How to properly arrange a sewer in the house. Scheme and sewage device in a private house do it yourself

In the absence of the possibility of connecting the house to the central sewer system, the only option is autonomous sewage In a private house, it is not too difficult to do it with your own hands, but to perform some works, if necessary, you can attract specialists and special equipment. The cost of the project as a whole and the time of its implementation depends on individual characteristics.

Disposal of effluents is one of the determining issues when choosing a stand-alone sewage scheme. From the correctness of the choice and efficiency of the cleaning or accumulative structure, the comfort of living depends largely.

In order to compare possible options It was easier, we will list briefly features, the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

DIY structures

Sealed cesspoolOn the one hand, it is a classic, on the other, this classic is increasingly inferior to the position of more perfect and economical designs because of its main disadvantage - the need to periodically call the assessing machine for pumping content. Services of assessing agents are not only trouble, but also inevitable expenses. At the same time, at the construction stage, a cesspool is the cheapest option.

Self-built septica Depending on the design, it can significantly increase the time intervals between the pumping of the effluent, or allow them to do without the associates, limited to the cleaning of the structure once a year or even less often. Undoubtedly, materials for the construction of septicists will have to be bought, but from an economic point of view there are certain advantages:

  • you can use used materials,
  • the cost of materials is lower than the finished structure,
  • no need to spend money for work (with rare exception required application lifting equipment).

Materials for the manufacture of tanks when independent construction Can serve:

  • concrete rings
  • concrete (for filar construction),
  • brick,
  • plastic large containers (Eurokube).

Ready solutions

Ready septic tanks can be vaguely dependent or autonomous. Requiring and not requiring pumping.

Among the equipment available on the market, two main categories can be distinguished in the market for disposal of sewage drains.

1. Non-volatile factory septics differ in their operational capabilities and, accordingly, at cost. The more effectively the septic (performance, degree of cleaning) works, the more it is, however, the higher the level of comfort and less effort is required for service.

In the photo, autonomous sewage based on non-volatile septicism with waterproofing of wastewater in filtration fields

2. Local Purification Stations (LOS) are quite expensive, but more efficient structures with the possibility of cleaning the effluent with removing up to 98-99% impurities and obtaining water-suitable water. Balanced systems and used biocosystem methods make LOS safe and convenient to operate. The main drawback of the LOS is the high cost of equipment and the need for electricity consumption.

The most popular models of finished cleaning structures are:

  • Tank,
  • Junulos,
  • Tver,
  • Topman.

For self-container claiming You can be useful if you decide to choose this material.

And about the construction of a brick septica there.

How to install a septic tank, as well as about his device, we told on this page

Design system

The system of autonomous sewage in a private house will be easy to work only if all the nuances of operation are maximally taken into account, including:

  • the average daily volume of water consumption (the volume of the tank must be at least three daily norms),
  • number of drain points
  • terrain relief (cleaning or accumulative structure is better placed at the lowest point),
  • the level of groundwater (the design of the container and its work should exclude the likelihood of their pollution),
  • the location of key objects on the site (exist sanitary normsdefining the minimum allowable distances to the sources of drinking water, windows and doors of the residential building, fruit trees and the garden car expensive etc.).

When the autonomous sewage is designed with their own hands, the scheme includes:

  • external communications and sewage treatment
  • interior pipelines and equipment,
  • ventilation system.

In order for the system to fully comply with the operating conditions and has not experienced overloads, the following items are included in the project:

  • the number of residents (including a separately consistent number of possible seasonally guests in the house of relatives),
  • a possible number of briefly at the same time visiting the guest house,
  • the number of points of water intake and their type (equipping them with some or the other equipment),
  • planning the site (optimally, if a scheme is attached with a linear size, area, house location, surplus buildings, drinking water sources).

Installation of the sewer system

In order to understand how to make autonomous sewage in a private house, you can consider the whole complex of work, separating it into separate blocks.

External communications

External pipeline is a highway from a residential building to a place of collection or cleaning wastewater. The ideal option There could be a straight line from one point to another, made with the necessary bias, however, it is not always possible to pave a highway in this way.

In addition, it is possible to cut into this highway additional taps (strokes from shower, bath, etc.). All turns and scenes are a potential hazard to form blocks, because when changing the flow rate, solid impurities can delay on the walls of the pipes.

Concerning specific rules should be followed:

  • To eliminate abrupt changes in the direction of flow, which can cause blockage formation, oblique crosses and tees are used for installation, as well as taps with angles 15, 30 and 45 degrees.
  • All locations of the direction and inserts are complemented by revision wells.

Another one an important point is an select pipes for outdoor system. It is possible to use products from:

  • plastic
  • cast iron.

Plastic pipes From PVC for outdoor sewage must be orange color, and for internal gray

When choosing, not only the cost, but also the characteristics of the pipes are taken into account.

  • If the sewage system has a stock from dishwasher and washing machines, it is better not to use polymer materials that are sensitive to high temperatures at least at the beginning of the highway, where the drains have not yet cooled.
  • In areas laid down the paths, sidewalks and, moreover, only the most durable cast iron pipes are used under the road for entering the vehicles.

There are other nuances that should be taken into account by deciding how to make autonomous sewer in a private house.

  • Too high as too low speed Flows may cause blocking of blockages, so it is important to ensure throughout the highway stable bias 2% (2 cm reducing the level for each meter of length).
  • Outdoor communications are stacked in trenches, the depth of which must be greater than the depth of the primer of the soil in the region).
  • Communications need mandatory thermal insulation if there is no possibility to pave them below the level of soil freezing. When laying in the unsolving layer, you can do without additional protection
  • For durability of the system, all pipes other than plastic must also be protected from humidity.
  • In addition to revision wells in complex places of the system, similar structures are put along the entire length of the calculation - 1 well for 10-15 meters of highway.

Inner system

Internal autonomous sewage in a private house with their own hands is performed from polypropylene or PVC pipes. In this case, the temperature of the effluent should also be taken into account and the susceptibility of the material.

The diameter of the pipes is selected depending on the volume and type of waste at each point. For washbasins, enough taps with a diameter of 50 mm, and for toilet bowls and common collectors - 110 mm. The magnitude of the slope required for the shaking of the drain without delay and the formation of the plug depends on the diameter of the line: for pipes with a diameter of 50 mm, it is 3% (3 cm per meter of length), and for pipes with a diameter of 110 mm - 2% (2 cm).

To prevent the return current when the blockage occurs it is recommended to install check valves. (for each removal separately or common on the collector pipeline). When installing internal sewer systems also used waterproofs orcapable of preventing unpleasant smells from sewage.

The most important element sewer system It is the point of connecting its internal and external components, the so-called release from the house, which is the transition of an intrama collector with a highway transporting drains to the septic.

  • If the sewage is arranged in the already built house, it is possible to install the release above the ground. In this case, high-quality thermal insulation will be required to prevent freezing.
  • Issue through the foundation below the level of soil freezing reduces the degree of risk and is preferred. The ability to drill the hole for laying the pipe after the construction of the building is determined individually. It is best to arrange such a way out on stage.
  • Graduation pipe through the wall should pass with the installation of the sleevewhich protects against damage and deformation exhaust pipe. The role of the sleeve acts, as a rule, the length of the larger diameter tube (by 10-15 cm), allowing styling the release pipe into it and protruding 10 cm beyond the foundation from both sides.
  • When drilling a hole and installation of the sleeve, it is important to take into account the need to slope communications towards the septic. The position of the sleeve is able to determine the magnitude of this slope.

Ventilation of the sewer system

How the autonomous sewage system works largely depends on efficiency. The latter is designed to normalize the pressure in the pipelines, changing during the descent of water, as well as to be removed from the gase system. The presence of ventilation allows you to extend the durability of the system, eliminating the likelihood.

In addition, the timely influx of air into the sparserage zone arising from the descent of water eliminates the likelihood of its seizure of siphons, which is usually accompanied by unpleasant sounds. Classic decision It is with the output of its free end to the roof.

During construction, certain requirements and features should be taken into account.

  • The fan tube should be placed on the roof above the rest (smoke, ventilation at home).
  • The distance from the fan tube to the nearest window or balcony horizontally should be at least 4 m.
  • The optimal diameter of the fan tube is 110 mm (the same as the diameter of the internal riser). On the one hand, it provides the necessary traction, on the other - with such a magnitude for the system is not a critical partial narrowing of the passage due to the formation of a naked in frosty weather.

The device of autonomous sewage in the private house is increasingly complementedwhich can replace overall ventilation or work with it. Membrane or rod structures react to pressure changes. Depending on the model, the valves can only work on the intake or inlet and air intake. Installation valves can be installed on a general pipeline or on the discretions of individual plumbing structures. It is often advisable to install a similar device only on the removal of the washing machine, since it is precisely it drains water with a certain pressure, thereby dramatically changing the pressure in the pipeline.

Living in your private house without sewage will be at least not comfortable.

As a rule, its installation takes place at the construction stages. Although there are exceptions.

And the sewage is for a private house, as the masters are noticed correctly, it is arranged more often after building the building.

Schemes and species

IN large houseswhere many rooms (bathrooms, bathrooms, kitchen, etc.) is usually applied by a minimum circuit with two septic.

If you can join the central sewer system, then this should be done despite the subsequent impressive fees.

If not, you have to construct autonomous sewers.

Internal sewage: Scheme and specifics

Creating a project, you need to take into account the premises that need sewage. They are placed in one location on each floor. With such a layout it is easier to lay pipes. Although for each house a personal project is created.

The scheme here can be formed on your own. Of course, it will not be a professional and detailed development, like specialists. But acting competently, you use it with its help and decide on necessary quantity Equipment and materials.

Here you must need a plan at home. Resect positions for the sewer pipeline (TC), riser (risers) and all sanitary devices. In the diagram, mark the shaped elements for the pipeline and the distance from these elements to the riser and plumbing devices. Decide with the desired number of connecting components. Such work is carried out on each floor.

Tip:be sure to calculate how many pipes need different diameters and connecting components.

Required diameters:

  1. For a riser or TC, as well as the exhaust block of removal of wastewater, running out of the bathroom - 10-11 cm.
  2. For effluent from the kitchen and bathroom, a pipe is used - 5 cm.
  3. Turns in sewage should be made by two knees. The corner of their position is 45 °. This will help prevent breaks.


It is usually pipes from cast iron, polypropylene or PVC. The first are considered standard. They cope with impressive loads. Their durability and reliability admires.

But today there are all the greatest glory products from two other indicated materials. Their cost is more attractive, and the installation is much easier.

Polypropylene products are very often purchased. Buyers like their flexibility and modest mass, and resistance to high temperatures Wastewater.

It's important to know:it is worth noting that the products from PVC and polypropylene are laid only inside the house. Cast iron analogues can be laid outside.

Pipes from all these materials, in the correct operation, will serve for a very long time.


Typically, the sewage system is divided into mixed and separate. Most often in private homes, the first appearance works.

Types of sewerage on the development of wastewater: samotane and pressure. The second requires tremendous costs and efforts. Therefore, the popularity of the first is much higher.

Thus, in private generally homes are satisfied with mixed samotane sewage.


For work, necessarily need an assistant. Work passes S. polypropylene tubes. Their diameters are 5 and 10 cm. Other necessary things: revisions, tees and knee, as well as sleeves, clamps for fasteners of pipes, rubber cuffs, glue.

The sleeves are put on those sites where the system crosses the walls or overlap. Rubber cuffs are superimposed on the connection sections. And there is a powerful insulation with the help of plumbing sealant.

Laying pipes comes with some bias. These are SNiP requirements. For a given case, a bias - 2-3%. It largely determines the diameter of the pipe. The percentage here is a slope in the calculation of cm / 1 pursuit. meter. For pipes with a more modest diameter of a bias - 3%. Just observing this rule, you can qualitatively mount the working internal sewer.

And also inappropriate the slope is less than 2% and more than 3%. Under the first scenario, solid elements will remain on the walls of the pipes, the block is formed. With a second - flow streams in these pipes are too much speed, and wastewater will be divided into fractions, and solid elements will fall.

To connect such pipes, glue or rubber seals are applied.

For your information: We also need a soldering iron and a perforator.

The work starts from the release - the site where the internal and external sewage is converge. With this start, you will not allow the inconsistency of these systems. Installation of the release goes through the foundation. If it is carried out at a depth of depth, the depth of the fruit of the soil in your area, then the pipe is necessarily insulated. Otherwise, the release turns out, and the sewage will be able to work only in warm time.

If there is no hole for the release in the foundation, you need to arrange it.

The required diameter of the sleeve is 13 cm. The sleeve comes out on each side of the base at least 15 cm. The hole and installation of the sleeve goes with a slope of 2% for the external sewage, next to the septic. The production diameter necessarily coincides with the riser diameter.

The best position for rising - bathroom. So the exhaust department for elimination of the toilet from the toilet will be created short. The following tendency is valid here: the more significant the diameter of the exhaust department and Santeh. Devices, the closer its position to the riser.

The laying method is personal. You can make a gasket in boxes, in the walls, you can work in an open way. For the installation of pipes with a riser uses oblique tees. If your scheme is present to the point where the releases from the shower, bath and sink are converged, then the collector tube is installed there. Its diameter is 10 cm.

To protect the house from nasty smells, install the hydropup.A revision must be mounted on each riser. Each twist of sewage must end with clean. So, with sewage stamps, it will be easier to be cleaned.

The riser continues upstairs already in the form of a fan tube. At first at the point of its installation there is a revision. After that, this pipe is excreted on the roof. It is not allowed to combine with home ventilation.

The output necessarily surpasses the roof rustle, at least 70 cm from the roof and at a distance of 4 m from the windows. Ventilation, chimney and sama fan tube should differ in the altitude of the location.

Introducing the internal sewer, it must be thoroughly shed clean water. It is so tested by the tightness of all connections.

External sewage

This sewage is a network of pipes from the exhaust unit to the septica or the cleaning station. The gasket of the pipes here is carried out in the ground.

Pipes must have an impressive rigidity and withstand the effects of soil. And also better lay pipes bright colorTo make them easier to notice in depth. The diameter of such pipes is 11 cm.

there is different types External ventilation. The most primitive are cesspools and accumulative systems where wastewater is harvested. Today, it is increasingly given preferences to various septicities and stations of total cleaning.

Two-chamber septic

Spent types:

  1. Two-chamber.
  2. Three-kamer.
  3. With biofilter.
  4. With one chamber and soil cleansing.

Septic tank is chosen based on:

  1. The needs of all residents at home.
  2. The number of these tenants.
  3. Views of residence: permanent or temporary.
  4. Approximate water consumption. It is understood how much every tenant spends water daily. The number of sanitary devices in the house is also important here, and there are household appliances there.
  5. The level of groundwater in your territory.
  6. Parameters of the territory itself. Here are calculated areas for cleaning equipment.
  7. Type of soil.
  8. Climate in your area.

System example:

What septicch or cleaning station you acquire is also the question of your budget. And also here will not prevent consult with specialists.

It is also important to consider some criteria for finding such equipment:

  1. Vegetable garden and septicch must separate at least 8 m.
  2. Any water source and septic tire separates at least 20 m.
  3. Residential house and septic tires minimum 5 m.

The main dilemma in the organization of external sewage is a competent selection of cleaning technology. Excavation And the gasket does not cause special difficulties.

Concerning general scheme external sewage, then it is necessarily included:

  • tray system where waste is focused;
  • waste dilution channels to the disposal point;
  • sustainer (cesspool).

Algorithm for the installation of external sewage:

  1. Creating a trench. It connects the houses with a sump. Trench slope: 2 cm / 1 m pipe in the direction of the cesspool.
  2. The bottom of the trench is covered sand pillow. Layer -10-15 cm.
  3. On this cushion, the pipeline is close to the cumulative tank.
  4. The docking point of the pipe with a septic is compacted: the pipe is placed on the oval of cords. The cord is treated with solidol.

Sewage requirements in a private house

  1. To install, use the materials of the desired parameters.
  2. Make a scheme taking into account all the necessary factors.
  3. Do not use low quality pipes.
  4. Do not tap the sewer with heavy waste.
  5. Design the sewer simultaneously with the design of the house itself.
  6. Mount the sewer at the construction stages. it optimal option. If it has not been observed, the solution methods are already set out higher.

How to make a sewer in a private house, watch Tips in the following video:

Decent living conditions are impossible to imagine without a comfortable bathroom and, accordingly, wastewall systems. There are some features with a sewage device in 2 or more storey houses, concerning both the general organization of the organization and the specific nuances of the installation.

General sewage structure

In multi-storey residential buildings The sewer system has a rather complicated organization. Preferably, to the beginning of the installation work, a project in which should be indicated are:

  1. Aksonometric layout of pipelines and connection points.
  2. List of plumbing equipment and household applianceswhich will be connected to the wastewater system.
  3. Pipe capacity, flow direction and slope value on all areas.

The structure of the system is represented by a tree, from the trunk of which the main pipelines are diverged in which the connection points are carried out. All system branches are located on several levels, conditionally at the floor level of each floor. The number and length of the branches are practically not limited, but they all should have a bias toward 3% for pipes with a diameter of 50 mm and 2% for highways 110 mm.

In the classic version, only one riser is satisfied, to which all branches of the system are connected. If the discharge of the effluent is carried out in a septic tank, it makes sense to produce a separate discharge of purely organic drain and including a large concentration of household cleaners with chlorine content. Also, the device of two risers can be appropriate when equipped with large country houseswhere on the same floor is more than two bathrooms. In such cases, each riser connects to its own local cleaning structure.

An example of a sewage scheme in a private house: 1 - knee 90 °; 2 - direct tee 90 °; 3 - internal wiring pipe; 4 - plug; 5 - Luke for cleaning; 6 - non-ventilated riser; 7 - tap pipe; 8 - revision; 9 - ventilated riser

When determining the structure of individual branches, the principle should be guided by the principle that points should be placed with the largest volume of salvo discharge. For example, if there is a sink or bath between the toilet and the roaster, then the tank is formed during the tank, which will pull out water from the ziphon hydraulic assembly. It is for this reason that the discharge of water from the toilet bowl is most often carried out directly in the riser.

Standing device

It is reasonable to install the riser immediately after the construction of the building box has been completed. On the one hand, it is possible to provide elementary household conditions at the time of further construction work. With another, sewer pipelines Can be hidden under the layer of finishes.

The place of placement of the stand should choose carefully and in advance, because his position on the house plan is strictly tied to the input of the outer part of the sewage. When draining the pipe is pretty noisy, so the riser should be placed either in technical room, isolated from the inhabable zone, or in the technical well equipped with noise insulation.

The riser should not be stupid, it should have at least one plot for which access through technical hatch is provided. Plumbing revisions are installed in these places - taps with threaded plugs. The place of installation of the revision should be chosen so that it provides access to as much as possible area of \u200b\u200bthe pipe, as well as the room where the hatch is located is quite spacious for maintenance.

The device of the ventilated sewer system: 1 - removal to septic; 2 - a riser with a diameter of 110 mm; 3 - fan tube; 4 - Deflector

Another requirement for a riser device - it must continue over the punch point of the most highly located branch. This is required for the organization of the so-called fan removal, due to which the vaccine is compensated for in the system that prevents the discharge of a large amount of water, as well as the ventilation of the riser in case of failures in the operation of hydrotherapy siphons. As a rule, the fan of the riser continues to the roof itself, where the sewage has a connection with the street through the roof cutting with a deflector. It is important that the fanner deflector is not closer than 5 meters from the windows and channels of the inflow of ventilation.

Connection points on floors

Before organizing the branch of the sewer system, you should decide on the placement of the connection points. This trivial task at first glance has some rules providing both comfortable use of sewage and its impeccable multi-year service. The configuration of the branches is determined primarily by the household organization of premises.

As a rule, on the second floor there is only two bathrooms: one common and one is attached to the bedroom. Preferably, both of these bathrooms have general wallwhich is located standing. At the floor level in the riser, it is embedded with a crossliner with two taps of 110 mm and two by 50 mm. Sinks, bidets and shower cabins are connected to small taps, to large-plums of toilet bowls.

On the first floor of connecting points more. Here is a kitchen, in it is required for kitchen sink and dishwasherFor which it is enough to spend from the standing branch of 50 mm of the pipeline of arbitrary length. In the same way, the sewage supply is performed to the laundry, where the washing and drying machine is located. Also, for the first floor, the placement of the main bathroom is characterized by the bathroom, sink and a toilet bowl with a bidet, that is, this room is conveniently placed under one of the bathrooms of the second floor or with a little removal. Some homes can be organized by a guest toilet, as a rule, it is placed next to the main bathroom and connect with one tap 110 mm for the toilet and one 50 mm for mini-sink. One of the useful innovations for modern country house - Subsidian sewage to the door of the black stroke, where the lattice with a receiving funnel for washing the shoes and a paw pet is mounted in the floor.

Sololift in the system of forced sewage: 1 - sewer pump (salt); 2 - plug connected to sewage; 3 - height of raising wastewater 4-6 m; 4 - sewer riser; 5 - Septik

If there is ground floorIt can also be organized by the sewage combined with common system. To do this, the installation of the so-called saltifer - the lifting pump, along which the drains will rise to the level of the first floor, and reset into the overall drainage removal through the tee located below the Cross. The discharge line from the basement floor must be equipped with check valve. The audio herself with the conducting of sewage to the basement may seem doubtful, however, it is possible to place the laundry in the zone, where the noise from it will not interfere with tenants, as well as organize a technical or "dirty" sink.

Installation of pipelines

Modern materials for the installation of sewer systems are designed with the settlement to cope with the work, not only professional plumbing could be done, but in general anyone. However, there is a certain regulation containing the rules and description of the assembly process.

The laying of sewage pipes in a private house can be performed in two ways. If the overlaps in the building is monolithic or full, pipe wiring is performed at the level of the floor of the upper floor, so the connection points are located at a sufficiently significant height, and the pipes themselves are hidden under the walls of the walls or in a falsecore. This approach is acceptable for laying pipes under the sink or washing machine, however, when the bath or drain is connected in the floor, with a significant distance from the standing, the height of the input nozzle is unacceptable. In such cases, the pipes are carried out down through the overlap, and then pull to the riser along the shortest path and hide behind the suspended ceiling construction and enter into a noise insulating shell. In case of frame overlaps This task is solved easier. Overlapping thickness is often sufficient to form the required slope, besides, a small diameter of pipes allows perforation in the beams of the supporting structure.

Plastic sewer pipes and shaped products They are a kind of designer who is going without using a special tool. Sealing connectors of connections is ensured by sealing rubberinstalled in the grooves on internal surface Skin. It is convenient to first extract all rubber rings, assemble the system "on dry", making sure the position of the pipelines and the correctness of the slopes, after which it can be sealing to the seal of all connections.

Video on the topic

Comfort and comfort dacha house, private household, country cottage It does not seem without an efficient, well-working sewer system.

Planning, arrangement and maintenance in the proper condition of the drain complex is the object of permanent attention of individual real estate owners.

Understanding all the fundamental principles of construction and maintenance of waste masses, the design of the main nodes and the system units, conduct the sewer in a private house Easy with your own hands. At the same time, significant savings of the selection is achieved. supplies and pay for qualified specialists.

Everyone house masterwho created your own hands a difficult functional system for own houseLike autonomous sewage, automatically becomes an indispensable specialist in its service.

On the construction market Moscow and the region have many companies for the arrangement of water supply and sewer work "Full construction". The Moscow region is positioning a different price range - for a small country house, the cost is within 20-30 thousand rubles. For a medium-sized building and with tenants up to 6 people, the drain will cost 50-60 thousand rubles. Equipment drain system Big 2-3. floor cottage With the number of tenants more than 12 can pull 200-300 thousand rubles and higher.

So, how to design and implement a sewage device in a private house, which will work not one decade without failures and emergency situations? How to plan it yourself, having received savings in the amount of 50% of the total costs? This will be discussed further in our article.

Design of plum

Before starting all the work, it is necessary to carefully consider the device of the entire system as a whole, as well as the composition of all its components. It is best to set out your vision of the design on paper.

Drawn project will be constantly in sight, helping to take into account important details. Work on the drawing will make it possible to plan the compact location of the pipes and take into account the characteristics of the building structure.

In the project, it is important to take into account the location of each plumbing node, designate ways of laying pipelines to equipment, calculate required amount Fittings, pipes, materials.

Specific plots of laid engineering network It is necessary to designate separately, calculating the length of the pipes and their diameters. When purchasing materials, this information will be very useful. The sewage scheme in a private house will be a reliable help with its construction.

The design process involves the arrangement of the internal and external detection schemes of the waste water.

When laying internal sewage Installed:

  • Fan trumpet
  • Central Outline
  • Pipes for shower, bathroom, toilet

External sewerage in a private house is responsible for the removal of outer sewage. It is suitable for the supply to septic, either to the station deep cleaning. The last construction will have a high cost. If there is near the house central system Sewering the task of arranging the external withdrawal of waste water is greatly simplified, considerable cash savings achieved.

To simplify installation, as well as in order to reduce costs, at the design stage it follows the compactness of the houses associated with water consumption. Thanks to this layout, the laying of pipes inside the house is greatly simplified.

Important Council - the design process must be started with a riser. Only by defining the channel of passing the riser and the collector pipe, you can schedule the further location of all other components of the system parts.

  • the best version of the material for laying sewage - polypropylene or polyvinyl chloride pipes, tees, fittings. They are much cheaper, but much more durable of cast iron products;
  • locking drain networks, all turns in them can be mounted using two plastic knees with a bend of 45 degrees. The design significantly minimizes the probability of blockages, which are often used to use one bend 90 degrees;
  • for gray kitchens, as well as for the output of used water from the bathroom used pVC pipes with a diameter of 50 millimeters;
  • sewing toilet pipes must be a diameter of at least 100-110 millimeters. The total length of such pipes should be not more than 1000 millimeters.

Wiring and laying of pipes

Installation work When laying pipelines of the drain complex are considered the most laborious in construction. Holding the house with their own hands, one owner will be difficult to cope with all the amount of work. Therefore, it is recommended to have one or two assistants from among family members, neighbors familiar. The speed of operation and the quality of the sewage layout of this will only benefit.

Currently, the trading network and construction Internet portals offer a wide variety of plastic pipes, revisions, tees, knees. With the help of rubber cuffs, they are connected without problems and function perfectly, not passing water. The connection points are processed by special construction silicone sealants. In places of passage of pipe communications through the walls, the sleeves are installed on top to prevent damage.

Approximate list of tools that will be needed when laying sewer pipes:

  • Automatic gun for applying sealant
  • Screwdriver Set
  • Hammer 200 g
  • Electric perforator
  • Pencil
  • Level
  • Bulgarian with a long cord
  • Hacksaw for cutting plastic and metal

With such works, minor errors are always possible. In order to detect the leaks or reinforcement defects, the finished sewage system before commissioning is necessary to experience clean water. Just make sure of the reliability of its state, you can connect to the current housing equipment. Storm sewage It can be combined at the outlet of the house with the inner plum.

Video on the topic:

Bias and edition

An important factor in the installation of drain designs is the right slope. Modern building rates offer a bias of systems where there is no fluid pressure, taking into account the diameter of the pipelines. The 50mm pipes must have a slope of 3 centimeters per meter of their length. Pipes with a diameter of 100-110 millimeters may have a slope of 2 centimeters of their length. Based on this, different points horizontal pipes must be at different heights.

To prevent non-docking of the external wiring with the internal, the installation begins with the release of sewage. The issue is a place in the pipeline, where the inner riser is connected to the pipe leading to the septic. It is laid deep in the ground through the foundation below the level of soil freezing of this region.

In extreme cases, if the conditions do not allow and the release is above, it must be very thoroughly insulated. Otherwise, in winter frosts, a pipe with drained water will freeze and create problems.

Video on the topic:

Cesspool and septic tank for wastewater treatment

The most inexpensive way to improve the withdrawal of used water from a private house is a cesspool. It is manufactured in the calculation of 0.5-0.8 m³ per person. The bottom of the pit is poured concrete. The side walls are restored with brick, blocks, can be poured concrete. In order to avoid seafood drinking water Top of masonry produced sealing bituminous mastic.

Sewer wiring is laid in a trench of 1 meter depth. Capital is overlapped wooden overlappingwhich is filled with liquid bitumen and is installed with an observation hatch with a lid.

The cesspool should be located in a convenient accessible place. This is necessary for the fact that as the pit is filling, it is necessary to clean. In all settlements there is a service that, at the request of private householders, send special machines for cleaning cesspools.

Taking a decision on the creation of a sewage design, the owner must familiarize himself with full list Special devices widely represented on the market building materials. Plastic septic tanks, cumulative tanks, multi-chamber sewer systems - these devices facilitate installation of a drain complex, ensuring reliability and durability of its service.

Septic has a more reliable design, long time operation, convenience in use. His task is the lightening of wastewater and the conclusion of them into the ground. Septic typically is made of several sections, depending on the intended volume of water consumption in the house. According to the standards, it should be located at a distance of 20 m from the residential building. Installation for drainage is mounted at a distance sufficient to prevent the soil, foundation and wastewater in the basements and wells.

The drainage system should be located below the level of water selection for drinking, not closer to 50 m from the water intake point. In the absence of groundwater, filter well is satisfied instead of the drainage system. It is laying out of the brick, the blocks are either poured with concrete in the formwork. From above, the device is closed with a lid and is covered with molten bitumen for sealing.

Ready septic tank can be purchased in the trading network, on Internet portals. Often, plastic containers, concrete rings are used for this purpose. It is important to remember: withdrawing water in drainage system The pipe should be laid at a depth of at least one and a half meters. The depth of sewage is allowed to avoid its freezing in winter. Septic is cleaned at least once a year. Donate deposits turn into minerals that are successfully used as fertilizers for the garden.

Filtering well

The filter well is installed with a slight consumption of water - up to 1 m³. A sealed case is made, the bottom is filled with any bulk filter material: rubble, slag, gravel, gravel. Such a device is located at a distance of 50 m from the water intake. His bottom is located above the level of groundwater at least one meter.

It is desirable when the sewage setting for a country house is used to apply modern technological materials. Here the pipes from polyvinyl chloride or polypropylene are best suited. good quality. Such materials will serve as one decade, pleaseing the inhabitants of the house of their functionality, reliability, uninterrupted work. If necessary, replace small details They can easily change without prejudice to the family budget.

Thus, the rhetorical question, how to make a sewage in a private house or cottage with your own hands is an attractive topic that, by the forces, to fulfill each owner of the property, choosing the most optimal option from a variety of structures.

Having understood in the pipeline of construction, correctly by installing the system of the sewage system, the owner of the mansion is elementary to independently solve all the issues that arise during the entire period of its operation, without attracting specialists from relevant companies.

How to make a sewer in a private house to serve for many years? It is advisable to connect professionals to this issue, but if you have some skills, you can do everything yourself. Also, despite the fact that the basic requirements for the sewer system are individual, to its design you need to involve specialists. Only adherence to all technological and technical norms will provide a private house with high-quality drainage.

What is the sewer system?

How to make a sewage in a private house, given all the requirements regulatory documents in construction? For a single-storey or two-story building, it is necessary to make a system that will consist of the following components:

  • Ready or homemade septic (cesspool). Designed for storage and filtering of wastewater. It is equipped outside the house and has a rather complicated scheme.
  • Pipes for laying outdoor sewage. Any home septicch must be connected to the building, which is carried out using the data of the elements. Such pipes are well transferring temperature drops, differ in high strength and wear resistance, which allows them not to collapse under pressure water and soil.
  • Pipes and fittings for wiring internal sewage. It consists of elements having a diameter of 40 to 110 mm. Fittings are also needed to arrange sewage in the house, since with their help draw out taps, revisions and turns.
  • Heat insulation for pipes. The sewage device in a private house is impossible without modern insulation. With their help, insulate the pipes, which prevents their freezing. Installation pipe heat insulation It should be done not only outside the building, but also inside unheated premises (basement, central part of the building).

Varieties of septicov

When a sewage device for a country house, what to choose as septic? There are many variants of the device of this system element.


Channelization device B. country house With the help of a cesspool, there has its advantages:

  • low cost. The cesspool is a kind of well that does not have a bottom. Its walls can be performed from monolithic or team reinforced concrete, brick;
  • simple principle of work. After entering the effluent in cesspool pit pure water seeps into the soil, and solid waste is settled at its bottom;
  • lack of difficulties during the installation of the structure. No need to carry out bulk earthworks.

To the disadvantages of this constructive scheme It is suitable only for those houses where the average daily volume of the drain does not exceed 1 cubic meter. m. B. otherwise Surrounding soil I. groundwater Are contaminated by household waste.

Hermetic Tuck

Sewage of a country house with their own hands can be formed from large-scale hermetic tanks, which are made of plastic, metal or other materials. They can be purchased ready or do it yourself. In this case, the sewage project in a private house implies the use of prefabricated. The bottom of this septica will be formed from the monolithic concrete, and the cover is made of metal.

The disadvantage of this design is that the capacity will be filled with time. After accumulating a certain amount of waste, it is necessary to call a special machine that pumps them. The advantage of hermetic tank is that it can be used if high level Groundwater.

Single-chamber septic

The installation of sewage in a private house very often occurs using a single-chamber septic. It is a cesspool, the bottom of which is filled with rubble by 30 cm and the sand on the same thickness. The advantage of such a design is that water, penetrating through the so-called "filtration field" is cleaned by approximately 50%.

Two-chamber septic

How to spend the sewer to warn the pollution of the area with household waste? In this case, it is recommended to use a system of overflowing wells.

The composition of such a sewage system in a private house includes two containers. One of them is hermetic, the other - without the bottom, but sprinkled with a layer of rubble and sand.

Waste from home enroll in the first container. After a while they defend there. All solid particles are lowered to the bottom of the septica, and fat rises upstairs. Waste, which are in the middle, are relatively clean. They get into the well without the bottom. This occurs through a pipe that connects two containers and is placed under a slight bias at 2/3 from the height of septic.

Over time, there are too many waste in the first well that you need to pump out. It must be done with periodicity once every 5-6 months.

Septic with their own hands

How to make the easiest to make a septic?

How can you make sewer in a private house with your own hands to work as efficiently possible? First of all, you need to take care of the septic. To arrange local sewage sealing in a private house, such instructions should be followed:

  1. Digging pit. The dug pit should have a size that is slightly exceeds the dimensions of the tanks. It is necessary to count on the fact that the bottom of the septica needs to be pouring a layer of rubble and sand, and on the sides - to equip the clay castle. If the sewage system for the country house is foreseen for a small number of people (1-3), then the pit can be pulled out manually. Otherwise, it is recommended to use the services of an excavator.
  2. Foundation arrangement. When the sewage device in a private house, the bottom of the dug hole must be aligned, after which it is sanded and tamped it. On the site where the installation of the first container (sump) will be made, it is necessary to put waterproofing. For this purpose, you should use clay or concrete disk.
  3. Installation of tanks. Seasoning in a private house should consist of two separate tanks that are formed from concrete rings. In order for the system to work efficiently, all joints are mandatory seal. Such a seasalization scheme in a private house will exclude population inhibition in the soil and groundwater.
  4. Arrangement of the bottom of tanks. This sewage scheme provides that the bottom of the first tank must be sealed. It is concreted for this, and the top is treated with bitumen mastic and lay a layer of rubberoid. Also to build an efficient sewer system, the bottom of the second well is covered with rubble or pebbles.
  5. Registration overflow. So that the sewage system of the country house worked correctly, the installed tanks must be combined with each other overflow. It is installed at a distance of 1.5 m from the bottom. T-shaped fitting also mounted on the pipe. It allows the fence of the fluid itself, which is separated from the organic.
  6. Setting overlap. For the device of local sewage for the private house, the plates from reinforced concrete are mounted up to the top of each tank.
  7. Installation of hatches and ventilation. So that there was no unpleasant odorThe reservoir overlapping is installed a ventilation pipe. Also, each well is closed with hatches, which must be opened if necessary.

Pipe laying on the street

Must be carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Digging trench. From the Septica to the house make a small groove. Its depth should be larger than the depth of the primer of the soil (the plumbing is paired as well). When the trench device, it is necessary to ensure a bias from the house to the accumulative tanks for a good fluid outflow (about 2 cm 1 m).
  2. Laying pipe. How to spend sewer in a private house, what pipeline pick up? It is recommended to choose the one that has a diameter of at least 110 mm.
  3. Heat insulation. If the pipes are unlucky, then you can warn their freezing by insulation.
  4. Shipping stage. One end of the pipe is breeding in a concrete wall, carefully sealing the joints. Also to carry out the installation of sewage in a private house with your own hands, you need to not forget at the stage of its construction small hole In the foundation or basement. A pipe is introduced through it, after inserting a metal washer.

Rules of the device internal network

The internal network device is considered an important step in the sewage installation for a private house, how to do everything? Wiring of sewage in a private house with their own hands occurs with the installation of the following structural elements:

  • riser. This is a central pipe with a diameter of 110 mm, which is installed in a vertical position. It connects all existing contours in the house. For a small structure, one riser usually grabs;
  • . Installed on the top of the riser. Such a pipe is necessary for removal in the environment of accumulated gases;
  • main branches. Pipes with a diameter of 50 mm are used to connect plumbing devices with a riser. This system has no forced circulationtherefore, to remove the drains (3 cm per 1 m);
  • drinking pipes. Are used to connect devices of devices with highways;
  • revision. They are a tee, where one removal is closed by hatch. Revisions are necessary for the work of repair and preventive work of different kind. They are usually installed on all turns, branching, on the basis and end of the riser.

If you adhere to this scheme on the sewer system, it will work efficiently and without failures.