Pruning onion seedlings. How to grow onions from seeds in one season

- this is very useful plant grown at home. It contains various substances that negatively affect pathogenic microorganisms. Because of this, the bow has bad smell and a rather pungent taste. Onions are very popular in Russia and other CIS countries, therefore it is grown almost everywhere and in different ways... One of these methods is seed growing. But how to grow to get a rich harvest? More about this will be discussed in this article.

There are several ways to grow onions, for example with bulbs or seeds. But if we consider the first method, then it is the most commonly used, which is associated with ease of maintenance. In addition, the soil requirements for planting with bulbs are the same minimum. Additional supplementary lighting of plants is not required, and the probability of obtaining a crop is maximum.

Onions can be grown in several ways.

Seed cultivation, in turn, requires high-quality soil and additional lighting, especially in winter period when the onion begins its growing season. In addition, seed growing is patience for the gardener, since the first can be obtained no earlier than after 45 days. If we compare it with planting onion sets, then the cuts in this case can be obtained in a few weeks.

Note! Greens produced by bulb growing will only live a few months, while seed growing produces greens with a life span of 2-3 years. Such a period is possible provided that top dressing is regularly applied to the soil.

Having studied in more detail all the pros and cons different ways growing onions, we can conclude that planting seeds is the best option ... Seed growing takes longer to care for, although the planting process is much easier.

Growing methods

There are several basic methods for growing onions by seed. These include:

  • winter sowing;
  • for seedlings;
  • spring sowing on the site.

Winter sowing should be carried out in soil that is slightly frozen so that the planted seeds do not have time to germinate before the onset of severe cold weather. Most gardeners prefer to use seedling method, because it allows you to get good harvest in almost all cases. You can even grow seedlings on the balcony or in greenhouse conditions. As practice shows, 8 weeks pass between sowing onions and getting adult seedlings, which can already be planted on the site. Therefore, be sure to calculate the timing before boarding.

Spring sowing should be started after the snow has completely melted. In this case, a rich harvest can be obtained for a full season. Despite the low popularity of this seed growing method, more and more gardeners decide to sow onions directly in open ground.

Variety selection

Not suitable for planting in open ground, therefore, before starting sowing, you should prepare. Experts recommend planting several varieties of onions in one area at once in order to check how they will develop in specific climatic conditions... Below are the most common onion varieties.

Table. The best varieties onions for seed growing.

NameFeatures of the variety

It has large yellow bulbs with a pungent taste. The shape of the bulbs is round. This variety is popular with summer residents, as it is suitable for seasonal planting.

A well-known variety that is in demand in almost all regions of the country. The growth period is 4 months. The dense, brown colored bulbs have a pungent taste. Stuttgarten Riesen keeps well.

Differs in high yield and yellow bulbs with a spicy taste. The Bessonovsky variety has early dates ripening, and the fruits of this variety are very well stored.

A productive variety that produces dark red bulbs with a semi-sharp taste. The ripening period is 4 to 4.5 months. Well stored fruits are round in shape.

Another early ripening onion variety that produces large, round, brown onions. Timiryazevsky variety is different good storage fruits.

A high yielding early ripening variety that produces large yellow bulbs with a pungent taste. In some cases, the bulbs have pink color but mostly yellow. The fruits are stored well enough.

A mid-season onion variety with a semi-sharp fruit flavor. The color of the bulbs is purple, although it can sometimes be light brown.

Also used for seed growing hybrid varieties Luke. When planting them, you can get large, rounded bulbs already in the first season. The most common hybrid varieties are Stardust F1, Red Baron and Spirit F1... All of them are high-yielding, and also have good keeping quality.

On a note! It is not uncommon for multi-nested onions to grow with deformed bulbs, so they are not used for seed production. Summer residents and gardeners with experience in growing onions do not use multi-nest varieties, preferring more productive types of plants.

After suitable grade onions will be selected, you need to prepare the site and seed. Only the right approach to the growing process will allow you to get a good and, most importantly, stable harvest.

Soil preparation

Onions are a light-loving plant, so the beds must be made in well-lit places. The best precursors for onions are legumes or cucumbers. All these plants supply nitrogen to the soil, which is very beneficial for onions. Before sowing, you can add a little mineral or organic fertilizers. Optimal width the beds are 80 cm, and the height is up to 13-15 cm.

Seed preparation

Before sowing, many specialists soak the seeds. To do this, you need to prepare a small container, gauze or bandage, as well as hydrogen peroxide. Next you need to follow step by step instructions which is shown below.

Step 1. Cover the bottom of the prepared container with a bandage or gauze bandage, covering the bottom with it. The bandage can be folded in half. It is needed in order for the liquid to persist for the maximum time.

Step 2... Open a bag of seeds and pour them into a container. Onion seeds can be irregular in color. For example, if they are green and not black, this means that the manufacturer has treated them with a special substance to fight diseases.

Step 3... Pour some hydrogen peroxide into a container to activate the onion seeds. The amount of liquid to be poured should be small so that the seeds float a little.

Step 4... After the bandage has absorbed some of the liquid, cover the onion seeds with the other part of the bandage.

Step 5... Close the container with a lid and set it aside for a day. After 24 hours, the seeds must be dried, after which they can be planted in open ground.


After the seed is prepared, you can proceed directly to planting it in the ground. This procedure is simple and practically does not differ from sowing other garden crops.

Step 1... Make seed beds, the distance between which should be 12 to 15 cm. You can build a special wooden rake for this. The depth of the beds is 5 cm.

Step 2... This is how a plot with ready-made beds should look like. Each gardener chooses their area himself.

Step 3... Powder the onion seeds with chalk so they can be seen in the garden. To do this, mix a small amount of powdered chalk with the seed.

Step 4... Start sowing onions, trying to use more material at the edges of the beds. Sprinkle onion seeds over the eye.

Step 5... After all the beds have been successfully sown, backfill them with soil. In this case, they are covered with the same rake that they broke through.

Step 6... Lightly tamp the beds to compact the soil. This will keep moisture in it. If you have a roller, roll your beds with it.

Follow-up care

Everything garden crops need care after planting or sowing, and onions are no exception. The subsequent care of crops consists in regular watering and fertilizing the soil, weeding, and pest control. Let's consider each of these points separately.


Starting from the first days of May, and ending in July, it is recommended to water the onion no more than once a week. But in hot weather, the frequency of watering should be increased. Watering must be carried out in such a way that at least 5 liters of water are consumed for each meter of the sown bed. During the ripening period of the bulbs, experts recommend stopping watering so as not to harm the plant with excess moisture.

Note! If there is a severe drought during the ripening period of the bulbs, then the onions can be watered, but in small portions. It is enough to do this once a week, because without watering the plant can wither. When watering, you need to be careful not to damage the onion feathers.


With the appearance of the first weeds in the garden beds, gardeners add new job- weeding the site. It is not recommended to wait for the weeds to grow to begin weeding. Their root system grows too large and these roots can damage the bulbs during weeding. Therefore, you need to start weeding when small weeds appear.... To make work easier, you can water the beds just before weeding. Together with weeding, it is advisable to loosen the soil.

Top dressing

Fertilizing when growing onions is necessary in cases where the culture begins to sprout very slowly. As a top dressing you need to use. To prepare a solution, mix 10 liters of water with 1 tbsp. l. urea. Make sure that no more than 4 liters of solution is consumed for each meter of the bed.

Diseases and pests

Despite the fact that onions are resistant to various diseases or harmful insects, this crop will still have to be processed. Among all diseases, gardeners are most often faced with oversporosis or powdery mildew. TO characteristic features These diseases include a fluffy plaque that forms on the surface of the plant. If inactive, gray bloom leads to the gradual death of the bulbs.


You need to start collecting the bulbs after the yellowing of its feathers. As a rule, gardeners start harvesting in the second half of July. But if before that time the feathers did not turn yellow, then the onion must be collected and carefully laid out in a sunny place for 2-3 weeks so that it ripens. You need to lay out the onions in a thin layer, otherwise the upper part of the plants can ripen, and the lower, which does not get the sun's rays, remain unripe.

The leaves are removed only after the culture has completely dried, but the bulbs themselves must be dried using an oven or special heating devices... Thanks to high-quality drying, the likelihood of developing diseases is significantly reduced. First of all, this applies to powdery mildew.

Ripe and dried onions are sorted. Small bulbs are selected separately - they will be used for planting for the winter. It is advisable to store the rest of the bulbs in wooden boxes or small bags in a dark and warm place. It is recommended to periodically check the crop for rot. If defects are identified, all affected bulbs are removed so that the rot does not spread.

Video - How to grow onions from seeds

One of the most useful and therefore popular garden plants is onion, and all its types - onions, leeks, shallots, batun, slug and others. Onions are planted for forcing to obtain greens in winter time, it is added to salads, soups, side dishes, meat, fish and vegetable dishes. In this article, we will tell you when to sow onion seedlings, how to grow onion seedlings at home, when and how to plant them in the garden.

When to plant onions for seedlings in 2019

In order for the onion to grow healthy, it is necessary to determine the days favorable for its sowing, and for this you need to refer to the lunar sowing calendar.

In 2019 auspicious days for sowing onion seedlings are:

  • in January - 10, 11, 15, 16;
  • in February - 6-8, 12, 13, 17;
  • in March - 10-12, 15, 16;
  • in April - 7, 8, 11, 12;
  • in May - 2, 4-6, 18, 19, 27, 28.

Growing onions through seedlings from seeds

Soil for onion seedlings

In areas with a short summer, it is better to cultivate onions through seedlings, since this method can significantly accelerate the development of plants. Since seedlings are planted in the ground 50-60 days old, sowing onions for seedlings should be done approximately in the middle or end of February. Usually turnip onions are grown in two years: first, nigella (seeds) are sown on a set (small onion), and on next year turnip is grown from seed. But some varieties of onions have time to ripen in 130 days, so it makes sense to grow a turnip from them in one season, and, to speed up the process, grow onions through seedlings.

You should know that for seedling method predominantly sweet and semi-sharp varieties are suitable, for example, such as Amphora, Lyubchik, Veselka, Mavka, Siberian Annual, as well as hybrids Exibishen, Sterling, Candy, Stardust and others.

The best soil for growing onion seedlings is sod land with humus in equal proportions. Those who are not looking for easy ways can prepare soil from sifted garden soil and sifted compost with the addition of coconut substrate and vermiculite.

A couple of weeks before sowing, the substrate must be warmed up for 5 minutes in microwave oven, turned on at full power, or fry for 15 minutes in the oven at 200 ºC, or you can simply spill the soil with a strong solution of potassium permanganate. After disinfection, cover the substrate with foil and keep it in a warm place until sowing.

In the photo: Planted onion seedlings

Seed preparation for sowing

Since onion seeds lose their germination quickly, be sure to check the expiration date when buying. Before sowing, the seeds must be processed: they are placed in a gauze bag and dipped in a solution of 1 g of potassium permanganate in 1 liter of water for 45 minutes, after which the seeds are kept for 18 hours in Epin's solution prepared according to the instructions, and then dried until flowable.

You can carry out pre-sowing seed treatment in another way: two weeks before sowing, put the seeds on the battery to warm up central heating or another non-flammable heater, and immediately before sowing, hold the seeds in a disinfecting solution of potassium permanganate, rinse and dry.

Planting onion seeds for seedlings

For growing seedlings, it is more convenient to use boxes or cassettes with cells, into which the prepared substrate is poured. Seeds are sown in a cassette 3-4 pieces in each cell, and when sowing in a box, the nigella is laid out on the surface of the leveled soil at a distance of 1 cm from each other, sprinkled on top with a layer of soil 5-7 mm thick, lightly pressed and sprayed with a solution of 15 drops of Energen in 250 ml of water, then cover with foil and place in a warm, dark place. Before the shoots appear, which may appear after 5-6 days, crops are kept at a temperature of 18-25 ºC.

Growing onion seedlings Exibishen

This variety with large bulbs weighing up to half a kilogram and a sweeter taste without bitterness was bred by Dutch breeders. The only drawback of the variety is short term storage. In warm regions, this onion is grown by sowing directly into the ground, but in middle lane, in the Urals and Siberia, Exhibishen onions are grown through seedlings.

Exhibiting onions are sown for seedlings in late February or early March, after soaking the seeds for several hours in warm water. After that, the seeds are wrapped in a damp cloth and kept in a warm place for 2-3 days, not allowing the cloth to dry out. Then the seeds are disinfected for 8 hours in a solution of potassium permanganate heated to 40 ºC.

In the photo: Sprouting onion tablets

In a box, seeds of the Exibishen variety are sown at a distance of 4-5 cm between rows and embedded to a depth of 1.5 cm, after which the crops are covered with foil and kept until emergence at a temperature of 20-25 ºC. But if you are not constrained by living conditions, then it is better to sow this variety in separate pots.

Leek seedlings

Leek seeds are disinfected in a solution of potassium permanganate, then kept in warm water for a day, dried, and then laid out on the surface of the nutrient soil, only lightly sprinkled with soil on top and sprayed from a spray bottle warm water.

When to plant leeks for seedlings? Late winter or early spring. The crops covered with foil are placed in a warm place awaiting germination. Crop maintenance at this stage consists in daily ventilation and removal of condensate from the film.

Buy onion seedlings - is it worth it?

Onions are an unpretentious plant, and growing seedlings from nigella is not difficult at all, so there is no point in buying onion seedlings. And, frankly, you are unlikely to succeed, since among the ads there are offers for the sale of seeds and sets, but no one offers to buy onion seedlings.

Conditions for growing onion seedlings

Growing onions from seeds won't tire you out. As soon as the first shoots appear, the crops are freed from the cover, transferred to light and the temperature is lowered to 10-12 ºC. After a week, the temperature is raised to 16-18 ºC during the daytime and up to 6-10 ºC at night. As soon as the onion seedlings get stronger, they are thinned out in such a way that a distance of at least 2-3 cm remains between the seedlings.

Watering onion seedlings

Sprinkle onion seedlings with settled water room temperature as the topsoil dries out. Can't be allowed complete drying of the substrate, as well as its waterlogging.

Photo: Growing onion seedlings in cassettes

Top dressing of onion seedlings

Before planting in open ground, onion seedlings should receive at least two additional fertilizing with an interval of two weeks with a solution of mineral fertilizers - 20 g of superphosphate, 5 g of potassium chloride and 10 g of urea are diluted in 10 liters of water. You can feed onion seedlings diluted in a ratio of 1:10 with chicken manure infusion.

Exhibiting onion seedlings respond well to fertilization with a solution of 1 g of nitrate in 1 liter of water.

Highlighting onion seedlings

Since the sowing of onions for seedlings is carried out at the end of winter, the emerging seedlings will almost certainly lack lighting, because the day is still short at this time. And the seedlings need twelve hours of daylight, otherwise they will begin to stretch.

To avoid deformation of the seedlings, an additional light source is placed above them at a distance of 20-25 cm - a phytolamp, LED or fluorescent lamp, which, from the moment of emergence of seedlings, should work continuously for three days, and then at least 12 hours a day - for example, from 7 to 19 hours. The use of incandescent lamps for artificial lighting does not give the desired result.

Pinching onion seedlings

The cultivation of Exhibishen onion seedlings involves pinching, or rather pruning at the stage of development of the third leaf - the leaves of the seedlings are shortened by two-thirds of the height. This is done so that the seedlings do not lie down and break.

Diseases of onion seedlings and their treatment

During the seedling period, with normal care, onions are rarely affected by diseases or pests, but nevertheless, such troubles do happen. Of the pests, the onion fly can annoy seedlings, for the control of which solutions of insecticides such as Aktara, Mukhoed, Zemlin or other similar preparations are used.

In the photo: Planted onion seedlings

Seedlings can hit blackleg, developing against the background of systematic waterlogging of the soil, and peronosporosis, or downy mildew - fungal diseases, the pathogens of which die when the seedlings are treated with a 1% solution of Bordeaux liquid, and in the phase of development of 4-5 leaves, it is better to treat the seedlings with Ridomil Gold MC.

In general, at proper care onion seedlings rarely get sick, and the onion fly rarely appears at home.

Planting onion seedlings in open ground

When to plant onion seedlings outdoors

From mid to late April, when 50-60 days have passed from the moment of sowing and 3-4 leaves will develop in the seedlings, they are planted in open ground, if it is already well warmed up by this time. Two weeks before planting, the seedlings begin to harden, taking them out to the balcony, veranda or garden, first for 10-15 minutes, but increasing the duration of the session daily, until the seedlings adapt to the conditions in which they will soon find themselves.

How to plant onion seedlings in the garden

The onion area should be open, sunny, away from bushes and trees that might obscure the growing onions from sun rays... The soil on the site must be prepared in advance, in the fall. For onions, sandy loam soils are optimal, in which it is necessary to add 2 buckets of compost or humus, 2 liters each for digging for each m2 wood ash and 50-60 g of complex mineral fertilizer.

In the photo: Onions in the garden

In the spring, before planting, the surface of the site is leveled, furrows are made on it with a depth of 4-5 cm at a distance of 30 cm from each other and they are shed well. Seedlings need to be examined and sorted - only developed and undamaged seedlings can be planted on the garden bed. Seedling leaves are cut to a third of their length to reduce the evaporation of moisture. The roots are also shortened, after which they are dipped into a chatter box, consisting of an infusion of mullein and clay.

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After this article, they usually read

Planting onions in the spring has long been for many domestic gardeners tradition, because this useful plant is often used for cooking different types salads. The process of growing it begins with sowing, after receiving the sprouts, they are transplanted to a permanent place. However, not all gardeners know how to get strong and healthy seedlings from seeds.

How to grow onions from seeds in one season

It is widely believed that it is extremely difficult to grow seedlings, and this process takes a lot of time... However, you can on personal experience be convinced of the opposite if you familiarize yourself with the basic rules and follow them throughout the entire process.

Many gardeners resort to the seedling method, as this is a guarantee of obtaining high harvest... Moreover, you can do this even in indoor conditions... But first, you need to prepare everything you need for this:

  • Onion seeds for sowing;
  • High quality potting soil.
  • Containers as which it is recommended to use flower pots or boxes;
  • Polyethylene film.

You can count on getting a good harvest only if you observe the following recommendations, which are versatile, and therefore can be used when growing any variety.

General rules:

Growing seedlings in one season

Having familiarized yourself with the basic rules, it is time to pay attention to agricultural technology.

In containers

I would like to repeat once again that you can grow seedlings in boxes or pots... In accordance with the rules of agricultural technology, the following nuances must be taken into account when sowing seeds in boxes:

Usually from the emergence of seedlings until the seedlings reach the state necessary for transplanting to a permanent place, need about 50-60 days... This time is enough for the plant to grow 3-4 true leaves.

In the greenhouse

The Chalcedony variety, for example, can be grown not only in containers available at home. Enough effective method is an use of greenhouses... In this case, consider the following:

  • Preparation begins with the creation of a steam bed. Here biofuel will be required, which must be laid on the garden bed and covered with a 10 cm layer of earth. Such a layer thickness will be enough so that the generated heat does not leave the garden bed. Then a specially prepared greenhouse soil is laid directly on the ground. For this mixture, the following components are taken: rotted sawdust (1 part), greenhouse humus (4 parts), peat chips (1 part) and sod land (4 parts). After that, a bucket of this mixture is taken, where you need to add one teaspoon of superphosphate, the same amount of ammonium nitrate and potassium sulfate and half a glass of wood ash.
  • It is unacceptable to use land to create a bed where onion crops had grown before;
  • Be sure to provide a garden bed good lighting... Therefore, the most suitable place for her will be a place near the windows;
  • Seeds can be sown only after their preparation: for this, a set of measures is carried out, providing for soaking, drying, calibration and processing of seeds with microelements. Also, in relation to the planting material, disinfection must be carried out;
  • When the time comes for sowing seeds in the ground, it is necessary to maintain the recommended rate of the sowing scheme: the seeds are placed in rows at a distance of 5 cm, and they themselves should be no closer than 1 cm from each other. It is recommended to deepen them by 1.5 cm;
  • When the seeds are in the ground, they need to be covered with humus;
  • Next, you need to carefully irrigate with warm water using a small watering can with a sieve;
  • After that, the soil surface must be rolled up and covered with mulch, which can be used as peat chips. For reliable protection it is necessary that its layer has a thickness of 1 cm.

To speed up the germination of seedlings, you need to create in the greenhouse favorable temperature conditions within + 18-20 degrees. It must be maintained for several weeks. Then, after two weeks, you can wait for the first shoots to appear. It is important not to miss this moment and immediately lower the temperature to + 10-11 degrees, and after 4-5 days the temperature is raised to + 15-16 degrees in the daytime, and at night it is kept at + 10-12 degrees. If it becomes known about the approaching night frost, then you can protect the plantings with the help of an insulating material. Thanks to this, it will be possible to avoid pulling out the seedlings. At this stage, the greenhouse must be regularly ventilated.

When the seedlings become stronger, it is necessary to choose a favorable day for hardening, so that the plant can better adapt to open ground.

When using any of the described growing methods, picking is dispensed with. If you need to thin out the plants, then you need to take into account that neighboring plants should be located not closer than 1.5-2 cm from each other.

When two weeks remain before the day of disembarkation from the seed plant to a permanent place, it is necessary to create conditions for a shortened daylight hours for the sprouts, the duration of which should not be more than 10-12 hours. Such a measure will help the bulbs ripen faster. At the same time, every two to three days, watering and feeding with nitrophos is carried out, which must be applied in a diluted form, following the scheme - 1.5 tablespoons of the substance per bucket of water. The landing itself is best done in evening time, be sure to shed the garden bed before transferring the shoots to it.

Landing in the ground

Waiting for the moment when the seedlings are in a box or greenhouse will reach the age of 55-60 days, you can transplant it to a permanent place. If this operation is carried out too early or late, then the plants will need more time to adapt to new conditions. If the greenhouse method was used for cultivation, then when it is transferred to the garden, it is necessary to capture a small earthen lump.

The transplant process itself can be described in the form of the following stages:

  • Sorting is carried out first. Saplings showing signs of damage, as well as underdeveloped specimens must be removed;
  • Before planting, the roots and leaves are trimmed by 1/3;
  • Next, you need to prepare a talker made of mullein and clay, and dip the seedlings in it.

It is recommended to plan the transplanting of seedlings on a garden bed on a warm and dry day. As a rule, such conditions are created already in mid-April. After digging up the beds, it must be prepared by cutting the furrows. Further, the earth must be thoroughly shed, after which the planting can be carried out.

Sprouts planted to a depth of 2 cm... it is necessary to maintain a distance of about 50-55 cm between the rows. The recommended planting pattern is 550 seedlings per 10 square meters. m. area.

After planting, the seedlings are well watered - about 80 liters of water should be used for 40 seedlings. The ground must then be compacted to remove the internal voids. Finally, cover it with a layer of mulch. Loosening can be carried out after three days.


Any summer resident can grow a good harvest of onion sets in one year. Many people often use the seedling method, which allows you to get a race in time. Most often gardeners use different containers like pots or boxes. However, you can also use greenhouses where you can grow onions, for example, the Chalcedony varieties. Although this is more troublesome, this method allows you to get a stronger culture, moreover, you do not have to spend time and effort transporting seedlings to your garden plot.

In any case, it is very important to create at the stage of growing favorable conditions giving Special attention temperature regime without forgetting about regular watering.

Historically, the following scheme of onion cultivation has developed: seeds (nigella) - sets, sets - samples, samples - turnip. But recently, more and more gardeners are choosing growing onions from seeds, since this method allows you to get ready-made bulbs in one season and it is better to keep them in winter, and planting material costs less than ready-made picks or sets.

If you intend to grow onions from seeds, first of all, decide on the varieties. For annual cultivation the best option there will be small germ varieties, such as:

For annual cultivation, small-ear varieties are the best option.

  • Danilovsky 301,
  • Myachkovsky 300,
  • Strigunovsky,
  • Mstersky,
  • Annual Hawk,
  • Annual Siberian,
  • Odintsovets,
  • Early pink,
  • Golden spool.

You can also choose Dutch breeding hybrids with a bright color (red, white, yellow-brown), of which in one season you get good bulbs rounded shape. Recommended hybrid varieties: early fruitful Spirit F1, Stardust F1, which forms a large amount of green feathers, and Red Baron, which is appreciated for its good keeping quality and yield. Multi-nest varieties are not suitable for annual cultivation, as the bulbs will be deformed.

Video about growing onions from seeds

Growing turnip onions from nigella

Can grow onion from seeds in three ways: by sowing in the ground in early spring, podzimnim sowing and preliminary cultivation of seedlings. In the spring, nigella is sown, as soon as the soil thaws, then in one season the bulbs will have time to ripen. Seedlings are prepared from the end of February, and from mid-April, ready-made seedlings are planted in the beds. Podzimny sowing of seeds is carried out on slightly frozen soil so that the seeds do not germinate in the fall.

The soil for any option is prepared in advance, in the fall: the earth is dug up, compost or peat is added, mineral fertilizers... The beds are best formed in an open, sunny place, where legumes, cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, potatoes grew before. The width of the beds does not exceed 80 cm, the height is about 15 cm.

Preparing onion seeds for sowing

How to grow onions from seeds in one season so that they can ripen before frost? You need to pay attention to the preprocessing of the nigella. Seed treatment can significantly shorten the time between sowing and emergence by speeding up plant development and bulb formation.

The soil for any option is prepared in advance, from autumn

For a month, check the germination of nigella: take about 20 seeds and hold for 2-3 weeks in a damp cloth. With good germination, at least 80% of the seeds should germinate. To destroy the causative agents of fungal diseases, before sowing, nigella is treated with a solution of potassium permanganate. Additionally, to accelerate germination, you need to soak the seeds in water for 12-18 hours or immerse them in warm solution fruit formation stimulator (1 g per 1 spoonful of water) per day. After soaking, the nigella is dried in air for 15-20 minutes until the seeds become free-flowing, and you can proceed directly to sowing.

Sowing nigella in the ground in spring or before winter

In the spring, as the soil thaws, dig rows 2 cm deep in the beds, with row spacing of at least 20 cm.Seeds should be sown rather sparsely - about 80 seeds per 1 m row, then one square meter it will take about one and a half grams of nigella. Dust the seeds with tooth powder or chalk, then it will be more convenient for you to control their consumption and location. On top of the nigella sprinkle with humus, sawdust or peat (layer 2 cm). It is not necessary to water the crops, otherwise a crust will form, which will impede seedlings.

When the seedlings have 1-2 real leaves, the plants need to be thinned out, removing weak shoots, two centimeters should remain between the green seedlings. After the formation of 3-4 leaves, a second thinning is carried out - the distance expands to five centimeters. Torn tender greens can be used as food. Until half of July, you need to water the onions, during the season, regularly loosen upper layer soil and feed plants like onion sets.

Harvesting can begin in early September, when the onion leaves will fall, but no later than 10 days before frost. The harvested onions are dried in the beds or under a canopy for a week, cleaned of dry feathers and stored.

Seeds should be sown rather sparsely - about 80 seeds per 1 m row

How to plant onion seeds before winter?

Prepare the ground as described earlier, form the beds, cut the same grooves and leave in this state until the onset of cold weather. As soon as the first frosts come, the nigella is sown in rows and sprinkled with a 2-3 cm layer of humus. Make sure that the beds are covered with snow in winter. In the spring, when the snow melts, sprinkle the bare seeds with humus or peat.

Growing seedlings from onion seeds

Some onion varieties can only be grown from seedlings, which prolongs the growing season and saves planting material. They begin to sow nigella in early March in a greenhouse, greenhouse or on a windowsill in an apartment. Sowing onion seeds is carried out in boxes with a previously prepared soil mixture (as for tomato seedlings), row spacing - 5 cm each.

Before the first tender shoots germinate, the temperature in the room with the seedlings should be maintained at about +25 degrees, then for 4-5 days the temperature should be lowered to +12 degrees during the day and +8 degrees at night (at home, the boxes can be taken out to the balcony). In the future, for a comfortable growing of seedlings, a temperature of + 15 + 18 degrees is sufficient. But at the same time, it is necessary to provide additional illumination with the help of fluorescent lamps in order to extend the daylight hours for seedlings.

Video about growing onions from nigella

By the end of April, the onion seedlings should grow 3-4 true feathers, the seedling height should reach 12-15 cm.Before planting the seedlings in open ground, cut off a third of the leaves of the onion and shorten the roots to a length of 2 cm. Plant the seedlings in the beds, maintaining a distance of about five centimeters in a row, with a row spacing of 30-40 cm. Press the soil around the plants to the roots. Two days after planting, you can water the onions and loosen the soil a little. Further care the same as described above.

Planting onions by seeds has significant disadvantage: Plant growth can continue until harvest. It ripens completely only under the condition of a warm, dry autumn. Unripe onions will be poorly stored, you will have to use them before the beginning of winter. Therefore, it is better to sow nigella in the fall, or by preparing the seedlings at home.

Onions are very popular vegetable crop, distinguished by its usefulness, widely used in cooking a large number dishes, as well as in medical and cosmetic purposes... One of better ways obtaining onions is growing them from seeds. In this case, the most suitable seeds will be grown by you, since they will be obtained from the bulbs of the same climatic zone, and therefore will be better adapted to its conditions.

It is quite possible to grow onion seeds correctly at home, you just need to follow certain recommendations.

To obtain quality seeds, it is necessary to prepare healthy bulbs for growing them. For this purpose, medium-sized smooth heads are selected. At the same time, specimens with damage and rot are very carefully rejected. Store the onion at a temperature of 2-7 degrees, preventing hypothermia, which blocks the appearance of arrows.

The planting of bulbs for seeds is based on the need for 120 days for the full cycle of seed formation and ripening, that is, by about the end of April. At the same time, 30 days before planting, to prepare the growth process, the bulbs are placed in a room with a temperature of about 15 degrees.

Planting is carried out to a depth of 5 cm in a fertilized bed, separated by row spacing of 25 cm, with a distance between the bulbs within 15-20 cm. To accelerate growth, the necks of the bulbs are cut off before planting.

Growing seeds requires careful maintenance - weeding and abundant watering, especially during growth and flowering. And to protect plants from various diseases, the beds are disinfected with a solution of Bordeaux liquid.

After the arrows appear, stakes are driven in, between which twine is pulled in several rows. This design helps support the plants.

Collection and storage of seeds

An important step in obtaining seeds is collecting them. The opening of the seed pods on the umbrella is the signal for the beginning of this process.

The arrows are cut with a pruner, tied in bundles and hung under a canopy for full maturation... A paper or cloth bedding is spread under the hanging bunches, onto which ripe seeds (nigella) will be poured. To speed up the process, the beams are shaken. To extract the remaining seeds, the inflorescences are ground and winnowed.

The collected seeds are filled with water. Defective seeds, as well as husks, float to the surface. They are drained together with water, and the remaining seeds are dried at room conditions.

Dry seeds are stored in paper or cloth bags.

Growing onion seedlings from seeds

This process includes the following sequence of actions.

On the eve of sowing, the seeds are soaked in warm water for 8-10 hours, then thoroughly dried.

Sowing is carried out at the end of March or at the beginning of April in pots or boxes to a depth of 1 cm, with a row spacing of 4 - 6 cm. The norm provides for 20 g per 1 sq. M. The temperature to be provided is 18 ° C - 25 ° C.

The planted seeds should be watered and weeded, and to create favorable conditions they are covered plastic wrap... Later, after the emergence of seedlings temperature Range reduced to 14 ° C -16 ° C. During the germination period, top dressing should be carried out... After about two months, the seedlings are ready for transplanting into the ground.

Planting onion seedlings in the ground

Before planting, the seedlings are carefully separated from each other. They are buried to a depth of 1 cm with a distance between rows equal to 30 cm, and between seedlings - 5 cm. Planting ends with watering and then mulching with peat. During the development of plants, they are thinned out, watered and loosened. At the end of July to ensure the bulbs maximum heat the mulch is raked off, and watering and feeding are stopped. After the feathers have completely wilted, they begin to harvest the onions.

According to the onion specialist Magomedrasul Ibragimbekov, early ripening and hybrid varieties are more suitable for growing turnip onions from seeds.

Suitable species are Chalcedony, Stuttgarter Riesen, Grandfather, Master and some others.