Interior doors with increased sound insulation. Interior doors with noise insulation

What are the interior doors to choose not to hear sounds from the next room? Do insulating doors help? What can be done with old doorTo improve the sound insulation of the room. Talk about it more.

On the quality of absorption of sounds or noise insulation of doors, two factors affect:

  • manufacturing material;
  • design type.

Soundproof interroom door has a special absorber inside the design. It is important that inside the web there are no voids that have a resonant effect. In addition, it is equipped with special seals, which allows it to be close to the floor and the door frame. It is at the expense of this that the noise remains inside the room.

Materials for door leaf

Today you can meet noise insulating models from various materials:

  • plastic;
  • natural wood array;

The most qualitative are the models from natural tree. They look massively and themselves prevent the spread of sounds. Worst of all the plastic doors are shown in this regard. The exceptions are the doors with a multi-chamber double-glazed window.

Also should not expect that the task will cope with MDF or chipboard. They will not qualitatively absorb sounds, so the responsible manufacturers offer only a canvas from a wooden array as noise insulating.

Huge importance and internal fillers. As they use:

  • foam;
  • batting;
  • mineral wool;
  • cardboard corrugated;
  • styrofoam;
  • foamed polyurethane.

As a security element, special is also widely used. protective film. Among the listed fillers, precisely foamed polyurethane is considered the safest. Mineral wool with time is joined, corrugated cardboard with cells in the form of hundreds also after two or three years will lose its basic properties.

Polyfoam - material that is dangerous for a person during fire.

About seals

Even who decided to purchase a similar door, it is necessary to know that the market you can find both a model with good sound insulation and with excellent. It is important to learn them to distinguish them.

Externally, such products are no different from the usual. The absorption of noise is carried out not only at the expense of the canvas manufactured by a special way, but also by sealing. It is important that the distance between the box and the door of the door is minimal. Each side of the box is additionally equipped with a seal.

Do not forget about the freezing. When installing a noise insulating model, it is required. By the way, this item is not always convenient for households. There are two ways to make a threshold optimal when used:

  • system " smart threshold"It is a seal in the lower part of the door, which when opening rises, not interfering with the movement, and if the door is closed, it becomes in place and prevents the passage of sounds;
  • a flexible threshold is a model made of rubber, which provides tight fit to the canvas and does not become a serious obstacle to the room.

Sliding doors are difficult to make noise insulating. Also bad qualities have doors from LDSP with glass inserts.

Rating of the best sound insulation doors

We present you review modern models Soundproofing. The rating is compiled according to numerous customer reviews in various forums. Rating scale decade ball.

ModelManufacturerDescriptionPrice, rubRating
33.23 Series 3000CPLCabinetrian, RussiaMassive, heavy door with a deaf cloth and good noise insulation, surface - melamine;

soundproofing - 26 dB

13000 8
Leonardo PF2.Lanfranco, ItalyPresented in the "Walnut" color, made of wood array with a veneer finish with ancient effect;

soundproofing - 32 dB

55000 9
Palazzo 3.Belwooddoors, BelarusMade of pine array, a deaf heavy door of a classic type;

the manufacturer does not declare soundproofing qualities, but buyers note this quality

17000 9
700sh.Cabinetrian, RussiaMassive canvas trimmed with oak veneer;

soundproofing - 22 dB

11900 8
№ 7 Doors of Belarus, BelarusMade of pine mass and varnish, deaf;

soundproofing level - 26 dB

6100 8
Still 42-2.Ostium, BelarusRefractory door design, reinforced, has a stationary threshold;

soundproofing level - 42 dB

30000 10
Louis PG.Doors of Belarus, BelarusMade of heavy oak massif, covered with varnish, style - classic;

soundproofing level - 32 dB

30000 9

33.23 Series 3000CPL

Still 42-2.

Doors of Belarus

Leonardo PF2.


Palazzo 3.

Well-established Belarusian manufacturers in the market. But what if the doors have already been bought and installed, and the requirement for noise insulation appeared later? Talk about how to solve this problem yourself.

Soundproofing interior door do it yourself

Famous simple techniques that will help isolate a room from outsided sounds from outside. Remember that if the walls of the room are made of plasterboard, work will be in vain.

Before starting work, it is worth familiar with the features of noise insulating doors:

  • the canvas of such a model is always thick;
  • it has a multi-layer structure;
  • the profile of the door frame is filled with foam, as a result of which it holds the sounds;
  • the thresholds of rubber will create additional isolation.

Correction options are quite a lot. It all depends on the initial working conditions. Consider 3 options:

  1. If the door keeps the external noise well, but it is not enough for you, you can enclose the canvas with a special film and install rubber flats, which will slightly fix the situation.
  2. On the perimeter of the box install seals that will be effective when closed door. Today, there are compactors of both domestic producers and foreign ones. Task - Isolate door slots.
  3. Help the door leaf on both sides by a substitute for the skin. The method is good in that efficiency increases by applying sound insulation pads. To do this, under the layer of material, batting, mineral wool, corrugated cardboard. What is in stock.

Strengthening the web itself - the process is not complicated, there are a lot of sound insulation ideas. But the effect will not be full if the slots remain.

Interior doors are needed in order to distinguish between space, but they also have to prevent the penetration of excess noise. Such rooms like a children's, bedroom, musical rooms, workshops, requires doors with good sound insulation. From this article you will learn how to choose noise insulating doors, taking into account customer reviews.

Construction features of doors for noise insulation

Interior doors with increased noise insulation are made of fiberboard, plastic, metal or glass. Make out of wood and its analogues, and sliding plastic or metal. But the latter have the lowest properties of noise insulation. Bad indicators of sound insulation have models made on shield technology when the frame is covered with panels from MDF or chipboard, because Inside such a "sandwich" is created by a resonant space. But in this way, old models were manufactured, modern shield doors have a cardboard partition, made on the principle of honeycomb. They are more elastic than a tree, so the sound is less.

Attention! The doors to which the increased requirements of sound absorption are made from the wood massif.

Glass or mirror inserts also worsen noise insulation. Specialists advise to make the glazing area up to 20%. IN otherwise We must do double, and better triple inserts.
Pilented wooden solid doors reduce noise level up to 20 dB.

Tip! Than a massive and harder door, the worse she skips the sound.

Good sound insulation is achieved when the distance between the door frame and the sash will be minimal. By this principle, the doors with a double trim are designed, along the edge of which there is a protruding groove with a polymer seal, allowing you to closely pressing the box, not leaving the lumen.

Many firms offer to order to make doors on special technology. Visually, they do not differ from conventional interroom counterparts, but inside consist of glued together layers of sound insulator and chipboard.

Good protection against noise provide plastic doors with a multi-chamber layer from the glass package. Than more quantity Cameras, the smaller the sound penetrates the room. Such doors are more often installed in offices or public places, but they can also be installed in the apartment correctly, choosing the interior.

Attention! To further strengthen the effect of noise insulation, get a special metal box to the doors to do, from the inside the concrete filled with concrete or the mounting foam. It provides a minimum clearance with a door frame, less than 1 mm.

Fillers for noise insulation

Choosing the doors, pay attention to the soundproofing material. The most effective are as follows:

  • corrugated cardboard with a layer in the form of honeycombs - cheap Material, but after a while loses its structure, forming a gap, which is why noise insulation deteriorates;
  • basalt mineral wool - does not burn, but gradually settles and then emptiness transmitting noise appear;

  • polyfoam - has good sound-absorbing properties, but is fire hazardous, while toxic gas, dangerous to human life, is distinguished;
  • foamed polyurethane - low-risk material that covers all empties tightly, preventing sound penetration.

Additional ways of noise insulation

The presence of thresholds in the door provides additional heat and noise insulation, but it is inconvenient to overlook, if there are elderly people or small children in the house. However, for this, "hidden" structures are installed:

  1. Flexible threshold, made of rubber, reduces the gap between the floor and the door blade, provides easy closing / opening the door.
  2. - This is a seal, which is attached to the doorway, when opening the door it rises, and when it is closed, it lowers, not leaving the lumen. In addition, such a system protects the room from drafts.

You can also "modify" old doors. To do this, you just need to strip their layer of sound insulator, according to the following scheme:

  • Close up all the cracks sealants, between the wall and the door frame.
  • We glue a special mastic sound insulation material, at both sides.
  • We decorate the Dermato door, scoring it with cloves along all sides.
  • We close the gap between the box and the door canvase, salabing it around the perimeter by the seal.
  • Install a flexible or smart threshold.

In conclusion, I would like to add that the installation is only noise insulating doors, will not save completely from extraneous noise. It is necessary to approach comprehensively: make insulation walls, ceiling, outdoor coating, install plastic double-glazed windows.

Noise Isolation Interior Doors: Video

Interior doors with noise insulation: photo

Interior doors, as follows from the name, are designed to separate the premises from each other, to distinguish between the space. However, in addition to aesthetics, they are obliged to provide sufficient sound insulation.

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If a stranger noise from the street prevents you from focusing, it is possible to replace the balcony door to the model with increased sound insulation.

Comfortable for man The volume of 30-50 dB is considered, large indicators annoy. The task of windows and doors is to maintain a comfortable noise level in the room, do not miss the loud sounds into the room.

Soundproofing doors is regulated by several regulatory documents: GOST 26602.3-99 "Window and door blocks. The method of determining sound insulation "; Snip II-12-77 "Noise Protection"; SNiP 2.08.01-89 "Residential buildings". So, B. residential rooms Apartments The noise level should be not more than 30 decibels (DB), and, for example, in the shopping halls of the stores and airport expectation halls - no more than 60 dB.

Classification of doors

Different types of doors provide unequal sound insulation. The worst of all the external noise is plastic. Sound and soundproofing properties of doors operating on the principle of rollers, which consist of a set of aluminum (less often wooden or plastic) rails.

Folding interior doors provide, perhaps, the smallest possible sound insulation.

The absorption of sound with shield doors depends largely on their design. Made by old technologies (frame from wooden Reques, sheathed sheet materials Like fiberboard or MDF) poorly absorb sounds, since they have a lot of voids. In some cases, the noise even enhances (the effect of the resonator).

Total sound insulation.Not necessarily install in all rooms sound-insulating doors. Choose those parts of the room where it is really necessary to protect yourself from noise: bedroom, children's room, office study, music studio ...

In the photo: Filorei 45 Rovere-Wenge door from Garofoli factory.

Modern technologies for the manufacture of shield doors suggest the filling of the internal volume of cardboard, laid like beeshta - we get the door with best sound insulation. Compared to the wood, the cardboard itself is less elastic and less prone to the transmission of sound.

If you are planning to use the door of the aluminum profile, then it should be remembered for its high sound conductivity. But it takes about 10-15% of the door area, so the contribution of the profile itself into the soundproof properties of the door is small. More importantly filling. If this is a single glass - the achievable sound insulation of the doors will be very low. Another thing is a glass package (located "sandwich" two, three or more glasses with air layers between them) or a sandwich panel, which consists of a foamed material (foam, expanded polystyrene, etc.), lined with plastic. Indicators of the single-chamber glass (from 2 glasses) and the sandwich panel are high enough, and a two-chamber (of 3 glasses) is almost perfect for most rooms in the house.

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Soundproofing sliding doors Below at least due to the gap, which inevitably exists between shifting canvases.

Good indicators have solid solid wood solid solid. After all, with other things being equal, the harder door, the better defense It provides noise. However, in any case, the soundproofing of interior doors is low: the existing noise level is reduced by 10-20 dB.

Very effectively use doors with a double trim. Person S. outside It has protruding edges (folders, or "flood"), which are additionally pressed against the plane of the box, most often in combination with a polymer seal.

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On the picture:

Massive panel doors have good level Soundproofing.

Two doors. Interior door with increased soundproof properties can be too expensive. Either in their own way appearance Fall out of the overall interior design. In this case, the installation of two is recommended. standard doors With a small air gap between them. Air also acts as a sound insulation.

In the photo: Puerta-3 door from Pico Muebles factory.

Protection against noise

If you need to equip home recording studio (which requires silence) or, on the contrary, you like to play on musical instruments And do not want to disturb the neighbors, you will have to pay attention to special doors. Look for labeling on SNIP II-12-77 "Noise Protection". He especially negotiates that specialized sound-insulation doors should absorb at least 26 dB (for example, from the outside, the noise level is 50 dB, and indoors? Not more than 24 dB).
Such doors outwardly do not differ from ordinary. The canvas finish can be any. Special properties are achieved due to internal devicereminiscent of puff pie. The canvas sticks out of the fiberboard, chipboard or MDF with layers from mineral wool and sound-absorbing plastic. Number of layers in the door different manufacturers May vary. This technology reduces the noise level by 27-42 dB. In addition to the special design of the canvas, such doors are equipped with special boxes with thresholds.

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On the picture:

Examples of interroom doors on a metal box.

There are two types of soundproof boxes: metal and chipboard. They are made in the form of a hollow profile, and to reduce the penetration of sound fill with concrete (for metal box) or mounting foam.

The smaller the gap between the web and the door box, the better. According to the rules, its value must be no more than 1 cm. So that the sounds do not penetrate the slots around the perimeter of the canvas, use the seal - rubber profile hollow cord similar to what is used for plastic windows. It also increases thermal insulation.

Take care that the canvas firmly lightened to platbands: any gap is loss in the soundproof properties of the door.

To reduce noise levels from under the door, clamors are installed. In addition to ordinary wooden, plastic and metal, there are special heat-soundproofing thresholds from combined materials supplemented with brush seal. The threshold is obliged to be in the door of the bathrooms, bathrooms (these are the requirements not only sound, but also waterproofing the room). In all other cases, if you do not want to stumble about it, you can restrict ourselves to installing the inconspicuous sealing to the lower end door.

Soundproofing with your own hands

It is possible to "finalize" and the usual door, having crushed it from one or two sides by the corresponding acoustic materials: the upholstery on the tissue basis, natural or artificial leather, Dermantine, vinilies in combination with soft filler (batting, sintepon, foam rubber). To increase the fire resistance, the door is recommended to use mineral wool as packing. Improve sound absorption will help and simple covering the door with a wooden rail.

Do not forget about the possibility of installing two doors consistently after each other. The two most ordinary models will give a greater effect than one special soundproofing door.

Remember that only the installation of the appropriate door and the box will not solve the problem of sound insulation. A set of measures to isolation of the entire premises should be carried out: ceiling, walls, floor, windows.

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Interior doors - this is the way to burn, close the room from a prying look, and important decorative element Interior, requiring separate attention.

It is also a sound barrier for the place where the personal space reigns.

Thus, modern requirements for the doors inside the housing look like this.

They should be:

  • ergonomic (comfortable in use, lightweight, piety);
  • durable (resistant to various character impacts, whether it is humidity, dust, mechanical damage, processing chemical washing agents and high-temperature appliances);
  • aesthetic (stylish, beautiful);
  • act as a sound barrier (possess good sound insulation and noise reduction).

Unfortunately, today, not all models of interroom doors, presented in the consumer market, satisfy the above requests.

Soundproofing of interior doors - a question that worries so many, however, this process is not separate, but enters the whole range of measures. They also imply isolate from extraneous noise and sounds with the help of sealing walls, ceiling and eliminating the gaps between the floor and the bottom of the canvas.

That is why only interior sash is soundproofing is inappropriate and it does not always bring the desired result. This paradox is associated with the fact that sometimes materials from which walls and ceiling are made of greater sound conductivity than the door canvas.

And here You will find reviews and a new recruiting site for the entire team.

Factor No. 1.

The soundproofing of the interior door is possible only under certain conditions. One of them is the material from which the door canvas is made.

At the heart of interior doors can lie:

  • plastic sheet;
  • metal;
  • wHP sheets (pressed wood);
  • wooden array;
  • glass or mirror sheet.

Glass and plastic doors, as well as those that are made of wood or DVP, but have inserts from such materials, are the most negative reviews in the question of sound.

Aluminum profile also has high indicator sound conductivity. One-piece cramped arrays from natural species of trees, as well as lighter, deserved the greatest popularity.

Factor No. 2.

The second factor affecting the soundproofing and noise insulating properties of interroom doors is the form of the structure of the canvas itself.

There are such types of cloths:

  • solid;
  • hollow;
  • with filler;
  • with inserts.

The worst of everything is protected from the noise of the model, which is based on the hollow structure, because due to its resonant properties, the absorption of sound does not occur. Also low threshold Noise isolations have door leafs with glass inserts passing sound. The best interior doors with sound insulation are solid wooden cloth or from fiberboard filled with glass gamble or foam.

Factor number 3.

What is the soundproofing door

The third factor, and, probably, the most significant, is the type of door.

According to this classification, these varieties are distinguished:

  • swing or panel (single, bivalve);
  • folding ("harmonica");
  • coupe (shifting, spreading);
  • swing (cowboy).

The last type nothing to do with noise insulation is just a tribute to fashion or detail of a design concept. The folding type will also not provide the necessary level of protection against noise and extraneous sounds due to its lightness and material (often they are made of plastic, cardboard or dense tissue).

The level of absorption of sound in sliding doors is higher than that of previous types, but below compared to swinging. However, this deficiency is easily eliminated by reducing the gaps between the wall and the door of the door.

To do this, you can replace the plinth to be replaced with a thin rail, to install mortise carriages on top, and to stick the seal on the platbands and the track bar. Such measures will increase the index of the isolation of air noise to almost the level of swinging flaps.

Differences in barriers

Noise insulating and soundproof interior doors are taken to distinguish between each other. The difference between them is that the soundproof interroom is installed where it is important to provide a quiet and peaceful atmosphere, for example, in a nursery, bedroom or in the office.

Under the same opposite conditions, when there is a place in which noise and loud sounds are constantly focused (in the game, in the music room), it is necessary to put silent or noise insulating plates that do not produce them out.

Refinement of sound absorption at home

The best sound insulation of the door is achieved by filling out the voids of the door canvas with special acoustic materials, absorbing the sound (mineral wool, foam rubber, mounting foam), as well as with the help of outdoor upholstery with a dense cloth or skin.

Another step to soundly insulate the room can be a sealing door with rails, minimalizing the clearance with the wall. This option is the most suitable for sliding jiggle models.

You should also be eliminated by the option of establishing two doors, which will give a greater effect than the installation of one specialized sound insulation array.


Summing all the above factors, we can say that the most ideal silent interior doors will not be able to completely protect against foreign sounds, if there are plasterboard walls in the room.

And choosing among folding, sliding and swing doors, it is necessary to be guided not fashion trends, and real functionality These models, preferring the latter, due to their versatility and greater reliability.

Soundproofing Apartment is one of important stages Arrangement of residential space. If, with noise insulation, the ceiling and walls usually do not appear questions, in the intricacies of the door selection, it is necessary to deal with more. It will help to improve the comfort of living in the apartment. You should also know how door insulation is carried out with your own hands.

Entrance door

The soundproofing process of the input structure is quite complicated. Especially acute the need to equip the doorway with special materials is facing residents multi-storey houses, as well as in front of the owners of metal input structures. Conducting noise insulation of input structures allows you to eliminate foreign sounds that are coming from the outside.

One of the options to get rid of noise is the installation of a new metal-plastic entrance door with noise insulation. Such products consist of several layers, which allows you to completely get rid of outsided sounds. A high-quality sound insulator is placed in the design of such models. This also applies to modern metal products that consist not only from the frame and leaf-skin, but have an insulator mounted inside.

Materials for noise insulation

Modern models produce from high-quality and durable materials. Among popular sound insulators are distinguished such varieties:

Modern input structures performed from metalplastic are equipped with special contours and threshings. Thanks to the details of the canvas, the door fits tightly to the box. It increases the noise insulating properties of products.

Important! Models with a high price are trimmed with artificial leather, which also increases the door sound insulation.

Ways to perform noise insulation

If it is impossible to replace the door to a newer one worth paying attention to effective methods self-fulfillment Soundproofing work. They can be spent different ways. It is worth considering each of them in more detail.

Arrangement Tambura

Each one knows that the tree significantly exceeds the metal according to the degree of insulation. For this reason, installation double design - Favorable and effective solution. Metal canvas is an outer, and wooden - internal. Thanks to the creation air layer between doors sounds with staircase Do not penetrate the inside of the room. Also, the insulation of the doorway is also carried out.

Noise insulating seals

In any modern noise insulating door, the opening is equipped with a special seal. Today, such products in which there are several layers are made. This solution is ensured maximum protection of the input door from noise penetration.

On the modern market There are quite a lot of contours. They can be performed from different materials:

  • Silicone - they are attached to the slots on the box. They can also be installed on the door canvas.
  • Foamed rubber. Such products are equipped adhesive BaseThrough which it is simple to perform noise insulation.
  • Thanks to the magnetic contour, reliable and sealed connection Loves and boxes.

Tip! The circuit installation allows you to ensure noise insulation of the door quickly and cheap. Work can be done with your own hands.

Upholstery use

Among the Russian owners of apartments in multi-storey houses The popularity is gaining a tendency to sneak the entrance door with Vatin. Due to the use of a thick layer of material, noise insulation of doors increases. Instead of batting, you can use an old blanket. Upper layer The sheathing is performed from the leatherette. Also, synthesis and isolon also acquired great popularity. Material must be laid in several layers. To increase the attractiveness of the door, it is born with artificial leather.

Noise isolation with your own hands

Most of the listed methods and materials can be used for both wooden and metal doors. Often the difference lies in the installation method or in the material layer that is mounted. Best result With regard to noise insulation, it gives an integrated approach to solving the problem, which implies the use of several types of material.

Installation of the seal

This method of sound insulation is used for the thermal insulation of the door of the wood or metal. When choosing a seal for these purposes, it is necessary to determine its thickness correctly. The latter will depend on the gap between the cloth and the box. If you set the seal with a thickness that will exceed the nominal, then the sash will not clog at all. With a small diameter, the problem will remain, and the money will be stuck invested. To determine the gap, you can use a conventional sheet of paper. It develops in such a way that the band turns out. After that, it is inserted into an existing gap and controlled outside. After selecting the required thickness, it is necessary to measure the folded paper line, which will allow you to pick up the seal.

Putting the sealer to metallic or wooden design According to user reviews, it does not cause special difficulties. But it is necessary to do this so that a tape does not drank after a short period. First of all, the surface with a side is washed out with water and soapy solution. After drying it, you can additionally degrease. If the surface is painted, then it is necessary to use substances that do not interact with paint, for example, alcohol. If possible, the ribbon must be pasted with one contour so that there is only one docking place.

Note! The design of some doors implies the absence of a side of the canvas. In this case, the seal is pasted on door box In a place where the adjoining occurs.


Most insulation can be used as a soundproofing material, but it should be remembered that some of them have greater degree Sound absorption than others. For example, the usual foam has lower indicators compared to mineral wool. The latter, as well as foamed polyethylene are best options To create a sound insulation barrier. Method of installation on a metal door to create noise insulation may differ from the method of fixing on a wooden design. If we are talking about the entrance metal designwhich is used in a pair with a wooden one, then it is most often metal carcass, closed metal sheet.

Such a design iron Door Creates ideal conditions for improving its sound insulation. In this case, it is better to choose a mineral wool that in thickness will not exceed the width of the corner from which the design is collected. To make it easier to fix the wool itself and facing materialwhich will be covered with insulation, inside the door is installed wooden doom. It may be one central bar or several. Depending on how the installation of the crate for the metal door was made, the mineral wool trimming is carried out. It stacked between bars and additionally glued to the metal door canvas so that the wool is not exposed to shrinkage. The next step is carried out finish finish The entrance door do it yourself. To do this, trimming lining or laminate.

Note! Cropped wool should be in such a way as to enter into a groove with a little effort. Seams between individual elements Be sure to go.

Polyethylene foamed can also be used for metal web, but it is somewhat more complicated, so it is more convenient to apply it for noise insulation wooden doors. Material is usually sold rolled into a roll. From the thickness of the foamed polyethylene will directly depend on the quality of noise insulation. It can be glued to the wooden door or secure mechanical fasteners. In order to give the door after the exhaustion insulation, it can be seeded with a dermatist or other material. In some cases, instead of foamed polyethylene, batting can be used or another suitable filler, which is placed on the door under the trim.


Creating a tambour to increase the noise insulation of the entrance door can also be output. Additionally, its appearance increases the level of security, since the attacker will have to open not one, but several locks. Creating a Tambura is possible in several options:

  • installation of the second door in bulk to the first;
  • building additional Wall With door installation.

The first option is less expensive, but it is possible only in case of sufficient width door slopes. The procedure in this case is implemented by installing the second door in such a way that it does not interfere with the use of the first. Wherein entrance doors Must be opened in different directions. In some cases, it is necessary to partially shift the first door to be more space For mounting the second.

The second option of creating a tambour is possible if the entrance to the apartment is in the recess on the landing. In most cases, neighbors will need. Such actions will need to agree with managing Company or by another body, in whose statement is a specific house. Part of the corridor is cut off from staircase Method of installing a brick wall or barrier from another material that will be able to provide good noise insulation. Another door is installed in the mounted opening. Additionally brick wall You can warm up to increase its noise insulating properties.

If a desire to install attractive in the apartment metal doors With glass inserts, it is worth choosing from models with double-glazed windows. It should also be remembered that the more correctly and exactly the design will be installed, the higher its noise insulation will be. Best way Cloth seals are sticking foamed polyurethane. Excellent option purchases finished product - Door having a design type "Sandwich". Noise insulation doors have a fairly high price, however, their functionality is worth invested.


As can be seen, the soundproofing of the doors is simply quite simple, if you know the technology of work. It is also important to choose the correct materials. If you pay sound insulation more attention, in all rooms the apartment will be much quieter. It will increase the comfort and comfort of living.