How to make two-level stretch ceilings in the room. Design and Design Features: Duplex Stretch Ceilings

Modern species The ceiling design amazed our imagination not only with its appearance, but also able to surprise the perfection of the technologies used. The design of most suspended systems is specifically designed in such a way that it would be possible to make a beautiful ceiling on their own, besides quickly and efficiently. The options for finishing the ceiling part exists today quite a lot, but more and more often for intra-ordinary design, bunk tension ceilings are used. Why? The thing is that this type of finish has high aesthetic qualities. Moreover, the installation of such a design has recently become much more accessible for the mass consumer.

Bunk ceiling made of stretched PVC film, today can successfully replace common plasterboard structures. The time spent on the installation of a tension bunk system is an order of magnitude less than the time costs associated with the installation of a frame, installation of drywall, putty and painting a new surface.

We will deal with the question, which is a two-level stretch ceiling system. We will understand in detail with what the basic technical features of this version of the ceiling design should be known and what to emphasize your attention during mounting work.

Stretch suspended structures in two tiers - tribute to fashion or successful technical solution

Multi-level stretch ceilings are always stylish and fashionable. Due to the diverse texture of the film material, it is always original and non-standard to arrange the ceiling part in the residential room. The technology of pulling the polyvinyl chloride canvas has become much easier and clearer. At spent time and labor-intensity, such work is significantly superior to the option of the ceiling finishes using a plasterboard plate. Bunk surfaces are radically changed not only appearance Ceiling part indoors, but also able to change the geometry of the room, provide the necessary zoning indoor space.

Distinguishes such design not only huge opportunities in choise color Gamma. and textures. Stretch ceilings in two or more tiers are striking by the courage of designer solutions. What can be obtained at the exit:

  • combined ceiling surfaces where the color solution and texture of the material are successfully combined;
  • curvilinear structures, ready-made ceiling parts of any shape;
  • volumetric surfaces in 3D execution.

Almost any finish option is the wealth of forms, a variety of variations of execution and color solutions.

In addition, modern technologies allow you to use this method of finishing yourself using a minimum set of tools and devices. The cost of repairing ceilings with the use of the tensionable canvas depends on the number of elements used in the design and area working surface, as well as the texture of the canvas and the complexity of forms.

Bunk stretch ceilings. Design features and functionality

The system of suspended ceiling structures made from PVC film consists of a light frame and the main canvase. Unlike plasterboard Ceilkov The frame for a multi-tier stretch design looks much easier. It uses not a bulky set of metal profiles installed on the overlap, and aluminum profiles that are fortified around the perimeter of the room.

There are no longitudinal non-transverse profiles in the frame. To be mounted directly to the profiles attached to the walls at the top of the room. The canvas is made of polyvinyl chloride film. To fix the tissue in profiles, you can use the most common technology, a guy way of fastening a film or other methods. All installation options are quite suitable for what you could independently, with your own hands.

The main difference of such a finishing option from traditional, single-level stretch systems is configuration. The shape of the tiers, their configuration is a key factor that gives the finish of the ceiling of originality.

On a note: Most often, a few levels are achieved by creating a stepped form designs. Under each tier is made its frame. For these purposes, it is best to use a brushless harpoon cloth fastening system.

It should be noted that the height of each level is limited only by the technological parameters of the room. The outlines of each level may be any shape, curvilinear or rectangular. As for the functionality of this kind of ceiling design, the stretch designs will give odds to other versions.

  • Firstly: For such ceilings, it is always much easier to care for;
  • Secondly: Such ceiling surfaces provide protection internal space from flooding;
  • Thirdly: With competent operation, such surfaces have a long service life;
  • Fourth: The tensioned cloth allows you to perform local repair of the ceiling part;
  • Fifth: If you wish, you can always always dismantle one or more levels by changing the ceiling design.

So you can continue for a very long time, list the main functional advantages Tension multi-tier systems. You should not forget that in the process of installing multi-tier film ceilings, you solve several technical tasks at once. This kind of ceiling design you will be able to hide obvious disadvantages and defects base surfacewill achieve the creation of the necessary zoning of the internal space. Externally, such a ceiling will be responsible to the highest requirements of aesthetics and style.

It is worth noting that bunk or multi-tiered suspended ceiling systems, based on the PVC film tightened, are very convenient in terms of improvement. internal planning premises. Using the features of central illumination and local light sources using several levels, you can visually align the walls, give the elongated, rectangular view. Design suspended system Allows you to easily equip hidden, decorative lighting.

Due to the color combination and fabric structure in combination with technical features Premises, multi-tier stretch and living room - indispensable.

For reference: Care for bunk or multi-tiered suspended ceiling systems from PVC film is carried out using ordinary household detergents. Chemically active substances, detergents and cleaning agents containing abrasive elements should not be used.

In which premises the tension ceilings are best

First of all, it costs to say a few words about where such a surface will look better, since the installation of a two-level stretch ceiling can either radically change the interior of the room.

The main requirement that needs to be observed with similar types of ceiling design is readiness interior premises. All repair finishing work Inside the room should be finished. Stretch ceiling structures are a finish point in creating original interior.

As for the premises, ceiling structures made from the stretched film will be best viewed, then there are a number of aspects. First of all - if you want to quickly donate with finishing works, bunk ceilings are not fast and simple technical decision. Therefore, it should be tuned for long work.

On a note: In comparison with the installation of plasterboard ceilings, the execution of all steps takes 3-5 days, the stretch systems in several tiers are mounted within 1-2 days.

The next aspect to pay attention to when selecting the ceiling design is target use Premises and It technological features. For example, in the children's room duplex ceilings Do not always look good. The situation is similar and the bedroom. Most of the levels eaten the inner volume, so this option of finishing the ceiling part is best used where the area and the height of the premises are not critical.

Two levels are perfectly coping with the task of visual adjustment of the internal space. The angular room at the expense of several levels on the ceiling can be a room with smooth lines and contours. Square by mounting a tension bunk system turns into a rectangle and vice versa. This property is typical for guest rooms, halls and hallways, where you need to visually increase the volume of rooms.

Hidden illumination will only increase the aesthetic perception of the mounted part in the room. Figure shows various options Ceiling part design generated by several levels from stretched fabric.

Two-level stretch ceiling - how to make it with your own hands

If you have an idea of \u200b\u200bhow it should look like dropped ceilingshow the installation technology is built, it means that you will not be much difficult to do in my apartment bunk original suspension systems.

Clean installation in this case is not associated with dirty and wet painting work. When installing the suspension system based on PVC film, you will not appear indoors large number Building garbage.

On a note: When all finishing works are finished inside the room, wallpapers are broken, established flooringThe tension of the canvas in the upper part of the room will not be associated with the risk of damaging the elements of the interior.

All work is carried out in stages:

  • preparation of the top of the room (cleaning old constructive elements and laying wired communications);
  • mounting frame for each tier (Used plywood, chipboard or OSB);
  • the large area of \u200b\u200bthe base ceiling is closed with a stretched film, selected colors and textures (starry sky, galaxy or blue cloudy sky).

The combination of each level with a background or with a drawing on the film provides the necessary effect. This option clearly transmits the method of installing a bunk design. FROM multi-level systems The situation is somewhat more complicated.

In custody

The technology with which you will have to face, making multi-tiered suspended ceilings based on the strained canvase, is not related to special difficulties. It is important to remember that for the installation of such a design it is best to use a brushless harpoon installation method. This technology is very convenient for working with multi-level ceiling systems.

All subsequent work is performed in stages, where each stage is characterized by the achievement of certain goals and results. In order to do everything right, remember the following points:

1. Bunk suspended stretch systems are very convenient and original view Ceiling design

2. Compared with plasterboard suspended structures In several tiers - a stretched film in two, and more tiers, allows you to quickly achieve the necessary effect

3. The main advantages of this kind of ceiling design are as follows:

  • quick installation;
  • the ability to hide defects and communications in the interporal space;
  • big choice colors, drawings, shapes and configurations for the design of the ceiling part;
  • affordable and easy care.

4. Ceilings from the stretched canvas in several levels are best to put in large and spacious premises.

5. Installation is carried out only after completion of all finishing works.

The stretch ceilings are distinguished by beautiful appearance and ease of installation. Especially well they look in large high rooms. To create stretch ceilings use vinyl film or special fabric. There are several types of surface - matte, glossy, satin. It should also be noted a large selection of color solutions, which allows you to realize various designer ideas. You can combine tensioning canvases with other materials, such as plasterboard, creating two-level ceiling structures.

Stretch ceilings are comfortable, beautiful, practical. They serve more than ten years, installed quickly and without dust, successfully hide electric wiring and other communications.

Typically, specialists are engaged in installation, but if desired, you can perform this work yourself. Perform two-level is quite possible.

Features of stretch structures

Before deciding to install the ceiling system, you should learn about their advantages, disadvantages and features.

They have such advantages:

  • creating a smooth surface in a short time;
  • flood protection;
  • attractive appearance.

The ceilings in the apartments are usually far from perfect, and the height differences are quite significant and noticeable. To align the surface, you need to plaster it, and it takes a lot of time and strength. And with the help of stretch ceilings, you can quickly get a perfectly smooth coating, pleasing eye. In addition, the choice of cloths is very wide, so you can easily choose that of them, which in the best way corresponds to the setting of the room. For example, you can make stretch ceilings in two levels.

No one is insured against the flood. Rarely who did not come across the situation when the neighbors were flooded. If correctly, you can not worry about the safety of repair and furniture - the canvas does not miss the water. To eliminate the effects of the Flood, it will only need to drain the water gathered in the interporal space, freed the edge of the canvas in one place, or do it through the hole for the lighting device.

Like any other coating, stretch ceilings also have their drawbacks.

These include:

  • fragility;
  • PVC film is badly tolerated low temperatures;
  • high cost of canvas and mounting.

The most important minus of stretch systems is their rather high price compared to other finishes. At the same time, repair will not need soon, so the cost of the canvas is fully justified. Stretch ceilings retain the initial appearance for more than a decade, therefore, by setting such a design, it is not long to worry about the need for repair. At the same time, the canvas cannot be called strong - they can be damaged by a sharp object.

Now on the Internet you can find a lot of instructions about how to make a two-level stretch ceiling do it yourself. To decide on the design, it is worth a photo. It is even better to deal with the technology of installation using a training video.

Preparation for mounting the ceiling

The most difficult thing that expects during the installation of the ceiling:

  • removing measurements - it is very important to do this correctly to get a perfectly smooth and beautiful surface;
  • cutting the canvas - any error can lead to a damage of expensive material;
  • working with equipment - In the process of installation, it is necessary to use a gas heat gun, while it is important to comply with all safety requirements.

Whatever the design of the two-level stretch ceiling, it is necessary to prepare such tools and materials:

  • screwdriver;
  • perforator for fastening profiles to the walls;
  • level for applying markup;
  • heat gun from gas cylinder - In order to pull the cloth, it must be heated;
  • frame profiles;
  • stretch cloth;
  • plasterboard;
  • ladder;
  • special blades and spatulas for pulling and attaching a web.

Before you start making a frame for a two-level stretch ceiling, you must perform. The rough ceiling is necessarily cleaned from the old, shocking plaster, make a wiring electric wires, by applying them to those places where they will be in the future lighting. The surface is treated with antiseptic primer to avoid the appearance of mold and fungus - the stretched canvases do not "breathe", therefore, ideal conditions are created in the interpostral space for their existence.

Two-level stretch ceiling - frame assembly, details on video:

Installation of duplex structures

Before ordering a canvas, you need to think about the design of the future ceiling. On the sketch, all the details are noted, including the transition of the level of the stretch ceiling, the location of the lamps. After removing the measurement make an order in the company engaged in the production of structures.

The installation begins with the creation of a frame, mounting baguettes for mounting the canvas. On frame B. right places Attach plasterboard, put it and paint it, installed lamps. Then they begin to pull the canvas, pre-warmed it with a heat gun to a temperature of 70 degrees. Preheated film is fixed in the profile with spatulas. Insert the devices inserted into the holes prepared for lamps, and the canvas attach to them with special latches.

Even the very simple options Two-level stretch ceilings will fall out. The harder the design will be, the more it will have to pay. Therefore, in order to save, quite a few people prefer to do this work independently. Information about the installation of the ceilings in our site on our site, therefore, if there is at least a little experience in repairing repair, you can cope with this task (more: ""). However, it is worth remembering that the canvas themselves are expensive, besides, they can be easily damaged during installation. If there are at least a small doubt about their own, it is better to entrust the installation of tension ceilings to those skilled in the art.

The two-level stretch ceiling is truly original and unique. decorative designwhich is able to hide the defects of the main ceiling surface, hide from prying eye ugly pipes and other communications, as well as make the interior of the room with elegant and individual. It is fully allowed equipping with lamps, as well as point or LED backlight.

Mount the stretch ceilings can be based on a pair of techniques. The first technique assumes that constructions that have a special configuration are attached to the ceiling. It is between these structures that the film tension occurs. The second technique is not so complex and is based on the preliminary fixation of the baguette, which allows you to subsequently pull the canvas. The advantage of the second method is linked not only in its simplicity, but also that it does not imply a decrease in the size of the room, which is extremely an important factor in typical apartment multi-storey house.

The design and lighting of the stretch ceiling deserves individual words. If you need to install dotted lights and sources of scattered light on the ceiling, you can achieve visual increase The volume of the room. In addition, light helps to conduct a zonal division of the room. It is possible to issue a stretch ceiling with two levels. different ways. It is possible to combine the color, material and even texture. Usually, independent work Over the installation of the stretch ceiling takes how maximum, two days.

Of course, it is necessary to take into account the fact that in the situation when you decide own forces Run the installation of the ceiling, the film manufacturer removes all responsibility for the result. Stages of work should be observed strictly, because otherwise there will be a need to fully remove the design and start working again, or reinforce the framework. For perfect tension, you should ensure that even the smallest item of the ideal is fixed in its place.

So, the installation of the stretch two-level ceiling should be carried out with the following tool:

  • and screwdriver;
  • Thermal gun;
  • Ladder;
  • Building level;
  • Special blades, with which the cloth is fixed.

Using the perforator, the profile is securely fixed on the wall, and the heat cannon makes it possible to heat the fabric to ensure the perfect tension.

In the process self-mount You should pay special attention At the most dangerous moments, among which the removal of measure, cutting fabric or film, as well as work with a gas thermal gun. The accuracy of removal of measure is necessary, because the slightest error will reduce to zero the opportunity to get a perfectly smooth surface.

At the first stage, it is necessary to remove the measurements and make a sketch, on the basis of which work will be carried out. You should measure the diagonal and perimeter of the room, calculate the area, as well as note the points in which lighting devices will be installed.

The ceiling mount is carried out using a special profile. Before fixing the profile, you must schedule the line on which it will pass. In the event that it is planned to install a bulky lamp (chandeliers, for example) on the ceiling, then approximately 5 centimeters should be left from the main surface of the ceiling to the film. Fixation of the Baguette profile is conducted by the "Dowel-Nail" system. This fastener is able to keep the film for several years. After the baguette is installed, the wires are connected and the locations of the lamps are determined, you can proceed to direct installation.

In the process of stretching, you should use angular suspensions. After that, the heat gun is launched, the task of which consists in heating the film to a 70-degrees. Preheated canvas becomes very elastic and supple, thanks to which no problems are fixed in the guide profile. When the cloth is stretched enough, it can perform holes in it to install lighting devices. Fastening lamps and canvas is based on special latches. At the final installation stage, two-level cornices are installed.

The ceiling as the dome attracts his eyes. Two-level canvas - unique designer solution. This option will spectacle all the irregularities of the ceiling or various communications. And the "peculiar" steps will visually increase the height of the room.

How to do

If you definitely decided to mount such a canvas yourself, you will need:

  1. Perforator with a set of drills.
  2. Gas gun or construction Fen - However, with the latter will have to suffer, as it heats down a smaller surface.
  3. Building hydraulic level.
  4. Spatula.
  5. Shoulder blades.
  6. Screwdriver.
  7. The table on which you will stand during work.

Installation of duplex stretch ceilings begins with the choice of idea. You must accurately imagine that in the end you should turn out. After selecting the form of the future ceiling, we examine the existing one. Clean the basic former layer.

If you have fungus, we proceed with an antiseptic surface. Some experts advise to treat the ceiling, even in the absence of fungus, for prevention.

Check strength old plaster. If it keeps tight, we leave if not - delete. Next, the surface of the ceiling is two layers. After drying, we draw on the ceiling the shape of the steps.

Modern materials allow you to create a wide variety of lines.

Next, we find the lowest mark on the ceiling. It has a profile size. Remember, if you want to put a layer of insulation, then its thickness should also be considered. Sets the second mark with regard to all components.

Then all sizes are transferred to the walls of the room. The hydraulic level will be quite by the way.

We connect all points with the help of the caprochy thread.

Then Krepim profile on the second level. Do not forget all the wires to locate in the "Pocket" that appears.


Modern technologies Allow the most unpredictable ideas to implement the most unpredictable ideas. The lighting in this very well helps. Modern technologies have long fastened the "Ilyich light bulb." Point LED designs, fiber optic make it possible to create bizarre flickering three-dimensional compositions.

LED ribbons You can arrange at the joints of your ceiling levels. This will create soft lighting in the room. Spotlights Self different shapes And the colors will help to focus on a certain zone.

Perhaps a combination of different light sources (good all the wires are reliably hiding inside the tiers). Light bulbs can be turned on simultaneously, and can alternate, lighting one, then another zone.

Stretch two-level ceilings, whose photo you will find in any catalog of designer thought, harmoniously look in all rooms (living room, bedroom, kitchen, office, etc.).

But not only the lighting creates wonders. Different colorsThe textures of the web will complete the image you created. Wall murals with the image of the starry sky, which is also illuminated, will attract the eyes of your guests. BUT mirror ceiling Expand small space. In the bedroom you can choose satin canvas. It will emphasize the softness, modesty of the room.

Bunk stretch ceilings are options for interesting, aesthetic, complex ceiling surface. Looking for pictures of such ceilings, you can see examples of space design, where beautiful ceilings Take over, consider, the main role in design. They zonate space, and decorate, and combine the scattered elements by themselves, and form a new appearance of the room.

Many of the merits have many advantages, many times more than flaws. , add space, but are also repairs with a long-term perspective.

In addition, duplex stretch ceilings:

  • For a very long time they retain their original appearance;
  • The installation of the stretch canvas passes in a matter of hours, without noise and dust;
  • The surface is flat and smooth, hiding all the base ceiling defects;
  • And even if you managed to make the main repair, by stretching the web you do not damage the made, the technology in this plan is very clean;
  • In the interporal space you can spend different kinds communications;
  • Such a ceiling is an additional sound insulation and noise insulation.

Contrary to myths, no harmful secretions of the tension ceiling can be exude. Modern high-quality stretch ceilings are no more harmful than what we wear synthetic clothing. Another question, if you get the ceiling is unretended, cheap, unknown where produced.

But the disadvantages can also be mentioned: make the installation itself the ceiling problematic, you need additional equipment. If you hook a cloth with edge, it is very easy to damage. The glossy ceiling has a feature - seams are noticeable on it, but matte ceilings In this regard, it is better.

Duplex ceiling with your own hands: Is it possible

If the level of your knowledge regarding the repair and associated with it is higher than the initial, at least partially installing the two-level installation you can do yourself. Create a sketch (to spit it on the Internet), make the calculation of materials (calculator calculating either on the network), purchase materials, make measurements, etc., - all this can be done independently without any problems.

On the Internet there are drawings - examples, detailed reviews about the work done, which are better than abstract instruction, etc. The scheme of the future design can also be drawn up by holding off with Internet prompts, and one level you will definitely make themselves.


  • You need to measure the room, make marks, and start designing the frame;
  • Metal frame is then trimmed by plasterboard;
  • Plasterboard is subjected to finishing finish.

All, the lower tier is ready. And then you invite specialists who set the tension web in a couple of hours (removing pre-measurements). Fully do those double ceilings Itself problematically, because, for example, to pull the PVC ceiling, you need to use a heat gun.

Installation of duplex stretch ceilings (video structure)

Installation of the carrier design

First, you define the boundaries of the level section, this is done with a thick marker on the main ceiling. Along the marked line, attach an aluminum profile, is made by a perforator and dowels.

If the profile is not in a straight line (a curvilinear fragment is needed), it is applied with special metal scissors. The end surface will close a strip of plastic. Along the stripes need to be installed wooden barswhich in height will not exceed the bandwidth. The number of bars depends on the configuration - the more complicated its form, the more bars. Depends on the length of the separation line. Fixation to BROs is carried out by self-drawing.

There is another embodiment: you can use not a whole plastic strip, and pieces, with fixation by self-draws.

Installing the lower ceiling level

The first thing you work with - metallic profile. The canvas will be stretched on it.

Order of work:

  • Apply the contour around the perimeter of the room, the profiles are already installed on it;
  • Profiles are attached to the wall with self-draws and dowels, for this you need to drill holes;
  • The interval between fasteners should not be more than 30 cm;
  • There will be two rows of profiles on the frame - the top-level canvas will be mounted onto the lower row;
  • Then, any angular end of the canvas will be installed in profiles, and then distributed on adjacent walls;
  • Other ends are suspended to the profile, and it is done on the special councils that the cord is fixed in the corners of the room;
  • The external sides of the web remain in suspended state, attention is now switched to the inner edges, and the material is fixed to the profiles;
  • Then the outer edges are refilled, and for this you need gas-burner - Stretched canvas warm up, ends and edges inserting into profiles.

After cooling, the coating will become smooth and smooth, perfectly stretched. In this way, you yourself can pull the cloth without resorting to the help of specialists.

Two-level tension ceiling with backlit: how to install lighting elements

There are two options in this regard. The first is that all elements will be taken inside, in this case they will have to be installed before the voltage occurs.

If you install the ceiling yourself, consider all the smallest detailsAfter all, the manufacturer of the canvase will not bear any guarantee. That is, if you damage the ceiling when installing, no one can replace the leaf.

Today is holding lED backlight You can also order from specialists, being confident in the preservation of the canvas.

Design of duplex stretch ceilings

Black and white options will always be relevant, they look well in a spacious apartment, in the studio apartment. Square ceiling or rectangular ceilings Today can decorate the photo printing.

Photo printing can be changed at all the entire appearance of the room. Photo printing and in ceilings with interesting forms (wave, drop, sun, flower, etc.). With it, they make the most romantic look of the ceiling - the starry sky.

Wherever you acquire materials, Moscow, Odintsovo or a small firm on the outskirts, demand certificates of conformity, make sure in a good reputation of the manufacturer and the seller, and then the repair will be in joy.

Good job!

Design of the two-level stretch ceiling (interior photo)