The structure of the fence. Cheap fence with your own hands

The need to build a new fence occurs not only in those who just bought a country area. Sometimes you just need to change the outdated fence to the new one. On the cottage six weaves, the fence must perform all its functions, be careful and pretty. Well, there is no need there to make an expensive luxurious fence! So puzzled happy owners dacha plotsWhat makes a fence per day. Usually for dacha work, we choose the weekend. Therefore, the fence wants to install in one day. Based on the experience of some daches, who tell about their country achievements on the Internet, you can highlight some of the easiest options.

Fence from wooden stakenika With wooden alms - one of the options for "fast" orgats

Budget version of the carcass

For anyone simple fence Need the same simple and cheap frame. Most a budget option - Wooden or metal poles. Most often for this purpose, it is used with a round or square cross section, with a diameter of 50 to 100 mm. For easy fence You can use a pipe with a smaller diameter, for heavy filling you need a pipe big diameter. The distance between the support pillars is made from 2 to 2.5 meters.

To reduce the process of building the fence, you can use old water pipesCleaning them from rust and spending anti-corrosion treatment.

The beauty of lightness of simple fences is that the reference pillars are installed quickly, because they are not needed. It is enough to dig a pits with a depth of about 1 meter, insert the supports in them, and the land around it is good to catch.

To mount the slab, you need to set horizontal jumpers. Wooden jumpers can be fixed on pre-welded elements. Other methods - fastening with bolts or using clamps and steel mesh. Now you can start the installation of the very fence.


Galvanized chain mesh

This is one of the most available options Installations of the fence for 1 day. Despite the low cost, the chain grid has a lot of advantages:

  • Resistance to climatic cataclysms
  • Reliability
  • Strength
  • Easy mounting
  • Wide range of height and cell size

Many believe that steel grid It is best suited to quickly and for a long time to set a fence with your own hands. After all, it does not need painting, and she has a very large service life.

Plastic grid

Another option in order to upset your plot in one day - plastic grid. Among the advantages of this material, the following can be distinguished:

  • The ability to install do it yourself
  • Affordable price category
  • Sold in rolls, making facilitates transportation, installation process
  • Not susceptible to atmospheric influences, corrosive processes
  • Does not require care and painting

Plastic grid released in different colors. The most popular is the green grid. Many claim that over time this material is faded. But practice speaks about the opposite.

Welded steel grid

Sectional fence made of welded grid

The fence per day can be completely constructed from the steel welded grid. This material is available in rolls and individual sections. And in that, in another case, it is easy to mount. In addition, the welded grid has a number of other advantages:

  • Strength, durability
  • Sold bundled with fasteners
  • The polymer coating extends the service life, eliminates the need to paint the fence
  • You can find a grid with 3D drawing.

Near the fences from any type of grid can be planted curly plants. The site will be well maintained and beautiful, and the fence will not eclipse the luxury of flowers and decorative plants.

Metal stakenik

Green fence metal stakenika

To put a fence or, time is not necessary much, and effort too. As a result, it will be neatly a fence that:

  • Long stay long
  • Looks attractive
  • Does not require staining or any care

The metal stakenik is easily installed in one day without attracting specialists or relatives, friends, neighbors. Material is available at a price.


Green fence from professional flooring
  • Affordable price
  • Easy mounting
  • Savory to atmospheric influences
  • Variety of colors and imitation of natural materials
  • Variety of size sheets
  • No need to care

Evaluate a simple fence from the professional flooring is quite quickly. But for its installation, a welded apparatus will be required and the ability to use it.


Plastic woven

PVC fences are not very common with us. However, if there is an opportunity to purchase ready-made sections, then work, and the further contemplation of fruits will bring pleasure. PVC fences have a number of advantages:

  • Stand cheaply
  • There are different in size, color decision, texture
  • Durable
  • Do not require any care
  • Not afraid of cold, heat, moisture, hail
  • Easily installed

Such fences look very carefully and presentable. They can be a real visiting card of your site.

Facade mesh

Some craftsmen offer to upset their area with a facade grid. This idea is interesting to the fact that for the construction of the fence, quite a bit of investments will be required. The fenced area will not be viewed by the street.

The success of this idea lies in the following:

  • Fencing can be built on one or two days
  • Its installation does not require digging holes, fill the foundation, welded works
  • You can not spend money on the purchase of profile pipe
  • Material can be bought in any building store and deliver to a plot in its passenger car

All stages of work are simple enough:

  • Smooth fittings 3 meters high and a diameter of 16 mm are stained to prevent corrosive processes.
  • Such columns with a sledgehaft are driven by 1 meter to the ground at a distance of 2 meters from each other
  • All columns connect with a twine in 4 lines
  • Top stretch the cable with a little saving
  • On the upper part of the construction, the front grid is thrown, taking the lower part with twine

In order for the wind does not tear the front grid, it is grabbed only at the bottom, without screwing to the columns. Experience shows that such a fence is completely withstanding the strong gusts of the wind and the snow load.

Some owners of country sites are easier - pounce the facade mesh on the chain grid, making it opaque.

If you wish, other materials can be used to erect a simple fence, including recycling. The main thing is that the fence performs all its functions and looked carefully. And the simplest fence can be decorated with alive flowers, overhead patterns drawn by paintings.

Each owner of the land plot, even quite small, strive to identify the boundaries of its possession. In most cases, the hosts are erected by fences, which will hide the territory from prying views, intrusion from the street of other people's people. And most often such a fence is a fence.

To build a high-quality and aesthetic fence, do not immediately contact the specialists. With your own hands you can create a unique design that will be your pride. To do this, find a good consultant who is our site, and clearly follow its step-by-step instructions. According to our recommendations, you will independently build a wooden fence from which you are now a few steps.

A serious step - the choice of material

A large selection of materials for the construction of the fence sometimes puts the owners in a difficult situation - what is better to choose? The choice depends on how you want to see the fence. Therefore, it is necessary to have at least some information about each of the modern materials.

Brickfences are good durable buildings. From this traditional building material, a capital sturdy building is erected, which will not have one decades.

Particular, recently, steel fences from light, durable and beautiful professional flooringwhich is universal for the construction of this design. As a result, it turns out simple in the installation, lightweight and aesthetic barrage.

Original and kindly looks like fenceming structures from tree. Until recently, this is the most common type of building material, which gradually, although undeservedly, is supplanted with modern.

Quite often in the construction of facade and internal fences use grid-Rabita. But this type of construction, unfortunately, will put on the universal view of the street all of your site.

Modern construction of fences involves combined inclusion in the design different materialsUsing the stone and brick masonry. Companies specializing in the construction of intake structures in their price lists offer the most various options Combined fences.

How to start construction

Whatever material for your fear you have selected, the start of construction always requires compliance with a certain order. The first is the bookmark of the foundation of the future fencing - foundation. This step is preceded by the determination of the angles and the exact markup over the entire perimeter, given the boundaries of the site.

If you decide to establish a temporary fence, and in the future to build a capital, then it is not necessary to mount a ribbon foundation, which then it will be necessary to destroy. It will be enough to install and concrete separately standing pillarswhich will be the basis of the fence.

To determine the boundaries of the frame of your fence, you need to dig up the holes in which the bearing poles will be installed and are attached.

What you need to know about racks

When choosing or independent manufacture Stands should also take into account some points.

The most durable and stable are metal racks. They are able to support and design for a long time without repair.

Wooden supportsAs practice has shown, less durable. Separate processing requires part of the pillar that is in the ground. Therefore, it is most practical to install wooden racks during the construction of a temporary fence.

Exceptionally practical and persistent are the bases of pipes of various diameters or square metal profiles.

For independent construction The intake design you will need welding machineWith which you can assemble the support of the structure and install fasteners for the spans. The video contains instructions for proper installation and concrete support pillars.

And now - we mount the framework on which the fence will be installed

When the first stage of work on the installation of the carrier part of the structure is completed, it is necessary to mount the fasteners to which the spans will be attached. There are also several options for welding fasteners.

When installing wooden bars as guides, they are fixed on the "Ears" welded to the support.

When a metal corner is used, it is also welded to the post, fixing on it wooden bars.

The directing pipe guide provides maximum strength and rigidity of the entire structure. Splings are fairly easily mounted on the basis using self-tapping screws.

Helpful information! When assembling a fence from a metal, it is necessary to pre-calculate its value, as the design may be more expensive than it wanted.

Top of your creation

When the frame of your facility is ready, the most important thing remains, but a pleasant step is to install the spans. Our recommendations are focused on professional flooring, although solutions can be the most different - slate, wood, grid.

In order for the fence to be smooth, it is necessary to pre-stretch along the upper edge, a solid thread on which the sheet will be installed. To set the horizontal direction, you can use a level of laser or level.

For proper preparation And the assembly, even at a non-specialist, there should not be difficulties with installation, compound and appearance of the structure.

Be proud - you are a master of all hands!

We very much hope that you have consistently performed all our recommendations and built a unique one in your way, barrier and rejoice in the fruits of your labor.

Features of the installation of the fence in the country

The design of any fence includes bearing supports and trim. Bearing supports often act vertical poles and horizontal spans, which is mounted on the trimming material, as well as the gate and gate.

Before creating a fence around its garden, you need to learn some rules and subtleties:

  1. According to construction standards and rules, fences between two neighboring sites should not exceed 1.5 m, and should not be deaf. This means that a continuous fence without gaps can be built only from the sides of the garden, which go out or adjoin the road.
  2. Choosing the kind of country fence and building materials for its execution, you need to take into account the type of soil on the site. It will depend on the density and other characteristics of the soil, its ability to keep the structures in itself, which means that the foundation for the fence will also be chosen to be taken into account with this feature.
  3. Another an important indicator - Wind load on fencing. On an open and highly thoughtable terrain, the wind load on the fence will be significant, so the skin and supports must be strong and reliable. In such conditions, it is recommended to separate fences rarely, leaving the gaps, as well as create a powerful and well-beaten foundation.
  4. The style of the garden also plays a role when choosing a fence, because the fence must fit into the overall design, emphasize its features and beauty.
  5. Sometimes the height of the fence closes the overview and does not allow to see what is happening outside. In this case, you should take care of the installation of a video surveillance system.

Selection of material for building fence

For the construction of a dacha fence with their own hands, a lot of materials are suitable. Consider more of their characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.

Cheap, affordable and beautiful material It is wood, we will tell about its positive characteristics further:

  1. Build a wooden fence is quite simple and can do it yourself without resorting to the help of special equipment and masters.
  2. Wood has a relatively low weight and does not require the creation of a massive foundation. Small weight also facilitates the installation process of such a trim.
  3. The deaf fence made of wood well protects the plot from dust, noise and curious views from the street.
  4. Wood eco-friendly, harmless, looks natural and aesthetic. It is easy to work with it, creating original decorative details.
  5. A solid covering perfectly protects against wind, rarefied - reduces the air flow rate.
  6. The tree can be combined with other materials: metal, brick, natural stone.

In addition to positive qualities, such a fence has disadvantages:

Popular species of dacha fences are made of metal fences. Customs or Rabita are often used as a sheat. The positive qualities of the fence from the Rabita include such:

  1. Ease of installation. Working with the grid is easy, it weighs little, it cuts into the desired fragments without problems. It is not possible to make such a fence independently work, besides, a large area of \u200b\u200bthe Rabita makes it possible to pretty quickly to upset a significant territory.
  2. Metal mesh is longer than wood and will serve at least 20 years.
  3. Such a fence is well transmitted by sunlight, but prevents the penetration of the animal site.
  4. Metal does not burn, which can also be considered a plus.

Among the shortcomings of the Rabitsa can be distinguished by such:

  1. The grid does not protect the plot from noise, dust, wind and prying views. But you can partially solve this problem if you put with inner Plant fence.
  2. The Rabita will not protect your home from the penetration of intruders.
  3. Over time, the metal may rust, especially if it is not galvanized, is not painted and is not protected by PVC layer.
  4. Galvanized grid is a danger to ambientSince the zinc layer is gradually washed off with rains and absorbed into the soil.
  5. The poor-quality coating of polyvinyl chloride poorly tolerates temperature fluctuations and comes in disrepair within a few seasons.

Another popular view of a metal fence is a sectional fence. It has quite a lot of advantages, among which can be called:

  1. The duration of operation, which is at least 15-20 years.
  2. High strength, hardness, resistance to shock loads, endurance before temperature fluctuations.
  3. Good light permeability, the ability to protect the site from animals and unreasonable unreasonable persons.
  4. Fire safety.
  5. A variety of species, shapes, designs.

Sectional metal fences are not devoid of flaws:

  1. They do not protect the plot from dust, noise, strong wind, well viewed by the street, so any passing by can look into the courtyard.
  2. Metal needs to be processed, since it is subject to corrosion under the influence of moisture and water.
  3. Installing such a fence is not a lung case, requires welding skills and the presence of certain tools and devices.

Prestigious I. expensive view Metal fence is considered to be a fence. It has almost the same operational characteristics as other metal fences: strength, long service life, hardness, light-permeability, non-combustibility, the ability to protect the site from animals and intruders. But the main advantage of the forged fence is its aesthetics and high decorativeness. Such a fence emphasizes the status and prestige of the host of the house, its well-being. It is worth a similar fence quite expensive, requires a professional installation, does not protect the territory of noise and outdoor dust, as well as over time exposed to corrosion.

Reliable and one of the most durable is a stone fence. It is characterized by such positive qualities:

  1. Durability, the service life of the stone fence exceeds 50 years.
  2. Good strength characteristics, since the stone is considered one of the most solid building materials. It is not afraid of frost and heat, with ease tolerate temperature fluctuations.
  3. Stone does not destroy from the effects of moisture, therefore does not require any special protection.
  4. This material is environmentally friendly, safe for health, not fuel.
  5. A variety of species and shades of stones - the cause of their high decorativeness. Stone fence can be fixed in almost any stylistic design of the garden, moreover, the material is well combined with wood and metal.
  6. Stone fence reliably protect pricework from noise, dust, wind. You will not look into the courtyard passing by people passing by, and even the attackers are unlikely to overcome such protection.

Stone fences have some minor cons:

  1. The severity of the material suggests that under such a fence will have to lay a powerful and deep foundation.
  2. Work on the installation of a stone fence is performed for a long time, requires significant physical effort. Put such a fence alone problematic.
  3. Stone fence will cost its owner not so cheap. Massive foundation, materials for the fence itself, the costs of their transportation and the possible assistance of hired workers will require a considerable money.

Country fences with their own hands, photo:

Construction of country fence with their own hands

Wing: Rustic Style Romance

The woven from the vine on the summer site looks very colorful, so that in recent years he has won considerable popularity. Despite the seeming difficulty, create such an elevation personally not only really, but not too hard. The design of the Weight includes wooden supports, the space between which is filled with rods. As a support, it is possible to use bars, trunks, thick branches. The diameter of the supports, as a rule, is 8-10 cm, and for weaving, verbal or ventilated vines, topoly or birch branches are used.

Those who have in their plot suitable trees And annually conducts their cropping, can take advantage of unnecessary rods to create a fence. But to make a woven from freshly cut vine is still much better than from last year's branches.

The process of creating such a hedge can be described in stages:

  1. To begin with, measure the perimeter of your site where you intend to set the fence. Calculate how many supporting bars you will need for a shoulder, considering that it is necessary to put them at a distance of about 50 cm from each other. This indicator may be smaller or large, depending on the thickness of the poles. The larger the diameter of the bar and the stronger wood, the greater there may be a step between the supports.
  2. Prepare required amount Basins adding a small supply to them.
  3. All wood that will be used in the construction of a shoulder, process protective compositions. Antiseptics will prolong the life of the material, protect it from the attacks of insects, from mold and fungus, partially protect against the action of moisture.
  4. Then the tree for the shoulder needs to be sketched, paying special attention Those parts of the supports that will be laid in the ground. As a rule, the length of these segments is calculated depending on the height of the country's fence. If the height of the shoulder is 1.5 m, the stakes need to be deepened into the soil by 50 cm. For lower fences, 30 cm will be enough.
  5. Leave the support stakes in the land at an equal distance from each other, but for starters, place on the site of the location of the supports. Short pegs can be knocked out with a hammer, for high bars it is better to pre-deepen with a garden bora. The threaten the supports and the deeper it is to install them into the ground, the large wind loads can withstand the woven.
  6. With help building level Or a simple rope check the evenness of the stake location and hang them all under one height.
  7. During weaving the fence, some rules must be taken into account. First, the thick rods need to be located at the bottom and at the top of the fence. Thin thin vine is suitable for filling in the middle of the spans. Secondly, the rods begin to climb from the thick end. Thirdly, thick and thin ends of the vine need to be placed on the entire perimeter evenly.
  8. Once you inlet between the supports are the first few rows of rods, fix the lower branch using a self-press or screw. It will protect your fence from sliding down the neck.
  9. If the woven is planned to do high, the top row of rods need to strengthen on the supports in the same way. So the design will be reliable and will not shift anywhere. In addition, the high fence also needs to be additionally secured with wire. Rates from the top of 20 cm, wrap the stakes with the wire and send it between the supports. Such protection will allow the hedge not to fade under the pressure of the elastic vine. Steel wire will subsequently disguised as further weaving.
  10. The final row of rods place in several centimeters from the top of the supports and secure the screws. If in the process of work remains the repellent segments of the rods, cut them with a hacksaw.
  11. The finished woven should be protected from moisture, covering it with a transparent varnish. This processing will make the fence more beautiful and aesthetic.

The elevation can be decorated with alive curling plants, small porridges with flowers and other accessories, such as clay pots, straw hat, etc. The fence can be laid down beautiful boulders, which will decorate the design, and give it extra strength.

Wooden fence in the American style

The so-called "Rancho" fence, characteristic of American culture, can often be found in the country areas in our country. The fence of this style is easily done, the most an important stage Work is to choose quality material and correctly handle it. Stages of creating an American fence Consider Read more:

The finished fence in the American style can be painted or covered with transparent varnish.

Country fence

The fence from the corrugated floor is good because it has an affordable cost and mounted fast enough. The material itself is characterized by good strength and long service life. Constructive details of such a fence are metal poles and sheets of profiled metal. The fence from the corrugated floor is built in the following way:

  1. As in the cases described above, it is first necessary to calculate the required amount of materials, measuring the perimeter of the territory and noting the places where supports for fence will be located. These points can be marked with small wooden pegs. The support elements must be removed from each other at an equal distance, which can be 2-2.5 m. In the process of marking the territory, you need to designate those places where the gate and gate will be installed later.
  2. As a support pillars, it is best to use metal pipes cross section 60x60 mm. The length of them will depend on the estimated height of the fence, taking into account the segment that will be laid in the ground. If the terrain on the summer area is uneven, has pits and elevations, you can use pipes different lengths. The main thing is that on top of the fence it turned out even, all pillars were on the same level.
  3. Blowing supports to the ground is the easiest way to prepare pits that can be done using a garden bora or shovel. The depth of the pits should be at least 60 cm.
  4. I dug out the deepening, they put pillars and fix with the help of temporary struts. Vertical of the supports check the construction level.
  5. Free space between pillars and soil poured concrete solution, once again check verticality and leave the mixture until it is frozen. It will take at least 3 days.
  6. The pipes of smaller diameter make transverse crossbars, welding them to the support pillars. If the height of the fence is not more than 1.5 m, then such runs are fixed from above and below. For more high designs You need to make an intermediate beam in the center.
  7. After construction of the frame, the metal elements are opened with a soil composition, dried and dive twice with enamel. This will protect the metal from corrosion.
  8. When enamel dry, the fence can be sewed by sheets of corrugated. For this, sheets are customized under the desired size and screw themselves with self-draws to metal carcass, making a small backstage. The step between the fasteners should be approximately 25-35 cm.

The finished fence from the corrugated floor is desirable to further strengthen the so-called dripper - farmery Plank. P-shaped. Such a detail will give the design additional strength and protect the fence from precipitation and moisture.

Stakenatnik at the cottage: simple, inexpensive and gently

Stakenik is one of the species of a wooden or metal fence. This simple design It is easy to create with your own hands, the materials will cost relatively cheap, and the installation process will be simple and rapid. As the reference elements for the stake, you can use as wooden barsand metal profile pipes The size of 6x6 cm. The process of construction fence is described in stages:

  1. In advance marked places in the ground, the supports for the fence are plugged. For this, the holes are done in the soil, bars or metal pipes are inserted into them, and the free space is concreted.
  2. After pouring the concrete to the supporting elements, transverse lags are attached. They are welded to metal pipes. Then the design is ground and covered with paint.
  3. In advance of the places provided on the reference poles, the gates and the gate are mounted.
  4. The tops of the pipes are closed with plugs, so that water does not fall into, and the design is not spoiled.
  5. When the frame is completely ready, proceed to the trimming of his stakenik. Stakenice elements can be metallic or wooden. They are screwed to the frame of self-drawing, observing the distance between the individual details of 30 mm.
  6. The upper part of the fence is covered with a skid-shaped plank, which gives the fence greater decorativeness.

Fences for cottage plot, Photo:

Deaf fence on the plot

Many people prefer to hide their life from curious eyes, so the deaf fences are installed as a country fence. Such fences are not blocked by the wind, are not viewed from the street, they are well protected from noise, dust, irrehable animals, and even from intruders.

One of the varieties of deaf fence is a log frequency for which trunks are used. coniferous trees. The cost of such a fence is quite democratic, especially if the foundation is not used to create it. Log frequency looks great in those areas where the log house is built. The fence can be installed on a predetermined foundation, and you can simply insert the trunks to the ground on 1/3 of their heights. Depending on the selected method, it is necessary to determine the necessary log length.

So that the frequency looked neatly and stylishly, the material must be chosen high-quality. It is desirable that the logs had about the same diameter, belonged to one tree of trees, possessed a smooth treated surface. The diameter of the bars can range from 10 to 25 cm, but frequency from thick logs will be more reliable. To drive the trunks to the Earth it was easier, one of their end is sharpened in the form of a cone using an ax for these purposes. Working with any types of wood also provides for its mandatory treatment with antickered antiseptics. The tree is impregnated with the necessary compositions even before the installation of the fence is started, after which they carefully dry.

The fragment of the trunk, which will be in the ground, are additionally covered with resin or creosote. Before installing the frequency in the perimeter of the area rotate the trench. Its depth must match 1/3 of the log length. On the bottom of the trench, the crushed stone layer from 10 to 15 cm. Then the bars sharpened and insert the crushed to the crushed stone, tightly joking them with each other. Putting 3-4 logs, the free space around them fill the earth, moisturize and as much as possible tram. Then begin to install the next log group.

Putting the frequency throughout the perimeter of the site, it is painted in the selected color or simply covered with a transparent varnish to keep the natural beauty of wood.

Please note: to fill the pillars in the ground with concrete solution is not recommended. Under the action of temperatures and humidity, the tree and concrete will change their dimensions, the gap can be formed between the materials in which water will fall. Binding into the logs, moisture will gradually become destroying them, so the fence will be unusable for just a few years.

So that the frequency was more durable and did not shifted anywhere, it is advisable to strengthen the crossbars. Recovering 20 cm on top and bottom of the structure, the transverse staps nail to the wood with nails.

Instead of swinging logs to the ground for 1/3 of length, they can be installed on a pre-prepared foundation. In this case, the fence will serve longer, because the material will not deteriorate from the moisture contained in the soil. In addition, in this case, it will be possible to install logs not only vertically, but to put them horizontally, and it will look pretty stylish.

A simple and cheap option - a fence from the Rabit

Many owners of household plots for the installation of country fence use a chain grid. This option is considered the cheapest, although it does not differ high reliability. Nevertheless, the Rabita is able to protect the garden from the penetration of animals, and to hide from the curious views of foreign people with the help of a living hedge lined up on the perimeter of the fence.

Put a fence from the Rabita is very simple, the small weight of the material and the simplicity of working with it will allow this in a short time. The installation process of the fence We will consider step by step:

  1. On the perimeter of the garden, where the fence will be located, there are places for future support elements.
  2. Pubs dig in these places and metal pipes are installed in them. Around the pipes fastened crushed stone and earth, carefully they are tamped. The hollow structures on top are closed with plugs, so that the water does not destroy them from the inside.
  3. Then between the spans tightly stretch the chain. So that it has not saved, in the upper and lower parts of the grid, the thick wire is pulled, which is fixed on the pillars using anchors.

For a fence from the Rabita, the foundation is not needed, since the design has a very small weight. In addition, the absence of welding work greatly simplifies the installation process.

Country fences, photo:

Duty fence with their own hands. Video

So, suppose you already have a cottage plot. Having land, but without having nothing but, you need to start with something. The construction of the fence in the country is one of the most important issues and is solved first. Work to achieve the ultimate goal in this aspect is quite complex and with the proper economic situation it is better to use the services of professionals.

If you still decide to implement everything yourself, you need to know several points and features that will help in this matter. And below is provided with all the necessary information, so that you completely knew how to make a fence in the country with your own hands.

There are several required factorsdefining the feasibility of one or another construction.

For barrier facilities, this is:

  • The nature of the soil. There are several types of soil, and each of them has different properties that determine the reliability of fixing the support structures. Considering this parameter, the depth for the supports and the form of the foundation is selected.
  • Load air flow on the fence. With different location of your country area, the winds on the fence and its trim are possible. This load parameter is taken into account to determine the necessary gaps between the cased materials (to reduce the effect of air flow).
  • Designer plot design. Your fence must be harmonized with the rest of the facilities. Aesthetic principles must be observed at least at the expense of plantations, as close as possible to the fence from the inside.

Options for the collection for giving are quite diverse and before building a fence in the country with their own hands, you need to know: materials from which structures are mounted, their cost and complexity of the construction process. Buying material, try to do this at a time, otherwise it can be varied in size and shade. When organizing a living fence, make sure that the organic material has not exhausted its shelf life.

Lively fence from needles

To ensure that no one interfere with your peace, it is possible to work out the design of bricks, concrete or wood. For lovers original solutions A fence made of adhesive metal or from the living hedge is suitable. In addition to the fact that such a fence has a pleasant view, its main functions are the protection against invasion and protection against robbery, which is also not worth forget.

Separately, I would like to focus on the supports when building, as they are a guarantee long Service fence.

With a brick performance of a barrier building, for support will fit ordinary pipes from large diameter About 100-150 mm.

Brick Barrier Stalls Masonry Scheme

The structures of the barrier from the professional flooring requires a smaller diameter of the pipes - about 60x60 mm. For the collection of wood, the wooden bars are used, respectively, as a support or logs of a certain thickness, depending on the building height of the chosen.

Organization of support is enough painstaking process. The start of installation is the correct markup and installing pegs in the places of future columns. The distance between the supports should be equally and directly proportional to the height of the fence. The depth on which supports are buried, there must be greater depth of the earth freezing. Wooden supports before immersion in the ground are processed by a special antiseptic matter. Exposing supports Observe one line, a construction plumb or a regular lace will come to your aid for help.

Wood fence constructions scheme

The fixation of reference structures is described in paragraphs below. Before starting work, prepare shovels, borants, cords, measuring tools (rules, roulettes), electric drill (if necessary) or hammer, tamping and building materials.

The foundation, as well as supports is an important element of the construction. Subject to all the instructions on the organization of the foundation, your fence will serve you long years. There are two main types of foundation: ribbon and pole.

Ribbon foundation

The foundation of this species is very durable and is usually used for heavy structures. Ribbon foundation It is especially effective if the buildings must be made in places with problem soil, for example, on a buncinister.

Ribbon Fundament Scheme

Manufacturing technology

  • First of all, dig a hole about 30-80 cm. Having the necessary tolerance and time, for greater strength of the future fence, it is better to deepen up to 150 cm.
  • Organize sand layers, after baying it with water.
  • Reinforcement cells should not have big sizeThe assembly of fittings is the following important stage.
  • Make a formwork for the fence so that the material from which he was made, did not touch the Earth (it was raised by 30-50 cm).
  • After, the formwork is poured with concrete if the supports are mounted in the foundation, it is necessary to do this at this stage, by observing the level as described earlier.

Pillar foundation

This type of supporting structure differs from the previous one that serves for easier erection. It has a huge plus - sufficient economy when building. If you stick to technological process, then the fence, standing on this foundation, will serve you no less than the fencing on the tape base.

Pillar Foundation Scheme for Support

Manufacturing technology

  • Sprot or brown Make holes for supports by 1-1.5 meters in depth. The width of the width should be more than immersed in it with 15-30 cm.
  • We make a layer of rubble and sand, which fill with water (the thickness of the layer is approximately 20 cm).
  • After leveling the posts in the pit, we pour sandbeton and add crushed stone for greater strength.

The foundation is ready. As you can see, the process is absolutely not complicated and suitable for the fences of all sorts of variations.

Fence of wood

Wooden fences for giving can be mounted personally.

Wooden fence

This operation is quite simple and it can be carried out in several points:

  • Determine the perimeter of the construction.
  • Drop trenches under the support poles (depth 25-30 cm, the distance from each other is 2 or 2.5 meters).
  • I exhibit columns exactly with the help level.
  • Fix the columns in the ground, having filling into the trench of concrete or cement.
  • For cladding, we screw the wooden bars or nail them (the average size of the bar from 50x50 mm)
  • Mount the crossbar
  • To the resulting design, we attach pre-prepared boards, with a gap in 1.5-2.2cm (Select the size of the boards yourself depending on the aesthetic needs, the recommended size is 85x145 mm)
  • Perform finishing work In the form of painting the resulting design

Remember: For a long service of a wooden fence, all the boards before the construction must be processed by the oil, and not once.

Pros: The material is quite accessible and inexpensive.

Cons: Wooden fences for giving have a short service life and the need for continuous monitoring of the state (paint, process and other).

Capture of bricks

Pros: great strength and service life (50 years or more), aesthetic appearance.

Brick fence

Cons: High price and the need to build a strong foundation

Fence from professional flooring

You can make such a fence with such a fence by attaching minimal efforts.

To begin with, buy sheets of metal by choosing the desired design and look after the price, having previously calculated the required amount of material. After, you need to mark the markup and perform a few more points to get a ready-made barrier structure:

  • Drop the pits in size in 1-1.2m in the depth around the perimeter.
  • In each pit, organize a pillow of rubble or gravel with a thickness of 20-25 cm
  • As in the case of a wooden fence - pillars, we put exactly, we use the level, and after concreting for strength.
  • Next stage - welding work, breed lags from the pipe into the cross, observing the same distance between them.
  • Using self-tapping screws, screw the sheets of metal on the resulting design (self-tapping screws for better safety can be replaced with rivets for metal).
Fence from professional flooring

Pros: a large selection of material and its aesthetic parameters, practicality and simplicity of installation, relatively small price, durability.

Cons: not fairly exquisite general view (it is for this for this usually make honors from bricks)

Concrete fence (in plates)

Pros: Durable material (Strong even brick buildings), long service life, lack of need for care, various selection of decorative execution.

Concrete slab fence

Cons: It is very difficult to build yourself (you need to use the services of specialists)

Metal fence (wrought)

With a sufficient budget of the owner, a possibility of installing a wrought fence is possible. This species is very harmony with large buildings and has many positive characteristics.

Pros: Forged metal fences for cottages have a service life of over 50, can take various forms, while maintaining strength, aesthetics, constructs are refractory.

Worn metal fence

Cons: are not an obstacle for wind and dust, skip the noise, high cost, rust require care.

Metal fence (as sections)

The elements of the sections of this species are connected by welding. The fence has a good visual appearance and has many different models.

Pluses: Blowback, Bending Possibility, Fireproof, gives a high level of illumination.

Sectional metallic fence

Cons: Sectional fences for giving are not delayed wind and dust, does not protect from visual contact with passersby, is not suitable for self-installation.

Metal fence (in the form of a grid)

The fence is suitable for small summer cottages. And it can be erected as a temporary replacement to a more powerful fence and on a constant long service life.

Independent installation, if you decide on this, begins, like everyone else, with marking. It is necessary to calculate not only the perimeter and the vertical position of the main columns, but also to take place for intermediate supports. Typically, the installation of one pillars is made with a distance of 3 meters from each other, and the following by 9. The diameter of the required pipes is specified in the plug-in points, and their installation in the foundation paragraph.

Metal grid fence

The inscuffed pillars are connected by backups from metal corners. This can be done with welding or screwing the bolts. For additional safety, the rod is skipped between the columns on different height, Pre-drill holes in them. This is done so that the possible attacker cannot bend the grid of your fence.

The last stage - pulling the grid. You can fasten it with bolts, after passing the rod through it. The rolon with the grid is starting to unwind near the support pillars, gradually, following the curves of the grid tips from above.

Pros: The design is quite reliable and serves a long time, does not discard the shadow.

Cons: Does not provide the necessary comfort by virtue of its viewed design.

Gorny fence

In general, the porch is a waste product that is formed in a consequence of pyloraine works. The construction of the fence from the porch is quite economical, although in the opinion of some experts does not have a special aesthetic species. Designed for the need to save your budget, this is the perfect option.

Gorny fence

If we build a fence at the dacha with your own hands from the porch, then you need to observe right sequence work.

For lovers non-standard solutions Best is suitable for the fence from the shoulder. This design easily harmonizes with any design of the country area and at the same time cheaper than any other options for the construction of the fence. The main drawback is short term Services, about 3-5 years. In order to make the trim, you can use the branches of willow or nuts, or birch branches. As in the rest of the structures, do not do without a support. As usual, there are two versions - supports of wood or metal (the process of their installation is described above).

For weaving, the branches of the corresponding length (at least 1.5 meters) and thickness (at least 30 mm) are required. Before starting, the rods are amenable to selective verification. Branches should not be too dry, as this will lead to breakage of the fence. If you break up a twist, the middle should not have a red-brown tint - this is an indicator of excessive dryness.

Clean the branches from the bark and leave them in ordinary water for a week or two. In the process of soaking, use any load pressesing the rod. After, you can start the weaving process, it is taken from below-up. Copper wire is used as an additional crepe material. For a dense arrangement of rods relative to each other is used rubber hammer. The ends of the supports are covered in order to avoid the effect of precipitation. Close the end surface with galvanized caps or clay caps.

Decoration of standard fence

Set the fence at the cottage is a very common question, but there is another no less interesting thing - how nevertheless decorate an existing fence that does not have anything in common with designer solutions. The answer is very simple - curly plants, different kinds Vinogradov or Ivy will help you to make your building. A variant from the painting fence or use it is possible, as one of the walls of the adjacent arbor. We also welcome plantations in the form of elevated flower beds along the fence.

The decision of the decor's issues depends on you and your imagination. Construction of the fence with your own hands is possible with its subsequent decoration in awareness of possible options for execution of both. After reading the material filed above, you make a big step to a meeting to new opportunities.


Below is a gallery of photographs of fences for giving, so that you can make sure the diversity of the execution of country fences and could choose the most suitable for you that will satisfy all your requirements starting from the appearance to safety. All images are increased to the full size by pressing them.

It is worth protecting its territory if not from the encroachment of intruders, then at least from the run of their own livelist in the village. And to minimize costs, you can build a fence with your own hands.

The cheapness of the girlfriend is very conditional. For example, a tire owner does not know where to give tires, and its own sawdress is a permanent provider of sawdust and sawn timber. But for an ordinary resident search and collect large number Such waste will be a problem. If the difficulties are not afraid, and the neighbors will gladly throw off a pair of hundreds of bottles, it will take advantage of practically Darmov.


Several cubic meters of firewood are not only heating for the entire winter, but also an excellent material for the fence! It is suitable for almost any tree, except for birch, which trumpets in a couple of years. For example, the oak from the exposure of moisture becomes stronger, and coniferous breeds Practically do not rot.

To build a wall of chorbacles, no special skills need:

The only drawback of such buildings is the briefness, since the tree is still exposed to moisture and starts rotting over time.


Plastic and glass bottles are an excellent way to not only save on the construction of the fence, but also utilize household waste. The device of this barrier is extremely simple:

In addition, plastic when heated can evaporate harmful substances, so it is not desirable to expose it to direct sun ray. But due to the materials used, the fencing from the glasstar will flash not one ten years, having time to borrow with several generations of tenants.


Tires are used everywhere - as flower beds, playgrounds and even foundations. So why would not make them even a fence? For this, practically nothing will need:

The only drawback of the tire fence is when heated it will be quite unpleasant to smell rubber. Therefore, it is recommended to have it away from the residential premises and resting places.

Reliable and simple fences

Of course, the usual fences are much easier to implement. After all, we carry the tires - a hard lesson, the hand will get tired very quickly. But to stretch the grid between the columns or to put the wooden fence - what can be easier?

From the grid

The most common type of fence is a chalk grid. It makes vegetables, large areas and even yards. If the appearance does not cause aesthetic delight, you can use a more modern option - a welded grid. Its installation is also simple, but allows you to make a fence more accurate.

For the construction of a fence from the grid, you will need:

With work, you can cope alone, but it is better to get an assistant:

  1. Placed the territory for the future fence. For this purpose, the armature is driven in the corners, between which BECHEVA is tensioned.
  2. The lower part of the pillars (150-160 cm) is launched with two layers of enamel from rust.
  3. First install angular pillars. A well will be clogged in a depth of about 1 m and it is immediately clogged with a sledge hammer pipe for another 30 cm. After that, the pillar immediately falls asleep with sand with rubble, shed water and thoroughly tram.
  4. Pitch pillars - up to 3 m.
  5. Since the mesh fence is lightweight and does not have high sailboat, posts, plugged above the level of the fruit of the soil, it is better not to concrete. IN otherwise Concrete will "squeeze" together with the pillar and the fence will begin to wander after the first winter.
  6. If you need to make reliable supports, the wells are stuck with a depth of 1.5 m, a sandy-gravel pillow is embanked to the bottom, a formwork from the frontieroid is made, the pipe is clogged and poured with concrete.
  7. After all the pillars are installed, the deformed tops are cut and the grid is stretched. It can be attached to the pillars using welded hooks, wire or mounting screed.
  8. If the grid is installed with the stretch of the reinforcement, then after it is fixed on the posts through the cells, the steel rod is used, which is welded to the pipes. This will increase the strength of the fence and will not allow the grid to be saved.
  9. Poles and corners are processed by enamel from rust and bloom. To simplify the work, it is better to use a paint sprayer - a tassel will turn out longer and less economical.

And so that the fence looks interesting and unusual, it can be decorate with weaving from the wire. After all, it is so nice to go into the courtyard, fenced by the real work of art!

From professional flooring

Professional flooring - durable and relatively inexpensive material. You can choose a colored coating of virtually any color, and even the starting builder will cope with the installation:

  1. For the professional flooring, the soil and concreted pillars will be required below. On the pummination soil to prevent the column sediment, it is better to make an extension of the support of the TISE foundation.
  2. As with the construction of the fence from the grid, the pipes of the pipe must be treated with rust primer.
  3. When the foundation is completely frozen, transverse lags are welded to the columns - profiled pipes 4x2 cm. They should be 4 cm from the top and bottom edges of the sheet of corrugated. For fences with a height of up to 170 cm, there are enough two crosslinor, if the fencing is higher - you need to do the third in the middle.
  4. All metal parts are processed by primer - after mounting the professional flooring it is problematic.
  5. Proflists are attached to the lags with self-draws on the metal with the allen in the wave.

If you put the rack with bricks, the fence will look more presentable. For this purpose, 4 bricks stacked in a circle in dispersion. Each row of bricks is checked by the level in two planes, so that the poles do not get oblique. Inside the pipe poured a sand-cement mixture.

At the same time, metal racks are placed brick together with welded lags. It is much more reliable than trying to fix the league on facing brick After completing the masonry.
Customize the fence from the inside can be highly alive plants. In the time being we grow, you can pull the photosette.

Its life is 3-4 years old, after which it will begin to fade. But during that time, planted bushes and trees will be strengthened.

From wood

Wooden fences are traditional for countryside. After all, you can find construction material At extremely attractive value, if it is good to search on the saws - illiquid with a pickup will cost almost for a long time.

For the construction of a wooden fence will need:

  • manual circular saw;
  • screwdriver and self-tapping screws or hammer and nails;
  • grinding machine or grinding wheel and Bulgarian;
  • kraspopult;
  • benzobur or shovel.

Installation of a wooden fence attracts with its simplicity:

For such a fence, the selection of boards is important - they should be without flaws and cracks. A planed board looks much more carefully, but any thickness of 2 cm is suitable.

The only drawback of the tree is a short service life. On the other hand, repairing certain sections of such a fence is much simpler!

Original fences

The novice builder is better to try its strength on simple objects. But for those who have already ate the dog on the construction of fences, there are several non-standard optionsthat will surprise the neighbors and please our loved ones!


Stone masonry, despite the external simplicity, much more difficult to perform than the brick. This challenge bricklayers will be dry laying of stones. To do this, at the edges of the future wall, two trapezoids are installed, between which the Bacchev stretches - this is a reference point during masonry.

The trapezoidal form of the fence is needed so that the stones do not start to pour, because they are held only their own weight. The main complexity in such construction is to properly select stones so that the ranks do not deviate from the horizontal.

Gabion fences are becoming increasingly popular. For their device will need finished designmounted on a compacted soil with concreted supports - decent fence weight. And so that in the process of filling the cell by stones, the design did not cut the design, after each row, the grid is fastened with special hooks.


And if it does not scare the fact that for the growth of the meter samshet, it will take more than one year, you can begin to implement this idea.

First of all, you need to decide on the height of the desired hedge:

  • high - Tuya, Maple, Juniper, IRGA;
  • average - rowan, bearing, barberry;
  • low - it is possible to plant the self-sushit, a palm, tees.

For high living hedges, deciduous fast-growing shrubs are often chosen. After all, it is necessary to protect against other people's eyes as soon as possible, and not after a dozen years. But in the future it will be necessary to close this wall very often, otherwise it is possible to be hidden behind a five-meter fence. Plus, the deciduous hedges - the leaves flowing in the fall allow us to get a maximum of light from the scarce winter sun.

You should not believe the photo on which the half-one-meter summer hedges are represented - for their formation it took more than two decades. You can buy already grown bushes, but the cost of such a fence will be far from democratic.


The woven is a traditional fence, today undeservedly forgotten. Constructions are increasingly artificial rattanStanding a lot of money.

But it is very easy to build it:

The house fenced by such a shoulder will be a cozy family nest.


Forged fences attract attention with their opening and air industry. This is a great option for little plotallowing you to visually expand the space.

Of course, without good Koval, do not do here. But the finished spans are very simple:

  • foundation with pillars is poured, the distance between which is equal to finished spans;
  • when concrete froze, wrought elements are welded to the columns;
  • retained loops for the wicket and gate;
  • the fence is processed by primer and paint.

Very simple I. inexpensive option Fence of the site fence in detail and available is shown in the video: