Garden swing with its own. DIY children's swing: diagrams and assembly

Good afternoon. Today we will make a swing for a summer cottage. I decided at once IN ONE ARTICLE to collect all the variety of swing for giving (from simple to complex). So that you can choose the swing model - which you like best.

I will NOT ONLY show ideas - we will also LET'S CONSIDER IN DETAILS each model

And more - I will tell you HOW to attach a swing to a support beam - all 4 ways.

I will start from the EASIEST ideas for a swing for a summer residence - to ideas MORE COMPLEX AND INTERESTING.

And the most original ideas swing for children- with slides, rope climbing frames and built-in wigwams - I put it in a separate article

So let's get started ...

SIMPLE idea - how to make a swing from a pallet.

If on your site (after the delivery of bricks, etc. building material) there is a cargo wooden pallet (pallet) - then it can be used as a basis for a country swing.

Needed wooden pallet(pallet) - a strong rope - and what we will hang from. Or it will be a tree trunk. Alternatively, you can make support on two strong pillars. We then - a little later in the same article- we will consider swing support options (and then I will dwell on this in more detail).

But ... if you develop this idea of ​​a swing from a wooden pallet further ... then you can make everything much more comfortable ... Like this ...

And if you have more than one - but as many as 2 pallets were found in the household ... then from two pallets-pallets you can make a cozy swing with a back ... paint ... put sofa foam cushions ... And voila, 2 shabby pallets - turned into a luxurious swing for a summer residence ...

Of course, pallets must first be cleaned, sanded sandpaper(so that there are no splinters) and paint (with a stain or paint) and even varnish (but preferably moisture resistant).

How to fix such a swing - I'll tell you at the very end of the article ...

Rocking chairs - THE SIMPLE IDEA of a swing for summer cottages.

This is how this summer cottage swing looks.

Pay attention - NOT JUST boards with a hole for the rope - but harnesses, which are duplicated below by two more boards. So that the rope attachment is held firmly and there is no strong friction on the rope when swinging.

I think there is no need to explain for a long time how to make such a swing yourself.

ANOTHER MODEL - a swing with a rope for giving.

And here is also shown HOW you can fix the rope on the swing. That is, the essence is very simple:

We make 4 drank (we cut out the grooves) - 2 grooves at the end of the board - and 2 grooves along the edges closer to the corners of the board. (it is not necessary to make the edge of the board the same semicircular as in the photo - the same principle will work on a rectangular cut of the board).

And then when 4 grooves are cut out - we place the rope - in them - as shown in the photo.

Although the grooves remain open- the rope does not jump out of them. Under the pulling force, it only adheres more tightly to the grooves - and is completely ensured reliable fastening ropes to the swing seat.

A swing for a summer residence is made of a snowboard.

Or here's another idea for a summer cottage ... Snowboards are made of very durable materials... Such a board, although it looks thin, is actually very wear-resistant (it is extremely difficult to break it). And therefore, it can also be used as a swing seat in the country.

Swing for a summer residence - do it yourself from two logs.

And here is another variation of the swing-seat - made of two logs.

Here in the photo above you can see how easy it is to make this swing from two segments of rounded bars. Highly simple model... We wrap two sections of a rounded log with a rope and fasten it with some cunning sea knot.

Swing from the board - with a roll in the longitudinal direction.

But the swing model - when the roll (motion vector) is directed in the longitudinal direction. Such a rocking board can be made more authentic - in order to swing on it with a friendly neighborhood-children's campaign.

AND LET'S COMPLICATE THE PROBLEM ... now there will be a more serious swing ...

Country swing - made of rounded beams.

How do you like this cozy suburban corner?

Nice, isn't it?

Let's take a closer look at how to make such a swing ourselves.

SUPPORT - two A-shaped structures from rounded bars - (two letters A are assembled from the bars - as we see in the photo) - put them on the legs and we lay a cross bar on them.

And so that this bar lay more reliably on our A-shaped racks - we also (see there behind) strengthen it with additional short bars.

ROCKER ... here is an interesting rocking chair.

Sitting- L-shaped bench made of beams and lathing with planks + armrests made of beams.

Seat holder - also cool - it's not a chain or a rope.

This is the same rounded beam - which is firmly attached to the seat with its lower end (in the area of ​​its lower seat bar and in the area of ​​the armrest bar).

And the upper end of the bar-holder has a movable fastening in the form of a metal ring. And this ring is fastened with mounting carabiner the suspension support itself.

Detailed drawing exactly THIS bar swing- (with dimensions and large photographs from all sides) - I posted in a separate article ... In this article, you will find everything on the bench-type swing.

But almost the SAME MODEL of the support leg - but in a slightly different variation. And then there is also an elegant crate added to the side of the supporting spreaders.

Swing for summer cottages - we make from non-cylindrical timber.

Here's a model ..

It can be made with a bench seat.

With two seat-boards - you get a swing into two separate places.

Moreover, note that We hang them from the same anchors on which the swing-bench had hung before. Thus, different rocking seats can be hung on the same rocker support.

Or here's another combination to the same support under the swing. Combined swing with seat-chair and seat-board.

Fasteners are standard for swings - chains and carabiners made of metal rings and hooks.

This is how the two chains from the back and seat of the chair look like - they meet in one ring and then go to the carabiner for fastening the beam.

And like this - a fastening anchor with a carabiner for attaching a rope (or chain)

But I got ahead of myself ...

In more detail (below in the same article) I will show 6 ways to attach the swing to the support beam... there we will learn more about carbines and stop ...

In the meantime, we continue to look at what other models there are.

Almost the same model - but with a continuation under one more swing.

Here is a variation of this model- where the cross bar extends beyond the lateral boundaries of the support beams and a light rocking board is suspended from it.

Wooden swing with a canopy.

And here is a swing model supplemented with a canopy - in case of a rainy summer in the country.

And pay attention - there is already a ROPE HOLDER - another system of carabiners.

These A-shaped swings (with supports in the form of beeches A) we will make step by step in a separate article "Swing for a summer residence - we do it ourselves STEP by STEP."

Everything will be simple and clear there - in these pictures.

And maybe you have a question ...

What to do - if I want to build a swing

but I have no beams - only boards?

Here's the answer - the double board quietly replaces the bar in terms of endurance and load.

Well, now let's talk about how to attach a swing to a support.


(6 WAYS)

Fastening the swing - with a carabiner (with a girth of a bar)

Here we see photographs of fastening systems for swings - which are mounted either on a rectangular bar (square carabiner girth) or on a rounded bar (round carabiner girth).

Fastening through - a carabiner (with drilling a bar)

Or special anchoring devices for through fastening to a bar. Most of the swings from our photos in the article are precisely on these anchors and are attached.

You can buy a country swing made of plastic, wood or metal. In terms of cost, plastic, of course, outperform metal or wooden counterparts, while the quality, as a rule, is high level- after all, the base of the frame is still made of metal. Of the advantages, it is worth noting the low weight of the structure and ease of maintenance: plastic swing is easy to wash, they do not rust and do not rot.

Metal ones are made, as a rule, of steel, which is covered with a special protective layer that protects the metal from rust. The designs of such swings are relatively lightweight, and manufacturers often use perforation to reduce weight.

Unlike plastic or wooden counterparts, metal swings are able to withstand impacts and other mechanical influences, they can be repeatedly assembled and disassembled, for example, for, and the structure will not lose its strength. That is why such swings are recommended for garden plots and summer country houses. Metal patterns a lot, one of the most popular is a swing-bed or.

Often the swing becomes centerpiece garden design. They are decorated with pillows and removable covers, furnished with small architectural compositions.

Wooden looks impressive Garden swing... But their cost is quite high, and the material is capricious. Before installation, it is advisable to treat the wooden swing with special solutions that protect against decay and, for the winter, they must be removed to a dry, well-ventilated room. However, even during the period of use, it is better to protect the wooden swing from direct sun rays so that the tree does not dry out, does not burn out in the sun.

Swing installation

Your own preferences and financial capabilities will help you decide on the material, however, before the swing is purchased, it is necessary to resolve the issue of their installation. So, a garden swing with legs is designed to be installed exclusively on a solid and level surface. Such structures are suitable for a terrace or veranda, but it is not recommended to put them on the lawn, since the legs will go away over time. You can put it on a tile or an asphalt area, but do not neglect safety measures: fix the legs with brackets so that the structure does not travel on the site under load.

Please note that if there are children in the house, the swing should not be placed near pools and ponds, as well as installed on hard surfaces, give preference to a lawn.

If you are going to install the swing stationary, counting on their year-round use, dig holes under the legs, fill in gravel, tamp, put the swing. In some cases, it will be appropriate to screw the legs of the swing or arcs to some stable base. This will give the structure maximum rigidity and safety. You must be sure that the swing does not tip over.

When choosing a swing for year-round use, remember that some types of fabrics quickly fade in the sun, and the materials from which the swing is made can deteriorate under the influence of moisture and snow load. Better put the swing on winter period, or cover them during storage with special covers, which are more convenient to do with loops and ties.

The arc support means that the structure can be placed in any place convenient for you. Such a swing is chosen for the equipment of playgrounds. The arcs have a large support area, the base is devoid of sharp protrusions. Such a swing can be placed on the sand or just on the ground. The only serious drawback is that these structures require a large mounting area, and besides, they are often much more massive than analogues on legs or technical runners.

Garden swing care

To prolong the life of a garden swing, it is necessary to process it periodically, regardless of the material from which it is made. How to care for this or that type of swing, as well as what composition to choose for processing, you can learn from the instructions and from the seller of garden tools.

Almost all structures (with the exception, perhaps, of plastic ones) do not tolerate moisture, and therefore it is advisable to spread an awning over the swing. Two or three times a year, it will be necessary to carry out a technical inspection and lubricate all hinges, working units. Metal swing can be painted, but only so that dried paint does not affect the mobility of the elements.

If the structure is located on sandy soil, twice a year you will have to disassemble the mechanical part with the hub in order to remove the abrasive sand particles, which can easily make the swing creak throughout the entire area. It will be necessary to completely replace the grease.

Periodically you need to wash the structure, wash covers and mattresses. Having correctly selected and correctly installed the swing, you can rest assured that your summer cottage will become more comfortable and cozy with an accessory such as a country swing.

Children's suspended swing for the street from the point of view of design does not differ in variety: several frame options, suspension on a chain or rope, plus a seat.

So the craftsmen are making up for lost time, coming up with the most unusual swing seats, most of which can be made with your own hands from improvised means (remnants of lumber after the construction of the swing: boards, slats, beams, logs).

Baby seat for a swing with your own hands - a set of ideas

In this article, we will look at how to make a swing seat so that it is comfortable, beautiful, inexpensive and reliable.

1. The choice of material for the seat device

What can be used to make a balance swing seat?

  • from hard materials - plywood, board, timber, log, plastic;
  • leave without a seat altogether, because it is quite convenient to sit on the very balancer made of wood (rocker).

What to make a outdoor swing seat?

Made of plastic

The plastic swing seat is the most affordable. A plastic seat is purchased ready-made and installed on a swing. The disadvantage is fragility and low strength. If several children sit on the seat (and they manage to fit together, three or four), then the plastic will not withstand and break. In addition, any plastic deteriorates under the influence of ultraviolet radiation and low temperatures... It is rarely bought for the street, because under these conditions, his life span is very short;

Made of metal

The metal seat is suitable for metal swings that are installed in public playgrounds. However, a swing with a metal seat does not attract children at all when it is hot (the seat is very hot) or cold (in winter). Therefore, this option is not acceptable for a home swing;

From rubber

The rubber seat is suitable for intensive use. It is not quite comfortable to sit on it, and it is simply dangerous to ride while standing, therefore, only a few parents give it preference;

From fabric

A cover with a filler (pillow, mattress) cannot act as a seat on its own, but they are placed on top of the main structure so that a child, especially a toddler, is comfortable. The padded seat ensures that the little one does not harm themselves while on the swing. However, the fabric is afraid of water, therefore, it must not be forgotten to bring it into the house;

From a hoop, rope and elastic

You can make a nest swing (web) from the hoop. For manufacturing, a hoop 120 cm in diameter is used and twisted with a rope using macrame technology. The round spider web seat looks very stylish. Usually this material is used to make hanging garden swing;

From a car tire

Old tires can be tied up as a ready-made element or you can form different shapes from them. It should be noted that the strength of a figured seat made of a tire is much lower than that of a whole one;

Made of wood

The simplest and most convenient material for arranging seating, since it is accessible on one side and easy to process. On the other hand, it provides unlimited scope for imagination. After all, a carved seat for a children's swing made of wood can become a work of art;

Plywood, OBS, chipboard

More budget option wood materials for sitting. Their common disadvantage is that they are multi-layered. As a binder, formaldehyde is used, which is a dangerous carcinogen, and they also swell from moisture, therefore they are not suitable for outdoor swings.

2. The choice of the material of the suspension for the swing

The suspension is what keeps the seat on the swing frame. For the device of suspensions, the following materials are used:

For flexible hangers:

  • chain. Choose a chain with solid links, not bent links. V otherwise the links can untwist (unfold) and the seat will break off;
  • rope (cord). It is better to use a climbing rope as it is the strongest;
  • metal cable;
  • belts of sufficient strength.

For rigid suspensions:

  • wood;
  • metal.

3. Calculation of the number of suspensions for the swing

The mounting method depends on how many hangers will be used:

  • one suspension. Such a suspended swing requires a well-developed vestibular apparatus to maintain balance and swing;
  • two suspensions. The most convenient option for a child, because suspensions located on both sides of the seat are comfortable to hold and swing.
  • three suspensions. It requires the ability to keep balance while riding on such a swing. Used when arranging a round seat.
  • four suspensions. Good for attaching a wide garden swing seat or when installing a swing seat with a backrest.

How to make a seat for a swing with your own hands

Wooden seat

The easiest way to make a swing seat is to saw off a piece of board and sand it. The size can be taken with a margin or taking into account the parameters of the child.


Two well-polished logs are bonded together. it convenient way make the seat quickly and at the same time fix it on the suspension.

Plank seat

Wooden planks of a certain size (of the same length and width) are cut, longitudinal holes are drilled through which the rope is passed.

Swing seat from an old chair

A chair with a back without legs is used, suspended on ropes. If the design allows, the chair can be suspended by drilling holes in the seat, if not, you need to add two crossbars at the bottom. Fasten a chair on them and hang.

Unusual wooden swing seat

Such a purely functional product as a seat can be a place for the realization of the creative imagination of parents. A carved or original plane seat, or a ship - all this will only delight the kids. For those who have doubts, users are advised to cut out a test seat template from cardboard, and then transfer the drawings to a tree (or make a stencil from cardboard elements).

Car tire swing seat

An old tire can be hung in its original (whole) form or an animal figure (horse, swan) can be cut out of it. The tire cutting scheme is shown below. It's simple and affordable way to make a seat for a swing from a tire on chains for a summer residence.

Round seat made of mesh and hoop (swing-socket)

The first way is to weave a web of rope using the macrame technique. In order to make a swing in the form of a round wicker nest (mesh), you need to prepare a strong hoop (or two different diameters, 120 and 60 cm, if a backrest is planned), foam rubber (so that the rim is soft) and a roll of rope. The technique of making a swing "nest" with your own hands is shown in the diagram.

The second way is to use fabric instead of spider webs.

Diagram of a hanging swing "nest" from a hoop and fabricSuspended swing mount "nest"Workshop on making a hanging swing "nest"How to make a swing "nest"

Pallet swing seat

A seat made of a wooden pallet can become a full-fledged berth, provided that the suspensions are properly attached.

Metal seat

Metal seats for summer cottages are usually not made. First, they are hot in summer and cold in winter. Secondly, manufacturing is laborious. Third, exploitation is more dangerous. Therefore, most often they make a metal swing frame and a wooden seat.

Baby seat for toddlers

A seat for children under 3 years old must be made with a back. As a rule, the seat backs of a swing are made of fabric or planks. Fabric seats are designed for the smallest, but a swing with a wooden seat is designed for those who are confident in the saddle. And if you put the board in front of the swing, you can combine the seat and feeding table.

Advice. So that the child does not slip out of the swing, you need to provide a stop bar in front. In addition, for the convenience of the child, the handles (armrests) should be rigid.

How to fix (hang) a child swing seat

  • cut corners in wooden seat from opposite sides and "put" the seat on a rope suspension. In this case, the seat is not attached to anything and is held on a suspension under the weight of the child. You can make a double wash, this will avoid the seat tipping over;
  • drill four holes in the prepared wooden seat and pull the ropes through them. So that the rope enters one hole and exits the other. To avoid cracking the seat to the edge of the drilling site, you can reinforce the knot with an additional bar or wooden lining (then it needs to be drilled out). This mounting method is also suitable for a seat with a backrest. The hangers can be wound from above and tightened into a knot from below;
  • attach two lugs to the prepared seat and insert the suspensions into them. The method is universal, it allows you to attach both a wooden and any other seat. Only possible way fix the seat with chains as a suspension. Well proven for fastening tires;
  • drill a hole in the seat and tie a knot from the bottom.


As you can see, there are many options to make seats for children's swings, from the simplest to the original. But, when working, you need to remember that the appearance of the structure is a task of secondary importance, in the foreground is the safety and comfort of the child when riding.

Do not mistakenly believe that swings in the country are made exclusively for children for fun. In addition to the swing, designed for the weight of the child, there are plenty of interesting options that will be a wonderful element landscape design and a place of relaxation.

What to make a swing out of?

Traditionally, swings are made from wood, metal and a combination of these materials. However, a swing seat can be made of plastic, metal pipes, beams, sturdy rope, an old chair, or a chair with no legs. Tires and other waste materials are often used.

The main thing is that it is comfortable and safe to sit on the swing, and the racks withstand the loads exerted on them.

Often a country swing is equipped with awnings made of fabric, polycarbonate, wood, and roofing materials. Such a "roof" protects from bright sunlight, you can sit on the swing without the risk of burns.

What kind of swing are there?

Upholstered swing chair

Before building a swing, you should think about its purpose (for children or adults to ride), location (oversized models are inappropriate in small areas), seasonality (not at all summer cottages it is appropriate to leave a swing for the winter under open air). It is also important to choose a model that fits well into the overall picture of the summer cottage landscape.

The swing can be mobile (collapsible) and stationary.

In turn, the mobile swing can be suspended or equipped with a prefabricated frame that is installed on the ground.

Do you want to make a children's swing in the country for a child?

Children's swing is great idea, how to entertain a child in the country, and the portal site offers you to familiarize yourself with the information on. If you already have a sandbox, then read the article about building a playground with your own hands -.

You can independently make a swing-balancer, swing-hammock, swing-sofa. Special attention deserve designs that are far from the classical presentation of the design of a swing. Unusual swings can be:

And more recently, a swing for disabled children has appeared. The wheelchair platform design allows even those who, unfortunately, cannot move on their own, can ride.

Garden swing prices

Garden swing

Do-it-yourself hanging swing

A frame is not provided for such a swing. We will only make a seat, which we will later attach with chains or ropes to ceiling beams or thick branches.

Have you decided on the choice of swing design?

Option 1. The simplest swing is old tire tied with a rope and suspended from a tree. Alternatively, you can use a chain and secure it with a screw and nut.

Option 2. Place the tire horizontally. We cut 3 or 4 holes, insert metal hooks into them, which we fix with washers and nuts. We put ropes or chains into the loops of the hooks.

Option 3. This is the most difficult option, which will require skill in using a grinder. The tire should be cut according to a certain pattern, bent and fixed with long hairpins so that it looks like an animal or a bird. One of the ways to make a country swing can be found below.

A swing made from a board (saw cut of a log, a wooden lattice, etc.) and ropes is a classic. It is enough to make 4 holes in the corners wide board and put in the ropes.

Instead of a board, you can use the old high chair by sawing off the legs and tying it with ropes.

A metal (steel or aluminum) hoop must be equipped with rope weaving so that a spider web-seat forms in the center. It is advisable to wrap the edges of the hoop with foam rubber and sheathe it with a dense fabric. And in order to hang the swing, you will need several strong ropes, metal rings or other fasteners, which must be fixed at at least four points around the circumference.

As one of the options, you can consider a swing-hoop, inside which a metal basin is inserted. The edges of the pelvis should be firmly attached to the hoop. Subsequently, the structure is easy to disassemble and retrain into a flower garden.

To make such a swing, you will need two wide metal triangles, rivets and the material itself - a tarpaulin. We fold it in several layers, stitch it around the perimeter, insert triangles and fasten it with rivets. It remains only to hang the swing on a branch or beam.

To assemble a wooden swing on racks, we prepare the following:

We use galvanized bolts as fasteners for such a swing. We refrain from simple screws and nails.

For additional protection of the material from damage and preservation of its natural appearance, we use glazing. We pre-cover all wooden structural elements with it.

The ready-made swing is suspended on a strong branch or fixed on racks with laid on top of them crossbeam... To assemble the support structure, use wooden bar.

We process the lower ends of the wooden racks with bitumen. To fix the racks, it is enough to dig a couple of holes about 1 m deep, install racks in them, fill 20-30 cm of the height of the hole with a mixture of sand and gravel, and then pour concrete.

If you wish, you can make separate concrete pillars and attach a wooden beam to them with anchor bolts. Do as you like. When using the second method, be sure to lay a moisture-proof material between metal and wood. To give the frame more stability, we support the racks with braces.

Swing seat mounting options

The swing itself is made in accordance with the following step-by-step instructions.

First step. We make support arcs-clubs. For this we use boards 22 mm thick (best of all from pine) and plywood 12 mm thick. In accordance with the diagram, we draw a template and cut out 6 clubs.

Second step. On the plywood blanks, outline the outlines of the core. The layer in the middle is made of glued board. In the outer layers of the outermost clubs, create cutouts for the ends of the rope.

Step three. We fasten the parts of the support with waterproof glue. We tighten the support with clamps. We remove them only after the glue has completely dried.

Fourth step. We process the edges of the supports with a grinder, giving them a rounded shape.

Fifth step. We cut out round pieces from a pine board for rope holders. This is easiest to do with the appropriate drill bit.

Sixth step. We process supports and finished rounds with a primer or weather-resistant paint.

Seventh step. Screw metal rope holders into the supports through the rounds, and then cover the wooden elements

Eighth step. Moving on to creating a seat for a homemade wooden swing. First of all, we align the picket fence.

Ninth step. Next, we drill holes for the screws in each strip. To make the holes as accurate as possible, we put on the edges of the picket a corner (can be made of plywood) according to the size of the strips with pre-made holes in the right places.

Tenth step. We screw the pickets to the supports. To ensure an even step, place planks between the planks.

Eleventh step. We fix the armrests to the supports. We also make them from picket fences. We screw metal bolts into the end of the strips. We put a wooden round between the support and the armrest.

Twelfth step. We pass the rope through the holes of the holders fixed in the swing support. We tie the rope to a sea knot, after that we wind a wire, a strong thread or a cord around it.

Thirteenth step. Cut off the free edge of the rope with a knife.

Fourteenth step. We pass the rope through the oval hole in the armrests. We rest the armrest on the pads installed on a pair of half rings tightened with bolts.

Fifteenth step. We wrap the rope around the rope thimble and tie it with a rope.

In conclusion, it remains to hang the ring to an alpine carabiner fixed to the support bar or a thick tree branch. Your swing is ready!

The metal swing is also easy to make by hand.

First step. We cut blanks from pipes. You need to make 2 two-meter side racks, a 1.5-2-meter crossbar, as well as 4 pipes of any size for the base (2 pipes will go on each side).

Second step. We clean pipes from burrs using a metal sandpaper or a file.

Step three. blanks for the base at right angles.

Fourth step. We weld it to the finished base of the rack, and then weld the crossbar to the racks.

How to install a bar on a metal swing

Fifth step. Let's get down to earthworks... You need to dig 4 holes with a depth of 80 cm.

Sixth step. We insert into ready-made pits metal beams the length is slightly greater than the depth of the pits.

Seventh step. Fill grooves with beams concrete mortar... Concrete can be made by yourself from part of cement, part of rubble and two parts of sand. Add water to the dry mixture and mix thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

Eighth step. We leave the concrete to gain strength for about a week.

Ninth step. We weld the hooks to the bar. Anchors can be used to make hooks.

Tenth step. We weld the swing frame to the metal beams.

Eleventh step. We attach the seat.

This completes the homemade metal swing. You can test and take into constant operation.

Video - Swing for a summer residence with your own hands

Video - DIY children's swing

How much delight and happy squeal does one type of children's swing evoke in kids. In an adult, memories of a swing evoke nostalgia, tender feelings and a surge of serenity. If in the suburban summer cottage there is still no swing for children - an urgent need to fix it. Of course, by purchasing a factory-made swing, you will get rid of unnecessary trouble, but making them yourself will not be a big deal, and self-esteem and authority in the eyes of your daughter or son will significantly increase. Especially if you have at your disposal necessary tools, hardworking hands and a bit of imagination with ingenuity.

Variety of models of children's swing

It goes without saying that at the dacha there is enough work in the garden, and in the construction of outbuildings, and with the vegetable garden. Also bother with the swing, you might think. Be that as it may, with the construction of a swing, you can be calm that your five-year-old baby will sit quietly in one place for a while and you will not have to look for him in lustful places. Children under the age of five should not be left on the swing unattended by an adult. Although often older children (yours or neighbors) can play this role. Especially girls who love to play "mothers and daughters" and take responsibility for the "motherly" responsibilities assigned to them.

Having decided on the construction of an attraction for your child, you need to decide on the model of the swing. It can be:

  • suspended single or double swings with seats in the form of a bench, a chair, an airplane and whatever your wild imagination tells you;

    Seats for hanging swings can be arranged as your imagination tells you

  • swing-balancer (if you have more than one child in your family or many nearby children who will keep your baby company);

    Making a swing-balancer with your own hands is not difficult

  • swing-deck chairs for the smallest children, which serve as temporary cradles in the fresh summer air;

    In a sun lounger on fresh air baby will always sleep well

  • swing boats, so reverently winding up memories of a distant and carefree childhood;

    A boat swing can be made using the welding method

  • carousels with seats, without seats, with horses and other wooden animals.

    Bright swing-carousel will become the central attraction of the suburban area

Advantages and disadvantages of a children's swing

Before you get started, you need to weigh the pros and cons. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this or that type of children's swing. Among a wide variety of types and models, we need to choose an option that is convenient and safe, and most importantly, easy to do with our own hands. Using the table, it is easy to choose an option for a children's swing for a summer residence, which you can make yourself in the garden.

Table: advantages and disadvantages of a children's swing for a summer cottage

Preparatory stage: dimensions, drawings, calculations

If the issue with the choice of the swing model is resolved, it's time to start drawing, selection of tools and materials, from which it is planned to build a miracle of landscape gardening design for your child to the envy of neighbors. Each owner assumes what material it is more expedient to make a swing from. The basis will be profile metal pipes or wooden beams (even trimming thick trunks of old trees).

If the pendulum of your doubts outweighed in favor wooden building, then you need to have on the farm wooden blanks for the base from a bar or trunk, as well as woodworking tools:

  • circular, drill and jigsaw;
  • self-tapping screws for wood, a screwdriver, bolts with nuts and washers of the required size;
  • hammers, pliers, tape measure;
  • chains, rope or strong rope to fix the seat;
  • special means for protecting wood from moisture and multi-colored paints to delight the baby;
  • shovel, sand and cement, if the need arises for concreting pits for supports.

And if you are a happy owner of a welding machine, and electric welding is a familiar thing for you, then if you have a material made of iron, it is quite possible to weld the structure yourself. Such a swing is the most durable, durable and reliable. Both children and adults can swing on them.

Balance swing and the simplest hanging swing

Even a novice carpenter can easily build both types of swing. Drawings and step by step instructions will be mastered by every man who understands the full responsibility for the well-being and mood of his baby.

The balancer is more suitable for older children. Playing in a pair adapts the child to society, instills the skills of sociability and cooperation. Irresponsible actions of one child can injure another.

Of all types of swing, the balancer is the least expensive in terms of materials, time and labor input. When constructing a swing, it is necessary to take into account the age of the children and their weight.

Correct calculations will help to avoid mistakes when making a swing

In a suspended swing, the main load is borne by the racks, and the seat can vary depending on your fantasies, skills and additional finishing materials.

Stick to the recommended sizes when making your swing.

Calculation of the required materials for the production of suspended swing and balancer

The swing balancer is constructed as with wooden base, and with the iron. Moreover, the seats themselves can even be made of plastic. Their types and shapes can vary from mice to horses. It would be original to make seats for the animal in the year of which the baby was born: a tiger, a kitten, a monkey, a dog.

Since work with iron and welding machine requires certain skills, it's easier to make a swing out of a tree. Most suitable wood is oak, birch or pine. Wooden structures do not require concreting and are relatively stable.

The same materials are used in the construction of a suspended swing. The tree is cut based on the dimensions in the drawings using tools for working with wood (or metal, if you decide to work with iron).

Do-it-yourself balance swing, step-by-step instructions

If such work is a novelty for you, then for the first time you need to take a tree as the basis of the balancer. It is easy to process, good friends with varnish and paints. True, they will have to be applied in at least two layers. So, we need:

  • two beams of hard wood measuring 40 * 100 * 2500 mm;
  • two racks 40 * 140 * 600 mm;
  • two pairs of transverse and side supports (40 * 140 * 900 mm and 40 * 140 * 600 mm, respectively);
  • two supports for handles 40 * 140 * 300;
  • two wooden handles for handles 600 mm and a diameter of 30 mm;
  • two seats 20 * 200 * 400;
  • bolt for support axle with nuts and washers:
  • screws or screws.

Handles can also be made from scraps of metal-plastic water pipe: stylish, beautiful and comfortable for little kids' fingers. The shape of the seats ranges from rectangular to oval and looks like a chamomile or cloud. Alternatively, they can be sheathed with foam rubber with leatherette or other dense material and made removable. These seats will be perfectly preserved in the garage or shed until the next summer season.

Begin step-by-step construction swing:

    Using screws or self-tapping screws, we connect the transverse supports to the beams. The structure should be stable and solid, so do not skimp on connections.

    Connect the racks and supports together

  1. We attach the side supports to the transverse supports in the same way.

    Attach the cross and side supports to each other

  2. Between the longitudinal beams we install supports for the handles, fix them with self-tapping screws. Drill a hole in the center for the reference axis.

    Using self-tapping screws, connect the main beams to the handle supports

  3. We drill holes in the handle supports, install and fix the handles.
  4. We fix the seats, assemble all the components into a single structure and install them on a flat surface.

    Assemble the structure and place on a flat surface

Treatment sharp corners, cleaning from splinters, applying stain, acrylic varnish or paint, and you can give the swing to the playful hands of the smallest summer residents.

A little fiction and children's laughter will make you happy

All parts of the structure must be carefully processed from knots and thorns, and self-tapping screws must be sunk into the body of the tree, putty and painted over.

Some features and care issues

The place for installing the swing must be chosen so that the surface is as flat as possible. They will look better at their summer cottage if they are decorated in bright variegated colors. All that is required of you is to regularly check the reliability of the fasteners and touch up the weather-damaged areas. And your work will be rewarded with the joy and happiness of satisfied kids.

Never put a child on a broken swing. Safety in a particular case has weight. Even if it is your baby's light weight.

Video: do-it-yourself swing-balancer

Hanging swing: easy and simple

To make a suspended swing at a summer cottage, you will need a high-quality, inexpensive wooden bar (you can use the one that is found on the farm or buy in a building materials store). Birch, spruce, pine have excellent quality characteristics for this venture. Needed also standard set tools for working with wood: circular saw, jigsaw, grinder, drill, screwdriver and other necessary tools for marking and processing wooden surfaces.

You will need more additional materials:

  • wood screws;
  • bolts for fastening the base of the swing;
  • eyebolts for attaching the swing seat to chains or strong ropes;
  • fastening carabiners;
  • paint, stain, varnish to protect wooden surfaces from moisture and sun.

Then we decide on the shape of the base for the swing. It can be a U-shaped frame, A-shaped or L-shaped.

Choose a suitable base to support the swing

If the choice is made in favor of the U-shaped base, the bases of the vertical posts for greater safety need not only be dug to a depth of 70–80 cm, but also concreted.

Cooking everything necessary materials and get to work:

  1. Using a drill or a shovel, we prepare pits for support pillars, having previously treated the base with an antifungal coating.

    It is more convenient to make holes for the base with a hand drill.

  2. We strengthen the base with sand, screenings or crushed stone and concreting if necessary.

    Reinforce the base of the swing with concrete

  3. TO support pillars we connect the crossbar to which chains, cables or ropes with a seat will be attached. For reliability, you can use special metal mounts.

    Take advantage of metal fasteners for L-shaped and A-shaped base

  4. With the help of anchor or eye bolts, we fix the chains on the horizontal crossbar, to which the seat of the desired shape will subsequently be connected.

Fix the chains to the horizontal bar using anchor bolts with nuts and washers of the appropriate diameter

Be sure to use additional locknuts when securing the seats with anchor bolts. This will increase the safety of the mountings and increase the reliability of the fixation.

Variety of seat options for hanging swings

Trips to the country house provide not only fruitful work, but also a solid rest. And what could be more beautiful than relaxing in the shade on a hand-made swing with a mug of cool kvass. Often, suspended swings are made in such a way that not one child can swing, but the rest of the family at the same time. For this option, a swing with a bench seat is suitable.

On a swing with a sofa seat, the baby will be able to comfortably sit with mom and dad

There are a great variety of seat options for this design: old board from the skate, conveyor belt, car tires and a variety of stools of all kinds of designs.

It will not be difficult for a novice master to make a plank seat for a suspended swing

A simple board can be fixed to the ropes using conventional knots.

An old board from a skateboard is suitable for a summer cottage

This option for attaching a board from a skateboard is designed for a child with a small weight. For added safety, you can place old pillows under the swing.

In 4 places, fix the tire with eyebolts to ropes or chains

Swing made of old tires was held in high esteem by our parents and were very popular along with the "bungee".

One type of swing with an original seat will delight the kid

There are countless options for hanging swing seating, but the main thing to keep in mind is the safety of your kids. All fasteners must be reliable and of high quality.

Use bolts with nuts and washers to secure the main swing arms instead of nails.

Video: garden swing in 1 day

Finishing, lubrication and other details

Whichever version of the swing you choose, each of them needs care and attention. If you prefer a swing from natural wood, make sure that the material is well treated with a special antifungal antiseptic and impregnated with water-repellent agents. The wooden parts of the swing must be varnished or painted for outdoor use: this will protect the tree and give it the desired shade. The paint can be matched to the color of the gazebo, veranda or fences. Or you can choose a color and paint with your child. If he is mature enough and independent, he will be happy to keep you company. The main thing is that both of you will be missing from your mother later.

Swing using metal structures also need painting and anti-corrosion treatment. In addition, all movable joints of the swing must be treated with thick grease. Lithol, nigrol, tsiatim or any other will do. It is enough to lubricate the swing once a year before the opening of the summer season.

If you plan to build a swing without a canopy, then late autumn it is necessary to protect them with an awning. This will protect against snow and rain and extend their service life.

If you decide to build a swing for your child with your own hands, we hope that the first experience will not disappoint you. Considering that over time the baby will grow up, it may be necessary to start building a swing with solid frame made of iron. Try, learn, experiment with children, invent. And remember that negative experiences are experiences too. And children's cheerful and reckless laughter will provoke you to new heights of dacha swing skills.