Varieties of plastic windows - how to choose the right one. Types of opening plastic windows and designations on the diagram PVC windows types of opening

The importance of a window opening for any building or structure cannot be overestimated. Thanks to them, the owners of premises have the opportunity to save on electricity and create a favorable microclimate in living rooms... But for this it is necessary to choose a high-quality PVC window that meets all the needs and requirements.

From simple to complex

Studies show that only high-quality plastic windows meet all the norms and requirements, as well as price preferences. It is not surprising that these products are very popular with consumers, which is based on the following parameters:

Affordability is expressed in cost plastic windows, which is still the lowest of all categories of goods for this purpose. Moreover, photo and video installation materials allow you to carry out the installation yourself. At the same time, plastic practically does not require maintenance, which is also appreciated by buyers. Reliable mechanisms locks allow not only opening the doors, but also using them for various modes of air supply to the room.

But most importantly, these are various types and forms of window structures, which makes the glazing not only functional, but also visually attractive. There are all the prerequisites for this. The following product forms are available for the user to choose:

  • rectangular;
  • square;
  • trapezoidal;
  • arched;
  • round.

On the basis of these types, a mass of more complex products is produced, the dimensions of which are limited only physical characteristics PVC profile. Simple structures do not contain at all or in a small amount of additional details dividing the window space into separate fragments that can be opened. And more complex options are able to surprise with their design and functionality, which so attracts modern builders and designers.

For non-residential premises and production

The shape of the window frame is not the same for different premises. For non-residential or industrial buildings certain types of structures are used that have a simpler manufacturing option. As a rule, these are blind frames, where there is no sash that can be opened. They are for lighting purposes only interior space, and therefore do not require additional mechanisms.

In some cases, simple window designs are used that can be opened. Most of these products only use the tilt function, when the top of the sash is halfway down, stopping at a 45 degree angle. This is enough to get fresh air necessary for the comfortable work of people. Photos with such products can often be found on the websites of enterprises.

There are also combined forms, when blind structures are diluted with a transom located in the upper part. This type has big size to get high-quality lighting of the space inside the workshop or warehouse. It is worth noting that the cost of such PVC windows is quite low, which attracts many managers.

Variety of types for residential areas

If production areas require the simplest structures, then products of a more complex configuration are used for residential buildings. This is due to the desire of the owners to get beautiful and multifunctional window systems that provide comfortable accommodation... Therefore, in the offices of manufacturers, buyers carefully study each photo of the proposed product.

Most often, a design with two doors is chosen for apartments, one of which can be opened in several planes (swing-out).

Also, for spacious rooms, three-leaf plastic windows are used. At the same time, one part always remains deaf, since it does not play a key role either in airing the room or in maintaining the structure. There are also types in which a deaf transom is located at the top. She is responsible only for light space.

For the construction of buildings individual projects exclusive plastic windows are required. This presupposes production not according to accepted standards, taking into account the design of the facade, which looks harmonious when viewed from the street. Such designs look spectacular not only in the photo, but also real project... Arched profile bends are almost always present in such structures. But there may not be so many opening sashes, since the main function of these plastic windows is aesthetics and beauty. But from external precipitation, as well as wind and other troubles, the structures will be protected reliably.

When choosing the necessary window system one should pay attention not only to aesthetic forms, but also to the quality of the profile itself. The service life of the product depends on it. In addition, the locking system should also be inspected, since if it fails, then the entire structure will cease to be openable. Therefore, the choice should not be based only on photo materials.

Heating and cooling glass

What else is the difference between plastic windows and all the others? The presence of a double-glazed window, which makes these structures unique. There are two types, differing in the amount of space. Double-glazed windows with one chamber are cheaper, but also less temperature resistant. For severe frosts and high heat, double-glazed windows should be used. Only with the help of such PVC windows it will be cool in the summer and warm in the winter indoors.

The strength of the profile when using a double-glazed unit with two chambers should be maximized. V otherwise if you open such a sash, it may not withstand and deform, making the structure unworkable. And this is unacceptable for elite products. Therefore, all types of window structures are made of a reinforced profile.

When choosing a double-glazed window, you should pay attention to the size of the chambers themselves. It is now possible to purchase systems with different widths between the panes. It is assumed that the space can be filled with a special gas. Only it guarantees that there is no dew point on the inside of the PVC window, but its action has its own duration.

Plastic windows appeared on construction market more than half a century ago. During this time, they have undergone many changes, and today they differ in a variety of species. The multitude of models of different shapes and colors that manufacturers offer to the consumer makes their choice partly difficult. What to focus on when choosing PVC windows?

Any type of PVC window has two mandatory elements:

  • double-glazed unit, consisting of several glasses, the inter-glass space of which is sealed along the perimeter of the contour;
  • plastic profile (frame), which is a fixed part window construction... It is installed in the window opening.

Varieties of plastic windows by profile type

The plastic profile has a complex structure. On the cut of this structural element clearly visible compartments with small chambers, which are filled with air, which allows you to keep warm.

The frame walls are formed by pressing molten PVC with added modifiers and stabilizers. As a result, polyvinyl chloride acquires new qualities: strength to mechanical stress, chemical inertness, incombustibility, UV resistance.

The frame is chosen based on the characteristics climatic zone where will be operated plastic construction, as well as some other features, for example, the type of house, the level of thermal insulation and noise absorption.

The main indicators that are guided by choosing a profile are its width and the number of air chambers.

Profile types

Frames are classified into three classes:

  • "A" - characteristic feature: thickened outer wall, at least 3 mm.
  • "B" - represents an object or lightweight profile. Minimum thickness at the front wall is 2.5 mm. And finally
  • "C" - has an irregular thickness.

The plastic profile can be normal or frost resistant. For regions with an average monthly January temperature lower than -20 ° C, the profile marking must additionally contain the letter "M".

Thermal insulation is affected by the number of air chambers inside.

From the outside, the PVC window profile looks monolithic. However, if you look at it in section, then you can easily find hollow chambers, amounting from 2 to 8 pieces. They play the role of a kind of heat insulators. The larger the number of hollow chambers, the lower the thermal conductivity of the window block. There are profiles:

  • Two-chamber. This is perhaps the most unclaimed option, since it has low thermal insulation characteristics and does not meet the stiffness standards;
  • Three-chambered - a universal "budget" option that works for glazing a balcony, and for the design of window openings. This is an excellent solution for southern areas;
  • Four- and five-chamber - intended for use in regions with seasonal subzero temperatures, for example, for middle lane Russia. Usually they use double-glazed windows;
  • Six- and seven-chambered - the "warmest" species. It is used, for example, for glazing French windows or extensive verandas. For northern regions the profile construct is chosen with an influx. It will protect the porch and seal from precipitation. The front wall must have a thickness of 3 mm or more.

PVC profile reinforcement

The strength of the frame depends on the type of reinforcement in the center chamber. There are several amplification techniques:

  • L-shaped, installed on two sides of the frame,
  • U-shaped - three each,
  • closed - along the perimeter.

With a window height of less than 1.9 m, you can restrict yourself to a U-shaped reinforcement, and not overpay for additional reinforcement.

For reference!

The sealing of the profile is also important. The recommended number of seals is two. Then it is possible to exclude the deposition of condensate, due to which the insulation deteriorates and, as a result, a draft is formed. This is the problem that consumers most often face.

Varieties of plastic windows, depending on the type of glass unit

When glazing plastic windows, complex structures are used, consisting of 2-4 sheets of glass, which are fixed at a given pitch. On the outside of the structure, they are sealed. The resulting interglass cavities are called chambers.

Double-glazed windows, in accordance with the number of sheets, are divided into: one-, two- and three-chamber. Therefore, speaking about window chambers, it is imperative to clarify which chambers are in question - profile ones or in double-glazed windows.

  • In a single-chamber double-glazed window, the distance between two sheets varies in the range of 1.4–3.2 cm. The cavity between the sheets is closed along all sides of the chamber with a spacer. This is a strip of metal that separates the glasses and holds them at a calculated distance. If you look in the section, you can clearly see that in fact the spacer is a "U" -shaped profile. Its open side should point towards the inside of the frame.

There are small holes on the bottom of the frame. Through them, the chamber is connected to a sealed volume located inside the frame, into which the absorbent is filled. The moisture absorber removes almost all moisture from the chamber. As a result, whatever the outside temperature, the window structure will not fog up.

However, single-chamber packages are not so in demand today. They are mainly installed in stores that are unheated or industrial premises, as well as others similar.

  • Two-chamber. For residential buildings, double-glazed windows are more suitable complex design- two-chamber. They are not much heavier than single-chamber ones, but the efficiency of noise and heat insulation is almost twice as much. And this despite the fact that the indicators of light transmission in both cases are approximately the same, and the cost of a double-glazed window is only slightly higher.
  • Three-chambered. It is worth weighing well before purchasing such a double-glazed unit: it is heavier than a two-chamber unit, and a decrease in the width of the spacer frame does not particularly contribute to an increase in the level of heat and noise insulation.

The characteristics of glass units are largely determined by the properties of glass.

  • Heat saving. At the factory, a metallized film invisible to the eye is sprayed onto the glass. The glass is absolutely transparent, because transmits rays of the visible spectrum, but reflects heat rays, so heat does not penetrate through such a glass unit in summer, and on cold days it retains heat.

  • Tinted. Usually, glass staining is one of the stages of the production process: metal oxides or others are added to the charge chemical compounds... This does not in any way affect the transparency of the block, but completely changes their appearance.
  • Impact resistant. Ordinary float glass in them has been replaced by tempered or triplex, which are just as transparent, but much stronger. it perfect solution for windows on lower floors, because it perfectly protects the window from acts of vandalism, accidental or deliberate.

Glasses are absolutely safe: when broken, pieces of glass either remain on a strong polymer film, or crumble without sharp edges.

  • Soundproof. To achieve the desired effect, several technologies are usually used, for example, spraying thin films or filling the chambers with inert gases, are reflected from the resulting intermediate surfaces reflect sound vibrations and actively damp them. Their noise reduction level is about 20% higher.


There are several types of plastic windows and a large number of models. Often, it is because of the variety that the buyer has problems when choosing.

The main types of PVC products

On sale you can find varieties that differ not only in the material of the frame, shape, color, but also in the properties of the glass unit. The frame can be made of PVC, this material is the most common, less often you can find aluminum or wood.

Radical differences can be in the design. For example, windows differ in the way they are opened, they can be hinged or sliding, there are also deaf structures that cannot be opened. On sale there are paired, single, separate types. Double-glazed windows can have one or more air chambers, filled with air or argon. Another striking difference is the shape of the windows.

Choice of sash, frame

The sash is a movable element. It is set in motion through the use of fittings. Whatever types of plastic windows are installed in the house, at least a few of them must be capable of opening. This is necessary for regular ventilation of the room.

Thanks to the selected one, it is possible to achieve that the sash of the window opens, moves or swings open. Some structures can rotate around a horizontal, rarely vertical axis. The sash can open in any direction, which is convenient if you are limited in space or inside the room, the furniture is close to the window.

It does not have such an ability. It is devoid of a sash and fittings in general. Such a window can be used in conjunction with others that can be ventilated. It is not recommended to put several blind windows in one room without equipping it with opening structures. Plastic Models do not allow air to pass through, and the room will be stuffy, possibly condensation will begin to accumulate. It is important for health that fresh air is regularly supplied to the room.

Different types of PVC windows can have different characteristics: for example, constructs often have different width double-glazed windows. When choosing a window, it is worth paying this criterion. Special attention... Do not overpay for a double-glazed unit that is too thick if you live in a relatively mild climate and quiet place; if there is a serious minus on the street or the windows face a noisy highway, you should think about installing the thickest double-glazed window. It should be noted that the glass itself can be ordinary, tempered or armored. These parameters affect its strength and resistance to mechanical damage.

PVC windows, the types of which are the most diverse, can become a universal solution for any room.

Today it is difficult to imagine a house without windows, although there are examples in the world that are devoid of this familiar architectural detail. There are also dwellings whose owners, due to an unfortunate neighborhood, decided not to install windows in the usual direction, preferring to install several dozen rooflights made of matte acrylic. A striking example of this is concrete house in Hiroshima. Personally, I cannot imagine a cozy home without high-quality daylight and a stream of fresh air, and our need for this is perfectly satisfied by the windows. They can be wooden or plastic, have the most different shape and open in different directions... Today we will talk about what kind of windows exist in the direction of opening.

Sash opening methods

Typically in multi-storey buildings establish the same type metal-plastic windows white which can be opened towards you (swing leaf) or upward (flap). Very often half of the window does not open at all; this is called a "blind sash".

In fact, there are many more ways to open the sash, and some of them are very convenient and are more actively used in private households. Below is a description of each method + a visual opening diagram.

1. Blind flap. Such a sash is not openable. As a rule, such sashes are installed in shop windows, in combined window systems, when some sash opens and some does not. This flap complicates the cleaning process. outside windows and does not allow airing the room.

2. Rotary way of opening the sash (swing sash). Such windows can open inward or outward. This is a fairly common type of opening windows. One side of such a window is hinged. To open the window, you need to pull the handle, after which it will open with a rotation around the fixed axis. The cost of such windows is quite low, and they are quite in demand in the modern window market.

3. Flap way of opening the flaps (flap). The above-described method of opening the sashes is very often combined with a hinged one, since this allows, depending on the owner's desire, to open the window in the mode of light ventilation upward or wide open. Window manufacturers provide for the possibility of turning the handle in different directions for one direction or another of the opening. Swivel opening - handle in horizontal position, folding - in vertical position. I would like to say that in cheap windows very often the sashes get stuck when turning the handles, which I had to face when renting an apartment in a new building. It is better to choose a more durable and high-quality option, like on

4. Suspended method sash opening (suspended sash). In this case, the sash opens at the bottom of the window. It is very important that such a window is also made with high quality, since the risk of pinching your fingers is quite high.

5. Way of opening the shutters, rotatable along the vertical axis (swinging along the vertical axis, the shutter). Such a window can be opened to the right or left side, while part of the window goes outside, and the other - inside the apartment. This type of sash cannot be called the most popular, as it is not very convenient.

6. A way of opening the sash that can be rotated along the horizontal axis (sash that can be rotated along the horizontal axis). Everything is similar to method number five, only the window opens up and down, not sideways.

7. Sliding way sash opening (sliding sash). Highly convenient way, since you can open the window to any width and it is safer if you have a cat in your house. Few people know that opening a window to the overhead ventilation is potentially dangerous for cats, as they try to get out, slide down and break backs (there are thousands of cases in the world). Plastic windows are slippery, animals have nothing to cling to with their claws.

8. Folding way of opening the sash (folding sash). In this case, the window can be easily folded like an accordion. Such windows look quite original, and with proper design, you can create a very beautiful window composition.

Good day, dear readers!

Yesterday I had a hard day - a lot of orders, a lot of household chores. In general, at the end of the day, the strength was gone. But the visit to one grandmother was very memorable. She has strong wind squeezed out the window frame. I kept thinking what she had better do.
She was more inclined to think about replacing plastic windows, but neighbors at the entrance told her that they were unhealthy.

Friends, so that you do not have such misconceptions, now I will tell you in detail about the plastic window - what it consists of and what materials are used in the manufacture.

The design of the plastic window - what it consists of, the purpose of the elements

All familiar plastic windows consist of a number of elements, this is a PVC profile, double-glazed windows, fittings, sealing contours, glazing beads, drainage, window sill, slopes.

As a result, the construction of a plastic window is very complicated. For example, a profile made of polyvinyl chloride, which looks like a smooth bar (this definition is allowed by GOST 30673-99), hides many complex technical solutions inside.

Construction of plastic windows

Modern PVC window systems are manufactured according to the principle of a constructor, which opens up unlimited possibilities in the production of translucent structures of any configuration. The advantages of PVC systems are well known:

  • relatively low weight in comparison with wood, aluminum and wood-aluminum;
  • durability and reliability;
  • high consumer properties;
  • various opening options: rotary, swing-out, tilt, sliding;
  • ease of care;
  • affordable price.

The debate about which windows is better is unlikely to end in the foreseeable future.

Yes, this happens with a PVC profile, but at temperatures at which any person will have to leave the room for a long time.

Plastic window - what does it consist of

The construction of plastic windows includes two main elements - a profile and a double-glazed window. After measuring the dimensions of the opening by specialists in production, a window frame is made. It accounts for about 10% of the total area of ​​the structure.

Consider the elements of the window, consisting of the profile of the selected chamber:

  • frame - a box welded at the corners, which is rigidly fixed in the opening;
  • sash - structural elements that allow part of the window to be opened;
  • impost - a fixed element that divides the box into parts and provides additional rigidity; distinguish between vertical and horizontal imposts.

There are several air chambers inside the profile, their number varies from three to six.

The width and thickness of the profile also differ. During manufacturing, a reinforcing insert is placed in the main chamber of the profile - a reinforcing profile, which also has different characteristics... The sound and thermal insulation properties the window system, as well as its strength.

Other important elements of a window are glass and a sealing strip. A sealed glass unit is made of two or three glasses - a translucent part of the structure.

Double-glazed windows differ:

  • By production technology (today standard and "warm edge" are used).
  • By the number of chambers: a double-glazed unit of two glasses is called single-chamber, of three - two-chamber.

A perforated aluminum or plastic frame (spacer) is installed between the glasses, into which a desiccant or molecular sieve is placed. The glass unit is fixed with glazing beads made of the additional profile.

According to the types of glass used, which today, in addition to ordinary glasses of different thicknesses, there are many varieties. Manufacturers select glass for the main function of a glass unit: noise insulation, energy saving, protection against sun rays.


By thickness. Manufacturers produce double-glazed windows of different thicknesses, the step is 2 m. climatic conditions middle latitudes, it is reasonable to focus on double-glazed windows with a thickness of 32-34 mm.

The device of a plastic window provides for the installation of two or more sealing circuits. Such characteristics of the seal as wear resistance and heat resistance are important. Seals are usually made of vulcanized rubber (rubber), synthetic rubber (EPDM rubber), elastic thermoplastic.

There can be no good plastic window without high-quality, reliable fittings. This term refers to the hinges on which the sashes are suspended, the mechanisms with which they are opened and closed, handles and much more. Good fittings, such as Titan AF fittings, should be invisible (except for beautiful handles, of course!) And not remind the user of themselves, creating problems for him.

We hope we were able to briefly explain what the window consists of. Finishing the enumeration of the elements of the window structure, we must not forget to mention:

  • shtulp - an element that allows you to tightly cover the sash without impost;
  • slopes - plastic panels covering the walls around the window on three sides;
  • drainage - a cornice that protects the structure from atmospheric precipitation;
  • windowsill - a favorite place for housewives to place flowers and seedlings, is made mainly of MDF boards or PVC profile.


Each sandpiper praises its swamp or what the plastic window consists of

No matter how the managers of ANY window company assure you that their windows are the best, all plastic windows are inherently the same (may the window manufacturers forgive me))).

Any plastic it consists of three components:

  • a plastic frame (inside which a reinforcing profile is installed);
  • glass unit (which consists of several glasses);
  • accessories (opening mechanism).

And everything else is nuance! Well, or features.

For those who are interested in the features of our windows, below will be described in detail about them. Now I want to "on fingers" explain to people those moments that are usually put common man into a dead end (managers like to assume importance, explaining themselves in terms).

So, I'll start.

Plastic frame (profile). This is the part of the window that is made of plastic - frame or sash.

To make it completely clear, I will explain:

  • The frame is the fixed part of the window
  • A sash is a movable part of a window (opening).
  • A profile is a window detail that differs from one manufacturer to another. The profile is produced by many companies and then sold to window manufacturers.

Therefore, any manager will surely tell you this phrase: “We are working on a profile” ... - and here the name (VEKA, KBE, BRUSBOX, REHAU, GEALAN, PROPLEX ...) there are a great many manufacturers, so you can list them for a very long time.

Each manufacturer has its own profile geometry - it can be rectangular, rounded or have beveled corners. But the principle is again the same for everyone. If you look at a section of any of the profiles, you will see that they all have a thicker outer contour and many internal bridges. These bridges form air chambers within the plastic profile. And the more of these cameras, the warmer the windows. And the managers will gladly and proudly inform you about this at the consultation: “We offer windows from three-four-five-six chamber profiles”.

Inside each PVC profile, it is mandatory to put metallic profile(reinforcement) that holds the geometry finished window and gives it rigidity. Reinforcement can be U-shaped or closed ( square tube). Of course, closed reinforcement is much preferable, because more rigid (the window is less susceptible to deformation during installation).

Helpful advice!

Yes, I almost forgot! All profile systems have grooves in which a sealing rubber is installed.

I will not explain why it is needed - the name speaks for itself. I can only say that there are rubber bands that press the glass unit (do not allow cold and moisture to penetrate through the connection into the apartment), and those that work for pressing (so that there is no blowing and freezing between the frame and the window sash).

Well, everything is quite simple here. A double-glazed unit is several glasses connected to each other. A distance frame is installed between the glasses, which forms an air chamber and does not allow the glasses to stick together. The frame can be of different thicknesses, therefore, double-glazed windows are obtained in different thicknesses.

Double-glazed windows are single and double-chamber.

  • A single-chamber double-glazed window is when there are 2 glasses and one air chamber between them.
  • Two-chamber, respectively - 3 glasses and 2 air chambers.

V residential buildings single-chamber double-glazed windows are installed only in entrances, basements, or when glazing balconies. The apartments are ALWAYS equipped with double-glazed windows.

There are NO three-four-five-chamber double-glazed windows! And if the manager tells you: "We have five-chamber windows" - this means that the window uses a five-chamber profile and double-glazed window.

I would like to say a few more words about the heat-reflecting coating (TOP). TOP is a sputtering on the inner side of one of the glasses in a double-glazed unit, which has a double effect: winter period- reflects part of the heat from the glass and preserves it indoors, and in the summer - reflects part of the sun's rays, which significantly reduces the heating of the room (important for those with windows facing south).

Fittings. Those who lived in the Soviet Union probably remember the old wooden windows... The fittings on them were limited to two canopy hinges and a rotary latch handle. (Oh yes, sorry! I forgot the bolt on balcony door! A work of art!)))) Sic0818

On modern PVC For windows, fittings are a complex mechanism that is installed along the entire perimeter of the sash, and counterparts are installed on the frame. And the better the fittings, the more reliable your window will be. The fittings provide a tight sash to the frame ALL OVER THE PERIMETER. It is also responsible for the safety of your window (a window with good fittings is quite problematic to break open from the outside).

Here, in general terms, is all that I wanted to tell you about PVC windows. Now you can safely call various window companies (if you don’t feel sorry for your time), and baffle managers who are less savvy than you!


What are plastic windows made of?

The main elements of PVC windows are frame, sash, fittings and glass unit:

Frame is a fixed plastic part of the window onto which the sashes are attached.

Sash - the opening part of the window.

Double-glazed windows - glass sealed in a special way. Depending on how many glasses are used, a distinction is made between single-chamber (two glasses and one chamber between them) and two-chamber (three glasses and two chambers) double-glazed windows.

Fittings - handles, latches, locking mechanisms and other devices that ensure the opening of the doors, their fixation in any position or locking.

Window constructions are made from a set of standard profiles.

Usually there are several main types of profiles:

Frame profile - used to create the main structure (frame), usually follows the contour of the entire window.

Sash - sashes and other opening elements are made from it. Impost is a frame profile that serves for reattachment of sashes and for hanging sashes in three or more sash windows.

Shtapik - a plastic rail that holds the glass unit in the window. Low tide is a flat and wide profile installed outside the window and designed to drain rainwater from the window.

Slope is a flat and wide profile used for neat finishing of the side surfaces of a window opening.


Window profile. Double-glazed window. Fittings

Any customer of plastic windows is interested in knowing how a plastic window works. This is necessary in order to understand which elements of plastic windows are important, and it should not be worth saving on them in any case. And what elements are of secondary importance, and they can be selected cheaper.

A double-glazed window is inserted into the profile. In a double-glazed unit, the necessary fittings (handles, locks, fasteners) are used so that the doors of the glass unit can perform their useful functions of opening and closing.

Window profiles

The window profile consists of long plastic ropes 3-5 m long, from which it is welded window frame taking into account all the doors and vents for your size. That is, the so-called plastic frame, into which a double-glazed window is then inserted. Inside window profile there are also air chambers. It is the air chambers that allow the profile not to release heat from the apartment to the outside. And the tightness of the profile due to the dense plastic does not allow moisture and precipitation to flow onto the windowsill. Treat the window profile as the basis for everything that makes up a plastic window.

German profiles Rehau, Kbe, Veka, Montblunc, Deceuninck, Gealan and others are leaders in the production of plastic profiles of good and even best quality... In contrast, Russian profiles Brusbox, Proplex, Brusbox, or made in China (R&K, Plast) or Turkey (Wintech, PENSA) often crack and turn yellow after 2-3 years of installation.

At a cost, plastic windows from German profiles start at 15,000 -18,000 r for a standard double-leaf window. Plastic windows from the Chinese profile start at 12,000 rubles for a double-leaf window.

As you already understood, it is not worth saving on the window profile, because the investment will then be completely unjustified. 70% of the total cost of plastic windows is just a profile. Therefore, if you make a mistake with the window profile, and your windows will leak, blow out and cause condensation on the glass, the window will have to be replaced completely.

The standard window profile for central Russia is a profile with 3-5 air chambers. This profile is suitable for regions where the winter temperature does not drop below 25 degrees. A more expensive premium class window profile contains 6-8 air chambers. It is designed for detached houses, i.e. cottages country houses and summer cottages.

Double-glazed windows

A double-glazed window contains several glasses that are connected along the perimeter. The space between the two panes is called an air chamber, and there are usually one, two or three such chambers. The more cameras there will be in your double-glazed window, the warmer it will be in your apartment, where you plan to install a plastic window. Single-chamber double-glazed windows are well suited only for glazing balconies, loggias and gazebos - that is, not completely insulated rooms. If, however, you plan to make a living zone with a comfortable temperature on the loggia, it is better to order a two-chamber double-glazed window.

Sometimes the chambers are filled with argon instead of air - then the heat retention properties of the glass unit are even more enhanced. Inner side glass in this case is coated with silver ions, which also has a positive effect on the climate in the room at any time of the year.

PVC window fittings

PVC window fittings include many useful mechanisms such as handles, locks, door closers, ventilation scissors, dampers, levers, hinged locks, blockers and other details.

German fittings Roto, Fuhr, Siegenia are far superior in quality to Russian and Chinese. What are the advantages of European fittings, you ask?

- 30,000-40,000 opening and closing cycles versus 10,000-12,000 cycles of Russian hardware;

- a special coating against corrosion, scratches and normal wear and tear;

- different ventilation modes for winter and summer;

- burglar-proof mechanisms.


Of course, you can save on accessories by ordering Russian or Chinese, but be prepared for the fact that the handles may fail in 2-3 years and will have to be replaced.

So we have listed all the main things that make up a plastic window. In conclusion, we would like to offer you several options for plastic windows with different window profiles and double-glazed windows. To do this, leave a request on our Portal, and within 20 minutes the operator of the window company will call you.

In your application, you can indicate any of your requirements, for example, a German profile and a double-glazed window or simply "the cheapest plastic windows". Depending on your requirements, we will select a window company for you. If you still have any questions or doubts about profiles or double-glazed windows, you can discuss them by phone with the operator.


Production and installation of plastic windows

The main elements of a plastic window

A plastic window consists of many components, each of which performs its own function.
In the construction of a plastic window, each element performs its own function. Each part has its own name and purpose. When ordering PVC windows, you need to understand the vocabulary of the window company's specialists in order to choose the optimal window configuration.

Basic window elements

Profile. One of the important elements is the plastic window profile itself. The profile consists of polyvinyl chloride, inside which a reinforcing rod passes. Reinforcement performs the function of strengthening the structure. It can have a closed structure or be U-shaped.

It is thanks to the reinforcement that the window frame withstands large mass the entire window structure.

The PVC profile is responsible for thermal and sound insulation of the window structure.

What kind of atmosphere will be in your home will depend on him, so special attention should be paid to his choice. Profiles are distinguished by the number of chambers: they can be three- or five-chambered, as well as by the mounting width of the profile: it can be 58 mm, 70 mm or more. Accordingly, the more chambers in the profile and the greater its mounting width, the higher the noise and thermal insulation characteristics he possesses.

The profile can be either classic white or colored. To do this, it is covered with a laminated film of your chosen color.

Frame and sashes. The frame and sash of the window is made from the profiles. The frame of the window profile is attached directly to the window opening. And already to it are attached window sashes, which are also made of PVC profile. The doors can be deaf or opening (swing or swing-out). In turn, in casement install a double-glazed window.

Impost is another element made of PVC profile. This is a vertical or horizontal bar that divides the frame into sashes. There is also a false impost (also called shtulp).

Shtapik. This is the window element, thanks to which the glass unit is held in the sash. It is located along its inner perimeter.

Double-glazed window. It provides the window with airtightness, translucency, and, like the profile, performs the functions of thermal and noise insulation. Modern double-glazed windows for windows are made of two or three sheets of glass connected to each other.

Modern double-glazed windows can be single-chamber (2 glasses and 1 air chamber) or two-chamber (3 glasses and 2 air chambers).

There is a special perforated aluminum frame between the glasses. Inside the frame are special glass drier granules. Thanks to them, the glasses do not fog up, and the air in the chamber remains dry. Air chambers are located between the glasses, which also affect the level of thermal insulation in the room. In the inter-glass space there is ordinary rarefied air. But at the request of the customer, it can be filled with argon.

The glasses themselves in a glass unit can be very diverse: classic, energy-saving, tinted, shockproof, triplex, reinforced. The thickness of the glass also differ and are: 4, 5 or 6 mm. Thicker glass is chosen for installation in windows of increased area.

Fittings. These are mechanisms that ensure the opening of the sash in various planes. The convenience and durability of the window will depend on its quality. The basic set of windows of the company "Seven square meters»Includes anti-burglar German fittings Winkhaus. We can also offer various additional fittings that will help protect your home from unauthorized entry.

Mosquito nets are optional but very important element window. They protect your home from mosquitoes, as well as debris or, for example, poplar fluff. They consist of a dense mesh stretched over a thin aluminum profile. At the same time, the mesh does not interfere with the penetration of light and air into the room. If necessary, they can be easily removed (for the winter).

Elements without which the window will not have a complete look

The quality of a window depends on the elements it consists of. That is why our company offers windows that consist only of reliable components from trusted manufacturers. An important role is played by the assembly of these elements, from which a reliable plastic window is ultimately obtained.

In order for the window to acquire an aesthetic appearance, as well as to make it convenient to use, it is necessary to finish the window opening.

An important part is the windowsill. It blocks the window sill and makes it more functional. Window sills are also predominantly made of PVC. They can be matte or glossy, white or laminated.

Slopes have an aesthetic function. Thanks to them, the window opening gets a neat appearance... They block the ends of the walls in the window opening, and also close the seam connection between the window and the opening. Quality slopes are made of warm sandwich panels.


The drain is installed on the outside of the window opening. Its function is to drain water outside.

Drainages are made of galvanized steel. This drainage is based on steel sheet up to 1 mm thick. Then a special coating is applied to it (in industrial conditions). His outer surface can be painted white or any other color. To ensure sound-absorbing properties on interior drainage apply a special tape (so the raindrops will not "drum" too much on the metal).