How to strip the house block house outside. Cover House Block House: Choice, Finishing Technology, Preparation, Mounting Frame and Panels

Block House is one of the types of lining. It is used to finish interior and create a ventilated facade. Traditional block house is a boards with a convex outside. Details are connected to each other mount "Schip-groove". Finished Wall It looks as if it is composed of a bar.

Varieties of material

Block-house elements can be not only wooden. Metal and vinyl parts are also available. Each finish type has its own characteristics.

The main material for the lamellae is trees coniferous rocksSince they are less susceptible to rotting. From one log, there are four blanks that keep in drying chamber in two weeks.

The main advantage wooden finish Facade - appearance. Imitation of wood can fool the eye only at a distance. Near the impression will be completely different. In addition, the tree holds heat for a long time. This property can be used to improve the microclimate in the house.

Details of the metal block house - curved steel plates repeating the form of one or two logs. On the outer side caused a pattern that imitating wooden surface. The inner coated with a layer of primer and paint.

The facade of metal elements does not deteriorate from moisture and temperature fluctuations, resistant to fire, It is capable of withstanding strong blows and mechanical damage, and it is not exposed to insects. Thanks to this, the coating does not have to update every 5-7 years.

It is worth considering that metal parts have high thermal conductivity. They are very hot in the heat, and quickly give warm in cold weather.

Vinyl block house - the cheapest wooden substitute. Like metal, it is not subject to action sun ray and biological factors. During the fire, it does not burn, and slowly melts, and at the same time it is not toxic. Details from vinyl will serve at least 20 years, without losing the initial appearance.

However, this material is sensitive to the temperature difference, which can provoke the appearance of mold and fungus. The surface of the vinyl block house is heterogeneous and does not always look like wood.


There are two types of trim: with insulation and without it.

We will analyze the first, more popular option.

All elements of the design are equally important. If you neglect vapor barrier or windarrier, it will have to be repaired much more often. The layers are listed towards the wall.

Mount the block house in the same order:

  • A layer of vaporizolation is needed to protect the insulation from the waggie vapor from the wall.
  • Doom - Facade frame, creates space between the wall and block house. It is performed from a bar with a cross section of 100 * 40 mm.
  • Heat insulation. Best suited rolled insulation, eg, mineral wool. The optimal layer thickness is 10 cm.
  • Windproof is attached to the crawl brush. It protects the facade from the wind, and the insulation is from moisture contained in the air.
  • Controlling - wooden railsTo which the boards of block house are attached. Have a section 20 * 40 mm. Create an empty space between the windproof film and the outer skin, which protects the inner surface of the moisture boards.
  • The outer layer is directly block house.

The design is light enough, does not create a load on the foundation. It is possible to equip such facade not only during the construction of a new home, but also when repairing old buildings.

How to choose?

Quality wooden elements You can define on labeling.

  • E - Extra class. Details have a perfectly smooth surface. The coating of such lamella will be hidden, but also to update it less frequently.

  • A - Products with a well-stepped basis, without mechanical damage. Details are suitable for internal and exterior decoration.

  • B - boards from raw materials low quality.On the surface there are knots, small holes, cracks.
  • C - the base of the lamellas is poorly stubbleCould remain pieces of bark, cracks, dropping bones and holes. Outside, the material of this quality will quickly deteriorate, and professionals recommend using it only for interior decoration.

Requirements and standards of different industries may differ significantly, so it is desirable to buy a material of one manufacturer. It is important to pay attention not only to labeling, but also on the appearance of the lamellae.

Here are some more tips to help find a high-quality block house.

  • Best of all larch is suitable for the exterior. She saves for a long time initial View And practically does not rot. Pine is cheaper raw materials, inferior to larch in quality and durability. A block house from a fir is good only for interiors.

  • For finishing facades, professionals are recommended to use lamellas with a thickness of 35 mm. The length length can be 2-6 m, width - from 15 cm. All elements must be of one size, and the number of joints is minimal.
  • The boards of trees that have grown in the northern regions have greater density. This improves the remaining characteristics of the material.
  • On high-quality lamellas there will be no mold, rot, cracks and dropping bitch.

  • Pay attention to the storage conditions: the goods must lie under a canopy on pallets or racks. Check the packaging integrity.
  • Try connecting the items. The spike must enter the groove is dense, but without much effort.

  • Find out the level of humidity of the lamellas and the squeezing dimensions. The permissible value of the first indicator is up to 20%, the second is up to 3 mm in the depth and up to 8 mm in width.
  • Well, if the details passed protective processing Biopirens and antipirens. It makes them more resistant to the action of external factors.
  • The finish will be more beautiful if the boards correspond to the scale of the house. Wide lamellas look better on the facades of large houses, and narrow fit for small.

How to sow?

A block house can be used not only for finishing a private house, but also gazebo or bath. The basis for such a facade can be a wall of any material: wood, brick, aerated concrete. It can be done by the outside framework.

Brief list of essential materials:

  • bars for crate and counterclaim;
  • glass gaming;
  • vaporizolation and wind insulation films;
  • nails S. anticorrosive coating for mounting panels;
  • antiseptic (if wooden details have not been processed).

Work on the design of the structure includes a number of stages.

  • Preparation. It is necessary to stock all materials. If the block-house lamellas did not pass industrial processing, you will have to make it manually using antiseptics.
  • Installation of vapor barrier. Fix the film from the bottom up so that the strips overlap each other by 10 cm. Carnate it can be stapler. Then swipe the seams with a scotch.

  • Installation of crates. The distance between the bars should not exceed 60 cm. Near the door and window Operactions Make additional rails - they will be useful when installing the counterclaim. It's easier to mount frame elements to metallic corners. The slots on them allow to install elements strictly vertically.
  • Working with insulation. The glass gamble is laid tight, so that there are no cracks between it and the crate. Condensate accumulates in them, and the presence of moisture does not best affect the wooden structures. And if the moisture falls on the glass gamble, its effectiveness will decrease. Facial surface The insulation is closed with windproof.

There is an algorithm for the installation of lining:

  • For the crate, strengthen the racks of the counterbalax.
  • Remove the line of the lower row. Make it accurately will help the laser or water level.

  • Cut protruding the finishes of the crate.
  • Secure the first board on the line. Position it with spike up - then the moisture will not be collected in the grooves. Nails are in top and bottom, spit and in the groove. It is necessary to do it carefully so that there are no chips.
  • Continue to lay the second and the next rows in the same way.

If the length of the wall is larger than block house.

  • Place the joints of the joints on one vertical. Then, in the top, adjust the board with a width of 10-15 mm and a thickness of 20 mm. Such boards can be separated corners, slopes and platbands. This way is easier, but the finish looks unprofessional.
  • Shakes are placed in a checker order. At the same time, cuts must be perfectly adjusted to each other, and the length of each board is selected separately. The facade will look much more attractive.

In the next video you will see how to see the facade of the house by a block house with insulation.

How to paint?

Tree is aesthetically attractive, but susceptible to various exposure material. It may suffer from moisture, temperature drops in winter, ultraviolet rays and the effects of insects. Elements of block houses from natural raw materials are no exception. Extend service life wood facade Certificate and protective paint coatings will help. A more expensive version of the block House passes industrial processing in autoclaves. The elements of the coating are impregnated with the compositions that protect the wood from the ignition, rotting and the destructive action of other factors.

Those who bought untreated parts should improve their properties on their own.It is necessary to do it before installation. It is advisable to process both the planks and the crate and the basis. For this, impregnations and verse are suitable.

Impregnations do not change the appearance of wood. All formulations can be divided into three groups:

  • Acrylic water-soluble are used for raw wood. Good for interior decoration, since they do not have an unpleasant odor.
  • Alkidic are made on the basis of White spirit and alkyd resins. Create a durable coating, but have a serious drawback - a sharp smell. Apply only for facade work.
  • Oil are made based on natural oils, more often linen. The coating is long absorbed and dries, but it turns out resistant. But it is incompatible with some paints.

ABOUT wooden house Many dream, because this is a standard of environmental purity and beauty. But the construction is completely from the tree will cost the customer in a round sum that not everyone can afford. The lining of the walls of the house by a block house is one of the options for saving the means and obtaining the desired effect.

How to strip the house block house - alternative to dear cut

A modern block house is one of the types of car board, which has an outer side of the panel in the form of a rounded log. This trim material is used to finish the building, both with external and inner. The main advantage of the walls of the walls by a block house is an excellent appearance and ease of fastening. Each panel has a "groove-spike" compound system, which allows without special tools and in the absence of professional skills to perform installation independently.

The arrangement of the internal, as well as the external decoration using the imitation of the log is a practical and modern step. Now on construction market You will find as well as plastic and metallic. Wooden has several quality classes, for example, a class of extra and class, but are best suited for interior decoration, since they have a minimum amount of bitch and the absence of any other defects of wood. A wooden low-class bed house is great for exterior decoration.

Plastic products can be both painted in mass and have several layers of paint from the front side. It is better to choose painted in the mass, as well as products produced from primary raw materials. Siding, produced from waste, has a significantly smaller service life.

Advantages and disadvantages of materials - choose carefully

These procedures must be performed at least once every five years, although for a longer service life of the finishing material, it will not be superfluous and impregnated once every two years. In addition, wooden block house refers to the most expensive species Similar siding.

Metal I. plastic species Compared to wooden, there are also a significant minus - how not to twist, but they only imitate the appearance of the wood texture.

From afar, the difference will be difficult to determine, but near this visual deception is revealed. All species combines one undoubted quality - during the lining of the house by a block house there is an opportunity to further insulate the house. Not to mention the aesthetic perception of the trimmed house - even the most expensive structure from the slagoblock will acquire the appearance of a rustic hut, with the attractiveness peculiar to such buildings.

Covering House Block House with her own hands - Features of choice

Despite the external simplicity, choose a suitable wooden block house for outdoor decoration The facade of the house is not the most common task. First, you should focus on the width of the block house. The fact is that each manufacturer has its measurements, and the material bought in two different places may differ in the parameters of thickness and width.

So try to choose the most common sizes. For example, the building is best used for outdoor decoration. wide boards, width up to 150 mm. Secondly, it is necessary to determine the type of wood from which the board is made. For outdoor siding, block houses need to use boards of coniferous trees (spruce, pine, larch) - they have increased resistance to the rotation process.

Also, it is also necessary to find out from what area of \u200b\u200bthe country this board was on sale. Wood from the north has greater density, which means it is more durable. This can be identified even visually - the northern wood between the annual rings has a smaller distance. Naturally, for the finishing of the facade of the building, a block house can use a board not only from northern forests.

TECHNOLOGY OF HOUSE BLOCK HOUSE - Step-by-step instructions

In addition to the Block House itself, you will also need others. decoration Materials - Sin does not use this opportunity and not inspired at the same time. That the trimming of the stone is that the covering of a wooden house by a block House does not have a fundamental difference. To start the wall, it is necessary to surround the layer of vaporizolation so that the moisture from the house does not penetrate the outward, forming condensate, which will significantly reduce heat insulating properties Materials.

Parosolation membrane is on sale in every construction store. It is fastened with a mustache, while connecting the stripes by 10-15 cm. The joints of the joints are best sealed with aluminum scotch. Then you can proceed directly to the construction of the building.

How to strip the house block house - step-by-step scheme

Step 1: Dooming under the block house

From the thickness of the plates of thermal insulation directly depends the size of the bars that are selected. For example, for central regions, the maximum thickness varies in the range of 10 cm. Distance between wooden bars It should be no more than 60 cm, although it is best to customize it under the size of the insulation plates. Before the attachment, the selected bars must be necessarily processed by an antiseptic. For installation it is better to use screws or special nails (if a wall of stone is a dowel), with wide hats.

The house, regardless of what he is made, needs to be protected. Modern building materials offer for these purposes a rather extensive list of products - tiles, stone, the most diverse species Siding, numerous plastic products. Despite such an abundance of opportunities, many choose a tree, and one of the options is a block house. And often the question arises, and how to strip the house block house? The article below is some features of working with this material.

Any work begins with training. Does not serve as an exception and process of plating. This work is best done about a year after the construction ended. If the Wooden House is performed by the Block House Block, then you need to make sure that there is a cavropka. In the case when it is not done, you need to cross the walls. Otherwise, no insulation will help and in the house will be cold.

Initially, it is necessary to determine the materials that will be needed in order to strip the house by block mobile. First of all, it concerns insulation and vaporizolation. When the trim is performed in full, it is a real sandwich consisting of:

  • films of vapor insulation;
  • dory;
  • thermal insulation;
  • windproof films;
  • controls.

If the lining block is done for wood or brick house, I do not need to use the film for vapor insulation, it will be superfluous for such houses. What is really necessary is to determine the insulation, its type and thickness. As a heater, it is best to use mineral, in the form of plates.

When choosing a heater, the thickness of the wall is on which it will be mounted. So, for a wooden house with a thickness of a wall of 15 cm, a layer of insulation is a thickness of 10 cm, however, from economic considerations are usually limited to a thickness of 5 cm. With such a thickness of the insulation, the ceating block chamochus provides quite comfortable conditions in the House.

Another consequence of the choice of the insulation will be the choice of the thickness of the bars of the crate. The fact is that the insulation plates are located between the shelter bars, and the thickness of the bars used on its thickness depends. If the plates are size 5 cm, then the bars must have the same. From above everything closes windproof film And on top of it a counterclaim.

It is necessary for creating a gap between insulation and lining, thereby ensuring natural ventilation and sound insulation is improved. After you managed to determine the auxiliary elements, you can start the choice of the Haus block directly.

What to use a block house

When choosing a Khaus block, first of all, it is necessary to pay attention to two points - the geometric dimensions of the board and the material from which it is made. The House unit is usually divided into a wide (width of more than 15 cm) and a narrow (less than 15 cm wide). For outdoor sheaving It is recommended to use wide, and for the inner - a narrow unit House. Of course, the cover of the house Block House, the price of which depends on the geometric sizes, made by a wide board will be more expensive, but it will have to come to accept. Such a board will provide better protection.

Therefore, if you wonder how to strip the house Block House, the answer should be like this - using best Material. It will provide high-quality protection and a long service life. If you look at the material, the Block is considered to be the best, manufactured from larch. It is distinguished by resistance to rotting and increased strength. According to its characteristics, a pine board is inferior to deciduous, but quite suitable for outdoor skin.

Important value has a length. The standard board has a length of six meters, however, you can use short boards, you only need to consider that they will have to be allowed in length.

Based on the specific features described in brief and it is necessary to choose a material with which a block chamber will be performed, it will be different, depending on the variety of wood and the geometric size of the board.

Learn more about the size of the block house in the article Block House sizes and how many boards in Cuba.

Features of mounting and fasteners block house

However, the foregoing is not all the subtleties that you should know by asking how to see the house, the house unit can be used for this or not. You need to know that when installing the board, you should always have a groove down, and spike up. Such a location Block House avoids the accumulation of moisture and dust directly in the groove, which will extend the service life of the board.

When the installation will be performed directly, it is necessary to make a gap between the floor (ceiling) and the trim to provide natural ventilation internal surface Oven. In addition, a small gap should remain between separate boards To eliminate their deformation when changing temperature and humidity.

All features in the material, block house installation for all rules "\u003e block house installation.

The selection of fasteners of the trim follows from the selection of the material. Thick wide boards need reliable mount. Provide it, given the conditions in which the House Block will be, the screws can best. Therefore, they must be chosen, and you need to choose with anti-corrosion coating (zinc, anodizing). If you use such self-tapping screws and shelter the house by block shagus, the price will increase because of this, but it will not be on the track of traces of rusty fasteners.

Read more on how to fix a block house - tips and recommendations.

Presented material concerns the features associated with the installation of the sheat. Directly as a clamping block is performed - video

demonstrates with all the details.

Features of protecting the trim

After the upholstery is made at home Block House, it must be protected from the effects of the atmosphere. To do this, it is necessary to cover it with varnish or paint. And it should be noted that no matter how dry board is, it will still dry, as a result of which white stripes between individual boards may appear. To avoid this, before installing the spike and grooves of the board, you should proceed with that paint (varnish) that will be used in the future.

In addition, it is necessary to be guided by the recommendations of manufacturers. paint and varnish coatings To perform primer before painting. Painting itself should be done in two layers, with such a processing, antiseptic properties are saved much longer. It is also detailed to get acquainted with the process of applying protective and decorative coatings In the article than painting a block house impregnation and processing.

When performing varnishing, when the first layer of varnish is dry, it is recommended to grind the surface. This will remove the pile raised with a brush and provide a smooth and glossy surface. Houses, a black house, the photo of which are shown below, show what the end result will be.

The covering block House allows not only to turn the most inconspicuous house in fashionable and modern house, but also provide additional comfort and comfort in it. And knowledge of the simple and unscrewing subtleties of the process of the trim will be guaranteed to get good result At the end of the work performed.

All photos from the article

Choosing a facade cladding material, many homeowners prefer wood products, such as lining and a house block. The fact is that they are environmentally friendly, possess for a long time operation and easy mounted. But before proceeding with the trim, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with all the nuances of this work, so in this article we will consider in detail how the construction of the house is performed by the house of the house.


Block House, in fact, this is the same lining, but with a cylindrical face profile. As a result, the house covered with this material resembles a log house from a calibrated log.

It must be said that most often a block house is used to cover wooden buildings. In this case, the material allows you to maintain an attractive appearance of a wooden house even after the exterior insulation of the walls. However, it is possible to use this coating and for the facing of the brick structure, for example, to turn anything not remarkable in a fabulous log house.

Block House came to us from Europe. Thanks to the beautiful appearance And good technical characteristics acquired popularity. Building material is made of wood or materials that copy natural wood species.

Consider the features of the design of the facade, decorated with a house, and describe the sequence of the house of the house with wood panels.

Siding "Block House": design features

Block House - Popular construction materialused in the external and interior decoration of the walls of the house. The surface that is trimmed by a house is reminded by a wall, decorated natural tree. Elements are made of wood or galvanized steel coated polymer film, the shape of the elements is double or single "logs".

Plaques for the skin have a convex front wall and a flat rear. The rips provide spikes and grooves for docking elements.

Before proceeding with the arrangement of the house from the Haus block, it is necessary to understand the device of the ventilated facade of this type. The design includes the required elements:

  1. Arrangement - protects the insulation from wet vapors. A vapor insulation layer skips steam in the direction of the wall, not allowing to penetrate the insulation.
  2. The lamp - creates the cavity between the house wall and the house unit, serves as the base for fastening the rails. The lamp is performed from wooden bar cross section 100 * 40 mm or 50 * 40 mm (depending on type heat insulating material). This element of the design performs the role of a frame for fastening the Haus block.
  3. The thermal insulation layer is the foam, mineral wool, etc. The thickness of the insulation must be at least 10 cm.
  4. The windbarrier is mounted on the lamp timing and additionally protects the insulation from the humidity contained in the air.
  5. The counterclaim provides space between the windproof film and the Block House. The counterclaim is performed from the bars of a small section - 20 * 40 mm. If you neglect by this element of the facade design, the wooden lamellas of the Haus block quickly rotate.
  6. External sheath - Block House.

Conducting device at home Block House: Photo

Advantages and disadvantages of different types of Haus block

Main Criterion Classification Block House - Production Material. For finishing work More often use wooden, metal and vinyl panels.

When producing a wooden house, coniferous and deciduous wood (cedar, pine, Siberian larch and spruce) are used. These types of wood are resistant to rotting and serve for a long time.

Wooden lamellas are manufactured according to this technology:

  1. The logs are collected by the "Square in Circle" method. The result is four blanks.
  2. Billets are placed in the drying chamber.
  3. Drying lasts about 2 weeks. If it is dried by wood in a natural way, then you need about 6 months.

Block House from wood has a number of advantages:

  • strength - the surface of the panels withstands high mechanical / physical impact, without losing the initial appearance;
  • the damaged decoration element can be restored - pollute or replace;
  • the material is low;
  • ease of installation;
  • environmentally friendly material;
  • walls, trimmed wooden block house, "breathe" - a favorable microclimate of the room is created;
  • block House additionally insulates the house;
  • high decorativeness and attractiveness of a wooden facade.

Block House from a tree needs regular cleaning and treatment of varnish - these activities increase the moisture resistance of the material and extend the life of the trim

Facade finish often performed metal sheets Haws block, which are inherent in some features:

  • building material is made of steel thickness of at least 0.5 mm;
  • the steel housing of the element is covered with zinc;
  • from the inside, the metal plate is processed by primer and paint, and on the front side, the Haus block is applied with a natural tree imitating;
  • the main advantages of the metal facade are durability and high strength; Block House of this type withstands temperature fluctuations, resistant to moisture and does not change its characteristics under the influence of adverse climatic conditions;
  • metal Block House has different forms - In one or two logs.

The vinyl panels include protective firming components and additional plasticizers. Vinyl block House has many advantages wooden panelsBut it is stronger, cheaper and produced in a wide range of colors.

How to choose a material for finishing the house block house

Selection of the Haus block - the task is not simple. The boards differ from each other not only by the material of the manufacture, but in other parameters. When buying lamellas, it is advisable to be guided by the following councils of specialists:

  1. For facade work, it is necessary to use boards with a width of at least 15 cm, it is desirable that all the slats have the same dimensions.
  2. It is better to choose long boards - it will reduce the number of joints. Standard Length Length - 6 m.
  3. Outdoor siding perform a block of a house of coniferous wood. Perfect option - larch.
  4. Boards from the northern regions are more dense - this property improves the remaining characteristics of the material. Wood density can be checked by annual rings. The closer they are located to each other, the material is denser.
  5. Do not buy wooden boardsIf they have defects: cracks, rotten shortcuts, mold flying or blue spots.
  6. The squeezing should be small: in width - about 8 mm, in a depth - 3 mm.
  7. The permissible level of the moisture content of wooden boards is 20%. This value must be displayed in the Certificate of Construction Material.
  8. Packaging Block Haws must be holistic, without damage.

Mounting Rules Labels "Block House"

Conditioning at home Block House should be performed in compliance with a number of rules:

  1. Installation is performed on guides, not straight to the wall.
  2. Locking the Haus block is preferably carried out using clammers or metal brackets. For fastening thick boards, the Hausa block is better to use anti-corrosion coating screws.
  3. Before starting the installation, wooden boards are desirable to hold in the room for several days. This will reduce the moisture of the material.
  4. During the attachment of the panel, it is located so that the groove is from below, and the spike is top. This method reduces the risk of accumulation of dust / dirt in the groove and increases the lifespan.
  5. Between the floor / ceiling surface and the trim, it is necessary to leave a gap for natural ventilation.
  6. A small gap should be between the boards. This measure will prevent the material deformation in the event of moisture and temperature differences.

Facade Finishing House Block House: phased work

Consider how to put the house block House. Mounting process Consider on the example of wooden panels.

Tools and materials

In addition to the Khaus block itself, other materials will also be needed:

Important! The insulation is better not to use foam. This thermal insulator is badly combined with wood, as it has low vapor permeability and supports burning

Required tools:

  • level;
  • brush;
  • hammer;
  • sandpaper or grinding;
  • saw;
  • electric drill;
  • screwdriver.

Preparatory activities

Before starting to finish a wooden house, the Block House needs preparatory activities.

Cover House Block House

Installation of boards starts from the bottom angle, the mounting panels is horizontal. Fixation Block Howes using Klymers:

  1. Kleimers attach to the crate of self-drawing.
  2. In the paws fasteners insert the first panel. The location of the board is a groove down.
  3. The number of the next panel to wear on the spike, located below from the installed element of the crate.
  4. Work on the facing continues until the whole wall is covered with panels Block Haus.

If the kleimers replace with self-drawers, then before mounting the boards, you must prepare the recesses for fasteners. Fixation occurs in increments - 40 cm. Self-tapping screws are screwed at 45 °.

So that the finish had an aesthetic type of self-tapping screw to disguise. For this, the remains of wooden panels, ready-made plugs or wooden "paste" are suitable.

For registration inner corners suitable "boats", on exterior angles Special plinths are superimposed or 5 * 51 cm. Specialists recommend to fix the timber before the start of the trim - this will allow the panel of the Haus block panel to Brus and make the finish as attractive as possible.

Door and window openings are decorated with platbands. The main function of the platbands is to hide the slots and protection against the penetration of cold air, precipitation and garbage.

You can choose decorative platbands with interesting carved patterns and unusual ornaments. In the form of platbands can be flat, rounded or figured. The choice depends on the stylistics and the total facade of the house

Finish block house inside the house

Installation of the Haus block inside the house is almost no different from external sheavingBut has some nuances:

  • to work use small width boards;
  • external and internal corners are fixed at the end of the installation of block house.

Important! Wooden panels Block Haus better not apply for finishing inland walls wet premises. IN otherwiseMaterial must be covered with a layer of varnish

Processing and maintenance of panels Block Haus

To provide long operation Finishes wooden houses Block House must be handled with protective coatings: a verse, antiseptic, varnish, paint and mastic.

Processing sequence:

  1. The surface of the Haus block is projected.
  2. Apply a layer of varnish or colorless paint.
  3. Every 5-7 years protective covering need to update. It is desirable to re-apply the same varnish or paint, otherwise the previous layer will have to remove grinders.

Important! To avoid the appearance of white stripes when the wooden panels are satisted, the thorns of the Haus block must be treated with varnish before assembling

House clamping Block House: Video