balcony if your balcony is located on the top floor.

The following materials are used to insulate the ceiling on the balcony:

  • drywall;
  • Styrofoam;
  • penofol;
  • penoplex (expanded polystyrene foam).

Do not forget that when the ceiling is insulated, the ceiling space will inevitably decrease.

If you do not want to do a major insulation of the ceiling, then you can get by with decorated foam-uritanic tiles. In this case, there will be two advantages: an elegant ceiling with a small layer of insulation.

Insulation of walls of a balcony or loggia

Before insulating the walls of the balcony, it is necessary to seal up all holes and crevices. Neglect of such a trifle as a crack, in cold windy weather, will result in a loss of heat and a lack of comfort.

The materials for the insulation of the balcony are the same as for the insulation of the floor. It:

  • expanded polystyrene;
  • penoplex;
  • penofol;
  • mineral wool.

You can add materials like isover.It is a more modern mineral wool based on fiberglass. Available in rolls or sheets.

Another option is styrodur Is a green extruded polystyrene foam.

Wall insulation can be carried out from the inside and outside. In the event that it is necessary to preserve the useful space of the balcony, it is recommended to carry out insulation outside, and only finishing work inside.

As in any other case, the choice of insulation outside has its advantages and disadvantages:

It is not easy to choose which insulation is right for you, what exactly to isolate this or that room. In the best way insulation will be combined.

Example: it is better to insulate the ceiling of the loggia and all walls with basalt wool mats, the floor with expanded polystyrene, and use foam foam as an additional noise-absorbing and heat-reflecting layer.

When choosing a material, remember that the flammability class and environmental friendliness are perhaps the most important criteria.

So, taking into account the plans hatched for the further use of the balcony or loggia, temporary and financial possibilities, taking into account the recommendations received, you can now make a reasonable balanced decision on the choice of insulation for your balcony or loggia.

Despite their small size, the complex modernization of these parts of the residential buildings is challenging. To find out how with your own hands, a step-by-step photo must be supplemented detailed descriptions working operations. Information about modern materials,. It is necessary to find out how the new premises will be equipped. Finding the right answers to these and other practical questions will be easier after reading this article.

Read in the article

Do-it-yourself balcony insulation: step-by-step instructions for preparatory work

Open balconies in domestic climatic conditions can be fully exploited no more than a few months a year. They are blown by cold winds, covered with rain and covered with snow. After the implementation of the project, the necessary protection will be created. Even when choosing the most economical option, the insulating characteristics of the property will improve, and the costs for it will decrease. After a deep modernization, you can actually increase the living space at a relatively low cost.

Preventing erroneous actions

Some important details should be noted at the beginning to rule out incorrect decisions:

  • Excessive "frugality" can subsequently be transformed into additional costs. If you install cheap frames without, use insufficient quality and finishing materials, the desired result will not be obtained. Subsequent alterations are additional costs.
  • Wrong choice of technology also comes with troubles. It is necessary to carefully study the nuances of the techniques in order to make sure that they are reproduced realistically. on their own. Specialists can be invited to perform the most complex workflows.
  • Standard cannot be installed on the balcony. Some municipal authorities prohibit discoloration of external surfaces, installation of frames and other visible changes from the outside.
Image Name Advantages disadvantages
Expanded clayLow cost; good filling with granules of complex volumes; maintaining integrity over a long service life; incombustibility.High moisture permeability, which is accompanied by a loss of insulating properties.

Mineral woolThe durability of products of a modern level; high temperature resistance; high quality butt joints.Low strength; deterioration of the structure and an increase in thermal conductivity when water enters. These materials must be additionally protected from mechanical damage and increased.

StyrofoamReasonable prices; ease of processing; flat outer surface; light weight.Low strength, flammability. To improve resistance to open flame, special additives are used, but the corresponding materials are more expensive.

Expanded polystyrene boardsHigh strength of products with a sufficiently high density; ease of installation; moisture resistance; durability.Relatively expensive factory-made materials from renowned manufacturers... Difficulty filling internal volumes without the formation of empty spaces.

Polystyrene formed at a construction site from several liquid componentsIt has all the advantages of slabs, but additionally it fills all cavities of any shape.The total cost is higher because special equipment has to be used.
Foamed polyethylene with a layer of metal foil (penofol)Small thickness; long-term preservation of good consumer characteristics; moisture resistance.High price.

For your information! The insulation system will be effective if you install insulating materials on outer wall, floor ceiling.

How to insulate a balcony with your own hands: a step-by-step photo, installation of windows

Drawing Description of actions

Recently, more and more apartment owners in multi-storey buildings decide to expand their area at the expense of a balcony. it great option, if you figure out how you can properly insulate it from the inside and equip it.

If the balcony is not glazed, windows must be installed before insulation. It is better to choose double-glazed windows of high quality, without saving, because the amount of heat in the apartment depends on them. Elements of window structures should adhere to each other as tightly as possible so that drafts do not penetrate into the house.

The balcony is a part of the building that needs insulation more than others, because not all residents use it only as a warehouse. Increasingly, people begin to equip their balconies for an additional room, for example, a personal office. For these and not only reasons, it is necessary to produce competent insulation of the structure from the inside.

Balcony insulation stages

In modern technologies of insulation of open hinged structures(balconies) as internal insulation four types of material are used: polystyrene, penoplex, penofol and mineral wool. Consider the technological features of installation and types of wadded insulation used for thermal insulation of balconies.


1. First, the existing gaps are closed. It is necessary to carefully examine the balcony and determine their location. The problem can be eliminated with the help of polyurethane foam, even if the slots are quite wide, only you need to choose a high-quality one, for example, "Macroflex", "Soudal", "Moment Montage". After the foam dries, the excess is trimmed with a utility knife.

2. Waterproofing the balcony from the inside. For these purposes, you can use penetrating waterproofing "Aquatron", "Penetron" and the like. They are applied with a brush, roller or spray method. The advantage of penetrating waterproofing is that it penetrates into the walls, as a result of which they become more resistant to low temperatures and more durable. In addition, waterproofing eliminates all microcracks that are invisible to the “naked” eye.

3. Laying thermal insulation material. For this purpose, you can use polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam, foam, mineral plates, etc.

Laying the vapor barrier. You can use polymer "breathing" membranes, vapor barrier films "Izospan", "Rockwool" and the like, or, in extreme cases, penofol, which is laid with the foil side towards the apartment. So the heat leaving the room will come back.

4. Exterior decoration ceiling and walls on the balcony.

Insulation option in which there is no additional insulation

This technique can be used, provided that materials are available that have low vapor permeability (we are talking about materials such as foam, expanded polystyrene, or extruded polystyrene foam).

# 1. Thermal insulation of a balcony with expanded polystyrene: a sequence of works

If you chose expanded polystyrene as a heater, then the sequence of work is as follows:

After all the cracks are closed and the waterproofing is done, the surface is treated with a deep penetration primer, for example "Ceresit". This can be done with a brush or spray. The primer is poured into a bucket or other container that you do not mind, then applied to the surface. Carefully work on the walls, ceiling and floor to achieve maximum adhesion of the insulation boards to them.

After applying the primer, wait at least six hours, then continue working. If the wall is made of cinder concrete, then the primer is carried out twice.

Have a rest - we continue. We unpack the expanded polystyrene plates. They are attached with glue and fasteners. The glue must be prepared according to the instructions and mixed thoroughly. Then apply it on the first sheet, which is glued to the surface (do not forget to step back three centimeters from the edges, and leave small gaps between the sheets). Install the expanded polystyrene sheets in a checkerboard pattern.

It is up to you to lay a vapor barrier or not. In this case, it is not necessary to do it.

Reinforcing mesh installation. When all slabs are securely fixed to the walls or ceiling, the reinforcement mesh should be installed. For this, the surface of the slabs is worked out with glue, perforated corners are fixed at their corners. The reinforcing mesh is rolled with a roller to the glued surface, then another layer of glue is applied. When the wall is dry, it is primed and plastered.

# 2. Insulation of the balcony with penoplex

Penoplex is actively used in the insulation of premises. You can attach it to the surface using bituminous mastics, polyurethane foam or dowel mushrooms. Consider the option of mounting on polyurethane foam.

So. The waterproofing is done. Polyurethane foam is applied to the insulation plate along the perimeter. It's enough. After application, we wait a couple of seconds and fix the plate on the insulated surface. The next slab is stacked to the first end-to-end. After two days, you can fix the slabs with additional dowels. Further, the whole process is repeated in a similar order, which is described above. Do the finishing at your discretion. You can sew up the insulation plates with plastic panels, they look very original.

Advice. If the balcony is intended only for storing essential things on it, then it is enough to insulate the walls in one layer. If you need to insulate more thoroughly, then it is better to lay the insulation in two layers.

No. 3. Thermal insulation of a balcony with mineral wool: technology features

Thermal insulation of balconies with mineral wool is carried out under the constructed lathing. A lining is attached on top of the frame - wooden or plastic panels with special grooves.

A well-known fact is the building recommendation to carry out insulation from the outside of the building. However, in the insulation of balconies and loggias, it is often impossible to arrange the insulation material outside. Internal placement of a layer of insulation requires certain calculations, adherence to technology and correct selection materials so that in the future the work performed does not lead to wetting of the walls, corners and ceiling inside the outrigger structure.

Types of mineral wool

Depending on the raw materials used in the production, there are three main types of mineral wool: glass, stone and slag. All three materials are suitable for insulation work.

Minvata is soft material without rigid dimensions. It is supplied in the form of rolls (they are unwound into a track before laying) or soft mats. Sometimes one side of the insulation is covered with aluminum foil to enhance the thermal insulation properties.

Important! During installation, the foil should be located on the side of the room. The interior heat of the room will be reflected from the foil surface back into the living space.

The thickness of the mineral wool layer determines the quality of insulation and varies in size from 20 to 200 mm.

Mineral wool installation technology

Any kind of mineral wool is mounted under the frame, located between outside wall(ceiling, roof) and frame supports. As supports you can use wooden sticks or metal profiles, depending on what kind of facing will be used in the future.

When using lining for finishing wall cladding, the lathing frame is constructed of wood. Wooden poles are installed with a cross section of 150 - 250 cm 2, while you can save a little inner space balcony, installing sticks of rectangular rather than square section (30 × 50 cm 2, 30 × 70 cm 2).

All racks and horizontal battens are installed under the level. Anchoring of uprights to the concrete surface of the ceiling and floor is carried out with anchor bolts. Horizontal supports are attached to vertical supports. If the future cladding is made of plastic lining, the horizontal slats are attached at three levels: knee, hip, shoulder.

For internal insulation with mineral wool, it is mandatory to install a vapor barrier. The cotton material itself is breathable, it easily permeates gaseous substances (air, steam).

Considering that for internal insulation the point of condensation formation shifts into the insulation, it is necessary to limit the ingress of steam or air from their living quarters into the construction wool. For this purpose, a vapor barrier film is inserted between the mineral wool and the finish.

Interior decoration

The purpose interior decoration:

  1. Close the heat insulator material from the living space.
  2. Create an aesthetic interior wall covering for a room or a heated loggia.

Exists various materials for interior decoration of balconies (drywall, wood, plastic, plaster). With a previously constructed lathing frame, the decoration is carried out by hanging various types of panels: plywood, MDF, lining made of wood or plastic.

Finishing clapboard is performed by cladding the walls with wooden (or plastic) carriage panels, which have special grooves around the perimeter for ease of installation and tightness of fastening. At the same time, plastic lining is often a cheaper imitation wood covering, laid on the inner walls of the balcony (or loggia). It is characterized by less strength and stiffness.

Wooden carriage panels are reliable, environmentally friendly, have sufficient flooring rigidity. Plastic clapboard you can sheathe the ceiling of the loggia, the floor is covered with wood, as for the walls - both types of carriage coatings (plastic and wood) can be used here.

It is recommended to start clapboard cladding from the corner. Each panel is checked for verticality with a level and fixed on the crate with a special fastener (clamp). It is possible to fix the carriage panel with small studs.

After finishing the finish, the inner surface is treated with a composition that protects the wood from moisture and from destruction.

Problems that have to be faced with the internal insulation of the balcony

1. When sheathing walls, ceilings and floors with insulating material, the area of ​​the room inevitably decreases. And this shortcoming is not the only one.

2. Condensation often occurs in many structures, which is difficult to get rid of when all construction work has already been completed. Why does it appear excess moisture?

The insulation structure installed on the balcony includes the following elements:

  1. outdoor fencing located on the street; insulating material; warm room.

Air masses tend to get outside, and their moisture, which has passed through the insulation, settles on the outer fence in the form of condensation. The insulation gets wet and completely loses its performance characteristics.

Warm vapors, colliding with a cold enclosure, also turn into a liquid state. Excessive moisture in the room causes many problems, such as the appearance of mold or rot wooden elements designs. That is why you need to know how to properly insulate your balcony.

From the inside, this can be done in two ways.


Hydro-barrier is a special design that prevents moisture condensation on the outer fence. The technology of its installation includes certain stages:

  1. installation of vapor barrier;
  2. finishing with facing materials.

The hydro-barrier makes it possible to use even moisture-resistant materials when insulating from the inside. Polyethylene or foil is used as insulation.

Important! In this case, all seams must be sealed with construction insulate the balcony with the best quality.

The disadvantage of this insulation method is that the walls cannot breathe.

Thermal insulation without additional insulation

It is possible to insulate the balcony from the inside in this way only if there are materials with low vapor permeability: polystyrene, expanded polystyrene or extruded polystyrene foam. The design includes:

  1. fiberglass mesh, also mounted with glue; finishing.
  2. Advice! For better fastening insulation, you can use plastic dowels.

No glue is required for thermal insulation with expanded polystyrene. This material is supplied to the surface to be insulated using a spray, foams and dries.

Innovative insulation from TechnoNICOL LOGICPIR The balcony is suitable for walls, ceilings, floors. saves space - plate thickness from 20 mm.

  1. keeps heat due to the unique thermal conductivity of 0.022 W / m ° K (compare with glass wool 0.032-0.041 W / m ° K);
  2. protected from moisture, rot, mold and fire (flammability group G1 according to GOST 30244-94);
  3. will last for many years (the insulation retains its properties for 50 years).
  4. Advice! When insulating a balcony from the inside with expanded polystyrene, it is better to make a layer of material about 80 mm thick. The vapor permeability of extruded polystyrene foam is lower than that of simple polystyrene, so its layer can be even smaller.

Floor insulation

Behind the insulation of the balcony walls, the floor should be insulated. If you correctly calculate the amount of insulation and the thickness of its layer, you can make the floor on the balcony at the same level as in the other rooms.

At the first stage of work, the slab is cleaned of dirt, debris and crumbling plaster. Then the floor is covered with foil and penofol. The second stage is the fastening of the crate, previously cut with a jigsaw. Insulation plates (preferably foam) are laid between its beams, and the gaps between them are filled with foam. The final stage- installation of flooring, linoleum or parquet and skirting boards.

This design can raise the balcony floor by about 150 mm.

Electrically heated floor

You can also insulate the floor using modern technologies... Then the balcony will not differ from other rooms in almost anything. Installing heat tracing is a relatively straightforward process, but energy costs increase significantly.

For heating the balcony floor, a special electric cable is installed from the inside.

Important! Under no circumstances should moisture get into the cable.

Insulating construction components:

Ceiling insulation

    Advice! If the neighbors living on the floor above have already insulated their balcony, there is no need to insulate the ceiling.

Most optimal material for ceiling insulation - polystyrene. It weighs very little, which is very important in this case. Its main layer is complemented by foil, which acts as a vapor barrier and heat reflector. Foil polystyrene foam is fixed with polyurethane foam glue and disc dowels. All seams are sealed with special metal tape.

Polyfoam is attached to aluminum hangers using the same combined method.

Important! Insulation sheets should adhere to each other as tightly as possible.

All cracks are filled with polyurethane foam with special care, so every, even the smallest, hole can make all work absolutely useless.

You can insulate the balcony from the inside both independently and using the services of professionals. However, these construction jobs can be easy if you follow the advice and carefully understand the technology.

How to insulate a balcony with your own hands: step by step photos and instructions

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Errors when insulating a balcony