What is the best way to insulate the attic at home. Insulation of a cold attic in a private house

To reduce heat loss in a private house, one effective system heating is not enough - to minimize them, it is necessary to insulate all elements of the building. The same applies to the roof. If the arrangement of the attic is not planned, insulation of the cold attic floor will be required.

A little from the history of roofing

Since ancient times, people have erected private households with such high quality that they could stand for 100 years. At the same time, it was not cold to live in them, but the roof frame made of natural wood was always dry. As for the shape of the roofs on such buildings, they were most often erected with two slopes, and had a slight slope.

This choice was explained by the fact that the snow that fell in winter had to linger on the roof and serve as a natural insulation. In the attic of the building, one, less often two, windows were made. They were closed for the winter and then the air in the under-roof space played the role of a heat insulator.

V summer period the windows were slightly opened at night so that the temperature in the attic would drop. In the heat they were closed, and the air did not heat up. This is how the temperature was regulated in the attic.

In winter, when snow fell, it covered the roof with a solid carpet and thus was a natural roofing heat insulator. Even in severe frosts, the temperature in the under-roof space did not drop below zero. As a result, the house was warm in cold weather.

At the same time, the roof slopes were not insulated so that the snow on them would not melt. The rafter system was left open, thus allowing it to be inspected and maintenance... Therefore, in such attics, only ceilings were insulated.

If the roof slopes are insulated, then the attic becomes a heated attic, which has a different functional purpose.

Building materials for floor insulation - the better to insulate

Presented on the domestic market big choice building materials. To determine how to insulate the ceiling of a cold attic, it is necessary to take into account the conditions in which the heat insulator will be used.

A number of requirements are imposed on the insulation:

  • preservation of their original qualities at temperatures from -30 to +30 degrees;
  • in hot weather, the material should not emit substances harmful to people and when severe frost freeze;
  • you need to choose a fire-resistant heat insulator if lighting is planned in the attic;
  • products must be moisture resistant so that when wet, their original properties do not decrease.

Before purchasing materials for insulating the floor of an unheated attic in a private household, you need to consider what the overlap is made of. If these are wooden beams, then bulk, roll or plate heaters... When the floor was made of concrete slabs, bulk or slab insulators, heavy in weight, can be used. Often flooded on the floor cement screed.

In the form of slabs and mats they sell:

  • mineral wool;
  • extruded polystyrene foam;
  • Styrofoam;
  • straw;
  • seaweed.

In the form of rolls, they are made:

  • mineral wool;
  • stone and glass wool;
  • algae ladders.

One of the most popular options for arranging thermal insulation is insulation of the attic floor with mineral wool.

TO bulk materials relate:

  • expanded clay;
  • sawdust;
  • straw;
  • reed;
  • ecowool;
  • granular foam;
  • slag.

When the insulation is laid in the attic in wooden house, you need to use natural, environmentally friendly and breathable materials.

Insulation of the attic floor with mineral wool

This modern and demanded insulation is produced in rolls or mats. Minvata does not burn, does not rot, various microorganisms and rodents are not dangerous to it.

Insulation of the attic floor with mineral wool is carried out in stages:

  1. First, the lining material is laid on the floor. In the case of an economy option, an inexpensive glassine is laid on the floor. A more expensive and high-quality device will turn out to be a flooring device made of a vapor barrier film, which is mounted with an overlap.
  2. At the same time, the joints of the segments are glued with tape or fastened wooden slats fixing them with a stapler.
  3. The width is warm insulating material are selected taking into account the technical standards for a particular region. Mineral wool between the lags is laid out tightly, leaving no gaps. Scotch tape is used to glue the joints.
  4. After completing the installation of the insulation, flat boards are placed on the logs and this is how the floor is formed in the attic.

The above-described solution of how to insulate the attic of a private house with mineral wool gives the material the ability to "breathe" and ventilate when moisture gets on it. To prevent penetration humid air in insulation, waterproofing is mounted under the roof.

When working with mineral wool, you must use protective equipment, such as a respirator, goggles, gloves and overalls.

Application of extruded polystyrene foam

Polyfoam (expanded polystyrene) refers to loose materials, so it is used if it is necessary to insulate a floor made of logs and beams. For thermal insulation of plates, extruded polystyrene foam is used, which is denser than conventional foam.

Before laying it, the surface of the base is leveled. On the warm side of the floor, vapor barrier is not needed, since concrete slabs have practically no vapor permeability. Lay out on the prepared base vapor barrier film... Then, plates of extruded insulation are laid out in a checkerboard pattern. Polyurethane foam is blown into the joints.

After it dries and becomes solid, the thermal insulation boards are poured concrete mix thickness of about 4-6 centimeters. After hardening, the screed becomes suitable for use as an attic floor. If desired, the final coating can be laid on the screed.

Insulation of a cold attic with ecowool

Ecowool is a lightweight and at the same time loose heat insulator, consisting of cellulose; it also contains flame-extinguishing agents, for example, boric acid and borax. Before starting work, a film is laid on the floor. For laying ecowool, a special blowing machine is used.

The heat-insulating layer is applied continuously, without leaving even the slightest gaps. Ecowool contains a large volume of air, so a layer equal to 250-300 millimeters is sufficient. When performing insulation, it should be remembered that shrinkage occurs over time. of this material... Therefore, a layer of ecowool is applied with a margin of 40-50 millimeters.

Then the insulation must be moistened with water or with a solution. It is prepared from 200 grams of PVA glue and a bucket of water. The broom is moistened in a solution and the cotton wool is well moistened. After drying on thermal insulation layer lignin is formed - a crust that does not allow the insulation to move.

What a way to isolate attic space from the above options to choose, depends on the specific situation.

A large amount of heat escapes through an uninsulated attic, for which money is paid. As a result, the indoor temperature does not rise and utility costs rise. The only way out is to insulate the cold attic with inexpensive building materials. If you have time and extra money, you can insulate the roof, but this is not necessary, because it is enough to insulate the ceiling from the attic side and all the heat will remain in the room.

What is the insulation of the attic for?

If the attic is not insulated, the likelihood of fungus formation in the room increases.

The floor area in a private house is equal to the area of ​​the ceiling through which most of the heat escapes. In a cold living space, more moisture forms, so the likelihood of fungus formation increases, which leads to respiratory diseases in the future. The most unpleasant sensations arise in the bathroom, the floor and walls in which do not have time to dry out, discomfort is created, in addition, the cold in the bathroom contributes to colds when there is a sharp change in temperature. Children in such conditions are more likely to get sick.

Most of the insulating materials drain water well, therefore, when insulating, condensation will not accumulate on the walls. Warm air dries up excess moisture, while walls and floors are warmed up.

If you insulate the roof slopes and pediment, moisture will not form in the attic and the smell of mold will not be heard. This is more difficult work, but doable since the materials are light in weight.

It is best to carry out work on the insulation of the attic with your own hands, so as not to spend extra money on wages. You need to choose a heater according to technical specifications, calculate its quantity and fit according to available technologies. The whole work can take 1 day.

Materials for thermal insulation

On the insulation market, you can find both natural and artificial materials. Their difference lies in cost, efficiency, service life, coefficient of thermal conductivity.

Mineral wool

Basalt wool

Mineral wool or its varieties - glass wool, basalt insulation, slag wool - are distinguished by an increased coefficient of thermal conductivity due to the structure of randomly located fibers. Cold air in winter does not penetrate into the room from the outside, and in summer it is cool in it, since cotton wool does not allow air currents cooled by air conditioning to pass through.

  • The material does not crumble and does not cause an allergic reaction. You can work with stone wool without protective equipment.
  • Service life is about 50 years.
  • Volcanic rock wool comes in different densities - you can choose suitable option for any region, including the coldest.
  • Basalt wool is a light material, so one person can handle it.
  • Basalt mineral wool does not burn. It can be melted with very high temperatures, so the attic will be safe.

Additional pluses basalt insulation is the reduction of the noise level in the room, since sound waves cannot pass through the layer of air located among the fibers. Moreover, the denser the material, the less air gap and the more sounds it lets through, so the insulation can be chosen with average values ​​of thermal conductivity and sound insulation.

Basalt insulation can be used to insulate the chimney, then even more heat will remain in the room where there is a stove or fireplace.

When using glass wool and slag wool, you will have to wear a protective suit, glasses and gloves, since thin fibers break and can get into the respiratory system, eyes and skin. These materials are also non-combustible, but they melt at significantly more low temperatures Oh. In this case, the material loses its structure and useful properties.


Polyfoam does not make the ceiling structure heavier, however, it has a low strength factor

Insulation of an attic in a house with a cold roof can be done with foam. This material also has advantages:

  • Low weight and cost.
  • Does not highlight harmful substances when heated, therefore chemically neutral and safe.
  • Contains a flame retardant that does not support combustion.
  • Microorganisms and mold do not start in the foam.
  • Does not make the ceiling structure heavier.


  • Low coefficient of strength, therefore, additional protection of the material is required in the form of boards laid on top with support on logs. This will require unnecessary costs and time.
  • The material does not allow air to pass through, therefore dampness and condensation may form in the room.
  • Rodents, which are found in private houses, damage the foam, build burrows from it, so additional coverage is needed.

Styrofoam is used most often for outdoor work under plaster. As a heater for an attic in a private house, it is not profitable - it requires large investments to protect the material itself.

It is more profitable to insulate the ceiling with foam in a house with a cold roof from the inside, but this can lower the ceilings.

Penoplex (expanded polystyrene)

Thanks to the spongy structure, the foam is easy to cut

Insulation Penoplex is made from granules synthetic material polystyrene or polystyrene foam. This is a heater, which is a porous structure with separately located cells. The honeycombs do not touch each other, which on the one hand is positive quality, on the other - a negative point. The fact is that polystyrene foam does not allow moisture to pass through well, it will accumulate inside the room, causing dampness.

The advantage of polystyrene is its cost and low thickness. The air inside makes up 98% of the total volume of the material, which is why it is so cheap. Compared to stone wool, the thermal conductivity is lower. To achieve good thermal insulation, it is necessary to buy thicker polystyrene foam, which will cost more.

Penoplex is flammable, therefore, in terms of fire safety completely useless. The melting point is 75 degrees, so it cannot be stacked next to heating devices... In the attic, this could be the chimney from the stove.

Polyurethane foam

Insulation with polyurethane foam

In terms of service life, as well as heat-retaining characteristics, it is worth paying attention to polyurethane foam, which is applied by spraying. In this case, there is no need to construct logs for laying mineral wool or expanded clay, to save money by purchasing cheap fragile materials.

In a short time, you can create a monolithic floor in the attic, in which rodents will not settle, mold will not start, and cracks will not appear. When using polyurethane foam, you do not have to buy additional vapor and waterproofing.

Bulk expanded clay

Expanded clay is resistant to fire and moisture

You can insulate the attic with expanded clay. it durable material used in bulk with prepared cells. If you need to move around the attic, you will have to build a floor on top of wooden logs... Advantages of expanded clay:

  • strength;
  • durability;
  • does not absorb moisture;
  • keeps warm well;
  • allows air to pass through;
  • can be used in combination with other materials, which is preferable.

Most often, expanded clay is combined with mineral wool or polyurethane foam is sprayed on it so as not to waste time on the construction of the frame.

Insulation layer thickness

To insulate the attic in a house with a cold roof, you can use thermal insulation materials any density, since the premises are not residential. If you plan to lay mineral wool on roof slopes, you can prepare material of lower density and thickness, since as a result the ceiling insulation will be double, but laid in two places.

For the convenience of moving around soft insulation it is necessary to build paths of wood or other material so as not to violate the properties of the thermal insulation layer during compression.

Preparing the attic for insulation

The attic is prepared for insulation

Before starting work, it is necessary to calculate the area of ​​the room and the amount of building materials. The main thing is the thickness of the insulation, which is needed in the middle lane, where the temperature can drop to minus 30 degrees. The thickness of the mineral wool should be at least 20 cm.

After calculations:

  • Remove all debris and dust so that the sealant does not absorb it.
  • Fill roof gaps with construction foam.
  • Remove sharp objects. They can damage the protective layer of the cotton wool.

After cleaning, you can add Construction Materials, tools, as well as an additional lamp for illumination.

Vapor barrier

Vapor barrier is a prerequisite when working with mineral wool

By the laws of physics warm air saturated with steam will always rise up, passing through walls and ceilings. This process is called diffusion.

Different materials have different degrees of vapor permeability. Condensation or moisture build-up between floors can be highly resistant to diffusion. In such places, the floors are usually made of wood, and the wood, saturated with moisture, loses its strength.

When the lower room warms up, and the upper one is cold, a vapor barrier is required. In the case of stone wool, you can buy a material with a hydrophobic coating, which will not let steam into the cold room above, where water droplets form from it.

V technical documentation there are two concepts: steam resistance and vapor permeability coefficient. These are different concepts.

To organize the vapor barrier, two materials are used - a film to cover the entire area and adhesive tapes to connect the layers of hydrophobic insulation so that steam does not penetrate into the cracks.

The characteristics by which the vapor barrier is chosen must take into account the strength ( polyethylene film not suitable), resistance to ultraviolet light, as sometimes the sun's rays enter the windows, which can damage the materials.


Installation of a waterproofing layer

To protect the attic from flooding, and ceilings and repairs from water drips, it is recommended to lay a layer waterproofing material on the roof slopes.

  • Weldable - overlapped and connected with a torch. The cheapest option is synthetic materials.
  • Sprayable. A one-piece membrane film is created.
  • Powder. Water is added to it just before installation.
  • Liquid - suitable for concrete floors, absorbing into their surface.
  • Bitumen-based coating.

Before you buy waterproofing, you need to re-read the properties: the material should allow air to pass through, but retain water. Some cheap films create a greenhouse effect in a cold, unheated attic, causing the walls to mold.

Providing insulation of a private house and roof insulation along the rafters, one must not forget that Special attention should be given to such a place as the attic.

Development of insulation attic floor mineral wool

Warm air tends to rise to the top, and therefore temporarily unheated room heat can escape through the cold attic space. Therefore, the issue of warming the attic must be solved without delay.

1 Why do you need insulation of the attic floor?

Insulation of the cold floor of the attic with stone or mineral wool, by and large, is needed in little-used rooms that are properly equipped with special roof ventilation.

The attic, or rather its overlaps, perform the function of a kind of boundary between heat and cold. In such places, the attic floors are exposed to intense moisture due to the formation of condensation.

However, it is possible to properly insulate the floors in the attic of the house with mineral wool with your own hands. The very process of insulating the floor in the attic with mineral wool is the creation of a durable thermal insulation coating, which will have a low degree of thermal conductivity.

The very technology of insulation with mineral wool flooring in the attic, as well as thermal insulation Energoflex for pipes, implies strict adherence to its stages and requirements.

By itself, this technology is quite simple and straightforward. Good thermal insulation of the attic floor with mineral wool helps to close unwanted gaps.

For this, the insulation must be laid tightly. In most cases, mineral wool is used to insulate the attic of the house.

The presented insulation is the most suitable for this type of work; it can also insulate the floor surface in the living quarters of the house.

With the organization of good insulation with mineral wool, the most optimal temperature will be maintained in the living quarters.

If the procedure is not performed correctly, moisture rising from the floor of the house will lead to the formation of condensation.

It will accumulate on the ceiling and then seep through the ceilings. The resulting temperature difference in those areas where the attic floors are adjacent to the walls of the house initiates the formation of mold and microscopic fungi, which can be causative agents of allergic diseases.

1.1 Requirements for insulation of the attic

The process of insulating the attic floor and insulating the roof of the house with your own hands, or rather the level of its quality, has a direct impact not only on the size of heat loss, but also on the duration of the operational life of the entire rafter structure and roof covering.

The fact is that the water vapor inside the heated room diffuses to the attic of the house. In order for the insulation used to provide a high degree of calculated efficiency of the heat-insulating layer, it must always be dry.

Based on this, the insulation must be protected from excessive humidification by the vapor of the rising heated air using a special vapor-proof material.

If the attic space is well insulated, then it will provide not only high-quality thermal insulation, but also contribute to an increase in the operational life of the entire roofing structure.

If there is no vapor barrier, steam will penetrate through the unprotected attic floors and condense on the ceiling surfaces.

This will lead to the fact that moisture will drain onto the rafters, which, under its influence, will slowly begin to rot from the inside.

As a result, the likelihood of destruction of the entire roofing cake increases. The thermal insulation performance of the structure also decreases due to the fact that the tightness of the vapor barrier layer has been broken.

Before insulating the attic, you need to drain the layer and remove moisture from the entire attic space. For this, ventilation should be carried out through the windows. They may be:

In order to ensure the maximum ventilation intensity, the indicator of the total area of ​​all ventilation openings should be equal to 0.2-0.5% of the attic floors.

If all work is carried out correctly, then icicles will not form on the roof in winter. The very process of warming the attic space is carried out not from the side of the living quarters, but from the floor of the attic.

So it is most convenient to lay insulation, the choice of which depends on the technology used and design features buildings.

1.2 Features of insulation of beamed ceilings

When implementing such a thermal insulation scheme using mineral wool, heat is stored in the space between the beams. Their usual height is almost always sufficient for this, however, if necessary, several bars are stuffed on top.

Insulation of the ceiling with mineral wool from the attic

The lower part of the overlap is sewn up using molded material as when insulating the attic of a private house. For this, lining or sheets of drywall can be used.

On top of the beams, the sub-floor covering is laid. This can be a grooved board, plywood sheet or OSB board. Mineral wool is adjusted on a previously prepared special vapor barrier layer.

An alternative to it can serve as an ordinary film made with polyethylene. If the vapor barrier material is foiled, then it is laid with a shiny surface down.

The intermediate distance between the beams is filled with mineral wool with the necessary parameters thickness. The surface of the beams must be equipped with an additional insulation layer.

This will lead to blocking of the so-called cold bridges and significantly reduce the overall level of heat loss. If a high quality timber was used to create the beams, then the finishing material will creep directly onto their surface.

Mineral wool is placed between them as when the roof is insulated using polyurethane foam, and the attic floor is laid on top. The use of this technology is especially important in houses that are made of logs or beams.

It is important to protect the mineral wool from the smallest drops of moisture with a high degree of reliability, this is especially true if the roof has minor coating defects, due to which leaks occur.

The layer of mineral wool must be reliably protected from the effects of wind from the side of the cornice. For this, mineral wool slabs with a high degree of density are used.

2 Why is mineral wool used to insulate the attic?

In most cases, when insulating attic floors, the consumer's choice falls on mineral wool. Its advantage lies in the fact that no special skills are required for its installation.

Mineral wool has excellent thermal insulation properties. Its structure consists of thin glassy fibers, the length of which ranges from 2 to 60 millimeters.

Insulation of the attic with mineral wool

High sound insulation characteristics are provided due to the presence of a large number of air pores.

These pores are located in the space between the fibers and can occupy 95% of the total volume of the insulation. Minvata is presented in three varieties, it can be glass and stone basalt.

Basalt wool is made using molten basalt rocks, into which binding elements are added.

It can be a carbonate type rock, which regulates the acidity level of the substance, which entails an increase in the operational life of the insulation. Glass wool exhibits high heat-resistant properties and is able to withstand temperatures up to +450 degrees Celsius.

2.1 Technology of insulation of attic floors with mineral wool

When carrying out work related to mineral wool, it is important to comply with all safety requirements and regulations.

This is due to the fact that in the process of cutting and laying such material, the air is filled with the smallest particles that can enter the respiratory organs and thus harm human health.

When carrying out installation, be sure to take care of the availability of personal protective equipment. Goggles, a respirator and heavy rubber gloves should be available.

The very process of warming attic floors begins with the selection of the necessary tools and additional materials.

The essence of the insulation technology lies in the fact that the insulation must be carefully laid in the space between the attic floors or beams.

To enhance the thermal insulation qualities, a reliable vapor barrier should be used. Warm and moisture-laden air will continuously rise from living rooms and get up through the ceiling.

There, in the under-roof space, he will collide with a layer of insulation. Due to the fact that mineral wool is generally considered vapor-proof material, it will take all the outgoing moisture inside itself.

If it is left without the necessary access to air and sunlight, it will gradually shrink and, in the end, will lose all its heat-insulating qualities.

Attic cold interfloor overlap 20 cm min cotton wool

In order to avoid such destructive consequences, it is necessary to lay a vapor barrier material under a layer of mineral wool.

Before starting the main work, you will need to carefully calculate the right amount insulation.

The amount of wool purchased depends on how many layers you plan to use when covering the attic. In addition, the parameter of the thickness of thermal insulation directly depends on the characteristics of the climatic conditions in the region.

Insulation of the ceiling of the cold attic with mineral wool

Insulation of the ceiling of a cold attic with mineral wool - advantages. Features of insulation of floors of cold attics with mineral wool.

Insulation of the attic floor in a private house - effective ways to keep warm

Insulation of the attic floor of a house allows you to save more heat inside the room, and not spend it on heating a cold attic. It is good if it is used as a utility room (technical attic) or as an attic, but if not? Then it makes no sense to waste resources on heating an unheated attic space.

That is why it is worthwhile to insulate the ceiling of a cold attic using heat-insulating materials. It is possible to carry out insulation from the side of the attic or from the side of the room (from the inside / outside). It is best to do this during the construction of the building, or just before finishing the room. But even during the operation of the house, there is no reason not to insulate the ceiling from the attic side.

The thickness of the attic floor insulation is standardized using SNiP II-3-79 "Construction heat engineering". This guide contains detailed recommendations regarding the choice and formula for calculating the resistance to heat transfer of various thermal insulation materials. The calculations take into account not only the type of material, but also the average annual temperature, duration heating season, wall material at home.

The insulation technology of the attic floor depends on the selected material.

Comparative characteristics of heat-insulating material with equal thickness

In this article we will look at the most popular insulation materials.

Insulation of the attic floor with mineral wool

Mineral wool is a heater, the fibers of which are arranged in a certain way. Namely, this randomness leads to the formation of an air cushion between the fibers, which informs the insulation of its properties. However, this same feature of cotton wool increases the ability to absorb moisture. To avoid this, you need to know how to properly install mineral wool.

Benefits of mineral wool:

  • high density;
  • long service life;
  • Fire safety;
  • ease of installation;
  • the use of mineral wool for insulating horizontal surfaces does not lead to its caking, slipping and the formation, as a result, of cold bridges.

Among the disadvantages: the ability to absorb moisture.

Technology of attic floor insulation with mineral wool

There are three main ways of laying cotton wool: continuous, in grooves or in cells (see photo). The choice of method depends on what kind of load will fall on the floor in the future. The most stable framework is obtained in the latter case.

Insulation of the attic floor with mineral wool

First step

It starts with the installation of a vapor barrier film. The film will allow you to remove steam that rises from a warm living room to cold attic... To lay the film correctly, you need to carefully read the markings on it. It is imperative to observe an overlap of 100 mm.

Technology of attic floor insulation with mineral wool If insulation is performed on wooden beams, then the film should bend around all protruding elements. V otherwise, the beams can rot.

At the junction of the film and walls or other protruding surfaces, you need to raise it to a height equal to the thickness of the insulation plus 50 mm. and glue it with tape or wrap it on an insulation plate.

Second phase

Insulation (cotton wool) is being laid. This is a fairly straightforward process. The slabs or strips are easily cut with a construction knife to the required dimensions.

When laying the sheet, you need to make sure that there are no gaps or the mineral wool material is not strongly compressed. Both will lead to a decrease in the quality of insulation. Typical mistakes on the picture.

a) insufficient thickness of thermal insulation material;

b, c, d) the thickness of the attic floor insulation was incorrectly selected.

Useful tips for installing mineral wool

  • insulation with foil will increase the material's resistance to heat loss. The sheet is laid with the foil side down.
  • the insulation should not protrude beyond the beam. If such a situation arises, the beam needs to be lengthened. wooden beams or an additional lath to the thickness of the insulation.
  • a thin insulation laid in two layers retains more heat than one thick one. In this case, the plates must be laid in a checkerboard pattern.
  • if there are speakers in the attic structural elements, for example, a chimney pipe, you need to raise the insulation to a height of 400-500 mm. and secure it.

Stage Three

Waterproofing flooring is carried out if the attic is not intended to be used, and the rafter system is not protected by a waterproofing film. If the roofing material is separated from the attic with a film, then you can proceed with the final stage.

Rough floor. It is laid on top of the insulation and serves as the basis for the final finishing.

Insulation of the attic floor with foam

The installation process is similar to the insulation of an attic floor with expanded polystyrene.

The advantages of these materials:

Among the disadvantages: flammability.

The technology of insulation of the attic floor with polystyrene or expanded polystyrene

The process of installing rigid foam-based insulation is more than simple and can be done by hand. The work can be divided into two stages:

  • leveling the surface. To provide high-quality insulation there should be no significant irregularities on the floor of the base. It is possible to eliminate such drops by performing a screed with a sand-cement mortar.
  • the laying of the slabs is performed butt-joint or between the beams. The presence of a bar increases the strength of the floor.

Insulation of the attic floor with polystyrene Rough coating

Polyfoam must be protected from destruction with a film in a non-residential attic. In a frequently used or residential attic, you need to somehow move, therefore, it is better to equip a subfloor from OSB or perform a sand-cement screed on top of polystyrene or expanded polystyrene.

Insulation of the attic floor with sawdust

Sawdust - finely ground wood.

  • naturalness;
  • lack of toxic impurities;
  • light weight;
  • availability of material.

Attic insulation technology with sawdust

  • before proceeding with the insulation with sawdust, they need to be prepared. Namely, mix cement and water with sawdust in a ratio of 10: 1: 1.
  • Pour the attic floor with the finished mixture and level it. It is worth noting that sawdust can be used as insulation without using a frame only in a non-residential attic. Otherwise, when walking on the floor, the sawdust will be compressed, and concrete screed collapse.
  • build a cellular structure from a bar. Pour a solution with sawdust into each cell. The advantage of this method is that a sub-floor can be laid over the timber. And the attic will be usable

Insulation of the attic floor with sawdust

Insulation of the attic overlap with expanded clay

Expanded clay is obtained by firing clay.

The disadvantage is associated with the difficulty of lifting expanded clay to the height of the attic.

Expanded clay is usually used if it is necessary to insulate the attic floor on the slabs.

Attic insulation technology with expanded clay

The work is carried out in three stages:

  • the slab is inspected for cracks and cracks. They are covered with mortar or covered thick paper... The protruding elements do not create difficulties with filling expanded clay.
  • mount a crate from a bar. In the future, a rough floor will be laid on it.
  • loose insulation is poured onto the stove and leveled using a conventional rake. Layer thickness 250-300 mm. You can move on expanded clay without restrictions.

Insulation of the ceiling of the attic with expanded clay Advice: when backfilling expanded clay, it is better to combine granules of different sizes (diameters). In this way, the appearance of voids can be avoided.

At the end, a subfloor is mounted or poured with a sand-cement screed.

Please note the insulation of the attic wooden floor has some nuances:

  • the tree is subject to decay, which means that the steam rising up must pass freely. Improper installation of films or the use of non-breathable materials, such as roofing felt, will lead to the destruction of the wood in the future.
  • using foil insulation, you need to place it with the foil down. Thus, the wood will be protected from water ingress and, at the same time, will not accumulate steam moisture.

Attic insulation errors

  • "Correct" - use a superdiffusion membrane or vapor barrier film
  • "Wrong" - to lay a special film without taking into account the marking, or even ordinary film

The scheme of insulation of the attic floor for different types of insulation is given below.

Attic floor insulation scheme - 1
Attic floor insulation scheme - 2


In this article, we focused on the main stages and features of the insulation of the attic floors of a private house using heaters different types... We hope this information is helpful to you.

Insulation of the attic floor with mineral wool, foam, sawdust, expanded clay

How and how to insulate the attic floor with your own hands. Review of heaters and installation methods. Insulation of the attic floor with mineral wool, sawdust, polystyrene and expanded polystyrene, as well as expanded clay

Insulation of cold attic floors: materials and methods

To figure out why the insulation of the cold attic floor is needed, let's clarify a little why an attic is needed in a private house and what is its purpose. Our ancestors built houses that could stand for over 100 years, while inside it was warm and the wooden roof structure was always dry.

Previously, they mainly built gable roofs with a slight slope of the slopes. This was done so that in winter snow could remain on the roof. Thus, snow was used as a natural insulation. One or two windows were made in the attic and kept closed in winter so that the trapped air would act as a heat insulator. In the summer, a somewhat different situation took place. The attic windows were opened at night to cool the air, and during the day, in hot weather, they were closed so that the air would not get too hot, thus regulating its temperature.

When snow fell in winter, it lay down on the roof as a continuous cover, at the same time becoming a natural insulation. Even in severe frosts, the temperature in the attic did not drop below zero. Thus, the air in the attic and the insulation of the floor allowed maintaining the temperature in the house at + 20-25 ° C. The roof slopes were not insulated so that the snow on the roof would not melt. The rafter system remained open, making it possible for it to be inspected and repaired if necessary. Therefore, in a cold attic, only the ceiling is insulated.

If the roof slopes are insulated, then the attic becomes a heated room, i.e. an attic, which has a completely different functional purpose.

Now it remains to find out how to insulate the attic floor in a private house, and what materials are used for thermal insulation.

Materials for insulating the attic floor

There is a wide range of insulation materials on the market. To determine the choice, it is necessary to take into account the conditions in which the thermal insulation material will be used:

  1. The material must retain its properties when temperature conditions from -30 to +30 ° С. Should not freeze in severe frosts and should not emit harmful substances in hot weather.
  2. It is necessary to choose fire-resistant insulation if there is electrical wiring in the attic.
  3. It is better to choose a material that is moisture resistant, so that when it gets wet it does not lose its thermal insulation properties.
  4. The insulation should not quickly cake in order to fulfill its purpose as long as possible.

Before deciding on the type of material for insulating the floor of a cold attic in a private house, it is necessary to consider what material the floor is made of. If the floor of the attic is made of wooden beams, then you can use slab, roll and bulk insulation. In the case when the ceiling of the attic is made of concrete slabs, then they resort to using heavy bulk or dense plate heat insulators. Their use makes it possible to make a cement screed on the floor.

Materials produced in the format of slabs and mats:

  • mineral wool (mineral wool) in mats;
  • Styrofoam;
  • extruded polystyrene foam;
  • seaweed;
  • straw.

  • mineral wool;
  • glass wool;
  • stone wool;
  • algae ladders;

Bulk materials for insulation of the attic floor:

  • expanded clay;
  • ecowool;
  • reed;
  • sawdust;
  • straw;
  • slag;
  • buckwheat tyrsa;
  • foam granules.

Insulation of the attic floor in a wooden house must be carried out with an ecological, natural and breathable material.

How to properly insulate an attic floor with mineral wool

Mineral wool - common and modern heat insulator... Available in rolls or slabs (mats). It does not rot and does not burn, rodents and various kinds of microorganisms are also not afraid of it.

Thermal insulation of the ceiling of a cold attic with mineral wool begins with laying lining material on the floor. For budget option glassine is laid on the floor, but a more expensive and high-quality option is a vapor barrier film. The film is laid with an overlap, and the joints are glued with tape or fixed with wooden slats, which are fixed with a construction stapler.

The width of the insulation is selected based on the requirements of thermal engineering standards for each region. Mineral wool is placed between the lags tightly and without cracks. The joints are glued with tape. After the insulation is laid, flat boards are simply placed on the logs, thus forming the floor in the attic. Such a simple solution for creating a floor allows the mineral wool to "breathe" and ventilate normally if moisture gets on it. To prevent moisture from entering the mineral wool, waterproofing material is laid under the roof.

Laying of mineral wool is carried out in personal protective equipment: tight clothing, glasses, gloves, respirator.

Insulation of attic floor slabs with extruded polystyrene foam

Expanded polystyrene or polystyrene foam are not very dense materials, therefore they are used when the attic floor is a structure of logs and beams. If necessary, thermal insulation of the slabs is used to insulate the ceiling of the cold attic with extruded polystyrene foam. This material is stronger and correspondingly denser than regular foam. Before laying it, the surface of the slabs must be leveled. On the warm side of the floor, vapor barrier is not required, since concrete slabs have almost no vapor permeability.

On aligned concrete plates lay a vapor barrier film. Next, the plates of extruded polystyrene foam are laid in a checkerboard pattern. The joints are blown out polyurethane foam... After the foam dries and hardens, the thermal insulation boards are poured concrete mortar 4-6 cm thick. When the screed is dry, it is already suitable for use as a floor. Although you can go further and put any floor covering on the screed.

Thermal insulation of a cold attic with ecowool

Ecowool is a cellulose, lightweight and friable insulation, consisting mainly of waste paper and newspapers. Other constituents - borax and boric acid - are used as extinguishing agents.

Before insulation, it is necessary to put a film on the floor. The ecowool laying procedure is carried out using a special blowing machine. A layer of insulation is applied as a continuous cover, without creating cracks. Since ecowool contains a large amount of air, a layer of 250-300 mm is usually enough.

Do not forget that over time, the material will shrink. Therefore, apply a layer of ecowool more by 40-50 mm.

After the insulation of the ceiling of the cold attic with ecowool is completed, it must be moistened. You can do it plain water or prepare a solution of 200 gr. PVA glue on a bucket of water. Soak a regular broom in this solution and moisten the cotton wool well. After drying, a crust forms on the surface of the cotton wool - lingin, which will not allow the cotton wool to move.

As you can see, there are plenty of ways to insulate the floor in the attic. Which one to apply depends on each specific situation... The main thing is to observe the right technology laying thermal insulation! Then your home will always be warm, and the materials used will last for many years.

Thermal insulation of a cold attic floor with mineral wool, how to insulate an attic floor

How to insulate a floor in a cold attic. Insulation of the attic floor with mineral wool and extruded polystyrene foam. How to properly insulate the floor in the attic.

How to insulate an attic in a private house with your own hands as efficiently and inexpensively as possible

I decided to devote this article to those people who want to insulate the attic of the house on their own without large financial costs. Next, we will get acquainted with thermal insulation materials suitable for these purposes and the nuances of their installation.

Stages of work

We will conditionally divide the insulation of the attic in a private house into:

Floor insulation

Floor insulation can also be divided into several steps:

Stages of floor insulation

Preparation of materials

First you need to decide on the choice of thermal insulation material. There are quite a few options. However, our task is to insulate the floor with minimal financial costs.

  • sawdust - thermal conductivity is 0.07 - 0.095 W / m ºС. The main advantage of sawdust is that in the presence of nearby woodworking enterprises, they can be purchased very cheaply or even free of charge.

Wood sawdust is an excellent natural insulation

The only thing, keep in mind that before use, the sawdust must be dried and also treated with an antiseptic composition. Also, slaked lime mixed with carbide can be used to protect sawdust from biological effects.

If the sawdust has traces of fungal infection, they cannot be used for insulation;

Reed insulation mat

  • reed is another natural material which you can get for free. The thermal conductivity of reeds does not exceed 0.042 W / (m.K).

Reed for thermal insulation is harvested late autumn with the onset of the first frost, when the stems remain almost completely without foliage. Moreover, only mature plants can be used. These stems are easily identified by their light yellow tint.

Penoizol is applied in liquid form

  • penoizol is a modified foam that is applied to the surface in the form of foam. The foam hardens within a few days.

Penoizol has a lower thermal conductivity than all the materials described above - 0.028 - 0.040W / (m * K). In addition, penoizol is not subject to biological effects, does not burn and is not afraid of moisture.

The disadvantage of this material is that the insulation of the attic with penoizol requires certain equipment. Accordingly, you will not be able to cope with the work on your own. The cost of the material with the work of specialists is 1450-1500 rubles per cubic meter.

True, you can use dry penoizol in bags, but in this case its price will increase to 2000-2300 rubles per cubic meter;

Expanded clay for floor insulation

  • expanded clay is an environmentally friendly and fireproof natural material that is sold in the form of durable granules. The cost of expanded clay starts on average from 1000 rubles per cubic meter, which allows it to be classified as a budget heater.

The disadvantage of expanded clay is a higher thermal conductivity of 0.1 - 0.18 W / (m * K). That's why for high-quality thermal insulation of the ceiling, expanded clay must be covered with a layer of at least 20 cm.

  • mineral wool is also an environmentally friendly and fireproof material with low thermal conductivity (0.038 to 0.055 W / m * K). Typically, rock wool is sold in mats or rolls. Its main disadvantage is its rather high cost - from 2300-2500 rubles per cubic meter of basalt mats.

True, you can use stone wool in rolls, the cost of which starts from 1,500 rubles per cubic meter. But, this material is less environmentally friendly than basalt wool.

Recently, cellulose-based insulation - ecowool - has become widespread. This material is treated with an antiseptic and fire retardant, therefore it is fireproof and not subject to biological influences. The cost of ecowool is 1200-1500 rubles per cubic meter.

Everyone should choose the best way to insulate the attic in a private house, depending on the needs and availability of a particular heat insulator.

In addition to thermal insulation, you will need other materials:

  • vapor barrier membrane;
  • boards, OSB sheets or other material that can be laid on floor beams;
  • antiseptic impregnation for wood.

Floor preparation

It is possible to start insulating the attic floor only after completing the following preparatory work:

  • if there is a flooring on the floor beams, it must be dismantled;
  • then the wooden beams must be treated with an antiseptic impregnation. Instructions for the use of such formulations are available on the packaging;
  • if there is no roll (filing) of the floor, it must be done. To do this, boards can be nailed to the beams with inside, i.e. from the side of the room.

This completes the preparation.

Floor insulation

Insulation of the attic floor is carried out as follows:

  1. a vapor barrier membrane must be laid on the logs and roll-over. The stripes must overlap each other. For reliability, the joints should be glued with tape;
  2. thermal insulation is now being installed. The mineral mats must be positioned so that they fit snugly to the floor joists and to each other. The same goes for roll material;

Example of laying mineral wool

  1. on top of the floor beams and thermal insulation with their own hands, another layer of vapor barrier is laid and glued with tape;
  2. then boards or other material are laid on the floor beams. If the attic will be used as a living space, you can install logs to level the surface, and lay a sub-floor on top.

If the house has a concrete floor, mineral mats or extruded polystyrene foam should be laid on the slab to insulate it, and the screed should be poured. In this case, the insulation on both sides must be covered with a waterproofing film, especially if mineral mats are used.

I must say that the ceiling can be insulated not only from the outside, but also from the side of the room. True, in this case, the choice of insulation is limited, since it will not be possible to use bulk materials.

Ceiling insulation mineral mats

As an example, consider how to insulate the ceiling in a private house with isover, i.e. mineral mats:

  1. first of all, it is necessary to dismantle the roll. In this case, it is advisable to lay the boards on top of the beams, and fix them;
  2. then a vapor barrier membrane is attached to the beams and boards. You can use a stapler to fix it;
  3. now mineral mats should be placed in the space between the beams. To fix them, you can use slats across the beams. Also, nails are often nailed to the beams, between which the threads are pulled;

Attaching the vapor barrier with a stapler

  1. after that, you need to attach another layer of vapor barrier to the beams;
  2. at the end of the work, you need to roll forward, after which you can deal with the arrangement of the ceiling.

Roof insulation

In most cases, roof insulation is not required. But, if you are going to use the attic space as a living space, then you cannot do without this procedure.

Do-it-yourself roof insulation in a private house can also be divided into several stages:

Stages of attic insulation

Preparation of materials

Since it is inconvenient to use bulk materials for roof insulation, you can use mineral mats. To save even more, you can make reed mats.

In addition to insulation, you will need the following set of materials:

  • vapor barrier;
  • nails and threads;
  • wooden slats;
  • antiseptic impregnation.

Antiseptic treatment of rafters

Roof preparation

Before proceeding with the insulation of the roof, you need to do some preparatory work:

  1. inspect first rafter system for its integrity. If any parts are cracked or rotted, they must be replaced or repaired.;
  2. if the thickness of the insulation exceeds the thickness of the lag, they must be increased. To do this, nail beams or boards of sufficient thickness to them;
  3. then all wooden structures must be treated with an antiseptic composition to protect them from biological effects.

Roof insulation

Do-it-yourself roof insulation in a private house is carried out as follows:

  1. the vapor barrier membrane must not touch the roof waterproofing. To provide space between these materials, you need to nail nails to the rafters, and pull the threads between them in a zigzag fashion;

Fastening the vapor barrier to the rafters

  1. then fasten the vapor barrier membrane to the rafters with a stapler or small nails. Let me remind you that the smooth side of the vapor barrier should face the insulation. Glue the joints of the film with tape;

Warming the space between the rafters with mineral wool

  1. now you need to put insulation in the space between the rafters. So that there are no cold bridges in the thermal insulation, place the mats close to the rafters and to each other ... If the cracks are still formed, they need to be filled with scraps of insulation.

To fix the insulation between the rafters, you can also nail nails and pull the threads between them;

  • after laying the insulation, another layer of vapor barrier must be fixed on the rafters;
  1. at the end of the work, you need to complete the crate using slats or boards about 2 cm thick, to which you can attach finishing materials.

Warming of gables

Now it remains only to insulate the gables, if, of course, they are available. I must say that it is more expedient to insulate them from the outside in parallel with the insulation of the entire facade. However, if the facade will not be insulated, then the insulation must be made from the inside.

For this we need the same materials as for finishing the roof. The only thing besides them is to prepare beams or boards. Their width should correspond to the width of the insulation.

Insulation work resembles the thermal insulation of ordinary walls:

  1. in order to provide a ventilation space between the walls and the insulation, it is necessary to fix the slats on the gables in a horizontal position. The vertical step should be about half a meter, and the horizontal step should be a few centimeters.

Installation diagram of rails on gables for arranging a ventilation gap

Keep in mind that the slats should form a flat vertical plane. Therefore, if the gables are uneven, it is necessary to align the slats during the installation process;

  1. then a vapor barrier membrane is attached to the slats. During installation, make sure that the film does not sag;
  2. then vertical racks (bars or boards) are installed. To fix them, you can use self-tapping screws and metal corners. Make the distance between the posts a couple of centimeters less than the width of the mats;

An example of laying mineral mats in the space between the racks

  1. now the space between the racks must be filled with insulation. If the racks are installed correctly, the mats will fit tightly, and no additional fixation is required;
  2. then attach the vapor barrier to the racks;
  1. at the end of the work, mount the crate.

Now all that remains is to complete the finishing. The choice of finishing materials depends on the purpose of the home and the attic itself. If, the house is used for permanent residence, and the attic will be heated, you can sheathe it with plasterboard and use any finishing materials.

Decorating a cold attic should be done with materials that are not afraid of low temperatures. Therefore, from the use of wallpaper and plastic panels better to refuse.

Insulating the attic yourself, as you can see, is not at all difficult. Therefore, you can safely get down to work, the only thing, I recommend that you also watch the video in this article beforehand. If you do not understand any of the nuances, please contact me with questions in the comments, and I am happy to see you "width =" 640 "height =" 360 "frameborder =" 0 "allowfullscreen =" allowfullscreen ">

Insulating the attic yourself, as you can see, is not at all difficult. Therefore, you can safely get down to work.

Do-it-yourself attic insulation in a private house: the better to insulate, video and photo

Do-it-yourself attic insulation in a private house: the better to insulate, video and photo

For comfortable stay in a private residential or country house it is very important how warm and comfortable it is.

Feeling warm, maintaining an acceptable comfortable temperature with minimal cost for heating - important aspect living in the house.

Insulating the walls of the house, many neglect the insulation of the attic.

Even if the attic is not residential, it is important to insulate the floor between the attic and the adjacent residential floor during the construction phase in order to reduce heat loss in residential premises.

But you can make insulation in an already operated building to improve its properties. Today we will talk about how to properly insulate the attic of a private house, the types of materials and methods of insulation.

Thermal insulation materials for warming the attic

How to insulate the attic? As a heater, you can use the following heat-insulating materials, which in a wide range offer us construction market:

  • - mineral wool;
  • expanded polystyrene plates(Styrofoam);
  • - polyurethane foam (PPU);
  • - bulk materials (expanded clay, slag, sawdust).

Mineral wool - the most popular material in private housing construction, widely used everywhere. Mineral wool, depending on the material from which it is made, is divided into three types: glass wool, stone wool and slag wool.

It is used for insulation floor slabs, enclosing structures and roofs. Mineral wool is a non-combustible material with low thermal conductivity and high sound insulation properties, resistant to aggressive environments.

Perfect for insulating a cold attic, since the load on the floor between the attic and the ceiling of the living room is minimized. But it is necessary to carry out work in protective clothing and a mask, so glass wool particles, getting on the skin, cause itching and leave small cuts.

Expanded polystyrene plates are also traditional insulation. This is the most economical type of insulation, which is produced in the form of foamed granule slabs. Rigid thermoplastic is 98% air and 2% polystyrene.

Expanded polystyrene boards almost do not absorb moisture, are resistant to fungus and decay; are lightweight and easy to handle and install. The disadvantage is that the foam is flammable and, when burned, releases toxic substances that are harmful to human health.

Polyurethane foam (PPU) belongs to the group of gas-filled plastics. Hard polyurethane foam found wide application in construction as insulation and sound insulation, due to low thermal conductivity and vapor permeability.

Polyurethane foam can be produced directly on construction site, the spraying procedure is quite simple. It is possible to insulate surfaces of complex shapes, PPU is ideal for the repair of old roofs and ceilings, but requires special equipment and the qualifications of workers.

Most in a simple way insulation of the attic floor of a cold unexploited attic is insulation with bulk materials, for example, expanded clay .

Expanded clay is poured over a layer of roofing material, the thickness of expanded clay depends on the design of the floor and its thermal insulation properties, but, as a rule, it should be at least 15 cm. Thus, it is possible to insulate the attic in operation, in this case, a screed with a thickness of 50 mm is made on top of expanded clay, or a flooring is made of chipboard sheets and other materials.

We carry out insulation of the attic with our own hands

If the height of the attic space does not allow over time to arrange a living or Auxiliary room, then it is enough to insulate only the floor. To do this, first of all, it is necessary to waterproof it, then lay the selected insulation between the floor beams, on top of which a vapor barrier film is laid with an overlap.

The joints of the film are covered with adhesive tape or special glue... On reinforced concrete floor for laying mineral wool, it is necessary to perform a crate, the step of which is equal to the width of the insulating material (roll or plate), and the thickness of the bars is equal to the thickness of the insulation.

V attic room in addition to the floor, it is necessary to insulate the roof from the inside. The work is carried out in the same way as for floor insulation.

Mineral wool insulation is laid between the rafters, vapor barrier is performed on top, then the crate is stuffed.

Moisture-resistant drywall, fiberboard sheets or lining are attached to the crate. An air gap remains between the insulation and the finishing of the walls.

If foam or expanded polystyrene is used for roof insulation, then an air gap is not required.

Before starting work, it is necessary to inspect all structures... Replacement of any wooden elements is often required. Next, you need to treat wooden elements with an antiseptic. Carry out installation work on the device of hidden wiring.

In an unexploited attic, ventilation must be provided. They are usually made on the roof gables. V mansard roof they also arrange air vents for free air circulation under the skin - in the ridge and overhangs.

Modern roll materials for insulation, they are often produced with a foil top layer, which serves as a vapor barrier. Plates are laid with a foil layer inside the room, fastened together with adhesive tape.

Insulation of the attic is not a luxury, but a necessity, since it will subsequently save energy costs and the costs will be more than compensated for.

Useful video

Foreword... The attic protects the house from cold, moisture and the scorching rays of the sun. In addition, it is through the attic that the heat leaves the house. to a greater extent... Therefore, the question is "what is the best way to insulate an attic in a private house?" - the owner decides first. We will also consider the issue of insulating an attic in a private house with our own hands in this article and show a video lesson from Isover.

How to insulate the attic floor of a private house

Often the attic, due to its disorder, remains unused. But it is from the attic that you can make an excellent rest room or bedroom, if you correctly approach the choice of insulation and equip the attic yourself as a living room. These issues can be resolved on their own, or you can invite a team of builders to insulate the attic wooden house as well as ventilation devices attic floor will be able to offer several options.

The gables and the attic floor are insulated using different types heaters. But more often three types of insulation are used for thermal insulation of the attic. Consider the advantages and disadvantages of each:

- Organic derivatives (polyurethane foam);
- Heaters based on mineral wool;
- Bulk heaters such as expanded clay.

We disassemble the better to insulate the attic of a private house

Insulation with polyurethane foam (PPU) of the attic

Polyurethane foam is the most popular insulation roofs, gables and floor of the attic. Among its advantages is called low thermal conductivity with a small thickness. Its use is especially relevant here, since the load on the supporting structures is reduced and a significant portion of your attic space is saved.

PPU is applied by spraying, which creates monolithic construction, excellently protecting the home from cold and moisture, as well as preventing heat from escaping from the house. Polyurethane foam does not absorb moisture and is resistant to mildew, prevents the entry of insects and rodents.

Insulation of the attic with polyurethane foam increases the strength of the entire roof due to the creation of a single sprayed structure, without gaps and cracks. Also, PU foam has high strength and wear resistance - the service life exceeds 30-40 years. PPU does not require the creation of moisture and vapor barrier protection, since it itself perfectly performs the functions of its moisture protection.

Mineral wool insulation of the floor of the house

Mineral wool is suitable for insulating the attic floor and attic floor, as well as for insulating walls and roofs. However, mineral wool insulation implies the creation of external wind and moisture protection using waterproofing. Mineral wool has a structure that perfectly permeates steam, therefore, from the side of the room, the insulation must be protected with hydro and vapor barrier.

Mineral wool is stacked in the form of rolls or mats. Usually the mineral wool is laid between the rafters, and on the floor - between the logs. Inevitably, seams form between the pieces of material and the structures. They must be thoroughly foamed and sealed with adhesive tape. For middle lane Russia requires a layer of insulation of at least 200 mm.

Minvata has a considerable weight - on support pillars and the overlap significantly increases the load. Therefore, before insulating the attic with this material, you should make sure of the reliability load-bearing structures and roofs. You ask - is that all you can use to insulate the attic? And how was the attic floor insulated before the invention of polyurethane foam and mineral wool?

Warming with expanded clay of the attic floor of the house

Expanded clay is a bulk insulation; it is perfect for insulating the attic floor, since it creates a ventilated space, while simultaneously retaining heat. Expanded clay is lightweight, safe and environmentally friendly in terms of flammability. Thanks to the manufacturing technology, expanded clay is strong and durable, resistant to moisture, high and low temperatures.

Expanded clay varies in size of granules. Warming of the attic with expanded clay is often carried out in the floor area. From the inside, expanded clay needs a vapor barrier coating. The material needs a frame, and this “eats up” part of the attic space. A special "box" is usually created on the floor, where expanded clay is poured, and a wooden floor is laid on top.

More often, insulation with expanded clay and insulation of the attic with sawdust complements mineral wool or polyurethane foam, especially for horizontal surfaces. You should not choose only one option than to insulate the attic in a private house - you should competently combine materials. For horizontal surfaces, it is better to use bulk insulation, they are cheaper and more convenient in the device.

Insulation with sawdust and foam of the attic floor

Insulation with sawdust can be used as one of the ways to insulate the attic. But this method is no longer in demand today as it used to be. The main disadvantage is the flammability of the material, which is not suitable for the roof of a house. Foam insulation of the attic is easy to implement, but it also has a significant drawback - fire hazard and the release of toxins during combustion.

Comparison table of thermal conductivity of materials

Video: how can you insulate an attic in a private house