Outdoor toilet with sink. Country toilet made of wood: recommendations and instructions

An outdoor toilet is a must that can be made part of the surrounding landscape. It is being built with your own hands, so you won't have to waste time and money on hiring a team of workers. There are no special requirements for it, therefore any modern project is easily carried out in practice. It is not always possible to create everything in a private house necessary conditions life, so you often have to resort to certain actions.

Private house options

For a long time, people had to use only traditional "small houses" with a hole in the floor. It's time to leave such options in the past, seriously thinking about modern projects. Gradually they turn into interesting option, able to interest with its simplicity and reliability:

Choosing the right type, a person has to rely on various nuances. If this is not done, the result will be completely different from what was expected. Surely you will need detailed information allowing you to freely compare views and then make accurate inputs.

With a cesspool

Traditional outdoor toilets are still being built on sites. Their main feature there is a cesspool where sewage is collected. The worst thing is that people do not know how to properly arrange such a structure and make various mistakes.

The construction of a pit latrine presents various challenges. Most often, you have to spend a lot of time for phased implementation different actions. Each of them remains mandatory, so no oversights should be allowed. Otherwise, an unpleasant odor will constantly accumulate or nearby sources of drinking water will be spoiled.

With peat

The use of peat crumb allows you to get rid of the cesspool device. In this case, a special reservoir is used as a storage device, where the substance is laid on the bottom in an even layer. It accelerates decay as much as possible, therefore, in a short time, sewage turns into an ideal fertilizer for suburban area.

The construction of such a toilet is associated with complex drainage and ventilation system... Otherwise, you will not be able to do without a smell. It will spread all over the site, annoying people. So it is worth considering in advance a complex device that guarantees comfortable use of the toilet.

Important! When using peat, the size of the container should be small, but the amount of liquid in it should be minimal.

Dry closet

Dry closet - modern solution, which does not require the construction of a separate house. Although it can be installed there to provide a comfortable environment. The only problem remains the high acquisition and operating costs. Because of what few people choose it.

A stand-alone building turns out to be significantly cheaper than the regular purchase of expensive cleaning products. When choosing, such proposals are usually ignored, turning out to be stupid. Moreover, it is difficult to consider them a full-fledged outdoor toilet.

How to build with your own hands?

How to build a toilet? First, you will have to study a step-by-step guide with little tips. They will help to simplify the task so that construction takes less time and also gives a reliable result. Yes, the sizes can be changed in accordance with your own wishes, but the main nuances remain constant:

  • First you need to prepare the foundation. The lightness of the design allows you to get rid of the monolith and even the strip casting of concrete. Usually, it is enough to put the posts on which the frame will subsequently rest or immediately put the supporting posts, although this is impractical.
  • Next, the main frame is assembled. For him, you should choose a bar on which the main shield material will subsequently be attached. The section is selected in accordance with the size and load, therefore it is impossible to predict it in advance. The minimum timber is 40x40 mm, but the indicators may vary.
  • After that, the floors are laid. For them, a traditional 36-42 mm board is chosen, which ensures the durability of the structure. Designers often offer alternatives, but they complicate construction.
  • After that, you should put a rafter system, chosen in accordance with your own wishes. The simplest is pitched roof that does not require professional skills in the device.
  • The last step is wall cladding and door installation. To do this, select various materials, although wood with a thickness of 20 mm remains traditional.

The construction of your own building in the yard will not take much time if you prepare a cesspool in advance. She should be given Special attention, which should be discussed in detail. You will also have to pre-prepare the necessary materials so that you do not break away from the work performed later.

Cesspool device

The construction of a cesspool is a difficult task. If a person believes that it is enough to simply dig it up, he is greatly mistaken. You must use one of the projects that guarantees correct operation land resources. Which simplest option should I use? Here they are:

  • The bottom is covered with sand, and then filled with concrete;
  • The walls are lined with bricks or concrete rings are placed;
  • A cover with a hatch is added on top.

These works are required for proper protection against the spread of sewage in the summer cottage. Even with the correct location of the toilet, one has to face the potential danger of proliferation harmful substances through the ground. Accordingly, all the rules must be followed.

Important! If the groundwater is at a depth of less than 2.5 m, it is prohibited to equip a cesspool.

Which material should you choose?

When choosing materials for cladding, some owners of country houses are trying to save money. They value plastic or wood panels, but ideal option only a frame or a board remains. In this case, a person not only gets an aesthetically beautiful structure in the middle of the yard, but also enjoys the irreplaceable advantages of wood:

  • Good thermal insulation;
  • Durability when leaving;
  • Ease of sheathing;
  • Easy to fit.

Various materials are offered on the market today, but wood remains popular. The demand for it continues to grow, since without such buildings it is impossible to imagine a natural landscape. Every detail in it must be perfect, so you should not give up great opportunities for the sake of saving a small amount.

Where is the best place to build a building?

When wondering how to make a toilet on the street, you first need to figure out where it will be installed. This is a real problem for inexperienced people who are not familiar with the basic rules. They believe that it is enough to hide the structure from prying eyes to provide convenience, but this is not the case.

  • The minimum distance to the water source is 30-35 m;
  • The minimum distance to the neighboring area is 2 m;
  • The minimum distance to the house is 15-20 m.

The combination of all these parameters allows you to make the necessary calculations right on the plan. Ventilation must still be installed in accordance with all the rules, but finding a place in the yard remains the most important task. If this is not done, it will not be possible to escape from unpleasant odors. Yes, you always want him to be as close to home as possible, but such a mistake cannot be made.

How to remove the smell?

The disgusting stench from the street toilet scares the owners the most. summer cottages... They understand perfectly well that it is difficult to cope with it. To do this, you should take into account several available opportunities that have long turned into interesting ways... What is it about?

  • Correct ventilation;
  • Peat;
  • Chemicals.

The creation of a ventilation system is a prerequisite, but in some cases even it does not cope with the diffused odors. If it is not possible to urgently order the services of sewers, you can use peat. Its addition will allow processing sewage into fertilizer, which will be absorbed into the soil.

If we talk about daily care, it should be noted the available chemicals. They help to break down sewage into its constituent components, processing them in a peculiar way. This approach guarantees simplicity, but such costs rarely suit people. The cost of the compositions is significant, so it is often more profitable to do without them.

A comfortable and beautiful toilet in the country is not a luxury. You can do it yourself, using proven rules and with a little imagination. After that, the surrounding landscape is complemented by an elegant house, surprising in its simplicity and brightness.

Many people dream of construction own home... On the land plot, the first thing to do is to set up a bathroom. If the construction of a house is only at the stage of preparation, then the construction of a closet is necessary! The solution will be to build a toilet in the yard.

The construction of a toilet house is quite simple in execution, and a novice master is able to master the task. How to build a toilet with your own hands and with minimal time costs will be discussed in the article.

Types and features of outdoor toilets

The construction of a summer residence begins with the construction of a bathroom. When there is no sewage system in the house, it is better to place the toilet in the yard. To choose the best option, consider the types of latrines.

The first step is the question of design. Humanity has already come up with many types of toilets, which differ in appearance and internal structure - with a seat or with a hole.

Effortless constructions:

  • a bathroom with a cesspool;
  • powder closet;
  • backlash closet;
  • dry closet;
  • chemical bathroom;
  • peat closet.

To choose a suitable outdoor toilet, it is advisable to take into account the necessary factors:

  1. how often you plan to use the bathroom;
  2. how many visitors are expected to operate it;
  3. what is the budget allocated for the construction of a restroom;
  4. the issue of hygiene and ecology.

Examples of do-it-yourself toilet houses

Faucet closet - standard design, used in most summer cottages and vegetable gardens, is vaguely similar to a peat toilet. Despite a certain resemblance to a peat toilet, it works differently.

Toilet with a cesspool:

  • When installing, they dig a hole for the accumulation of sewage.
  • Then they lay the foundation so that the bathroom does not sink.

Any house can be installed over the cesspool. There are many of them - from a standard hut and a birdhouse to houses in the form of a carriage, a mill, a teremka. As a rule, a box is made of wood, and they try to cover the roof with timber fasteners.

A toilet with a cesspool is the most budgetary in terms of installation and construction.

Often, such a bathroom is designed in the form of a carriage. So a decorated bathroom becomes a decoration and does not spoil appearance yard or suburban area. But, it is worth noting that such a construction is difficult, and it is better to use the help of professional builders.

Construction budget varies from 15 to 25 thousand rubles. But, if the goal is to save money, then you can install a cesspool on your own, without resorting to the help of unauthorized persons.

This type of toilet is suitable for families not exceeding 6 people. And, if you take proper care of it and devote time to the arrangement and maintenance, then the service life will be from 25 to 45 years.

Diagram of a toilet with a cesspool

The main plus of the powder closet is that it does not need to be equipped with a cesspool.

How does the powder closet work:

  1. A toilet seat is built into the house, and a container for the accumulation of waste is placed under it.
  2. It is necessary to locate peat nearby.
  3. After each visit to the toilet, sprinkle the excrement with a layer of peat.
  4. As soon as the container is full, it is taken out onto the compost heap.

This outdoor bathroom has a number of positive aspects:

  • If we compare it with a cesspool, then it is distinguished by its simplicity of design.
  • The powder closet is placed in the yard and in the living room.
  • Although the process of cleaning a container with sewage itself is difficult to call pleasant. To purify the air, special filters are installed in the house.
  • A powder closet is to some extent similar to a peat one, since there is no need to make a cesspool for it.
  • The booth is built of wood or timber, it is also possible to use other materials.

Toilet scheme Powder closet

Such a closet is ideal for those people who rarely visit the dacha, who do not need to often use the courtyard bathroom. The installation cost is low - 5 thousand rubles.

The backlash closet is equipped with a cesspool, in this it is similar to a cesspool. It is recommended to make it airtight and large. Pit drainage is not allowed. It can only be cleaned with a flusher. Often, such structures are used for use in a residential area and put a toilet bowl.

This type of closet has distinctive features:

  1. For tightness, the walls in the pit are made of concrete, and covered with a lid on top.
  2. The hatch is located above ground level.
  3. Extraction required.
  4. A toilet bowl with a cut siphon is usually used as a receiving funnel.
  5. More hygienic, in contrast to the cesspool, but more expensive.
  6. In addition to the toilet itself, the toilet elements are placed in the cabin. The set is placed in carriages and beautifully decorated.

3D model of the backlash closet

The dry closet is a plastic bathroom. Such toilets are found on city streets, in areas where there is no access to stationary toilets.

The advantages of a dry closet:

  • The advantage of a dry closet is its mobility. It is possible to move to any convenient place.
  • It is durable, does not absorb odors, it is easy to clean.
  • A modern dry closet is equipped with a seat and a special cavity for waste.
  • You can clean it with the help of a sewer service, as well as yourself.
  • The interior decoration of such a toilet is variable, for example, you can install a washstand in it.

When installing a dry closet, it is important to remember the disadvantages:

  • During hot weather, it does not function well.
  • At elevated air temperatures, sewage is fermented, and the plastic emits a stench.
  • Under the influence of temperatures, the sheathing may partially crack.

The price of the construction is quite adequate - in the area 15-20 thousand rubles.

Chemical toilet

The chemical type of the bathroom differs from the other toilets discussed in the article. Most often it used at outdoor events. It is made in a completely closed house. Can also be used in summer cottages.

Waste should not be poured into the ground - it contains a large number of chemical impurities that will make the land unsuitable for garden planting.

Features of the chemical toilet:

  • The chemical bathroom cabin is made of plastic, but it is allowed that some parts may be metal - to increase the service life.
  • A flush is provided, which is driven by a mechanical pump.
  • Waste accumulates in the lower container and dissolves within 24 hours, and the smell disappears.
  • The volume of the tank in which sewage accumulates is on average from 10 to 25 liters, and the volume of the tank intended for flushing is about 12-14 liters.
  • It can be placed both on the street and in a residential area, at the discretion of the owner.

Installing a chemical toilet requires a significant investment. The price of a chemical cabin ranges from 4 thousand rubles.

The popularity of the peat toilet is growing day by day, because it allows you to make the waste useful. It can be designed in different ways, it all depends on the designer's imagination.

The advantage of a bathroom is the presence of peat in the cesspool:

  • it absorbs liquid impurities that evaporate through a special hole;
  • solid waste accumulates, after which it is thrown into a compost heap for further decay;
  • subsequently, this humus is used instead of fertilizers.

A peat bathroom on the site is placed in a wooden house. This is very convenient because no water is used when using a peat toilet. A peat absorbs all unpleasant odors. The toilet for such a toilet is made of plastic.

It should be noted that such a bathroom is environmentally friendly and budgetary, but it has a drawback - poor functioning at low temperatures.

Installation costs vary widely. The minimum cost is about 8 thousand , but if the owner wants to choose the most beautiful option, then the price will increase several times.

Peat toilet device

Where is the best place to place an outdoor toilet?

There are no general recommendations for determining the location of the building - areas can vary in landscape and soil. The very location of the outdoor bathroom and the cesspool is strictly regulated by the building rules.

To begin with, they are determined with the type of construction, there are two options:

  • with a cesspool;
  • without a cesspool.

Based on the approved option, they choose a place for the closet. If a person seriously approached the issue of construction, showed creativity and creativity, then you can not hide such a miracle, neighbors and guests should see and envy, but only within reasonable limits, because the toilet is an intimate place.

If out of street convenience they do not plan to make it public, then a remote secluded place is suitable for him, but it is not worth locating a toilet far from the house either.

It is necessary to remember about sanitary standards, especially if there is a cesspool:

The bathroom is the source of the stench. When choosing a place for the location of the structure, you need to try take into account the local wind rose, and try to keep the closet in perfect order.

You can not place a toilet with a cesspool near the veranda, because in the hot season, a fetid odor spreads from it, which is unlikely to please the people around.

If you plan to resort to the services of a sewage truck for cleaning, you need to take into account its large size and think over the passage.

Rules and restrictions

  1. It is forbidden to build a bathroom close to the water intake.
  2. Distance from the well to the bathroom- not less than 50 m, this distance from the well is more than 30 m.
  3. In the area of ​​reservoirs, the distance needs to be increased to two hundred meters.
  4. Residential development imposes more restrictions on the location of the toilets. In accordance with SANPIN 42/128/4690/88, a bathroom is required to be built away from residential areas and childcare facilities. The minimum distance is 20 m. There are concessions provided for the owners of private houses. They are authorized to determine the distance to comfort themselves, and it may be less than 8 meters.
  5. Neighbors have the right insist that the distance from the bathroom to residential buildings be at least 30 meters.
  6. Ground water determine the possible depth of the cesspool, but the maximum allowable depth is 3 m.

Previously, the cesspool could not be concreted, there were no such requirements. The pit should be waterproof today. While this is not regulated anywhere, so builders can use and concrete rings, and metal caissons. For this type of structure, a cesspool with a special cover is used for easy cleaning.

How to hide an outdoor toilet?

There are some ways to help disguise a dilapidated or ugly structure:

  1. Hide behind the loach plants. Ornamental and edible plants are used: kobei, sweet peas, climbing beans, or girlish grapes.
  2. Hide behind hedges. Shrubs such as barberry, spirea, viburnum, irga or black elderberry are used. Shrubs perform the function of decoration, and some also allow you to harvest berries. If the toilet is located in a lowland, then viburnum will grow well near it - it loves moist soil. Intruders will be barred from entering someone else's territory hedge- barberry.
  3. Hide by building a decorative wall. You can hide the toilet with decorative fences and barriers. They are made from picket fences or from special bars, onto which slats are stuffed on each side at an angle of 45 °.
  4. Disguise as another building.

Types and sizes of cabins

Toilets are not at all the same as they were 15-20 years ago. Everything changes and improves. And this is not a tribute to fashion, but an improvement in functional properties. The ecology is deteriorating, and the rules of sanitation are constantly changing and tightening. Demands of the population for the level and quality of life are increasing.

The outdoor toilet can be mounted in the following architectural types:

Cabin shape Description



Differs in strength, resistance to wind, requires less materials for manufacturing, it is the easiest to design.


It requires a larger land area and is not very convenient to use - you cannot turn around inside, one careless step and you can, for example, hit your head. To avoid this, you must adhere to a ridge height of about 3 meters. Therefore, there is no need to talk about saving the materials used here.



It is much easier and faster to make than a hut, a little less materials for its manufacture will be required, and it will take away the land area to a minimum.

A solar-heated pressure tank can be easily installed on the roof of the birdhouse. And the booth under such a load will acquire additional strength.


The birdhouse has its drawbacks: the structure is fragile and does not retain heat. As a summer closet or a section of a utility block, such a bathroom is optimal.

Small house

It is rightfully considered warmer and more durable than a birdhouse toilet. And the cost of materials requires no more.

Attaching a water tank to it, of course, is not an easy task, but almost any decoration is permissible with a house - there is no limit to imagination.



Ergonomic and functional. Suitable for any design, you can do whatever you can think of for the restroom. And it will fit into every landscape.


It is more difficult to make, more material will be required. Thanks to its construction, it is highly durable and able to withstand a changeable climate.

When building cabins, take into account:

  1. Adhere to the recommended sizes of the birdhouse and the house on the floor along with the toilet seat- about 1.2 m wide and 1.5 m deep.
  2. For a hut and a hut, the depth is left like a birdhouse, and the width is taken from 1 meter - in the toilet-hut it is at shoulder level, and in the hut - along the floor.
  3. Distance from a person's head in full growth to the nearest wall- not less than 45 cm. This is taken into account when calculating the angle of inclination of the walls in the hut.
  4. Ceiling height from floor should be done about 2.1 m, and above the toilet seat at least 1.9 m.

The booths of the hut, house and birdhouse have one drawback - if a person forgets to lock the toilet door, then because of the wind it can loosen up in 15 minutes, so it is recommended to hang the door on barn hinges.

How to build an outdoor toilet correctly?

A bathroom is needed at any site. It's easy to build it yourself. The technology of building an outdoor toilet is easy to build and cheap materials.

Before starting the process, you should:

  1. Study the sanitary and hygienic rules for the structure.
  2. Select the type of closet to be built.

You can choose one or another design according to the following criteria:

  • the budget allocated for the construction;
  • operating frequency;
  • the height of the water horizon;
  • the amount of the budget that a person can spend on caring for the structure being erected.

In order for the construction of the toilet to go smoothly, you should initially take the time to study the diagrams and drawings of the facility.

The ground part of the toilet is made of the following materials:

  • Metal profile... A bathroom from a metal profile is installed in 2 ways: the base is sheathed with a metal profile. Rivets and self-tapping screws are used as fasteners.
    They take a wooden structure as a basis. Create a basis from metal pipes, which are connected by welding. To carry out such work, you need welding machine and certain skills to work with it.
  • Wooden boards. Wood structures are popular - wooden frame differs in simplicity, and the cost of materials is low.
  • Slate.
  • Brick... Making a brick toilet has certain difficulties. If the need arises to transfer the structure, then this will be impossible. A brick toilet requires the installation of concrete floors.

Building a toilet in the form of a birdhouse

Construction includes several stages:

  1. The first thing is to drain, minimum size which is within 1 * 1 * 2 meters. A crushed stone pillow is placed at the bottom.
  2. Then the foundation part is built. The concrete curb is installed so that the edges of the pit are at a distance not exceeding 0.2 meters from it. In this case, the curb is installed as an overlap. The curb is dug into the ground so that its base is no more than 0.12 m higher than the soil.
  3. The next stage is the installation of roofing material. It is laid on top of the base in several layers, as an insulator against moisture.
  4. Now they move on to the construction of the frame and finishing. Sheathing can be made from wooden planks or lining. Thick boards are used as flooring. The thickness of the floor covering is about 4 cm. A tree with increased strength is recommended for use - oak, larch.

The final stage includes the following works:

  1. A hole of arbitrary shape (circle, square) is made in the floor. The main condition is that the diameter must be at least 30 cm.
  2. Door installation. It is allowed to make a window in the door leaf that lets sunlight into the structure.
  3. Equip the roof. For the roof, it is better to use roofing material or steel sheet.
  4. Finishing layer. The structure is treated with varnish or paint.
  5. Make ventilation. This may be the simplest option, for example, a pipe with a diameter of 15 cm.

Typical project"Birdhouse"

1 - harness, 2 - post, 3 - door, 4 - handle, 5 - door cross member, 6 - front wall, 7 - roof rafters, 8 - roof, 9 - ventilation riser, 10 - deflector, 11 - side wall, 12 - cesspool cover, 13 - brick supports, 14 - rear wall.

Construction of a toilet in the form of a hut

A step-by-step plan for the construction of a "hut" type toilet consists of the following steps:

  1. The foundation is being installed on the insulating material. You can use roofing material. The material is placed in 3 layers.
  2. Then the lower part of the structure is assembled.... For this purpose, a bar is used (section 50 * 50) The size of the base is 1m * 1m. Hammered with edged boards. Everything is covered with floorboards.
  3. A hole of any shape is made in the bottom... Adhere to the dimensions indicated in the order of construction of the birdhouse.
  4. The base is processed on all sides any antiseptic.
  5. To top it off, the assembly is carried out back and front parts of the structure. To do this, it is worth using the available drawings and sketches.

Final construction steps:

  • They finish the toilet parts.
  • Install the walls of the structure. They are placed on the floor and fastened with scraps that remain after cutting the boards;
  • Going to wooden lathing from the boards. Then this crate is sheathed.
  • Toilet roof manufacturing. The roof is made of boards with a length of at least 1.8 m. To perform this type of work, the material is abutted on the back and front of the frame and fixed with fasteners on wooden slats. You will get a solid roof.
  • Lay the material intended for the roof.
  • A ridge is installed, which is decorated with some kind of woody figure.
  • The door is being installed. Before you mount it, professionals advise you to attach a handle to it. Outside, you can pin a special wind spit of any shape.
  • Coating with varnish.

Typical project "Shalash"

Construction of a peat toilet

For the construction of a peat closet, you will need to purchase materials:

  • plywood;
  • boards;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • toilet seat.

When making this type of toilet, you must follow the following instructions:

  1. First, the box is assembled. Four planks are connected with self-tapping screws. To facilitate subsequent work, it is better to make a hole in the front part in advance.
  2. Then you need to sheathe the top of the box. For this purpose, it is better to use a material such as plywood. It is necessary to make a hole in the plywood sheet, under which the container will be placed in the future.
  3. The legs are being installed. They are attached to the corners of the box. The height of the legs is calculated so that it allows easy replacement of the storage cavity.
  4. Fix the seat to the hole. You can use the factory options for peat toilets. It is made most often from plastic or wood.
  5. A storage tank is installed under the hole. You can use a plastic bucket. Peat is poured to the bottom, about 4 cm thick.

Typical project "Peat closet"

Foundation and support

If you make the base of the toilet in a hurry, this promises certain troubles - the structure can tilt, and its use will be dangerous.

To get around the unpleasant consequences, you should consider:

  1. The foundation must be of high quality and reliable.
  2. The foundation is erected after strengthening the cesspool. This is done by laying out the walls with bricks.
  3. The type of foundation can be selected at your discretion: tape, columnar. Their use is justified only if the construction is planned to be made capital.
  4. When constructing a lighter structure, you can make a foundation, for example, from tires and blocks.

Car tires are considered a cheap way of making a foundation. They are placed in the corners of the structure and filled with sand or gravel. Tires - comfortable material - do not rot or crack.

Frame fabrication

The frame is made as follows:

  1. Four supports are installed vertically.
  2. The closet roof is tied. The longitudinal beams of the roof protrude beyond the structure by about 35 cm.On one side, a visor will be obtained, at the back there will be a drainage of rainwater.
  3. A screed is made at the level of the toilet. The bars are braced to the vertical supports.
  4. A door frame is installed - two supports to a height of up to 1.8 m and a horizontal lintel at the top for the same height.
  5. You need to accurately calculate the height of the toilet seat so that the seat does not turn out to be too high.
  6. Then you should designate at what level the floor will be and measure 39 cm up from it. It must be remembered that a 22-24 mm thick sheathing will be made above the harness.

Hull plating

The body is sheathed with boards 20 mm thick. They are arranged in an upright position. Other materials are also used, for example, slate or corrugated board. This makes the work easier, but will noticeably reduce the comfort of use, since there will be no air exchange.

On the back wall of the structure, a door-cover is made to facilitate the removal of the cavity with waste. The door is mounted over the entire width of the wall, 35 cm high and hinged.


It is recommended to cover the roof with a material that does not differ from that used on other buildings on the site. Profiled sheet and metal tiles are used as material. The main thing is not to forget to make a hole on the roof for the ventilation pipe and seal it. If the roof is used wooden planks, they are covered with a material that will prevent them from getting wet.

Floor and door

In most cases, the door of an outdoor toilet is made of wood and hung on hinges - two or three, depending on the weight. The closing mechanism inside and out is a matter of taste for each person.

It can be:

  • latches;
  • hooks;
  • latches;
  • all kinds of valves.

A window is cut above the doorway for lighting. It can be glazed so that rain does not seep inside and insects do not get inside.

It is also preferable to make the floor wooden, and cover it with linoleum on top.

Ventilation and lighting

When ventilation is designed, it is assumed that the stench is due to the presence of a cesspool.

There are special measures to avoid contact with smell:

  1. Install a bathroom at some distance from the pit... After installing the toilet, it is connected to the cesspool using sewer pipe made of plastic and at the same time connect the ventilation pipe using a tee. But, in this case, there is one caveat: it is necessary to supply water for flushing.
  2. Make natural ventilation. With this approach, air exchange is provided by moving air from the toilet to the street.
  3. It is possible to take forced ventilation as a basis. Then the fetid odor will be removed by the fan.

If you wish, you can also make lighting. You don't have to be an electrician to do this. There is no need to stretch the wires and install the switch. Everything is much simpler - you need use solar-powered lamps.

They can be hung on hooks or placed directly on the floor in the toilet itself, and the module can be taken outside and installed in the most illuminated place. During the day, the battery will be charged, and when it gets dark, it will power the lamp.

Enough battery charging for about 7-8 hours. Power solar battery(0.3 W) is quite sufficient for lighting a bathroom, but the best option would be a power exceeding 0.36 W.

Chair, seat

The main element of a seated bathroom is a toilet seat.

Basic moments:

  • maximum comfort;
  • strength;
  • hygiene;
  • term of use.

For the construction of the toilet seat materials are suitable:

  • Styrofoam;
  • plastic;
  • board;
  • plywood.

Wood stands out from this list - it is durable and comfortable.

There are several toilet seat designs. A simple option - using a chair - cut out a hole, make a seat. The conditional toilet seat is ready to use, but it does not look aesthetically pleasing. Stepped toilet seats have gained popularity - rectangular and angular.

Special moments

When building an outdoor toilet, pay attention to three nuances:

  • It should not be located close to the neighboring territory, as the neighbors make legal claims. The same goes for the distance to the road or body of water.
  • Sanitary and hygienic norms and building rules must not be violated.
  • It is not recommended to install a regular toilet in a street lavatory, as there is nothing to flush it with.

How to make an odorless outdoor toilet?

An important question in the construction of an outdoor toilet is how to make a bathroom without odors and with the possibility of rare pumping.

You can not use the cesspool in the following cases:

  1. installation of a dry closet;
  2. buying a plastic septic tank;
  3. the presence of a purification system.

Installation peat dry closet- a cheap opportunity to make a toilet so that it does not stink. You can not buy it, but make it yourself. An overflow septic tank is a modern solution to get rid of odors.

Lack of ventilation is another reason for bad odor.

You can make your own hood from a pipe with a diameter of about 100 mm. The pipe is fastened with clamps to the back wall of the house from the street side. Natural ventilation is achieved with the help of windows.

How to make a warm outdoor toilet?

To make the operation of an outdoor toilet as comfortable as possible, it is built with good thermal insulation. Often the toilet is insulated from the outside. This saves usable space and reduces unpleasant odors. But it is much easier to make insulation from the inside.

The closet is insulated with polyurethane foam, which is applied to the inner and outside... This material protects against drafts and prevents heat loss. They also use drywall or Styrofoam to save money.

Toilet septic tank

In total, three types of septic tanks are recognized:

  1. Sealed container. This option is practically no different from a cesspool. Such a tank is very well suited for collecting sewage that is periodically pumped out.
  2. Sump with filtration fields... Such a septic tank is used when a large number of people use the toilet.
  3. Biological treatment (station)- justifies itself at high water consumption. Such a station is characterized by high efficiency, the effluents are subjected to maximum purification, and therefore no filtration sites are required.

Street toilet with sewerage

To make complete outdoor toilet with washbasin and drain, sewerage required. For this are used pipes with a diameter of 55 to 90 mm.

Elements made of PVC are most suitable - they do not rot, are durable and are easy to install. PVC sewers are easy to repair.

In order to prevent freezing, pipes in the cold season are insulated with materials with low thermal conductivity.

Outdoor toilet with shower

A distinctive feature of the structure of a toilet with a shower is considered general construction with a dividing wall. Each room has a separate door.

Toilet device with shower:

  1. Such a structure is equipped with a water container, for example, a barrel.
  2. Pipes are connected to it through which water is supplied.
  3. In the shower, it connects to a watering can, and the water supply is regulated by a tap.
  4. The water goes to the toilet through pipes connected directly to the washbasin and the flush cistern.

Such a device allows you to reduce time and material costs.

Design of beautiful dressing houses

The design of the toilet also deserves attention. The main condition is brevity and functionality.
Most often, closets are decorated with interesting figures. In addition, you can give scope to your imagination and create a masterpiece by applying an exotic pattern over the entire surface.

The toilet is the first structure that is being built by the owner of the land plot.

If at first you can still somehow do without a house by building summer kitchen, then the septic tank cannot be attributed to secondary structures.

For many summer residents, it is with its device that the acquisition of construction experience begins.

How to build a country toilet? If you want to create a building with an original design, you need to determine the dimensions of the building. You can take a typical drawing, based on individual needs, develop a project that suits you.

An approximate plan for construction and design work looks like this:

  • Start with frame creation, add the dimensions of the building to the drawing. Calculate the amount of materials required to build it. On the plan, indicate the cross-section of the wooden beams and the dimensions of the planks.
  • Be sure to reflect on the drawing how it will be cut facing material... The scheme should have a calculation for one side wall of the building, as well as for its front wall and back. Don't forget to add building materials for the other side wall. Optimal toilet width 1.2 m, height - 2 m.
  • If you want to expand the building, make adjustments into the drawing. The front wall, like the back, is made rectangular. Lateral - trapezoidal, this allows you to achieve the desired slope of the roof. In one of the walls of the building, it is necessary to cut out a window, through which light will penetrate into the toilet in the country. In addition, the window is necessary for ventilation of the room.
  • Floor slab made of boards thick 50 mm, then the village toilet is sheathed with OSB sheet. The boards are installed on a base made of timber; nails are used to connect the parts of the structure. In order to increase the strength of the building, all the elements are connected into a groove. Its depth should be at least 50 mm.
  • Make a door... Practice shows that optimal sizes 1.95x70.5 cm. Toilets for summer cottages can be made from edged boards, often construction is carried out from OSB boards. When erecting the roof, put the rafters, between them there should be a step of 40 cm.To make them, buy boards 100x50 mm... Nail their frame, the connection is made with nails. You can cover the roof of the toilet with slate or profiled sheets.

Respect the proportions. Remember that increasing the standard size will incur additional costs for the purchase of building materials.

The standard drawing can be taken as a basis wooden toilet... If you wish, country toilets can be made according to individual sizes.

Drawings and design of the "birdhouse" toilet

Regardless of which toilet you choose, it will require a stall. « Birdhouse » - one of the most demanded options.

  1. In order to make the frame and the floor, buy boards... It is best to choose larch lumber, then the structure will be especially durable. On the doors, crate and walls, you can put a pine board. All parts of the structure should be covered with an antiseptic.
  2. Make the base 1 × 1 m, lay a forty-board on the floor. The front wall is 2 m high and the rear one 2.3 m. When building, be sure to use a level.
  3. When the frame is ready board the toilet. Install the doors, after that you can proceed to work on the roofing device. Completes the process of performing external work.

If you are going to make a "birdhouse" by equipping it with a cesspool, make a foundation. For this purpose, concrete blocks can be used. 20x20x40 cm... Cover the roof with a profile sheet, and make the ridge out of a bent strip of galvanized steel.

Drawings and construction of a "hut" type toilet

« Hut » Is another popular option.

  1. Assemble the front wall first, and then go to the back. The easiest way to build a building is from edged pine boards with a thickness 30 mm, use screws or nails for fastening.
  2. Install cross and longitudinal beams, and then spacer. Make a cross member of the pedestal, be sure to attach it to the back wall, do not forget about the spacer beam.
  3. After you finish work on the frame, boards sew up the base of the floor... Make a platform, and then move on to the sheathing of the slopes. After that, you can collect and hang a door to the country toilet.

Drawings and construction of the toilet "teremok"

For regions in which winters are snowy, building is ideal « teremok » ... Such a toilet is perfectly protected from the wind. The shape is unusual, you can make such a structure from scrap materials.

Pay attention to the shape of the door . Its upper end is rounded, so construction will take longer.

Construction may seem like a rather difficult task for novice builders. Pay attention to the geometry of the corners, then the building will be symmetrical.

Powder closet

Powder closet is another construction option. Usually, a country toilet with their own hands is made in those places where groundwater rises close to the surface. The design differs in that it does not have an underground waste storage facility.

Powder closet is great for giving. But a house in which a year-round residence is planned is best equipped with a septic tank.

  1. The foundation is concreted, the toilet cubicle can be of any shape.
  2. Inside the building, a pedestal is made with a hole into which a waste container is inserted.

Backlash closet

The backlash closet is made both inside houses and on the street.

  1. The toilet is cleaned with the help of sewage machines, this is done once a season.
  2. The cesspool is made sealed, this is a prerequisite that must be observed when erecting a building.

The toilet cubicle can be of any shape.


A toilet shower for a summer residence is a building that combines two rooms under one roof.

  1. A partition is erected between the toilet and shower, each section has its own door. Height and width of the building - 2 m, length - 3 m.
  2. The upper and lower strapping can be made from a bar 100 × 100 mm, and for vertical supports - a bar 50 × 100 mm... Buy a sufficient amount of timber, you should make 24 supports.
  3. Also, do 12 blanks 200 cm long... They will go to the device of roof overlaps, use a bar with a cross-section 50x100 mm.

We start construction

Materials and tools

Before starting work, buy lumber in advance.

  • To build a frame, purchase a bar. Pay attention to its cross section, the best option is 100 x 100 mm, to increase the strength of the building, you can buy lumber with a cross section 150 x 150 mm.
  • For lining the toilet, you will need an edged board not less than 20 mm thick.
  • Roof lathing requires slats 50 × 20 mm, and a tongue-and-groove board will go to the floor 40 × 150 mm.

You can easily replace the cladding board by purchasing OSB boards, or sheets of waterproof plywood. If you opted for OSB, then the slats can be cut from these plates.

You will need the following tools:

  1. hammer, screws and nails;
  2. shovel and bucket;
  3. pliers;
  4. hammer drill or hammer drill;
  5. brush for applying stain and paint;
  6. containers for solutions and paint.

How to choose a seat

Determine where you plan to make the toilet. Its remoteness from the house and other buildings depends on whether it will have a cesspool, or the building will be made without it.

Remember that construction should not interfere with neighbors, do not forget to indent from the fence by 1 meter. The door should open towards your yard. When digging a cesspool, leave access roads for the sewer truck.

Sump toilet

Most of the restrictions apply to the construction of cesspools. They must be securely insulated to prevent environmental pollution.

  • The cesspool should be located in 25 m from the water source... It can be a well, a well, or a body of water. The rule also applies to water sources located in neighboring areas.
  • From the cesspool to the basement or cellar, there must be at least 12 m, to the bathhouse or home - 8 m... To buildings that contain animals, not less than 4 m... Pay attention not only to the location of buildings on your site, but also on the neighboring one. This will help to avoid the emergence of conflict situations.

Before starting construction, it is necessary to select the internal arrangement of the toilet. The building can be with or without a cesspool.

If the groundwater comes close to the surface, being higher than 3.5 m from the surface, you can only build a building without a hole. Otherwise, waste will be found in the water.

If the groundwater comes close to the surface, being higher than 3.5 m from the surface, you can only build a building without a hole.

Similar restrictions are imposed on structures erected on shale rocks and in areas with natural fractures. Consider the water level in the spring when the snow melts. The lowest point of the cesspool should be 1 m above the maximum water level in spring.

If the groundwater is deep, then any type of garden toilet can be made on the site. The optimal volume of the pit is 1.5 cubic meters; it can be located under the building or away from it.

A cesspool can be:

  1. round shape;
  2. square shape.

In the first case, concrete rings are used for its arrangement. In addition, the walls can be made of bricks and rubble stone. But remember that this option will require labor, time and some financial investment.

  • Pay special attention tightness of the bottom and walls... At the bottom, a castle is made from a layer of clay. It is compacted, the layer thickness should be at least 30 cm... If there is no desire to work with clay, the bottom can be filled with concrete.
  • Be sure to do bituminous waterproofing.
  • Inside the toilet it is necessary make a hatch or leave some planks loose on the floor. You can choose a design in which the hatch is placed outside the toilet.
  • It is recommended to equip the toilet ventilation system... When filling the pit to 2/3 of the volume, the contents should be pumped out.

Detailed instructions for the construction of a cesspool from tires:

Pitless options

It is much easier to build a wooden toilet for a summer residence without a cesspool. Waste will be collected in an airtight container.

There are several types of such toilets, but the differences relate only to the way waste is recycled.

  • In dry closets, microorganisms are engaged in this, in chemical installations - special substances.
  • In a powder closet, the waste is sprinkled with powder, which can be peat, sawdust or ash.

Building a house

When the work on the arrangement of the cesspool is completed, you can proceed to the construction of the base.

It must be stable, and its reliability is also important. These are the main points to pay attention to.

If windy weather is often observed in the region, it is better to use metal pipes as a base. They must be buried in the ground, and the bars must be installed inward. This will further strengthen the structure.

If windy weather is often observed in the region, it is better to use metal pipes as a base.

The frame is made from wooden beams... For the base, buy lumber of a larger section, and for load-bearing elements thinner bars can be selected. For the device of the opening door, take a beam of 100 × 100 mm.

  1. Saddle the base first by connecting the bars with nails. To make it easier to work, the bars can be pre-fastened with thin strips. Reinforce the base with stiffeners. For this purpose, use lumber with a smaller section. It is very good if the frame and stiffeners are one whole.
  2. For roofing at the top of the frame make a crate... The crush can be covered with slate, you will need one sheet. In order to fix it, fill in the strips on the front and back of the booth. At the bottom of the frame, fix the beams, they will become the basis for the floor. After that, you can proceed to the construction of walls. Board them with a board, this is the best option. In addition, chipboard or plywood sheets can be used.
  3. Make a door... After attaching the awnings, install it in the opening.
  4. Cover the roof with slate or other material.
  5. If you want you can paint the toilet.

How to make ventilation

The following options are available:

  1. Leave the building as it is. In this case, the air in the booth will move by itself.
  2. Forced ventilation. It is based on the installation of a fan.

You can choose any option for organizing the hood, but each of them requires the presence in the walls ventilation holes... These are supply and exhaust ducts. Mandatory requirement will be the arrangement of the hood over the cesspool.

Forced ventilation is more efficient, it quickly removes unpleasant odors from the toilet. But the organization of such a system will require certain financial costs from the owner of the suburban area.

For the organization forced ventilation you need to buy the following:

  • fan;
  • switches;
  • the wire.

Forced ventilation quickly removes methane, but it is difficult to assemble such a unit. If you want to keep the air in the toilet always fresh, this option will be most suitable. But without electricity, such an installation will not work.

The natural way of ventilation is good because it does not require additional equipment.

In order to do supply ventilation, install a hood in the pit. It is required so that the gas does not flow into the booth, but is taken out into the street.

Make a chimney. To do this, buy a product with a diameter of at least 10 cm... The length of the pipe depends on how deep the hole is in the toilet. An impact drill is required for work, in some cases you cannot do without a hammer drill. The choice of tools depends on what material the booth is made of.

When laying the pipe in the ground, do not forget about its protection; for this purpose, buy a casing. You will also need fasteners. Those that are designed for gutters are well suited. In order to make the system work more efficiently, purchase a deflector.

The ventilation installation process consists of the following steps:

  1. Using the tool, make a hole in a cesspool.
  2. Install fasteners along the height of the building. Insert the pipe and secure her.
  3. Install the deflector.

Make holes in the walls of the toilet, placing them on opposite sides. Closer to the ceiling, there should be a place for an exhaust hood, and an inlet opening near the floor. Take a net and close the ventilation ducts to prevent debris from entering the toilet and also to protect the building from insects.

Install the fan by attaching it to the exhaust vent. For a standard toilet up to 2 m², a device whose power does not exceed 30 Watt... Supply electricity by routing a cable. Connect the fan, connect it to the mains.


Toilet lighting options are as follows:

  • air line;
  • underground cable;
  • solar-powered lanterns.

An overhead line is not the best solution if you do not want wires to go over the area from the house to the toilet. Laying the cable underground is more aesthetically pleasing, but few people would like to spend so much money and time installing lighting in the toilet.

  • you can use LED lights, which are designed to illuminate the garden. There are products of various shapes and weights on sale. They are inexpensive and can be bought by any gardener.
  • Since bright light is not needed installing one flashlight will be enough for lighting. Buy a product, separate the top. Take a knife and cut off the clips, then they will not interfere with you.
  • Measure the protruding part of the lantern- the one that is equipped with an LED and a battery. If necessary, you can easily replace the battery.
  • Make a hole in the wall of the building appropriate size. Insert lantern, fix with glue. A silicone sealant is best suited for this purpose.

How to make insulation

Choice suitable option insulation must be determined in advance. Much depends on whether you plan to insulate the internal or external parts of the structure.

When planning your interior work, remember that space is limited. Choose a material that does not take up much space during installation. It is important that it reliably protects against frost, cold and wind. In favor of insulation from the inside, it is also said that this type of laying of the material will require less money. However, each case is different.

By choosing external insulation, get ready for more painstaking work. Due to limited space, please buy thermal insulation materials the width of which does not exceed 75 mm... The ideal option would be to install sheets mineral wool... To fix it, buy rectangular metal rails.

Due to limited space, buy thermal insulation materials that are no more than 75 mm wide.

  • For the waterproofing device, you will need a film, and for the sheathing, drywall. It is best to opt for moisture resistant sheets.
  • Purchase self-tapping screws and profiles. They will be required in order to make a high-quality mount.
  • To putty the joints between the sheets, buy a putty.

To choose the right amount material, it is necessary to take into account the dimensions of the structure. Insulation installation consists of the following steps:

  1. Take wooden slats. Make a crate stuffing it on the walls with a step of 50 cm.
  2. Lay the insulation sheets... Fix them with self-tapping screws, attaching to the crate. The material should be placed on the walls, do not forget about the ceiling.
  3. Put a film on the insulation, it is required to protect the mineral wool from moisture. Secure the foil with tape.
  4. Cover the insulation with moisture-resistant drywall... They are mounted on self-tapping screws, and installed on a metal profile.
  5. Joints of sheets seal up with putty.

If you want, you can stick wallpaper or tiles on the drywall.

You can build a toilet by hiring a construction team, you can also buy a ready-made one.

  • The cost of the "Hut" or "Birdhouse" starts from 6500 rubles.
  • Hozblok with toilet - from 12 to 18 thousand rubles.
  • Delivery is possible, its cost depends on the destination and region.

You can build a toilet in the country with your own hands very quickly. All parts of the structure made of wood should be treated with biocides. These drugs are effective against rot. Saturate the wood twice with a water-polymer emulsion. This tool is inexpensive, it is long years reliably protects lumber from dampness.

  • Sheathing with tongue-and-groove material will show all the advantages if you start stuffing the board with a horizontal belt. Note that the ridges must be placed upward and the grooves must be placed downward. This will prevent moisture from accumulating in the tongue. But the door is always sheathed, placing the boards vertically.
  • If you are going to make a building, and the drawing involves the device of curved sections, then sheathe them with a boat board. Marine plating will last much longer.
  • In regions where there is a lot of rainfall in summer and winter, such a sheathing will be an ideal option. But remember that in regions where strong winds prevail, it is better to give preference to sheet piling.
  • If you have an electric jigsaw that has a swivel shoe, you can make your own boatboard out of regular edged lumber.
  • All parts that face the ground or cesspool, additionally process bituminous mastic or hot bitumen.


Do-it-yourself construction of a country toilet is a task that even novice builders can do.

  1. Before starting work, determine the place of construction and the level of groundwater, the type of structure depends on it.
  2. Make a drawing.
  3. Buy lumber in advance, prepare tools.

You can assemble a toilet for a summer residence in a few days.

This video describes in detail how to make a toilet for a summer residence:

August 6, 2016
Specialization: facade decoration, interior decoration, construction of summer cottages, garages. The experience of an amateur gardener and gardener. He also has experience in repairing cars and motorcycles. Hobbies: playing guitar and much more, for which there is not enough time :)

It's not a secret for anyone that you should start arranging a garden plot with the construction of a toilet. Its presence is very convenient even if the house has a bathroom, since while working in the garden you will not need to go home to visit the restroom. Therefore, I decided to devote this article to how to build a garden toilet on your own, which, in fact, is much easier than many people imagine.


As you know, any construction always begins with a project, and the toilet is no exception in this case. At this stage, you need to decide on the following points:

Below I will tell you about all the nuances of designing a toilet.

Location on the site

So, first of all, you need to decide on the location of the building. The fact is that the toilet in the garden must be located according to certain rules.

For example, if the site has level differences, the toilet should be located on a high part of it. In the lowland, there is a possibility of flooding it during the period of melting snow or storm waters.

In addition, it is extremely important to maintain the correct distance from the toilet to other objects:

Of course, you need to provide a comfortable approach to the toilet. Moreover, you should think in advance and how to clean the garden toilet when the cesspool is full. To do this, it is necessary to provide access to a sewage truck. Therefore, it makes sense to place the building closer to the fence.

I must say that many people try to arrange the toilet so that it is hidden and does not spoil the exterior of the site with its appearance. However, if you approach construction creatively, then the structure can even become an ornament.

Toilet construction

There are a great many options for the design of the toilet and the materials from which it can be built. However, as an example, consider how to build a closet made of wood, which will be based on a timber frame.

For its construction it is not necessary to have experience of similar construction or experience with wood. The only thing, before starting work, you need to draw up drawings of a garden toilet with your own hands or use ready-made ones, for example, presented on our portal.

If you will deal with the drawings yourself, then you need to decide on the dimensions of the structure. Standard sizes the following:

The main elements of the frame are racks, which are connected into a single structure by the lower and upper strapping. In addition, cross members and braces can be used to give strength to the frame. To ensure the roof slope, the back wall should be 10 centimeters lower than the front wall.

In the process of completing the drawing, it is necessary to indicate the dimensions of all structural parts in millimeters. This will simplify further work, and also prevents errors during the installation process.

Materials (edit)

To build the toilet in question, you will need the following parts:

  • timber with a section of 50x50 mm - for the manufacture of a frame and a toilet seat;
  • boards with a thickness of at least 20 mm - for the floor and lining of the toilet seat;
  • lining, boards or other material for sheathing the frame;
  • roofing material - slate, corrugated board or any other.


Since the toilet will not accept domestic sewage, the cesspool can be made small. For example, a volume of one and a half to two cubic meters will be enough for a family of three to four people. At the same time, it will have to be cleaned every few years.

As for the device of the pit, its walls are necessarily sealed, and the bottom is filled with sand and gravel. Each layer should be about 15 centimeters long. This is necessary to filter the liquid constituents of the waste.

As a rule, the walls of the pit are poured with concrete. However, a faster and more economical way of sealing can be done by stacking the tires on top of each other.

In cases where groundwater flows near the soil surface, the pit must be completely sealed. For example, the bottom can be filled with concrete, and the slopes can be laid on top.

You can use a plastic container to make an airtight cesspool. For example, a euro cube is perfect for these purposes. The price of a used euro-cube with a volume of 1000 liters is about 4000-5000 rubles.

Toilet construction


After preparing the project, you can proceed directly to the construction of the toilet. Since digging and arranging a hole is not difficult, let's start right away with construction.

So, the work is done in the following order:

  1. first of all, you need to mark the location of the structure... The frame must be installed so that the back of the toilet is above the cesspool;
  2. then you need to complete the foundation, which can be used as concrete blocks... To do this, you need to dig holes in the corners of the structure to a depth of about 40 cm. The bottom of the holes should be covered with sand and gravel, carefully tamped, after which blocks are placed on top.
    I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the blocks should be located in the same horizontal plane, therefore, in the process of laying them, you should use the building level. When the foundation is ready, several layers of roofing material must be laid on the blocks, which will serve as waterproofing;

  1. then the base of the frame is made from the bar which is a rectangle. For reliability, the timber should be connected to each other "in a paw" or "in the floor of a tree". However, if you do not have proper experience with wood, butt joints can be dispensed with.
    In any case, it is necessary to strengthen the corners with metal corners and self-tapping screws.
    That part of the toilet, which is located above the pit, must be separated with a cross beam, as shown in the photo above;
  2. then you need to install vertical posts at the corners of the structure... To do this, you should also use metal corners and self-tapping screws. In addition, you can strengthen the racks with braces;
  3. on top of the rack you need to tie the top strapping, which serves as the basis for the roof;
  4. in the front of the toilet, you need to make a door frame... For this, two posts are also installed, on top of which a crossbar is attached.
  5. in the back or side of the frame, you need to make a window frame... To do this, two cross members are attached to the posts, between which two vertical posts are installed. The distance between them determines the width of the window, and the distance between the crossbars determines its height;

Before proceeding with the assembly of the frame, all wooden parts should be treated with an antiseptic agent that prevents the process of decay.

This completes the construction of the frame.


As a rule, garden toilets for summer cottages are sheathed with boards or clapboard. The latter will give the design a more attractive look.

It can be positioned both horizontally and vertically. To fasten the lining or boards to the frame, you can use both self-tapping screws and nails.

Particular attention should be paid to the roof. It is performed in the following sequence:

  1. on the top harness you need to fill the crate. For this, you can use wooden slats or boards. True, in the case of using shingles, instead of the crate, sheets of moisture-resistant plywood should be fixed;
  2. then a waterproofing film is attached over the lathing. To fix it, you can use wooden slats and nails;
  3. then any roofing material is laid.

Now you need to execute. To do this, you need to make a rectangular frame from a bar in size door frame, and then sheathe it with boards. You can install the door on conventional awnings.

To glaze a window, you need to cut or order glass suitable sizes... It can be fixed with glazing beads located on both sides of the glass.

Toilet seat making

Now all that remains is to complete the toilet seat and lay the floors. The instructions for doing this work look like this:

  1. a frame is also used at the base of the toilet seat. To make it, first of all, you need to install horizontal crossbars on the left and right walls, as in the photo above. The distance from the floor to the crossbars determines the height of the toilet seat, which is usually selected individually;
  2. then the toilet seat racks are installed, which are attached to the top of the crossbars, and from the bottom to the base of the structure;
  3. from above, both racks are also connected by a crossbar located perpendicular to the lateral horizontal beams;
  4. now the resulting frame should be sheathed with boards;
  5. in the center of the toilet seat, attach a board from the toilet and circle it with a pencil;
  6. then you need to cut a hole along the contour with a jigsaw. To do this, you first need to drill a hole into which a jigsaw file can enter;
  7. at the end of the work, you need to lay the boards on the toilet floor, and also fix the toilet board on the toilet seat.

This completes the construction of the garden toilet.


As you can see, building your own garden toilet is really not difficult. If you wish, you can make it in the form of a terem or even place it under one roof. Summer shower... The main thing is to pre-prepare the project and follow a certain sequence of actions.

You can get more information from the video in this article. If you do not understand any points or have difficulties during the construction process, ask questions in the comments, and I will be happy to help you.

August 6, 2016

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It doesn't matter where you live - either permanently in your own house in the countryside, or seasonally in country house, or in a house outside the city - the physical needs of a person remain unchanged for several thousand years.

Unless the degree of comfort and convenience has changed, where can we go without it?

Reflections on this issue formed the basis of the "foundation" of the proposed below design of one of the most popular summer cottages and rural buildings -

It would seem an ordinary toilet ... However, the importance of this simple structure cannot be overstated.

The principles of convenience and functionality are organically combined here with an attractive and aesthetic appearance. wooden building without losing structural strength and rigidity.

Nowadays, the modern woodworking industry produces a large number of various moldings, which provides many opportunities for such creativity.

Combined with inexpensive and readily available power tools, this can help you replicate such a design effortlessly and cost-effectively.


From a hand tool, you will need, first of all, a measuring and marking tool - a tape measure, a square, a pencil. Perhaps a chalk cord, folding rule.

From the rest - a well-sharpened sharp hacksaw for wood, a couple of sharp chisels, a mallet or a hammer, hand plane, glass cutter, hacksaw miter box ... (see fig. 2, 3, 4)

From a power tool, it is desirable to have a jigsaw (see fig. 5) , electric drill (see fig. 7) , cordless screwdriver (see fig. 6) , the simplest milling machine (see fig. 8) , a set of cutters for wood, a set of drills for wood, the most common bits for self-tapping screws.

Required power tools

Required power tools

Required power tools

Selection of the necessary material for construction

When selecting lumber, several basic conditions must be observed:

  • For the frame, a planed pine section of 45 * 105 mm is suitable, 7-8 pieces 3 meters long each are enough.
  • It is necessary to select a timber as even and dry as possible, with as few large knots as possible, without blueness and blackening.
  • For the floor, it is advisable to select even and strong edged planed larch boards, at least 40 mm thick.
  • For the wall cladding, the so-called imitation of larch timber was used. The choice of larch is due to its resistance to various adverse weather conditions. And, importantly, the decorative properties of larch in terms of beauty and expressiveness of texture are much superior to the wood of such popular conifers like pine and spruce.

For this purpose, the so-called block house is also suitable - wooden panels imitating a rounded log.

  • Such moldings have various standard lengths. This must be taken into account at the stage of determining the dimensions of the structure, so that when facing, there are as few unused scraps as possible.
  • The basis of the roof is planed edged pine boards with a section of 30 * 150 mm. Selection criteria - smooth, dry, without blueness.
  • For windows, it is necessary to select smooth and strong, without knots, pine planed bars with a section of 45 * 45 mm.
  • When choosing metal fasteners, it is advisable to avoid the use of black self-tapping screws due to their insufficient strength. For fastening wooden parts, it is advisable to use yellow or white self-tapping screws for wood with a diameter of at least 4 mm.

Assembling the toilet frame

It is most convenient to start assembling the frame with manufacturing bottom strapping... Four beams of the required length must be connected in half a tree (see fig. 9) and twist with the so-called "wood grouses" - powerful self-tapping screws with a diameter of 8 mm and a length of 120-150 mm with turnkey hex heads (see fig. 10) .

The cut lines are marked with a square, two parallel cuts are made along them with a hacksaw, and the waste is removed with a chisel.

The main condition when marking the bars of the lower harness is to maintain the required distance between the inner corners. So, in this case, the width of the front and rear walls is 120 cm, the width of the side walls is 90 cm. This is due to the standard length wood panels- 3 m. Such dimensions do not give scraps when trimming, since two pieces of 90 cm and one 120 cm are cut from one panel.

Chamfers with a width of 5-6 mm are milled at all corners.

As a result, we get a finished wooden base frame (see fig. 11) , to which the frame racks will be attached in the future.

The uprights are cut with a slight allowance along the length and unfold on a flat surface to collect the front wall (see fig. 12) ... Length - 15 cm for attachment to the lower harness and plus 185 cm in height, total - 200 cm.

The lower horizontal bar is screwed on temporarily - the height is counted from its lower side and it fixes the shape.

The upper inclined beams are a kind of rafters of a small roof. It is desirable to make the overhang of the roof as much as possible - in this case, about 30 cm (see fig. 13) ... This is a prerequisite for protecting wooden walls from rainfall.

The length of the upper bars is selected experimentally, taking into account the width along the front wall (120 cm) and the angle of inclination of the roof - about 25 degrees (see fig. 14) .

The intersection of the two bars is marked with a pencil to make a marking for cutting corners. (see fig. 15) .

Using a square, the marks are connected (see fig. 16) .

With a hacksaw, the bars are cut according to the markings (see fig. 17) and the result is four identical parts (see fig. 18) .

Vertical racks are marked in the same way. (see fig. 19) and cut to size (200 cm) and angle (see fig. 20) .

The curly cutouts at the ends of the inclined upper bars are marked with a pencil. (see fig. 21) .

And with the help of a jigsaw, the excess is cut off according to the markings made (see fig. 22) .

The cuts are made in the same way on the remaining bars. (see fig. 23) .

The result is curly cutouts of the same shape on all four bars. (see fig. 24) .

Chamfers with a depth of 5-6 mm are milled on all edges of the upper bars and vertical posts (see fig. 25) .

The result is neat parts of the same length and shape. (see figures 26 and 27) .

Prices for hacksaws for wood


The assembly is carried out using self-tapping screws.

For this, holes are pre-drilled in the bolted bars. Drill diameter - 0.5-1 mm larger than the thread diameter of the self-tapping screw itself (see fig. 28) .

With the help of a nozzle corresponding to the self-tapping head, we alternately fasten the two parts together (see fig. 29) .

The drilled hole allows the screwed-in self-tapping screw to firmly position the two parts and, in addition, helps to avoid cracks in the twisted parts from splitting when screwing in (see fig. 30) .

The holes in the upper bars are pre-drilled in the same way. (see fig. 31) .

For such a width of the screwed part, two self-tapping screws are enough for each attachment point (see fig. 32) .

Since a door will be installed in the front wall, it is necessary to make an opening for it. To do this, two additional posts of the same section as the corner posts must be attached symmetrically to the frame. Besides the formation doorway, these racks will allow you to subsequently fix decorative windows without additional efforts.

The required distances are marked with a tape measure (approximately 160 mm from the inner edge of the corner posts) and two additional posts are screwed on (see fig. 33) .

The protruding tops are trimmed in place with a hacksaw (see fig. 34) .

For reliability, the attachment point of the upper bars can be strengthened by screwing in an additional overlay made of scraps of timber (see fig. 35) .

To make the back wall the same size as the front wall, use the assembled wall as a template. Having fixed the frame parts on the front wall with the help of clamps, the rear wall is assembled in the same dimensions (see fig. 36) .

After preliminary assembly of the main parts, they can be fastened into a single frame. Temporary bottom rails serve as restraints, with the help of which all posts in the frame will have the same height (see fig. 37) ... The lower trim is pre-leveled so that there are no distortions later.

In the racks, two holes with a diameter of 8 mm are drilled with an electric drill (see fig. 38) ... Holes with a diameter of 6 mm are drilled in the harness.

After drilling, the racks are screwed to the bottom strapping with wood grouse screws with a diameter of 8 mm and a length of 100 mm (see fig. 39) .

To maintain the same distance between the two walls in the upper part, they are temporarily fastened with strips of the same length.

This completes the assembly of the frame - the "skeleton" of the entire structure. (see fig. 40) .

Toilet wall and floor cladding

Larch edged board is used for floor sheathing. To exclude cracks from shrinkage of the boards, you need to use either ready-made grooved boards, or cut grooves in the edged boards and insert the slats into the joints of the boards.

It is most convenient to fix the boards parallel to the side walls - this way it is easier to make cutouts for the posts. The distance between the outer contours of the lower strapping is the required length of the boards (see fig. 41) .

Jigsaw prices


To minimize scraps, it is advisable to select a standard length such that one board can be cut without leaving a residue. Marking with a tape measure and a square will help smooth edges, which is important (see fig. 42) .

All marked boards are cut with a hacksaw for wood (see fig. 43) .

After that, using a square, it is necessary to carefully mark the places of the cutouts in the boards for the racks. (see fig. 44) .

To do this, the board is applied close to the posts, and lines are drawn according to the dimensions of the post, the depth of the cutouts corresponds to the distance the board does not reach the edge.

Parts with markings that are to be deleted are marked with hatching (see fig. 45) .

Exactly along the line, the board is neatly cut with a hacksaw, which should be held perpendicular to the cutting line (see fig. 46) .

After that, with light blows of a chisel, the waste is removed (see fig. 47) .

In the same way, cutouts are made for the rest of the racks. (see fig. 48) .

On the upper end parts of all boards and in places of cutouts, chamfers are removed with a milling machine.

In the laid boards, holes for fastening are marked and drilled at the same distance from the edge of the boards (see fig. 49) .

With self-tapping screws for wood, the boards are tightly and without gaps screwed to the bars of the lower strapping (see fig. 50) .

Thus, a smooth and neat, without gaps, wooden floor is obtained. (see fig. 51) .

Sheathing the frame is not difficult, but requires the same accuracy.

Carefully marked along the length using a tape measure (see fig. 52) .

And the square (see fig. 53) .

After marking, the panels are cut into pieces of the required length. (see fig. 54) .

The result is panels of two sizes - short for sewing the side walls and long for sewing the back wall. (see fig. 55) .

Since this board has a working width of 140 mm, it is necessary to fasten each side with two self-tapping screws, as close as possible to the edge of the board - about 20-25 mm. This will keep the wood panels from warping to some extent.

To prevent cracking of the panels from screwed screws and for the tightness of the connection, all parts are pre-drilled before fastening according to the marking (see fig. 56) To do this, one marked part is superimposed on the second and holes are drilled in all panels according to this template.

The panels prepared in this way are screwed to the frame posts with self-tapping screws for wood, about 50 mm long (see fig. 57) .

If the crest of the panel fits too tightly into the mating groove (or the panel is slightly curved), then it is necessary to carefully tap the panel on top of a wooden or rubber mallet by placing the same trim under the mallet so as not to split the panel (see fig. 58) .

In this way, all panels are attached to the top of the frame, where it may be necessary to trim the last panels so that they do not protrude above the roof plane. (see fig. 59) .

We build a roof in the toilet

Before laying the roofing material, screw tightly on both slopes edged boards (see figures 60 and 61) .

If the side overhangs of the roof were formed by extending the rafters 30 cm from the side walls, then the overhangs of the roof in front and behind are formed by the length of the boards - for this you need to add the rear overhang (about 20 cm) and the front overhang (about 30 cm) to the width of the side walls. By adding the three sizes together, you get the required length of the boards.

In this case, a metal tile is used as a roofing covering. There are many options on the market today. roofing of various types and color coloration, so that the choice is almost unlimited.

Attached to the boards with roofing screws (see fig. 62) .

After that, it remains to close the front and rear end parts with neat boards, which are screwed on with self-tapping screws (see fig. 63) .

We make windows in the toilet

Windows are used not only as a decoration, since they largely shape the appearance of the entire wooden structure. To some extent, they play a purely practical role, since they are a translucent structure, which to some extent gives a kind of inner comfort.

In order to make such windows, you will need several bars with a cross section of 45 * 45 mm and a length of __ mm (see fig. 64) .

The first step is to cut out a quarter in each bar. To do this, set the saw blade overhang to circular lathe by 20 mm (see fig. 65) .

After that unnecessary part the bars are neatly cut (see fig. 66) .

The bars prepared in this way are laid out on a flat surface and the inner ones are marked dimensions of each window - the formed quarter is necessary in order to insert the window into the opening between the posts (see fig. 67) .

The parts are fastened together with self-tapping screws, so it is imperative to drill the parts to be screwed (see fig. 69) .

We install a milling cutter for chamfering into the milling machine (see fig. 70) .

And we remove chamfers with a width of 7-8 mm on all longitudinal and transverse edges (see fig. 71) .

As a result of milling, neat details are obtained. (see fig. 72) .

The resulting parts are fastened with self-tapping screws into frames (see fig. 73) .

The protruding corners on the inside of the cross bars are cut with a hacksaw (see fig. 74) .

The waste is trimmed and cleaned with a chisel (see fig. 75) .

Edged board prices

edged board

With this part, the frames are inserted into the opening. (see fig. 76) .

To install the glasses, you need to cut a groove inside along the entire perimeter of the frames. For this, a disc cutter is installed in a milling machine. (see fig. 77) .

And in several passes, an internal groove is milled with a width of 1-2 mm more than the thickness of the glass. The standard thickness of embossed glass is 4 mm. Groove depth - 10 mm (see fig. 78) .

From a thinner bar you need to make jumpers that will be inserted between the glasses. They have chamfers removed in the same way and grooves for glass are milled on both sides. It is convenient to make such short parts from one long workpiece - that is, first chamfer and cut grooves along the long sides, then cut off the required number of parts and chamfer the end parts (see fig. 79) .

After preparing the frames, the glasses are cut (see fig. 80) ... Depending on the initial sketch, it is worth calculating their number at once. On construction markets there is now a wide variety of glass types that can be cut to size on site. More a budget option- use old glass from the door or ordinary window glass, which is matted (sanded) on one side with a vibrating grinder to make it opaque.

After preparing the glasses, the frames are assembled (see fig. 81) .

To do this, one of the crossbars is unscrewed and glasses and wooden lintels are alternately inserted into the groove.

After that, the lower cross member is screwed into place. (see fig. 82) .

The groove for the glass was deliberately made 1-2 mm thicker than the glass in order to fill the now formed gap with a transparent silicone sealant (see fig. 83) .

The plastic spout at the tube is cut off to obtain a roller with a thickness of 3-4 mm.

After filling the gaps, the sealant is neatly leveled (see fig. 84) ... It is advisable to wait a few hours for the sealant to dry.

Thanks to the filling of the gaps, the frames will not get rainwater and besides, the glasses will be firmly fixed against vibrations.

The frames are fixed in the openings prepared for them with self-tapping screws. To do this, holes are drilled from the inside of the racks through which self-tapping screws are screwed (see fig. 85) .

Beforehand, short pieces of wood panels are screwed into the upper and lower parts of the openings.

We make the door to the country toilet

The door is assembled from the same wooden panels, only in an upright position.

For this, the dimensions of the opening are measured and typed door leaf required width and length. If the canvas is wider than the opening, then it is cut to the required size symmetrically - so that the outer panels are of the same width.

To the width of the opening, add 2 cm to the right and left - since the door will overlap the pillars.

The top is trimmed at the same angle as the top bars of the frame.

After trimming to size, chamfers are milled around the perimeter (see fig. 86) .

The panels are fastened to each other using crossbars, which are cut from the panel trim. Due to the width of the panels, you can do without jibs - the rigidity of the canvas will be achieved due to self-tapping screws and application silicone sealant before screwing on the crossbars (see fig. 87) .

Be sure to pre-drill holes in the cross members.

It is advisable to choose sheds with a long shoulder and screw them into the places where the crossbars are screwed (see fig. 88) .

To set a gap of 4-5 mm between the floor and the door, it is enough to put a chisel under the door (see fig. 89) .

One of important elementsdoor handles- are made from scraps curved branches wood (see fig. 90) ... The handles are attached to the door with self-tapping screws.

So that the hats from the self-tapping screws are not visible from the outside, you first need to screw the inner handle, and then, closing the caps of the self-tapping screws with the handle, the outer one.

The corners of the entire structure are closed with strips 70-80 mm wide and 12-15 mm thick. They are attached with self-tapping screws. (see fig. 92) .

Toilet painting

The final look of the whole wooden structure determined by painting. It is advisable to choose a coating that is weather-resistant, designed for outdoor use. (see fig. 93) .

Paint or impregnation is applied with a brush in one or two coats. For a more obvious selection of the wood structure, it is necessary to carefully rub the material with a brush over the entire painted surface. (see fig. 94 .)

Ready country toilet - photo