Wide heating batteries their connection. Possible Schemes for connecting heating radiators

Improper inclusion of heating radiators - the factor that more often causes problems during operation.

Mounting errors of other components and incorrect selection of the type of system also provide negative influence For the use of heaters.

How to connect batteries in an apartment apartment apartment

Connection options depend on the number of pipes used to connect the boiler with radiators. There are two methods:

  • One pipe comes out of the boilerMakes a circle on the strapping, along the way in the battery, and returns to the starting point. This module is easy to implement.
  • The first half of the system comes out of the heater, Visits all radiators, only once connecting with them. In the extreme, most remote, it stops and the second part begins. The latter also passes through all the batteries, connecting on the other side. Its endpoint is a boiler.

The choice will depend on the budget, since both options have advantages over the other.. One-tube is easier to install and cheaper, it is used in apartment buildings. Two-pipe is more complicated and more expensive, but reliable, therefore it is recommended for private buildings.

Schemes of proper connection of radiators to the heating system

Pipes fill to radiators Three ways:

  1. Diagonal option It implies the connection of the filing with the upper axis at one side of the battery, and the returns - from the bottom to the other. This type is characterized by high performance efficiency and quick-warning sections, regardless of their quantity and remoteness from the boiler.

Photo 1. Diagonal connection diagram of heating radiator. Contour feed from above on the left, reversals - from the bottom to the right.

  1. Lower Connection is performed on one axis. For this, the flow is cut from one edge of the radiator, and the return - from the other. This method is used less frequently due to the weak efficiency of work.

Photo 2. Scheme lower connection batteries with a single-tube system (left) and with two-pipe (right).

  1. Side Also known as one-sided. Pipes are injected on one side in the vertical plane. Such a way is in great demand in small rooms and apartments.

You can use each type of connection as they do not depend on the heating system. But in the work different combinations There are nuances that are desirable to follow.

Reference. One-tube wiring is better combined with lower and side connections, and two-pipe - with diagonal.

Wrong connection methods

Radiators are usually mounted without problems, but the same cannot be said about some components of the system.

Head thermostat

Errors When installing the device leads to a drop in performance. The most often problems cause:

  • Vertical head location Do that she does not drank to the side, having a betting or cleaning. This leads to the heating of the bellows, as the coolant rises from the valve up. To fix it is necessary to stop operation, dismantle the device, then set again, placing horizontally.

Photo 3. Incorrect vertical connection Thermal heads to the battery (left), the correct horizontal placement (right).

  • Placing the thermal heads in niche or similar limited spaces. This leads to a decrease in convection: heat settles in a closed volume, accumulated and incorrectly reflected from the surrounding walls. This reduces the effectiveness of heating.
  • Installing curtains so that they close the thermal head.This factor leads to an incorrect definition of the room temperature in the room. Silphon ceases to work when there is a need. Solving this problem The removal of the sensor on the wall, not closed with superficial objects. Most thermal heads are allowed to mount up to two meters from pipes.
  • Important role Also plays a qualitative setup of the device. It is recommended to invite a specialist who will verify the correctness of work and, if there is a need to change the characteristics.

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Problems with the device usually occur when replacing radiators with an unqualified person. This applies to cases in which the cast iron is changed to another material.

Two mistakes are most typical:

  • Installation on the Bais Crane Bypass Pipedesigned to start water into the system. Through the device should not pass the entire coolant: only a small part, which is enough for operation.
  • Bypass is connected to the strapping through the mixer with a three-way crane.Theoretically, it permits the control of the heat pumping of the boiler, but practically leads to a damage of the device.

Both errors are easy to fix enough by changing the principle of connecting the bypass. It should also be noted several rules:

  1. It is forbidden to put bypass on a free tube in apartment buildings.
  2. Forbidden Installation shut-off armature and valves.
  3. Allowed Reducing pipes per typical size.
  4. In the non-volatile gravitational system we need a pumpMoreover, it is connected exclusively to the bypass.

Attention! These problems concern exclusively apartment housesin which they lead to the unbalance of the entire system. The consequence of such errors is to reduce the amount of heat, which is obtained by the neighbors on the highway.

During the arrangement of heating, not only the design and type of radiators, but also the type of layout, have fundamental importance. It is chosen depending on the characteristics of the circulation of the coolant, operational requirements, placing planning. In many respects, the connection of the heating radiator determines the functionality and efficiency of the entire system as a whole. There are several schemes - lower, side, diagonal. The latter is considered the most rational, because With such a connection, heat is distributed more evenly, but it is not always possible, so it makes sense to consider all the options and choose the best.

Types of heating systems

There are single and two-pipe systems. The principle of operation of one-tube lies in sequential connection Heating radiators. The coolant passes through them in turn, giving heat, and returns to the heat generator already cooled. After that, it is heated again, and the entire cycle is repeated. As a coolant, water is usually used, less often antifreeze. Two-pipe heating presupposes parallel connection batteries.

Connecting batteries B. two-pipe system

Advantages and disadvantages of one-tube heating

In a single-pipe system, the circulation of the coolant is natural, when designing it is necessary to calculate the angle of the slope. You can also install circulation pump. For greater efficiency, the system can be supplemented with temperature regulators, cranes, valves, valves. This allows you to control the temperature of the heating of individual heating devices.

The greatest advantage of one-tube heating - minimum costs on materials. The system can be vertical and horizontal. The first is used in the arrangement of heating of apartment buildings, and the second is appropriate to design for spacious premises, incl. manufacturing, warehouse, trading.

Lack of single-tube schemes - the need to use batteries with different heat transfer rates to achieve the same premises. The first radiator should be the smallest, follow-up - large. IN otherwise The building will be heated unevenly: some rooms are more, others are less. To be able to disconnect the batteries without completely disconnecting the entire system, you set bypass.

Single-rubles scheme heating system

Features of the two-pipe system

A two-pipe connection provides for the presence of a riser, which rises the coolant, and two pipes - feeding and returning. Circulation may be natural or forced (using the pump). All batteries in such a system are heated uniformly, the heat loss is minimal. But cost two-pipe connections Essentially higher than one-tube, because materials are twice as much more. The system must be equipped with air steering cranes.

Note! For the installation of radiators in single-tube heating Most often use one-way wiring, and a two-pipe system is universal.

Scheme two-pipe heating

Preparation of heating radiators

Methods for connecting batteries depend on the type of system and circulation of the coolant (forced or natural). Distinguish such types:

  • saddle and lower connection of heating radiators;
  • one-sided (side);
  • diagonal (Cross).

Scheme of one-sided connection of heating devices

This scheme is convenient for apartment buildings with small rooms. It works most effectively if the number of batteries sections does not exceed 12-15. Than more sectionsThe worse the device is heated, which is at the largest distance from the feed pipe. The heat transfer is reduced. The lateral connection of heating radiators is considered the cheapest of all, so it was very popular in the Soviet period.

The temperature of the coolant can be monitored using special jumpers. They are installed so that part of the heated fluid passed by one battery to the next, while maintaining the temperature. Self remove such a jumper in apartment house With centralized heat supply is extremely undesirable.

Diagonal connection of radiators

Optimal method Connections of heating radiators are considered diagonal. It is also called cross. With such a wiring, the coolant moves from different sides from top to bottom. As a result, the heating device is evenly warming up, the heat loss is minimal. The cross-diagram is used in two-pipe systems, since the temperature of the coolant when passing through the batteries is constantly decreasing. The flow of heated water is carried out through the upper nozzle, and the discharge is connected to the bottom.

What does the bottom connection look like

Experts recommend to design a wiring of this type if others cannot be equipped. It is convenient if the pipes are laid by the floor or under it. Both pipes - feeding and discharge - are located below. Heating devices connected according to this scheme operate 12-15% less efficiently than. Their upper part warms out weakly and unevenly. If there is a need to improve the lower connection, it is better to choose aluminum or bimetallic heating instruments to increase heat transfer.

Appearance Heating radiator with lower wiring

So what is the connection of heating radiators better? The one that corresponds to the type of heating system, layout and operating conditions of a particular room. Experts consider the most effective diagonal layout scheme, but it is not always possible to equip it. There are no ready-made recipes. If you have doubts about this issue, be sure to consult with professionals and consider their opinions.

Video: Options for connecting heating radiators

The arrangement of the heating system (hereinafter - CO) in a separate apartment or in a private house is carried out by connecting heating radiators to a highway, leaving a hot water heat carrier from an external heat source. In the structures of standard cast iron, bimetallic or aluminum batteries Threaded nests are provided at the ends of each section for assembly connections among themselves or to connect the pipelines of the supply and removal of the coolant. The figure shows a traditional cast iron radiator with shoved upper and lower end sockets.

Cast iron heating radiator

To properly ensure the tightness of the connection of steel or polymer pipe heat wiring to the battery, welding and threaded connections. The photo shows the element of the section cast iron radiator With a hood for a threaded connection method.

Foodhouse for connecting the pipe laying pipe to the cast-iron radiator

Circulation coolant through radiators

Heating the room in which the heating radiator is installed, is carried out according to the following principle:

  • the water coolant heated to the desired temperature is supplied by a single-pipe or two-pipe system of pipelines to one of the mechanical sockets of the radiator intended for the input of the hot liquid in accordance with the selected diagram of connecting heating radiators in this house or apartment;
  • coolant filed on the entrance heating battery, circulates in all its sections, giving the resulting heat of the radiator walls;
  • heated from the inside the wall of the radiator emit external surface Heat into the surrounding environment, thereby heating the room;
  • the coolant, thoroughly cooled inside the radiator when passing by its sections, leaves the battery through the upper or lower end socket, intended for the selected connection scheme for the output of the cold coolant;
  • abandoned the radiator cooled water along the discharge pipeline (in use called a "return") allocated to the heat source for subsequent heating and passing the next circulation circle.

The presence of four input / output nests on the ends of the mounted battery (two from each of the opposite sides) predetermined the existence of several movement options hot water inside the radiator depending on the methods of connecting them. With any circuit of circulating fluid inside the volume of batteries collected from 6-8-12 or more sections, there is an uneven distribution of thermal flows both in height and along the battery. The figure shows the thermogram of the cast-iron radiator at the bottom feed. The temperature variation in height or in length can reach 10 degrees.

Thermogram of the cast-iron radiator at the bottom feed

In reality, the temperature variation is much larger, since scale and lime deposits deposited in the lower cavities of the sections, prevent the passage of hot water at the bottom of the radiator. The hot heat carrier immediately rushes on the free upper drives to the exit, not even washing remote sections. In fact, the temperature of such clogged, remote from the input of sectional sites can only reach 25-30 degrees.

The effectiveness of each heating device separately and the entire home heating system depends on the heating radiators connecting the heat carrier route within the collected sections and affecting the intensity of hot water circulation when it is washed internal surfaces Sections.

Coolant feed systems

The organization of heating in a private or apartment building is carried out by installing single-tube or two-pipe water coolant circulation systems.

One-tube heating contour

In a single-pipe version of the heating system of the house, the water coolant is served sequentially to the connected sectional batteries. This option Eliminates the separation of the main heat mains on the contours of the supply of hot water and returning the cooled. A closed single-tube circuit is replaced by the entire house on the corresponding trajectory of the heating main. Figure shows schematic scheme One-pipe version of heating two-storey house.

Single tube concept with two-storey house

The scheme works as follows:

  • the hot water heat carrier comes from the heat source (in this case, the boiler, in other cases - the main heat maintenance center) on the pipeline (on the diagram of the red line) to sectional radiators;
  • the red arrows marked the branches of the movement of hot water to each battery separately;
  • in the batteries, the hot liquid gives the heat-brought walls of the battery sections and has already cooled from the radiator;
  • the blue arrows shows the movement of cold moisture on the discharge branches of pipelines toward the vertical section of the highway returning the coolant to the main heat maintenance;
  • cold water comes to centrifugal pump (or pumping group) to repeat circulation.

Sequential connection heating devices Corps radiators on the unequal temperature of heating batteries not only on all floors of the building, but also in each apartment, since the heat carrier as it passes through each point of heat consumption gradually loses its originally obtained temperature.

Dual-pipe heating contour

Two independent pipeline branches are used in the two-pipe heating system:

Schematic diagram of two-pipe heating system

  • one pipeline serves a hot coolant (red line);
  • on another pipeline, the cooled coolant (blue line) is accepted.

This scheme ensures the uniform distribution of the hot heat carrier on all points of heat consumption. The main advantage of two-pipe heating heating mains in front of a single-tube scheme is:

  • ability to control and adjust temperature mode in each individual room;
  • the possibility of repairing each heating device without stopping all CO.

When comparing heating systems, it is necessary to consider the fact that for a two-pipe system there is no need for hot water under high pressure at the input. In the single-pipe CO for uniform heating of radiators over the entire contour you have to be tightened high pressurethat leads to emergency leaks on the network and equipment wear.

Water coolant supply to radiators

Unambiguous criterion defining how to properly connect the battery to the heating painse hot water, It is impossible to work out. Manufacturers heating radiators filled the market to devices with different schemes Place the input sockets for feeding and exiting the coolant. Architectural and planning considerations contribute to the motivation to select the method of installing batteries and connecting them to the riser.

In many cases, the concept of "correctly connect batteries" means the most of the pipeline communications in the floor or in the walls in the floor, is not easy, which is a diagonal or other method - will have to connect. Models are produced that allow connecting pipes not only from the side sides, but even from the bottom using compact nipples (in modern products the distance between them is only 50 mm).

The only criterion that allows you to objectively assess the efficiency of the connection according to the selected scheme, is the ambient temperature temperature. A comfortable microclimate in the house or apartment directly depends on how correctly the number of sections of each heating device are determined, and on their heat transfer, the level of which can be varied by the method of mounting pipelines wiring with batteries.

Connecting radiators to the heating line is implemented in several schemes, among which are the most common:

Schemes for connecting heating radiators to the main network

  • pos. (a) - side one-sided connection;
  • pos. (b) - diagonal connection;
  • pos. (B) - the lower versatile;
  • pos. (D) - Lower connection, the figure shows the options for connecting to one-tube and two-pipe CO.

In the diagrams of red lines and arrows, the movement of hot heat carrier, blue lines and arrows - the direction of the cold (cooled) coolant is shown.

Features of the connection schemes

  1. The side one-sided arrangement of the entrance and exit of the coolant is popular in high-rise apartment apartments as the most convenient for installation with the adopted vertical passage of heating risers. The best heat transfer is achieved when the hot water is applied to the upper pipe and the output of the cooled fluid - from the lower nozzle (pos. And in Fig.).

The heat transfer parameters for lateral isolation are taken as a basic standard when compared with other schemes (diagonal, lower and their variations). The heat transfer of the scheme (a) is adopted for 100%. In addition, when calculating the power of heating devices, a correction coefficient, boosting or lowering estimated indicators. For radiators with side connections, it was agreed to accept K \u003d 1.0. For diagonal liner K \u003d 1.1-1.2, for lower connections, the coefficient varies in the range from 0.7 to 0.9.

When hot water is supplied to the lower pipe of the heat transfer decreases from 5 to 10%.

  1. Properly connected diagonal connection involves the supply of hot fluid into the upper pipe on one side of the battery and removal cold water From the lower opposite (diagonally) of the fitting (pos. (b) in Fig.). The scheme is most effective in multisective batteries, its heat transfer is equal to 102% of the similar parameter of the reference side junction. Diagonal connection Better than other schemes ensures a uniform distribution of heat along the radiator area.
  2. The lower versatile connection is implemented by connecting the supply and returns in opposite lower end nozzles of radiators (pos. (B) in Fig.). Compared to the lateral heat loss scheme, 20-25% are 20-25%. But this scheme suits many owners thanks to the possibility of compounds with stubborn under the floor trumpeople. Most often used in private buildings.
  3. The lower connection through the adjacent nozzles by indicators is similar to the previous scheme. Its use is caused by architectural considerations when all communications are recessed in a concrete tie of the floor or under false floor.

Video about the scheme

Options for connecting heating radiators are considered in the video below.

Understanding features different ways Connections of the heating mains K. heating devices It will make it possible to most effectively use each square centimeter of the heat transfer surface of the heating radiator.

Battery is bad because of the error in choosing a connection scheme

Otherwise, instead of the heater, the owners will receive an ordinary piece of interior, and all winter themselves will freeze. The figure shows the heat distribution in the battery with an incorrectly selected connection option.

In contact with

The feeling of home comfort depends primarily from the microclimate in the premises, on how warmly there is warm and cozy. Proper uniform heat supply to all house rooms provides a well-thought-out heating system. And taking into account the modern realities, it should not only show high efficiency when heating the dwelling, but also remain economical.

To perform these conditions, it is necessary not only to determine the type of heating radiators, but also to select the pipe layout scheme throughout the house, as well as the type of battery connection to the system. With independent design, it is necessary to rely only on the advice and recommendations of industry specialists. And the authoritative opinion of the neighbor, who offers to do everything just like his house, is not very suitable.

Design home heating Includes the following steps:

  1. Select the type of pipe wiring.
  2. Selection of radiators location.
  3. Choosing a type of connection.

Varieties of heating systems

The diagram of connecting radiators to the heating system depends on the type of pipeline wiring performed on one-tube or two-pipe schemes. Regardless of the type of layout, the system consists of horizontal highways and vertical risers.

There is a third option for connecting radiators - radiation or collector. The peculiarity of this species is that all batteries are not closed with a single chain, each separate heating is carried out separate element Pipes. The disadvantage of this type of connection - pipes requires a lot, and the installation is carried out directly under concrete screed. However, there is a significant advantage - the aesthetics of the padded heating and the warm floor indoors.

Single pipe system

With this type of layout all heating elements are consistently connected by one pipeline.. The circulation of heated and cooled coolant occurs on the ring, alternately fed to each radiator.

Sequential layout of this type requires proper selection Pipe diameter, otherwise the entire system will be ineffective.

A single-tube scheme can be effective in an apartment building, where the coolant is first pumped on the upper floors, after which it flows on the radiators to the boiler room. Circulation can occur without the use of pumps. The scheme also shows good efficiency in small houses With the overall length of the heating system not more than 30 meters and the number of batteries up to 5 units.


  • low cost;
  • small amount of materials used;
  • suitable for absolutely any types of radiators;
  • it is possible to use for warm floor systems.


  • difficulty in design and installation;
  • the inability to adjust the supply of heat into separate heating devices;
  • high proportion of heat loss;
  • low efficiency at low pressure of the coolant;
  • the likelihood of problems with the circulation of liquid and thestores.
  • radiators are set ascending by the number of their sections;
  • an increase in their quantity indoors;
  • the first in the ring should be the room where the greatest heat loss occurs.


With two-pipe layout two pipelines are used: for hot and cold coolant. In the first preheating water enters the radiators, and on the second - it is closed from them back to gas boiler. Batteries are connected in parallel. So each heating element warms uniformly, it provides the same temperature and uniform heating in all rooms.

The two-pipe layout is considered the most optimal, since it provides minimal heat loss. At the same time, its installation is more expensive because the volume of the pipes is increasing.


  • small heat loss;
  • the ability to adjust the temperature on each separate radiator;
  • the possibility of using automated regulators;
  • uniformity of the warm-up of all rooms;
  • easy service and error corrections, if those are allowed when designing.


  • increased value due to large number material;
  • duration of installation.

It should be noted that at least the amount of the pipe used and increases, but its diameter is less than a single-tube scheme. Accordingly, the price of mounting a two-pipe system will be larger, but the difference may not be so significant.

Radiators location options

When the type of pipe layout was determined, we go to the next step - select the location of the heating elements.

Regardless of whether bimetallic, aluminum or cast iron you have a radiator, it should be located directly under the window. Thus, a thermal barrier is created that prevents cold air flows. In addition, heat from the battery heats the glass, which prevents condensate on them.

Installation rates of heating elements:

  • height from the floor to the bottom edge of the battery - 8-12 cm;
  • the height from its upper edge to the bottom of the windowsill - from 10 cm;
  • the distance from the wall to the edges of the battery is from 2 cm;
  • the width of the radiator is at least 70% width of the window opening.

Violation of these rules may lead to a decrease in the efficiency of the heating system:

In the rooms S. large quantity Windows should be installed heating elements under each window opening. In the angular rooms also increase their number.

Radiators connecting options

As mentioned earlier, the heat carrier of the heating system circulates naturally either forced by installing the water pump next to the boiler.

Most often, preferences are given to systems with natural circulation of water, since it is precisely it that acts as a coolant in the overwhelming majority. This species is especially relevant for regions with frequent power supply interruptions. After all, staying in winter with cold batteries is completely sad.

Therefore, before choosing an option for connecting the heating element, you need to understand how water will circulate. There are several coolant coolant schemes in radiators that ensure high efficiency of the overall heating system.

Lower or saddle

This option has another name - "Leningrad". It is used when laying the pipeline under the floor or in the walls. End of the pipes of the system are summarized to the lower part of the radiator, where the input and outlet nozzles are provided for connecting.

Radiators intended for the lower connection type have special ball Valves and air valves. The first allow you to dismantle the battery without any problems, and the second allows you to avoid heat losses in education aerial traffic. It is worth noting that losses can be up to 12%.

Sedel connection can be used, for example, in the apartment at design decoration interior when you need to hide all the inesttic elements of the heating system. Not recommended for natural circulation Heat carrier.


Side, or unilateral, connection varies with the type of placement of the feed line:


The optimal option providing the best heat transfer. The coolant is served on one side of the radiator, all ribs passes, as much as possible is warm and excreted into the nozzle from the opposite side. Diagonal scheme Allows you to use batteries with a large number of sections that are evenly warming up and provide best heated premises.

It is used both in one-tube and two-pipe junction. The type of circulation value does not have.

Each of the diagrams is characterized by the volume of heat transfer during operation:

As an output it should be said that a two-pipe layout is the most optimal option for the heating system in a private house, even given the need for additional costs for materials. It is effective and will allow to spend fine temperature adjustment in different rooms. In addition, two-pipe systems allow you to reach a hydraulic balance, which prevents the possibility of hydraulic impact.

When the device of heating systems in private homes, the boiler power and the necessary heat transfer of heating devices are determined primarily. When these issues are solved, it remains to connect them to the boiler pipelines for the supply of heat carrier. On this occasion, the question often arises, - what diagrams of connecting heating radiators are used in certain cases? Our article is called to answer this question.

Types of heating systems

By the method of supplying the coolant to batteries, all heating systems are divided into:

  • one-tube;
  • two-pipe.

Both types are successfully used in cottage construction, each of them is good in its own way. By design, two-pipe schemes are with the bottom and upper wiring, but most often accepted lower layout Heating in a private house, as it is more practical and it is more convenient to make it hidden. The coolant from the boiler to the batteries and back can move the gravity or circulate forcibly, a permanent pumping pump. Consider ways of connecting heating radiators.

One-pipe diagram of connecting radiators

Such systems are applied for a long time and have their own. indisient advantages. Simple wordsThe single-tube connection scheme is when one pipe with the coolant is paired through all the rooms and is a closed circuit, all liners to the heating devices are connected to it, as shown in Figure:

Connecting radiators to a single-pipe heating system

It should be said that one-pipe scheme Heating There is a lot of options for connecting radiators, we bring the most popular of them. In this scheme, a forced circulation of water in the network is used, and the liner to the batteries is attached from below. Such a scheme is called "Leningrad" and is the most economical option In terms of saving materials and ease of production mounting work. But if in this way to connect batteries, they will warm up unevenly, respectively, the heat transfer to the instruments will be reduced. For this reason, a diagonal method with a coolant bar is overward downwards, shown in Figure:

Diagonal Battery Connection Scheme

A single-pipe system with vertical risers can be used in two-and three-storey houses. The feeding riser is closer to the boiler and permeates the overlap. From him, branches 1 and 2 floors, which is then converged back to the second riser:

In this case, you can apply both diagonal and lower ways to connect radiators. The latter, despite the reduced heat transfer of heating devices, are in demand, because it is better fit into the interior of any room.

If the premises on all floors are a lot, then to organize their heating suitable scheme With the upper wiring, where the feed collector is paved in the attic space, and the riser is located in each room or adjacent it. Horizontal branches are missing, the lateral connection of the radiator is applied here directly to the riser. Moreover, vertical risers You can perform 2 varieties: flowing and bypass. It is usually recommended to use bypass in such systems:

As already mentioned, one-tube systems are easier in installation and economically based on materials, but they have a number of disadvantages:

1. Need exact hydraulic calculation and selection sections depending on which the options for connecting radiators are selected. If this is done after the sleeves, it will be very difficult to balance the system, especially in the conditions of a two-storey house. This will lead to ineffective and non-economic operation of the housing heating scheme.

2. It is impossible to install a lot of batteries for each branch. Each subsequent gets the increasing cold coolant and the latter will have to do with a large number of sections. Perfect option Installations - 3-4 pcs for each branch.

3. Complicated automatic air temperature regulation. The thermal head installed on the first instrument will affect the operation of the subsequent heating device and so on.

The following conclusion suggests: the location of the device for one-pipe system - These are small buildings with a small number of rooms, in them and "Leningrad", and other schemes will work perfectly. The main thing is to calculate everything and choose the number of radiators sections.

Dual-pipe radiators connection scheme

In these systems, each water heater joins 2 separate pipelines passing through the premises. That is, one eyeliner connects to the feed line, and the second to the reverse. The most common two-tube connection diagram with boiler and passing water movement in the return highway is shown in Figure:

Connecting radiators to two-pipe heating system

Scheme with associated movement of the coolant - one of optimal optionsSince it is hydraulically balance initially. The path that overcomes water in the feed pipe is equal to the length of the reverse pipeline and their hydraulic resistance is equally. It is preferable to use diagonal method Connecting batteries.

These schemes are deadly. Then the cooled heat carrier from the last device in the chain makes the longest way, and from the first - the shortest, which is clearly visible in the scheme:

It requires balancing by regulating the supply of hot water into each battery through cranes or thermostatic valves.

It is impossible not to say about two-pipe samotane systems with upper wiring, whose work is based on the convection principle and the diagonal connection of radiators is performed. Her main dignity is non-volatility, and the area of \u200b\u200bapplication - residential houses of a small area and a floor not higher than two. The deficiency is the large material intensity due to increased diameters of pipes, as well as the upper connection, which does not always look aesthetic.

The scope of application of this scheme is a very broad, two-pipe heating system is used in buildings of any destination, and in individual cottages and is suppressed. The only drawback is the higher material consumption and complexity of assembly with interest compensated by numerous advantages:

  • The ability of the device as a samotane system and networks with forced circulation water.
  • Flexibility. The scheme without problems is selected for the buildings of any complexity.
  • An 8-10 batteries are placed on one branch without additional hydraulic regulators.
  • Since the connections to a two-pipe system are made separately feed and reverse, the operation of radiator thermostatic valves does not affect other devices, and therefore, it is possible to organize automatic control of the heating of the house.

On the accession of batteries to pipelines

If earlier the choice of heating devices and accessories to them was small, now there are enough new products on the market, which make our look like network engineering aesthetic. Now, you can buy a pretty set for connecting the batteries, it can include many useful accessories: Valves, valves, thermal heads and other items for fast and convenient assembly of the heater.

For example, a kit for connecting heating radiators, which includes a whole node with adjusting reinforcement. He is relevant to side Connection The instrument to the network and is additionally equipped with a valve for the thermal head:

Aluminum and aluminum and bimetallic radiators With the lower connections of the feed and return pipelines. Such products are created to connect to laid hidden in the floor pipes and the cost of their more expensive. Despite this, these instruments are mounted together with openly laid pipelines, adding a low-connection corporate node, as shown below.

The design of the batteries has one feature: the water first passes the way up the first section, and then spreads throughout the rest, as with the usual upper joining, which is very convenient. But at the same time, radiators with lower eyeliner have such a deficiency as incorrect adjustment of the thermal head. It is possible to put it, but the element will react to the air temperature at the floor itself.


The selection of the boiler connection scheme to heating devices is not easy. If in small one-story house You can still independently draw the scheme, choose radiators and connects to them, then in more complex cases Yet it is recommended to do this with a specialist.