How to make a water heat-insulated floor in the house. Warm floor in a private house, cottage

Anyone can make a water-heated floor with their own hands in a private house home master... It takes patience, careful calculations, buying materials and missing tools, but in the end you will have a system that allows you to regulate the level of heating throughout the floor. Consider the advantages and disadvantages of the water circuit, the rules for the selection of material, installation schemes, installation and connection.

Advantages and disadvantages of underfloor heating

Throwing aside the complexity of installation, the masters agree that water-heated floors in a private house are one of the most effective systems heating. Compared to the radiator system, the water floor in wooden house can provide significant savings in heating costs due to uniform heating over the entire area. Additional pluses:

  1. Low temperature operating mode. This means that the air in the room will not dry out, it will not be stuffy.
  2. No overheating of the air mass.
  3. Water floor heating meets the requirements of environmental safety, sanitary and hygienic standards.
  4. There is no negative impact on humans, since most of the energy is transferred by thermal radiation.
  5. The installation of water-heated floors in a private house with ceilings from 3 m in height gives savings of up to 30%.
  6. The installation system is hidden - it simplifies the processes interior decoration premises.
  7. Security. When installing a warm floor from heating in a private house, the user does not risk getting a short circuit in the electrical circuit, as is the case with electric floors- the whole system consists of pipelines, ordinary water is used as a heat carrier.

Disadvantages of a water floor:

  1. Labor intensity of work. Being a system of several layers of material, the design requires careful preparation and adherence to the installation scheme.
  2. Risk of leakage. To find a leaking link, you will have to lift the entire stack.
  3. Involuntary weighting design features buildings. Layer-by-layer laying of materials increases the mass of floors by 10-15%, therefore, equipping a warm floor with your own hands on the 2nd and higher floors, you need to calculate permissible load to overlap.

It is extremely important, when equipping the heating system on the floor, to perform high-quality insulation of the building. In this case, having made a water-heated floor with your own hands, you do not have to supplement the heating with convectors.


Before drawing up a project, you need to make sure that nothing interferes with the implementation of ideas. What you need to pay attention to:

  1. Room height. The thickness of the entire underfloor heating system in a private house from scratch is 10-12 cm.
  2. Doorways. When raising the floor level, it is important to maintain the height of the opening. You will have to estimate the price of a door to order or the possibility of increasing the doorway in height.
  3. Location / orientation of windows. If they face the windy side, north / west, the capacity of the system should be increased.
  4. Estimate bearing capacity floor beams. The weight of the entire screed system increases the load significantly.

It is not necessary to refuse heating, you can consider the option of a floor (dry) water floor. The system consists of carrier piping laid on top of the boardwalk. In this case, it is not necessary to mount the screed, it is enough to install a wooden frame over the subfloor, the height of which will be equal to the thickness of the insulation. Lay or fill in the insulation (sheets of mineral wool, expanded clay, sawdust), lay the boards on top, in the seams between which and hide the pipes with the coolant. From above, the raised floor can be finished with finishing.

Scheme development

The scheme is developed taking into account the parameters of the room, technical characteristics equipment and materials. To make the calculation, indicators and data are determined:

  • floor area;
  • room height;
  • material of walls, floors;
  • type of insulation;
  • finish type floor covering.

You also need to think over the desired t ° mode. For the convenience of calculations, we present a table with indicators of the limiting t ° mode for rooms for different purposes:

/> />
Room typet ° mode (maximum)
Living space and areas where people spend time standing21-27⁰
Seated rooms, offices29⁰
Hallways, corridors, halls30⁰
Bathrooms (pools)30-33⁰
Premises for active pastime17-19⁰
Premises where time of stay is limited37⁰
Edge zones of any premises35⁰

After specifying the parameters, a diagram is drawn up, which contains the following data:

  1. Installation points and dimensions of heating radiators, if any.
  2. Layout of pipes with dimensions of diameter and length of straight sections.
  3. Distance between elements, t ° parameters of the carrier in each pipe and the length of all circuits.
  4. Power data for heating each individual room. The power of the radiator is calculated taking into account the location and length of the pipeline connected to it.

Also, the diagram should indicate the data on setting up the automation.

In order for the installation of the water floor to be successful, when drawing up a diagram, heed the advice of professionals: The diameter of the pipe affects the maximum length of the layout. For pipes 16 mm - up to 100 m, for pipes of 20 mm - no more than 120 m. The parameters are needed to ensure optimal pressure inside the underfloor heating system. If the installation scheme for a warm water floor provides for several circuits, it is easier to make them the same length with a maximum difference of 15 m. The pipe laying step should not be more than 30 cm in the center and 15 cm at the edges. In regions with severe winters, a 10 cm spacing is recommended. The spacing affects the pipe costs. The calculation is done as follows: with a step of 10 cm, 10 m of pipe will be required per m² of the area of ​​the room, with a step of 15 cm, the consumption will be 6.7 m / m². When laying the circuit on the diagram, it is necessary to bypass the installation areas of plumbing fixtures and heavy furniture. One contour covers a room of no more than 40 m², the maximum length of the side of the contour is up to 8 m. Thus, in the flooring scheme in a private house, it is important to take into account:

  • pipeline layout step limits;
  • limits and size of the contour;
  • thermal insulation material in the areas of step reduction.

The step always decreases in the area of ​​openings, and this must be taken into account in the layout diagram.


The standard formula for calculating the length of the circuit is: the active heating area (sq. M) is divided by the laying step (m) plus the distance to the collector and the length of the bends. For more accurate calculations, it is better to contact a specialist, but this requires an investment of money, so we make a water-heated floor in the house in stages with our own hands.

Advice: “To adjust the degree of heating of the heat carrier, thermostats are installed. The maximum gradation on the devices is 55 °. "

Detailed calculation scheme:

  1. The distance from the walls is from 30 cm.
  2. The definition of the number of contours is calculated by the length of the pipe per contour. When dividing the area of ​​the room by the calculation step, add 10% to the turns. Formula: L = S / N * 1.1. Designation L - pipe length, S - room area, N - layout step. Thus, on an area of ​​40 m2, when laying out a pipe with a step of 15 cm, the sought definition is the sum of the length of all circuits - 266 m.
  3. When calculating the length of the circuit to the collector (one end to the supply device, the second to the opposite), multiply the final indicator by 2, and you get the desired pipe length from the point of connection to the collector.
  4. Pipeline material: for polyethylene pipes with a diameter of 18 mm, the length is up to 120 m, for metal-plastic pipes - no more than 125 m. Masters do not advise making circuits longer than 90 m in order to ensure optimal resistance of the hydraulics and the load on the coolant.
  5. With a step of 30 cm, pipes of 3.4 m / m² are required; a step of 25 cm - 3 m / m²; 20 cm - 5 m / m²; 15 cm - 6.7 m / m²; 10 cm - 10 m / m².
  6. If the area is from 40 m², the laying pattern is as follows: 3 circuits 100 m long, so it is easier to ensure the same heating over the entire area.

Advice: "The length of the circuit is measured from the point of exit from the collector, and not in the area of ​​the entrance to the room where the system is installed."

And now about how to calculate the possible heat loss. The formula is complex and requires measurements of heat transfer from all units and structures of the house, average precipitation, t °, air direction, and more. There are average indicators that the owner of the house can be guided by:

  1. In well-insulated buildings with installed sealed double-glazed windows, heat loss is 40 W / m².
  2. In old houses with an average service life of thermal insulation of walls, windows, doors, the indicator is 70-80 W / m².
  3. In buildings of the old type with wooden windows, without insulation, heat loss reaches 100 W / m² or more.

Advice: "If heat losses buildings more than 100 W / m², the installation of a water heated floor becomes impractical. "

Choice of components

To make a system of underfloor heating in your home with your own hands, you will need the following set of materials: Boiler. As a rule, they make a water floor from gas boiler... It is cost-effective and simpler in technology. The power indicator of the gas boiler must exceed the sum of all the capacities of the floor system by 15-20%. Another option is electric water floors. Convenient for laying, but unprofitable due to the high cost of electricity. Circulation pump. The instrument will allow the media to flow normally through the pipes. The boiler already has a pump, but it can handle the load if the area of ​​the house does not exceed 100 m². Pipes. The choice is this:

  • copper - strong, long term operation, but high cost;
  • metal-plastic - strong, bendable, inexpensive and weighs little;
  • polypropylene - low price, high maximum heating, but there is a high risk of buying a fake;
  • PEX - XLPE pipe - reliable option if the mount is rigid and the pitch is minimal.

The calculated cross-section of pipes for dry water-heated floors with their own hands is considered to be up to 20 mm. Consumption indicator for 1 m² (step of 200 mm) is about 5-6 m. Insulation. Here the choice is:

  • foil-clad polyethylene is suitable for minimum thickness floor;
  • expanded polystyrene in finished mats with protrusions for laying pipes with a pitch of 50 * 50 mm;
  • rock wool - cheap but impractical due to its ability to absorb moisture from the solution.
Tip: "A layer of thermal insulation above basement a private house is always made thicker. It all depends on the required t ° of the carrier: the higher the indicator, the larger the layer of insulation. "

Heat consumption meter. The device is needed for apartment buildings where a warm water floor is laid. Manifold cabinet... It is necessary for the installation of control elements and for joining the pipe contours with the heat supply main. Reinforcing mesh. The element helps to strengthen concrete screed after the pipes have been laid, but you do not need to apply reinforcement. You will also need components for arranging the screed:

  • screed mortar (cement, sand, water);
  • damper tape 10-15 cm wide;
  • fasteners for fixing the pipe.

The number of elements will be prompted by a previously drawn up scheme of warm water floors from a gas boiler. If the planning work is done correctly, there will be no errors. But the circuit itself should be saved so that in case of a leak, you can quickly recall all the mounting points and fastenings.

Work technology

To make a water floor, the installation technology provides for a phased work algorithm:

  • installation of a collector;
  • preparation of the floor with the layout of the damper tape, insulation;
  • layout of the contour;
  • connection with tightness test;
  • crimping;
  • screed.

After finishing preparatory phases the system starts up, then turns off and you can complete the arrangement of the floors with finishing.

Mounting and installation of the manifold cabinet

When installing a water heated floor, it is extremely important not to skip the stages of work. Step-by-step instruction for underfloor heating implies a detailed examination of the technology; even a novice master will not have any difficulties. A manifold cabinet is a device that contains:

  • collector;
  • pump;
  • air vent valve;
  • drain outlet.

The dimensional parameters of the device depend on the general configuration. When choosing a unit, it is necessary to calculate the installation area - it must be equidistant from all circuits. There is no way to fulfill the condition, we put the collector next to the longest pipe contour.

Important! When installing the underfloor heating system in the area where the collector is installed, it is necessary to provide a zone for bending the pipeline. Pipes are only laid from below to ensure the normal movement of the heating medium. Installing a shut-off valve between the loop system and the manifold is necessary to preventive maintenance and repair of the structure.

Preparation of the base and laying of insulation

To make underfloor heating in a private house, you need to carry out preparatory work based:

  • clean the base from debris;
  • remove height differences, leveling the plane as much as possible;
  • lay the selected thermal insulation material;
  • waterproofing (dense film) is laid on the thermal insulation;
  • along the walls there is a damper tape that will eliminate the effect of thermal expansion of the concrete screed.

An equal thickness of underfloor heating is necessary for high-quality heating of the entire surface, therefore, the better the plane is leveled, the more evenly the screed layer will lie.

Contour device in different ways

Thinking over how to make a water-heated floor, you will have to take into account the area of ​​the room. The layout of the pipes depends on this:

  1. Snail. The contour of underfloor heating from the heating boiler of a private house is laid out along the perimeter of the room, going to the center with a layout through a row. This scheme provides a quick return flow of the coolant and increases the uniformity of heating the area. Craftsmen prefer a "snail" in rooms with complex shape, where it is necessary to displace the center of the pipe and in rooms with an area of ​​40 m².
  2. Snake or loops. Such pipe laying for a warm water floor is carried out from the collector along outer wall(one), then in waves with a return back. Good layout for small rooms.
  3. Meander or double snake. The combined layout scheme implies a parallel arrangement of the contours. This option organizes the movement of the coolant with different t °, compensating for the return of heat.
Important! The laying of pipes for a water-heated floor always starts from the outer or coldest wall of the room.

To facilitate the task of laying out, a beginner should draw a markup on the floor. Installation of the system with unreliable connections or pipe sections is not allowed - such a structure will not withstand a long heating season.

How to make a warm floor correctly:

  1. The installation of the floor begins with a connection to the supply manifold. Only 7 cm can be retreated from the wall, but it is worth considering the small layout step at the outer walls. This is required to reduce heat loss.
  2. Once the pipe is laid along the entire contour, it must be secured with a clamp. Dowels are suitable if you tie pipes to them with wire. Another option is to lay a reinforcing mesh on the floor, tying the contour from the pipe to it; this neutralizes the expansion of materials when heat is applied.
Advice: "A ribbed polystyrene substrate, laid out under the contours of the system, will increase the thermal insulation performance and help to mount the warm floor with your own hands evenly, while maintaining the desired step."

Collector connection

It's simple: the free end of the pipe, which remains after the circuit has been laid out, is connected to the return manifold. In order not to be mistaken, you should first read the instructions for the unit.


This is the name of the hydraulic test process necessary to check the quality of the layout. If we make a warm floor in a private house, then crimping will help to adjust the installation order and other nuances. Pressure testing is the launch of the coolant into the system under the highest possible pressure. The pressure level should exceed the design minimum by 1.5 - 2 times (from 0.6 MPa). What to look for when crimping:

  1. Half an hour after starting the decline allowable pressure perhaps 10%, no more.
  2. The second half hour - the indicator should not decrease by more than 2-15% from the original designation.
  3. The t ° indicator of the carrier must remain unchanged.

The total check time is one day. It is better to give under the stage up to 2 days to make sure that step by step installation do-it-yourself water heated floor is made correctly, the floors are evenly warmed up and there are no leaks, loose fasteners and other defects.


Installation instructions for a warm water floor implies making a screed from cement-sand mixture that conducts heat well or classic concrete. For the manufacture of concrete, they take cement grade from M300, water, sand and 3-5% plasticizer.

Screed thickness 3-7 mm. You need to pour the ready-made solution onto the circuits filled with a coolant. In this case, the system operates in the mode specified during pressure testing. Drying time for concrete is up to 28-30 days, the period for the ready-mix should be seen on the package.

Advice: "If you need to make underfloor heating in a private house with an area of ​​40 m² or more, expansion joints must be provided."

First start

The procedure is carried out only after the screed has dried and gained strength. Now you can turn on the collector and run the coolant through the heating pipes of the warm water floor. First, the t ° indicator is set at + 25 ° С, then it increases by 10 ° С every day. Desired parameter warming up with a gradual increase in t °, the system gains in 2 days.

Fine finishing

Knowing how to make warm floors yourself, it will not be difficult to decorate them. Underfloor heating is laid under laminate, carpet, solid wood, under tiles - in a private house last option the most comfortable. But if the installation scheme under the tile remains the same, then laying under the laminate requires a special approach:

  1. The laminate must be of high quality. The material emits volatile substances when heated, a fake will be inappropriate. Better to look at the label "Warmwasser" - this is a decor for floors with a water heated floor.
  2. Thermal insulation and waterproofing materials are not placed under the laminate.
  3. To ensure ventilation, an expansion gap of up to 15 mm is left around the perimeter of the laminate. Then the gap is covered with a floor plinth.
  4. Before laying the dies, lay the laminate on the floor, leaving the water circuit warm. This is necessary for a set of t ° - the lamellae will warm up and it is easier to lay them.

Despite the lack of difficulties, craftsmen rarely make water-heated floors under the laminate. Lamellas are characterized by low thermal conductivity, for tiles it is higher, moreover, any dies are made using chemicals. In this case, the tiles are much more practical.

Operating rules

Knowing how to professionally make a water heated floor in a house, it will be useful to follow the rules of use. The requirements are simple and affordable:

  1. Warm floors in a private house, the wiring of which is made in compliance with the technology, always gain t ° gradually. By running the circuit at the maximum level after a long downtime, the owner will receive a reduction in the service life.
  2. The increase in t ° of the regime should be gradual, no more than 4-5 ° C per day.
  3. The indicator of the mode t ° of the incoming heat carrier is not higher than 45⁰С.
  4. Frequent system start-ups and shutdowns are fraught with rapid wear and tear, but not cost savings.
To use the heating with pleasure and without damage to health, it is recommended to maintain optimal mode humidity.

There are no special difficulties in the design. And knowing how to make a warm floor in a private house, the owner will be able to perform installation on the street, for example, at the entrance area, stairs, car parking.

As an additional or main source of heating for a private house, water heated floors are often used, which allow the building to be effectively heated. However, there are some peculiarities associated with the installation of the heating circuit and the subsequent operation of the system.

The device of a water-heated floor in a private house has both its positive and negative sides which are important to consider.

Is it possible to heat a country house with a water floor

Water underfloor heating in a private house can be used as a primary or additional heating source. A feature of the system is heating the room from bottom to top. This method is the most effective, as it allows you to achieve the complete absence of cold unheated areas.

The advantage of water floors also lies in the fact that the heating of the room is carried out faster and with less energy consumption.

There are certain restrictions associated with the use of underfloor heating. So, for example, the maximum heating intensity depends on the selected flooring.

Laminate and parquet boards can be heated up to a temperature of 30 ° C, after which the material begins to emit harmful and toxic fumes. It will be optimal to install heating systems in country houses using as a topcoat ceramic tiles... Ceramics are resistant to temperature extremes, heats up well and retains heat on the surface for a long time.

For automatic control floors there is a collector. The mixing block allows you to turn on the heating system in the absence of the owners, as well as control the degree and intensity of heating the room.

How to make a water floor correctly

The design of the system is so simple that it is allowed to lay water floors in a private house with your own hands. At the same time, it is extremely important to observe certain nuances associated with stage-by-stage installation and heating operation.

The work is carried out in the following order:

  • A rough base is made- if you plan to lay on the ground, first carry out the powder, using sand and crushed stone, tamping them with a vibrating plate. After laying the waterproofing, a rough reinforced screed is poured.
    The device of water floor heating in a private house cannot be carried out without using waterproofing material... For using welded materials or mastics. Bituminous material at the joints is processed construction hairdryer or blowtorch... A vapor barrier must be placed on top of the screed.
  • Insulation - the efficiency of heating a private house with warm water floors largely depends on a well-made heat-insulating layer. Thus, a shield is created that reduces heat losses and prevents pipe defrosting. Extruded polystyrene or foam can be used. Mineral heaters in this case, they are ineffective.
  • Pipeline laying- the scheme of laying a water heat-insulated floor in a private house is being preliminarily worked out. You can make the plan yourself or contact the professionals. The heating calculation takes into account the number of heating zones, the length of each water circuit and the type of pipe laying.
    Independent installation of warm water floors in a private house is carried out as follows. A reinforcing mesh is laid, a pipe is laid out along it and fixed with clamps. If a polystyrene system is used, then the pipeline is laid in special grooves located in mats, or in openings located on heat-reflecting plates.

  • Pouring the finished floor- laying a water-heated floor in a country house with your own hands is coming to an end. At this stage, it is extremely important to make the most even base. Lighthouses are exhibited. A plasticizer and additives for concrete strength are added to the solution.
    It is strictly forbidden to use ordinary cement composition. If a polystyrene system is used, plywood or gypsum fiber board is laid on top.
  • Loops are connected- initially attached, water circuits are connected to it. When installing, observe the following installation rules. The coolant supply to the radiators is connected to the lower collector outlet, the return to the upper one. The water circuits are connected in reverse, supply at the top, return at the bottom. The manifold controls the floor temperature and controls the flow rate of the heating medium.
  • Laying the topcoat- warm water floor in the country is tiled using any of the recommended finishing materials: , parquet board, linoleum. Recently, self-leveling floors have also been popular.
  • The first start - heating the cottage with water-heated floors can be carried out no earlier than 28 days after the screed is poured. Before the first start-up of the system, the circuits must be serviced: filling with water and.

The installation technology is largely influenced by the chosen method of laying the floors. The polystyrene system is more expensive but takes less time to install. Installation with a concrete screed is less costly, but from the beginning renovation works it can take about 1.5 months before commissioning.

What is better to connect the underfloor heating system (heat carrier heating source)

According to the instruction manual, optimal temperature with continuous operation of underfloor heating, the temperature range is from 25-30 ° C.

The water in the heating system is of a radiator type, it heats up to 60 -70 ° C. Accordingly, it is possible to simply connect the heating of the cottage using warm water floors directly from the boiler, but not efficiently. It is enough just to try to hold your hand under the stream hot water with a temperature of 60 ° C. It will simply be impossible to walk barefoot on the floor with such an intensity of heating.

Therefore, the design of a heating system using water floors includes the ability to connect to the following heating sources:

  1. Boiler with an intended circuit for underfloor heating.
  2. The boiler is connected to the mixing unit.
  3. Indirect heating boiler.
  4. Instantaneous water heater.
Each option has its own disadvantages and advantages. The performance for each heating method should be sufficient to heat Vacation home only one water underfloor heating without the use of radiators.

When connecting, it is important to strictly adhere to the installation instructions provided by the manufacturer. Often, the documentation provides recommendations on how to connect.

Pros and cons of using water floors

As with any heating system, underfloor heating has its advantages and disadvantages. The pluses include:
  • No radiators required- water underfloor heating in a private house will be able to fully meet the heat demand for a residential building. With sufficient thermal insulation of the frame country house or any country house, the energy consumption is even lower than that of traditional heating using radiators.
  • System automation- the principle of operation of a water heated floor allows the use of programmers and control units that allow you to control the operation of the system remotely.
  • No need for additional permits.
  • Cost - Compared to a heating system by means of radiators, water underfloor heating for suburban construction will cost a little more. So by preliminary calculations for 1 m², for all repair and finishing works it will take about 1000 rubles, including the cost of work.
  • Versatility- possible various options water floor structures, allowing to take into account all the structural features of the house. Additionally, it can be noted that not only a traditional coolant (water) can be used, but also special antifreezes.
Warm floors are optimal solution heating a country house. With a relatively small investment, it is possible to create a heating system to create a comfortable atmosphere for staying in the house.

How to connect a warm floor to the heating system in a private house

Often there is a problem of connecting the newly laid one or more underfloor heating circuits to the existing system heating. A heating system with its own circulation pump can be:

  • two-pipe;
  • ("Leningradka");
  • gravitational.

Connection to a two-pipe heating system

The most simple and convenient way connections. The assembled underfloor heating circuit is connected to the supply and return pipelines of the two-pipe radiator heating... The connection can be via a connection module or using two conventional ball valves.

Connection to one-pipe system "Leningradka"

With such a system, the supply of the underfloor heating circuit is connected after the circulation pump, and the return flow of the underfloor heating circuit is connected in front of the pump. In this case, the room temperature can be adjusted using a connection module or ball valves.

Connecting a warm floor to the gravity system

This connection option provides for the operation of the system without a circulation pump, i.e. under natural bias... The supply of the circuit in this case, for example, is connected at the beginning of the room, and the return of the circuit is at the end. Connecting a warm floor to gravitational systems is a very laborious process. Usually, the problem is solved in principle: a circulation pump crashes into the system, and the connection is made according to the second type.

Required connection conditions

To connect and effective work underfloor heating to the radiator system, the latter must have certain capabilities, and the power of the connected underfloor heating must be limited.

The conditions for connection and successful operation of the warm floor include:

  • pipes of the radiator heating system must have a diameter of 32 mm or more;
  • the total length of the underfloor heating circuit should not be more than 50 m with a two-pipe system;
  • the length of the contour for "Leningradka" should not exceed 30 m, and if it is greater, then it should be divided into equal parts;
  • it is recommended to use a pipe for the circuit made of metal-plastic with a diameter of 16-18 mm, for a gravitational system - 20 mm;
  • when choosing pipes for the circuit, it is necessary to take into account the temperature of the coolant in the radiator system, which is at least 70 ° C.


Underfloor heating is one of the most promising methods of heating a private house. To make a final decision on the installation of underfloor heating, it is necessary to calculate their necessary heat output, the possibility of the installed and (with the existing heating system). The choice of the type of underfloor heating (water or electric) depends on the specific conditions: the size of the rooms, the power, necessary conditions connections, etc.

Sometimes it is the only solution to ensure a comfortable and cozy stay in a private house, especially in the northern regions. In the autumn-spring and winter seasons the base under the feet can cool down quickly enough, and you have to walk in warm socks, otherwise your feet get very cold. Also, a plus can be considered in some way additional heating of the building itself from the inside... In the objects of individual residential construction, warm floors are often made. Wiring diagrams in a private house can be very different, but the essence is the same - such a heating system was and remains the most often equipped in the house. Let's see what are the features of water floors, how you can make them yourself.

Warm floors are not a novelty for a long time. For several decades they have been used to create comfort and coziness in the house and are especially popular in private houses where there are no neighbors below, but only a basement or foundation. And, of course, in the cold seasons, the floor underfoot will be cool, if not icy (a lot depends on how well the floors were insulated).

Water-based underfloor heating is quite often recommended for floor heating in any private house, although there are also electric and. The latter are often settled in apartments, since they do not carry the danger of flooding the premises, and are also easier to install - in particular, they do not need construction cement screed... But water floors are perhaps the ideal option for a private house, especially if there is a heating boiler in it.

On a note! Water system heating cannot be regarded as the only heating system in the house. It can only act as an additional one together with heating radiators and other heaters. But making life in the house comfortable is just her task.

It is easy to understand that, unlike electrical system, in the water role of the heater is played by water, which enters the pipes laid and filled with a screed. The heat carrier is supplied through a special collector, which is connected to the heating system (central, heating boiler, etc.). Heat flows from the heated water circulating through the pipes to the concrete screed, heats it up, and it, in turn, gives off heat to the room and heats the floor covering. Therefore, walking on such a floor will be pleasant.

Attention! Water systems are used, as a rule, in private homes. The apartment rarely has the ability to connect the system to central heating, and also there is a possibility of flooding the neighbors living below in the event of a system breakdown.


The water-based heating system has many advantages. These include:

  • achieving the desired level of comfort, since the floors will always be warm, and the air in the room will be heated evenly;

  • security, but only in a private house. Such floors will not shock, and the worst thing that can happen is a leak. But in a private house, it is not as critical as in an apartment building. Moreover, even if a leak occurs, the maximum property of the owner will suffer, but not himself, since there is a risk of getting burned hot water simply no;
  • savings- is also one of the advantages. Water floors will save a lot of natural and monetary resources, since the water will be used as the same heat carrier. You can also warm up the room faster using water floors if the ceiling height is very high;
  • compatible with all floor coverings- also a plus. Indeed, it is only in rare cases that certain coatings cannot be laid over the heating system. And then, if you do everything correctly, then any coatings can be laid on top of the water system;

  • the cost of the water system is low, which will save a certain amount of money during installation.

But this system also has disadvantages. So, for example, installation is indispensable, and this is quite hard work that requires certain skills. Plus, the screed will have to be dried before use, and this is plus 28 days to the duration of the repair. And during this period, nothing can be done in the room being repaired. Another drawback is the complexity of repairing the system itself, if necessary. So it is important to do everything with high quality initially, so that later you can avoid troubles for a long time.

Types of water floors and device features

The main element of such a floor heating system is the pipes through which the coolant water circulates. They can be either metal or made of polymer materials. The former are distinguished by their high price and complexity of the connections, while the latter are much easier to lay, and they are cheaper. In addition to pipes, you will need other elements of this system. This is a base in the form of a concrete slab or polystyrene, a waterproofing layer, a layer of thermal insulation, a concrete screed. On top of this cake, the final coating is laid directly. In general, the thickness of the entire structure will turn out to be about 7-15 cm.

Depending on how the underfloor heating is being arranged, there are several main types of construction.

Table. Types of water floors.

Type ofDescription
Heavy This is the most common and highly reliable option. Here it is important to carefully prepare the rough surface (subfloor or floors), then lay heat and waterproofing layers, and then a layer of reinforcing mesh, to which the heating circuit itself from pipes will be attached with clamps. After that, it remains to fill everything with a screed, dry it, and the warm floor is ready for use. Heavy water floors are also called concrete or wet floors. The latter is due to the fact that it is required to carry out work on filling the screed. It is important to understand that the screed layer above the pipes themselves should not be less than 3 cm.
Lungs In this case, a special pipe is used as a base for pipes. expanded polystyrene plate... It is sold in finished version... During installation, it must be laid on the subfloor and laid along it in accordance with the underfloor heating pipe diagram. They won't need additional fixation, since on the plate itself there are special protrusions that allow you to securely fix the pipes. Then, special heat-distributing plates are placed on top, on top of which the finishing coating is installed. it a good option for arranging a water floor in conditions of impossibility of installing it on standard scheme due to the heavy weight of the standard screed.

There is also another option for arranging the underfloor heating system - by wooden slats... That is, a tree will be used as the basis for such a floor, to which the pipes are attached, and from above they are closed with gypsum fiber and a topcoat. This variant is used extremely rarely and it is not reliable.

Wiring diagrams

It was already mentioned above that the schemes for laying a warm floor can be different. Depending on the scheme and compliance with the installation rules, the distribution of thermal energy in the room will also occur. There are three main pipe layout schemes, but all of them are united by the fact that pipes are necessarily installed from the walls towards the central part.

Table. Installation schemes for the water floor.

Scheme typeCharacteristic

In this case, the pipes are laid in a spiral from the wall to the center, and then returned to the starting point. Moreover, the structure gradually narrows towards the center of the room. When calculating the circuit and laying it down, remember to leave free space between the pipes so that you can "take" them back to the power source. It is noted that such a scheme will make it possible to achieve the most uniform heating of the floors, and thanks to it, the hydraulic resistance can be reduced. The number of pipes is also used less than in other cases. The main drawback is the difficult installation.

In this case, pipes are laid along the walls in loops in one direction, and then in the opposite direction. When looking at such a scheme, one can notice the waviness of the final drawing. It is easy to lay pipes in this way, but due to the frequent step of laying pipes, it is unlikely that it will be possible to achieve uniform heating of floors without temperature jumps.

In this case, both pipe laying schemes are combined. This option is used if the walls in the room are cold enough. The pipes are laid in such a way that in some places they lie in the form of loops, and in some places at right angles.

Installation features

Before we talk directly about the process of installing a water floor, it is worth talking about some of the features of this process. So, it is important to consider that in many ways heat load any room will directly depend on what materials the walls are made of, how everything is insulated, how large the window openings are, as well as on a number of other factors. We'll have to try to calculate the heat transfer. If it is more than 100 W / m 2, then water floors cannot be used as the main heating system, but only directly as floor heating.

The length of the pipes also cannot be any. It will depend on the size of the room and the installation pattern. Perhaps in one big room you will have to lay two or even more contours. This applies primarily to rooms with an area of ​​more than 30 m 2. And each circuit will heat independently of the other, although all circuits can be connected to the same manifold. However, the diameter of the pipes, the pitch between them and the length must be the same if the lines are connected to the same system. And the length and pitch of the contour, in turn, depend on the diameter of the pipes. The larger it is, the longer the outline can be.

Advice! If the room has built-in furniture, then the floor area under it does not need to be taken into account in the calculations. There will still be no sense from a warm floor, and pipes there may not be laid.

You need to make a small indent from each wall (about 10-15 cm from the outer ones and up to 30 cm - for interior walls). The pitch between the pipes can vary between 20-30 cm if they are used as an additional option for heating the room.

A water floor is the ideal heating option for large rooms, the area of ​​which is more than 20 m 2. But in a small room, it is better to choose some other option, since it will be very inconvenient to lay water lines. It is also worthwhile to dwell on the heavy version of the warm floor if possible, that is, to mount it using a concrete screed. This is the most reliable, albeit the longest option, but it is ideal for a private home. By the way, the screed itself very well protects the pipes of the circuit from the risk of damage and by itself is capable of retaining heat for a long time, which means it will help save money.

Most homeowners choose underfloor heating as additional device to the radiator circuit. At the same time, various wiring diagrams of water-heated floors in a private house are used. Such heating system in rooms where children live, as well as for a bathroom. Schemes are selected when designing a house individually or during renovation work.

A variant of the project scheme in a private house

Wiring diagrams of water-heated floors in a private house: features and varieties

Mounting underfloor heating produced with a cement screed. It is performed to protect the structure from various loads. Warm pipes should not be in contact with air, but with screed elements, transferring heat to the surface.

Wiring diagrams of water heated floors used in a private house are planned and designed in accordance with the calculations of heat consumption and heat loss and have the following features:

  • The required amount of heat is calculated taking into account the dimensions wall structures and methods of warming different surfaces. The features of a certain climatic zone are also taken into account.
  • Floor elements are not installed under the entire floor surface. There are free spaces for the installation of heavy furniture, as well as indents from the walls.
  • Premises with an area of ​​more than 30 square meters are divided into sectors. Each individual section is heated with a separate circuit connected to the collector.
  • The distance between the pipes must be the same.
  • For this design, circulating pumps are required.
  • Installation schemes for underfloor heating depend on the size of the room and heating methods. If the device is used as additional heating, then the step of the loops should be 0.2-0.3 meters, and if as the main one, then the spirals should be mounted at a distance of 0.1-015 m.
  • The length of the lines and the spacing depends on the diameter of the selected pipe.
  • The height of the structure is taken into account when designing window and door openings.

Related article:

It is almost impossible to get a high-quality heating system without a competent project. Having studied this publication, you can easily calculate required power, diameter and pitch of pipes. Good luck!

Basic layouts for installation floors include: spiral, snake and zigzag. The choice depends on the specifics of the room, types of pipes and other features. For example, for large rooms, using a simple snake is not entirely correct, since the water in the circuit cools down, “cold” zones will form. While in a spiral installation, the supply and return pipes alternate, which will provide a more uniform heating.

Useful information! The pipe diameter should be no more than 20 mm. If the section bigger size, then the volume of water and heating costs increase.

Two pipe-laying technologies (video)

Underfloor heating construction device

The underfloor heating system consists of laid pipes in which heated water circulates. They are installed on concrete or wooden surfaces, and from above are covered with the selected topcoat.

Hot water is moved through the pipes. The feed is carried out using the main one. The air temperature under the floor rises, transferring heat to the outer surface of the floor covering. At the same time, the entire room is warmed up.

Design features depending on the material of the topcoat

The nuances of the installation

The technology of installation diagrams of water-heated floors in a private house is determined by the characteristics of a particular heating circuit.

Installation work of the structure has the following distinctive features:

  • The basis for the equipment is selected taking into account the floor covering.

1 - floor beam; 2 - longitudinal beam; 3 - lags; 4 - embedded pipes; 5 - pipe; 6 - finishing coat

  • A damper tape is installed around the perimeter of the room. The cushioning element reduces heat loss at the joints between the floor and wall surfaces.
  • The system itself is mounted on concrete slabs in a screed.
  • The pipes are mounted to the frame using clamps or steel wire.

For underfloor heating, special seamless pipes are used. The circuit is assembled from a solid line. The pipe material must be corrosion resistant and high temperature resistant.

Useful information! Profile mats made of extruded polystyrene foam... Then the canvases are covered with a layer of waterproofing.

Features of connecting the structure to a heat source

In the floor circuit, most often average temperature equals 35-40 degrees. Wiring diagrams of water in a private house function with the help of forced mixing of streams. Part of the coolant from the return flow goes into the supply circuit.

Gas boilers are equipped with special automation. Solid fuel units require a more complex device. They are equipped with circulation pumps and a special buffer tank... In this case, a more complex combustion control is used.

The best option for a floor heating system is considered electric boilers... Special automation allows you to maintain the desired temperature without losing heat power.

Useful information! For heating small houses, a direct connection to electric boiler... Large cottages use a special distributor comb.

Advantages and disadvantages of circuits

Wiring diagrams of water-heated floors in a private house have the following advantages in comparison with others:

The disadvantages include a large number of time to install the system. If leaks occur, most of the floor covering, including the screed, will have to be removed.

Designing schemes for underfloor heating in an apartment

Designing installation diagrams of water-heated floors in a private house differs from an apartment project. After installation, no changes can be made to the radiator layout. Installation of floor structures operating from district heating, is carried out at the construction stage by special organizations.

In apartments, the coolant flows through pipes through a separate riser, and not from a radiator heating riser. The water is heated in a special heat exchanger. If initially there is no data on the underfloor heating device in the project, then the connection of the new circuit must be coordinated with the management company.

Useful information! After agreeing on the project and obtaining permission, a heat exchanger is installed, as well as a circulation pump and a safety group. With several circuits, a manifold assembly is used.

Prices for installation work of underfloor heating

Wiring diagrams of water-heated floors made in a private house can have a different cost. It will include materials, preparatory and installation work, as well as connection and strength testing of circuits. The cost of work for square meter varies from 1,500 to 3,000 rubles. Also, the price is influenced by the type of base and the quality of the equipment.

Helpful advice! It is recommended to purchase ready-made kits equipment for floor heating. At the same time, many manufacturers offer free calculation of the entire system.

The density of the pipeline is determined by the required level of room heating. Near the walls and entrance doors more dense styling is performed. In this case, the distance from the highway to the wall should be more than 12 cm. The length of one circuit should not be more than 100 meters. In addition, line joints are made using metal sleeves. The manifolds are placed in a special switch cabinet, for which a place must be selected in advance.

Full heating of the room and the creation of a favorable microclimate in the house depend on the quality of the wiring diagrams. Good luck with the repair!

Do-it-yourself water-heated floor (video)