How to make masonry for arched windows. Brick arch

Architects often use architectural and design elements in their works, which give the building originality and beauty. One of these decorative details is the arch. Internal structures easily decorated with drywall. Brick is used for the construction of external geometric elements. Many novice craftsmen are interested in the question: how is a brick arch made with their own hands?

Types of arches

Arches in architecture are used in architecture different nations... Accordingly, their form was influenced by the cultural heritage of the countries. An example of this is the Arabian arch, which is widespread in the architecture of the Middle Eastern states.

The most common types of arches are:

  • semicircular or semicircular: looks like a semicircle, the center of which is flush with the heels of the arch. This design is most often based on pylons. This kind arches can be attributed to the classics;
  • bow: in shape, it is an arc equal to a quarter of a circle. Arches of this type adorned the window openings of residential buildings in Ancient Rome;
  • pointed or broken arch formed by two arcs intersecting at an angle.

V modern architecture as a decorative element, the first two types are used - semicircular (they are now called full) and bow. Wedge-shaped arches are no less popular - they got this name thanks to the construction technology: the bricks are laid out with a wedge and then fixed with a "lock".

General technology for laying brick arches

Brick arch masonry, regardless of the type selected, is made in the following order:

  1. Is being developed general form arches.
  2. Its parameters are calculated.
  3. A working drawing is drawn with all the required dimensions.
  4. A template is made, which is then installed in the opening.
  5. Jumper opening is laid out.
  6. Is fixed and fixed brickwork.
  7. The template is being dismantled.

On the last stage finishing of the formed opening is in progress.

Template calculation

Before making a brick arch, it is necessary to make an auxiliary structure - a template. Its quality has a direct impact on the final result. For this reason, it is necessary to carefully calculate its dimensions. As an example, we can consider the design of a window with a width of 1500 mm using an arched type.

Please note: for the design of an arched opening, it is not its width that is important, but the length of the arc along which the brick will be laid out. In order not to create problems for yourself in the future, it is necessary to correct this size at the calculation stage so that it is a multiple of 70-75 mm.

The template should be 5 mm less than the opening in width. This small gap will make it easier to install and disassemble (even if it gets damp).

The height of the auxiliary structure must be the same as that of the arch. By the way, it should not be too low - this is fraught with subsidence of the brickwork under the influence of load.

Now it remains to decide on the thickness of the template. If it is too large, the weight of the structure will complicate the work. In our example, the optimal thickness is 200 mm.

Making a template

We start work by marking the arch on a chipboard sheet. For this you need:

  • mark the center line;
  • draw the boundaries of the opening symmetrically axially;
  • mark the top point of the arch on the axis;
  • from the highest point, lay down a size equal to the height of the arch, and draw a straight line perpendicular to the axis through the resulting mark. Mark the points of intersection of the construction line with the right and left boundaries of the opening with dots;
  • from the same (highest) point downward to postpone a segment equal to the radius of the arched arc - this is the center of the circle;
  • at the central point, install a metal rod (peg) and tie a piece of knitting wire to it, equal in length to the radius of the circle;
  • attach a pencil to the second end, and using an impromptu compass, connect the three previously marked points.

The template consists of two such parts - a circle - connected by bars. If the circle is cut exactly according to the markings, then the sharp corners will not make it possible to fasten them together. Therefore, before starting cutting, it is necessary to set aside 100 mm from the lower points of the arched profile, thus increasing the body of the part.

After that, you can cut out the part with a jigsaw.

The second circle is much easier to mark: for this you need to use an already cut part as a pattern. Just place it on a new piece of chipboard and trace along the contour.

The bars intended for fastening the circles must correspond in length to the specified template thickness. Twist the prepared parts with self-tapping screws. A strip of fiberboard is nailed on top of the template - in this way, all possible irregularities of the device are smoothed out.

Circled in the window opening for laying a brick arch

Installation of the template in the opening

Under the edges of the template, props are installed from edged boards 20 mm thick. To prevent them from falling, a spacer is inserted between them.

The template is installed on the supports from above, flush with the edge of the shaped facing brick. One caveat should be borne in mind: a too protruding arch (more than 60 mm) during operation will collapse from frost and rain. If, nevertheless, you decide to take such a step, close it from above. ceramic tiles or metal.

Diy brick arch masonry

First, lay out the right left heel of the arch. After that, you can start marking the order. This is done using a tape measure. For convenience, markings are made on the template every five bricks.

The decision on the thickness of the seam is made on the spot.

After that, you can lay out the arch from the heels to the highest point - on both sides. The last one or two bricks (depending on whether the number is even or odd when marking) are called castle bricks. After laying them in place, the seams are carefully clogged with a solution. If this is not done, the arch can “sit down”.

The arch - front and backing - must be laid out in one go. The template can be removed two to three hours after the masonry has been crimped. If you cannot remove the auxiliary structure on the same day, protect it from possible rain with plastic wrap. Otherwise, the swollen tree can undermine the fresh masonry, and the work will have to be completely redone.

Often the interior passage in the apartment is not closed with a door, but left open. This allows you to elegantly combine space and make the interior design of the rooms more elegant. To do this, you can purchase a ready-made structure from type-setting elements or cut out individual parts with your own hands and then assemble everything into doorway... But how to make an arch yourself so that it looks smooth and beautiful? After all, there are a lot of materials and technologies for installation, you need to choose wisely.

Designer arch

What arches can be installed in the apartment

Mounting arched structure in place interior door can be done without involvement professional builders... You just need to choose the type of arch and materials for its manufacture. Following the step-by-step instructions below will help you avoid mistakes and make an arch with your own hands.

Arch curves can be the fanciest

Design features and significant differences

In structure construction arched- these are supports for the upstream elements of walls and structures. But in apartments, doorways to the corridor and between rooms are not load-bearing. In the first case construction materials are selected based on serious external loads, and in the second they must only withstand their own weight, coupled with the finish.

Arch with a bar

The apartment door arch, installed instead of the door, is an element of interior design. Its frame can be made from a light profile for gypsum board or bars with a section of 20-30 mm. Such a design can easily withstand the weight of finishing materials. It is only necessary to firmly fix it on the walls so that the decor does not warp and fall off in a couple of weeks.

Reference! In private houses and city apartments, the open door arch between the rooms performs exclusively decorative functions. In this case, the bearing loads are assigned to concrete walls on the side or a lintel over the opening.

Finished plastic arch

Forms of arched openings and their possibilities

There are many options for arranging interior arches in shape:

  • "Classic".
  • "Romance".
  • "Modern".
  • "Ellipse".
  • "Trapezium".
  • "Portal".

The most popular types of interior arches

The first option at the top has the shape of a regular semicircle, and the last one along the entire height is performed with strict rectangular outlines. The rest are intermediate versions between them. But other variations are possible with one side "support" or two curved posts.

The form door arch and its design are chosen according to the design style of the room. This takes into account the height of the ceiling, the dimensions of the opening and the features of the premises on both sides of it. In some houses, classic shapes with the correct bend in the form of a semicircle will look perfect, while in others - a rectangular portal. This is more a matter of the taste of the owners of the house and the general stylistics of the interior decor. Some people prefer tapered contours altogether.

  • It is recommended to choose the classic version only with high ceilings in the region of 3 meters and above.
  • In typical panel high-rise buildings, it is better to decorate the entrance to the kitchen with the "MODERN" arch.
  • For a wide doorway from the hall to the corridor, "ROMANTIC" with large racks is more suitable.
  • Rectangular "PORTAL" looks best in the interior, where the decoration is dominated by clear horizontal and vertical lines. This type of doorway design is ideal for houses made of timber or logs. In such a dwelling, its rectangular corners will look elegant and maximally in line with the theme.

Classics in the interior

What to build a design opening with your own hands

To quickly make an arch in the doorway of an apartment, it is enough to purchase a set of type-setting elements made of plastic or laminated chipboard. They must be cut to the desired height, and then fixed in the places laid down according to the instructions. But such options are standard and quite expensive. Plus - not every opening will be able to choose a ready-made model with the right dimensions.

Components interior arch system

For the manufacture of panels of arched posts and arcs, you will need one of the following materials:

  • drywall;
  • plywood;

Advice! For sheathing the frame, it is better to choose plasterboard sheets. GKL can be further finished big amount various materials... However, thin plywood is much easier to fold.

Finished veneer arch

The frame for the interior arch can be made:

  • from a metal profile;
  • from wooden blocks 20x20 and 30x30 mm.

Brick design is ideal for joining a balcony

You can also make an arch instead of a door from concrete, brick or aerated concrete blocks, and only then refine them with one or another finishing material. But these options are more likely for lovers of capital and solidity. Plus they weigh a lot, in old apartments apartment buildings you cannot build anything out of them.

The use of metal is limited not only by its weight, but also by its high cost. Manufacturing of metal structures complex shape at home is a very difficult project to implement in practice. The easiest way to do it yourself is to work with drywall and a profile for it.

Step-by-step instructions for self-installation

The photos and recommendations below will allow even a novice master to cope with ennobling a doorway. To do this, you first need to create a frame, and then sheathe and decorate it. Everything can be done with your own hands, you just need to do everything consistently and without mistakes.

Drywall arch scheme

Preparing the doorway

  1. First, the canvas and the box are dismantled. existing door(if it exists and stands still).
  2. Then the opening is expanded to the planned dimensions.
  3. Plastering the cut walls under the frame is not worth it, they will still be covered with cladding. It is enough to level them and remove everything that can fall off (plaster, pieces of concrete, falling out bricks). The main thing is that the supporting profile can be fixed securely and in a strictly vertical position without tilting.
  4. If a backlit design is planned, then wiring must be done in advance.
  5. Measurements are always taken at several points of the opening, so as not to miscalculate the dimensions.
  6. If the walls are uneven, then the thickness of the posts (arch depth) is selected at the thickest point.
  7. To simplify the layout and fit sheet material for sheathing the arched frame, it is necessary to make a full-size template from cardboard. This will allow you to avoid mistakes and see in advance how the contours of the structure being formed will look like.

An important point! The upper part of the arch takes about 10-15 cm from the height of the doorway. At least 20 cm must remain from it to the ceiling. When calculating and marking, these figures must be taken into account.

Fastening the guides

Structural framing

  1. To make a frame for an arch, you first need to create a main contour from a profile along the perimeter of the opening and fix it to the walls.
  2. The upper curved piece will then be attached to it. frame system... Sometimes only a curved element is made from above, but this is only possible with perfectly flat slopes.
  3. Vertical guides in the doorway are attached with an indent from the plane of the interior wall by the thickness of the drywall sheet plus 2 mm for the subsequent plaster on top of it.
  4. After plastering, a single flat surface should be obtained.
  5. On each side and at the top of the arch being created, you will need to fix two such profiles parallel to each other.

Advice! If the walls are made of wood, then self-tapping screws are enough to fasten the guides, but in the case of concrete or brick, dowel screws will be required. The step between the fasteners should not exceed 30 cm.

If the columns of the arch are made of small thickness, then two arcs can be safely replaced with a wide profile. All manipulations for cutting and bending in this case are carried out in a similar way. However, the transverse installation will no longer be needed. When using wooden bars instead of a profile, the frame for the arch is made using a similar technology. Only the original carrier material changes frame structure.

Two ways to fold drywall sheet

Rough frame cladding

After completing the assembly of the arch frame, it remains only to mount the gypsum board on it or wood board... To give the plywood or fiberboard the desired shape, they will have to be pre-moistened, fixed on a template and steamed with a hot iron.

Ideally, you should use a special arched drywall reinforced on both sides with non-woven fiberglass. It is enough to knead it in the longitudinal direction and give the desired shape.

There are two ways to bend a regular drywall sheet: wet and dry.

  • Wet technology provides for wetting the back of the gypsum board with water and gradually bending it on a template of the required shape with fixation on it. This process is lengthy, haste can lead to rupture of the cardboard layer of the sheet. And it is possible to install and fasten the resulting part with self-tapping screws on the arch frame only after the gypsum is completely dry.

Advice! It is possible to speed up the process of moistening the gypsum board to give it elasticity using a needle roller.

  • The dry method involves applying parallel cuts on one side of the sheet, which affect the gypsum and the upper outer layer of the cardboard. But the face board remains intact. The bend is smooth and regular.

Installation of the main element of the arch

Cutting sheet material is best done with a jigsaw. When using a hacksaw, the edges of the cut will obviously turn out to be less even. The cladding is fastened with self-tapping screws in increments of 5–6 cm. After fixing it, the edges of the plasterboard and plywood sheets are sanded. And then on the curved edge to protect it from chips is attached a special plastic corner with perforation.

GKL mount

Filler for perfect surface leveling

The next stage of finishing a drywall arch is a primer and putty. After applying the first one, you must wait until it dries. Fiberglass mesh is used to reinforce the second layer. The corners are also reinforced and leveled with a mesh.

The edges must be straight

Surface putty

Wall joint putty

Mesh reinforcement

Reinforcement of the edge with mesh

Next, a third finishing layer is applied. The putty, hardened after 10-2 hours, is subjected to grinding with sandpaper to remove excess, to make the surface as smooth as possible. No protruding screw caps or dents should remain on it.

This should be the arch

Decoration of the structure and design techniques

You can finally decorate the arch in the apartment with your own hands and make it beautiful:

  • painting in color with the walls;
  • wood cladding or plastic panels;
  • pasting with wallpaper or veneer;
  • finishing with decorative stone on a plaster basis;
  • decoration with mosaics and mirrors;
  • decorating with stucco or ready-made columns.

Simple backlit finish

Materials in finishing interior arches are used both natural and artificial. The choice here depends on the general design idea for the design of the apartment interior. To refine the doorway, you can use polyurethane stucco and even textiles. All options are acceptable, the main thing is that they are in harmony with the surrounding decor.

Shelves in decoration arched passage into the corridor

The framing of columns made of clinker or decorative stone looks original and stylish. Handwritten editing will take time and diligence, but the result will certainly delight the master. The uniqueness of the apartment with this method of decoration is guaranteed.

Artificial stone decor

Arch finishing natural wood will bring solidity and grace into the house, and the mosaic pattern invented by the owners will bring the uniqueness of the decor. The main thing is not to overdo it with the design, making the design a tasteless jumble of elements different styles... All interior details should be in harmony with each other and complement each other.

Stucco columns in arched doorway with wide walls

Often, ordinary painting in white or brown is enough to complete the design, making the arch beautiful and elegant with your own hands. However, some require built-in backlighting and additional decorative elements in accordance with the style chosen for the apartment. It will take more time to finish the arched opening, but it's worth it.

Decor corner and wallpaper

Install and arrange on your own interior arch instead of a door is easy. For work, it is enough to have metal scissors, a screwdriver and a hacksaw in the house. But if there is no experience with these tools, it is better to trust professional installers.

An arch is a curved lintel that serves as an architectural element of a wall opening or a span between supports. The side brace of the vaulted structure ensures its strength. Brick arches differ in types:

  • bow arches - bricks are laid in them along a guide in the form of a truncated arc;
  • wedge-shaped arches - bricks are laid in a wedge with a fixing "lock" device;
  • full arches - brickwork is made in a semicircle and has a height of 1/2 the width of the opening.

Despite the different ways of laying a piece stone, the sequence and general principle works on the manufacture of such arches are not particularly different. If you have experience in the construction business, any of them can be laid out with your own hands.

Masonry materials

When installing arches, trapezoidal wedge bricks are used. The shape of such materials allows you to reliably fix the structure of the vault. Wedge bricks can be bought at a building materials store or made by yourself mechanical processing conventional products to the desired shape.

A cement-sand mortar or its special types is used as a binding material for brickwork of arches. For example, to decorate the hearths of stoves or fireplaces with your own hands, the solution is prepared from clay with the addition of fine gravel with a fraction of less than 8 mm and chamotte sand.

The cladding of lined arches is often done using decorative stone. This finishing material comfortable, fits perfectly into the interior of almost any room, giving it solidity.

Making a brick arch

The technology of making a brick arch with your own hands is influenced by the choice of its type and design features... The vault installation process consists of several stages:

  • calculation and production of an arched template;
  • installation of the template in the opening or between the support pillars;
  • brickwork of the vault;
  • compression and fastening of the finished structure;
  • disassembly of the template;
  • arch finishing.

Each of these stages of construction requires careful execution. Therefore, we will consider them in more detail.

Making an arched template

Brick arch masonry is performed using a special template that repeats the contour of the future opening. In addition to the formative one, the arched template performs a load-bearing function in the process of the main work. Therefore, it is important to accurately calculate and make this auxiliary element with your own hands. When calculating it, it must be borne in mind that the lifting height of the arch must correspond to its rounding radius and be equal to 1/2 of the opening width.

The material for the manufacture of the template are boards and sheets of chipboard (chipboard). On a sheet of chipboard, a pencil marks the center of the arch structure, its lower and upper points. Then they need to be connected with an arc until a truncated semicircle is obtained. Two circles are cut out according to the markings made, the bases of which are nailed along the long ends of the board. The length of the piece of the board should correspond to the width of the opening, and its transverse dimension should correspond to the thickness of the future arch. A 6mm hardboard strip is nailed to the arcuate part, starting from the base of the structure, on which brickwork will be made. The template is ready.

Installing a template

Installation of a self-made template is performed using side supports. They are made from planks and are installed with inside the opening, then burst apart with beams of the required length or other boards. Then a template is installed on the upper end of the supports.

For the correct placement of a masonry stone on it, you need to make a markup. To do this, a brick is installed in the middle of the template. Then the compass is moved apart to a width equal to the thickness of the brick plus 0.5 cm of the thickness of the masonry seam. Fixed distances along the edge of the template are laid from the laid brick with marks. This needs to be done on both sides of the template.

Arch masonry

Arched laying is carried out evenly on both sides of the template, moving gradually to its middle. The position of each stone placed must correspond to its own mark. The application of the mortar to the brick bed should be wedge-shaped - this will improve the fixation of the materials. Masonry joints should not expand by more than 25mm. After the completion of the main work, a castle brick is vertically installed in the middle of the arch. It clogs tightly and fixes the entire structure.

The correctness of the laying and the direction of the radial seams are checked by the markings and the cord, the end of which is tied to a nail hammered in the center of the supporting part of the template.

The formwork can be removed after 2-3 weeks, this time is influenced by the air temperature and quality masonry mortar... To remove the template, it is necessary to remove the spacers and support boards, and then carefully lower it down.

Arch finishing

An impressive result can be obtained when decorating a brick arch with your own hands using decorative stone. For this process, its narrow plates are used - it is easier to fix them on arched curves. The order of further actions is as follows:

  1. The surface of the arch is cleaned together with a part of the adjoining walls and treated with a primer. With smooth surfaces, notches are made on them.
  2. A solution is prepared, consisting of glue, sand and lime. Its composition may vary depending on the type of decorative stone.
  3. Usually, in addition to the arch, the adjacent parts of the walls are exposed to facing. The first row of stone is laid from below at the joints of the arch and the wall.
  4. The laying of the next row of stone also begins from the bottom, but the extreme stone should protrude slightly beyond the joint in it. All other stones are overlapped.
  5. The trim elements of the rounded edges of the arch are pre-cut along the arc using a construction knife and pliers.
  6. The inner part of the arch is lined with decorative stone elements, also overlapping them.
  7. After finishing, the resulting seams are sealed with a special solution, which is applied with a spatula.

Brick arches can be done by hand in different styles, but the laying of any of them will give your home original view and a great atmosphere.

One of the options for creating both original and practical interior you can recognize the design of the doorway in the form beautiful arch... Now it has become fashionable to combine the kitchen and dining room, living room and bedroom into a single space. The arched opening in this case unites the rooms, but leaves behind each functional space some isolation. In rooms with high traffic, corridors, kitchens, dining rooms, they completely get rid of doors, because households are tired of constantly opening and closing them, with constantly open door its presence becomes meaningless.

Varieties of arches

The variety of designs of this element makes it possible to find suitable option for any style room. Depending on the design idea, the vault of the building takes on different forms. Taking into account the appearance of the arch, the following types are distinguished:

  • Classic. The most common, laconic and harmonious in a large number interiors. They have a semicircular vault without protrusions, suitable for spacious, high rooms.
  • Romantic. Their vaults are rectangular, and the corners are somewhat rounded. They are usually used in wide openings.
  • Portal. It has a laconic square, rectangular shape, which eliminates unnecessary labor costs, but it is not applicable everywhere.
  • Modern or British. An intermediate form reminiscent of the classics and the portal. The circle is smoothed, but not rectangular. Looks good in the openings of those rooms with low ceilings.
  • Trapezium. The vault is trapezoidal.
  • Ellipse. Popular universal look constructions where the corners are rounded. The most popular type of construction for low, spacious rooms. Combines with other types of columns.
  • Semi-arca or Thai. The vault is asymmetric, the left and right sides are made differently, combining the corner and roundings of non-identical radius in one design.
  • Turkish. It originates in the palaces and harems of the Ottomans. It will require harmony with the entire interior, the presence of Mediterranean motives in decoration and furnishings.
  • Gothic. Has a spectacular sharp vault, capable of being the center of the interior.
  • Arch-transom. Its upper part is decorated with an insert made of plastic and glass. Used stained-glass windows, embossed details.

About decorative stone

From popular materials used in construction arched openings it is worth highlighting drywall, wood, brick and stone trim. Each of the materials is complemented by a variety of decorative elements. Decorating the arch emphasizes the style of the room, helps to change the dimensions of the opening, to mask some defects. The decoration with stucco, forging and carving is good in its own way, but the arch made of decorative stone is the most effective. There is no such design idea that cannot be embodied with the help of a stone.

Using artificial stone inside a house or apartment, there are significantly fewer requirements for its protective functions. But here, too, it resists mechanical damage better than other materials, does not corrode, and is not subject to decay. The word "decorative" should not scare away lovers of the natural: the material contains cement, pumice, expanded clay, environmentally friendly fillers of volcanic origin, derived from clay and shale. There are practically no shortcomings in raw materials.

The advantages of a stone arch

By listing positive points finishing arches in the apartment with decorative stone, it should be noted its aesthetic and practical properties:

  1. Ease of maintenance. Special detergents not required, any will do where there are no abrasives in the composition.
  2. The imitation has no external differences from the original. The manufacturers have achieved complete similarity. At the same time, the price and weight of the artificial stone is much more attractive. With its help, walls are trimmed. wooden houses, the mass of natural granite and marble they would not withstand.
  3. No special training is required to make repairs with your own hands. You can do the facing of the arch yourself after the appropriate instructions, watching a video on the topic.
  4. The material has many style options, antique, modern.
  5. A wide range of colors, there will be no problem to choose for your interior.

How to choose a decorative stone for arch decoration

To begin with, they assess the purpose of the premises being repaired, in which it will be used as decoration. After counting required amount... For arched openings, narrow plates are more suitable, which are easier to attach to curved vaults. To acquire better stones with water-repellent properties or after covering with a water-repellent compound several times.

To calculate the required amount of material, add 5-10% to the cladding area. The material is saved by using stone cuttings in the corners and for additional fragments. Primers are taken from the calculation of double wall processing. The amount of glue is approximately 3 kg per 1 m2.

Before laying on the surface of the package with a stone, open it, mix the contents. At first separate fragments the future decor is laid out on the floor, matching them in shades and size. Short ones are combined with long ones, their position next to each other should look natural. Inspect the tile from the back side; it should not have a foamy layer that impairs adhesion. If there is one, clean it off with a metal brush.

Choosing a stone by color

Several factors influence the perception of the color of the cladding. When choosing a material, its color is evaluated in different time day, in natural and artificial light. At the south and north windows, on a cloudy and sunny day, the samples will look different.

Pay attention to what the chosen one will be adjacent to facing material: wallpaper, glass, decorative plaster... The texture and color of products is selected in accordance, but not in one boring color.

The choice of color is influenced by the history and style of the house. Some color may not match the style, ruin it. Sometimes chocolate is better than black, and beige stones look better than gray ones. If there are colored specks, contrasts, overflows of shades, this will create a more beautiful surface.

What styles are suitable for decorative stone arches

Styles sometimes coexist with each other, sometimes one is born from another. This is influenced by wars, fashion, crises. The use of decorative stone differs depending on the style of the room.


Severity and proportionality, high-quality wood, silk are combined with a refined finish. It should be not rough, in small quantities. The most suitable monochromatic decorative stone.


V pure form almost never occurs, but you have to deal with the elements. Stained glass windows, forged elements in harmony with decorative stone. Door portals in a rough stone frame create a "castle" effect. A part of the arch with "losses", where brick or masonry of different sizes is visible, makes an impression.

Empire style

In the rich ceremonial decor with bronze, crystal, bas-reliefs, the expressive texture of the stone will play an important role. Arches are laid out with relief fragments, framed with frames, friezes.


In the well-to-do country house wood and decorative textured stone are always present. Stone-faced arches harmoniously coexist with plastered walls.

African style

The arches are lined with stones of warm and hot colors: spice-colored, brown, copper. Masks and wooden dishes, skins go well with mahogany, rosewood, ocher-colored relief stone.

Scandinavian style

The laconic northern interior is emphasized by light natural tones in the decoration. The relief of the stone will look much more advantageous with multi-level lighting.


"Babushkina" antique furniture and the exit from the room through the arch made of smoked bricks will be to the liking of lovers of romance.


Here, concrete, exposed beams, metal and glass will be in harmony with the rough texture of the stone-lined arch, whitewash and peeling paint. Would be quite appropriate uneven angle brick wall with visible fittings.

Backlighting and other ways to decorate the arch

The visual expansion of the space is important to correctly design in order to have an interesting object as a result. The decorative stone alone creates a feeling of incompleteness. If the arch leading to the hallway or the nursery is stylized as an entrance to a cave, a tunnel or the mouth of an exotic lizard, then light and plants act as an additional way of decorating. Without vegetation, it is difficult to create an arch that will serve as a tunnel into the underwater world.

The lamps built into the arched opening do not spread light to the room itself, which is convenient at night. Backlighting will add mystery to the arched opening. You can't do without light here if the arch is the head of a dragon.

The color nuances and play of the stone require good lighting. For such purposes, they hang stylish sconces, install LED backlight, depending on the specifics. The material goes well with living climbing plants and vines. A wide, uncomfortable opening is balanced with shelves and shelves on the sides.

Decorating the arch with your own hands

To create a stone structure in the house, you will need step-by-step instruction, a list of materials, the availability of which is taken care of in advance.

Tools and materials

  1. Construction mixer for thorough mixing of glue. For lack of, adjust the drill.
  2. Level, tape measure, mallet.
  3. Cutting machine is desirable.
  4. Container for glue.
  5. Painting brushes.
  6. Pencil, sandpaper.
  7. Metal brush.
  8. Grouting syringe, grouting.
  9. Spatula or spatula, sponge.
  10. Wedges made of wood or plastic.
  11. Water repellent. Unlike waterproofing, it will allow the stone to "breathe".
  12. Primer, glue, stone itself.

Cooking the surface

This stage takes place traditionally: remove the remnants of the previous coating, smooth out irregularities using sandpaper, then they are putty using a primer. The primer is chosen in accordance with the material of the walls.

If the walls are concrete, monolith, a special adhesive primer is used. When working in a hot or extremely humid environment back side the tiles are moistened. Moisture-resistant gypsum plasterboard after priming is well dried.

Preparing stone for laying

The styling material is reviewed again. Correctly cut in accordance with the markings finishing stone... When developing a sketch, take into account the method of laying: end-to-end or with the formation of a seam. Trimming is carried out using a machine, giving the products an arched appearance. If necessary, clean the back side with a wire brush.

Be careful when using a hand saw. Excessive cutting effort causes the stone to break in unexpected lines.

Making a brick arch is not an easy task, even for an experienced home master... Such an action requires certain skills and knowledge. And if the skills need to be acquired in practice, then knowledge can be obtained by reading the recommendations and instructions on how to make an arch from brick. For clarity, we present photo and video materials.


Do-it-yourself brick arch can be created by yourself different shapes given the necessary architectural style... Types of openings, taking into account the masonry:

  • classic - the height of the semicircle - the half-width of the opening;
  • onion - a trimmed cone, characteristic of the oriental style;

Construction process

  • wedge-shaped - in the form of a wedge, at the top it is attached with a locking element, which is characteristic of the Gothic style;
  • modern - the arc is like a truncated cone;
  • romanticism - rectangular with a slight rounding of the corners;
  • ellipse - used in postmodern or new wave;
  • the portal is rectangular.

One or another masonry of brick arches is characterized by features that must be taken into account, especially harmony with a certain style.


In general, the procedure is different for all types of arches, but the main stages of this event can be distinguished:

  • project creation;
  • building a template element;
  • its installation;

  • masonry;
  • removing the template;
  • finishing.

It is worth noting that the template element can be made either from wooden blocks or from chipboard. The sizes are determined in advance. And the attractiveness of the brickwork depends on the quality of the template.

What is necessary?

To lay out an arch from a brick, you will need a template formwork, which is made of boards and two racks for support.

Laying is done without gaps using wedge bricks. The thickness of the seams is allowed up to 1 cm. When using a cement-sand mortar, the template can be removed only after two weeks.

If there is no wedge brick, you can redo the rectangular one. For an oven arch, this parameter should be small. In addition, it is not recommended to use a solution for such a case, otherwise destruction is likely.

Template creation

The template is quite difficult to create. We can say that this stage of construction is the most difficult. After all, the result will be responsible for the form, and at the same time play a role supporting structure... The template is created from a semicircle of chipboard and a piece of board. They should be nailed together, and then the hardboard is fixed.

Installation of support pillars

Side supports are made of the boards, for installation from the inside of the columns. A template is installed on the end of these elements. Next, we are doing the markup, determining the location of each brick.


Do-it-yourself masonry is easy if you follow certain recommendations. The bricks are laid from the edges to the middle. They should be placed according to the labels on the template. You can control the quality of the arch when there are three bricks left for laying.

The solution should be applied in a wedge-shaped manner. To maintain the symmetry of the second row, a cord is used.

It is worth cleaning the solution after it has set. A wet brush is used for this.

Design features for the garage

You can give a sufficient number of photos of brick arches that are used in garages. To ensure its durability, it is recommended to consider several features.

For example, many strive to make the arc minimal, but this only reduces the reliability of the structure. It is also recommended to correlate the strength of the template with the weight of the arch.

The uprights should fit snugly so that the arch does not sag. Before starting the process, you should determine the required amount of bricks. If the arch is large, thick seams should be avoided. The thickness of the bottom seam should be 3-6 mm. Laying is carried out from the edges to the center. The last one is the central brick.

If the arch is made for a garage, the distance in the opening will be large. To increase the strength of the wall above the arch, it is worth laying along the reinforcement.

Design features for stoves and fireplaces

In this case, the bricks are fitted tightly so that they touch at the bottom. When the masonry is dry, the template can be difficult to remove. Then there is an alternative - to burn it during the heating process.

Cleaning from the solution

Since during the laying with your own hands, the solution cannot always be perfectly distributed, it can fall on the front part. Then it will have to be cleaned with a dry cloth. If the mortar is not enough in the seam, it must be filled from the bottom up.

Causes of destruction

There are special circumstances as a result of which the arch can burst:

  • Small radius with large width. Due to the uneven distribution of significant loads, cracks and fractures may appear;

  • If metal bases or corners are used as a template. Despite the desire to use them to strengthen the structure, the result may be the opposite. After all, a metal base, unlike a wooden template, does not allow the arch to shrink. This can lead to cracks.
  • The template was not retrieved in time. During the stay of the template in the structure, it absorbs moisture, the wood swells, as a result of which the masonry does not withstand stress. Therefore, if you cannot immediately pull out the template, you should cover the arch with plastic.
  • The cause of destruction can be the subsidence of the foundation, in which case it will need to be strengthened.

Preventing possible causes, we build a reliable structure

It will take several hours to create a brick arch with your own hands. There is nothing complicated in the procedure, it is only important to comply with the technologies, recommendations, then the result will be successful on the highest level- finishing the arch with bricks will not only look beautiful, but also serve for many years.