Bulk floor over wooden boards. Floor screed in a wooden house under the "warm floor": species, nuances, montage rules

Screed on the wooden floor is not better decision For the device of the new floor. However, despite this opinion, under compliance with all the technologies, it is realistic. In addition, there are designs wooden floorsWhich in good condition is easier to pour the bulk sex than to redo the entire design of the floor.

This article will be useful for those who build their vacation home. Making a spill floor on a wooden, easy to put a tile in the bathroom or kitchen at home.

Also for owners country houses Information about septics from concrete rings. You can select information about septicism and place an order.

Wooden floor designs

Before starting the conversation about the screed on the wooden floor, you need to deal with the designs of wooden, boardy floors.

It is unlikely to make sense to make a tie wooden semiwhich is laid on the lags and the slab overlap with a thickness of 220 mm. The thickness of such a wooden floor is 70-77 mm and the best solution for such a floor will remove the wooden floor with the lags and make a screed over the concrete slab overlap.

Make a tie on the wooden floor it makes sense if the lags of the floor stand on high brick columns. The height of such poles can reach 30-40 cm (or more) and it is not possible to replace them with a screed. Two photos of such floors you can look below.

That's precisely about the floors of such a design, we can talk as a possible base for a screed.

Features screed on wooden floor

Before adding to make a screed on the wooden floor, pay attention to the following:

The screed on the wooden floor refers to unrelated screeds, that is, a layer of such a screed will not be associated with the lower layer of the base and will be isolated, unrelated with a layer of floor. From here, some features of the screed on the wooden floor are followed.

Firstly, wooden base Under the tie should be very durable and fully fixed. Depreciation, which is so characteristic of wooden floor should be completely excluded. With the possible fluctuation of the wooden floor, the screed over it will be cracked, which is unacceptable.

SecondlyDepending on the selected material for the screed, the thickness of the screed can be quite thick. For example, using a cement-sand mixture for a screed, a screed thickness must be from 10-12 cm. Weight of such a screed will significantly increase the load on the wooden floor. If we consider that the wooden floor is laid on the lags, and between the lags there is a step (the distance between the lags) then with an increase in the load on the wooden floor you need to reduce the distance between the lags. IN large rooms The distance between the lag may reach 85 cm. Therefore, deciding to make a cement-sand tie in great roomYou have to disassemble the floor, reduce the step between lags, putting new lags and restore the wooden floor again.

The workman is still, and perhaps it is a hundred times to think before making a cement-sand tie on the wooden floor in a large room.

In order not to disassemble the floor and not to reduce the distance between the lags, use the non-cement-sand mixture, but for example, anhydrite levels for the floor. The thickness of such a screed from 30 mm, the levelover does not require reinforcement and can be used for unrelated screeds.

Thirdly, Cement - the sand screed on the wooden floor is made, be sure to reinforcing the grid. This is done, again, to increase the strength of the screed. Moreover, the fiber fiber in the screed will not save you from the use of the reinforcing grid. That is, for a semi-dry screed, you will also have to make a reinforcing grid with cells of 100 × 100 mm.

Output. The use of cement-sand screed for large rooms with wooden floor is not justified by labor-intensive work. But. If the circumstances and conditions are such that it is impossible to avoid the screed on the wooden floor, then for the device, the screed is better to take a leveling room suitable for an independent screed, and not to use the cement-sand mixture. And in general, I would not consider the cement-sand tie, as a priority for a screed on the wooden floor, although the use of high-quality leveling will significantly increase the cost of the material for the screed.

Wood-floor screed material

To perform a screed on the wooden floor, you need the following material:

class \u003d "Eliadunit"\u003e

  • Film polyethylene thickness from 200 microns, for waterproofing layer of screed from wood and walls;
  • A mixture for a screed. About choosing a mixture, read a little higher. If you select the cement-sand mix, then prepare the grid reinforcing, better with stainless coating. The grid should not be in rolls. Why not in rolls?

You have to secure the reinforcing mesh on a wooden base, while you should not disrupt the waterproofing, that is, not to break the film. Think up how you will perform the mesh mount. At the same time, think over how you will fasten the lighthouses for the CPS screed, because the lighthouses are not accustomed to fix the base for fastening the beacons of polyethylene.

What I do these notes to. In my opinion, the device of the cement-sand screed on a wooden base in large rooms is better not to do. The volume of work and problems will completely overshadow the result. Replace the CPS to the "level" for isolated bases (unrelated screed). For example, on an anhydritic level for the floor.

Technology screed on wood

Wooden floor should be durable, still, dry and not rotten. The same applies not only to the floorboards, but also to lags and the columns on which it is laid. Rotten boards need to be replaced.

Important! It is impossible to make a screed, on the newly laid wooden floor, he can deform. The age of wooden flooring should be more than one year when operating the floor in the range of home temperatures. Although I can not imagine who needs to be tied to a new wooden floor.

Hats nails, which are nailed to the boards, you need to drown a few millimeters so that they do not break the layer of waterproofing film to be put on top of the board.

If your apartment is located on the first floor and under you a basement or earth, then the seams between the boards need to sharpen the epoxy putty. Epoxy putty is chosen because it does not miss moisture. Seams are closed in order for the film laid under the screed and boards, it was not evaporated.

If the joints between the wall and the floor are wide, then close them construction foam, and from above epoxy putty and liquid waterproofing.

After drying, the putty on the wooden base is steel polyethylene 200 micron thick. Polyethylene is sprinkled with the walls on the walls of 10-15 cm. Two neighboring pieces of polyethylene put the bracket 20-25 cm. The junction between the polyethylene pieces, creemet not with a wing mounting tape. Scotch tape attach to the wall.

Polyethylene should lie smoothly without folds. Under the polyethylene there should be a clean wooden base without garbage.

Preparation of solution

Let me remind you, make a screed from the level of the level. The screed solution is done according to the instructions on the package. The mixture of the level is added to the water, and not vice versa. A mixture is stirred to the state of thick sour cream mechanical method, mixer on small revolutions.

How to check the glove of the mixture

To check the correctness of the thickness of the mixture, find the container with a diameter of 70 mm so that it contains 1 liter of the solution. From this cylinder, pour 1 liter of the solution on the plexiglass plate 50 × 50 cm. The diameter of the spreading solution should be 34-38 cm. So, the density of the solution is made correctly. The density of the solution must be checked constantly.

Street level

Unbound screed level should be more than 30 mm. For wooden floor, choose 50 - 60 mm. The screed level is better to measure the laser level. If the room is completely small, quite a construction level. In terms of the level of the laser, apply a line of screed along the wall and set the reference beacons (levels on the legs) on the floor surface.

Pouring tie.

The finished mixture of the level is poured continuously over the entire surface of the floor from a long corner to the output. For successful fill, you will need helpers. One breeds the mixture, the second continuously fills the solution, the third levels the solution in the level of beacons and marks, a special metal bar of oscillation movements (lifting and lowering the rod) along and across the cast surface.

Care of the flooded

Indoors with a flooded screed should not be drafts and low temperatures. If you, nevertheless used, a solution from the CPS, then cover the screed with polyethylene. Anhydride filling floor must be taken for 2 days from excess insolation (straight rays of the sun), too high temperature, drafts and water. After two days, the room needs to be ventilated.

Some conclusions of Articles

  • Before the tie, appreciate your wooden floor;
  • The cement-sand screed is very hard and will have a strong load on the wooden floor, so you may have to strengthen the wooden floor;
  • If possible, replace the CPS to a quality level for an independent screed;
  • Caps of the CPS on the wooden floor profitable only for small rooms, kitchens, baths;
  • Think a hundred times before applying a screed on the wooden floor in homes with wooden overlapsremember the load.

  • And last. If you are planning to use tile as finishes, replace the screed on the wooden floor, if possible by level, styling cement-chain plates (CSP).

Wooden floors are quite rarely aligned with concrete. Many experienced builders believe that waters are heavy monolithic design On the floor of the wood deprived of meaning. Moreover, the layer of concrete is not very "friendly" adjacent to wooden base, not only during the frost, but also during operation. In this regard, it is more expedient to use dry alignment schemes. But in cases where you need, for example, put in the washing room tile tileYou have to look for a way out.

Immediately make a reservation that the concrete screed on the wooden floor is a completely feasible task, but here, as in any other case, there are specific points.

Boated floor - Photo

A tree is a special material that has not only a number of technological advantages, but also one significant disadvantage. It is not static, so even at the end mounting work "Leads" himself in its own characteristic of him. The temperature and humidity differences lead to the fact that lumber are seated, increase / decrease in volume, stretched either reduced. By the way, it is for this reason after the construction of a church finishing It is carried out somewhere in 2 years.

But even after a biennial shrinkage period, wooden structures are still moving, even if not so intense. For example, the wooden floor with underground heating moves after each inclusion of the heating system.

Video - Concrete floors in a wooden house

Unlike wood, monolithic concrete base Only a little changes its geometrical parameters during hydration, and after full frost it is almost not moving.

And if this base would be tightly connected with an unstable wooden surface, the slightest movements of the latter would lead to the formation of cracks on the surface of concrete.

One of the reasons for the appearance of cracks - non-compliance with concrete fill technology on a wooden base

But the level of alignment described here is intended to ensure that both elements cannot harm each other, and its (technologies) distinctive trait It is that during the fill the base does not associate with the walls.

Scheme - An example of arrangement of a screed on a wooden floor

Constructive features of female floors

It is hardly advisable to pour the tie on the floor equipped on the lags and the slab of the overlap. Such floors often have a thickness of about 7-7.8 cm, and the only correct solution in this case can only disassemble all the wooden elements with the subsequent fill along the slab overlap. Another thing, if the lags are high and arranged on brick columns. Such pillars have a height of more than 0.3-0.4 m, so it is impossible to replace them with a concrete tie. Schemes of these floors are presented in the images below.

1 - base; 2 - waterproofing of two rubberoid layers; 3 - lower strapping; 4 - upper strapping; five - outdoor sheathing tipped boards; b - plate of non-ferrous metal with holes; 7- outdoor Wall Unce boards; 8 - plaster; 9 - plinth; 10 - board-made floor; 11 - lag; 12 - brick column; 13 - antiseptic wooden lining; 14 - underground
1 - the rammed sand; 2 - preparation from concrete; 3 - waterproofing from rolled materials; four - brick column; 5 - wooden antiseptic lining; in - sheathing from antiseptic boards; 7 - Moody intermediate flooring: 8 - heat insulation; nine - aerial layer; 10 - floor; 11 - carrier beam

It is such structures that are often climbing.

Technology Pouring

The essence of the fill of the concrete screed moody semi It is to create a gap between the monolithic surface and unstable elements of the tree. For this purpose, the leveling layer is cut off from the walls with the help of a damper tape, and from the dump base - polyethylene.

Due to this, a floating floor is created, not connections with any of the surfaces. As a result, all elements from sawn timber continue to move in a particular direction, and the screed, which simply lies on top, is not covered by cracks from permanent change of the position of the board of the board.

Technical parameters of a concrete screed, as well as basic requirements are in SNiP 2.03.13-88 and 3.04.01-87.

SNiP 2.03.13-88. Floors. File for download

SNiP 3.04.01-87. Insulating I. finishing coatings. File for download

On the feasibility of using polyethylene

Direct contact with the polyethylene film, as is known, negatively affects the tree, leads to the reproduction of fungus and mold.

That is why, instead of a film in wooden structures, rubberoid, mastic based on bitumen, pergamine or rolled waterproofing With bitumen impregnation. But cement strainer not at all polyethylene film, because of which:

  • both plates can be easily moved along an insulating border;
  • the screed will not pull moisture from the tree, leading to the appearance of cracks;
  • screed when moving will not pull the film, stretch and tear it.

Important information! Before starting work, take care to minimize negative consequences Contact sawn timber with polyethylene. For this all wooden elements need to be processed antiseptic and the primer mixture of "Aquastop", which has moisture-repellent properties.

The fill procedure itself consists of several stages, read them.

Prices for reinforced polyethylene film

reinforced polyethylene film

The first stage. Calculations

There is one standard scheme Calculations: For every 15 kg / m², a dry mixture is 1 cm thick. If even the required amount of materials is known, you still need to buy them with a 10 percent reserve.

Table. Dry cement mixes - Cost

"Vos mixture"Bag, 50 kg95 rub.
Umix.Bag, 50 kg100 rubles.
"Stone Flower"Bag, 25 kg75 rub.
"Polymin"Bag, 25 kg118 rub.
Kreisel.Bag, 25 kg132 rub
Manufacturer: "Ceresit"Bag, 25 kg160 rub.

Stage second. Preparation of the foundation

Having understood with the technology and having calculated the required amount of the mixture, you can proceed directly to operation. Traditionally, you should begin with the preparation of the base.

Step 1.Initially, the boardwalk is dismantled and a thorough revision of all elements is carried out. Lags are checked. If among them there are unsuitable for further operation, they must be replaced.

Step 2.If lags are installed in increasing more than 40 cm, the auxiliary bars are installed between them.

Step 3.Boards - if they are still suitable for use - attached nails back. If a little damaged floorboards are detected, they should be turned over.

Hats nails are interlocked by 2-3 mm, otherwise the polyethylene film, laid on top, can break.

Step 4. The plinth is removed, thin boards are installed instead (the latter must cover the slots at the walls). Do not forget that these boards are installed at a certain time, and after filling the screed will be dismantled. This will ensure the ventilation of the wooden base, will prevent its rotting.

Important information! You also need to close all the gaps. If they are small, then you can pour them with sealant, but large slit It is better to blew the mounting foam.

Instead of sealant, you can use a parquet putty, made on the basis of wood dust, or a homemade spacion mixture. For the preparation of the latter you need to mix any sawdust with oil paint In a ratio of 4: 1.

Stage Third. Padding

When the sealant or putty is completely dry, it is necessary to thoroughly spend the base to remove dust and garbage. If you wish, you can perform grinding, although it is optional.

Next, two-three layers are applied moisture resistant primer: it will prevent the appearance of air bubbles and absorb the surface of the liquid from the cement mortar. Also, the primer will serve as an additional protection of the tree from mold and fungus.

Prices for the primer for concrete floor

concrete primer

Stage fourth. Marking

Using ordinary or laser level around the perimeter of the walls is placed zero level. The latter can be on an arbitrary height, but on average it is 35-70 cm from the surface of the base. It is necessary to designate several points of zero horizontal on each of the walls.

From these points down, equal distances are postponed, the thickness of the screed itself must be taken into account.

Important information! The standard thickness of the concrete floating floor is about 5 cm. At the same time, each centimeter of such a floor will create a load on a pane of 100-110 kg per each square meter. It is for this reason that the lags are desirable to strengthen, although if possible, metal chawllers are generally better installed instead.

Stage fifth. Waterproofing

Further actions are associated with the insulation of wooden structural elements, and as a result, a kind of pallet does not pass by moisture.

Step 1.A damper tape is mounted on the entire perimeter to the walls with a thickness of 10-20 mm and a width that is slightly exceeding the thickness of the screed. This tape will ensure not only sound oscillations, but also the possibility of elongation / expansion of the floating plate. Scotch is used for fastening.

Important information! At the end finish finish The floor of the excess tapes protruding on the surface will be cut off, and the formed ribbon closes the plinth.

Important information! No folds or damage to the waterproofing layer should be. The following actions must be performed with marginal caution, so as not to break or punish the film. In the event that it was not possible to avoid this, the holes should be immediately close from polyethylene.

Step 3.. Ideally, the waterproofing layer should generally be without compounds. If there are joints, they all are firmly skilled with scotch. The further operation of the leveling layer will largely depend on the tightness of the waterproofing.

Prices for the edge ribbon

edge ribbon.

Stage Sixth. Reinforcement

If the concrete layer is thick enough, it must be reinforced. There are several ways of reinforcement, only the most common are discussed below.

Method number 1. Reinforcing grid

A very common option, which, nevertheless, in this case is not particularly suitable. The fact is that the previous layer is polyethylene, which may be damaged by the grid. It will be quite difficult to move along the valve, without disturbing the integrity of the isolation. In addition, the film, as noted above, should be in contact directly with concrete, so the grid should be located in the body of the screed.

For this reason, the concrete is filled with two layers:

  • poured - without lighthouses - the first layer;
  • the grid is stacked, lighthouses are installed;
  • poured a second layer.

It would seem that nothing complicated, but the concrete layer will dry for a long time - the break between the layers can reach 1 month. Therefore, it is better to resort to the second method.

Method number 2. Fibrovolokno

The following reinforcement method lies in the addition of fibrovolock directly into the concrete mixture at the preparation phase. Polymer fibers, of which this material consists, are chaotic, resulting in maximum tie strength in all directions.

Moreover, the total weight of the screed will significantly decrease due to the refusal of metal grid. Further actions are focused on using this method.

Prices for fibergolok


Stage seventh. Installation of aligning

Lighthouses need to be constructed especially neatly, any of some self-draws and nails can not have any speech. The foundations for future "beds" are made from the same solution that will be used for a screed. "Circots" are formed along the entire length of each of the lighthouses.

Important information! The distance between the "Groces" must be 10-15 cm less than the rule of rule (often it is about 120 cm). The distance between the surfaces of the walls and the extreme "beds" should be 25-30 cm.

The metal profile is placed on the tops of the "Circots" and is token in the solution in such a way that the previously marked height (level of the leveling layer) is achieved. Installation of lighthouses need to be maximally per hour after kneading the solution, otherwise it will grab.

Stage eighth. Kneading solution

The mixture for a concrete screed can already be purchased in the finished form or do it yourself. Factory dry mixes are sold in bags of 25 kg and 50 kg and diluted with water (6.5 liters per bag or 13 liters, respectively). If necessary, the amount of water can be increased, but not more than 0.5 liters.

All components are mixed with an electric drill with a nozzle-mixer, a ready-made mixture must be used a maximum of 15 minutes.

For independent preparation of the solution you need to mix cement (minimum "four hundredth") and sophisticated sand (preferably river) in proportion of 1: 3. An electric drill is also used to mix, but the entire procedure is performed in 2 stages. Ready solution should be used no later than 1.5 hours after the kneading.

Important information! The strength and water resistance of the solution can be increased by adding special plasticizers (the proportions are indicated on the package). Although there is a cheaper plasticizer alternative - usual washing powder (By hand for every 100 liters of water).

Prices for cement-sand mix

cement-sand mixture

Stage ninth. Fill

The fill procedure is carried out traditionally, i.e. continuously. Start from a long corner relative entrance door. The surface is leveled using the rule.

24 hours after the fill of the screed, the beacons are removed, and the remaining emptiness are processed with primer, poured with the same solution and are equal to the Hedder.

Video - screed on the wooden floor

Further care of the tie

Care requirements are the same for the finished dry screed, and for homemade cement-sandy solution. The next day after the fill, the screed is moistened, for one week the procedure is repeated daily. The first four days concrete should be closed with a plastic film so that the moisture is evenly evaporated from the screed.

On this procedure for filling the screed on the wooden floor ends.

The main advantages of bulk floors include wear resistance, strength and safety. Polyurethane coatings have not only good performance. The mixes produced today have a large number of diverse color solutions. Especially beautiful the floors with a three-dimensional effect. The only thing that confuses the owners of apartments and houses is the preparation of the foundation. After all, remove old wooden floors and prepare a smooth screed - the process is quite time-consuming. Not everyone knows that there is no need to tear the wooden boards. It is enough just to choose the filling floor for the wooden floor.

When choosing a mixture, you should pay attention to the manufacturer's recommendations. If there is a wooden coating among the recommended bases, such a composition can be safely used for fill. Self-leveling mixtures for wooden floor produce many manufacturers, so it's not difficult to choose a suitable level.

Wooden Requirements

It is worth noting that not every wooden floor is suitable as the basis for a self-refined mixture. Wooden floor must necessarily comply with the following requirements:

  • the coating does not creak;
  • all boards must be securely secured and should not be fed when walking;
  • the wooden floor does not have significant level drops;
  • there are no rough defects on the surface of the boards;
  • boards in good condition, there are no damage caused by fungus, rotten areas.

If the floor meets these requirements, you can move to the next step - the preparation of the base.

IMPORTANT: In the case when there are any of the listed defects, you will need to perform a revision wood coating, Check the status of old lag, and if necessary, install additional. Perhaps you have to replace and some of the planned boards.

Preparation of the foundation

The bulk floor on a wooden base is poured only after it is thoroughly prepared. From how qualitatively the leveling of the surface of the boards will be carried out, the service life of the liquid coating will largely depend on.

  1. First of all, grinding the surface of the boards. Remove upper layer with varnish, paint and pollution. After grinding, the boards are treated with emery to impart a rough structure.
  2. Next, they remove all the plinth along the perimeter of the room, and the resulting gaps are closed by bars. All seams in places connected boards pass the scraper, clean all cracks and chips. Dust and fine garbage are removed using a vacuum cleaner. Before filling the bulk floor on the boards, they should also be degreed. To do this, you can use a special cleaning powder.
  3. The next stage of base preparation is the installation of beacons and laying the ribbon around the perimeter of the room. The tape will perform the function of the damper pad, and the lighthouses will help pour the bulk floor to a wooden without drops. Expose them with a water level, and the installation height depends on the layer of self-deemed coating. As a rule, the thickness of the mixture layer is in the range from 1 mm to 5 mm.
  4. Before the fill itself, the level of humidity in the room and the air temperature is checked. Compliance with the requirements indicated by the manufacturer on the package - one of important conditions Successful performance.

Floor Filling Technology

Pulling the self-leveling floor for wooden floors is almost the same as the mixture for a concrete base.

  1. First you need to make a mixture correctly. The amount of water required to knead the composition is indicated on the package.

Important! The proportions recommended by the manufacturer should strictly observe. With excessive amounts of fluid, self-leveling mixtures for wooden floors will be stuck significantly longer, and their resistance to external influences It will be less expected.

With an insufficient volume of water, the mixture will freeze at a smaller period of time, and you may not have time to distribute it.

  1. Be sure to pay attention to the time of frozen composition. If you do not have the experience of the fill of self-adjusted floors, the solution is better to knead small portions so that you can have time to dissolve it on the floor surface. To speed up the process of distribution of the mixture, you can invite an assistant and divide the work performed with each other.
  2. The fill is recommended to start from the lowest level. Split the bulk floor by wood with a soft spatula or roller with needles. When choosing a roller, it is important to take into account the thickness of the future coating. The length of the needles should be 2 mm longer. If the needles are short, the roller will be immersed in the solution deeper than necessary, and create an excessive movement of the fluid. Long spikes will not allow the roller quickly distribute the mixture. To move along the surface, already flooded with the composition, use special shoe overlays with spikes.
  3. After the self-leveling leveling, remove the beacons and leave the surface until it is frozen. Manufacturers indicate the minimum time required to solidify the mixture. If planned further work With a flooded surface, professionals are recommended to wait a week.

A self-leveling levelover for the wooden floor can be poured both on wooden boards and on Faneru. Polymer bulk floors do not contain moisture capable of causeing the deformation of the base, but to the fill cement solutions It is necessary to approach C. special attention. Depending on the moisture resistance of the plywood sheets may be needed additional waterproofing. In general, poured the bulk of the floor on the Fana, just like on the tree. Some experts are recommended when applying a self-leveling solution to use the reinforcement grid.

More detailed answers to the questions: Is it possible to lay the bulk sex on the wooden floor and how to make it possible you can get after viewing the next video.

21 century - the time that made the bulk floor on a wooden base is so popular and in demand both in residential premises and in modern offices. Today, bulk floors on the wooden floor - not just a coating, but also excellent decorative solutionEspecially if the three-dimensional image technology is used. Such floor coverings have many advantages and decent operational characteristics, as well as quite a democratic value. Few people know how to make a spill floor on the wooden floor with their own hands, and this is not as difficult as it may seem first. This guide helps you make a bulk floor on the board.

What are the bulk floors on the wooden foundation?

The bulk floor on a wooden base is not one solution, but a whole category of materials that are applied to the concrete or wooden (as in this case) the basis. The bulk floor on the wooden floor can be divided into:

  • Polyurethane. Durable and sustainable exposure to the polymer floor, which is not better suitable for arrangement outdoor coating In places S. large quantity of people.
  • Epoxy. These are blurred floor on the wooden floor, in no way reacting to the impact of moisture. Such floors are recommended to install in wet premisesFirst of all in the bathroom and in the kitchen.
  • Epoxy-urethane. A variety of polymeric floor, which has good strength and resistance to wear. It can be used as an alternative to polyurethane coating.
  • Methyl methacrylate. Polymer floor with excellent thermal insulation propertiesIt is often used to arrange floors in premises without heating or with poor heating in the cold season.

Bulk floor with their own hands on the wooden floor can be one-component and two-component. The first type is often used as the basis for installing parquet, stone, tiles or other decorative coating. Two-component coatings often contain a three-dimensional image, which gives the floor creative and unusual appearance. Then we will deal with whether it is possible to make a 3D floor on the wooden floor and how to do it.

The main advantages of bulk floors on the wooden basis

Flooring floor on the wooden floor - the solution that has received its own demand is not only a preciseness, but also because of good technical characteristics and numerous advantages. They can be found below:

  • High resistance to continuous mechanical effects, wear and abrasion resistance.
  • Excellent resistance to exposure chemical substances - Even acids will withstand the filling floor under the tree.
  • A wide range of available color solutions, design styles, drawings and textures, images.
  • Excellent sound and thermal insulation indicators - Creative bulk wood floor quiet and warm!
  • High strength, reliability, long term The use of coating that will serve dozens of years.
  • The presence of antistatic properties, thanks to which the bulk wooden floor is quite easy to clean.
  • Absolute seamlessness - it facilitates the process of servicing the floors, prevents the coating screens.

It can be noted that the bulk sex in wooden house is not only modern and beautiful, but also a practical decisionwhich can please the inhabitants of the dwelling over the years. In addition, such a coating can be equipped with its own. We learn how to pour the wooden floor with a bulk sex yourself, what tools and building materials are needed for this.

What instruments are needed for floor arrangement?

Bulk floor for wooden bases with your own hands requires use wide spectrum Tools, devices and materials that need to be prepared before starting work. At hand should be:

  • A special mixture for bulk sex is the basis of the future floor covering.
  • Long spatula, needle roller (needed to remove air bubbles).
  • Construction mixer or drill with special nozzleIf there is no mixer.
  • Laser or ordinary building level, aluminum rule.
  • Capacity at least 20 liters, a set of construction lighthouses and wooden bars.
  • Alebaster, mortar, water in sufficient quantity for the mixture.
  • Triangular scraper, screwdriver, screws, dowels, long line.

Special clothing will also not hinder - protective gloves, eye and face mask, as well as shoes intended for walking over painted surfaces (paint access). After the preparation of the necessary arsenal can begin.

Prepare the base for the polymer floor

Is it possible to fill the bulk floors on the wooden floor? Yes, sometimes masters are not asked if it is possible to make a bulk floor on the wooden floor and cause a solution directly to the old coating. However, even at the same time, it is necessary to carefully prepare the foundation of the tree - it is necessary to polish him well, in order to the surface has become rough. This will significantly improve the adhesion of the floor with layers. polymer coating. It is also worth taking care of wooden surface The floor was not traces of fat, dirt, oil and other contaminants - they are cleaned with a solvent.

Is it possible to make a bulk floor on the wooden floor if it creaks? No in otherwise The final coating will be lying uneven and deliver a lot of problems. To avoid trouble, you also need to check the floor. All boards must be securely secured in the correct position, the floor itself is even, without irregularities and defects. Also before applying the polymer floor, you will need to remove all the paint from the surface of the base if it is there.

Before making bulk floors in a wooden house, you need to spend small preparation Coatings:

  • Remove all the plinth and close the holes formed after dismantling the plinths.
  • Mix all the cracks, chips and irregularities on the floor surface with a mortar.

Now you can proceed to actions that eventually lead you to the completion of the filling floor arrangement.

Align the surface and put the beams for the floor

In order for the floor to be as even as possible, it is necessary to take care of it at the initial stages. So, before pouring the solution, spend the line along the entire length of the room, then set the screws around it, the distance between which is 30 centimeters. Using a laser construction level, you will need to detect the highest point located on a wooden base for the polymer floor. After detection, it is necessary to add about 5-6 mm (layer thickness of the floor) and align screws at one level. While it is too early to make 3D floors on the wooden floor.

The next stage, which continues the filling floor device on the wooden floor - exhibiting beacons. They should be placed on the screws installed earlier, securely fixing with construction solution. After that, a solution for a bulk sex should be prepared - for this, the content of the packaging should be stirred in tanks with water in the instructions specified on the package, after which it is stirred to a homogeneous state with a construction mixer.

We proceed to the pouring solution for the bulk of the tree

We already know whether it is possible to use a filling floor on a wooden base. The solution prepared in advance should be carefully pouring on a prepared base, at once covered area of \u200b\u200babout 2 kV. meters. The layer must be aligned by beaches with a long spatula. When the layer forming is completed, it will be necessary with a needle roller remove all air bubbles on the surface of the coating - it is very an important stage, on which the fate of the whole result depends. Wait until the floor dry out.

Now you know how to make a bulk floor on a wooden floor - video instructions on the Internet will help you to see what the process looks like visually, which will give it better to understand the essence of technology. The equipped coating can be used as a basis for applying decorative materialsor leave as an independent sex.

Pretty rarely board floors are aligned with. Experts believe that it is not very rational to burden a wooden coverage of heavy concrete slab. In addition, the base of the tree and the cement layer is not so good neighboring, both in the process of fill and froze and during operation. Many professionals prefer to fill other alignment schemes - dry. Nevertheless, there is a lot of wishing to do in a wooden house underground, or put in the kitchen and in the hallway - in such, and similar, cases, and reverses the arrangement of concrete on the woody basis. Methods for this exist, and they possess some characteristic features.

What does it give us? The wooden component of the structure can move, as it is pleased with it, lying fixed screed will not go cracks and will not begin to crumble from changing the configurations of the draft base.

Features of the device of concrete floor in the house: the use of film

Concrete screed diagram on wooden floor

There is a reasonable question: why precisely film from polyethylene? It is not so favorable for the neighborhood with a pretty capricious tree, contributes. Moreover, in wooden buildings it is successfully replaced by pergamin, bituminous mastic or roll Materials With impregnation. It turns out that concrete will not stick to the film from polyethylene at all.

Thanks to this feature:

  • on both sides of the border (films) can freely move and screed, and the basis;
  • wood and cement do not interact with each other, wood will not suck with a frozen concrete moisture, causing the formation of a cavern and shells;
  • a flooded layer of cement alignment will not pull polyethylene, it will not stretch and tear it;
  • after the frozen, the concrete will not begin to gradually absorb moisture from the tree, contributing to the formation of cracks in the wood.

Important precautionary precautions for those who decided to take up concrete floors in the house personally. You must process all the wooden parts of the design, even before the start of work, and the water-repellent primer "Akvastop". So you can minimize negative impact Polyethylene on wood, and reliably protect the base.

Floating screed: Concrete floor device in the house

We looked at the principle of technology, we will now dwell on the course of work and their sequence:

  • it is necessary to remove the flooring of the boards and spend a thorough audit;
  • all unsuitable lags, unreliable and non-confidence, should be seized and replaced;
  • if a load bearing capacity all lag turns out to be insufficient for the planned load, they need to be strengthened extra timber. The step between the individual components should be no more than 0.3-0.4 meters;
  • sex boards are returned to the place, damaged can be turned over;
  • close up sealant available between separate boards gaps

On the walls, we mark the zero level, at a convenient height. It is determined by the meter.

Concrete screed - reinforced

The height is selected arbitrarily, it can be from 0.3 to 0.7 m from the base of the dismantled coating. From the line drawn on the wall vertical level Equal segments are deposited down, their value depends on the planned thickness of the future screed. It will be quite convenient to immediately mark the width on the wall. In this case, when the height is exceeded, it will be easier to reduce the thickness of the leveling layer immediately.

What should pay attention to? Standard floating power cement plate It is five centimeters. It should be remembered that the layer of thickness is already one centimeter will put on one square of the wooden coating weighing about 120 kg. Without proper strengthening of the lag, their wooden design Unable to withstand such a mass. Lags or must be reliably strengthened, or (if possible) replaced with a metal chaserler.

Concrete Filling: Insulation Device

The following actions in the manufacture of an aligning screed are in the construction of insulating cutting barriers, which will be between the planned layer of alignment of the wooden floor of the floor. The result of our actions should be a kind of pallet, the walls of which do not pass water.

Floor insulation scheme
  • On the perimeter of the room, along all four walls, a fence from foamed polystyrene is constructed. The tape from this material is attached with a scotch or stapler (first better). Its thickness is 1-2 centimeters, and the width should be more powerful tie. In addition to the role of the barrier, this detail Can neutralize sound oscillations. Also with its help the floating plate will be able to lengthen a little and expand. When the finish coating is laid, excessive surfaces are cut, and these places are closed by a plinth or its substituent.
  • Laying layer polyethylene film With the allen on top of each other at 10 cm, and with an occasion at the walls at 15-20 cm.

What is extremely important? In waterproofing, it is categorically not allowed to have holes, folds, slots and rubbed. Work should be guided carefully, trying not to prick and do not tear the layer waterproofing material. If there are still cuts, they must be closed with pop-bias from the same material.

It is best when there will be no compounds at the layer from the polyethylene film at all. If this does not work, then all available joints, with indispensable adolescents, should be reliably cocked by scotch.

Carefully sealed insulation will ensure the quality and reliability of the leveling layer.

Lighthouses for alignment of concrete floor in a private house

Lighthouses for a concrete screed - for smooth floor

Performing this task requires special care and accuracy. It is impossible to use metal nails and screws. It is convenient to form special beds across the entire equipment surface. They are made from the very solution, the same consistency and the composition as the planned screed. The heavy strip of the solution will not give the film to go and sneak when walking the master, as it will be tight pressed to the base.

The distance from the extreme garden to the wall should be approximately 20-30 cm. The distance between individual ridges should be one meter or a little more. It is necessary in order to show the screed to be comfortable, based on the rules on the lighthouses.

It is placed on the tops made a variety, and slightly interferes in the solution to a predetermined height (leveling level).

It is desirable all the necessary measures for the installation of beacons to spend over an hour after the start of the preparation of cement mass, as it will begin to be captured.

Screed in a wooden house: fittings or microfiber?

Floor Reinforcing Mesh

Thick cement pillow, which is a screed, needs fittings. Most often in her role there is a metal grid, just laid on the floor. But above, we have already noted the extreme importance of the integrity of the insulating film separating the cement mass and a wooden base. It is enough not easy to move along a tight, lying on a film from polyethylene, and not break the last.

We also pay attention to the fact that the armature is designed to strengthen not only the most bottom of the concrete layer.

It must be in the depths of the mass of concrete, and to ensure that it is its location, cement is desirable to pour not at one reception, but at least two, or more:

  • initial layer;
  • laying the grid, placement of lighthouses, finishing fill.

Charged about performance characteristics Concrete probably well imagine how much such a separate layer of such a tie dries. Between the two steps will have to wait at least 28 days, it is almost a month, and so much will have to wait after the fill of the last layer.

Is there a way to avoid such a long wait? Yes, this method is available, but then instead of a metal mesh, it is better to use fibrovolok. In the cooking process concrete mix They are introduced into its composition, and their chaotic placed parts provide a good compression of the material in all directions. An additional plus - already heavy, the screed will noticeably ease, because the fiber weighs less reinforcement.