Cement on the ceiling in the interior. Cessonic ceiling and its types

Ceiling with caissons is becoming increasingly popular. Modern architecture uses caissons not as carrier design, but as an interior decor element. Such elements can be found in many historical films: These are carved wooden beams, and castle decorations. But what about ordinary apartment? Let's try to figure it out, is it possible to equip a caissional ceiling of polyurethane at home.

Caissonized ceiling and its features

The caissional ceiling consists of a depression, beams and cells. In other words, "Kesson" is a polygonal deepening. Similar ceilings come to the category decorative ceilkov. Caissons can have both square and round shape. With its unusual, the transverse and longitudinal beams with the ornament are highlighted.

Also in architecture popular:

  • stucco sockets
  • farmery elements,
  • borders
  • transitions to walls from profiles,
  • ceiling painting.

Caissional ceiling What is it?

Cable ceilings were first invented in Ancient Greece. At that time, they performed more practical than a decorative function. The caissons reduced the weight of the plates, thereby unloading beams. To give elements beautiful view - They were decorated with drawings and smearing. Thus, the technology was invented in antiquity, which confirm the finds of archaeologists in necropolis. It was not by chance that the ceilings of this type were found dated to the VII century BC. e. The next caisson flourishing fell on the Renaissance Epoch, when the ceson wooden ceilings. Of course, it was quite expensive, and the decoration took place only in the palaces.

Cesson ceilings significantly increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe room: living room, bedroom, work office, billiard room or library. This type of ceiling finish is used in offices when they want to emphasize the company's solid status. Caissional ceiling is suitable for country house or cottage. Due to the arrangement of the caisson ceilings, you can reduce the overall weight of the design and improve acoustics.

Often, caisson installation techniques are used in rooms with high ceilings. Thus, the impression of impressive in terms of space is created. Cable ceilings can be found in rooms having a height of more than 2 meters. In ne. large rooms The ceiling will not make an effect. Be sure to take into account architectural style. However, if you prefer something non-standard and modern, then choose caissons different shapes and styles. It should be remembered that the styles of Hi-tech and pop art do not allow the ceiling caisson design.

The cable ceilings are an excellent solution for old buildings, with a height of the walls of 3 meters. But in such cases the desire arises to shift or lower the ceiling. I want the room to acquire comfortable proportions for a person, and there was no feeling of finding in a huge box. There is a way out - and this is a caissional ceiling of wood.

The purpose of the caisson ceilings is the arrangement of the ceiling canvas. However, such ceilings can be used in decorating internal surfaces Arch. The design of the cable ceilings will easily hide all the irregularities of the carrier overlaps. Thus, you will not need to align the surface before finishing. Also, the design of the ceiling acts as "safe" for ventilation boxes, for air conditioners and wiring tubes to luminaires. The ceilings will pleasantly surprise with their geometry and protect against various deformations.

Cesson ceilings and their types

By repairing in your apartment, you use many techniques and technologies. However, you can hardly know that they were invented in antiquity, and are still relevant. Caissional ceiling - just one of the most ancient techniques. In addition to their own useful propertiesThe ceilings have a rather rich history. Cable ceilings - this is one of the varieties suspended ceilings. But they, of course, have differences.

Kembal ceilings from wood

Cable ceilings from wood are pretty comfortable and aesthetic. Thus, your house acquires elements of unusual luxury. Tree is essential - it is environmentally friendly natural materialwhich will in no way affect the health of people in the house. Most often, the basis of the manufacture of caisson ceilings is taken on a nut, ash, oak or more expensive materials. Unusual design - This is primarily the natural pattern of the tree itself. Due to this, each wooden caissional ceiling will be unique, and will also have a unique texture. Cable ceilings from a tree at a pleasant price. You can order in the joiner's workshop "Imperial Forest"!

The ceiling is easily hidden by the ceiling ( ventilation system) And it can become innovation for a regular room. However, in terms of the cost of the ceilings from the tree - the most expensive of all caisson models. This includes a type of wood and the work process. Provides inexpensive wood expressiveness will help the application of varnish (verses) on cassettes, lining or panel. Such processing does not differ in high costs, and wood will acquire a solid look.

Caissional MDF Ceiling

Cesson Ceiling Cardboard

Another type of caissons - ceilings from construction cardboard. The beams are usually glued to joinery glue. There is also an use option self-adhesive filmwhich mimics the wooden texture. It is important to remember that such a film should be applied only after installing all beams.

Cone ceiling with your own hands

So, we figured out what a caissional ceiling. It's time to move to the installation of such structures. To do this, we have prepared a special instruction that we will negone below.

Stage of preparation

Getting started and selection of materials

  • First do you draw a sketch and decide on the composition of the future ceiling. Keep the exact height of the ceilings in your home and interior style. Remember that the most important thing is to create harmony indoors. To determine how much material is needed to create a caisson ceiling, you need to: find the center of the room and create a preparatory drawing, drawing plates location.
  • When buying materials in a construction store, rely on your drawing. Do not forget that you need to carefully choose the wallpaper. They can be both simple and may contain a drawing. We recommend to stop your choice on universal versionbright wallpaperwhich are glued before the ceiling arrangement.
  • Pre-acquire the workpieces in advance, of which the design of the caisson ceiling will be created. The easiest option is a purchase of finished individual squares. These are special modules that play the role of caissons. However, there is a disadvantage here - over time, such squares may turn out. The step of caissons usually ranges from 80 to 100 cm - with standard ceiling altitude.
  • To create a caissional ceiling in the front rooms, it is usually used pine or any other natural wood. Residential apartments Caps a chipboard, easier in use in the processing. Such material is usually rude natural veneer (beech, spruce or oak), acquiring a beautiful texture and aesthetic look. However, on wood and bright wallpaper, the list of materials does not end.

You will also need:

  1. glue paint;
  2. glue on wood;
  3. nails;
  4. saw;
  5. corolnic;
  6. accurate ruler.

Installation of the caisson ceiling, look at the video:

Loose beam frame

Thus, you learned about the creation of caisson ceilings from different materials. Good repair!

Over time and thanks to technical progress, many construction Materials And the designs are largely improved and acquired a slightly purpose than it was earlier. Such a tendency is also characteristic of caisson ceiling systems that have undergone some changes due to modern finish The premises they occupy their niche and have a number of characteristic properties and features.



Ceiling with caissons is a decorative system consisting of individual cells and beams different design. Earlier, such arrangement of the ceilings was performed in order to reduce the load on bearing overlappings building. In castles and manors, these blocks decorated with carvings handmadeOr the surface was covered with precious metals. Such a design was evaluated by the high status of the owner of the dwelling, and also made it possible to cover unavoworing ceiling piles from the gaze.

IN modern facilities The relevance of such designs disappeared, so the caissons have become in demand as elements of the decor of ceiling surfaces, and at the expense of their aesthetic advantages they are experiencing a second wave of popularity. Cable ceilings, which were previously built, with modern designs of buildings no longer used, as they are a very costly option to improve the house, and their presence does not pay for themselves. Today you can find an excellent imitation of the caisson ceilings.

The main feature Such structures are their configuration that contains various recesses decorated with beams. Installation of ceilings involves the installation of borders, eaves or various paintings and gypsum stucco With the transition to the walls of the room. To implement this, special fasteners are purchased.

Decor with caissons is recommended for rooms with fairly high ceilings, because in small rooms they will lose and lean the interior. Similar ceilings increase the room in residential buildings They are in demand as a decorative component for the arrangement of libraries, billiards, living rooms or bedrooms. In buildings general purpose Cable designs can be found in the offices - such a finish emphasizes the status of the organization.

It is important to adhere to a certain architectural direction, in which the entire building is erected - then it is easily possible to implement everything without exception design solutionsbecause caissons can be various shapes, colors and style.

Cable constructions will help to form a harmonious and comfortable interior style in the houses of the old building, where too high ceilings do not ask comfort - the need arises to lower them a little. Thanks to these elements, the room will become more comfortable for the person's time, the feeling of a large box will disappear.

Aesthetics and comfort are far from all the properties and features that structures possess. Decor easy to hide defects ceiling coating, due to which there will be no need to conduct work on leveling the foundation, in addition, the system will become a kind of storage for ventilation devices, wiring and other required elements in the dwelling or office room. The ceilings will delight their geometry, as well as provide deformation protection.In addition to the aesthetic component, the caissons are able to improve the acoustics of the room.

Pros and cons

Such an original element of the interior has a number of positive characteristics:

  • the thickness of the section used to create sections and all the device of the caisson ceiling increases the overall soundproofing of the room;
  • the external attractiveness and versatility of such a decor allows you to combine it with interior design in any selected style: Ar Deco, High Tech and others;
  • when using natural raw materials, the "ventilation effect" increases in the room, which contributes to creating a healthy microclimate.

It is worth saying that the use of caisson structures has some drawbacks, but they are not associated with the quality of the material and the common idea. The minuses of caissons include quite a high cost of products and installation. For example, the installation of a wooden array is done with your own hands and without the presence of special skills it will not work, since natural raw materials do not relate to the mass of materials - to fulfill the task you need the help of several specialists. However, an alternative, for example, the use of drywall or MDF panels, can exclude a similar drawback.

By cons. It is also possible to attribute a rather time-consuming installation of a design that is preceded by a mandatory calculation. required material and preparation for work.


In order not to make a mistake with the choice of the ceiling, it is necessary to take into account the features of the room, as well as familiarize yourself with the types of caisson structures. They can be classified based on the material that was used during the manufacture:

  • Caissional tree ceiling - The safest option, from the point of view of the environmentality of raw materials. When installing such sections on the basis of the health of households, it is not necessary to worry - most often for the production of elements take oak wood, nut or ash. The naturalness of the texture of wooden components creates a truly distinctive composition on the ceiling.

  • MDF design- more budget species that will be excellent alternative wooden design. Panels will cost several times cheaper, and competently arranged the base, as a result, high-quality and beautiful decor For the ceiling surface. In addition, the material is easy to mount to the coating, but the products have a low level of resistance to moisture, quickly flammable and unstable to mechanical effects.

The combination of the above factors is fraught with the formation of large defects, so the question of carrying out the repair and replacement of the structure will rise.

  • Plasterboard ceilingsalso have a small cost. They are recommended for rooms with large window openings, the interior of which is made in the Empire or Baroque style. If the surface is contaminated with time, it is not necessary to wash it - it is best to paint it. The device of caisson ceilings from drywall is impossible without a frame, which decorate the eaves of plaster. Such decoration additionally plans lighting. There is the possibility of a device of such a design and without a frame, that is, the caissons themselves are performed from this material, which are connected with each other - this option is characterized by concise external view.

  • Cesson ceilings are also performed from construction cardboard. The beams are glued on joinery, and the texture of the elements is set using a self-adhesive film that simulates a varied relief.

  • There are systems from polyurethane.They belong to the group of expensive caisson ceilings, but the result from their device on the ceiling justifies the funds spent. Elements have a minimal mass, in comparison with the wood. The design is produced by individual sizes, due to which the material does not need to additionally cut for fastening. Such a feature reduces time on installing decor.

All components are symmetrical to each other, but come different shades. With a competent selection of lighting, the product acquire an even more refined view. Products are inherent resistance to fire and moisture.

The ceiling made of plywood will allow the depth and volume of surface design by sections. Material has sound insulation properties and attractiveness. Having finished assembling the decor of plywood sheets, the design is treated with varnish or verse.

Plastic structures Resistant to smoke and humidity, as well as remarkable large varieties of textures and colors. Are excellent option For large bathrooms, living rooms and dining rooms with real fireplaces.


In view of the fact that the system of caisson ceilings is very originally, the surface design must be carried out with regard to certain design Recommendations:

  • Some stylistic directions In the creation of the interior will not be able to harmoniously combine with such decorative solutions.
  • Using right lighting In the room where the caisson structures will be operated, contributes to greater attractiveness of the surface. Since the insufficient level of lighting will make the ceiling completely fad and inexpressive, it is better to further equip it with backlight.
  • Caissons from natural tree Must match the color and shade of furniture objects in the room, and also be the same tone as the floor covering. Thus, it will be possible to make the interior completed and harmonious.

  • Designers recommend correctly selecting the size of the cell cells based on the area of \u200b\u200bthe room - large rooms decorated with small niches, and rooms with modest dimensions are made up of large cells.
  • So that the caissons do not focus on only on themselves, the ceiling should be performed in bright colors. A good option will be white caisson structures.
  • Dark sections are recommended to use in rooms with high walls - due to their presence, the size of the walls is visually decreasing.

How to make your own hands?

To make the caissional ceiling indoors yourself, it is recommended to adhere general rules Performance:

  • A similar decor can be made not in each room - it is directly related to the height of the ceiling. Therefore, before you make the arrangement of the caisson structures, you need to make sure that the height corresponds to these recommendations. With rooms where low ceilings can also be working, but for this, the caissons should be blond.
  • Apartments S. low ceilings draw up beams near door and window Operactions. Thus, the contrast and imitation of recesses are created, due to which the area of \u200b\u200bthe room is visually increasing.
  • Dark furniture and minimal lighting along with caisson ceiling structures Make the room dim and gloomy.
  • Brown decoration will give the opportunity to reduce the room.
  • The project of the future design should be thought out in advance. We will not use wallpaper canvases with different ornaments: appliqué or painting.

Reading time ≈ 3 minutes

Few people know what a caissional ceiling is, but for sure many have seen them in museums, old mansions. They are used to give the room of sophistication and luxury, as well as to decorate the room under the antiquity. If you see the ceiling and beautifully decorated rectangular recesses, it is the cable ceiling, and the recesses themselves are called caissons.

The history of these ceilings is rooted in antiquity, they are known since the time of Ellala and Ancient Egypt. The reason for their occurrence can be called the structural primitiveness of the houses of that time. Due to the intersection of beams, in the rafting-beam building system, coarse rectangular recesses were formed, which looked not very beautiful, so they were decorated in rich houses. From the moment of their appearance and to this day, the cable ceilings were left out of fashion, they became a fashionable element of the decor again. Now they are experiencing another wave of interest.

Cement ceilings in the modern interior

With the improvement of caisson technologies, as an interior element, almost completely disappeared from mass construction and steel, rather, part of the decor. The suspended caisson ceilings made of plasterboard and that is whole line Causes:

  • they are easy to install;
  • do not give a large load on the walls and foundation;
  • allow you to implement various design ideas.

True, such ceilings are no longer caisson, but caissonated.

In addition to selected ceilings, there are also classic, with use wooden beams and a special design. Today they are used extremely rare, for a number of reasons:

  • the need to account for construction in terms of construction;
  • complexity and volume of construction work;
  • massiveness and resourcepost.

The caissional ceiling of wood can afford not everyone, but it looks great, immediately giving the place to the place to be sophisticated, turning the house into the real palace of some duke or graph.

With photos and video of how caisson ceilings fit into modern interiorcan be found in this article.

Is it possible to independently install the caissional ceiling?

To answer this question, it is necessary to clarify about which of the above species is speech. If about classic, then, of course, no, too many subtleties and pitfalls hides their installation. But caissonated can be made even from girlfriend.

Now in the market in a huge multitude, various elements are presented to create caissons - polyurethane false beams, ready-made textural overlays under the tree and stucco. So the creation of such a ceiling will not be a lot of work with due skill and skills.

Before mounting, remember that the caissons do not tolerate asymmetry, so work should be done with all thoroughness. To begin with, develop a concept and make an outline, what you want to see. If you do not feel the skills of the artist, you can resort to the services of a designer, after expressing my wishes. After that, you can proceed to the markup of the ceiling, noting the location of the false beams. If wallpaper will be used as a background for caissons, they should be glued first. After the distinguisure, you can start to install, start better from the center. When all the beams are installed, you can start gluing decorative lining and stucco.

Remember that the final result will depend on your zeal and the original idea. Therefore, approach the creation of the ceiling is considered.

The ceiling in the design of interiors plays a huge role. Its height greatly affects the perception of volume - the ceiling above, the one, respectively, the room seems more and more spacious. Recently, the tendency to use conventional drywall docks is gradually leaving, giving way to more interesting solutions or even simple concise white and smooth ceiling without relief.

In realities modern standards This is very true, as it is operated by a height of less than 270 cm, it is unlikely to embody design fantasies on the ceiling to the detriment of the total perception of volume. Indoors where the ceiling level is more than 270 cm, one of interesting decisions It will be his decoration by caissons.

Caissons are recesses, niches in the ceiling, created natural way Docking beams or intentionally mounted. The shape of caissons can be any, but most often the square and rectangular options are common.

Designing the ceiling with caissons, expand in advance with a loss of 10 to 25 cm from the total height of the room (depending on the material used and the complexity of the future caisson profile).

Types of caisson ceilings

Let's look at which material can be reproduced from the caisson ceiling option.

Classic design of wood

The most natural I. best option You can consider the execution of the caisson ceiling in the tree. In this case, in special design workshops (this may be an organization that are made under the order individual products from the massif - doors, stairs, etc.), the design of the caisson location can be developed specifically for you.

It must take into account the future placement of furniture, the number of light sources and wood color or paint, which will cover it. You will also need to check the desired height of the caisson profiles - ideally, order a trial sample at least one element to be sure to be confident in the correctness of your choice. After making a wizard from the same organization, the ceiling will be installed - it will be all consisting of wooden Bruschev, panels and beams located in a certain rhythm.

Combination tree + MDF

The technique of creating and mounting the ceiling is very similar to the previous model, for the exception only - instead of some elements from solid wood used plate MDF.. And although the material is less less valuable and not so natural, its specifications Even higher (MDF does not sneeze, it does not "twist" like a tree), but the price is much loyal. As for the appearance - when a quick look even an experienced master It is often not able to say for sure, the tree is on the ceiling or a mix of wood and MDF.


Caissons from drywall and moldings

This option is the most budget, but also the most difficult in execution - here in the design can be helped by a designer or architect. But for proper approach And the competent use of polyurethane moldings can be achieved excellent result and no less texture and sophistication than when using materials that are more expensive.


In fact, the principle of creating caissons here is to make a figured daving of the ceiling of plasterboard, in right places Leaving the "niche", which later should be around the perimeter are placed wide molding, and light sources in the center of future caissons are mounted. There is no particular complexity here, but the scrupulousness and clarity in the markup must be present.

Design solutions of caisson ceilings

What traditional caisson ceilings look like already known. Let's now consider several options more original execution. Looking through these ideas you may be inspired to create something like or even completely new, using interesting colors and unusual textures.

Clear edges

Try to focus on the caissons, highlighting some of their element. This may be an end painted in a contrasting color (as in the photo below) or a horizontal plane. The main goal here is to emphasize the geometry of the ceiling, its clear and competent distinction. Do not be afraid dark flowers - If the ceiling itself and its layout are devoid of flaws, a sharp shade will only attract due attention to him, which is not bad.


Composite Center

Having pushed out of the planning features, in large rooms you can afford to create a composite center with caissons. So, the starting point can be a circle, from which rectangular caissons will diverge in different directions.

Ideal if another round item will be located in the center of the circle on the floor, which in turn will seem to "reflect" the ceiling. It may be a carpet, dining or coffee table. In the center of the main caisson will appropriate to hang a big pompous chandelier.

In the spirit of Chalet

Caissons are not always used in classic and traditional interiors. They can be used in the setting of a country house, decorated in the style of country or chalets. Try here to use roughly processed beams as intersecting structures. And the naturally the tree looks like, the better. Try to combine the color of the beams with color wooden furniture Or natural textiles so that they get visual support in the interior. For color, the ceiling itself can be covered with darker or bright paint in relation to the beams to play in contrast textures and levels.

Interpretation for modern styles

As we said, classic style - Not "Panacea" at all for use in similar interiors of the Cesson ceilings. The photo above is a bright example of how Loft and minimalism can adequately combine with figured ceiling. Chief Principle Here - to use as simple profile as possible and very laconic forms - the same verified, like all the rest of the furniture in the room.



Caissons in diagonal design

Another unexpected, although fairly simple, the location of the caissons diagonally will be in relation to the walls of the room. This technique is often using when laying a parquet board and tile, so they can be combined with similar reception in the upper horizontal plane.


Caissons in the form of honeycomb

The option is quite complicated for the designer, but its efforts will cost that. The construction and installation system is absolutely similar to the previous one. But here you need to clearly calculate the size of the cell in advance. The main goal will be the search right sizes and the ratio of the total floor area and one element, as well as thinking through the walls of the wall / ceiling, which in illiterate planning risk looks inactively. That is why for such a design of the ceiling, we recommend using rooms, the most correct ones are rectangular and square to minimize the risk of ugly joints.


Contrast colors

The caissional ceiling has the right to be a small depth - about 10-15 centimeters. At the same time, additional adequacy can be given, painting beams and surface original ceiling different colors - It will make the ceiling at times more interesting. The main rule here is to pay attention to the illumination of the room, choosing exactly which elements to paint dark paint (if the room is very bright - then any, and if the dark is, it is better not to limit it better in total mass beams).


Using clay

Caissons in the interior scandinavian style, Country and Provence can be made more characteristic, placing the ceiling area with clapboard. You can paint it in any color, but it is preferable to choose white. He looks very noble, does not "eat" the space and absolutely in one thing gives a look at the refinement of the lining, which many people have come in their "unpainted" form. Forget the old stereotypes and look at this way of designing the ceiling on the other side - practicality and excellent aesthetic qualities here is clearly evident.


As you can see, the caissons are a very multifaceted element of the design of the ceilings. And the palace and modern apartment, I. vacation home - Absolutely in any interior there is a place for your fantasies, the main thing is to use the materials, colors and processing methods. And do not forget about the height - no matter how it would not want, but the caissons are a decision not for low ceilings. Be prudent and successful to you repair!

Caissional ceiling

All new is well forgotten old. The cable ceilings entered our life for a long time ago, they were used mainly when finishing castles and rich houses. Having reached our time such a way of finishing, it became accessible to everyone, moreover - now the caissional ceiling can be made with their own hands (see).

Caissons are a type of ceiling design, in which the deepening of a square or polygonal shape made from intersecting beams is made. The caissional ceiling is decorated with decorative sockets and carvings, because at all times such ceilings were played not only a constructive role, but also served to decorate the premises.

It is worth noting that such a ceiling design, perfectly absorbs sounds, thereby improving the noise insulation of the room.

How is the caissional ceiling


  1. Everything must be started with the idea and project. Try to imagine what you really will like in the future. To do this, you can view the Internet several photos, consult with friends or loved ones. Take into account the parameters of the room, illumination, height, purpose, and only after that begin to choose the materials. Caissional ceiling with their own hands - the case is quite complicated, but at the same time, it is interesting to do it.


  1. Sketch is the heart of the project. It is he who will be the next step of your repair, because all thoughts need to be collected together and see how they will look later. Use a conventional sheet of paper and pencil. For clarity, the sketch can be given a little paints, coloring it with colored pencils.


  1. When ideas are ready and caisson ceilings are posted on a sketch, you can start repairing it yourself. First, check the condition of your ceiling. If its surface is relatively smooth, and solid, then it is quite suitable for finishing. IN otherwise, cover it with putty and let it dry (cm. ).
  2. For the reliability of fixing materials - the surface of the ceiling must be primed. With a very strong absorption of primer, cover the surface by another layer after drying (see).
  3. Under the caissional ceiling should be punished. The drawing is desirable to choose a monophonic or with a small structure. It is better to do it together, the wallpaper should be smoothed by a special plastic spatula (see).

Tip: If you buy smooth monophonic wallpapers, and when pasting under the cable ceilings, do not smooth out - it turns out quite interesting "crumpled" drawing. To do this, stretch the strip from the wall to the wall and glue, first pouring a hand in several places, then carelessly dissolve on the ceiling with a round end or mop.


  1. Based on the sketch on the wallpaper, we make the markup of future caissons. At this time, it is necessary to be very careful, and it is better to check the measurements, and will be sked with a sketch.

Tip: Start the markup from the center of the room, otherwise, you can break the symmetry.

  1. From the construction cardboard, cut out the spread and, bending around the lines, glue the beams

  1. We glue the caissons on the ceiling using mounting glue. IMPORTANT DOWNLOAD WORK WORKS
  2. All joints and connections, you need, also go to the cardboard. It will be our main frame for the ceiling (see)
  3. All beams can be saved by self-adhesive film by choosing a picture depending on what you want to see your ceilings. They can be white, or under marble, also often use pattern imitating structure and color of natural wood
  4. On ready-made beams, glue decor elements. You can paint them wishes.

Second way

Another option is the cable ceilings from polyurethane, this option is not so complicated in the work, but is more expensive. Can be bought in the store finished modules And glue their ceiling. There are also modules mounted on special hidden fasteners. Modules can be selected to taste, because there is a huge selection of beams, sockets, stucco, etc.

Third way

It is optimally suitable for those who have no high ceilings. This is the use of ceiling caissons, which consist of plates and do not require significant work when installing. Perfect option For apartments with low ceilings - to choose not too high plates and mounted them on the ceiling. There are several options for mounting such plates.


  • Mounting for a special profile

  • Fixation plates to the ceiling on mounting glue or on self-tapping screw

Cesson ceilings can be decorated with a large outlet in the center of the room, draw the ornament. Also, the wonderful option will be cutting ornament and thematic patterns from wallpaper purchased for this purpose and subsequent stagnation on the ceiling. As a fot, instead of wallpaper, you can use a tapestry fabric - it will look very impressive.

The ceilings will look just wonderful if approaching this issue is judicious and not to rush. After all, if you do not make repairs constantly, then do not rush to create a castle immediately. It is better to start with a small room and practice on it, and then begin to more graceful projects. Then the installation of your ceilings will only delve pleasure.