How to connect cast iron radiators to the boiler. Brief information how to connect the heating battery

Connecting heating radiators in a private house

Large cottage or miniature house - Each of them is equally in the cold time needs uninterrupted heating, and this heating should provide a comfortable temperature in the home, but not to be too burdensome for family budget.

Types of heating systems

Before connecting the heating radiator in a private house, you must think through: what type of system will be installed. Heating is divided into two types by type of laying - one-pipe and two-pipe. Each of them has its own distinctive features, so consider them separately.

Single pipe system

A single-tube scheme is used mainly in multi-storey buildings and is different:

  • ease of connection;
  • high hydrodynamic stability;
  • low costs for materials and equipment,
  • the ability to use different types coolant (water, antifreeze);

Despite the above advantages, such a heating system has a number of shortcomings, which include:

  • limited number of radiators on one highway;
  • the inability to adjust the temperature;
  • low energy efficiency.

Most of these drawbacks can be eliminated using special technical solutions, Therefore, a single-tube system is extremely in demand in multi-storey private houses (from 3 floors), as it is much easier to mount it. Also, this option is applied using modern boilers, which create sufficient pressure in the system for rapid recycling of the coolant.

Heating radiator connection diagram two-pipe system

The two-pipe system is characterized in that the admission to the hot heat carrier radiator and the movement of the cold is produced on two non-interconnected branches. Such heating systems in turn are divided into vertical and horizontal. In the first case, they are mounted in multi-storey buildings, and in the second - in one-story.

W. two-pipe system exists a large number of Advantages in front of one-tube, namely:

  • the same heat carrier temperature in all batteries;
  • the possibility of mounting thermostators for each line;
  • due to the ease of pipe wiring on such a system heating scheme can be used in the building of any area and layout;
  • high energy efficiency.

disadvantages two-pipe circuit - This is the complexity of installation and higher cost and quantity essential materials.

Selecting the type of radiator connection with pipes: Connection schemes

The connection of heating radiators in a private house should be made by the selected scheme, which determines the sequence of pipe connection to the radiator itself. The project documentation of any building should include the wiring of heating during construction, however, in the case of cottages and other personal buildings, it all depends on the Customer and the company implementing the installation.

Schemes for connecting heating radiators in a private house are the following types:

  • one-sided;
  • saddle;
  • diagonal;
  • lower.

The choice of a specific scheme depends on the location of the supply and reducing coolant of pipes and the degree of energy efficiency. Consider each of them in more detail.

Saddle and lower diagram of heating radiators

Such connection methods are advisable to use if the "feed" pipe supplying the radiator with a hot heat carrier, and the "returns" pipe, according to which the cooled coolant leaves the radiator, are located near the floor. Then they connect to the radiator from the opposite sides of the sections, and the battery is filled with the coolant.

The disadvantage of such a connection is low energy efficiency (losses can reach 15%). Low energy efficiency of such a scheme is explained by the fact that the coolant circulates mainly at the bottom of the radiator, and its upper part will not be enough. Because of this, there is also a problem of long-heating room, as well as the possibility of metal corrosion due to temperature drops when filling in the battery.

One-sided scheme for connecting heating radiators in a private house

This scheme is characterized in that the line on which the coolant is received, and the discharge pipe is connected to the same radiator section. The feed - connects to the upper part of the battery, and the discharge - in the bottom. The one-sided connection scheme allows you to evenly warm each separately taken radiator, it is distinguished by high heat efficiency, but is not the most convenient option.

it perfect option For houses with not large quantity batteries. But if the number of sections exceeds 15 units, the heat efficiency of such a scheme can be forgotten.

Diagonal (Cross) Connection Scheme

If it is required to provide a warm area of \u200b\u200ba large area with a large number of residential premises, it is much more efficient to use a diagonal scheme. When you implement the connection by such a diagram, the pipe coolant pipe is connected to the upper part of the radiator, and the discharge - at the bottom on the opposite section. This option is characterized by the highest heat transfer coefficient (loss of only 2%).

Correct location of radiators in the house

The correct connection of heating radiators depends not only on the observance of the nuances of the connection with the pipeline system, but also from the right location Heating devices indoors. The fact is that the battery does not only perform the function of heating, but should also prevent the penetration of cold air into the house (performs the function of the heat curtain). The most vulnerable place to get cold air is windows, and the more their size, the more they pass the cold. To prevent cold air from entering the house, radiators are installed under the windowsill.

The heating device must be installed exactly in the center of the window, it is also important to correctly arrange it relative to the floor and walls. The gap between the battery and the wall should not exceed 5 cm, and between the radiator and the floor - 10 cm.

So that the heat can freely rise, blocking the way with cold air, heating device Must be advanced a little forward and not fully under the windowson. The installation of the radiator largely depends on the type of fastening. On the brackets - the most common scheme for them proper placement We will have to arm the level, ruler and perforator. As soon as the mount is ready, it remains only to set the radiator on them and connect it to the pipeline system.


First of all, you must correctly select batteries, in accordance with the type of connection and the design scheme. A beginner, not having to connect heating radiators in a private house, will be very difficult to take into account all the nuances, so these troubles are better to entrust specialists. If you have a certain experience, with the help of our recommendations you can choose a connection scheme, calculate the most optimal version of the heat supply of your home and implement it in practice or save on preparatory work And independently develop a project of heat supply of premises in your home.

In order for the heating system of an autonomous type to work as efficiently and efficiently as possible, it is important not only to correctly select the heating devices included in its design, but also connect them accordingly, using optimal schemes Connecting heating radiators in a private house.

From how correctly and professionally will be done, the comfort of living in the house directly depends on, so it is best to entrust the implementation of the calculations and the installation of the system to specialists. But, if necessary, the installation works can be independently by drawing attention to the following points:

  • The correct installation of the wiring.
  • The sequence of connecting all the elements of the system, including pipelines, locking and regulating reinforcement, boiler and pumping equipment.
  • Choosing optimal heating equipment and components.

Before connecting the heating radiator in a private house, you must familiarize yourself with the following installation and placement of these devices:

  • The distance from the bottom of the battery to the floor is 10-12 cm.
  • The gap from the top of the radiator to the windowsill is at least 8-10 cm.
  • The distance from the rear panel of the device to the wall is at least 2 cm.

Important: Failure to comply with the above rules can lead to a decrease in the level of heat transfer of heating devices and incorrect operation of the entire heating system.

Another important point that is worth considering before installing heating radiators in a private house: their location is located. Optimal considered when they installed under the windows. In this case, they create additional protection from the cold entering the house through window openings.

Please note that in rooms with several windows, radiators are better installed under each of them, connecting them in a sequential order. In angular rooms, you also need to install several heating sources.

Radiators connected to the system must have a function of automatic or manual heating adjustment. To this end, they are equipped with special, intended to select the optimal temperature mode Depending on the operating conditions of these devices.

Types of pipe wiring

Connecting heating radiators in a private house can be carried out by one-tube or two-pipe scheme.

The first way is widely used in the houses of a multi-storey type, in which hot water is first fed along the feed pipe to the upper floors, after which, passing down the radiators from top to bottom, it enters the heating boiler, gradually cooling. Most often in such a scheme present natural circulation coolant.

In the photo, a single-tube connection diagram with bypass (jumper)

Her main advantages:

  • Low cost and material consumption.
  • Relative ease of installation.
  • Compatibility with a system of warm floors and radiators of various types.
  • The possibility of installing indoors with different layouts.
  • Aesthetic view by using only one pipe.


  • The complexity of the hydraulic and heat iste.
  • Lack of ways to adjust the supply of heat on a separate radiator, while noting an effect on the rest.
  • High level of heat loss.
  • Necessary high blood pressure Heat carrier.

Please note: during operation one-pipe system Heating may occur difficulties with circulation of the coolant through the pipeline. However, they can be solved by installing pumping equipment.

Two-pipe scheme Connecting heating batteries in a private house is based on a parallel method of connecting heating devices. That is, a branch supplying the coolant is fed into the system, in this case is not associated with a branch at which it is returned, and their connection is carried out at the end point of the system.


  • The ability to use automatic temperature controllers.
  • Convenience in maintenance. If necessary, shortcomings and errors allowed during installation can be corrected without prejudice to the system.


  • Higher cost of installation work.
  • More long term Installation compared to a single-tube type of wiring.

Radiators connecting options

To know how to properly connect the heating battery, you need to consider that in addition to the type of pipeline wiring there are several batteries for the heating system. These include the following options for connecting heating radiators in a private house:

  • Side (unilateral).

In this case, the connection of the discharge and feed pipe is made on one side of the radiator. This method of connection allows you to achieve uniform warming up of each section when minimum costs on equipment and small amount of coolant. Most often used in multi-storey houses, with lots of radiators.

Useful information: If the battery connected to the heating system one-sided scheme, has a large number of sections, the effectiveness of its heat transfer will significantly decrease due to the weak warming of its remote sections. It is better to ensure that the number of sections does not exceed 12 pcs. Or use another connection method.

  • Diagonal (Cross).

Used when connected to the system of heating devices with a large number of sections. In this case, the supply pipe in the same way as with the previous connection option is located on top, and the reverse is from the bottom, but they are located from the opposite sides of the radiator. Thus, heating the maximum battery area is achieved, which increases the heat transfer and improves the efficiency of heating the room.

  • Lower.

This connection scheme, otherwise called "Leningradka", is used in systems with a hidden pipe, laid under the floor. At the same time, the connection of the supply and discharge pipes is made to the lower nozzles of the sections located at opposite ends of the battery.

The disadvantage of this scheme is heat loss, reaching 12-14%, compensate for which the installation of air valves intended to remove air from the system and increase the battery power.

For a quick dismantling and repair of the radiator, its discharge and supply pipes are equipped with special cranes. To adjust the power, it is supplied with a thermostatic device that is installed on the underlining tube.

What possess, you can learn from a separate article. In it, you will also find a list of popular manufacturers.

And about what is, read in another article. Calculation of volume, installation.

Tips for choosing flowing water heater on the crane. Device, popular models.


As a rule, the installation of the heating system and the installation of heating radiators is made by invited specialists. However, using the listed methods for connecting heating radiators in a private house , you can install batteries yourself, strictly observing technological sequence This process.

If you perform these works accurately and competently, providing tightness of all connections in the system, it will not arise with it during operation, and the installation costs will be minimal.

In the photo example diagonal method Installations

The procedure will be as follows:

  • Dismantle old radiator (If necessary), before connecting the heating line.
  • We produce installation location. The fixation of radiators is made on the brackets that need to be attached to the walls, taking into account regulatory requirementsdescribed earlier. This must be considered when marking.
  • Fresh brackets.
  • We collect the battery. To do this, the mounting holes in it are installed in it (go bundled with the device).

ATTENTION: Usually two adapters have the left thread, and two are right!

  • For the plug of unused collectors, use and stop caps. To seal the compounds, we use the Plumbing Flax, winding it on the left thread counterclockwise, on the right - clockwise.
  • We screw the cranes ball type To connecting places with a pipeline.
  • We hide the radiator in place and connect it with a pipeline with mandatory sealing of compounds.
  • We produce crimping and trial launch of water.

Thus, before connecting the heating battery in a private house, you need to decide on the type of wiring in the system and the circuit of its connection. Mounting work It can be performed independently, given the established norms and technology of the process.

How the installation of heating batteries in a private house video will demonstrate to you clearly.

The maximum return from the heating system in a private house will be if the owner chooses the optimally suitable radiators suitable and other characteristics, connect them to the correctly compiled scheme, and will ensure the appropriate operation and maintenance of the entire system. Developed by specialists schemes in a private house are directed to the selection optimal option Installation for any architectural solutions housing. General scheme pipe wiring and connecting heating devices, boiler and shut-off reinforcement For a single or two-story building may look like this:

Features of the installation of heating radiators

Everyone a private house - the structure is individual and unique, therefore specific scheme Connecting heating batteries in a private house is compiled, based on the realities of housing and its architecture. Installation disorder can lead to the fact that radiators will warm up unevenly, will arise aerial traffic jamsThe movement of the coolant will be difficult, and the efficiency of the boiler and energy consumption will be minimized.

The scheme can be made on your own, having at least some experience of home and construction workBut easier and more efficient to contact the appropriate company, providing organizations to take responsibility for the quality work of heating in your home. Working out and implementing a pipe wiring and installation scheme of all communications, you need to pay attention to such items:

  1. Check the matching of theoretical installation of pipes and radiators to the real characteristics of purchased instruments and materials, using calculations of similar schemes;
  2. Provide the correct and consistent connection of the component systems - these are pipes, a shut-off, controlling and regulating reinforcement, heating boiler and pumps;
  3. Choose materials, nodes and parts, best suitable for the selected scheme.

The next step is the choice of placement location and radiators connection scheme according to the existing SNiP:

  1. Between the floor and the lower edge of the battery should be a distance of ≥ 10-12 cm;
  2. Between the windowsill and the upper edge of the heating battery should be a distance of ≥ 8-10 cm;
  3. There should be a distance of ≥ 2 cm between the rear wall of the radiator and the wall of the house;
  4. It is undesirable to have radiators in niches or close their decorative screens.

IMPORTANT: If neglected by these simple rulesThe coefficient of heat recovery radiator will significantly decrease significantly, causing disorders in the work of the entire heating system.

Optimal place To install radiators in any room - under the window, and if there is no window - next to the door. That is, the heat source must stop outgoing cold air flows. If there are several windows in the room, then, if possible, radiators are recommended to be located under each window, connecting them sequentially. If the angular room, then several radiators should also be installed several. Such a system for connecting heating in a private house will not be much more expensive, but will provide a warmth any, even unsuitable for heating the room.

Modern heating schemes imply that each radiator has the option manual or automatic heating adjustment - valve or valves, automatic thermostators. These mechanisms allow you to adjust the heat transfer separately with the radiator in manual or automatic mode.

Types of pipe wiring

Connect batteries or radiators It is recommended in one of two options - it is a single-circuit (single-tube) and a double-circuit (two-pipe) diagram of connecting radiators. Heating for one contour is common in high-rise buildings, since in them hot water is first fed up, and after bypassing all radiators, it is supplied to the boiler through the feed feed pipe (reverse). Such a solution does not oblige the use of the circulation pump, since the water when applying from above itself creates pressure to advance the coolant. If the boiler is below the top floor, then the circulation pump must be connected.

Advantages of the pipe wiring single-circuit scheme:

  1. Cheap parts and scheme nodes, low labor costs, a small amount of materials used;
  2. Simple installation and maintenance of the system;
  3. The ability to combine with other heating systems - "warm floor" and non-standard heating devices - registers or homemade batteries;
  4. Installation in rooms with any architecture and geometry;
  5. Aesthetic minimalism in design.


  1. Complex hydraulic and thermal calculations;
  2. Pressure and heat transfer on a separate radiator can be adjusted, but at the same time changes in the heat transfer will affect other heating devices;
  3. The need to create high pressure In pipes - natural or compulsory way.

IMPORTANT: During the operation of a single-circuit system, there are sometimes difficulties with free with circulation hot water or antifreeze that are completely solved by inclusion in the pump circuit for forced circulation coolant.

Connecting batteries for two pipes house is based on the principle of parallel connecting all batteries in the house. Thus, the feed tube is structurally not connected to the feed supply of cooled water into the system, and together the pipes are combined only at the end point.

The advantages of the two-circuit scheme:

  1. It is possible to install automatic thermostators for each radiator;
  2. Convenient maintenance and good maintainability of the system - any work can be carried out on the local area, without turning off all heating in the house;


  1. Installation of a two-pipe circuit is more expensive, the assembly time and setting of all elements and nodes is higher than that of the single-circuit of the heating.

Decisions on the connection of radiators

In addition to existing and tested solutions for pipe wiring options for heating, several working circuits are developed and implemented, how to properly turn on the radiators into the circuit. These are the following solutions:

Side or unilateral connection of radiators in the system: feed pipe with hot water And the reverse stroke tube of the coolant is connected on one side of the radiator. Such a connection solves the problem of the same heating of each section of the radiator, the cost of purchasing nodes and parts is minimal, the volume of the coolant in the system also strives to a minimum. Such a scheme is often used in high-rise buildings, where there is always a large number of batteries or radiators. If the radiator in the lateral diagram is multisective, then the long-range sections will warm up much weaker, therefore the optimal number of sections for any variant of the radiator or battery is 12. If such a solution is not suitable, it is better to turn on the device on a different scheme - with a lower or diagonal connection.

The diagonal or cross connection is suitable for the heating devices with the number of sections greater than 12. The diagonal scheme is called because the feed pipe is supplied from above, and the reverse feed pipe is from the bottom, and both pipes are located from the opposite ends of the battery. Here, the feed pipe is the same as in the previous connection scheme, it is connected from above, and the reverse tube is from the bottom, but they are summed up from opposite sides of the heating battery. When organizing such a connection, the device warms up in all sections evenly, which increases the return of heat throughout the system.

Lower connection or "Leningrad" is suitable for heating systems with hidden pipes - in the walls or under the floors. Both pipes - and undermining, and the return - connect to the radiator from below, to the opposite sections on the radiator. The disadvantage of such a scheme is one - high heat losses that can reach 12-14%. It is possible to minimize heat leakage in the air valves scheme that will remove air from pipes, increasing the thermal power of the radiator. In order for the radiator with such a connection to be repaired and servicing, the feed and reverse is equipped with special valves, and for regulation, an automatic thermostat that is crashed into the coolant feed pipe.

Installation of radiators

The heating system in his home can be developed and connected on its own without spending the services of professionals. Moreover, the connection schemes are simple and do not require the use of special tools and expensive materials. It is just important to comply with technology and a sequence of operations. If all connections are hermetic and collected according to the scheme, there will be no problems with the launch and subsequent exploitation of heating, and the cost of materials and work will be minimal.

The procedure for installing a new radiator:

  1. Before dismantling the old radiator and installing a new device, it is necessary to overlap the heating of the main valve on the boiler;
  2. Place the attachment points of a new radiator. Usually the radiator is hanging on the brackets running in the kit, which are attached to a dowel to the wall;
  3. The radiator is collected - the mounting holes are screwed onto the Fum tape or pass adapters, which are supplied with the radiator.

Important: Adapters for connecting the radiator should be four: two with left-threads, and two - with the right.

  1. Threaded holes in radiators that will not be used to connect, close: one - the crane of Maevsky, the rest - stop caps. FUM or Pacle wounds: on the right - clockwise, on the left - counterclockwise;
  2. Ball valves are connected to the connecting places to the pipes;
  3. The radiator is attached to the place with the help of brackets, and connects with pipes - do not forget to use a winding for sealing;
  4. The system is pressed, commissioning work is carried out.

Before connecting a battery or heating radiator to a system, organized according to any diagram, you must select the type of pipe wiring and the diagram of connecting pipes and radiators. Works on pipe wiring, assembly of the circuit and connecting radiators can be made with your own hands, correlating your own requirements for construction standards and installation technology.

  1. Work in the opposite direction - the feed pipe is confused with a reverse location. The error is visible when commissioning works - radiators are badly warmed, air traffic jams are immediately formed;
  2. Radiators are closed with decorative lattices and screens that make access to the thermostat. Traffic warm air Limited, the regulator can turn off the boiler with poorly heated radiators, which leads to a total of 20% of the loss of heat transfer. Therefore, the screens must be as lattice as possible, and not deaf. Without battery valves will warm up unevenly;
  3. Installing the head of the thermostat in a vertical position will cause interruptions in its operation. It is easy to correct the situation - it is enough to change the position of the head.

Effective work of heating system - warranty comfortable accommodation man in a private house. Wonderful if such a system is already connected to the central heating networks. Otherwise the need to use autonomous heatingwhich should also provide residents comfortable conditions For accommodation. In this case, the most an important point It is the selection of a heating radiators in a private house.

Many do not even realize that such a connection scheme significantly affects the heat transfer of heating device, circulation inside the coolant and the intensity of the movement of hot water. These are moments that affect the efficiency of the heating system as a whole.

Pipe layout schemes

Initially, it should be sorted out with the pipe wiring scheme. This is relevant because the tenants of private houses in the stage of its construction or during implementation overhaul Could not correctly calculate the costs incurred on the construction of the heating system. Therefore, it is often saved directly on materials.

For private houses is characteristic one-tube and two-pipe layout. What is their difference?

Single-pipe layout

He is most economical option. Thanks to the scheme, the following should be:

  • At the bottom of the floor from the heating boiler, a pipe is carried out, passing through the entire room and returning back to the boiler.
  • Radiators are installed over the pipe, and the connection is carried out along the lower pipes. Simultaneously with this pipe inside heating device There is a hot water receipt, which completely fills it. Returning the heat of the coolant begins to drop down and goes through the second nozzle, turning into the pipe again.

As a result, it happens stepped radiators With lower battery connections. In this case, it is worth paying attention to one negative point affecting the efficiency of heat recoil. As a result of this serial connection A single-pipe layout occurs a gradual decrease in the temperature of the coolant in each subsequent heating element. Because of this, the latter room will be the coldest.

This problem is solved in two ways:

  • the circulation pump is connected to the system, which evenly distributes hot water across all the heating devices;
  • in last room Radiators can be increasing, the area of \u200b\u200bthermal return will increase.

This scheme has such advantages as:

  • easy connection;
  • high hydrodynamic stability;
  • minor costs of equipment and materials;
  • can be used different kinds coolant.

Two-pipe layout

For a private house, such a heating scheme is considered the most efficient. However, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the costs initially be considerable, because it will be necessary to make a laying of two pipes, to carry out the supply and removal of hot water. But still such a scheme it has certain advantages over a single-tube:

  • the coolant is evenly distributed throughout the room;
  • you can control and adjust a certain temperature mode in each room;
  • repair of any element of the heating system is possible without shutting down;
  • fuel is spent very little.

Schemes for connecting heating radiators

After with the layout of the pipes figured out, go to the main point - the diagram of connecting heating radiators.

Side connection Radiators is the most common concern for the heating system in a city apartment. For proper connection Batteries According to this scheme in a private house, the pipes are displayed on the wall over the wall and attach to two battery pipes from above and below. The top nozzle is usually connected to the pipe, which carries out the coolant, and to the bottom - reverse contour. It is often done on the contrary, however, the effectiveness of heat recovery of the device decreases by 7%.

The diagonal connection of the batteries is considered the most efficient. To connect batteries according to this scheme, the following actions perform: First, the supply of the coolant is connected to the upper nozzle, and the bottom, which is located on the other side of the device, is the return. Thus, the coolant inside the battery begins to move diagonally, hence the name of the scheme. Its effectiveness depends on how uniformly water inside the radiator was distributed. Very rarely several battery sections can remain cold. It happens if the pressure or bandwidth is too weak.

Lower connection of the radiator can meet not only in single-pipe schemes. In two-pipe, this is also used, but only in private buildings having one or two floors. Such a diagram of connecting heating radiators is considered not effective enough. According to experts, such a layout helps to reduce heat transfer of heating radiators by 20-30%. In this case, the installation will be required. circulating pumpWhat leads to an increase in the value of all processes, and will also require additional electricity costs spent during the operation of such a pump. To calculate necessary power Radiators, it will take a large number of a wide variety of coefficients.

Errors arising from installation of radiators

Often when connecting heating radiators the following errors arise:


Thus, the installation of heating radiators in a private house is based on the circuit of their connection. It should be grateful specialists who have developed these ways up to the smallest detail. With a careful study of this scheme and use it in practice, you can qualitatively connect the heating radiators.

First you need to decide which steel radiator must be connected - with side or lower connections.

Steel panel heating radiator is connected similarly to aluminum and bimetallic radiators. The steel radiator with the lower connection has two outputs in the lower part - the feed and returns, which cannot be confused.

Schemes of lateral radiators

There are three main circuits for connecting pipes to the radiator:

1. Diagonal connection - most preferred option for maximum heat transfer. In this diagram, the feed pipe must be connected to the upper nozzle of one side, and the discharge - to the lower nozzle of the other side of the radiator. In this case thermal power The radiator is the maximum. With reverse connection - the feed pipe is from below, and the opposite - from above, the heat transfer of the radiator will decrease by 10%.

This scheme is preferable for long radiators and radiators with the number of sections of more than 12. Best option From an aesthetic point of view, there will be a laying option of suitable pipelines in the wall (in the stroke, or for false).

2. Side unilateral connection - The most common case in apartments. IN this variant The feed pipe is connected to the upper nozzle, and the reverse - to the lower, the same side of the radiator. At the same time, the maximum power is less than in the case of diagonal connection on 2%. When connecting a suitable and return pipeline, the power decreases by another 7%.

3. Lower connection. This option of connecting the radiator is most often used when laying the main pipelines in the floor or wall, when there is no possibility to hide the pipes in the stroke.

The maximum heat transfer of the radiator is 7% less than when diagonal connections.

Connecting a steel panel radiator with lower connections

Steel radiators with lower connections, must be attributed to the scheme with one-sided connectionbecause All wiring (upper and lower nozzle) is made inside it.

It should also be remembered that when removing the steel radiator with the lower connection, it is impossible to change the submission and reverse. Reverse nozzle - always the first from the near corner (see Figure).

All steel radiators with lower connections are universal, that is, they can be connected via the bottom nozzles or the second option, drown out the lower nozzles and unscrew the upper integrated thermostatic valve. To connect the feed pipe to the valve, and connect the return pipeline to one of the lower side nozzles.

How to connect a steel heating radiator

The steel heating radiator with side connections is also mounted as any sectional radiator. In most cases, he has a 1/2 inches's internal thread, in which: plug, crane Maevsky and adjusting valves.

Steel radiators with lower connections in most cases are tied with copper, metal-plastic pipes or crosslinked polyethylene. To connect pipes to the radiator, as well as to cut off the radiator from the system, nodes are used lower connection (corner or straight).

Nut twist at 3/4 outdoor thread The radiator, the pipe to the bottom connection node is connected via Euroconus 3/4.

In some steel radiators Input fittings have an internal thread by 1/2 inches, to connect such a radiator to the bottom connection node, it is necessary to use special nipples 1/2 x 3/4 under the Euroconus.

In addition, such radiators can be connected using conventional thermostatic valves.