The design and function of a metal stove. Wood heating stoves for home

To create a heating unit in your home, it is not at all necessary to build bulky brick structures or buy expensive appliances. For this, you can use the materials and containers at hand. When building a metal furnace with your own hands, skills in working with welding machine and an angle grinder.

Pros and cons of metal ovens

The metal stove is a compact, one-piece heating unit. Such a stove can be easily moved, unlike brick options. Its shape can be different. Usually these structures are made in the form of a cube, parallelepiped or cylinder.

The efficiency of a metal stove is not great - it can effectively heat only small rooms with an area of ​​10 to 30 m². In this regard, such heat sources have become popular among summer residents and pet owners. Such ovens are used to heat country houses, utility rooms, workshops, sheds, garages, chicken coops and other rooms with a small area.

It should be noted that metal furnaces are fire hazardous structures. Therefore, you cannot leave them unattended for a long time.

Despite the fact that metal stoves are a convenient option and an alternative to capital heating structures, they also have positive and negative qualities.

Table: advantages and disadvantages of metal furnaces

  • metal construction is very durable;
  • it is easy to give this material any shape;
  • the cost of a metal furnace is much lower than brick options;
  • the efficiency of a metal heating structure is 15–20% higher than that of brick structures;
  • the metal unit has a one-piece structure that is easy to move, which cannot be said about stationary heating structures;
  • for metal stoves, no foundation is required;
  • such a structure heats up quickly and gives off heat to the room after 25-30 minutes;
  • the metal has a dense and non-porous structure, due to which the furnace will not damp from condensate, unlike brick structures;
  • the metal unit is not afraid of long breaks in the firebox;
  • in the event of a long downtime, the furnace does not need temperature runaway;
  • for this type of stove it is easier to obtain quality certificates and permission from the fire service, which eliminates large cash costs;
  • today constructions are on sale that do not require any special permits for use;
  • if you use a furnace made of refractory steel, then its service life reaches 20 years;
  • affordable price;
  • the structure is easy to install, after which it can be used immediately.
  • the lack of porosity in the structure of the material of the furnace, leads to the fact that the structure "does not breathe", burning oxygen in the room, due to which there is a danger of carbon monoxide poisoning;
  • despite the rapid heating, the metal furnace cools down quickly;
  • the outer surfaces of metal furnaces are heated red-hot, creating a fire hazard;
  • in comparison with a brick structure, a metal stove has a very short service life;
  • a metal stove is not intended for heating large rooms.

Types, principle of operation and choice of design for self-production

It should be noted that homemade ovens metal is most often designed with hobs. Therefore, when listing the types of metal furnaces, it is necessary to take into account such designs. There are the following types:

  1. Heating... The design of these units is intended only for space heating. Such ovens do not perform any other functions.
  2. Heating stoves with hob... These designs provide a cooking surface. Some structures of this type are equipped with a stove and oven.
  3. Household... Structures used not only in the home, but also in outbuildings, utility rooms, garages. Such ovens are often installed to heat rooms in which pets and birds are kept.

By their design, metal furnaces are classified into chamber, channel and bell-type:

  1. Chamber constructions... In such units, flue gases enter a special compartment, in which they completely burn out under the influence of natural circulation gas streams. In domestic buildings, the combustion area is connected to the afterburner, forming a common module called the crucible. For this process to be effective, a vaulted crucible is required. A striking example of this is the classic construction of the Russian stove.
  2. Channel constructions... In this furnace, the flue gases burn out almost completely, after which they move between the partitions through special channels, in which they gradually cool down. During movement, hot streams give off heat to the walls of the structure. The afterburning of gases in a furnace of this type does not occur until the temperature in the furnace channel rises to 400 ° C. The efficiency of this type of oven does not exceed 60%.
  3. Bell structures... The frame of this unit resembles a hood. Hot streams are directed under the upper part of the furnace (bell) and are retained there, completely burning out and heating the entire body. Then the gases are lowered. To warm up this oven, it is enough to increase the temperature by small area cap. This feature increases the efficiency of the furnace up to 75%.

For the manufacture of furnaces, steel, cast iron and aluminum are most often used.

Made of aluminum

This option is often used due to the availability of material, namely aluminum cans. By its design, this container is suitable for creating a heating unit. It is only necessary to make a hole at its base to install the chimney. However, the melting point of aluminum is 660 ° C.

This parameter makes the material unstable to strong heat. This is due to the fact that high efficiency is achieved as a result of the afterburning of exhaust flue gases. During this process, the temperature is around 400 ° C.

If it is planned to manufacture an ecological stove, then the heating will reach 600 ° C.

Considering the specified temperature limits, aluminum is not best material for the manufacture of the furnace. The walls of the unit will quickly burn out, and the structure of the can will soon be deformed.

Of steel

The melting temperature of steel is in the range from 1450 to 1520 ° C, therefore, this material, in comparison with the previous one, is more suitable for the manufacture of such structures.

It should be noted that to create a heating unit, it is necessary to use sheets of at least 4 mm in thickness.

This is due to the fact that every metal, regardless of its type, burns out under the influence high temperatures... Therefore, the use of a material of lesser thickness is impractical. The thin walls of the oven, subject to constant use, will burn out in 3-4 months.

To increase the resistance of the material to high temperatures and extend the service life of the heating structure, it can be hardened. For this, the steel sheets are red-hot.

Make sure that no black or blue spots appear on the metal. This will indicate incorrect hardening. You should also take into account the temperature of the hearth, in which the coals should not be heated to white.

If you place the metal in such conditions, it will quickly burn out.

The heating scale must be used to set the combustion temperature.

In the process of hardening the metal, it will be required to place it in engine oil and into warm water. The cooled steel sheets under the influence of high temperatures can deform, acquiring a wavy surface. To correct this defect, the steel sheet is leveled with a hammer. The metal hardening process can be carried out several times.

To check the quality of steel hardening, it is necessary to use a file, the working part of which is carried out along the edge of the steel sheet. If the file sticks to the metal, this indicates insufficient hardening.

If there is no way to harden the metal, you can use refractory steel. Depending on the alloys it contains, the required melting temperature reaches 2500 ° C.

This makes it possible to use material with a thickness ranging from 1.5 to 3 mm. A furnace made of refractory steel with a specified wall thickness can last up to 30 years. The entire structure will be smaller than a furnace of similar dimensions made of conventional steel, and the efficiency is much higher. A striking example is the Slobozhanka oven.

Cast iron

The melting point of cast iron is 1450 degrees. This material is often used for the manufacture of radiators in apartments and houses. It combines the properties of metal and brick. Because of this, cast iron is a very heavy and brittle material.

Cast iron has low thermal conductivity - it retains heat well inside the furnace. In addition, the metal heats up quickly, and after the end of the furnace continues to give off heat for 3-4 hours.

To make a stove, it is necessary to use cast iron with a thickness of 6 to 25 mm. If the walls of the furnace are less than 6 mm, then the structure will be very fragile. If they are more than 25 mm, then at the very first fire, the furnace body may crack. Since the entire structure will be heavy, it requires the installation of a capital base. For this, a slab foundation is made.

Stoves made of this material are effective for heating small rooms, the area of ​​which does not exceed 60 m².

For self-made cast iron is not suitable for such a furnace, since in the conditions of home workshops it is difficult to process.

Possible designs and their features

Metal furnaces are manufactured in closed, open and combined designs.

Closed design

Such an oven usually includes three compartments:

  • lower, in which there is a combustion chamber with a blower;
  • medium, which includes a heater and a steam outlet;
  • upper, representing a tank for heating water.

Furnaces of this type are lined with refractory bricks inside and outside. This increases the heat capacity of the unit. To speed up the heating process, the tank and the steam outlet are closed with a special shutter. It takes 60 to 100 minutes to warm up a room with a volume of 10–12 m³.

Open type design

Unlike the previous type, stones are stacked on a metal grate located above the combustion chamber. There is no overlap between the firebox and the stones. As in the first case, these ovens are designed for use in small baths and steam rooms. To increase the heat capacity, a galvanized sheet cover is used to cover the stones.

Combined type of ovens

A distinctive feature of the design of this type of furnace is the presence of an enlarged combustion chamber equipped with double valves and grate bars. The presence of two pairs of such elements in the design contributes to effective work blowers and heaters. In the upper part of the unit, stones are placed in its neck. These elements are laid around the chimney.

Calculation of basic parameters

A closed-type metal stove was chosen for manufacturing.

Its base will be square, 600x600 mm in size. The height of the structure will be 1350 mm. The height of the combustion chamber is 653 mm, the chimney is 600 mm. For the chimney, a pipe with a cross section of 150 mm is required.

To calculate the approximate heat transfer of this stove, it is necessary to multiply the volume of the heated room by the value - 21. Suppose that the room has dimensions: length - 3 m, width - 2.5 m, height - 2.3 m. For example, it will look like this: 2 ∙ 2.5 ∙ 2.3 = 11.5 m³ is the volume of the room. Now we calculate the required heat transfer of the stove for a room of the specified size: 11.5 ∙ 21 = 241.5 kcal / h.

Required materials and tools

In the manufacture and installation of a metal furnace, the following tools will be required:

  1. Shovel and bayonet shovel.
  2. Hammer.
  3. Pick.
  4. Tanks for water, concrete mortar and masonry mixture.
  5. Concrete mixer.
  6. Building level.
  7. Yardstick.
  8. Large square.
  9. Plumb line.
  10. Welding machine.
  11. Angle grinder.
  12. File.
  13. Cord.

You will also need the following materials:

  1. Concrete mix of M 300 or M 400 brands.
  2. Reinforcement rods for the manufacture of a reinforcing grid for the foundation.
  3. Waterproofing material - roofing felt or thick polyethylene.
  4. Masonry mix or clay.
  5. Asbestos cord.
  6. Stones (dunite, jadeite, quartzite, nephrite, talcochlorite, chromite)
  7. To manufacture a furnace structure from steel sheets, you will need:
  • 1 sheet 3 mm thick, 60x60 cm in size;
  • 4 sheets, 3 mm each - 100x60 cm;
  • 1 sheet for the grate - 60x60 cm, 12 mm thick;
  • 1 sheet for the partition of the combustion chamber - 60x60 cm, 3 mm thick;
  • a pipe with a cross section of 150 mm, with a wall thickness of 8 mm;
  • 4 corners 10 cm long, with 5 cm wide margins.

Preparatory work: selection of the installation site and laying of the foundation

Cut parts from steel sheets must be checked for burrs and sharp metal protrusions, as they will interfere during welding. You should also pay attention to the dimensions of the cut elements.

When choosing a place to install the stove, it should be borne in mind that these units are best installed in the corner of the room, away from walk-through doors and windows. If such a stove is intended for a bath or steam room, then it can be installed behind a small partition. This additionally protects against accidental contact with the hot surfaces of the oven.

It is best to erect the foundation for the stove together with the building under construction. However, if the heating structure is planned to be installed indoors, it is necessary to disassemble the floor to the very foundation. In this case, logs can be sawed only after the base has been erected to their level.

Please note that the foundations of the house and the stove should not be connected.

Over time, the building shrinks, and otherwise the base of the furnace will crack, and the unit will warp.

To lay the foundation for a brick lined oven, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Make a marking of the future dimensions of the furnace. It is more convenient to take notes on the wall.
  2. Disassemble the flooring. It is necessary to get to the very ground. At this stage wooden logs do not cut.
  3. In accordance with the markings on the wall, dig a pit 50 cm deep, 75 cm wide.If in the ground a large number of sand, then the walls of the pit may crumble. To avoid this, you must cover them with roofing felt or polyethylene.
  4. Thoroughly compact and level the bottom of the pit.
  5. Pour medium gravel inside to form a layer with a thickness of 250 mm.
  6. Lay waterproofing on top of it - roofing material.
  7. Then fill in a layer of sand equal to 150 mm. It needs to be tamped. It should be noted that wet sand is better compressed.
  8. Make formwork for liquid concrete from boards or OSB slabs. If it is made of boards, then concrete can be poured out through the cracks or earth can be poured inside. To prevent this, inner surface formwork can be covered with polyethylene.
  9. Now you need to make metal carcass, which will strengthen the concrete base. This requires reinforcing bars with a thickness of 8 to 10 mm. Of these, it is required to make a volumetric structure consisting of two gratings connected at a distance of 200 mm parallel to each other. The width of the cells should be no more than 150x150 mm. Rebar intersections can be reinforced with welding, wire or plastic ties.
  10. Install the finished metal frame inside the formwork. It should be noted that this structure must be placed at a height of 50 mm above the waterproofing. To do this, you can, perpendicular to the base, drive in wooden stakes or pieces of reinforcement. Attach a metal frame to them. You can use halves of bricks for this, which will create the desired height for placement.
  11. Pour concrete mixture. For this, the M 300 or M 400 brand is suitable. It should be noted that all elements reinforcement cage disappeared under a layer of concrete. In the process of pouring the foundation, air bubbles are formed, which must be removed by bayonetting or using a deep vibrator.
  12. Cover the poured mixture with polyethylene. This is necessary for uniform solidification of the foundation. If this is not done, moisture will evaporate from the top layer of concrete. This can cause the hardened base to crack and lose its strength. After 8-10 days, the foundation will harden.
  13. Clean the cured base from dust and debris.
  14. Cover with waterproofing material. For this, roofing material or thick polyethylene is suitable.
  15. From above, in a continuous layer, make a masonry of refractory red bricks. When the level of the masonry reaches the logs, they must be sawn down so that the wooden ends lie on the concrete base.

DIY step-by-step instructions for making a metal furnace

A metal stove can be made not only from steel sheets, but also using materials at hand. If with steel structures everything is clear, then as a cast-iron frame you can use old bath... Below is a variant of making a stove-heater from steel sheets.

Stove making

  1. Cut parallel strips 8 mm wide in steel sheet 12 mm thick. This structural element will play the role of grates.
  2. Weld the steel sheets according to the diagram.
  3. Weld on a pipe with a diameter of 150 mm.
  4. Weld a 350x200 mm steel door to the finished furnace body, which will close the combustion chamber.
  5. Weld a 150x100 mm door to the blower hole.
  6. Using the corner grinder remove burrs and sharp fragments from the surface of the furnace body.
  7. Weld steel corners to each corner of the bottom of the furnace, with a width of fields of 50 mm. The whole structure will stand on these elements.
  8. Install the structure on the prepared base.
  9. Now the oven must be bricked. For this construction material soak in water for 30 minutes. After that, make a markup for the masonry. During masonry, the furnace body can be stained with mortar. Therefore, it is advisable to cover the metal structure plastic wrap... It should be noted that brick construction must be erected at a distance of at least 10 cm from the wall, and the surfaces of adjoining walls must be covered with sheet metal or refractory tiles. This is necessary for fire safety purposes.
  10. Laying begins from the corner of the marking. Lay the bricks flat. The seams between them must be the same, no more than 5 mm.
  11. It is necessary to lay a reinforcing mesh between the first and second row. For this, it is cut into strips and laid. This element will strengthen the brick structure.
  12. In the third row of masonry, it is necessary to leave two gaps for holes. This will help normal air circulation.
  13. Lay out the next rows with a dressing.
  14. The lining of the combustion chamber must be laid out fireclay bricks... This material can withstand high temperatures without changing its structure.
  15. During masonry, blower doors and latches are installed in the lower and upper rows. These elements are designed to regulate draft, shut off and direct hot streams.
  16. In the design of the brick lining of the furnace, it is possible to provide heating plate... The diagram shows the stages of building rows.

Chimney device, its manufacture and installation

The order of the chimney has its own characteristics. At the junction of the chimney with the roof, there is an extension of the masonry. WITH outside this protrusion protects the structure from atmospheric precipitation, from the inside - it reduces the temperature of the outgoing flow. The diagram shows the order of the chimney for a metal stove-heater.


You can decorate the oven in various ways:

  1. Plastering.
  2. Finishing with facing bricks.
  3. Tiles.
  4. Various types of tiles (terracotta, majolica, clinker).
  5. Natural and artificial stone.
  6. Marble.
  7. Metal.

Finishing the furnace with metal is the most simple and effective way... For this, sheet steel or rolled aluminum is used. Furnace end surfaces coated with these materials create an additional insulating layer.

For coloring the metal, organosilicon paints of various shades are used.

Features of operation: cleaning and repairing the stove

Operation of a brick-lined stove must comply with the following rules:

  1. Before each use of the heating unit, check the presence of draft. For this, the metal latch is pushed back. The absence of draft or its movement in the opposite direction will indicate clogging of the grate or the entire chimney channel.
  2. To minimize the amount of carbon deposits formed when burning firewood, it is necessary to use wood of certain species. For this, aspen, oak, birch and beech firewood are suitable.
  3. It is best to use wood shavings for kindling. conifers, as this material contains resins that ignite quickly. For this purpose, it is convenient to use pine and spruce cones.
  4. With the constant use of a metal stove, it is necessary to take care of cleaning the chimney from soot every heating season... If the oven is used several times a month, this procedure is performed once every 2-3 years.
  5. Effective combustion of firewood occurs only when the combustion chamber is loaded by 1/3.
  6. If cracks appear in the brickwork, they are sealed with special clay blue rocks or special mixtures for laying stoves. The oven can be heated only after the clay has dried.

Having studied the nuances of making a metal stove, you will not only be able to make a high-quality heating unit yourself, but also successfully use it for heating household and utility rooms.

For a private house or summer cottage, a modern radiator is not always suitable, therefore, the best option are metal ovens that you can do yourself. They represent a small heating equipment working on wood.

Making heating systems is not difficult, unlike where certain skills are needed. It is only necessary to decide on the type of structure installed on a wooden floor, consult a specialist, and also meet some requirements:

  • Ability to work with some tools.
  • Understand and read the drawings correctly, since the installation takes place on the basis of the developed scheme. Otherwise, it will simply not be possible to make a heating unit.
  • Follow the sequential manufacturing steps.
  • Follow safety regulations.
  • Be able to perform cooking work.

There are several common designs for wood-burning stoves. Some are efficient and some are economical. Consider how you can make homemade metal ovens.

Wood stove

This one is the simplest at home. If necessary, a place for a cauldron can be prepared on the unit. For assembly, you need metal sheets, the thickness of which exceeds 4 millimeters... This is necessary in order for the walls to be able to withstand exposure to high temperatures. Therefore, the service life of heating equipment depends on the thickness of the metal.

For the branch pipe, you need to prepare a pipe with with a diameter of 10 centimeters... You also need to purchase or make a special one with your own hands. Installation of the structure on a wooden floor is possible only if there are iron corners, which will act as reliable legs. Before assembly, you need to find or independently prepare drawings with all required dimensions... You also need to decide on the power of the furnace for giving or country house.

It is necessary to mark out the sheets of metal and cut out blanks from them, according to the diagram, with your own hands using a grinder. The entire heating system consists of the following parts:

  • From the prepared sheet of metal follows cut three pairs: top cover and bottom of the unit, ends, side walls.
  • At a short distance from the edge of the cover, you need to make a special hole to connect the pipe. It should be about 2.5 centimeters long and 10 centimeters wide. To ensure tightness, it is necessary to carefully perform the cooking work so that the seam is uninterrupted.
  • Legs are welded at the corners of the bottom, up to 15 centimeters long so that the wood-fired structure can be placed on a wooden or concrete floor.
  • On one side of the end wall, you need to prepare a hole for the door, and a little below - for the blower.
  • WITH inside small corners are welded to the walls, which are designed to support the lattice.

When all the details are ready, you need to start assembling the structure on the floor for a summer cottage and a private house. It is imperative to observe the sequence of joining the workpieces. The firewood grate is installed before the cover is attached. The door is mounted in the last place... If you correctly prepare the drawings and collect the elements step by step, the installation won't take long.

Read also: How to make a Russian stove

Long burning apparatus

Such a heating structure is unique and effective for giving a private house. Such heating structures can be installed on a wooden floor. If necessary, you can prepare a place for the cauldron. The wood-burning stove is very economical, since one bookmark heats the house for a whole day. This is due to the fact that inside the structure there is a low concentration of oxygen, as a result of which the wood heats up more slowly, while efficiently heat the room.

To assemble a stove with your own hands, you must be able to perform cooking work, as well as prepare the following materials:

  • Pipe with with a diameter of 50 centimeters... For a summer cottage or a country house, a round container is suitable.
  • Pipe for branch pipe with with a diameter of 10 centimeters.
  • Channel.
  • Metal sheets with 4 mm thick.

First, you need to cut the pipe or. After that, three circles need to be cut out of the sheet of metal: for the bottom, lid and press (with a smaller diameter). In the last circle, you must immediately make a hole with a diameter of 10 centimeters, to which the pipe is welded up to 40 centimeters long for fresh air supply. Then you need to cook and attach channels to the pancake. In the process of fuel combustion press will slowly descend.

At the next stage, you need to weld the floor, and make two holes on the side. for the blower and the door... In the upper part, on the side, you need to make a hole for the branch pipe, up to 30 centimeters long. Inside you need to lay the grate.

After that, the heating system is installed on the wooden floor of the room (summer cottage or house). The wood-burning stove must be placed vertically and a prepared press must be inserted into it in front of the grate, after which - a lid, in the center of which there should be a hole for a pipe, welded to the press... Then the cover welded to the base... At the final stage, a blower and a door are installed. The heating system is ready for operation.

A metal stove for a summer residence is made much easier and faster than its bulkier brick counterpart.

To build you need less time, expensive materials and experience trained by the person who took up this occupation.

The design easily includes a heat exchanger, hob or oven.

Types of metal wood stoves for summer cottages

Exists several varieties furnaces in which metal plays the role of the main building element. Each scheme described has positive and negative sides.

Ordinary iron

An ordinary metal furnace, the operational characteristics of which are fully determined by the main building material. Iron poorly accumulates heat and has a high thermal conductivity.

Such an oven is located on a specially prepared site to exclude any contact with wooden elements.

In this way, possible ignition that occurs when the outer surfaces are overheated is prevented.

The described feature gives Benefits... There is a way to build a furnace that has high performance with minimal heating. This is due to the fact that during the service of such a product, it becomes possible to use the principles of fuel combustion, which do not work when it comes to a brick oven. This is achieved by wisely using high degree of connectivity metal structural elements.

Width metal furnace reaches 600 mm, length equals 600 mm, height taking into account the chimney pipe reaches 1350 mm.

Metal stove-fireplace

A metal fireplace stove for a summer residence has interesting useful features ... The firebox is made in the form of a chamber and is located on a special stand or support. Thereby, there is no need to mount an additional foundation for a similar structure.

Solid foundation necessary because of the impressive mass of the steel fireplace. The device of such a furnace fits harmoniously into the interior country house or summer cottage. A pipe is connected to the firebox, designed to remove smoke masses, which can effectively remove combustion products from the system.

To prevent accidental fire, the surface of the stove - fireplace lined with refractory materials.

Such a device has high efficiency, does not require special personal care, unpretentious during installation, which is done in a few minutes. Fireplace capable heat up instantly room and can be mounted anywhere.

V width reaches 1300 mm, height reaches to 2500 mm, and length leveled 1200 mm.

Making a country stove with your own hands

To complete the assembly without delays and difficulties, you need the following.


If heating is required garage or other secondary premises, then the preference is given to an ordinary metal oven.

It's easy to make and the device heats up pretty quickly. In this case, the unit does not require a lot of fuel and belongs to a variety of relatively economical home-made heaters. The owner does not have to spend too much on firewood to keep warm.

If you want to install such a structure inside private house or summer cottage, a fireplace stove is considered the best choice. She possesses less fire hazard due to refractory lining. The product is capable of quickly heating up and heating the room. The oven is characterized by aesthetic appearance harmoniously blending into the interior.

Materials (edit)

It is necessary to select the raw materials for the construction. As mentioned above, the role of the main building material is played by metal sheets with a thickness of 5 mm. A similar condition is fulfilled in order to avoid burnout of the walls during the operation of the furnace.

To arrange the foundation you will need cement mortar and refractory bricks. The oven legs require corners made of metal, the thickness of which is not less than 8-10 mm.

Procured pipe for chimney with a diameter of 10 cm and of sufficient length to allow the smoke masses to escape outside the room.

A special platform is made in front of the firebox door, designed to increase fire safety. For which organization is being prepared a metal sheet thickness from 3 mm.

High-quality materials will allow the unit to serve for a long time and regularly heat the room. When choosing a metal preference is given to the thickest sheets, as the oven tends to heat up quickly.

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Place for construction

To prepare a place for the oven, as mentioned above, it is necessary to limit the contact of heating elements of the structure with wooden parts interior.

To prevent accidental fire at the location of the structure, it is poured small foundation, on which the oven itself will be installed in the future. For construction, refractory bricks and high-quality cement are selected.

Important! If the preliminary procedures described are followed correctly, the oven can be made quickly and without hassle and delays.

Manufacturing process

In order to correctly apply the prepared materials, it is worth adhering to a certain algorithm:

  1. Take four metal sheets thickness not less 8 mm and weld the edges together, you get a cube without a bottom and a lid.
  2. Cut opening in one of the walls. It is intended for laying firewood, so it is worth making a larger hole.
  3. Mount doors furnaces. Cut from metal of the same thickness.
  4. Take another sheet of metal, to which weld steel prepared in advance in the corners corners thick not less 10 mm, playing the role of legs for installing the structure.
  5. Weld the bottom to the body and organize blew to control the furnace draft in the future.
  6. Do cover ovens. Take a sheet of metal of the same thickness. Cut a hole in it, to which the future will weld a pipe that serves as a chimney.
  7. To make platform in front of the firebox, fulfilling the role of fire safety. To do this, take a less thin steel sheet and screw it to the floor under the firebox door.
  8. To produce heat-resistant cladding to improve fire safety. This step is optional, but following it will reduce the likelihood of an accidental fire. What is useful if the stove is inside a summer house or a private house.

Advice. The described algorithm is quite simple to execute. A person can handle the assembly, able to handle a welding machine and who wants to save money by independently making a heating unit that can quickly heat a room and consume a small amount of wood fuel.

It won't take long to make. A person with little experience in such matters will be able to build a metal furnace. in a few hours... In any case, the procedure takes less time than laying. stone structure with a lot of time consuming steps.

Photo of stoves: compact country house, fireplace and long burning device

Photo 1. Small iron homemade stove, ideal for small spaces. Heats up quickly, takes up almost no space.

Photo 2. Fireplace made of metal. A device that is quite simple to manufacture, which not only heats the house, but also decorates it.

Photo 3. Homemade long burning stove. A more complex and bulky unit that allows you to warm up an entire country house.

Possible difficulties

One of the troubles during the service of a metal furnace are heat losses... This is due to the fact that the metal is a bad battery and quickly gives it away. To solve this problem, a special shield representing brick structure surrounding the oven on three sides... Before laying out the walls, the building material is immersed in water in order to improve adhesion. If desired, the shield is tiled with special tiles.

Another problem is the appearance condensate due to the cooling of the combustible gases generated during the operation of the furnace. The problem is solved by shortening the pipe designed to remove smoke masses.

Possible troubles include the unexplained smoke the room in which there is a working oven.

This phenomenon indicates that welds fixing the edges of the metal sheets forming the body, not sealed.

This happens when welding is performed by an inexperienced person. To fix this problem, the joints are boiled several times... The impermeability of the case is tested with water. If no leaks are found, then smoke will not follow in the future.

Fast burnout of the bottom and walls firebox is a serious problem. To prevent its occurrence, metal sheets are selected thickness from 5 mm... A body welded from such elements will not undergo burnout and will function properly for a long service life.

Increased fuel consumption indicates that thrust ovens poorly regulated... To get rid of this problem, and to reduce the consumption of firewood, equip special doors performing adjusting functions.

Useful video

A video showing a homemade metal fireplace stove: appearance, design features, kindling.


When operating a metal oven, some rules are followed. To avoid accidental fire necessary:

  • Produce bookmark refractory materials in places close to open fire and heat.
  • Flammable materials near the stove separate with basalt or asbestos.
  • Fence off the chimney non-combustible materials with thermal insulation properties.

Compliance with the described conditions will not allow an accidental fire to spoil the owner's opinion of the stove, which he built on his own.

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A stove in a country house is simply necessary, especially in cases where garden plot it is used not only as a resting place, but also for fruitful agricultural work, the fruits of which provide the gardener and his family with vegetables and fruits for the whole winter. If the dacha serves as a kind of source of prosperity, then its owners have to work on the land from early spring to late autumn.

During the "off-season", and sometimes even in summer, the nights are quite cold, and therefore it will be very uncomfortable to be in the house without heating. In addition, it is impossible to do in suburban conditions without hot food, and cooking on a fire is inconvenient, and not too hygienic. And in fact, and in another case, the oven can always come to the rescue.

In addition, you can remember the aesthetic component of the issue - most people love to sit by the open firebox, watching the flames. It is especially pleasant to arrange such a cozy evening and relax in a comfortable armchair after active work in the garden.

As you know, not all country houses can boast of a large area, therefore, most often, a mini oven for a summer residence is chosen for such conditions.

Criteria for choosing a summer cottage

Based on the specific conditions of future operation, it is necessary to determine the criteria by which it is worth choosing a stove for a country house. These may include not only technical and ergonomic characteristics, but also economic considerations.

  1. The compactness of the device or brick building is one of the main conditions for a small summer cottage.
  2. The most important condition for country oven is her safety, as usually suburban houses are erected from wood, which dries quickly in the sun and when sparks hit it, it can literally flare up like a match. In addition, the device itself and the chimney must be completely sealed, have excellent internal draft, since carbon monoxide entering the premises can lead to irreversible tragic consequences.
  3. A stove installed in the country and not used in winter period, should withstand this rather long period without a firebox and not damp.
  4. Quick kindling and warming up of the appliance, the spread of heat around the premises are also important conditions for country stove, because in rainy weather or just at the end of work in the garden, you want to relax as soon as possible in the warmth and drink hot tea.
  5. It is advisable to have a stove with a large firebox door in the country - so that it can act as a fireplace, since it will be quite difficult to do without evening gatherings near the fire.
  6. Long-term preservation of heat is especially necessary if summer residents come to the dacha with an overnight stay, so that there is enough heat from the stove heated in the evening until the morning.
  7. It will not be easy to do without a hob in a summer cottage oven, especially in cases where electricity is often cut off in the village and gas supply is not provided.
  8. An important accompanying factor is the fuel required for the furnace. To save money, it is worth choosing an "omnivorous" heating device that can be heated different kinds fuel - wood, brushwood, briquettes, pellets, coal and even household waste.
  9. It is desirable that the stove has a built-in hot water supply register for a shower.
  10. The simplicity of the chosen design of the heating device will allow you to install or fold it yourself and save a significant amount, since calling the masters will be quite expensive.
  11. The aesthetic appearance of the stove is also important, since it can decoratively transform a room or, conversely, bring disharmony into its design.

Varieties of mini-ovens by material of manufacture

Country mini-stoves can be made of different materials - for example, they are steel, cast iron and brick. Each of the varieties has its own advantages and disadvantages. Which type is preferable depends on several criteria, which will be discussed below.

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Steel furnaces

Steel stoves can be called an ideal option for installing them in the country. Of course, self-made, they will not look as aesthetically pleasing as purchased in specialized stores, but homemade stoves will cost much less.

Steel furnaces are the most affordable and easy to install

The steel stove is the lightest and most affordable heating device. She, as a rule, is quite mobile, therefore, if desired, on summer period it can even be moved to a gazebo or veranda by disconnecting it from the chimney. The compactness of the steel device allows you to install it in a small room, and its relative lightness does not require a monolithic device under it. concrete foundation- it will be enough to organize a non-combustible flooring made of asbestos and metal sheets.

Stoves made of this material almost always have a hob that heats up quickly enough and remains hot throughout the entire firebox. In addition, you can choose a model that has an oven that allows you to bake bread or pies in a summer cottage.

The disadvantages of steel products include the following points:

  • Such stoves are less durable than cast iron or brick stoves, but since they will not be heated constantly, the metal oxides that are formed under the influence of flame and temperatures during furnaces, in between, interacting with oxygen, form a thick heat-resistant carbon deposit. It is this layer that makes it possible to operate the stove for 18-30 years, that is, twice or three times longer than with regular heating.
  • Not all steel stoves, which have proven themselves well in other conditions, are suitable for installation in summer cottages. For example, these include models of long burning "Slobozhanka" or "Bubafonya", as well as some other options. They are not recommended for the following reasons:

- long heating of the surface;

- lack of a full-fledged hob;

- having a relatively small size, they still take up a lot of space, since they cannot be installed close to the wall;

- do not have glass doors, so they can be used as a fireplace only by opening the solid door wide open. “Bubafonya” cannot be used at all in this role.

- rather unaesthetic appearance of the stoves.

  • It is impossible to use the furnaces working on the working off in the premises of the summer cottage, as they emit an unpleasant and unhealthy smell. In addition, they are quite fire - and explosive.

Cast iron mini ovens

Cast iron stoves have many advantages and are excellent for summer cottages, but only if they are permanently installed. This metal has a large mass, and you need to take into account the fact that it is most likely that it will not work to take such a stove outside in the summer. In addition, it will also not be possible to build a hot water register into the cast-iron model on its own, since cast iron is almost impossible to process at home. Therefore, if it is conceived to install a stove with this function, then you need to immediately purchase the model that was originally equipped with it.

Cast iron stove - reliable, durable, has high heat transfer

The price of cast iron products is quite high, but such an oven will also last a very long time, unless, of course, it is subjected to sharp drops temperatures (cast iron can crack when, for example, a bucket is poured onto a hot stove cold water), and excessive mechanical stress - this metal does not like shocks.

It is necessary to arrange a foundation under a cast-iron stove, since it is very heavy and a wooden floor her can not stand it. In addition, the furnace heats up to high temperatures, so the foundation is necessary to comply with fire safety rules. And, it must be large enough and extend beyond the dimensions of the furnace by 400 ÷ 500 mm on all sides of the heater.

The rest of the cast iron stove is ideal for giving, due to the following positive qualities:

  • For this material, breaks in the heating season are insignificant, since it does not oxidize or burn out.
  • Cast iron is not affected by moisture, therefore it does not rust.
  • The material heats up well and keeps it warm for a very long time.
  • Typically, cast iron stoves have a sufficiently large hob that allows you not only to boil the kettle, but also to place a saucepan or frying pan next to it.
  • As a rule, a very aesthetic appearance is given to heating devices made of this material. The walls of the stove can be decorated with ornamental plant patterns. Cast iron stoves can only have a decorative appearance or be made in the form of a kitchen stove.
  • This type of stove is produced in a large size range, it can have a built-in oven and even a heating circuit.

Brick ovens

Brick stoves are considered traditional for private houses in Russia, so summer cottages are often no exception. Brick stoves are rightly recognized as the most reliable and heat-intensive.

The stove can be installed in such a way that it will heat two rooms at once without installing a heating circuit in it. Correctly withdrawn with catch installed - completely fireproof, but for such a structure it is imperative to equip a reliable foundation, completely isolated from the foundation of the walls. This must be observed in order to preserve the integrity of the masonry, since when the foundation of the house itself shrinks, it can pull the base of the furnace along with it.

It should be remembered that brick ovens really do not like dampness and prolonged downtime, therefore, in order to achieve the desired heat transfer after an unheated period, it is necessary to carry out two or three drying furnaces without a heavy load. And, in each of them the amount of firewood needs to be increased - this process is often called "overclocking".

It is because of the fear of dampness in brick buildings that such stoves are installed in the country house only in cases where the country house is inhabited for most of the year, and it is possible to carry out periodic heating.

Many residents of private or suburban country houses only stoves built of bricks are considered real and useful, not recognizing heating devices made of other materials. Indeed, brick ovens give the house a special warmth and comfort. And what is also very important - they can be multifunctional. Furnace specialists have developed a considerable number of different models, from which it is quite possible to choose the one you need for a particular country house area.

Overview of models of small ovens for summer cottages

To make it easier to make a choice, it makes sense to consider several ready-made models made from various materials... Such stoves can be purchased in specialized stores, and some of them (steel and brick), if you have the skills, can be made on your own.

Cast iron models


An excellent model for giving, both in size and design, as well as in characteristics - the PINETO stove of the Polish company Nordflam. The model is made in a "vintage" style and has a bronze color, so it will fit into a variety of interior options, be sure to decorate it with its presence.

With a fireproof glass door, the stove can be used as a fireplace. The hob is large enough to hold two cookware, then you can eat two dishes at once. The chimney pipe connection is located on top, on hob, which means that the stove can be installed very close to the wall of the house, provided that the protection is made of heat-resistant material - brick, special drywall, asbestos slab or ceramic tiles.

This model has the following specifications:

  • The type of fuel is firewood.
  • Power - 6 kW.
  • Heating area - up to 70 sq. m.
  • The oven has a top connection.
  • Diame tr trchimney loss - 120 mm.
  • The efficiency is 87%.
  • Door opening type - side.
  • The model has functions:

- systemsself-cleaningglass;

long burning;


  • Width - 440 mm.
  • Height - 610 mm.
  • Depth - 330 mm.
  • Weight - 165 kg.

The manufacturer gives a one-year warranty for its goods.

Prices for the Pineto oven

pineto oven

Bake " Isоtta Forno "

Another option for compact and aesthetic cast iron stove produced by the well-known in European countries, and now in Russia, by the Italian company "LaNordica" - the "Isotta Forno" model.

This heater will not take up much space, since an additional function - an enameled oven, is located on the "second floor" above the firebox. Therefore, such oven can be purchased even for heating a very small room.

Prices for the Isotta Forno oven

La Nordica Ghisa Isotta forno

The technical characteristics of this model are as follows:

  • Manufacturing material - cast iron.
  • The type of fuel is firewood.
  • The efficiency is 90%.
  • Power - 11 kW.
  • Heating area - 95 ÷ 100 sq. m.
  • Door opening type - side.
  • The oven has a top connection.
  • The diameter of the chimney pipe is 150 mm.
  • The model has functions:

- systems self-cleaning glass;

- long burning;


  • Width - 795 mm.
  • Height - 1244 mm.
  • Depth - 530 mm.
  • Weight - 296 kg.

The Isotta stove is made entirely of cast iron and has double walls, between which there is the possibility of air circulation.

Self-cleaning panoramic glass can withstand temperatures up to 750 ° C.

There is a door on the side of the oven, into which longer logs are placed.

The device is equipped with an air supply regulator, which is able to completely shut it off, which is especially important when using the long burning mode, as well as for creating a beautiful picture of the play of flames. In addition, the regulator ensures the operation of the furnace in the gas generation mode and helps to clean the glass from soot.

This model of the furnace is capable of heating an area of ​​about 100 m² for an hour, while the walls of the structure are heated to 80˚C.

With full filling, in the smoldering mode (long-term combustion with afterburning of pyrolysis gases), the stove is capable of providing the room with heat for 15-18 hours.

Stove-fireplace "Svezia"

This product Italian company"LaNordica" harmoniously combines the sophistication of taste and practicality, since the materials used in its manufacture and decoration are aesthetic and durable. The furnace body is cast from high quality cast iron, and the cladding consists of steel and ceramic or natural stone panels. These materials, as well as the glass part of the door, are fireproof and can withstand temperatures up to 750 ° C.

The model is equipped with a removable box for drying firewood and an ash pan, which are installed in the niches provided for them in the lower part of the device. With a sufficiently high power, the stove consumes only 2500 g of wood per hour.

The technical characteristics of the Svezia fireplace stove are as follows:

  • Manufacturing material - cast iron.
  • Finishing material - steel, ceramics or natural stone.
  • The type of fuel is firewood.
  • The efficiency is 84.5%.
  • Power - 9 kW.
  • Volume heating- 258 m³.
  • Bakehas topconnection.
  • Diametr trchimney loss - 150 mm.
  • Door opening type -side.
  • The model has functions:

systemsself-cleaning glass;

regulatorair intake;

long burning;


  • Width - 599 mm.
  • Height - 1254 mm.
  • Depth - 544 mm.
  • Weight - 188 ÷ 230 kg, depending on the cladding.
  • The size of the lesion is 377 × 340 × 385 mm.
Heating and cooking stove "Rosa Palladio"

This version of the "Rosa Palladio" heating and cooking oven of the same Italian company "LaNordica" has larger dimensions than other models, but is also equipped with significantly larger functionality- this is a spacious hob and a voluminous enamel oven, which allows you not to cook any dishes, but also bake baked goods.

This model can be called a combined model, since its frame and main elements are made of cast iron, and the cladding is made of high-quality steel and ceramic plates, which contribute to a longer heat retention. The stove can be installed in a kitchen or a rustic room. Furnaces are produced with different finishes. colors- these are burgundy-brick ("Burgundy"), milky pink ("cappuccino") and milky gray ("parchment") shades.

Technical characteristics of the Rosa Palladio heating and cooking oven:

  • Manufacturing material - cast iron.
  • Finishing material - steel and ceramics.
  • The type of fuel is firewood.
  • The efficiency is 79.8%.
  • Power - 10 kW.
  • Volume heating- 185 m³.
  • Bakehas topconnection.
  • Diametr trchimney loss - 150 mm.
  • Door opening type -side.
  • The model has functions:

systemsself-cleaning glass;

— regulator with two air intake systems;

- long burning mode;

- mode secondaryafterburning.

  • Width - 1030 mm.
  • Height - 851 mm.
  • Depth - 660 mm.
  • Weight - 169 kg.
  • The size doors - 420 × 395 mm.
  • The size of the firebox is 270 × 340 × 400 mm.

Steel furnaces

More affordable, but no less effective - steel models of stoves for summer cottages. They can be of various designs and shapes - from the simplest to the most complex. Steel models are equipped with only the necessary functions or they can have advanced capabilities. Their cost today ranges from 4,000 to 25,000 rubles, depending on functionality and design.

Heating and cooking stove "Breneran" type OO with two burners.

This economical option suitable for a small area of ​​the room, as it has a compact size, However, despite this, it is capable of heating a room with a volume of up to 100 m³.

This model is manufactured Russian manufacturer"Laotherm" is made of high-quality steel and is coated with heat-resistant paint, which hardens with the first blow of the device.

Prices for the Breneran oven

The stove is equipped with an air intake regulator, which is located on the door, and a gasifier regulator is provided on the branch pipe for connecting the body to the chimney. The hob has two burners with removable lids for quick heating or cooking.

The door of this model is equipped with a comfortable safe cool handle... The convenience of the stove lies in the fact that it can heat two or three small isolated rooms. To do this, flexible metal hoses are attached to the upper holes and bred to the rooms.

Technical characteristics of the Breneran oven:

  • The material of manufacture is steel; sheets 4 mm thick are used for the firebox.
  • etc.
  • The efficiency is 75%.
  • Power - 6 kW.
  • The volume of the heated room - up to 100 m³.
  • The oven has a rear connection.
  • Diametr trchimney loss - 120 mm.
  • Door opening type -side.
  • The model has functions:

- regulator with two air intake systems;

  • Width - 455 mm.
  • Height - 555 mm.
  • Depth - 720 mm.
  • Weight - 73 kg.
  • The sizedoors: 420 × 395 mm.

The manufacturer's warranty is 2.5 years.

The model does not have a viewing glass on the door, and if you want to sit near an open fire, you will have to open it wide. Therefore, for the purpose of fire safety, a base of heat-resistant material must be provided under the furnace, and the sheet must extend beyond the limits of the device body by at least 500 mm.

It should be noted that, despite its modest size, the stove has a fairly high price. Today its cost varies from 15,000 to 19,000 rubles.

This version of the steel stove-potbelly stove can be called the most affordable by price, by compared with all existing models of mini-ovens for summer cottages, since its cost today varies from only 2800 to 4000 rubles. In fact, this model is an ordinary stove-stove familiar to everyone and has a very simple design.

The stove is made of 5 mm thick steel. The device is equipped with a solid metal door with side opening, which does not have a viewing glass.

Prices for the Vesuvius mini oven

Vesuvius mini

Another disadvantage of some variants of these stoves is the absence of an ash box, although the manufacturer, when characterizing the product, notes that the firewood, when burned, gives an "ash bed", which prevents overheating of the bottom of the furnace. However, the absence of this element excludes the possibility of qualitatively regulating the draft inside the firebox, and you have to carry out such an adjustment yourself, opening the fire door a little - and this, you see, is extremely inconvenient. Therefore, choosing this model, it is best to find an option that has an ash pan, which is also a draft regulator.

Model specifications:

  • Manufacturing material - steel 5 mm thick.
  • Finishing material - heat-resistant paint.
  • Fuel type - firewood, briquettes, paper, shavings, branches andetc.
  • Efficiency - 60 ÷ 70 % .
  • Power - 5 kW.
  • The volume of the heated room - 100 m³.
  • The oven has a top or back connection.
  • Diametr trchimney loss - 155 mm.
  • Door opening type -side.
  • Width - 310 mm.
  • Height - 623 mm.
  • Depth - 470 mm.
  • Weight - 27 kg.
  • The sizedoors: 420 × 395 mm.
  • The model has functions:

- if there is an ash drawer, an air intake regulator.

The best fuel for this stove is chopped dry wood, which quickly ignites and effectively heats the walls of the device. Least of all it gives soot and clogs the chimney wood of birch and aspen, but the logs need to be dried well, having previously been brought into a warm room. Wet wood is also allowed, but they are less effective in terms of heat transfer.

The hob is large enough and allows you to cook two dishes on it at once, which is quite comfortable in a summer cottage.

The model is lightweight, so it can even be installed on a wooden floor, previously protected with heat-resistant material.

The disadvantage of such a potbelly stove is the absence of a water circuit for a shower, but, if desired, it can be installed, although this process will require additional costs.

Stove-fireplace "NARWIK WT"

The steel stove, made by the Polish manufacturer EuroKom, has a water circuit that allows you to heat water for use in the shower or when washing dishes. The side walls of the case are finished with ceramic plates, which help to retain heat and deliver it to the room for a longer time.

The furnace of the device is made of high-quality steel with a thickness of 6 mm, and, in addition, it is lined with fireclay bricks from the inside, which protects the metal from burning out and also retains heat well for many hours.

The oven has two niches - for drying wood and for heating or cooking. The design is equipped with a pull-out ash drawer.

The principle of operation of this oven is based on natural heat circulation, and, in addition, thanks to the water circuit, thermal energy can be transferred through a pipeline to an adjacent room.

The small size and aesthetic appearance of the device allows it to be placed even in a small room.

The technical characteristics of this model speak of its efficiency and comfortable use:

  • Manufacturing material - steel.
  • Finishing material - ceramics.
  • Facing the firebox with fireclay bricks.
  • Cast iron grate.
  • Fuel type - firewood.
  • The efficiency is 78%.
  • Power - 11 kW.
  • Square heating85 m².
  • Bakehas topconnection.
  • Diametr trchimney loss - 150 mm.
  • Door opening type - swing.
  • The model has functions:

- system self-cleaning glass;

- air intake regulator;

- door blowing system;

- long burning mode - up to 8 hours;

- secondary afterburning mode;

- equipping with a cast iron grill;

- panoramic view of the flame.

  • Width - 590 mm.
  • Height - 970 mm.
  • Depth - 550 mm.
  • Weight - 120 kg.
  • The size of the firebox is 270 × 340 × 400 mm.

The manufacturer's warranty is 5 years.

Naturally, having such advanced capabilities, the stove cannot be cheap, so its price ranges from 46,000 to 65,000 rubles.

Another, very miniature steel stove, is presented in the proposed video:

Video: Wood-burning stove "Mini-Horizon"

Brick mini ovens

For those who do not recognize other stoves besides brick ones, I would like to present two options for compact structures that are available in design even for self-erection.

First option

A small-sized oven equipped with a hob and a door with heat-resistant observation glass.

This version of the heating structure is so compact and simple in design that, having caught fire to install a brick stove in a country house, even a novice master can build it. In order for the work to be of high quality, and the furnace to stand for many years, it is necessary to follow the recommendations and adhere to the presented ordering diagrams.

This oven has the following dimensions: width - 510 mm, depth - 640 mm and height - 2150 mm. The design has a single-burner hob and an oven, which, if desired, can be replaced with drying chamber or hot water tank.

These dimensions assume the depth of the firebox is not more than 500 mm, and the chimney opening is a single brick, laid flat.

It should be noted that the presence of a hob and an oven not only allows you to cook hot food, but also contributes to a faster warming up of the room where such a stove is installed.

To ensure the compactness of the stove, its design is thought out in such a way that the firebox, cooking chamber, oven and chimney ducts are located vertically. The heated air, together with the gases emitted by the fuel, passes outside the rear wall of the cooking chamber, and then enters the flue ducts and the pipe.

This structure consists of the following elements, numbered in the diagram below:

1 - ash pan or blowing chamber;

2 - combustion chamber with a cast-iron door;

3 - cooking cast-iron single-burner stove;

4 - cooking chamber;

5 - a metal corner and plates that overlap the cooking chamber and create a base for masonry;

6 - chamber for cleaning flue ducts;

7 - horizontal channel of smoke circulation;

8 - oven;

9 - second chamber for cleaning internal channels;

10 - gate valve.

For the construction of such a brick mini-stove, it is necessary to prepare the following materials and parts (excluding the construction of the foundation and chimney):

  • Red brick - 222 pieces;
  • Furnace door 200 × 200 mm - 1 pc .;
  • Blowing door 140 × 140 mm - 1 pc .;
  • Cleaning doors - 2 pcs.;
  • Cast iron hob with one burner 380 × 350 mm - 1 pc .;
  • Oven 320 × 280 × 420 mm - 1 pc .;
  • Gate valve -2 pcs.;
  • Prefluous.;
  • Flat slate panel 510 × 370 mm - 1 piece ;;
  • Steel corner - 350 × 350 × 4 mm;
  • Clay - 5 buckets;
  • Refractory clay - 2 buckets;
  • Sand - 14 buckets.

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The design of the kiln itself consists of 31 rows of bricks laid flat. The layout of the ordinal masonry can be clearly seen in the drawings below.

This figure shows the order from 1 to 11 rows, and indicated linear parameters the first row, that is, the foundations on which you will need to navigate, bringing the structure in height.

A blower door is installed on the third row, and a grate is placed on the fifth row.

Before laying the sixth row, it is installed and fixed on the front brick of the fifth furnace door, which is then propped up on both sides by bricks of the sixth row of the order.

After installing the 11th row, stepping back from the back wall of the resulting well to the width of the brick, install a metal strip or corner, which will become the basis for laying the hob. Then, on top of the walls and the metal lintel, a cast iron hob is laid.

The next part of the drawing clearly shows the laying of the order from the 12th to the 22nd row.

Continuation of laying - ordering from the 12th to the 22nd row

From 12 to 15 rows, the walls of the cooking chamber and the rear vertical flue duct are displayed.

Having laid out the 15th row, metal corners or a slate sheet are laid on top of it, which forms the basis for further solid masonry.

At 17- ohm row, a cleaning chamber door is installed, which overlaps by 22- ohm a row, and under it an empty space is formed, combined with the rear flue duct.

The last part of the diagram shows masonry from 23 to 31 rows.

Completion of the construction - ordering from the 23rd to the 32nd row

On the 24th row, pieces of asbestos are laid on the inner edges of the well. Then the oven box is wrapped with asbestos rope and installed in the designated place. Asbestos protection will keep the walls of the cabinet from burning out, and will also help keep the heated air in it for a longer period.

At 28- ohm the door of the cleaning chamber is installed in the row and immediately fixed on both sides with brickwork.

On the 29th and 31st rows, chimney valves are mounted in the masonry, and the chimney is being erected from the 32nd row.

As you can see from the drawings, the diagram of this design is simple and available for execution, but still, before starting laying on the mortar, experienced stove-makers it is recommended to assemble the oven dry.

For laying any heating brick stove, it is necessary to prepare an earthen solution, which consists of one part of water; four parts of greasy clay and eight parts of sand. Before mixing, the sand must be sieved, otherwise the mixture will turn out to be heterogeneous, which will interfere with the accuracy of the masonry. The solution, as a rule, is diluted at the rate of two buckets of mixture for 100 bricks.

Second option

Such a stove model is suitable for a summer residence only if it is necessary to provide efficient heating in the rooms, since it is capable of fully heating two enough large rooms... Therefore, such ovens are most often installed even as part of the wall, which is a partition for them. The design does not have a hob and oven, so it will not be possible to cook hot food or boil a kettle with it.

This model has the following parameters: width - 510 mm, depth - 890 mm, and height - 2380 mm.

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The furnace structure consists of the following elements (starting from the top):

- chimney valves;

- cleaning chamber with a door;

- firebox door;

- ash pan or blower door;

- waterproofing material.

Such a stove consists of 35 rows of masonry, and the following materials and cast-iron parts will be required for its construction (again, without taking into account the arrangement of the foundation and chimney):

  • Red brick - 260 pcs.;
  • Fireclay bricks for laying the firebox - 130 pcs.;
  • Grate grate 250 × 400 mm - 1 pc .;
  • Furnace door 200 × 300 mm - 1 pc .;
  • Blowing door 140 × 200 mm - 1 pc .;
  • Cleaning doors 140 × 200 mm - 2 pcs .;
  • Gate valve - 2 pcs.;
  • Prefluousmetal sheet 500 × 700 mm - 1 piece.;
  • Roofing material sheet for waterproofing 1000 × 600 mm - 2 pcs.;
  • Clay - 6 buckets;
  • Refractory clay - 3 buckets;
  • Sand - 18 buckets.

The mortar for the oven masonry is mixed in the same proportions as for the first model.

The order scheme consists of three parts, which will make it easy to understand the construction of the structure.

The first part represents masonry from 1 to 12th row. Here you also need to pay special attention to the dimensional parameters of the first row, which will need to be guided throughout the entire work using a plumb line and a building level.

Ordering - from 1st to 12th row

The first row is laid on a roofing felt laid in two layers on the foundation. For a more accurate placement of the first row, on waterproofing material you can make chalk markings.

A blower door is installed on the second row, and a vertical chimney channel begins to form.

On the fifth row, a grate is laid, overlapping the blower chamber. Masonry, starting from this row and ending with the 15th, is made with fireclay bricks.

On the sixth row, a combustion door is installed and fixed with wire. Further work is proceeding according to the scheme.

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The second part of the diagram represents the order from the 13th to the 24th row.

The middle part of the oven - from the 13th to the 24th row

These diagrams show the gradual formation of the combustion chamber and vertical channels, therefore it is very important to adhere to an exact repetition of the drawing while observing the dimensions of the brick. Having laid out the 16th row, on 15- ohm stack a layer of clay-cement mortar, which will strengthen the bottom of the cleaning chamber, and then the door itself is installed.

The last part of the diagram represents the order of the masonry from the 25th to the 35th row.

The final stage - from the 25th to the 35th row

On the 25th row, the bottom surface of the second treatment chamber is sealed - for this, a layer of clay-sand mortar is laid on the brick surface. The cleaning chamber door is installed on the same row.

On the 28th and 32nd row, two valves are installed, with the help of which the thrust will be regulated. These tools allow you to solve the problem if it suddenly appears.

From the 35th row, a chimney begins to rise, with a cross-section of half a brick.

If you want to install a brick oven in the country, you can find other models of these structures, however, in the absence of experience, you should not choose structures that have complex internal circuits masonry, since at first you can easily get confused in their configuration.

You may be interested in information about what constitutes

Video: an example of miniature dry masonry brick oven for giving

When making a choice in favor of a particular oven, you need to take into account all the "pluses" and "minuses" of materials, operational features of structures, and also make a list of criteria for yourself, which should be relied on. read in our article.

Evgeny AfanasievChief Editor

Author of the publication 10.01.2016

Heating stoves are designed to heat small houses, as well as summer cottages and production facilities. They are very convenient, especially for summer cottages, because they can be fired up only if necessary, and such ovens can quickly heat a small room.

Wood-burning stoves for summer cottages are quite compact in size and take up significantly less space than. Some models have additional functions: cooking, for example. This is possible due to the presence of an upper flat surface through which the flue gases pass. Some of the stoves are equipped with a hot water circuit (for heating the water in a tank) or an oven.

Furnaces for summer cottages are produced by many companies: Breneran (Bulleryan), Professor Butakov, Termofor, Teplodar, Ferlux, Jotul, Sergio Leoni, Edil Kamin, Keddy, Supra, Nunnauuni, Thorma.

Heating wood-burning stoves from the domestic brand Professor Butakov stand out among competitors by high heat transfer from the surface due to large convective pipes and their ergonomic installation into the system. The branch pipe connecting the chimney is at the top. The condensate flows into the oven and burns out directly there. The manufacturer produces stoves suitable for heating rooms of various sizes (150 - 1200 m3). The rated power of the models varies from 9 to 55 kW.

A stove for heating a summer cottage produced by Breneran looks like a structure with pipes. Such a system is capable of providing forced convection. The advantage of this design is a fairly quick heating and smooth air distribution throughout the room. Approximately 4.5 cubic meters of heated air passes through the smallest oven in the model range per minute. At the same time, the wood-burning stove itself does not heat up.

The wood-burning stove of the Termofor company called Fire Battery attracts with its aesthetic design, which allows it to organically integrate into any modern interior. The name of the furnace is very eloquent and corresponds to reality: the efficiency of this model is 85%. The large volume of the combustion chamber of the furnace makes it possible to warm up well the premises of 150 cubic meters. This heating stove is also a cooking stove. There are several size options for the model, which makes it possible to select the best option, perfectly suited for your specific dacha.

The range of Edilkamin ovens is quite wide. Among the many models presented, you can easily choose a stove of the type you need with a facing color suitable for your interior. By purchasing a wood-burning stove from Edilkamin, you get an environmentally friendly energy-saving heating device and decorate your summer cottage at the same time.

Furnaces from the Spanish brand Ferlux are designed, manufactured and tested in accordance with the current European standards. Furnace equipment this brand has the CE mark of conformity. Most of the models of this company have more efficient combustion - due to installed system double burning. This design allows you to increase the efficiency and reduce wood consumption.

Jotul cast iron furnaces are characterized by a unique design, incredible efficiency, high functionality, safety, ease of use, durability and strength. Heat-resistant enamel, available in four different shades, makes it possible to choose the stove according to your interior.

The Keddy wood burning stove is designed to heat your home efficiently and safely. The spacious cast iron firebox of such a stove will make it possible to quickly heat up the room. High-quality stove equipment, materials and laconic Scandinavian design of Keddy products will not leave you indifferent.

NunnaUuni stoves for heating from the Finns will not only be a full-fledged source of heat in the house, but also an attractive decorative element.

Wood-burning stoves from the French brand Supra embody modern style solutions and perfectly complement the interior. Heating stoves of this company are made in 3 versions: a cast iron stove, a steel stove of different colors and a stove with ceramic inserts.

Heating stove from Thorma is an excellent combination of reasonable price and European quality. A wide range of ovens allows you to choose the best option. Durability and safety are the most important characteristics of Torma ovens. Thanks to its amazing outward appearance, high efficiency and excellent quality, wood-burning stoves of this company are gaining popularity.

On our website are presented, and for summer cottages, cast iron, inexpensive, stoves for small and large spaces.

For maximum efficient heating we will select the oven of the required volume for you - we have ovens for 50-1000 cubic meters - conventional and convection.

You can buy heating stoves for home and summer cottages with delivery and installation from us. We will select a chimney for each stove or offer options for ready-made chimney installation kits.