Gas generating boilers. Wood-fired gas-fired boilers What is a gas-fired boiler

Classic solid fuel boilers have two significant drawbacks: short operating time from one bookmark and low efficiency. To solve this problem, certain changes were made in the design and internal structure boilers.

As a result of improvements, wood-fired gas-generating boilers appeared. The principle of operation of a boiler with gas-generator combustion of firewood is based on the use of physical laws.

Working principle of a gas-fired wood-fired boiler

The operation of a wood-fired gas generator is both simple and efficient. Any combustible solid, upon reaching a certain temperature, begins to emit gas, through which, as a result, combustion is carried out.

In wood-fired gas-fired boilers, rapid combustion of fuel is prevented by reducing the oxygen supply and removing CO into a separate afterburner.

Combustion, in the full sense of the word, is carried out only at the very beginning, when the fuel is ignited and the temperature required for gas generation is pumped into the combustion chamber. After that, the air flow is drastically reduced, which causes the fuel to literally smolder.

Compared to the traditional boiler, the wood-fired gas-fired boiler has the following differences:

  • Boiler firing device - for rapid heating up to a temperature of 600 ° C, increasing the heat insulation of the combustion chamber. The design has two fireboxes at once. One is intended for burning wood, the second for afterburning CO.
  • Improved draft regulator - in order to prevent the rapid burning of wood, it is required to reduce the supply of oxygen to the furnace after the temperature reaches 600 ° C.

The moisture content of firewood for combustion in a gas-fired boiler should not exceed 20%. The problem is that when heating fuel with a high moisture ratio, the drying process takes place. Accordingly, gas generation does not start.

Some domestic models, in this regard, use a boiler design with a vertical laying of firewood and the principle of bottom combustion. Such a boiler works on wood even with high humidity... Due to the high combustion temperature, the firewood located at the top of the chamber gradually dries out.

Depending on the design of the boiler, firewood burns for 6-12 hours. Some manufacturers offer heat generators with the ability to work from one bookmark for several days. But, as a rule, such models are much more expensive, which limits their popularity.

How and with what it is necessary to heat a wood-burning boiler of a gas-generating type

Any solid fuel, in the process of gas generation, releases a certain amount of CO. It has been experimentally proven that most of the gas produced by the oxidation process is wood. Therefore, a gas-fired boiler for heating a house is optimally heated with wood. There are several requirements for the fuel used.

The greatest difficulty for most consumers is the correct heating of the boiler. Aggregate manufacturers recommend the following sequence of actions:

  • When the air damper is open, the wood is ignited with a splinter.
  • In the normal combustion mode, the fuel continues to burn until the temperature in the combustion chamber reaches values ​​sufficient to start gas generation.
  • The damper is placed in a limited oxygen supply.
V modern models heat generators, the combustion process is fully automated. Electric ignition of the fuel is carried out, the automation controls the flow of oxygen into the furnace and the removal of combustion products.

What is the best firewood for a gas-fired boiler

In normal combustion mode, wood-fired gas-fired heating boilers consume fuel, even more than classic models... Savings are achieved after switching to gas generation mode. The energy efficiency of a boiler is directly related to the quality of the fuel used.

The following requirements are imposed on firewood:

  • Humidity no more than 20%.
  • It is best to use hard woods for the firebox. Suitable - beech, oak, acacia.
  • It is forbidden to heat the boiler with coal, woodworking waste, dust, as this leads to a decrease in the service life. This prohibition also applies to coniferous wood.

Heating costs are reduced when incinerated quality wood... In the process of combustion, more thermal energy is released, which increases the efficiency, energy efficiency and the autonomous operation of the boiler from one tab. Firewood consumption is reduced by about 30%.

Permissible moisture content of firewood

On frankly raw wood, the boiler will not work. More precisely, the normal combustion process will proceed, but it will not work to switch to the gas generation mode. Wet fuel when flow restriction fresh air will simply go out.

The parameters of the moisture ratio in the wood completely depend on the design of the heat generator:

  • Side loading boilers are the most common solution in European models of gas generating equipment that are demanding on fuel quality. The maximum permissible humidity is no more than 20%.
  • Top-loading models - the design was first invented by domestic developers. The principle of operation of such boilers is the gradual combustion of firewood laid in a vertical combustion chamber. The firewood, under its own weight, as the lower layer burns out, gradually sinks down. Warm air dries the top fuel.
    Top-loading boilers are capable of switching to gas generation mode even with a relative humidity of firewood up to 45 ° C. In this case, it is required that at least one third of the loaded fuel be dry.

The energy efficiency of the boiler depends on the quality of the fuel. With natural drying, 20% humidity is achieved after a year of drying the wood.

Choosing a gas fired wood burning boiler

The correct choice of a gas-fired wood-burning boiler, due to the wide range of products offered, can be quite difficult. Various nuances are taken into account: power, operating time from one bookmark, availability additional functions and automation of the combustion process.

It will not be superfluous to pay attention to the presence in the design backup source heat, in the form of an electric heater.

For heating and hot water, double-circuit units are suitable. In some models, there is no DHW circuit. Then, additionally acquire and connect to the structure indirect heating, which requires additional costs. All this is taken into account even before purchasing the boiler model you like.

Calculations are made according to the formula 1 kW = 10 m². This ratio takes into account the parameters of a building with an average amount of heat loss and a ceiling height of no more than 2.7 m.In addition, the following aspects are taken into account:
  • The presence of a DHW circuit - a wood-fired gas-fired heating boiler for 10 kW, suitable for a house of 100 m². But, if you plan to additionally heat hot water, 10-20% is added to the result. Accordingly, a heat generator with a capacity of at least 12 kW is required.
  • Additional heat loss - with independent calculations, the lack of good thermal insulation of the building, the presence of a large amount doorways and windows. All this affects the heat costs.
Accurate calculations are performed using online, taking into account all sorts of nuances: the quality of the house insulation, the number of window and door openings, the location of the heated building, etc.

Selection by country to manufacturer

The best gas-fired boilers are made by German and Czech companies. Despite the high cost, the same Buderus or Viessmann remain one of the most demanded units.

Domestic boilers Bastion, ZOTA, Topol M, are significantly inferior in their heat engineering characteristics and service life to Western counterparts.

The cost of a gas-generating wood-burning heating boiler of German production, for 20 kW, will cost approximately 100-120 thousand rubles. Domestic analogue of approximately 40 thousand rubles.

Pros and cons of gas-fired boilers

The main advantage of gas generating equipment is the ability to connect to an already the existing system water heating. Installation work do not require serious material costs. Once connected, a savings of about 30% is achieved in reducing fuel consumption.

New technologies are widely used in the design of European units, which increase the comfort of operation, make the kindling and control of combustion as convenient as possible.

The disadvantages are the high cost of production (which especially concerns German and Czech boilers), as well as high requirements for the quality of fuel. The experience of operating a domestic consumer shows that the use of gas generating equipment in the conditions of Russian realities is not only a possible, but also an economically profitable solution.

Solid fuel boilers are a very relevant topic today, especially in areas far from electricity and gas pipelines. The variety of boilers differs only from the fuel used and the combustion technology. Solid fuel gas-fired boilers are those boilers where a rather innovative combustion principle is applied. solid fuel- pyrolysis. How does such a device differ from similar ones operating on the principle of combustion of wood, coal and other types of solid fuel?

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Principle of operation

The solid fuel gas generator boiler differs from the others in the principle of combustion. Most likely, this cannot even be called combustion - it is pyrolysis or smoldering.

By design, the boiler has two combustion chambers:

  • In the first, a pyrolysis process takes place, that is, smoldering coal with a small amount of incoming oxygen. The result is a slow decomposition of solid fuel into resins, steam, oils and carbon - pyrolysis. This produces flammable gas.
  • In the second, the gas begins to burn intensively, with the flow of oxygen from the air and give additional heating, increasing the efficiency.

It turns out that in a solid fuel gas generator boiler, two types of fuel are used simultaneously in parallel. Actually solid fuel, which smolders, gives off heat and combustible gas released during the pyrolysis process. This type of solid fuel gas generating boilers combines gas and solid fuel boilers.


For correct work solid fuel gas generator boiler requires fuel that meets certain characteristics. It needs to contain a large number of light substances, was not too wet (no more than 20-30%), and water vapor should not interfere with smoldering.

The fuels listed below are suitable for pyrolysis boilers:

  • Wood or simply firewood of the size suitable for loading into the device.
  • Wood shavings, waste from the woodworking industry.
  • Specially compressed bio fuel briquettes- pellets.
  • Compressed wood dust - fuel briquettes.
  • Coal production - coke and coal.
  • Brown coal is also good for use.

As you can see, the variety of solid fuels for solid fuel gas generating boilers is large. This makes their application widely available in many areas of residence.


Besides the variety of applications different types fuel is wide and the geography of the use of gas-generating boilers for solid fuels.

Among other advantages:

  • Autonomy, independence from any gas pipelines or power lines.
  • There is an automation that supports the pyrolysis process by opening and closing the dampers, depending on the temperature (available thermostatic sensor).
  • It is possible to regulate the degree of heating of the solid fuel gas generator boiler by adjusting the draft.
  • No soot forms on the walls of the apparatus.
  • Less emissions to the atmosphere harmful substances during pyrolysis.
  • Low cost of coal or firewood compared to electricity and gas.
  • Overheating protection - the presence of a protective cooling circuit.
  • Profitability with an efficiency of 85%.

Taking into account the listed significant advantages, we can say that the purchase of solid fuel gas-generating boilers is good buy... But there is no technology at all without some drawbacks, and a solid fuel gas-generating boiler is not without them.


  • The main disadvantage can be considered the high cost of a solid fuel gas generator boiler, but you need to remember that operation and maintenance are cheap, and you will buy a boiler at long years.
  • Increased requirements for quality and, especially, for fuel moisture.
  • To remove burnt substances after pyrolysis, smoke extraction is required. This means that the use of solid fuel gas-generating boilers is possible only in houses where there is an opportunity to discharge the pipe into the atmosphere, while not causing inconvenience to neighbors. Therefore, it is hardly applicable in high-rise buildings.
  • Some limitation in temperature conditions. To prevent condensation from forming, the temperature of the water coming from the heating system should be about 60 degrees.
  • It is impossible to automate the supply of solid fuel to the furnace.
  • High requirements for the tightness of solid fuel gas-generating boilers. Escaping flammable gas can result in an explosion or fire.

However, some of the disadvantages of boilers operating on the principle of pyrolysis are inherent in some boilers that use coal, gas or wood as fuel. The ratio of advantages - disadvantages speaks in favor of solid fuel gas-generating boilers.


The gas generating pyrolysis boiler has two combustion chambers. The first one serves as a gas generator, where smoldering wood or coal emits combustible CO gas. In the second, gas is burned. This uses energy from both chambers. Since gas combustion is easier to control, automatic dampers are used to regulate the flow of gas after pyrolysis and oxygen from the air. This makes it possible to regulate the combustion temperature and energy output to the coolant within a wide range.

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When modernizing modern solid fuel gas-generating boilers, all the errors of early similar devices were taken into account. There are models that work completely independently. For example, the removal of harmful substances remaining after pyrolysis can take place without electricity. A safety water circuit has been created against overheating of the boiler. Thanks to modernization, the efficiency of the pyrolysis boiler is high. It is enough to load the first chamber with solid fuel once a day.


Special requirements for the installation of a solid fuel gas generator:

  • It must be installed by technicians licensed to install this equipment. This is due to the specifics of pyrolysis boilers, where the certain rules security.
  • The pyrolysis boiler must be installed in a separate room, (for example, on basement floor). The room where the solid fuel gas generator will be installed must be lined refractory bricks.
  • Storage of solid fuel, combustible materials in the room or near the pyrolysis boiler is not allowed.
  • The equipment is installed on a concrete foundation and must stand firmly on it.

By entrusting the installation of the boiler to specialists, you will be sure of the correct and effective work equipment for many years. You should not take risks and neglect the safety of your home.

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When developing solid fuel gas generating boilers, attention was primarily paid to the volume of combustion chambers and the amount of solid fuel consumed. But because of this, they achieved a slight increase in the efficiency with increasing overall dimensions and the weight of the boilers. No one took into account that gas is released during pyrolysis, which was not effectively used in the chambers of previous models of wood or coal boilers.

As a result of lengthy experiments, it became clear that it was necessary to use the properties organic matter, with a lack of oxygen, emitting a combustible gas - pyrolysis. The use of solid fuel not for the main heat release, but for the production of CO made it possible to make a boiler that combines the combustion of solid fuel and gas. The solid fuel gas generating boiler has increased the effect of heating, combined the economy and cheapness of fuel, using the pyrolysis process.


By purchasing a solid fuel gas generator boiler, you get a highly economical heater capable of regulating the temperature of the heat carrier (water for heating) within a wide range. Frugality is essential. It is enough just to load firewood or coal once a day. This frees you from the obligation to monitor the fuel level around the clock.

The use of automation will save you from manual control of the dampers. If gas supply will cost you too much or is not available at all, then this is the best way to provide heating for a private house using cheap coal or firewood.

More and more more people make a choice in favor of living in a private house. But one of the first and most important questions that arise when settling in a new home is the issue of heating with boilers long burning, although it can also occur among residents who have settled long ago, since an unexpected or planned termination of centralized gasification of houses is possible (or vice versa).

An important role that motivates people to change heating devices can be played by an increase in the price of one type of fuel or a significant decrease in the price of another, a sudden breakdown of an old heating boiler or its expiration.

These, like many other reasons, will lead to the need to choose and purchase a long-burning heating boiler. But where do you start? What should be considered first?

What are the "indications" and "contraindications" for installation and operation of each type heating devices long burning? This is what will be discussed in this article.

Varieties of boilers

To choose the right boiler, you must first familiarize yourself with its varieties. So, depending on the type of fuel consumed, they are distinguished between liquid and solid fuel, electric, gas and combined.

Already on this basis, it is possible to more or less correctly determine the type of boiler. For example, if there is no centralized gas supply in your house, then alternative option is the use of bottled gas. But this is not very convenient, since the cylinders will have to be changed regularly, and the gas may run out even during the operation of the boiler. Or, for example, you are not satisfied with solid fuel boilers, since they require fuel loading, as well as cleaning from ash and soot.


Models of this type most often work for liquid fuel, gas, less often on alternative fuels. Their capacity does not exceed 90–95 kW; The efficiency is 80–95%.

The amount of fuel consumed depends on the type of fuel itself, the power of the model and the area of ​​the room that needs to be heated (from 50 to 500 sq. M possible).

The operation of boilers of this type is accompanied by a slight noise (up to 39 dB) and the presence of soot, and also requires the installation of ventilation in the room and a smoke exhaust system.

The variety of fuels on which these boilers are capable of functioning makes them universal in itself. By replacing the burner, you can turn a gas boiler, for example, into an oil boiler, etc. This is very convenient if your house has interruptions in the supply of any of the types of fuel or you plan to use them alternately in order to save money, when it is more expedient to opt for models with a removable burner (since the change of the diesel one is not provided, but it is cheaper).


For their functioning, gasification of the house is required, but their work is also possible due to bottled gas.

Power ranges from 4 kW to 12,000 kW, efficiency - from 91 to 96% (for condensing boilers that additionally use steam, which are good to install if it is not possible to provide condensate drainage into the sewage system). For each kilowatt of heat, about 0.11 cubic meters of gas are consumed.

The operation of gas boilers is accompanied by the presence of noise and soot. Requirements for the boiler room: the presence of ventilation and a smoke exhaust system.

You can save (up to 10%) gas by purchasing a boiler model with electronic ignition.

The service life of the boiler also depends on the material from which it is made. Boilers with a cast-iron heat exchanger (up to 50 years) are considered more durable, but their disadvantage is sensitivity to shock and sharp drops temperatures. Steel models are susceptible to corrosion and mainly because of this they are twice as short of the above in terms of service life.

Liquid fuel

These units are capable of heating a house with an area of ​​several hundred square meters. meters.

The power of these boilers varies greatly, ranging from tens of kilowatts to several hundreds (and thousands). The efficiency is 83–93%.

The operation of liquid fuel boilers is silent, accompanied by the formation of soot, requires ventilation and a chimney in the room in which they are installed.

The problem with their use is associated with fuel storage. This requires large cisterns that can be stored both inside the boiler room and externally buried in the ground.

In addition, a pump is required to supply fuel to the boiler, for the operation of which additional electricity costs are required, which makes such heating even more expensive (taking into account the cost of the fuel itself). The solution to the problem can be the purchase of a model with a removable burner, since this makes it possible to produce heating using gas (but their cost is 1/5 higher than the price of a boiler with a built-in burner).

Solid fuel

These boilers are among the most powerful (on coke - up to 0.9 MW). They produce large amounts of heat using relatively low-cost fuel.

  • These boilers smoke during operation. They function almost silently. They are able to heat a house with an area of ​​25 square meters. and even 3.5 thousand square meters.
  • Coal (stone or coke), sawdust, firewood are consumed as fuel.
  • They require a room for storing this fuel (non-functioning outbuildings are quite suitable).

Solid fuel boilers are divided into convection boilers, using one type of fuel and producing heat only from combustion products, and pyrolysis boilers, using two types of heat (due to fuel and gas generated from its combustion).

Classification of solid fuel boilers

The body of solid fuel boilers can be made of steel or cast iron, but there are also homemade models from other materials.

By the type of fuel to be loaded, devices are distinguished that use granular fuel, coal, firewood, and also of a mixed type. Fuel loading can be done manually or automatically.

Depending on the time and method of combustion, there are long-term combustion devices that use natural and additional draft, pyrolysis.

There are the following types of solid fuel boilers:

  • pyrolysis, or;
  • traditional solid fuel boilers. In terms of their structure, they resemble a conventional stove. Firewood is suitable as fuel and. They are very practical and durable, since they do not have electronic boards or other control devices (with the exception of the thermostat), which are the first to fail;
  • pellet boiler. In structure, it differs from the traditional solid fuel only in the presence of an automatic fuel supply and a special bunker. Works on wood pellets, which are made from;
  • long-term (upper) combustion gas-generating boilers. They allow loading large volumes of fuel at a time, which ensures long-term operation of the boiler (up to three days). Combustion and air supply takes place at the top of the fuel bed. The principle of operation of a long-burning boiler is to release pyrolysis gas, which is obtained when exposed to fuel high temperatures from 200 to 800 degrees C.

Pros and cons of solid fuel boilers

Now let's consider the advantages and disadvantages that solid fuel boilers have.

Positive points

  • For the price they have superiority over gas and electric.
  • Long service life.
  • Safe use.
  • There is no need for additional electricity or gas.
  • Fuel is affordable and can be purchased at the right amount.
  • Some models can work for about three days with a single load.
  • An environmentally friendly heating method.

Negative points

  • Not enough high level Efficiency.
  • It takes time and effort to clean the device, as well as to prepare and load fuel.
  • The need for multiple loads, in which smoke may enter the room.
  • Lack of thermoregulation.
  • It needs a long warm-up after a long pause in work.
  • There is no way to quickly increase or decrease the temperature.

How to choose long-burning gas-fired boilers

First you need to decide what kind of fuel you have at most - wood or coal. If coal is a more acceptable option, you should opt for boilers with upper combustion, and if heating is planned with the help of wood, it is more profitable to purchase a boiler with lower combustion, since its efficiency is higher than that of the previous one.

Bottom combustion boilers are the most environmentally friendly and economical. This is due to the presence of two or three combustion chambers in them, which provide additional combustion of fuel particles.
Also boilers with lower systems combustion allows you to regulate productivity by metering the air supply. For this, a regulator or fan with a control system is used.

A cast iron boiler is more durable, since condensate from coal burning causes corrosion of steel. In addition, steel heat exchangers burn out faster. Cast iron boilers consist of sections, which, in case of possible depressurization, makes it possible to simply replace the damaged part (while steel boilers require a complete replacement); also, this fact ensures ease of transportation in disassembled form (however, it should be remembered that cast iron parts are fragile and sensitive to shock).

If you need a boiler that provides heating and supply of the house hot water, a double-circuit solid fuel boiler is suitable. The principle of its operation is as follows: the first circuit (for heating the room) turns on when the heat sensor is triggered; the second (for hot water supply) is activated when the pressure drops.

If the house has a working boiler, then it can be connected to a heating boiler. On the one hand, this will give great savings on the heat source, on the other hand, it will provide stable flow water.

To determine what boiler power you need, proceed from the calculation of 1 kW for every 10 sq. m (with wall heights up to 3 m). It should be remembered that the boiler power itself varies depending on the calorific value of the fuel and its moisture content.
Usually the manufacturer indicates both the main type of fuel and alternative ones. But the use of one main fuel will extend the life of the heating device.


To independently install a solid fuel boiler, you must take into account several rules.

  1. It is better to place such a boiler in a separate room. This can be a room inside the house or in the basement. For this, a former children's bedroom or any other is suitable. small room(required area - 8-10 square meters), if a special room for heating devices is not allocated during the construction. In the most extreme case, you can simply partition a large room in half (it is advisable to make the partition brick, and not use drywall), making one or two exits - inside the room, on the street, or both at once.
  2. The floor of the room where the installation is planned must be made of fire-resistant materials. And the boiler itself should be installed directly on concrete screed(about 10 cm thick).
  3. It is necessary to provide a room forced ventilation, electricity and water supply if they are not available.
  4. If the boiler is not installed in a specially designed boiler room, a chimney must be purchased and installed in advance.

Before starting the installation, you need to prepare the tools and equipment that you will need for this: electrodes, welding, level, keys, screwdrivers, meter, saw for metal, screws, - as well as materials: plumbing tape, metal sheet and sealant.

  • Unpack and prepare for assembly the parts that come with the boiler.
  • Arrange a metal sheet on the floor at a distance of at least 0.5 m from the side wall (s) and 1 meter from the front and fix it securely.
  • Install level the boiler on a metal sheet, checking the correctness with a level.

After preparatory work the boiler itself is assembled directly:

  • Wrap with one turn of plumbing tape, the combustion regulator, fasten with a screw, set the temperature to 30 degrees.
  • Install thermostat and ten or their plugs.
  • Collect air and safety valves, pressure gauge in the safety group.
  • Install tap and connect it to the pipes.
  • Connect security group in front of the locking device.
  • Connect boiler with chimney using sealant.
  • Push in a damper for draft and a plug for cleaning.
  • To plug water and check the system for leaks.
  • Ignite boiler by closing the damper.
  • It remains only to check the quality of the installation and operation of the boiler and to carry out pilot heating.

In order to determine approximate cost materials and equipment required for installation, below is their approximate price.

  1. Heat-resistant sealant 100-200 rubles.
  2. Sheet of metal (3 x 1,250 x 250) about 3,000 rubles.
  3. Plumbing tape about 500 rubles.
  4. Long-burning boilers 60,000–120,000 rubles.
  5. Transition steel 57-32 30 rubles.
  6. Steel bend Du-5016 from 100 rubles.
  7. Ball valve Du-15 from 100 to 1,000 rubles.
  8. Ball valve with squeegee Du-50 about 2,000 rubles.
  9. Chimney for solid fuel boiler RUB 20,000-50,000

The choice of heating boilers should be based on the availability of a particular type of fuel in the region or its availability in the home. Heating with solid fuel boilers using firewood is second only to gas-powered devices in cost, electricity and diesel fuel are more expensive, and coal-dependent units round out the top five. Last but not least, this is due to the fact that solid fuel boilers do not have enough high rates Efficiency (compared to electrical, for example). Nevertheless, two-tier combustion systems can save fuel consumption by up to 9%.

Rational decision problems of heating and waste disposal are gas-fired boilers, which save up to 50% of fuel. They are characterized by high efficiency and ease of use. Installations are widely used in all areas of the national economy.

Inside the chambers, the fuel itself and the gas released during the combustion process burns. It is enough to buy gas generating pyrolysis boilers to solve the issues of space heating, hot water supply, solid waste disposal. They also serve for cooking. heating equipment this type is used by construction centers, timber yards, agricultural enterprises, woodworking shops, car repair shops.

As the reviews on the operation of long-burning boilers show, maximum effect achieved when loading dry solid fuel, moisture content up to 20%. The service life of the gas generating unit at one load is 8–24 hours. It is determined by the requirements for temperature regime premises, local climatic conditions. Great importance have the quality characteristics of the fuel, the size of the boiler furnace.

Device, principle of operation

The basis of the operation of gas generating plants - gasification organic compounds due to thermal decomposition. The exothermic (with the release of heat) process takes place inside the boiler in temperature range 200–1200 ° C with oxygen deficiency. The air entering the burner zone is heated, heating and drying of the fuel improves. The contact of the pyrolysis gas during combustion with active carbon ensures the purification of the outgoing smoke from carcinogens. In essence, gas-fired boilers separate the fuel into two parts: a solid fraction, a gaseous substance. Then they are removed separately.

Structurally, the gas generators consist of a two-chamber furnace divided by a grate. Inside the first, dry distillation (pyrolysis) of the fuel takes place, in the second, the resulting gaseous substance burns. Some boilers provide for the direction of the combustible gas to kitchen stove or an internal combustion electric motor. In the secondary combustion chamber, located under the fuel, the thrust is created artificially, the injection of air masses is carried out from above. Oxygen supply from below or from the side is organized only in some models. All gas-generating boilers are equipped with a nozzle, air supply ducts, controllers, a fan, water pipes, and a chimney.

Ease of use, safety is ensured by pressure sensors, thermostatic air mass regulators, safety valves, systems for emergency dumping of hot coolant. Electronic control units make it possible to control the work, adjust a number of parameters at your discretion. Manufacturers offer models with remote control... Organization of adjustment is provided heating system through the Internet.


The warranty condition for gas generators is professional installation. Boilers are considered potentially hazardous, therefore, the regulations must be followed fire safety and the requirements of the manufacturer's instructions. Fundamental rules:

  • boilers are installed in non-residential premises with ventilation hole from 100 cm2;
  • distance from walls, furniture, household appliances, other objects - 0.2 m, if it is impossible to determine the degree of combustibility of materials, it doubles or protective screens are mounted;
  • a heat-resistant base of concrete, ceramics or metal is arranged - it should protrude beyond the perimeter of the boiler body from the side of the ash pan and the filling hole by at least 0.3 m, from the other sides - by 0.1;
  • a metal sheet, 0.5–0.7 m in size, is laid in front of the firebox;
  • strapping from steel pipes- the use of metal-plastic products is not allowed.

Thermal insulation of chimneys is required. Prohibited installation inside chimney extra valves. The instructions of the boiler manufacturers clearly indicate the installation rules, requirements for additional equipment and materials used. If they are violated metal constructions deformed, fail.

Review of products of popular brands

Floor-standing coal-wood-fired gas generating boilers Atmos (Czech Republic), depending on the installed burner, can operate on light oils, natural gas... The simultaneous use of two types of fuel (alternation) is provided. Conversion is not required. Gas generating units from Buderus (Germany) are distinguished by the availability of supply of separate sections for completing high-power boilers. It is permissible to "build up" the automation by the number of contours. The volume of the combustion chamber allows loading logs up to 58 cm long.

Solid gas generator wood-fired boilers produced by Dakon (Czech Republic) operate only on wood with a moisture content of less than 20% - up to 12 hours on one tab. Simply converted to run on diesel or gas. Non-volatile units Bastion (Russia) operate with natural circulation, without pump. One set of logs, up to 62 cm long, is enough for 6, or 10 hours - in the smoldering mode. Single-circuit gas-generating BPS (Ukraine) operate on damp firewood, wood waste of any quality. All models are easy to move on wheels.

Attack Equipment (Slovakia) - modern design and 12 hours of operation on one tab. The DP 95 gas generator firebox is designed for logs up to 1 m long. The only drawback is a lot of errors in the descriptions in Russian. Solid fuel pyrolysis boilers Defro (Poland) can serve as an additional reserve to other heating systems. Boiler houses with a capacity of more than 1000 kW are organized on their basis.

Model range of boilersManufacturerpower, kWtEfficiency,%Price, rubles
DCAtmos (Czech Republic)17–75 81–90 85 000
Logano S121 (WT)Buderus (Germany)18–38 82–85 92 000
KP PYRODakon (Czech Republic)21–40 78–85 180 000
M-KSTBastion (Russia)20–50 82–85 36 000
Standard-75BTS (Ukraine)15–98 82–92 89 300
DPAttack (Slovakia)10–95 82–90 19 000
DCDefro (Poland)82–86 103 000

Advantages and disadvantages

The popularity of gas generating plants is ensured by the following advantages:

  1. high efficiency - up to 95%;
  2. the ability to adjust combustion processes;
  3. complete combustion of fuel - minimal soot formation, no environmental pollution.


  1. volatility - there are gas-generating boilers, implying connection to the mains;
  2. exactingness to the moisture content of solid fuels - there are models that do not work on raw wood;
  3. high price of a solid fuel boiler - the payback period is 3-5 heating seasons;
  4. the need for heating the return flow - the problem is solved by installing a mixer;
  5. the impossibility of automatic fuel supply - a lack of designs for solid fuel boilers of all types.