Do-it-yourself portable firewood shed projects. How to make a wooden woodcutter with your own hands

A firewood shed is a small shed for storing firewood for a barbecue, sauna, fireplace or stove. To do this, you can build a small shed or stack firewood in a home hozblok. Or you can make a little more effort and create your own original building, which will become a real decoration of the suburban area.

How to choose a place to build?

When choosing a suitable place for a future woodcutter, keep in mind that the building should not be conspicuous and should not be located too far from home. If there is no fireplace or stove heating in a residential building, then it makes sense to build a woodshed closer to the steam room or barbecue area.

We advise you to draw a plan for a summer cottage and choose a suitable place for your future woodcutter on it. When creating a drawing, also take into account the features of the local terrain. The chosen place should be as flat as possible and located on a slight elevation. If your building is in a pit, then water will accumulate in it, which will begin to spoil the firewood. As a result, you will be forced to get rid of excess fluid.

Also keep in mind that the firewood should dry well, so it is best to build a woodshed in a draft. Try not to hit the wood with direct Sun rays otherwise they will dry out. To do this, build a building on the north side of the site.

Features of the construction and design of a woodshed

When choosing the type of woodcutter, consider your experience in building with your own hands - this will make it possible to immediately discard options that are not suitable for you. The most affordable and cheapest option is a woodshed. Such a structure is sheathed with boards or timber and can last a long time.

Remember that the woodcutter should fit in as harmoniously as possible in your country house. good solution will be its extension to an existing building. In this case, you will spend much less time on design, and the entire amount of work will be significantly reduced.

As a material for sheathing, you can use slate, corrugated board or polycarbonate. Then it is necessary to leave gaps in the walls of the woodshed for natural ventilation.

To make the structure more ornate, you can paint it or cover it with colored polyurethane varnish. Plant a few bushes of climbing plants next to the building - they will help give the woodcutter an unusual appearance.

Alternatively, you can craft for a building wooden roof, and place several flat containers with soil on it. Sow in the ground lawn grass. Vegetation growing on the roof will make your woodshed different from others.

We calculate the required area and prepare materials

The area required for construction depends on the consumption of wood. In practice, for heating 100 m 2 of living space in autumn and winter, about 2.5 m 3 of dry pine wood or 1.5 m 3 of birch wood is required. At the same time, dry firewood is a material with a moisture content of about 20%. This figure is achieved by storing raw materials for a year. Much more freshly cut firewood will be required to heat the same area, since their calorific value is several times lower.

You will have to stock up on material for at least 2 seasons. When calculating firewood, also consider the efficiency of your stove or fireplace. Do more modern models fireplaces, this figure can reach 80%. In them, one batch of used firewood can "work" up to 8 hours. To the amount of material you calculated for heating the building, also add firewood for a barbecue and a steam room.

For construction, you will need the following tools:

  • hacksaw;
  • hammer;
  • pliers;
  • twine;
  • plumb;
  • ladder.

When building a foundation for driving in pillars, you will need a drill or crowbar.

As a material for construction, you can use waste left over from the construction of other facilities on the site. It is important that they are in good condition, with no signs of rot.

Building a firewood shed on a columnar foundation

First you need to prepare the foundation. Without a foundation, the building will wobble. To do this, dig a ravine 10 cm deep. Line the area of ​​the ravine with bricks or blocks. At the corners of the foundation, dig holes 40 cm deep, install pillars of blocks or bricks and fasten them with mortar. There should be space inside each of the pillars so that later the bars can be installed in it. The foundation pillars will serve as the main support for holding the woodcutter. Next, inside the pillars, you need to hammer bars with a diameter of 5-7 cm and pour them with concrete to better hold.

Next, proceed to the waterproofing of the woodcutter. For this you need bituminous mastic and ruberoid. Apply mastic to the bricks laid out in the ravine and lay the roofing material, heated by gasoline or gas burner. When laying, make an overlap of 10 cm, and at the end, heat up the roofing material again and apply a second layer of mastic.

After that, the protruding bars need to be sheathed wooden planks. At the same time, in the lower part, 4 pillars must be horizontally nailed to the bars, to which the floorboards will be attached. For fastening, use metal corners and self-tapping screws. You can also use long self-tapping screws without corners. Bars and all others wooden elements pre-treat buildings with fire retardant impregnation.

Then do top harness and nail the rafters for future roof. To make the job easier, fix temporary braces for a while. In the place where the doorway will be, install 2 additional timber. In the future, the door will be needed if you decide to build a hozblok. If you are building a small woodshed, then you can do without a door.

As a roof, a shed structure covered with corrugated board is suitable. In addition to the roof over the entrance to the building, make a small visor. It will protect the firewood from rain and snow in strong wind. For the manufacture of this element, use the end board, which must be fixed to the front roof boards with dies.

The walls of the building must be sheathed with bars or boards. Nail the bars in 2–3 cm increments. The boards must be fastened with small gaps between them. After construction, the wooden elements of the woodshed must be painted and coated with polyurethane varnish.

Construction of a woodshed

For the construction of a wall-mounted woodcutter, the north side of the house or barn is best suited. When erecting a structure of this type, be sure to consider that water from the roof of the house can drain into the extension. This can be avoided by installing a visor or shifting the frame for storing firewood.

To mount the visor, nail two boards to the roof of the building and grease them with water-repellent impregnation. After that, sheathe the boards with slate or corrugated board. Position the roofing material so that water from it does not flow into the woodshed.

In all other respects, the construction of the extension completely repeats the construction algorithm fixed structure. The advantage of a wall-mounted woodcutter is to save space and time. You do not need to make a drawing of a suburban area. All that is needed is to drive in the poles and sheathe them with boards. Further decoration entirely depends on your imagination.

Making a compact portable woodcutter

Today on sale there is a wide range of wooden and forged woodsheds of compact sizes, they can be carried with you in a car. However, making the design yourself from improvised means is much more interesting. Basic portable woodcutter can serve old barrel. The main condition for this is that it should not have traces of rot.

Set the barrel on a flat surface. Move its hoop to the center of the barrel, knocking with a hammer. After that, fix the hoop with short screws, it will be a handle. Draw the cut points along the edges with a marker. Drill several holes along the contours with a drill. Insert a jigsaw sting into one of the holes and saw off part of the barrel along the outlined outline. Do the same on the other side. Places of cuts must be carefully cleaned with sandpaper.

After that, take a board and saw off several bars from it with an electric jigsaw, which will serve as legs for the woodcutter. They can be glued to the bottom of the woodcutter or inserted into pre-drilled holes. At the end, it remains to process the wooden part of the barrel special impregnation against rot. If desired, the woodcutter can be painted.

Residents of private houses and owners of cottages cannot do without firewood. They need to be dried somewhere, stored and stored. To protect firewood from dampness, a canopy or a more serious structure is built for them. How to make a woodcutter without outside help what is required from tools and materials, what type of woodcutter is most suitable for your site - this article is devoted to these issues.

We dance from the stove

We start not with the purchase of materials, choosing a place, and not even with a drawing. Initially, you need to understand how much firewood will be needed for the season. Why do you need them?

For furnace heating Houses? Bath kindling? Organization of picnics in nature home fireplace? For all these needs, a different amount of firewood is needed.

The choice of design depends on the volume that will have to be stored. Do you visit the country house only on weekends to take a steam bath and fry kebabs? Then harvest no more than one and a half "cubes".

In this case, there is no need to build a fundamental structure. It is enough to get by with a light free-standing canopy or fold the woodpile with your own hands, for example, against the wall country house or baths. Next, I'll tell you how to do it.

Do you constantly live in a house that is heated by a stove? Here the calculation of the need for firewood will be different.

It is believed that for heating a living area of ​​100 sq. m will burn up to 2.5 cubic meters of firewood per year. But it's always better to have a two-year supply on hand. After all, wooden blanks reach the minimum moisture content only after a year of storage. They are the ones that burn the best and last the longest.

Those that have been cut down recently are not suitable for kindling. Such firewood is still damp, smokes and the heat from them is “zero”. They need to be allowed to rest. The fuel supply should be enough to heat the house, bath, barbecue.

In the villages, up to 12 "cubes" are harvested at a time. These are several cars. For warehousing and storage of large volumes simple canopy not enough.

Below you will find a description of woodsheds different types- attached and capital. As well as tips on how to stack firewood in the country so that they retain their combustible properties for as long as possible and do not spoil the appearance of the site.

Types of buildings, material, tools

A firewood shed is a structure for drying and storing firewood. It can be made attached to the building or standing separately, in an open space. Temporary or permanent. On a columnar foundation or on block supports. made of iron, wood or construction residues. The type, size, material and estimate depend on the specific needs for the amount of firewood and the budget.

For carpentry you will need a bar or a metal pipe, nails, bricks or cinder blocks, a hammer, a hacksaw, pliers, a plumb line, a screwdriver, metal corners, suitable material for cladding and waterproofing. Any woodcutter is a frame of four racks mounted on solid foundation.

When a woodshed has a foundation and a door, it is a woodshed. It is often connected by a common roof along with outdoor shower and toilet. It turns out a convenient economic block, organized according to the principle: “three in one”. Doors to each sector are made separately. What such a combined woodcutter looks like can be seen in the photo.

Getting started, it is important to accurately set the level. Otherwise, the structure will warp over time and become unusable.

So that it does not drip on the head

Whatever drawing you draw, the requirements for any type of woodcutter are the same. Freshly cut firewood should dry well in it, dry firewood should not get wet in the rain and snow. This means that it is necessary to ensure good ventilation (ventilation), but protect the building from dampness. And direct sunlight.

The latter seems strange, but experienced people confirm that firewood that has been lying in the sun for a long time flares up badly in the oven and gives little heat. Consider lighting. It will come in handy in the evening.

Choosing the right place to store firewood is extremely important. Arrange a woodpile or woodcutter stands where a car with firewood can drive up to it as close as possible. When unloading, it is hardly convenient to carry logs across the entire site.

The approach to the wood storage should be convenient and clean. If you are not confident in your design talents, put a woodcutter on the back of the house so that it does not an eyesore. Choose a site for construction on a flat and dry place.

Economical and not complicated

The option with an adjoining structure to the main building has several attractive points.

  • Firstly, it is convenient to have firewood always at hand.
  • Second, it's economical. It will take much less material than in woodsheds of other types.
  • Thirdly, a woodpile installed along the wall will perform for interior the role of additional thermal protection.

But there are also disadvantages of the extension type. The precipitation water flowing from the roof will moisten the top rows of firewood. This flaw is easily eliminated by lengthening the bevels of the main roof due to the wide visor. It will protect the firewood from snow and rain.

They make a visor from several end boards knocked together. If this is not possible, cover the woodpile with a film, tarpaulin or a piece of roofing material. Large plates of bark are suitable for this purpose.

We make an extension for firewood

Well if adjoining territory paved or tiled. Then the lower rows of wood stock will remain dry. For better ventilation, install several bricks or cinder blocks as supports at the corners of the future base.

Place a piece of plywood or a storage pallet on top of them. There may be several, depending on the amount of firewood. For strength, fasten the pallets together with metal brackets or steel wire. Make holes in the bottom.

The elevation can be made from a wooden or metal frame, tightened tightly waterproofing material(roofing material). To make the woodpile stable, fix it from the ends with two pairs of poles, nailing them to the base with nails. Lay the logs in a stack, parallel to each other. Thicker end towards the retaining wall.

A woodpile folded like a crate will be much more stable. Each subsequent row is folded perpendicular to the bottom. Round timbers or chocks, split into two halves, are laid along the edges. This is the simplest type of woodcutter. Even a teenager can handle his device.

If conditions and your abilities allow, the frame is made more durable. Dig four metal pipes or beams into the ground to a depth of 30 cm. These will be the stands. We pour them around the circumference with rubble, compact.

Treat the part of the timber in contact with the ground with antiseptic impregnation to protect it from decay. Sheathe racks on two or three sides - at your discretion. This is the so-called "strapping". A floorboard (25 mm) or a rail, polycarbonate sheets is suitable for it.

For fasteners, use self-tapping screws or nails, two on each side. The main thing is that there is a gap between the sheets or boards for free air ventilation. So the wood will not get damp.

A roof made of any available roofing material is attached to the corners from above. There is a trick here. We make the rear racks 20-30 cm higher. So we get a roof with a slope, along which water will roll down without spoiling our firewood. The floor is stuffed on long boards (logs) laid on posts made of bricks or cinder blocks.

From above they are laid with the main coating of the board larger diameter so that the floor is not crushed by the weight of the woodpile. If there is not much firewood, plywood can be used as a base. There should be several block or brick supports under the lags.

Lay out the bottom row of the stack with meter-long firewood. When everything is ready, cover the wooden parts of your masterpiece with an antiseptic for the first layer, after drying - with pesticide paint or polyurethane varnish.

It is important to take one more precaution. If the house near which you are building a log storage is wooden, you need to think about how to protect it from wood bugs and dampness. To do this, leave a space between the wall and the logs for ventilation. section of wall in right place protect against bark beetles with a steel sheet.

I had to meet a woodcutter near the house, the frame of which was welded from an iron corner. Such a design is not afraid of dampness, you can not be afraid that a strong wind will turn it over. However, the cost of material and welding work much more cost in the designs described above.

Capital and durable

Closed wood storage can be arranged away from the house or bath. It will be much safer for fire reasons. They can be quite simple - from several pillars or capital.

Earlier, we agreed that we choose a place for a wood storage dry and even. As a rule, freestanding woodsheds or woodsheds, especially for a large stock, are made on a foundation. This is necessary if the soils in your area are soft - clay or loam.

We start by digging a ditch with a depth of 20 to 80 cm around the perimeter of the future building. It depends on how much the soil freezes in winter in your region. We fall asleep in the recess with layers of sand and gravel (at least 10 cm). Each layer is well tamped. Include family members in this activity.

Everything supporting pillars we concrete. We begin sheathing with boards or other material only after the mortar has hardened well. Holes in the ground under the racks are easy to make with a drill.

Remember that you can not lay the woodpile directly on the ground. The lower rows of firewood will rot over time. And when the snow begins to melt, your entire structure will “float. On the Internet you can see a photo of a wood warehouse without a foundation.

In this case, removed upper layer soil around the perimeter. Dry sand is poured, after which it is tightly compacted. top closes paving slabs. An elevation for firewood on such a basis is made of bars and crossbars of the lower row of a wood stack.

In addition to the roofing materials listed above, roofing is also suitable soft tiles or galvanized steel. Make the size of the roof with a margin of 30-50 cm. The size of the capital barn depends on the amount of firewood you need.

Back to option column foundation. The building on it can be square or rectangular. Four end support posts can be metal or from a bar, unbarked logs.

So it will turn out a woodcutter in rustic style. Using a timber, treat its lower part, which will be in the ground, with impregnation to protect it from decay. Budget tool - engine oil.

The binding of the walls may not be continuous, but only up to half. Buildings look aesthetically pleasing, with slats stuffed like blinds, with a slope or in the form of an oblique lattice.

The optimal height of the structure is 2 meters. The roof can be single or gable. When constructing a woodshed, always remember the need for ventilation in it.

From greedy hands

For convenience and better preservation, separate freshly cut firewood from dry wood. This is necessary for large quantities. Inside the woodshed, leave a passage in the middle. Do not bring it close to the back wall. Along it, logs are stacked in one or two rows. On one side of the passage - dried, on the opposite - raw.

Lay long boards vertically between rows at equal intervals. These will be sections. Arrange the logs in them by type of wood or size. Sometimes there is a need to hide your supply under lock and key.

For a door canopy in the center of the front wall, two additional supports made of timber are installed at the construction stage. Loops are fixed on one of them. You don't have to redo the door. The old one will do room or half of the closet.

Everything will fit

For a small stock that is only used for a fireplace or barbecue, you can fit a metal or wooden shelving. It will provide convenient sectional storage of firewood. There is a place for the rack on a large porch with a canopy, on covered veranda, under the canopy of the roof against the wall.

Firewood can be stored street stairs or porch. The main thing is that the storage place is well ventilated, protected from rain from above and from dampness from below. Was away from open sources fire.


Now that you have read to the end and learned how to make a woodcutter with your own hands, it's time to move from words to deeds. Make a drawing, decide on the dimensions, estimate, and proceed to the construction. Successful work.

Woodcutter photo

As practice shows, some firewood is stored under a canopy or in. But in such places there should be natural ventilation. The real owners build a firewood storage as a separate building.

How to build a woodcutter with your own hands is of interest to many. Simple Tips specialists will help to cope with the construction of the structure, even for those who have never built. Moreover, it is possible to build a structure not only from new materials, but also from used ones. For example, old chopped windows can become an amazing woodcutter, you just have to put a little work and imagination into them.

Choosing a place for a woodcutter

The first thing to do is to correctly determine the place of construction. When choosing a place to build a woodcutter, you should be guided by rationality. The building for storing fossil fuels should not be in sight, because it is not a building that is the focal point of the courtyard. But at the same time, it is recommended to have it close to home. Remember that firewood will have to be carried, and this is not such an easy physical labor. At the same time, it’s great when there is an entrance to the woodcutter. With this approach, the delivery of fuel to the storage site will not be difficult.

If you do not heat the house with the help, the fuel storage place must be located near the bathhouse. This kind of construction should be convenient, and firewood will always be at hand.

To select the “right” place to build a woodshed, draw a site plan. This will allow you to better plan the construction and determine the most suitable location. It is worth giving preference to the hills. Experts do not recommend building a firewood shed in the lowlands, as moisture accumulates there, and this firewood is useless.

A firewood shed can be erected as a separate structure, but very often it is made as an extension to a house, bathhouse or barn. It depends on your personal priorities, the size of the plot, your imagination. Simple designs allow you to build an amazingly beautiful structure.

Choosing the type of woodcutter

After the place for the construction is determined, you can proceed to the choice of the type of structure. At this stage of planning, it is necessary to determine the size of the structure, depending on how much firewood will have to be stored throughout the year. The first thing to do at this stage of construction is to decide on the budget and whether you will build an outbuilding from new or improvised materials. Exists great amount types of woodsheds, because everything here depends on the imagination and capabilities of the owner of the site and his family members:

  • . This is the simplest design of a fossil fuel storage facility. It has three walls, a canopy roof and a floor. An excellent option when building a canopy is a raised floor that will not pull moisture from the ground. The canopy can be built as a separate building or as an extension to or a house.
  • As. This very elegant design with a door allows for proper storage of firewood and has beautiful view. Such a woodcutter will perfectly complement the courtyard ensemble. It can be built as a separate building or as an economic block.
  • Open type. These structures have a presentable appearance and externally fit into any interior. woodcutter open type consists of two walls and a raised floor. Many attach a roof to it to prevent precipitation.
  • Barn. In fact, this is an ordinary economic structure, only smaller. Such a structure also has an insignificant foundation. It can be equipped.

A do-it-yourself woodcutter, whose photo is presented on the Internet, can have the most different forms. This building does not belong to capital construction and is being built very quickly.

Materials for construction: do-it-yourself woodcutter

When building a firewood shed, the most different materials. Most often, a tree is used for such purposes. The woodsheds from those yards look very nice, where everything is decorated in a single natural style. The most important thing is that the firewood shed in the country, made with your own hands, protects the fuel from precipitation and has natural ventilation.

Very often used in the construction of a woodshed. With this installation, special attention should be paid to the ventilation system. To do this, leave gaps between the logs.

They look elegant and unique. Such a firewood shed is not built in large dimensions. It looks especially sophisticated in the recreation area, where it is located outdoor fireplace or barbecue grill.

You can also build a firewood shed from improvised materials. Imagine a little and see how you build a structure. As practice shows, the construction of such a building does not require certain materials. The main thing is to create a natural ventilation system.

Before proceeding with the construction, it is worth determining the budget, because you can build a firewood shed of any design. The construction of a storage for firewood depends on the money spent.

Ready-made woodsheds - a simple construction solution

Today on the market building materials you can buy ready-made firewood sheds of any type and design. This the best solution for those who don't own free time for construction or simply does not want to engage in the construction of structures. On sale there is also a chic firewood shed made of timber, which looks like a gazebo, and an exclusive forged firewood shed, made manually, and the construction of polymers. The choice is great in a variety of shapes, models and colors.

Necessary materials and tools for the construction of a woodshed

Before you start building, you need to create a clear drawing. The sketch will allow you to quickly build a woodshed, especially if shelves for storing things are planned in it. A do-it-yourself firewood shed, the drawings of which are presented on the site, allows you to conveniently store firewood. The drawing clearly shows the dimensions of the building and the entire construction process. Next, you should purchase or prepare tools for construction. For such work, you will definitely need a drill to create holes for the pillars, a hacksaw and a hammer for working with wood.

It is worth remembering that the appearance of the storage depends on the quality of the logs. If the firewood is placed randomly, it will not work to create harmony, no matter how hard you try. Therefore, logs should be laid carefully. The layout method is determined by each according to his personal requirements and desires.

Decorating a woodcutter is limited only by your imagination. Forged details are perfect for decoration. They are ideally combined with any materials. If you have a fireplace in your house, then you can complement the interior with a small forged woodcutter, which is located directly next to the firebox. Such a mini woodcutter will decorate and.

A firewood shed is a simple structure that greatly helps to conserve firewood. Experts advise harvesting logs immediately for several years. Such a supply will not be excessive, but will allow you to feel confident, because each person uses the barbecue, heats the stove or fireplace. Well, a place to store firewood will always help keep natural fuel dry.

- all this works on wood. Therefore, if you like to sit in front of the fireplace on a cool evening, call your friends for a barbecue, you should take care of a sufficient supply of firewood. Such a building as a firewood shed will keep the logs dry, protect them from dampness, and besides, they will be collected in one place, and not scattered around the yard.

If the firewood shed is also decorated and finished, then it will become not just an outbuilding, but also an element of the decor of the site. How to make a beautiful and functional woodcutter in the country with your own hands, read further in the article.

There are two types of log storage shed:

Usually, a woodcutter in the country is built with lattice walls or gaps between the boards. Experts advise to fill lumber at an angle. This is necessary so that during a snowfall with an oblique wind, precipitation does not penetrate into the structure.

The second option implies the following: a lattice of thin strips is made on a frame basis. They get stuffed different ways: horizontally, vertically, obliquely. The main thing is that there are many slots for ventilation.

It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of whether the method of arranging the planks affects the duration of drying firewood, since no comparative experiments have been carried out. Among private observations, the following is noted: a certain craftsman insists that his method of mounting the slats allows you to dry stocks in one month. He fills the boards obliquely, while changing direction on each wall.

As for the slots, their size varies from 2 to 10 cm, which is also affected by the width of the boards. In regions with heavy snowfall, gaps that are too wide will cause precipitation to clog. In other cases, the boards are mounted at a great distance from each other, which saves material.

In some cases, a door is attached to the woodcutter, getting a full-fledged woodshed. However, most often, such a design lacks not only a target, but also a front wall, which is necessary to ensure active ventilation. Basically, these elements are needed to protect the timber from thieves.

The method of arranging firewood under a canopy

In a small firewood shed, logs are arranged in one row, that is, everything is easy and accessible. If the building is large and involves loading several batches of firewood, it is recommended to divide the available space into parts. In this case, there will be no mixing and overlapping of already dried logs with freshly imported, raw ones.

In a square building, consider the location of the sections in such a way that passage is provided inside to dry firewood. To do this, leave in the center small space. There should be no more than two rows of logs between you and the wall. In a rectangular woodshed, the area is divided into sectors using partitions.

It is necessary to say a few words about the height of the outbuilding. As a rule, for a dacha, which is used only in the warm season, about two cubes of raw materials are required, so the woodcutter is made small. If you plan to heat the house and baths, you should build a more solid structure. In this case, despite the shape of the building (square or rectangular), the height must be more than two meters. So you can fill the shed with logs to the very ceiling, not forgetting to leave a ventilation slot at the top.

DIY construction

Before erecting a structure, it is necessary to study the various projects of firewood workers for a summer residence in order to find suitable option, which will fit in size and style.

We will divide all the work on the construction of a home-made woodcutter into successive stages.

Stage 1: preparatory

1. Where to put the firewood.

This issue needs to be given Special attention. Still, a log storage shed is an outbuilding, so it is important that it is not in plain sight. At the same time, it should be positioned so that you do not have to go too far for firewood. It is necessary to take into account a few more points: convenient access for a car bringing timber, and maximum proximity to the barn.

It would be useful to use the site plan to select the area for the construction of a structure for firewood. Draw a diagram and, taking into account the points described above, select optimal location. Do not forget that the woodcutter in the country can be attached to the building or erected as a separate structure.

2. We carry out the drawing.

The scheme will be required if it is planned to store not only firewood, but also tools, as well as other rarely used things in the woodshed.

By drawing up a drawing, you can accurately calculate the area for a certain supply of firewood, which depends on many factors. For example, to heat a house with an area of ​​100 sq. m in the cold period will require more than 2 cubic meters. m of dried pine raw materials or 1.7 cubic meters. m birch.

A dry fuel material is considered to be the moisture content of which, after one year of storage in a woodshed, does not exceed 20%.

Fresh firewood goes several times more. In addition, it is required to create a fuel reserve for at least two seasons. The number of prepared logs is affected by the characteristics of the stove or fireplace used, as well as the efficiency heating device. Raw materials for baths, barbecues and other things are also added here.

3. Necessary materials and tools for work.

There are no special requirements for the material. Once you have decided on the type of future structure, you can start buying the necessary products. It is not prohibited to use beams, bricks and other materials left after the previous construction, or obtained from the dismantling of the old structure, for the construction of the woodcutter.

As for the tools, we will need:

  • hacksaw;
  • hammer;
  • pliers;
  • plumb;
  • twine;
  • ladder.

Stage 2: construction of the structure

In this section, we'll show you how to build different types woodcutter: stationary, wall-mounted and portable.

Stationary type construction

It should be noted that this is not a capital structure, although it is carried out on the basis of a columnar foundation.

Step 1: reliability and durability of the woodcutter provide base columns, for which holes are dug to a depth not less than the level of soil freezing, with their subsequent concreting. Another option is to layer-by-layer falling asleep in the pits of sand and gravel with obligatory tamping. Simple digging in of columns is not recommended, as the instability of the structure is possible, especially in the spring.

Step 2: installation brick posts on the foundation, fastening them with mortar. For a small woodcutter, four elements will be enough, and for a more spacious building, more will be required.

Step 3: framing. To do this, we take a beam measuring 150x200 mm. We fix the beams to each other on metal corners and self-tapping screws, or simply on long self-tapping screws. Do not forget that all wooden elements need pre-treatment with special solutions that increase resistance to moisture, as well as the effects of fire and insects.

Step 4: perform waterproofing using pieces of roofing material folded in half.

Wall type woodcutter

Such a structure is best erected near the northern wall of the house or utility block. The reason for this lies in the fact that firewood does not tolerate the sun well. For drying, a good natural ventilation.
When equipping a home-made wall-mounted woodcutter in the country, do not forget to consider one important point: the probability of water running off the walls and roof of the building. To prevent such a situation, the structure should be slightly moved away from side element buildings or choose the right option for the roof.

A distinctive feature of such a wall-mounted woodcutter is the fact that the structure is hidden behind the house. The remaining points regarding the construction process are similar to the stages of erecting a free-standing structure.

Portable woodcutter

The stores offer a wide range of similar sheds for storing logs. Alternatively, such a firewood rack can be bought ready-made, ordered in a workshop, or built independently. This is a laborious process, but still it is accessible to everyone: just turn on your imagination and be patient. In addition, any improvised material is suitable for these purposes.

Consider several options for creating a home-made portable woodcutter.

1. From an old wooden barrel:

This model is suitable for installation near the fireplace.

2. From an old rabbitry.

A small firewood shed can be made from an unnecessary rabbitry. To do this, remove the front panels, namely the doors and the grid. We repair the roof, and that's it: our log storage structure is ready for use.

If only the rabbitry remained metal carcass, we transfer it to the chosen place, we carry out sheathing with a grid or a tree, we construct simple roof and use it to store fuel.

3. From old pallets.

Let's define what pallets are. This is a storage container for the installation and movement of various goods. This stand has a wide and solid base, as well as slots between the stuffed boards. We stack them on top of each other, getting a cube, and delete one face. It remains to make a roof, for which you can take roofing material, thick oilcloth or other material. Below is a video that shows the technology for making a woodcutter from pallets.

Woodcutter from an old car