Do-it-yourself apartment renovation walls and ceiling. Repair of the ceiling in the apartment

On construction markets a huge range of materials for repair is presented. Thanks to this, you can choose different options for flow finishes. It is noteworthy that almost all types of work can be done independently, without the help of specialists. If you follow all the technologies and choose the right materials, the result will be a beautiful and stylish ceiling.

Each owner decides on his own - what to make the ceiling in the apartment from. In order for the choice to be correct, it is necessary to know the features of the repair processes, the advantages and disadvantages. different types coatings than you can finish the ceiling in rooms for different purposes ..

Surface painting

Paints (water-based) are cheap and simple materials for finishing the ceiling. Their popularity is due to the stability of the mixtures to temperature extremes, ease of application and quick drying. Such compositions do not contain harmful substances and therefore are suitable for finishing premises for any purpose.
The disadvantages include: the need for thorough preparatory work and regular coverage renewal. Especially often you will have to paint the ceiling in kitchens that differ increased level pollution (soot, moisture).

Traditional whitewash

Such a design can even be considered an ancient way of decorating the ceiling. Now this material is rarely used for repairs. Although its advantages have not diminished: a budget option, environmental friendliness, ease of use.
The disadvantages include the need for high-quality surface preparation, a short operating period (the whitewash must be frequently updated), the hygroscopicity of the material, the impossibility wet cleaning, modest decorativeness.


These modern finishing materials remain a popular type of decoration. Since numerous manufacturers offer wallpapers of different quality, a wide price range. If you paste over the ceiling with wallpaper for painting, then you can periodically update the shade of the surface.
Interesting new products include liquid wallpapers, which are easy to apply and have high performance characteristics. The disadvantages include the need for careful leveling of the surface before pasting the wallpaper.

Stretch ceiling

This design includes a profile fixed on the wall) and a canvas (fabric or PVC film). This modern decoration the ceiling is gaining in popularity due to its many advantages. The main advantages: a wide range of colors, environmental friendliness, moisture resistance, fire safety, hypoallergenicity, the possibility of arranging hidden lighting, long term operation, easy maintenance.
Like any material, a stretch ceiling has drawbacks: the structure can be installed only in a heated room, high cost, if the surface is damaged, the canvas will have to be changed.

Suspended structures

Such constructions are characterized by variety and their main advantage is that there is no need for preliminary leveling of the surface.
GKL is considered the most popular way to interestingly decorate the ceiling in a room. A distinctive feature of GKL is the ability to design multi-level options or niches.
Such designs not only look interesting and fashionable, but also allow you to visually zone the space. The main advantages: inexpensive finishing materials for the ceiling, simple installation, hidden wiring. Significant disadvantages of drywall are: "fear" of water, the need for decorative finishing work.

Tiled and cassette models

The principle of ceiling installation is simple: a mesh frame is formed from metal profiles. The cells are fitted with mineral fiber plates (plate version) or plastic / metal (cassette type). Both options are most appropriate to use for finishing office or specialized institutions.
Dignity ceiling covering: individual damaged elements are easily changed, engineering communications are perfectly masked, a large selection of decor. The disadvantages are a decrease in the level of the ceiling, the high price of cassette models, the fragility of tile materials.

Rack structures

The principle of arranging these ceilings is similar to the tile-cassette ones. The only difference is that long slats made of various materials (plastic, metal, wood) are fixed on the frame.
This type of finish also looks more organic in institutions or in public places. It should be borne in mind that such designs are not suitable for rooms with low ceilings.

How to make ceiling repairs in different rooms

The choice of a way to decorate the ceiling is an important issue when carrying out repairs. Moreover, a wide range of building materials provides many opportunities for experimentation and implementation of interesting ideas. So that the result does not become a "pleasant" surprise, it is necessary to take into account which ceiling is better to arrange in different rooms.

Surface painting

This is the best way to make repairs in the country room, in the kitchen or in the bathroom, since it does not require serious material investments or the possession of special skills.
To finish the ceiling in the house, you will need materials and tools: water-based paint(it is advisable to choose moisture-resistant mixtures for the kitchen and bath), putty, primer, brushes / rollers, trays, spatulas.

Carrying out renovation works do it yourself consists of several stages:
before painting the ceiling in the room, the old coating is removed and the quality of the plaster is checked. Areas with damaged coating are thoroughly cleaned out and re-plastered. Cracks are also carefully repaired;
dust is swept away with a broom, and the entire surface is primed. This is necessary to ensure adhesion, to protect the surface from moisture.

Two layers of paint are applied to the surface using a roller. Moreover, the direction of movement of the tool must be changed (for the first time, the roller moves parallel to the window / door opening, and the second time - perpendicularly).

When choosing paints, it should be borne in mind that the surface can be given a matte or glossy effect. This is especially important for repairing and decorating the ceilings of small rooms. Since the white gloss will definitely bring freshness to the room and visually expand the space.

Stretch ceiling installation

This type of repair is rightly considered effective and durable. This option of finishing the ceiling looks most advantageous in the living room, bedroom, dining room or children's room.
You can install a canvas made of fabric or PVC. The most common choice is a seamless film, as it is easier to stretch. Fixation of the web can be carried out different methods: harpoon, bead, clip.

To equip a stretch ceiling, you will need the following tools and equipment: profiles (plastic or aluminum), dowels, self-tapping screws, drill, tape measure, stepladder, hair dryer, level, narrow spatula, level.
Stages of work:
using a level on the walls, markings are made for the installation of profiles. Holes are drilled and dowels are inserted. Profiles (baguettes) are fixed by means of self-tapping screws.

The canvas unfolds and all its corners are inserted into the baguettes. Using a spatula, a harpoon is pushed into the profile opening (a strong PVC strip with special projections). At this stage of work, the air temperature in the room should not be lower than 40˚C. The canvas is heated construction hairdryer... Care must be taken in this case, as the film may melt if overheated.
Along the perimeter of the room, the canvas is neatly tucked into a baguette. The final touch is the installation of a PVC plug that closes the grooves in the profiles.
Such a ceiling covering can become the main decoration of the interior of the room.

The use of multi-colored matte or glossy canvases brings unusual notes to the design.

The choice of canvases with drawings or paintings allows you to make the interior individual and unique.

You can make the ceiling multi-level and this will visually change the geometry of the room, that is, make it larger and more spacious.

Installation of a suspended structure

Ceiling finishing methods using drywall do not lose their relevance. The interior of the room takes on a spectacular look thanks to the combination of interesting spot lighting and multi-level structures. Such designs will give beautiful view any room, with the exception of the bathroom, since moisture has a bad effect on drywall.
For the construction of the ceiling, you will need the following materials and tools: metal profiles, crabs, self-tapping screws, suspensions, gypsum board, screwdriver, metal scissors, drill, tape measure, building level.

DIY ceiling decoration, step by step process.
On the walls of the room, using a level, markings are applied for the installation of the profile.
Suspensions are fixed on the ceiling according to the frame scheme and load-bearing profiles are installed over the entire area.

Drywall is attached to the frame with self-tapping screws. At this stage, it is important to pay attention to the joints between the sheets - they should be minimal.
The joints of the canvases are rubbed with putty. After the mixture has dried, the joints are cleaned with a special float. The finishing of the ceilings in the apartment is completed by wallpapering or painting the surfaces.

Many apartment owners come to the decision to make repairs with their own hands. This, of course, requires a lot of effort, but the savings are more than noticeable. Most of the funds are spent on building materials and tools. If the work is done on their own, then no one needs to pay for it.

However, you should take into account the fact that not all your dreams of a new apartment interior can be realized without using the services of professionals. Some materials sold in hardware stores require specific skills, work experience, and a certain amount of dexterity. If you are not confident in your own abilities and are doing repairs for the first time, then it is better to use "proven methods" that will be easy even for a beginner in such a difficult area as repairs.

In this article, we will look at types of ceiling decoration with your own hands... Some are suitable for absolutely everyone; others should be paid attention only to people who already have experience in finishing work.

DIY ceiling made of plastic panels

The main advantage of this method is that you will not need to prepare the ceiling for decoration. Long-term leveling, puttying, plastering and priming is not required. You can even leave the wallpaper on the ceiling as long as it doesn't peel off.

In order to secure the plastic, you need to make a frame to which the panels will be attached. The cost of plastic is not high, the speed of installation of the panels depends on your skills. The first 2-3 panels may take more time, but the subsequent ones you will fasten very quickly. An excellent option in terms of the ratio of the time spent and the price of materials.

Another plus of plastic panels is moisture resistance. That is why ceilings in bathrooms, utility rooms and toilets are usually finished with plastic. A wide selection of colors and textures is also an advantage of this method.

The only (dubious) disadvantage of this method is that plastic is considered not an environmentally friendly material. But on this score, different people have different opinions.

Bottom line: you can make a ceiling from plastic panels with your own hands not only quickly, but also inexpensively.

DIY plastic ceiling - video

Decorating the ceiling with wallpaper with your own hands

Wallpaper has long been used not only for wall decoration. Depending on which wallpaper you choose, repairs can be quite cheap or quite expensive.

A clear disadvantage of this method is the need for preparatory work. You will need to remove the previous ceiling covering (if present), then level the ceiling, putty it, prime it, and only then proceed with wallpapering.

When calculating funds, do not forget to include plaster, putty and primer in the estimate. Also, the preparatory stage will take time, because each layer must dry.

Ideally flat ceilings you can rarely find them, and making them that way, without having experience, is not easy. If you stick even the most beautiful wallpaper on uneven ceiling, then they will not look very good, since joints, gaps and bends of the ceiling will become noticeable.

The advantages of this method include relatively quick and easy installation, a huge assortment and quick replacement if necessary (if the wallpaper fades, then it can be changed to others without a repeated preparatory stage).

Bottom line: it is best to use wallpaper for decorating the ceiling with your own hands, if there are no defects on the surface. Quick way suitable for any budget.

How to glue wallpaper on the ceiling - video

DIY plasterboard ceiling

If the ceiling in your apartment is far from ideal, then plasterboard finishing is an excellent solution. To begin with, you will need to mount the frame, to which the drywall will be attached. This building material is one of the most popular on the market, since it is easy even for beginners to work with it, and more experienced apartment owners can create real works of art from drywall. Tiered plasterboard ceilings will help to visually highlight a certain area of ​​the room or simply decorate your ceiling.

We do not recommend using sandwich structures in small rooms and rooms with low ceilings. To visually enlarge the room, use the "concave" ceilings. And ovals and radii will help to give a large room coziness.

Another plus of this material is that it can be used in damp rooms (extremely moisture-resistant drywall): bathrooms, toilets, storerooms.

The only obvious drawback is the need additional work after installation. You will need to carefully putty the entire surface to hide the joints.

Bottom line: an inexpensive but time-consuming way to decorate the ceiling with your own hands.

There is also such a finishing option as stretch ceilings. However, the process of installing a stretch ceiling is quite laborious and requires certain skills. Therefore, you are unlikely to be able to independently install a stretch ceiling with your own hands. It is better to contact a specialized company that carries out both sewing and installation stretch ceilings... For residents of the south of Russia, we recommend buying stretch ceilings in Rostov from the RostovPotolok company, since it has established itself as a team of professionals in its field and has existed on the market since 2006.

How to make a plasterboard ceiling - video

DIY ceiling painting

This option has been used for many years in the decoration of apartments and does not lose its relevance. The main advantage of this method is its durability and reliability. You do not need to be afraid of the "flood", arranged by the neighbors above, a ceiling finished with paint can easily cope with such a misfortune.

However, painting the ceiling requires the most serious preparatory stage. If you want your ceiling to look great, then it should not only be perfectly flat, but also perfectly smooth.

To do this, you will have to delete existing coverage, cover the ceiling with putty and carefully bring it to an impeccable smoothness using sandpaper (or a special mesh). This is a difficult job that requires not only time, but also accuracy. If you “remove the excess” in some place, then you will have to putty the ceiling again. It will be very difficult for a layman to achieve the perfect ceiling.

The advantages of painting the ceiling with your own hands are that you are not limited in the choice of colors and textures. There are paints with different effects: matte, glossy, with mother-of-pearl, fluorescent (glowing in the dark). You can even find paint that creates a stretch ceiling effect.

Bottom line: a great way to decorate the ceiling with your own hands, if you have a ready-made flat surface. Otherwise, the repair will require a lot of time, effort and money.

How to paint the ceiling with your own hands - video

The ceiling is one of the most important functional spaces of any room, which means that, like the walls and floor, it needs periodic repairs. Its frequency will depend primarily on the timeliness of cleaning, as well as on the desire to change the owners of the premises. Ceiling repair is a very simple task, you can do it yourself, you just need to choose the right color and type of finish, and then it's up to the little.


Features of the ceiling repair will be primarily determined by the choice of material for decoration.

When choosing a material, you must be guided by the main aspects.

  • The type of house to be renovated. The choice of material and aspects of renovation will differ in a private house and in a panel nine-story building, a studio apartment in a new house and in a room in a Khrushchev building.
  • The choice of material will also directly depend on the amount that is planned to be spent on repair work, since all materials have different costs and require different investments.

  • In addition, the initial condition of the ceiling base will affect the progress of the renovation. If it has many cracks and irregularities, you will first need to level the surface for applying paint or wallpaper.
  • In addition, it is also important to decide on who exactly will be involved in the repair. If you plan to carry out repairs on your own, you can count on a fairly limited range of materials and types of finishes. With the involvement of masters, this circle is somewhat expanding.

Types ceiling structures can be divided into two large groups. The first of them is the so-called main ceilings, when finishing work takes place directly on the rough base. In this case, paint, wallpaper or textured plaster, you can also carry out whitewashing work. A large group of suspended structures also stands out. This includes all stretch ceilings, regardless of material and color, all suspended and panel structures, as well as all plasterboard ceilings, which are attached at some distance from the rough base.

The choice of material that will be used for finishing the ceiling will be determined by the purpose of the room, its dimensions and functionality... So, for example, for a bathroom, the most common option is rack ceilings, they can be made of various moisture-resistant materials, and also be absolutely different colors... In addition, sheets of waterproof cardboard can be an excellent solution for the bathroom, which can later be plastered, painted or covered with plastic panels of any suitable color. This design is not only very convenient and practical, but also looks quite aesthetically pleasing and beautiful. In addition, this type of repair work can be done by hand without the involvement of specialists.

For an office or any other public space, suspended ceilings are most often used. They are very convenient because they have long term service, not subject to pollution. In addition, since this type of repair involves the use of individual tiles of different colors, if necessary, individual elements can be replaced at any time, and an abundance of office wires can be hidden inside the structure.

In the rooms of residential apartments, the system of stretch ceilings is increasingly used. This is a very convenient option that does not require any effort at all to level the base, since the canvas is located at some distance. The fabric is used both matte and glossy of any color and texture. The advantage of this type of ceiling covering is that in case of possible flooding from above, such a ceiling will not allow water to enter the apartment, it will collect on the fabric, and if a special valve is installed, the water can be easily drained. However, it is better to entrust the installation of such a coating to specialists, otherwise a disruption of the technological process is possible, which will entail an incorrect installation, and subsequently a reduced service life.

The total time spent on repairs will also depend on the choice of coverage. For example, whitewashing or painting can take several times longer than a stretch ceiling, however, the cost will be strikingly different. So, for finishing 1 sq. meter of surface on average can be spent from 200 to 4000 rubles.

Materials (edit)

A variety of materials for finishing today offers many possible options... Each material will have its own cost, suitable for various premises, as well as have a different service life and different complexity of installation.

One of the cheapest and easiest to apply options is paint. and various blends for whitewashing. Painting does not change the height of the ceiling, unlike stretch or hinged structures, in addition, depending on the type of paint, staining can be carried out in rooms that are excellent for the purpose, including in the bathroom and in the kitchen.

The lifespan of these finishes will also depend on the type of paint, as different types may have varying degrees of sun exposure. Humidity in the room can also shorten the life of some coatings, and light versions of certain paints can simply quickly become dirty. Thus, a properly selected dyeing mixture can serve up to 10 years without any complaints before its renewal is required.

The most popular today are water-based paint, as well as lime or chalk whitewash. The popularity of these coatings is due to their environmental friendliness, ease of application, the absence of an unpleasant chemical odor, and also a short drying time. In addition, these materials can be tinted in any desired color. This can be done either independently, by purchasing a special tinting paste, or by contacting a specialist in any large hardware store. However, choosing between whitewashing and water-based dyeing, it is worth remembering that the paint is still a more resistant and durable material, it excludes peeling and yellowing, which cannot be avoided during service when using lime and coated solutions.

When choosing a finishing method such as painting, it is better to take care of leveling the surface in advance, you can use plaster, attach drywall to the ceiling or stick fiberglass.

You can decorate the ceiling using of various types wallpaper. Such options, of course, are more suitable for rooms with low traffic and normal temperature conditions with normal humidity. Wallpaper can be perfect for a bedroom or living room.

There are several types of wallpaper that are suitable for decoration.

  • Paper- the cheapest coverage option. When choosing paper, it should be borne in mind that they are completely unsuitable for wet rooms, have a short service life, quickly get dirty and fade.

  • Vinyl. Such wallpapers can be paper-based or non-woven, they are more durable, however, given their weight, the correct pasting of the ceiling can require quite serious efforts. Due to the moisture-resistant structure, such wallpaper can be wiped with a damp cloth, which allows you to extend the life of the coating and keep it intact for a longer period.
  • Non-woven. Such wallpapers have a dense structure and a fairly large weight. It is necessary to choose the right glue and carefully coat the canvases and ceiling. Non-woven wallpaper can be made in different colors, as well as just white. If you wish, you can paint them in any color you like.

Another fairly common option that does not require special equipment and special skills to self installation is the use ceiling panels... Such panels are made of lightweight foam or expanded polystyrene. This option will help create an unusual stucco effect. In addition to panels, caissons can be used. Most often they are made of wood. There is also a plastic counterpart of this material to decorate the ceiling panel. However, this option is more acceptable for rooms with fairly high ceilings.

All stretch ceilings are fabrics with special impregnation or PVC films of various thicknesses and colors. Fixing such a ceiling is always done using metal frame... Profile, which is most often made from aluminum alloy, is installed around the perimeter of the room, subsequently the ceiling material is pulled over it.

Another finishing option is to fix MDF or plastic panels over the entire area of ​​the ceiling space. Such panels are easy to clean, they are not afraid of moisture and temperature changes, which means that they can be used in the bathroom, in addition, today you can find a huge range of colors of this type of coating on sale. She can imitate various materials eg stone, wood, tiles.


The choice of ceiling space design is one of the most important aspects to create ideal room... The correct selection of material, and most importantly, the design of the ceiling will help you get the most harmonious and comfortable room.

However, the choice of design will depend not only on the personal preferences of the owners, but also, first of all, on the purpose of the space itself. The way it will be used dictates the choice of materials and, of course, design.

When choosing options for finishing the kitchen, you must always remember that this room is always high humidity, temperature drops and an increased possibility of fire. Splashes are possible here, dirty spots, dust and grease deposits cannot be avoided. Therefore, the choice of finishing will be influenced by the possibility of washing it. An easy-to-clean surface of the ceiling and walls will be the best option for the kitchen. The most suitable coating options for the kitchen would be waterproof drywall, plastic panels, stretch ceilings and slatted covering.

In addition, in the kitchen it is worth giving up the abundant decor, since it is usually the most difficult to remove dirt from it. The best option would be a smooth decorative ceiling. light color, in this case, it is better if it is a matte coating option, since all dirt on the gloss will be more noticeable. If desired, you can supplement it with built-in lighting. An interesting placement of spotlights can become the main decoration of the kitchen, create a unique design and add volume and air to the space.

When planning the design of the ceiling in the bedroom, it is worth considering the main purpose of this room. The bedroom is intended for relaxation, which means that you should not use too bright aggressive colors in the design. It is better to give preference to something pastel or vice versa, deeper and darker. In addition, the bedroom is exactly the room where you can use any material for decoration. Stretch ceilings and wallpaper are appropriate here, and even paint or whitewash will harmoniously fit into the overall interior. However, it is better to stick to matte finishes without prints. Textured plaster or wallpaper with convex textures would also be an excellent option.

If enough light enters the bedroom from the windows, you can give preference to dark shades: black, deep blue, burgundy, emerald. But darker and too small rooms from dark colors can visually become even smaller, so it is better to take into account the lighter pastel shades and create an interior based on them.

If necessary, zoning space, you can pay attention to coverings with pictures. So, for example, large floral prints will look good in the area of ​​the window opening, while it will have to turn into a light monochromatic cover. Also, the print can be placed above the bed. This will visually highlight it and create a very interesting effect.

A ceiling imitating a starry sky can also be an excellent solution for a bedroom. For creating this effect exists great amount options - from drawing stars with luminescent paint to installing small LEDs directly into the ceiling surface.

For the ceiling in the living room, multilevel options with recessed spotlights and a dimensional chandelier in the center of the room are the most relevant. However, with all the love for multi-level ceilings, the coating is still most often chosen to be monochromatic, one that can be easily cleaned if necessary and which will visually expand the space. Or 2 colors are used that are in harmony with each other as much as possible.

In addition, if options with matte ceilings are more appropriate in the bedroom and kitchen, then glass or glossy surfaces are quite appropriate for the living room. If you choose the right general decoration of the room, such a ceiling will look quite appropriate and harmonious.

There is another type of premises in which it is extremely important correct selection material and design of the ceiling covering - a hallway and a bathroom. Here it is imperative to stop the choice on moisture-resistant coatings that are not afraid of wet cleaning. Panels, tiles, slats or stretch ceilings will be the most suitable option. As for the choice of color, it will directly depend on the dimensions of the room and the wishes of the consumer. The surface is also better to use matte, however, mirror options are not uncommon lately.


Before proceeding with the design of the ceiling, it is recommended to draw up a design project. Especially this procedure relevant when creating multilevel options. And this means that before creating a project, you need to decide on the type and material of the coating, plan the approximate location of the light elements. With the help of such a plan, you can not only visually represent the future ceiling, but also correctly calculate the amount of materials required for repairs.

Before creating a plan, it is necessary to measure the room and calculate the total ceiling area. To do this, you need to multiply the length by the width. Based on this area, it is necessary to sketch the plan of the future ceiling on the right scale. This will be the base drawing from which further design will be born.

After the scaled base plan has been created, you can proceed to sketching the design, recreating the future real version. So, if necessary, steps are drawn, if we are talking about a multi-stage design, or the location of patterns and various color transitions is noted. On the basis of this plan, in the future, the total amount of material that will be needed for the implementation of a particular project will be calculated.

The next step is the layout of the lighting elements, their exact number and layout, if spotlights are used, or just placement points if single light sources are used that cannot be turned into a drawing. With multi-stage placement, it is better to create a lighting plan for each stage, so it will be more convenient to mount them in the future.

As for lighting, it is advisable to create a separate project for the placement of all wiring, because the internal structure and installation is also a rather important aspect when carrying out repair work.

When creating plans, it is better to trust the interior design specialists, however, you can independently create the most complete and convenient plan that will facilitate the repair.

Number of levels

If during the renovation there is a need to diversify the entourage of the room, then there is no better solution than a multi-level ceiling.

Moreover, if you choose drywall as the main material, then the installation of a two-level ceiling can be done with your own hands and at minimal cost, as a result, you will get a zest for the space.

At the heart of the multi-level design, no matter how trite it may seem, is an ordinary frame, which is firmly fixed to the ceiling as well as to the walls at the desired height. Most often, a metal profile is used as a base, it is he who is the most durable and easy-to-use material. Alternatively, one can use wooden base... It is somewhat cheaper, but it is inferior in strength and service life.

The first level of the ceiling is formed by sheathing the frame with plasterboard sheets. Correct installation the first level is the most important stage in the installation, since if it is planned to place spotlights in the steps, then all the wiring should be hidden in this first level. Until subsequent levels, only wires will be carried out, to which the lighting elements themselves will be directly attached.

If a two-level ceiling is planned, then the already familiar frame for the second stage is attached to the fully sheathed first level, and drywall of the second level is distributed to it, similarly to the first.

Two-level ceilings can have completely different arrangements and can imitate semicircular steps or steps with right angles, create different geometric figures and drawings, and complemented by spotlights, they will add even more charm and attractiveness to the room. Most often, the second and third steps do not occupy the entire perimeter of the ceiling, but fill only a certain part of it, so here on help will come a pre-created plan-diagram of the location of the steps.

A feature of the second step and, if necessary, subsequent steps is that, in addition to the base, it is necessary to sheathe the side space of the step with plasterboard. This technique is used to hide the wiring and other internal components of the ceiling.

Tiered ceilings are most often installed in the bedroom, dining room or living room., because it is these spaces that usually have the most impressive dimensions, and multi-level structures look best and unfold precisely in spacious rooms with a sufficient height of the rough ceiling.

For different rooms

A ceiling design project may have its own special rules, depending on the purpose of the room and on the type of house. So, the project of a bedroom in "Khrushchev" can be quite different from the same project in a panel house. The consumption of materials will be different, the measurements of typical rooms will also differ, the presence or absence load-bearing walls will also dictate the possibility of installing a particular coating.

So, for example, the hallway is usually quite small overall dimensions, which is important to take into account when creating drawings and selecting material. If a multi-level ceiling option was chosen, it can be used to divide the space into two zones - one will be closer to the door, the second will extend the hallway space. And if this division into zones is supplemented with zoning when decorating walls, you can get a rather interesting end result. Choosing the right colors, it is better to stay on white or any other light paint, which will help not only not to distract from the interesting design, but also visually expand the hallway.

A bathroom with a small size is extremely whimsical to materials and to a lighting device. All wires must be ideally insulated from contact with water, and the ceiling material must be selected with a high level of water protection. He should not be afraid of water, condensation and temperature changes. Otherwise, mold and mildew may form, which are very difficult to get rid of later. The ideal options here would be various tiles and plastic panels. When choosing a color, you should pay attention to white, all shades of blue, blue, green, sandy and soft peach color is also popular.

Without exaggeration, the choice of a ceiling project in the bedroom should be given the most close attention, because it is this ceiling that a person sees most often, as a person spends most of the time in the bedroom lying on the bed. One of the most common and simple solutions was and remains the "starry sky". With the help of LEDs, a model of the sky with stars is embodied in the room. This option not only looks very beautiful, but also forms a natural night light right on the ceiling.

An important advice in the case of selecting projects for several rooms at once is that for each room it is necessary to create an individual design project, and only then it will be possible to get a truly unique and interesting final result when creating an interior.

Work technology

Ceiling finishing technology may vary depending on the original surface finish. In addition, the initial surface treatment for finishing will depend on how long the renovation is planned to be maintained. If a long service life is not required, the preparatory phase can be shortened.

Ceiling finishing technology includes several stages.

  • Development of a plan-scheme according to the type of ceiling, shape, color solutions, placement of wiring and fixtures.
  • Preparation of the base for the installation of the ceiling finish directly. This stage may include dismantling the old coating, leveling the surfaces, sanding, priming and other manipulations to prepare the base for the coating. If the ceiling has been painted with oil paint, the recoating will be the most difficult. Other paint will not fit on such a base, therefore, to change the surface, you will have to apply a fresh layer of the same oil paint or completely get rid of the existing layer. In addition, complete dismantling must be carried out on the basis of wallpaper. Experts do not recommend sticking several layers of wallpaper, since an unnecessarily heavy structure will simply pull them away from the ceiling.
  • Directly the installation of the selected structure.

It is worth considering the main stages of finishing in more detail.

The main stage in the repair is surface preparation. This stage must be approached very carefully, since the convenience of subsequent finishing and the service life of the coating will largely depend on the initial preparation.

Preparation usually takes place in several stages. The very first step is to isolate the walls and floor from the ingress of building materials, if they are not planned to be updated. Then the most difficult stage follows. It includes the removal of the old cover, if any. It is necessary to get rid of old wallpaper, oil-based coatings, for example, oil paints, whitewash layers. To remove paint, you can use special removers, which can be purchased at hardware stores. Their cost is low, but they will help save time and effort for other repair work.

If the repair is carried out in a room with high humidity, it is possible that fungus can be found on the ceiling and walls. If, upon careful examination of the surface, black-brown spots are found, it is urgent to get rid of them with the help of special antifungal agents, which can also be purchased at hardware stores. You can protect yourself from this problem if you add a special agent against the fungus to the material used, which is an excellent prevention of the secondary appearance and spread of the virus. If the lesions are too large and deeply embedded in the concrete, then you can remove it with a perforator or gouge it out with a special tool, and then go through the plaster, covering the holes.

Another important step in the preparation process is to check the surface for evenness. This can be done using a building level, which will show the degree of relief of the ceiling. For capricious coatings such as ceiling panels or, if necessary, glue thin paper wallpaper it is necessary to level the surface with a special finishing plaster... Alignment may require additional cuts of the plaster mesh, which will help to avoid delamination of the plaster mix.

After leveling the ceiling, it is necessary to secure the surface with another thin layer. finishing putty, then walk around the entire perimeter of the ceiling with a primer, which will help get rid of unnecessary dust and improve the adhesion of the finish and the rough ceiling.

At the same stage and in the case of choosing tiered ceiling you can fix the frame or box, which will be the basis for the fasteners.


After the preparatory stage is completed, it will be possible to proceed directly to the installation of the ceiling. You can repair the ceiling in completely different ways. Installation methods will depend on the selected material. So, the wallpaper will simply be glued to the primed surface with the appropriate glue for their type. In order to glue the wallpaper, you do not need any superpowers, so this type of installation will also not cause difficulties. The paint is also applied over the primer. Each of her words should dry out as much as possible before another layer lies on top of it.

It is better to entrust the installation of suspended and stretch ceilings to specialists., but plasterboard ceilings can be made with your own hands. The step-by-step installation will look like this. Everything will start with preparatory work. The surface must be leveled and free of dust. Grinding can help here. Further, it is important to carefully prime the surface, to make markings at those points where in the future it will be possible to fasten the guides for the frame. Next comes the fastening stage. In this case, the installation of the frame for the ceiling takes place. The design will be different and will depend on the type of the chosen ceiling - it will be multi-level or regular even.

After the frame has been successfully attached, it is important to slowly, slowly, step by step fasten the drywall sheets over the base. The first layer is to sheathe the entire ceiling, then, if desired, you can fix another frame and create a multi-level structure. You can decorate it with spotlights, easily hiding the wires in the first level of the structure.

  • For different premises, it is necessary to select the most suitable material and type of ceiling covering. So, for example, for rooms with high humidity such as baths and toilets, materials with waterproofing are in the first place.
  • The first stage of installation work must necessarily be the creation of a design project that will help not only to correctly place all the guides and the selected type of material, but also to correctly calculate its required amount.

  • If you want to make a stretch ceiling, it is better to use the services of specialists. The installer will help guide and preparatory work, and directly install the desired surface.
  • The cheapest repair option is whitewashing and papering.
  • When choosing colors it is necessary to focus on the size and purpose of the room. So, for small rooms it is better not to choose dark shades, but for finishing large bedrooms they may well be suitable.
  • Textures will help to add light to the space. light wallpaper and light textured plaster.

  • To work, you must have the following tools: a perforator and dowels with screws, a level, a stepladder, a hacksaw for metal, a spatula, squares for measuring angles.
  • Installation of a stretch ceiling is not recommended when the room temperature is less than 40 degrees.
  • It is better to start the installation of the frame for all types of suspended structures from the corner that is closer to the doorway.
  • Among the range of stretch ceilings, there are three types of surface: matte, satin and glossy. It is best to choose the type of surface based on personal preference and the purpose of the room. So, for the living room and bedroom, you can pick up glossy surfaces, but in the kitchen it is better to pick up a matte or satin ceiling.

  • Installation of any type false ceilings will help hide small irregularities or scratches on the ceiling surface.
  • The lifespan of the ceiling will depend on the type of room as well as the material chosen. On average, it can take up to 10 years between repairs.
  • A great addition for false ceilings will be the use of recessed spotlights .. Also, such fixtures cannot be dispensed with when creating a popular design for the starry sky.

Beautiful examples in the interior

Examples of beautiful ceilings in the bedroom.

Multilevel ceilings.

Repair and finishing of all surfaces in the house (apartment) has a number of features. This applies more to the upper floors of rooms than to walls or floors. Since it is they who begin to be repaired in the first place, you need to deal with such nuances in advance.


There is a popular opinion that it is advisable to make the ceiling hinged in order to avoid subsequent repairs. However, practice shows that in many cases, whitewashing or wallpapering the ceiling is much better. This reduces dust build-up and saves money. Before starting work, you will definitely have to remove furniture, personal belongings and decorative items from the room.

Preliminary work involves leveling the base, removing all layers. V otherwise it will not work to make a ceiling of a decent quality in an apartment. Choice suitable material, as well as the structure is determined by the height of the building, its service life and the aesthetic requirements of the customer. If some things cannot be removed before the start of the repair, it is advisable to cover them with plastic wrap or other material in several layers. Then the impact of dust, splashes and crumbling substances will be minimal.

When removing the old covering at the top of the house, regardless of its type, you need to wear a respirator and rubber gloves. Otherwise, the repairmen will not be able to guarantee the health and safety. It is recommended to wear a hat or tuck your hair under a scarf so that it does not get dirty during work. The choice of a method for cleaning the old coating should be approached carefully, taking into account its features.

Removing old finishes

Ceiling and walls are cleaned according to a single algorithm. Cheap sorts of water-based paint can be soaked in water and removed mechanically. Hot water is used for work, applying it:

  • paint rollers with a large pile length;
  • brushes with maklovitsa;
  • brushes.

After waiting 10 - 15 minutes, the paint is moistened a second time. Then a steel spatula is used. Since scraping off the paint layer is inevitably accompanied by scratches, after final cleaning the surface will have to be covered with a layer of putty. While the base is clean, it is advisable to inspect all joints and seal up their defects with plaster.

If an expensive water-based paint was used earlier, it will not work to wash it off with water. You will need to work with sandpaper, and you will have to make a lot of effort (sanding such a base is much more difficult).

If the ceiling does not have significant deformations, it should be covered with a high-quality primer, after 24 hours the surface can be painted.

Materials (edit)

If we consider the apartments as a whole, all types of materials used for finishing ceilings can be safely used in apartments. However, it is recommended to take into account the peculiarities of certain materials.


The plastic ceiling is made from carefully selected polyvinyl chloride. The safety of this substance is confirmed by its widespread use for food purposes. Do not confuse panels extending to walls and ceilings. The latter are significantly lighter and weaker in mechanical terms. Applying wall blocks in the upper part of the room, you can face a significant load on the frame, this can destroy it.

According to the existing classification, plastic ceilings are considered a type of suspended ceiling structures. Sheathing is made of wooden battens or metal profile... Blocks with a glossy effect are distinguished by the fact that the joint seams are difficult to notice, their appearance is more original than many other solutions. If you use a combination of multi-colored details, products with impressive patterns, the joints will be easy to spot.

Anyone plastic ceiling there are a number of advantages.

  • Minimal sensitivity to flooding (if it is small, there will be no visual consequences).
  • The surface is flat and can be washed with water and any household detergents.
  • Resistant to temperature drops.
  • The ability to mask small irregularities, pipes, wires.
  • The ability to make a smooth and embossed decorative layer.
  • PVC panels, due to their impressive resistance to moisture, can be installed in bathrooms and kitchens.

MDF panels

Ceilings made of MDF panels are distinguished by decent environmental characteristics. They can be installed in a residential, industrial or administrative building. Modern firms have learned to produce blocks of all kinds of colors with a large number of textures. When the installation is completed, subsequent care is reduced to regular wiping with a damp cloth. It is impossible not to mention the negative characteristics of the material - inadmissibility of contact with funds household chemicals washing with plenty of water.

The surface can quickly deteriorate under the influence of moisture and steam.

MDF can ignite if the rules for handling fire are violated or parts of the electrical wiring are poorly insulated. Frequently encountered panels have dimensions of 3x0.25 m, although sometimes wider options can be found on store shelves. When installing MDF panels, the perimeter is drawn on the walls 50 mm below the ceiling line. The starting profiles are carefully fixed along these strips.


Many developers try to use plasterboard boxes on the ceilings, since such constructions successfully mask:

  • water pipes;
  • sewerage;
  • electrical wiring;
  • internet cable;
  • fiber optics for TV;
  • ventilation ducts and shafts.

Another attractive side of using gypsum board is the ability to mount auxiliary light sources in places where the main lighting is almost always insufficient (for example, bathrooms and a space for children). Great importance has an accurate choice of drywall, since its varieties have rather pronounced specific features. The standard type of material is suitable only for places where the humidity level is minimal or medium.

The moisture resistant subtype is suitable for kitchens, sanitary facilities and garages, since it absorbs less water and is not susceptible to the formation of colonies of pathological fungi. Drywall, which effectively resists fire, stands out in a special group. Plasterboard boxes can be attractive in terms of their characteristics, but provided that their profile is carefully selected.


The best supporting structures are made of aluminum or steel alloys: only they provide the necessary protection against heavy loads and are light enough. The profiles must be covered with a layer of zinc to guarantee protection against corrosion. Different types of suspensions should not be confused: some are load-bearing, others are guides, and others are designed to facilitate the formation of curved surfaces (these are the so-called arched suspensions).

The bearing subspecies of profiles (model UD-27) are attached to the walls using self-tapping screws. The bottoms of the blocks are equipped with holes every 0.25 m (they are designed to facilitate fastening). CD-60 is connected to the bearing plates by means of steel hangers vertical type. Due to the profiling of each surface, it is possible to ensure a high mechanical resistance of the products.


If the ceilings based on plasterboard sheets do not seduce the consumer, he can opt for an aluminum product. The advantages of such a solution are:

  • minimum requirements for care;
  • high functionality;
  • ease of construction;
  • ease of installation;
  • immunity to the action of open flames.

Even when the temperature drops sharply or humidity rises, such ceilings reliably retain their characteristics. For the most part, they are performed in the form of rack and pinion systems. The width of the individual slats ranges from 5 to 20 cm, and the length is from 300 to 400 cm. The thickness is standard (0.05 cm). Atypical block dimensions are needed extremely rarely, when this is due to the peculiarities of the design solution or the construction of the room itself.

You can diversify the look of aluminum panels using different colors and drawing arbitrary images. Technologists have mastered the production of mirror and relief types of blocks with the same quality. Most often, these products are installed in educational institutions and official organizations, retail outlets and restaurants (cafes, canteens). But this does not mean that they cannot be used at home in a city apartment. They are mainly used in those rooms where the humidity is high, as well as in summer terrace, in the gazebo.

Rack aluminum ceilings can be open (when there is open area, guaranteeing increased ventilation) and closed (there are no gaps in them). Aluminum cassette products are considered modular. They have different geometry (there are square, rectangular options). In the cellular scheme, the cassettes are inserted into the frame; it is not difficult to trace the visual border of the panels.

In solid design, a frame is installed on top. The panel located under them completely hides it from prying eyes. The aesthetic appeal of aluminum ceilings is canceled out in many respects by their high price and by the fact that the ceiling in the room inevitably goes down.

It is possible to mitigate this problem by choosing rails that have a mirror effect.


For those who want to save money, it is advisable to abandon the use aluminum structures and make a choice in favor of foam ceilings. Such material is easy to handle, work with it is often done independently. The created structure will be lightweight, it will help to improve the sound insulation in the room, the coating can be painted or even repainted. But the slightest carelessness in work can destroy the foam. If it is constantly exposed to sunlight, it can lead to yellowing of the surface.

There are three ways to install foam structures:

  • diagonal;
  • symmetric;
  • scattering (when the rows of adjacent plates are combined by 1⁄2 the length).

In the first case, you need to work from the middle of the room or from the window. In order to correctly attach the plates in turn, you need to check each time that there are no gaps between them. To create a volumetric composition, you need to take thick slabs with large dimensions. This method is much more practical and faster than using multi-tiered products on frames. Before gluing drywall, you need to saturate its surface with a deep-penetrating primer.

Boards should be covered with a standard plastering mesh, which helps to avoid cracking. Then it is the turn of the coating with starting putties, when they dry, it is required to sand the outer layer until it becomes smooth.


This material is not one that can be considered light and easy to use. With careless use, it breaks easily; strict adherence to technological rules allows us to guarantee excellent reinforcing qualities. It is possible to paste over the ceiling using the least dense material (25 g per 1 sq. M.).

If there are concerns about the strength of the structure, it is advisable to buy a harder variety, then the ceiling will be more reliable and stable.

The advantages of fiberglass are:

  • ecological cleanliness;
  • resistance to water;
  • immunity to fire;
  • mechanical resistance.

Like all inorganic materials, it reduces the risk of mold growth and does not pick up static electricity. Installation of fiberglass is possible on concrete base, drywall, a layer of extruded expanded polystyrene. It is only necessary to glue the fiberglass on special adhesives. Among all adhesives best results show dry mixes, ready-to-use preparations are less economical.


Such products are able to maintain a pleasant appearance for decades. They are elegantly combined with walls of similar materials, with brick, plasterboard, natural stone surfaces. The wood is easy to paint and varnish; it is not difficult to make any ornament or drawing intricate in composition on it. For your information: in wet rooms, it is permissible to use only boards or lining made of hardwood.


Many designers are now passionate about using caissons. They are used as supporting structure in the scenery of historical films, as well as urban real estate. By their design, coffered ceilings are formed by recesses, beams and cellular elements. Depressions in the form of polygonal shapes are in the form of a square or a circle. The most non-standard approach involves the use of combinations of transverse and longitudinally extending beams, each of which is decorated with ornaments.

In most cases, the coffered space design technique is used in rooms with high walls. If the ceiling is below 2 m, the visual effect is greatly devalued. With the correct use of such a solution, it is possible to focus on the solid status of the owners of the house and the luxury in the environment. Coffered ceilings lighter than other sophisticated finishes, they help improve acoustics.

The use of caissons in decoration is unacceptable if the room is decorated in the spirit of high-tech or pop art. Coffered ceilings can be made from a wide variety of materials: wood, MDF, plasterboard, polyurethane, construction cardboard. This expands the design possibilities and allows you to realize the most unique decorative projects. This type of coating does not look good in rooms with dark colored furniture and insufficient lighting.


The two-level ceiling is one of the most attractive today decorative solutions... It is quite simple to create it if you use modern technologies. The impressive imagination of the designers turns any structure of this kind into an extraordinarily beautiful element. Requirements for creators are high level preparation, knowledge of the nuances of construction and design.

The creation of two-level ceilings begins with an assessment of the integrity of the previous coating. The previous finish must necessarily be removed to the base or plaster layer. If you do not find cracked spots and delaminations on the original plaster, you can immediately process it with a finishing putty. But the slightest deformation will not allow doing this, so you will have to open the floor completely. During the design process, key attention is paid to the location of hidden niches and parts that go beyond the main outline, including lamps.

Since it can be difficult for an ordinary home craftsman to design everything properly, it is recommended, at the slightest difficulty, to use ready-made project samples, adapting them to your apartment. If, during preliminary measurements of the room where the use of a two-level ceiling is intended, the dimensions of the walls are not the same, the largest value is taken as the basis for the calculations. A typical step for fixing frame profiles is 60 cm, and the length of the planks is selected strictly according to the width of the room.

If an integer number of attachment points is not obtained, it is rounded down.

The greatest possibilities in design among other multi-level options are provided by a smooth ceiling based on plasterboard sheets. With its help, you can cover communications and correct various irregularities. It is advisable to supplement two-level ceilings decorative skirting boards... To create an unusual appearance, it is advisable to use LED lighting. How exactly it will look is determined in each case separately.

Which is better?

The owners of houses and apartments constantly have a question: what kind of ceiling is better to do in a particular room, for example, in a bedroom. In such a room there are a lot of little things, each of which determines general form premises. The easiest step is to apply whitewash. For many centuries, it was this decision that turned out to be the most widespread. Even in recent decades, whitewashing remains popular. Repair costs are drastically reduced, but there are several weak points:

  • the need for leveling and applying a layer of primer;
  • short service life;
  • difficulty in repairing.

Whitewashed ceilings look neat, but faded and expressionless. If the pollution continues, after a few months dozens of yellow spots will appear, after a year or two the lime becomes uneven. We'll have to redo all the work. The paint layer retains its qualities longer, but before applying it, you will have to level the surface and prime it. In the bedrooms, the ceilings are often decorated with wallpaper. Wallpaper for painting and glass wallpaper is especially widespread.

When the total height of the room is more than 250 cm, you can safely apply tension structures... They effectively dampen sounds and are not very susceptible to the action of open fire.

The Khrushchev ceiling has its own characteristics, the height of such ceilings is always small (even in the houses of the best projects). This negates the possibility of using the most sought-after and good looking ceiling finishes. Small-sized housing is the case when whitewashing and painting are the most attractive, their advantages in this case outweigh the existing disadvantages. It is extremely difficult to glue wallpaper in an apartment without an assistant, sometimes impossible.

If the goal is to radically transform the interior decoration of the premises in a short time, the best solution you can count the tiles. This is a budget design, at the same time it is extremely diverse (various materials can be tiled). Modern technologists have learned to create slabs with patterns of various sizes, all kinds of coatings and a wide range of textures.

But there are also weak points - the inability to get away from the pronounced geometry of the image and the boundaries between the details clearly fixed in space. The most affordable coatings usually quickly lose their visual appeal.

In the hallway, the number of available design options is noticeably less than in the bedrooms. The design of the ceiling in this room should act as an introductory part in relation to the entire apartment, strictly in line with its spirit. It is imperative to provide sustainable lighting and visually expand the space. It should be noted that mirrored ceilings are peculiar. They must be used with care so as not to create an absurd effect.

In modern living rooms, wallpaper is increasingly used to decorate the ceiling: there is a kind of renaissance of this solution, which was actively used about a quarter of a century ago. It is being reconstructed on a qualitatively new basis, since the materials have become much more perfect and more reliable.

If you don't like the wallpaper, you can decorate the ceiling space with stretch fabric and drywall. In this case, it is better to arrange the design with composite lighting.


When installing the ceiling in apartments, you can use any kind of primer for internal works if only they provide deep penetration into the surface and create a strong protective layer. Most of the primers sold in stores are suitable for adhesive and lime material. The application of primers is carried out using paint rollers and brushes. Typically, the primer is applied to the surface twice so that the crystalline film formed upon drying promotes greater adhesion.

The next steps in the renovation work depend on which method of house renovation is included in the plan. For example, it is recommended to level the ceilings with a gypsum mixture or plaster. It is important to calculate the area of ​​the top floor to be finished. Depending on this, you can calculate the need for finishing materials. Preparation for laying lighting should be completed before major finishing, you need to carefully choose:

  • section of wires;
  • styling method;
  • connection points.

To avoid mistakes, everyone decorative element should be reflected in the drawing, like lamps, protruding parts, recesses.


Do-it-yourself installation of a polystyrene foam ceiling tile is attractive because it is affordable. Competent performance of the work allows you to create an attractive appearance for many years. It is necessary before the start of the repair in stages:

  • study the features of the material;
  • correctly calculate the need for it;
  • choose the optimal glue;
  • apply tiles to the interior of the room.

Installing tiles when the size of the ceilings is incompatible with individual blocks leads to gaps at the edges of the ceiling. You can save glue if you go from liquid nails to a material with a more liquid base. Strong fixation is ensured by pre-drying the glue. Initially, you need to mark the middle of the marked area. To do this, a pair of threads is pulled from diagonally opposite corners (the point where they meet will be the center). When a room is lit by a chandelier, it is necessary to glue the tiles from it.

Subsequently, at the place where the wires are connected, you need to glue a curly glass. Traditionally, the first rows are laid, starting from the wall opposite the windows or the entrance to the room, in order to make the gaps covered by partial fragments less noticeable. The outer edges of the products must be sanded to ensure the surface is extremely flat.

You need to carefully examine each tile so that they fit together according to the pattern.... If you want to lay foam tiles on an uneven ceiling, a special frame is formed under them.

As for waterproofing, some experts consider it optional. If there is a residential floor upstairs, then, regardless of the good reputation of the owners, it is necessary to take care of protection from leaks. The main materials are roll: glass insulating material, roofing felt, mastic (bitumen or polymer composition). The problem is that further finishing on top of the rolls is too heavy, if the leak is strong, the material will simply fall off. Good results are shown by coating waterproofing, which is relatively inexpensive and easy to apply.

Finishing work

You need to start working step by step by freeing the original surface from paints and varnishes. Oil paint is difficult to remove, so it is recommended to work with a remover. To renovate the ceiling covered in old decorative panels, they are simply scraped off. All stains, cracks and chips that remain after work should be removed.

Before fixing the material or sheathing the surface with it, the base is primed. Wet plasters can be used to level the base well. The mineral mixture is absolutely safe in ecological and sanitary respects, is mechanically durable and easily transfers transitions from heat to cold. Due to the insufficient variety of shades and the likelihood of cracking in case of violation of the work technology, it is not always justified to use it.

Fastening of drywall is carried out in increments of 0.6 m (on the entire ceiling), or in increments of 0.4 m (only along the length of the sheets to be installed). The second option helps to save the number of installed profiles and reduce overall repair costs. PVC panels on wood are mounted directly to the crate of beams, the cross-section of which corresponds to 3x3 cm. This solution is suitable only in dry rooms.

With sufficient height, the lathing is not required, there is enough filing directly to the beams.

Almost any type of ceiling repair can be done by hand. It is more economical and more reliable: any hired builder is, by definition, less motivated than the owner. But if you do not have the necessary knowledge and skills, it is better to contact professional installers. They should be entrusted with the placement of suspended and stretch ceilings, structures with three levels or more. Consider a few more tips.

  • Cheap material is almost always of poor quality. If you find a particularly lucrative offer, you need to be three times strict in your assessment.
  • To remove peeling or falling off plaster, metal brushes must be used.
  • Each of the primed areas should be finished only after final drying.
  • When color differences are found between the trimmed areas and other parts of the ceiling, the entire problem area is covered with one tone.

According to professionals, it is undesirable to use gypsum boards thicker than 0.9 cm for ceilings, since it will begin to exert excessive pressure on the carriers. In production and warehouses, drywall is constantly being moved, from which the lower sheets often break, form cracks. Some trade organizations take advantage of the ignorance of consumers and sell just such blocks in order to generate additional income.

If at a point of sale drywall sheets stored in an upright or tilted position, it is better to refuse to purchase.

Boxes for pipes, for ventilation and exhaust systems must be done in the shape of the letter G or P. The original surface for mounting boxes should be as leveled as possible, it is plastered and covered with putty. All cracks and gaps must be thoroughly putty, then painted. It is undesirable to bring metal frames closer to heating pipelines and other communications.

Beautiful examples in the interior

Here is a more majestic and original solution - a ceiling depicting a sunlit sky with clouds. It is difficult to get rid of the impression that it is quite possible to do all this.