How easy to make a fence. How to build a fence with your own hands

So, suppose you already have a cottage plot. Having land, but without having nothing but, you need to start with something. The construction of the fence in the country is one of the most important issues and is solved first. Work to achieve the ultimate goal in this aspect is quite complex and with the proper economic situation it is better to use the services of professionals.

If you still decide to implement everything yourself, you need to know several points and features that will help in this matter. And below is provided with all the necessary information, so that you completely knew how to make a fence in the country with your own hands.

There are several required factorsdefining the feasibility of one or another construction.

For barrier facilities, this is:

  • The nature of the soil. There are several types of soil, and each of them has different properties that determine the reliability of fixing the support structures. Considering this parameter, the depth for the supports and the form of the foundation is selected.
  • Load air flow on the fence. With different location of your cottage plot Perhaps the strong effect of winds on the fence and its trim. This load parameter is taken into account to determine the necessary gaps between the cased materials (to reduce the effect of air flow).
  • Designer plot design. Your fence must be harmonized with the rest of the facilities. Aesthetic principles must be observed at least at the expense of plantations, as close as possible to the fence from the inside.

Options for the collection for giving are quite diverse and before building a fence in the country with their own hands, you need to know: materials from which structures are mounted, their cost and complexity of the construction process. Buying material, try to do this at a time, otherwise it can be varied in size and shade. When organizing a living fence, make sure that organic material did not exhaust its shelf life.

Lively fence from needles

To ensure that no one interfere with your peace, it is possible to work out the design of bricks, concrete or wood. For lovers original solutions A fence made of adhesive metal or from the living hedge is suitable. In addition to the fact that such a fence has a pleasant view, its main functions are the protection against invasion and protection against robbery, which is also not worth forget.

Separately, I would like to focus on the supports when building, as they are a guarantee long Service fence.

With a brick performance of a barrier building, for support will fit ordinary pipes from large diameter About 100-150 mm.

Brick Barrier Stalls Masonry Scheme

The structures of the barrier from the professional flooring requires a smaller diameter of the pipes - about 60x60 mm. For fence from wood used respectively wooden bars As a support or logs of a certain thickness, depending on the height of the structure you chose.

Organization of support is enough painstaking process. The start of installation is the correct markup and installing pegs in the places of future columns. The distance between the supports should be equally and directly proportional to the height of the fence. The depth on which supports are buried, there must be greater depth of the earth freezing. Wooden supports Before immersion in the ground is treated with a special antiseptic matter. Exposing supports Observe one line, a construction plumb or a regular lace will come to your aid for help.

Wood fence constructions scheme

The fixation of reference structures is described in paragraphs below. Before starting work, prepare shovels, borants, cords, measuring tools (rules, roulettes), electric drill (if necessary) or hammer, tamping and building materials.

The foundation, as well as supports is an important element of the construction. Subject to all the instructions on the organization of the foundation, your fence will serve you long years. There are two main types of foundation: ribbon and pole.

Ribbon foundation

The foundation of this species is very durable and is usually used for heavy structures. Ribbon foundation is particularly effective if the buildings must be made in places with problem soil, for example, on a buncinister.

Ribbon Fundament Scheme

Manufacturing technology

  • First of all, dig a hole about 30-80 cm. Having the necessary tolerance and time, for greater strength of the future fence, it is better to deepen up to 150 cm.
  • Organize sand layers, after baying it with water.
  • Reinforcement cells should not have big sizeThe assembly of fittings is the following important stage.
  • Make a formwork for the fence so that the material from which he was made, did not touch the Earth (it was raised by 30-50 cm).
  • After, the formwork is poured with concrete if the supports are mounted in the foundation, it is necessary to do this at this stage, by observing the level as described earlier.

Pillar foundation

This type of supporting structure differs from the previous one that serves for easier erection. It has a huge plus - sufficient economy when building. If you stick to technological process, then the fence, standing on this foundation, will serve you no less than the fencing on the tape base.

Pillar Foundation Scheme for Support

Manufacturing technology

  • Sprot or brown Make holes for supports by 1-1.5 meters in depth. The width of the width should be more than immersed in it with 15-30 cm.
  • We make a layer of rubble and sand, which fill with water (the thickness of the layer is approximately 20 cm).
  • After leveling the posts in the pit, we pour sandbeton and add crushed stone for greater strength.

The foundation is ready. As you can see, the process is absolutely not complicated and suitable for the fences of all sorts of variations.

Fence of wood

Wooden fences for giving can be mounted personally.

Wooden fence

This operation is quite simple and it can be carried out in several points:

  • Determine the perimeter of the construction.
  • Digging trenches under support poles (25-30 cm depth, distance from each other 2 or 2.5 meters).
  • I exhibit columns exactly with the help level.
  • Fix the columns in the ground, having filling into the trench of concrete or cement.
  • For cladding screwing wooden bars Or nail them (average bar size from 50x50 mm)
  • Mount the crossbar
  • To the resulting design, we attach pre-prepared boards, with a gap in 1.5-2.2cm (Select the size of the boards yourself depending on the aesthetic needs, the recommended size is 85x145 mm)
  • Perform finishing work In the form of painting the resulting design

Remember: For a long service of a wooden fence, all the boards before the construction must be processed by the oil, and not once.

Pros: The material is quite accessible and inexpensive.

Minuses: wooden fences For cottages have a short service life and the need for constant monitoring of the condition (paint, process and other).

Capture of bricks

Pros: great strength and service life (50 years or more), aesthetic appearance.

Brick fence

Cons: High price and the need to build a strong foundation

Fence from professional flooring

You can make such a fence with such a fence by attaching minimal efforts.

To begin with, buy sheets of metal by selecting the desired design and look after the price, having previously calculated required amount material. After, you need to mark the markup and perform a few more points to get a ready-made barrier structure:

  • Drop the pits in size in 1-1.2m in the depth around the perimeter.
  • In each pit, organize a pillow of rubble or gravel with a thickness of 20-25 cm
  • As in the case of wooden fence - Poles put exactly, we use the level, and after concreting for strength.
  • Next stage - welding work, breed lags from the pipe into the cross, observing the same distance between them.
  • Using self-tapping screws, screw the sheets of metal on the resulting design (self-tapping screws for better safety can be replaced with rivets for metal).
Fence from professional flooring

Pros: big choice Material and its aesthetic parameters, practicality and simplicity of installation, relatively small price, durability.

Cons: not fairly exquisite general form (It is for this that thoroughly from bricks usually make)

Concrete fence (in plates)

Pros: Durable material (stronger even brick buildings), long service life, lack of need for care, various selection of decorative performance.

Concrete slab fence

Cons: It is very difficult to build yourself (you need to use the services of specialists)

Metal fence (wrought)

With a sufficient budget of the owner, a possibility of installing a wrought fence is possible. This species is very harmony with large buildings and has many positive characteristics.

Pros: Forged metal fences for cottages have a service life of over 50, can take various forms, while maintaining strength, aesthetics, constructs are refractory.

Worn metal fence

Cons: are not an obstacle for wind and dust, skip the noise, high cost, rust require care.

Metal fence (as sections)

The elements of the sections of this species are connected by welding. The fence has a good visual appearance and has many different models.

Pluses: Sleosenness, Bending Possibility, Fireproof, Gives high level Lights.

Sectional metallic fence

Cons: Sectional fences for giving are not delayed wind and dust, does not protect from visual contact with passersby, is not suitable for self-installation.

Metal fence (in the form of a grid)

Fencing is suitable for small dacha plots. And can be erected as a temporary replacement to a more powerful fence and permanent long term Services.

Independent installation, if you decide on this, begins, like everyone else, with marking. It is necessary to calculate not only the perimeter and the vertical position of the main columns, but also to take place for intermediate supports. Typically, the installation of one pillars is made with a distance of 3 meters from each other, and the following by 9. The diameter of the required pipes is specified in the plug-in points, and their installation in the foundation paragraph.

Metal grid fence

The inscuffed pillars are connected by backups from metal corners. This can be done with welding or screwing the bolts. For additional safety, the rod is skipped between the columns on different height, Pre-drill holes in them. This is done so that the possible attacker cannot bend the grid of your fence.

The last stage - pulling the grid. You can fasten it with bolts, after passing the rod through it. The rolon with the grid is starting to unwind near the support pillars, gradually, following the curves of the grid tips from above.

Pros: The design is quite reliable and serves a long time, does not discard the shadow.

Cons: Does not provide the necessary comfort by virtue of its viewed design.

Gorny fence

In general, the porch is a waste product that is formed in a consequence of pyloraine works. The construction of the fence from the porch is quite economical, although in the opinion of some experts does not have a special aesthetic species. Designed for the need to save your budget, this is the perfect option.

Gorny fence

If we build a fence in the dacha with your own hands out of the naked, then it is necessary to follow the correct sequence of work.

For lovers non-standard solutions Best is suitable for the fence from the shoulder. This design easily harmonizes with any design of the country area and at the same time cheaper than any other options for the construction of the fence. The main drawback is short term Services, about 3-5 years. In order to make the trim, you can use the branches of willow or nuts, or birch branches. As in the rest of the structures, do not do without a support. As usual, there are two versions - supports of wood or metal (the process of their installation is described above).

For weaving, the branches of the corresponding length (at least 1.5 meters) and thickness (at least 30 mm) are required. Before starting, the rods are amenable to selective verification. Branches should not be too dry, as this will lead to breakage of the fence. If you break up a twist, the middle should not have a red-brown tint - this is an indicator of excessive dryness.

Clean the branches from the bark and leave them in ordinary water for a week or two. In the process of soaking, use any load pressesing the rod. After, you can start the weaving process, it is taken from below-up. Copper wire is used as an additional crepe material. For a dense arrangement of rods relative to each other is used rubber hammer. The ends of the supports are covered in order to avoid the effect of precipitation. Close the end surface with galvanized caps or clay caps.

Decoration of standard fence

Set the fence at the cottage is a very common question, but there is another no less interesting thing - how nevertheless decorate an existing fence that does not have anything in common with designer solutions. The answer is very simple - curly plants, different kinds Vinogradov or Ivy will help you to make your building. A variant from the painting fence or use it is possible, as one of the walls of the adjacent arbor. We also welcome plantations in the form of elevated flower beds along the fence.

The decision of the decor's issues depends on you and your imagination. Construction of the fence with their own hands is possible with its subsequent decoration in awareness possible options execution of both. After reading the material filed above, you make a big step to a meeting to new opportunities.


Below is a gallery of photographs of fences for giving so that you can make sure the diversity of the execution of country fences and could choose the most suitable for you, which will satisfy all your requirements starting from external view Before security. All images are increased to the full size by pressing them.

Many building brigades are taken for installing a fence from a professional flooring. The process is not troublesome and fast, and the earnings are essential.

To eliminate this article of expenditures from the general estimate of the improvement of cottages or a private house, you can, decide to make a fence from the corrugated hand.

The appointment of the fence on the site is the fencing of the territory. At the same time, he has another feature - representation.

Previously, the main material for the fence device was a tree - the material is available, but requiring care and protection against destruction, at present, the competition is also made up by other building materials: brick, concrete, polycarbonate, grid, forging, professional flooring.

In terms of the ratio of the "price-installation-durability, the appearance", leadership belongs to professional flooring, which led to its widespread user among users.

Advantages of fences from corrugated

  • ease of material and installation;
  • strength (rigidity);
  • corrosion resistance;
  • uniform and very slow burnout (like paint on the car);
  • aesthetic appeal;
  • neutility for care;
  • long service life;
  • relatively low price.

This list of advantages has little building materials. But, all these properties are fully revealed only when proper montage. So you need to know how to make a fence from the professional flooring correctly. Within the article, we will tell about the nuances of the selection of the material, the specifics of its calculation, the types of frame for the fence, we describe how to attach professional flooring and much more.

Fence from professional flooring with their own hands -
phased guide from A to Z

Installation of the fence from the professional flooring includes only the screw in the frame to the framework, this is a process consisting of several stages. Each of which we describe in detail in the form of a step-by-step instruction.

Stage 1. The scheme of fence from the professional flooring - from the sketch to the drawing

Arbitrary schematic drawing (sketch) is needed to visualize constructive features fence.

Allocate two types (type) of the fence of the profile:

  • solid;
  • sectional.

It is the type of fence that determines the consumption of material and methods for installing structural elements.

The drawing is applied to the diagram:

  • place the location of the fence on the site. Helps to take into account the peculiarities of the site: relief, plantings, buildings, access roads, place of installation of the gate, etc.;
  • if the area is uneven (elevated, lowland) to apply where the height differences are. Manufacturers producing qualitative material Profiled sheets with multiple 50 mm long. This allows you to achieve a visually equal height of the fence, despite the height differences on the soil.
  • dimensions: the height of the fence and the length of individual direct sections;
  • location of columns (supports);

Note. With a sectional fence, the width of the section is determined by the width of the sheet. It must be multiple 1, 1.5 or 2 sheets.

The detailed scheme simplifies the calculation of the material.

Stage 2. Materials for the fence of professional flooring

Construction will pass quickly if timely prepare the materials necessary for the manufacture of materials.

What materials are needed for a fence from a professional flooring:

1. Professional flooring

Choosing a professional list (estuary) It is necessary to pay attention to the thickness (0.45-0.5 mm +/- 0.06 mm), the height of the wave, the absence of capillary grooves, parameters, coating, color and texture.

The profiled sheet has a high sailboat, it must be considered when planning the framework.

Note. The dimensions of the proflift for the fence differ from different manufacturers, It must be considered by choosing the material. It is also worth knowing that the warranty service life for galvanized professional flooring is 20-30 years, and with a polyester coating - up to 50 years (depending on the thickness of the layer).

2. Support racks (pillars)

Theoretically, you can apply any material: wood, stone, metal.

Solving what pillars to use to pick up that the simplest and affordable option - Metal pipes.

The parameters of the racks depend on the alleged load. Types of 60x40x2 mm or 40x40x2 mm are usually used. For round pipes Diameter - 60-100 mm.

You can use purchased finished pipes For the fence (photo) (for any types of soil) or piles (normal soils and loams).

The advantage of ready-made support pillars in the presence of "heels" for installation on a pillow, holes for fastening a profile and an upper plug, which excludes water from entering a pillar.

3. Cross Lags

For lag (crossbar) makes sense to use square trumpets 40x40x2 mm. or 40x20x2 mm. General Recommendation - The width of the lags is equal to half the width of the support pillar.

Wooden lags to apply unacceptable, due to the fact that the wood is inclined to catch in place at the fastening of the sheet. This will not only reduce the service life of the fence, but will not allow the use of the sheet again. Metal corner is also not suitable for lag, with a thickness of 2 mm, it will not provide due resistance to wind load, and it is not recommended to use thicker manufacturers.

Note. A special self-tapping screw for a strawberry with a row is designed to drill metal with a thickness of no more than 2.5 mm. So the use of a thick-walled profile is fraught with additional drilling efforts.

4. Plate Holder (Bracket) for Profile

Special fasteners (brackets) use when assembling a fear of the fence by a wheel welcome method, on hardware.

5. Pillar plugs (supports)

Plastic plugs perform a protective function so that water does not fall inside the pipe.

In practice, the pillar is closed by a special overlay or plastic bottle. Not very aesthetically, but certainly cheap, and it is suitable as a temporary solution to the problem.

6. Hermatization

We need for a warehouse assembly of the fence frame. This uses a bolt or screw M6 (30 and 20 mm). As well as self-tapping screws for fastening professional flooring or rivets.

Professionals advise to use self-tapping screws, because It is equipped with an additional gasket (neoprene tires), which allows you to close a straightener, without damaging its surface. Its length is 15-35 mm.

Council. When using rivets of the edge of the hole under them, it is recommended to process special paint. This will make the rapid appearance of rust at the fastening site and the formation of rusty ottheets on the professional flooring, eliminate which is very difficult.

The paint is used to tinkering scratches that may appear during the installation of the professionalist, as well as painting the place of cutting on the sheet. Consumption is small, one titer, as a rule, is enough.

8. Decorative Facing Planck for Decorating Fence

P-shaped bar (intricate, stolen), which is installed on the upper face (edge) of the proflist and protects users from possible cuts, and the sheet from the appearance of rust.

Material prepared for WWW.Site site

Note. When buying, pay attention, the edges of the bar must be bent (spilled). Otherwise, they not only scratch the metal when installing, but will lose their shape (the edges will go away from the sheet) during operation.

Additional materials and tools:

  • cement, gravel, sand - to install support pillars or the foundation arrangement;
  • level, plumb, welding machine (and consumables), screwdriver, solution containers, formwork boards (if necessary), shovel or boring, primer and anti-corrosion solution for metal, riveter (if necessary), rope, protective glasses and gloves, Bulgarian (if necessary cutting of professional ).

3 stage. Calculation of material for the fence from the corrugated

How to determine how much the building material for the manufacture is required.

1. Calculation of the number of sheets of professional flooring:

  • with a solid fence - the total length of the fence is divided into the utility width. Rounding goes to the biggest;
  • during sectional. If the size of the section (span) is equal to the width of the sheet - the overall sheet width is used. If it is planned to install one and a half or two sheets - useful.

Note. The sheet can be installed both vertically and horizontally. For horizontal mount The height of the fence will be equal to 1, 2 or 3 of the working widths of the sheet. With vertical - determined by the customer.

Council. When calculating, do not operate with such a thing as the total area of \u200b\u200bthe required professional flooring. Calculates in pieces at a given sheet height.

2. Calculation of the number of pillars for the fence from the professional flooring

The number of supports depends on the distance between the fence columns from the corrugated

  • with a solid fence, the total length of the fence is divided into an estimated distance between the columns (racks). Taking into account the sailness of the sheet, it is taken equal to 2,000 - 3,000 mm. It is inappropriate to increase the distance, as this will lead to an increase in the thickness of the racks or the number of longitudinal lag.
  • during sectional. The amount is determined by the estimated number of sections. By installing racks for mounting sections of the fence, it is necessary to calculate the distance between the columns in advance so that it matches the total (when installing one sheet into the section) or useful (1.5-2 sheets) of the area of \u200b\u200bthe professional flooring.

Note. The calculations take into account that the support racks (pillars) are necessarily installed in the corners of the fence, as well as at the place of installation of the gate and / or wicket. The number of intermediate supports is rounded in a smaller side. And the difference is compensated by the deviation from the specified distance between the racks.

The size of the rack is determined by the height of the fence, taking into account the fact that the racks are deepened into the soil by 30% of its length. Thus, with a fence height of 2,000, the height of the support rack for the fence from the professional flooring should be 2 600-2 700. For intermediate racks, the depth of the installation is 25% of the total height of the fence. Then the length of the rack will be 2 500 mm.

3. Calculation of the number of transverse lag

The amount depends on the method of installing the fence.

  • The masters are advised at the height of the fence to 2,000 mm use 2 lags. Moreover, their distance from the edges of the professional flooring is 300 mm.
  • With the height of the fence of more than 2,000 mm - 3 lags.

Thus, the overall handle of the lag is determined by multiplying the total fence length by the amount of cross.

4. Plate holder

The number of plates is equal to the number of support racks multiplied by the number of rows of lag.

5. Publist

The number of plugs is equal to the number of support racks. Plus 2-3 replacement (useful during the operation of the fence).

6. Hermatization

When calculating the screws, the mount is carried out in two extreme waves and after two in the middle of the professional leaf in each of the transverse lag. Thus, with two transverse lags on a sheet, 6 pieces are required, at three - 9 pcs. The number of hardware is rounded multiple packaging (standard packaging - 250 pcs). Because, in the process of twisting the self-pressing, defects may occur.

When attaching rivets, their flow increases, as they are attached along the edges and through the wave.

Standard Painting Paints 50, 100, 200, 500, 900 grams. The choice depends on the length of the fence. Usually 50 gr. Banks are enough.

8. Decorative end plank

The number is equal to the length of the fence divided by the working length of the plank. The standard length of the plank is 2,000 mm, the working (taking into account the adolescence) is 1850-1950 mm.

4 stage. Installing a fence made of professional flooring with your own hands

Mounting technology step by step:

1. Preparation of the site

Cleaning the surface of the soil from everything that will interfere with the installation of sheets and pillars.

2. Fundament device and / or installation of support columns

Note. The destruction of the sheet of professional flooring begins at the point of contacting it with the surface of the soil. Pebbles, dirt, mechanical damage lead to the appearance of defects precisely from the bottom of the sheet. In addition, the uneven terrain of the site often creates difficulties when installing supports. That is why the foundation for the fence from the professional flooring is the mandatory stage of the fence device.

What is the foundation better for a fence from a professional flooring?

To decide which foundation to put a fence from the proflist on a particular site usually helps the study of the soil. But since the fence from the corrugated floor is a relatively easy design, the usual is suitable for it. Its optimal depth is 300-400 mm, and the minimum width of the foundation under the fence from the corrugated floor is determined by the width of the support rack (columns).

Let's not stop on how to fill the foundation. But we note such a nuance, the depth of the pit at the installation site of the basic support racks (along the edges of the fence, the corners, at the place of installation of the gate) should be 1/3 of their height + 100-150 mm for the cushion device under the sole side of the rack. For intermediate posts - 1/4 of the height of support + pillow height. This will eliminate the influence groundwater And the soil freezing on the rack.

Preparation and installation of formwork is no different from the arrangement of the belt foundation under the house or gazebo.

First of all, the basic support racks (at the edges of smooth fence segments) are installed, the rope is stretched between them and the intermediate columns are installed. In the place of installation of the support racks, the brown is removed, the gravel-sand pillow is swept away, on which racks are installed. At the same time, metal pipes should be treated with anti-corrosion solution.

Users noted that the racks are better to conceen 100-150 mm. So they retain stability when reinforcing formwork and filling it with concrete. If the pillars are planned, the pillow needs to be made of 200-250 mm high and score a rack into it. This method is more time-consuming, but less expensive and reliable.

Council. Using a level and a plumb when installing racks.

More simple option There will be an installation of support racks without the establishment of the foundation. Installation requirements are similar. Depth is 1/3 or 1/4 from the length of the rack, depending on the place of its installation, the thickness gravel-sand pillow - 100-150 mm, mandatory anti-corrosion solution, level check and reliable concreting.

Note. In practice, poles for the fence from the professional flooring are established with deviations from the above technology. This is justified with stable soils.

Alternative ways to install the racks are shown in the diagram.

3. Mestrazh Lag.

The fastening of the professional flooring is carried out on transverse lags. They are mounted on the support racks after those are reliably concreted. It is impossible to rush the work in this case. This can lead to a rejection of the stand from the vertical.

Transverse lags can be welded or fasten to support racks. Masters recommend using the holder plate for these purposes (bracket). Thus, the plate is screwed to the support rack, and the lag to the plate, it makes the project slightly longer and more expensive, but the mount is considered more reliable.

Three ways of fastening the lag to the support racks (photo)

- in front of an invoice. The method is ideal for solid fences;

- behind the pillar With the use of the holder (KRONTSH). Suitable for sectional fences;

- from the side of the pillar. The advantage of the method is that it is possible to attach a professional flooring not only to the lag, but also a support patch, which makes the design more stable. But, the duration of operation and the consumption of self-tapping grows increases. Suitable for device sectional fences.

Note. With a significant slope, the transverse lags are mounted with a displacement, as shown in the photo.

The fully finished frame is covered with anti-corrosion primer and paint.

4. Decorative design of columns

This stage is possible only if the sectional type of fence from the professional flooring is selected. Here, the installed metal support racks can be chopped by a brick or a stone. According to many users, the fence from the professional flooring with brick columns, it looks more beautiful and presentable, rather than with metal racks or generally solid.

Note. A similar decor of the fence support is thought out at the planning stage. Because Availability brick masonry makes adjustments to the distance between the columns, which means the number of sheets mounted in the sections.

Of course, it is possible to decide on the finishing of the racks brick at any stage, but should be prepared for the fact that the professionalist will have to cut down long, and this will lead to waste not only sheet, but also paints, and cutting tool, time and money.

Users converge that this work should be entrusted to master mosteking masters, because It is the laying of bricks in this case will determine the aesthetic properties of the fence. If it is decided to do the work yourself, then you should know:

  • it is advisable to use decorative brick high quality (chip and zip are not allowed);
  • adhere to the same thickness of the masonry seam;
  • the emptiness between the masonry and the supporting pipe completely fill out concrete solution;
  • make a decorative element on the top of the pillar.

5. Installation of corrugated fence

To avoid the appearance of rust, you need to know how to fix the corrugation correctly.

To fasten a professional owl to each other and the lag use rivets or special self-tapping screws. Installation begins based on the sheet configuration. One of the extreme leaf waves is the stubble (left or right depends on the manufacturer's equipment). The first sheet is mounted in such a way that the subsequent wave of the subsequent closed the wave of the previous one, and not vice versa. In order not to encounter the situation when the leaf trim is abandoned near the gate, the installation should be started with these elements.

Council. To ensure ventilation, you need to make a distance of a sheet on the surface of the soil at 50-100 mm.

Professional property must be fixed at the edges for each of the transverse lag. One mount is in the middle of the sheet. If the fence is built in the windy region, it is advisable to fix methols through two waves.

How to fix a professional committee?

To spin the self-tapping screw in the professional flooring also need to possess certain skills. Namely, know that self-sufficiency:

  • "Scolding" self-pressing threatens damage front surface Professional flooring.

6. Installation of additional elements

In essence, the stages described above and the installation of the fence from the professional flooring ends. However, manufacturers, masters and experienced users recommend covering the top end of the profiled sheet with a special decorative P-shaped bar (end intake plank).

The pad will give the fence aesthetic look and will exclude damage to users about sharp sheet edges.

The plank simply dresses onto the sheet, so when ordering, pay attention to its width.

For the professional set with a wave height of 8 mm, a plank is needed with a width of 10 mm (taking into account the rolling) or 8 mm (without rolling).

We draw attention to the fact that the professional flooring of most producers is painted in color only on the one hand. In the direction of the house looks unpainted gray face. If there is trees, shrubs, or grapes along the fence, it will hide a non-primary type of fence.

5 stage. Cleaning the territory after the construction of the fence

Cleaning - logical conclusion construction process. Cleaning is necessary in order to avoid injury by trimming of a professional flooring, scattered by self-drawing and to give the site well-kept species.

Installation of the fence made of professional flooring with your own hands - Video

Installation of fences from corrugated floor - price for work and material

Material Cost of fence made of professional flooring

subject to mounting with your own hands
(The price of the material is indicated)

The cost of installing a fence from corrugated

subject to the involvement of employees
(Only work without material)

Professor 140-680 rubles / m.kv.
Pipe 60x60x2 110 rub / mp.
Pipe 40x40x2. 70 rubles / mp.
Pipe 40x20x2. 60 rub / mp.
Plate holder 80-150 rub / pc.
Stick plug 1.7-59 rubles / pcs.
Hardware (self-tapping) 2.5-5.3 rubles / pcs.
180 rub / pc (balloon)
Facial Planck (2 000 mm) 60-110 rub / pc.
Cement 175 rubles / 50 kg.
Sand 80 rubles / 50 kg.
Gravel, fraction 20-40 mm. 100 rubles / 40 kg.
Stainless Groove - Alkyd Metal Primer 210 rubles / kg.
Fundament device 0 5 000 rub. Behind M.KV (The type of soil influences the cost)
Poam drilling or pile wrap 0 From 200 rubles / pc.
Concretion of support pillars 0 From 500 rubles / pc.
Fastening Lag. 0 From 50 rubles / mp.
Fastening sheet of professional flooring 0 From 200 rubles / mp.

The total costs of building a fence from the corrugated floor are determined on the basis of the need for or another material.

The cost of installing the fence from the projectal "turnkey" (the price per meter of work, materials with the installation) is shown in the table.


The fence from the corrugated floor looks great, resistant tolerates any temperature differences and all types of atmospheric phenomena. But there are two weaknesses - sailboats and low-quality installation. We hope that the information provided here will allow you to take into account and directly eliminate both of these shortcomings.

Today, a person who decided to independently build a house should be ready for considerable costs. Most of all the money is most often consumed on the foundation and bookmark of the walls, but in most cases it has to be safely spent on things, which at first glance seem not obvious. We are talking about the fence.

The reasonable owner of the future housing is set to save on such details. In addition, this is a fully justified decision.

The key way to reduce the cost of the fence is to make it yourself. Do not underestimate the importance of this process, since the fence is not only a decorative structure that hides the territory from prying eyes, but also a protective fence designed to prevent suspicious persons.

In other words, the design should be reliable, durable and aesthetic. Only under such conditions, it will satisfy all the requirements for it. In our case, the list of installation should also be added to the list.

Materials for the construction of the fence

Several basic materials can be distinguished, allowing to build an inexpensive and functional design:

  • wood;
  • rabitz;
  • professional flooring;
  • plastic.

The main limiter in the technology of the construction and combination of materials is financial expenses. To begin with, choose the material that will be the basis for the fence, then find the right economy technology Buildings, and after - to make basic calculations.

Wooden fence: pros and cons

Modern building stores offer a large number of Wood options suitable for the construction of a reliable design. This material has some benefits compared to others, which makes it almost the most sought-after goods.

Advantages of wooden structures:


Materials for installing a wooden fence

To build a standard fence from wood, materials will be required such as: stakenat, transverse boards, support pillars, pegs, ropes, cement, sand, shovel, saw, fastep, special tool against rotting wood.

Best of all, if the entire set of tools will be assembled in one place within reach to facilitate access to the components.

Construction of wooden fence

Stage 1. We carry out the markup of the place for the design, we determine the location of the gate. Use pegs and rope. The distance between the columns is 2 meters. This is how the stability of the design to external influences is ensured.

Stage 2. We take the shovel and pockets of the pit for the support pillars.

Stage 3. Immerse the pillars in the ground about one fourth part of their length.

Stage 4. We put the struts for fixing the columns and pour the pit with a cement mixed with sand.

Stage 5. Drive the transverse boards.

Stage 6. Vertically fastened on the transverse boards.

Stage 7. Cray to the finished fence in the selected color.

On this work on the construction of a wooden fence is considered completed. This is a relatively simple option of the fence, which is usually installed as a temporary option.

The fence made from the grid is considered the most economical optionAvailable today. Among the advantages of such fences should be noted:

By specifying the last item, it should be noted that the installation will require tools that are easy to find in every home. In addition, there are a wide range of nets in modern stores. different colors and sizes, which allows you to move away from the banal appearance of the fence.

Materials for the construction of the fence:

For those who adhere to more original solutions exist vinyl coatingsHowever, they have a feature with time to lose color.

Construction of the fence from the chain grid

Step 1. We make markup.

Step 2. Pump the pins for support pillars.

Step 3. Place the pipes in the pits.

Mesh fence - Rabitsa

Step 4. Fill the pits prepared in advance by concrete solution. In some cases, builders are simply clogged into the ground with a sledgehammer. This is possible, subject to a sufficiently soft soil.

Step 5. Start fixing the grid. Rulon on the first pipe, which acts as the beginning of the future fence.

Step 6. We stretch the grid around the rest of the supports, gradually fixing it. It is important to monitor that the grid does not sag, otherwise all work will be useless.

Stages of work with sectional construction of the fence

Step 1. Put the foundation.

Step 2. Construct a frame for tension from metal corners.

Step 3. Fix the corners between the supports.

Step 4. Breep the mesh inside the corners using welding.

Fences from the chain grid are very easily erected without the help of specialists, which makes it possible to significantly save and try their strength.

Fencing from professional flooring

This type of fence can be deserved to be called the most common. Most often it is used to fen the country's country and private houses. To build such a fence, a welding machine will be required and a little patience. In general, the installation technology is very simple, which can be attributed to the advantages of the design.

Modern building markets They offer professional flooring of various colors and sizes, so buyers should not limit themselves in fantasies.

As additional components, you should purchase anti-corrosion paint, supporting structures, lags, shovels, self-tapping screws, and to make a cement solution.

Installing the fence from the professional flooring

Step 1. We make markup for the future fence. It is important that the distance between neighboring supports does not exceed two and a half meters. Kens and twiners are used as auxiliary elements.

Step 2. Make recesses in installed places. In the future, the reference elements will be inserted into these wells. This task can be carried out with the help of a special bora, or just dig a hole with a shovel. The depth of the pit standard is one hundred and thirty centimeters.

Step 3. Install the reference pillars at the corners of the territory, and then throughout the perimeter.

Step 4. Strengthen the cement of pillars base.

Step 5. Install the lags that are necessary for further attachment of the professional flooring.

Step 6. Fresh sheets to lags using self-tapping screws.

Step 7. Color the metal elements enamel. In some cases, primer is used.

Ultimately, the fence is obtained quite pleasant from the point of view of aesthetic characteristics, as well as durable and reliable. It looks much more solid than a fence from wood or chain grid, and therefore can be regarded as a full fence.

Plastic fence

Plastic deservedly be the title of one of the most available materials For the construction of the fence. This is a real salvation for dachas who do not want to build expensive designs in their sites.

The positive aspects of such fences are as follows:

  • strength;
  • durability;
  • ease of installation;
  • low cost;
  • pleasant appearance.

Installation of plastic fence

Stage 1. We make marking on the territory where it is planned to put a fence.

Stage 2. We celebrate the place where the wicket and gate will be.

Stage 3. In the installed places, we drive the support pillars to the ground.

Stage 4. In the corners, fix the piles made of durable metal.

Stage 5. Extend piles around the perimeter of the site.

Stage 6. Fix the columns with spacers.

Step 7. Attach the sections between the supports.

Thus, due to non-good fraud, it turns out a beautiful and functional fence, which in its external qualities, although it can not be sorted with constructions from decorative stone or forged elementsBut fully satisfies the owners of the territory.

This article coveted the most simple ways The construction of the fence, the choice of which is due only to your preferences. Now you can build cheap fence do it yourself.

Video - construction of wooden fence

Video - construction of a fence from the grid

Video - Installation of the fence from corrugated

Video - installation of plastic fence

No one country plot Cannot do without fence. Even if the most friendly relations have developed with their neighbors, any owner still seeks to upset their possessions at least external perimeter. Agree, much more comfortable you feel in the yard, when you know what you do not observe, freely or unwittingly, outsiders. Yes, and experiences for the safety of your own property stored in the courtyard or rival buildings are not so sharp. Therefore, questions are always among the primary tasks.

Not so long ago, the choice of the design of the fence and materials for its manufacture was not so great. Nowadays, the variety of options is so wide that they are even difficult to list. But probably one of the most sought-after materials is considered profiled a metal sheet (Otherwise, it is called a straightener or professional flooring). This is due to the fact that the cost of a set of building materials for the construction of a fence from the professional leaf is quite affordable for the average homeowner, and work on the construction of such a fence - can not be attributed to the tasks increased level difficulties, that is, they can be carried out by their own.

Let's look more in more info, what are the advantages of such a fence, see how to build a fence from the professional sheet with your own hands, without resorting to the help of hired construction brigade and lease of special equipment.

What are the advantages of building a fence from a profiled sheet?

Some owners of country sites belong to the fences of a professional flooring with some prejudice, considering them some kind of non-serious fence for their territory. And completely in vain - the fence from the professional leaf has whole line advantages that make it extremely popular.

Build beautiful fence In the country is considered not a simple process.

But adhering to the instructions, which will be spent today, you can learn how to build a fence correctly, saving precious time, as well as forces.

Fencing from professional flooring

To one of the common materials for the construction of a country fence, a professional flooring belongs to which a lot of advantages.

Installation with my own hands of the fence from the professional flooring helps to save precious time due to the speed of the workflow.

It is only necessary to determine the necessary location location, mount poles that will be subsequently covered by corrugated.

Pluses of material

Such a fence reliably hides a plot from foreign explosions, especially in comparison with the fence, built from the grid.

Professor reflects the various sounds as much as possible and performs practical materialnot requiring the installation of professionalism.

To create a fence, the photo of which can be viewed below, it is preferable to purchase a professional flooring having a corrugation about 20 mm in height. After all, a large height is intended mainly for the arrangement of the roof.

Installing the fence from the corrugated

Before constructing a fence, you need to perform the appropriate calculations. To do this, schedule the placement of the future structure, decide on the location of the gate, as well as the wicket.

In addition, it is important to determine where the posts for the fence will be equipped, calculate its height around the perimeter as well as the height of the gate with the gate. It is from the listed parameters that the amount of material directly depends.

Then the installation of columns should be made using a metal pipe with a diameter of 80 mm. Directed up part of the pillar should be fed to exclude humidity in the pipe.

For the arrangement of columns, a pit will be required, the width of which reaches 1.5 meters, and the depth of up to 1 meter. Arrange the foundation and after it is full of frozen, mount the profile that is designed to attach a profiled sheet.

The profile, as well as the posts, it is important to fix with electric welding, then cover the primer to prevent the appearance of corrosion. At the end stage, fasten the professional flooring on the frame of self-drawing.

Fencing from the grid

The fence of the site by the fence created from the chain grid must begin with the exact markup of the placement of the columns, in order to use pipes from metal.

Under the intermediate columns in the ground, the brown is made of 40 cm recesses, under the pillars of the tension type requires a recess to 60 cm.

As soon as the pillars are installed in the corners of the alleged fence, it is necessary to connect them with welding or bolts with pillars nearby, using the backups.

But such a fence will not be reliable, so do not do without a rod, which you need to skip through cells.


To stretch the rods between the columns, several holes should be drilled in each. You can perform the mesh mount on the prepared poles.

To find out how to make this fence with your own hands, put a roll in a vertical position next to the pillar of the reference and make sure that the curved side of the lines are placed at the top of the roll. Attach the line at the top of the grid to the top of the pillar, then proceed to another post, unwinding does not rush the roll.

After the roller is skipped by means of a grid between the prepared columns, it is necessary to start it in the holes that were prepared in advance, stretching the maximum wire, fastening well on the surface of the poles, using a tension-type bolts.

Design of fence

Often, before the owners of country sites, a reasonable question arises, associated with the design of a wooden or from another material of the fence in the country.

The first version of the decoration of the fence is, of course, its decoration by plants. A vertical way of landscaping is used. For such a goal, hop, or grapes. Well to plant as well annual plants, curly on pre-stretched wires.


Another way to decorate fences in the country - staining, as well as painting.

The fence of a deaf type is well hanging a special cache with petunias. These plants are completely unpretentious and blooming almost the entire warm season.

A deaf type of fence will serve for many years and in the construction of the arbor, as you already have one wall surface, you will need a few more additional supportAfter which you can start installing roof.

Innovative technologies make it possible to build a fence from durable material. Also, the fence can have any height. It all depends on the preferences and wishes of the owner of the country site.

Therefore, focus on your wishes and financial opportunities and exercise possession of the city!

Photo of the fence with your own hands
