How made a broken roof. Loaven roofs do it yourself

The construction of the roof of the attic type is an effective solution for the rational and elegant expansion of the living space. Building a broken roof is an economically advantageous and reasonable enterprise today, allowing the developer to get precious residential meters to the developer.

Advantages and disadvantages of broken roof

Before building loaven roof Do it yourself, let's find out its main advantages and disadvantages.

Main advantages:

  • the roof can be built on the infrastructure of an old residential building;
  • increase in the area of \u200b\u200bresidence due to the use of an attic room;
  • the building receives a complete and unique appearance;
  • mansard can be built in one or two levels;
  • reducing thermal losses through the roof of the structure, as a result - in winter time Reducing energy consumption.


  • reduced height of walls, which is caused by beveled ceilings;
  • demanding and complex technologies for hydro and thermal insulation;
  • use indoors mansard windowswhich are significantly more expensive than ordinary analogs;
  • snow Blowing B. winter On the attic windows leads to a decrease in insolation indoors.

From here it follows, if you correctly make a broken roof, then many shortcomings can be avoided and its profitability becomes obvious.

Requirements for the construction of broken roofs

The construction of a broken roof is a technically complex process, which should be carried out by professionals or people who have sufficient skill and experience in this form of work. The construction of a broken roof with their own hands under the power of a person who already has a certain experience in the roof, and here is the exact calculation of the broken roof should produce an experienced specialist. Newbie to take into account all the subtleties and nuances will be impossible.

Before building a broken roof, you need to know what requirements for it are presented:

  • the height of the attic premises should be at least 2.2 m;
  • ventilation must be effective from the cornese swelling to the skate; Bad ventilation can lead to the accumulation of condensate in the underfloor space and possible leaks;
  • roofing should have a small specific weighing and sufficient practicality;
  • it is necessary to constructively provide an increase in additional loads on the walls of the structure;
  • It is necessary to pay special attention; There is no heat pillow over it, so there is the greatest heat loss in it than in the lower floors of the room;
  • fire safety should be ensured by the processing of wooden structures with antipirens and antiseptics.

Schemes of rafter systems of a broken roof

The main difference of broken roofs is that only two types of rafters can be used in them. Either only the spots of rafters, which are installed on all the rods, or on the lower rods apply the utility rafters, and on the top hanging.

Before making a broken roof, it is necessary to determine the angles of slopes of the lower and top rod of the roof. The optimal corner of the roof for the lower rods is 60-70 °, and for the upper 15-30 °.

Distinguish three main schemes:

Installation of a broken roof

The lines of the lone of the roof is a modular design in which the utilized rafters perform the function of the lower rods of the roof, and the upper rods of the roofs can be made of hanging or sprinkling rafters.

Before making a broken roof with your own hands, you need wooden elements The rafter farm is treated with special solutions of flames and antiseptics!

For elements of the rafting system, wood from coniferous trees with a humidity of 18-22% is chosen.

How to build a broken roof, phased instruction:

Warming, hydro and vaporizolation of a broken roof

After the frame is assembled, proceed to arrange roofing cake. At first fasten parosolation material. It is necessary to prevent couple penetration in heat insulating layer. Then there is a laying of thermal insulation. Materials most often apply basalt insulation. Special requirements are presented to laying thermal insulation. It can consist of several layers that are stacked by the Vangesti to prevent possible "bridges" of cold.

Take off to the insulation laying responsibly! Defectively performed thermal insulation can lead to thermal "breakdowns", which will negatively affect the comfortable accommodation in the attic room.

The density of the insulation must be at least 35 kg / m 3. Such a density is necessary for hard ties and saving geometric shape The heat-insulating material so that its shrinkage and presses do not occur on steep slots.

Do not use rolled insulation with a density of less than 35 kg / m 3. Over time, such a heater is deformed by creating empty cavities inside the roof, which will lead to its freezing!

From above insulation, a waterproofing breathable membrane is laid. It allows you to skip the pairs from the insulation, while while holding the water pole.

No less an important point It is ventilating underwear from the ovel of the roof to the skate. The resulting condensate, from drops of external and internal temperatures, must be removed by natural product and drying. In complex roofs with a plurality of fades and funds it is easy to make an error and make insufficient product. As a result, the local condensate cluster is possible into weakly ventilated places and the appearance of leaks.

Of particular importance is recently attached to an increase in the functionality of buildings with the preservation of an attractive appearance. These goals are just a broken roof made by your own hands, which allows you to additionally create a living space by organizing the attic room with the maximum comfort. The broken roof is the type of roof, which is one of the most difficult for design and construction. However, this does not make this type of roof less popular.

The concept of broken roof

Loars are called roofs due to their shape and a large number of broken lines. In essence, the broken roof is a variety double roofwhich allows you to get on mansard floor Large area of \u200b\u200bresidential space. But for many developers, the organization of additional space is not too important, they simply like such a shape of the roof than the traditional two-tie.

Another advantage of the construction of a broken roof lies in the possibility of obtaining a high ceiling on the attic floor. That is, such a construction can be made higher than the ordinary duplex, which often does not withstand the wind load due to too steep angles of inclination. Such capabilities are provided with a fracture on the skate: the upper part, which is more vulnerable due to the perception of wind load, the tilt is small, but the lower part drops sharply down.

Device of a broken roof

The four-piece broken roof is most popular, because it is such a design that it is ideally combines the low complexity of the construction of rafal systems and the most efficient use of residential space. With a similar approach with minimum attachment Cash can additionally get full-fledged rooms that are fully suitable for accommodation at any time.

The body of the broken roof involves the presence of sufficiently dimensional rafting structures, but since it is customary to use the modular installation methodology, it is possible to collect the entire system without the use of complex lifting equipment. Racks and rafters are trimmed at a certain angle at the place of fractures of the skates. For fastening the nodes of the entire system, plywood "Kosinki" are used, which have no more than 2 centimeters thick.

Similar design four-sheet roof Great for homes with relatively small dimensions, where it will not be possible to make a broken roof complex form. And for large buildings, they usually create a slightly different rafter system.

Types of broken roofs

There are several types of broken roofs depending on the number of rods: single-sided, double, three- and four-tight. As a rule, the comfort of accommodation in the house, as well as the reliability of the construction, depends on such a parameter.

The broken roof includes 2 broken skate. Single roof is a certain inclined plane, fixed on the walls of different heights. Such a solution is the most common, because it involves the creation of a fairly simple rafter system.

The two-sheet roof consists of 2 slopes aimed at diametrically opposite sides. Such a kind of mansard organization also acts very popular. And all because this type of roof is very high-quality in use. The vaulted roofs are typical, as a rule, for residential houses of rectangular shape.

The three-tight broken roof in the end has 1 vertical wallAnd the second end is made with such profile breaks, which the side rods of the roof have. Such a design is characterized by a less weight due to the lack of one major wall. In addition, the three-tight roof is equipped when the roof of the attic from the roof of another part of a residential building is conjugated.

The four-tight roof has broken profiles in its design for all 4 walls of the wall. This is the most complex variant of broken roofs from a technical point of view. But they have the easiest weight.

However, if it is fundamentally for the developer, a sevenfoon can be made. But the projects of broken roofs with a similar breakdown of the profile in practice are extremely rare due to the complexity, which occurs in the installation of rafters and the installation of roofing.

Not only at home, but also balconies (loggias) in the apartment can be with a roof, including with panoramic. Trust installation better specialists. Unique glazing of balconies with a roof of any complexity.

Shape of a broken roof

Forms of broken roofs are absolutely different. Such roofs in most cases have a view of parabola and are most often found in private rectangular houses. Skates have a trapezoidal shape along long sides and a triangular shape. Often the drawings of the broken roof and its rafter system are much more complicated, and diagonal rafters appear in them.

Semi-degrees are considered a variety of four-tailed broken roof. Half-hail is a certain end scat, end duscal roof It is cut off entirely, but only the bottom and upper part of it.

The roof at the lower arrangement has the shape of a trapezium, and with the top - triangle. TO tool roofs Calculate such varieties as conical, dome and pyramidal structures. Often, such broken roofs for building round and polygonal form are installed.

Construction of the broken roof

With all the complexity of the broken roof, the design can be built with your own hands. Deciding with the size of the product and the layer of the lone of the roof, you can proceed to its construction. The designs of the attic have many features that distinguish them from other roofs. With incorrect installation, the roof can flow, have bad ventilation, it can accumulate from above rainwater, ice and snow.

Selection of material

The rafter design for the broken roof is recommended to make from wooden materialsthat helps to significantly alleviate the carrying construction. In this embodiment, use reinforced concrete structures And metal profiles are not desirable.

For formation stropile design A wooden timber is required, which is characterized by optimal humidity. For construction mainly used wood coniferous rocks, as inexpensive and most soft Material. For the formation of the crate, we need a edged board.

The lighter the weight of the roof, the ultimately the entire broken roof will be more reliable. These materials include metal tile, soft roofs, galvanized iron and reed cloths. The connection of the rafter structures is made using metal brackets and brackets fixed by self-drawers.

Calculation of sizes

Before building a broken roof, a pretty accurate calculation should be made. The slightest errors in the distribution of loads can provoke a low-quality creation carrier designwhich will not withstand the entire weight of the roof and rafter feet. To correctly make a calculation, you must have at hand: the roof design project, calculator and roulette.

Measure all the sizes of the lone of the roof and transfer them to the sketch. The roof of this plan is better to smash into several different geometric figures - trapeats, rectangles and triangles. Next measure the area of \u200b\u200beach figure, and through their summation it will turn out to know the total area dersighted roof.

So that in the construction process does not encounter a lack of roofing material, it is necessary to produce its detailed calculations. It will also help save money, without overpaying at the same time for excess material. You already know the total area of \u200b\u200bthe roof, so you can easily calculate how much it will be necessary for the construction of sheets of roofing material. When calculating, you need to take into account all the subtleties of the roofing frame and the presence of cornices with skates.

Wood protection

Before making a broken roof and form rafters, it is recommended to protect wood from excessive dampness and distortes the prevention of processes that burn burning. To do this, it is necessary to process all the designs before installing antiseptics and fire-fighting compositions.

In Arsenale protective equipment Today there are many compounds that impede the rotting of wooden structures. Apply the compositions of several layers with a wide brush so that they are most deeply penetrated into the wood. When working with similar active substances, it is worth protecting hands and respiratory organs by a mask and special gloves.

Location of beam overlap

Before starting the placement of the beam overlap, it is necessary to watch the video about the broken roof with their own hands. Then install Mauerlat and overlap beams. Select overlap loops Select 100 per 200 millimeters. On two rack lines, set strictly vertically extreme beams from the bar, then pull the laces and set the intermediate.

There is no more than 3 meters between them. All racks are customary to fix temporary struts. The height of the racks is selected on 10 centimeters more planned height of the ceilings in the rooms.

I would like to note that when they make a new roof on the old house, often when viewed on top of the laid outlet beams, a strict rectangle does not work. In order to facilitate the work, it is necessary to put the racks in such a way that the rectangle is necessarily obtained from them.

Side wall frame

Put on top of the running racks from the board and install the remaining racks. The resulting structures will perform the functions of the future frame of the side walls of the attic. Place and attach the tightening. Under each of them, in the middle of the span, it is customary to put a temporary backup so that when installing rafters, the upper skates can be calmly walk on the tightness and not be afraid that they will break.

After installing all the fumes, cover them on top of the board, and the design will result in a more rigid. Following the instructions, how to build a broken roof, it is worth installing side rafters and plugs for the insulation, then you can do the setting of the upper rods.

Installation of upper rods

First you need to make a rafter pattern. Take the desired cutting board and secure it temporarily at the extreme rigle in a vertical position. One of the upper corners of the board must accurately coincide with the geometric center of the broken roof. Make a template of 2 rafters and install them by fixing the tip.

Next you need to put all the other rafters. If you are interested in how to build a broken roof according to traditional option, remember that it is enough to install 4 pits on the roof - 2 in different areas. The rest of the couples have not yet been created. Dooming temporarily secure an inch. According to the drawing, pendants are squeezed, which prevent the stratum sagging when you remove the temporary backups.

After that, you need to install the fronton frame and to strip it, make cornices, makeup, frontal flows and sinks. Further turns roofing work. After connecting all design elements, you need to additionally process them to prevent moisture impact.

Waterproofing and insulation of the roof

To create a comfortable atmosphere in the attic space and reducing the energy costs for the heating of the room should take care of the roof waterproofing. It is preferable to use a special "roofing pie", which allows you to create optimal humidity. As it looks like you can find out, reviewing the video about the broken roof.

At the makeup, first install a special manner or waterproofing film. Next to it to laid any insulation - bulk, rolled or in mats. Place a layer of roofing on it, which needs to be mounted for a doom with a dowel. Then there is a second row of dohes.


After the broken roof is made, and the construction work on insulation and waterproofing the roof is over, it is time to choose a roofing material. Not depending on the fact that the roof of the roof of the roof has several inclination angles in its design, the installation of the roofing material is made by ordinary technology.

The crate system is superimposed on special counterpearars allowing to create natural ventilation Roof. By organizing the crate, you need to follow the strictest observance of geometric sizes in order to facilitate the installation of roofing material, which should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP and technology, which is recommended by manufacturers.

Such roofs are not desirable to cover with copper tiles or iron, because in the room in the summer it becomes very stuffy and hot, despite the presence large number windows. After installing the roof, you can start installing drainage.

Waterproofs for the roof

With the device of the broken roof absolutes are absolutely necessary. Their destiny lies in the lead of water, which is poured from the roof, from the foundation and walls of the building. The service life of the house without waterproof will become extremely short. Waterproofing roofs can be made of plastic, non-ferrous metals or galvanized steel. Some manufacturers such waterproofs are coated with special polymer coatings that increase material stability to corrosion.

Today, plastic waterproofs can also be found on sale, which are distinguished by a low level of cost, minor weight, low noise under wind load, various color and design options. Modern plastic water removal systems are resistant to temperature differences.

Of course, in the photo of broken roofs, water-beams from non-ferrous metals - copper, aluminum or titanium are more attractive. In addition, they are characterized high levels corrosion resistance. But their cost is too high for the average developer.

Installation of mansard windows

Without natural lighting, attic will not be a full-fledged living room. It is necessary to install mansard windows, which have special frames to which sufficiently harsh requirements are presented. Since such structures are customary in the roof, their device must mean excellent waterproofing, because there are large loads from precipitation on them.

Mansard windows are usually made from PVC or wood. Double-glazed windows to such designs should be energy saving, they are covered with a special film that can protect them from damage and dirt. There should be a convenient mechanism for opening windows, because they are pretty hard to wash.

Glazing Mansard is characterized by its features. The windows area during vertical lighting should be 1/8 of the roof area. Such a ratio with embedded windows reaches 1/10. Windows can be installed in one or more rows, they can be combined.

An important point when installing the attic windows is the sealing of slopes - they are slightly issued above the surface of the broken roof. It is advisable to establish special spacer bars, which should be located between vapor barrier film and drywall. This will prevent condensate appearance and create the required air flow. The vaporizolation film itself should be installed on the entire contour of the attic and the window, it should not have extra holes and cracks.

Thus, the construction of a broken roof is quite complicated technological operation, And if you do not have the relevant skills, you follow these works to instruct specialists. But if you are determined, our recommendations and instructions that cover the question of how to properly make a broken roof, will help to independently implement the project and allow you to build a beautiful broken roof with minimal investment.

The use of attic instead of a full-fledged second floor allows you to rationally use the available space and significantly expand the living area. Mansard variants There are many; The most popular of them is a broken roof, which is not only aesthetically attractive, but also financially beneficial. If you wish to build such an attic with your own hands.

Users are often looking for:

What parts is the lone of attic?

The first stage of the roof construction is design and calculation; Regardless of whether the project is ordered in a special organization or it is planned to draw a drawing of the structure independently, first of all, it is necessary to understand what major parts are a malnacker.

In essence, the broken roof is a residential attic, well insulated and protected from moisture and noise so that it is comfortable to dwell. Therefore, in the design, it is slightly different from the ordinary duplex roof.

The following basic elements of the lonic roof are distinguished:

  • vertical stands;
  • tightening - horizontal beams;
  • rafters - ribbies, which are the skeleton of the whole design;
  • slopes - diagonal beams supporting rafters;
  • mauerlat - wooden beams with special fasteners connecting construction with walls of the house;
  • skown run - the combination of the upper elements of the rafter system;
  • grandmas - attachments that provide rigidity hanging rafters;
  • fights - horizontal struts, removing part of the load with rafters;
  • doomber - frame for fastening roofing material and isolation;
  • roof - can be made from ceramicpits, different types of slate, professional leaf and many other materials;
  • heat-, hydro and noise insulation.

Thus, the whole design consists of a set of rectangular triangles. Between them are connected by wooden beams. All described elements are easy to find on the drawing of the naked attic.

Specifications for broken roof

The following requirements are presented to the broken roofs:

  • the height of the walls of the attic should exceed 2.2 m;
  • good ventilation must be ensured so that the moisture is not condensed under the roof;
  • the roofing material must have a small mass;
  • in the design, measures should be provided against the effects of additional load on the rapid system - that is, the roof elements must withstand not only their own mass, but also, for example, snow;
  • the attic loses heat faster than the lower floors, so thermal insulation should be paid to special attention;
  • to ensure fire safety, all wooden beams and elements of the crate should be treated with antipirens.

Varieties of rafter systems

The device of a broken roof is very simple - the slope is silent to the lower and top parts, each of which is installed at its angle. Most often they are mounted at an angle of 60-70 °, and 15-30 °, respectively.

Based on the constructive features of the attic, such types of attic broken roofs can be distinguished.

  1. Two types of rafters are used: hanging and voted. The beams of attic of the attic are set, slightly not reaching the edges of the walls of the lower floor. The lowercut is made from the sputum rafters, which are attached to the walls of the house with the help of Maurolat. From the racks placed the frame of the monsard walls. Such triangles are installed along the walls and binds to the fights. From above, they are joined by triangles of hanging rafters based on the tightening.
  2. To increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, the lower edges of the rafter can be derived from the house. In this case, they will be attached not to Mauerlat, but to the overlap, which, in turn, is held on the external walls of the house with the help of Mauerlat. The rafters are necessarily supported by the pink. Racks deepen in the beams of overlapping no more than a third of their thickness.
  3. This rafter system of the broken roof is characterized in that the upper triangles are made from the weeds, and not hanging rafters. Tightening are supports for struts of upper triangles.

Calculation of a broken roof

Before starting work, two calculations have to be held:

  • determining the number of necessary building materials;
  • calculation of the carrying capacity of the structure.

Determine how much material is needed, it is very simple due to the simple geometry of the broken roof. With the bearing ability to figure out is not so simple. To calculate it, it is necessary to take into account:

  1. a lot of roofing;
  2. exemplary mass of snow;
  3. mass of the crate;
  4. a lot of vapor, hydro and thermal insulation materials;
  5. roof dimensions;
  6. corners of the installation of the skates;
  7. step installation of elements of the rafter system and roofing crate;
  8. additional load: Mass of people and equipment, windows, ventilation, etc.

Based on these data and with the help of special programs, the carrier's ability is made. Depending on which carrier ability is required, the cross section of the section used in construction is selected. wooden bar. If something does not suit, the project can be corrected by changing the rafting system by choosing another roofing material by placing the rafted portion.

In most programs, the structural roof design can be visualized - on 3D models will immediately be seen how the changes will affect the appearance of the attic.

What materials need to prepare?

After developing the project, it will be clear, the bar with which cross section should be used, which roofing material is better to choose what kind of roofing should be. We will have to purchase a wide variety of sawn timber: a ram for the formation of Mauerlat, edged boards for the rafter system, boards for the crate. They need to choose correctly so that the design will be durable and reliable.

Tips for selection of sawn timber:

  • best for the construction of attic fit coniferous breeds Tree - pine, spruce - they are strong enough and rigid to withstand all loads;
  • wood must be well sucked - its humidity should not exceed 20%;
  • the material should be without bitch, cracks, traces of biological defeat and other defects.

Before installation, all wooden processed with antipirens and antiseptic means, as well as impregnation from rotting. Such processing should be repeated periodically so as not to replace the carrier structural elements.

In addition to the main material, you need to stock metal fastener to connect rafters with Mauerlat and interconnected, insulating and roofing materials.

Roof mounting

Montage Mauerlat.

The construction of the lone of the roof begins with the installation of Mauerlat, to which the ends of the rafter will be attached. The nuances of this stage differ depending on the material from which the lower floor is built - if the walls of its stone, it is necessary to break the holes for anchors in advance and install fasteners. The step between anchors should not exceed 2 m.

On the surface of the wall stacked waterproofing material. Then the timber is placed, the holes are drilled at the fasteners installation points. Mauerlat is put on an anchor and tightly attracted nuts.

Installation of beam overlap

Installation sequence:

  • first put extreme beams from the ends of the building;
  • between them are stretched by the twine to indicate the plane;
  • intermediate beams are installed.

Installation of racks

Racks need to be set strictly vertically. The principle of operation is the same as in the case of overlapping beams - the extreme racks are first mounted, then intermediate in one plane. The step between the elements of the structure should not exceed 2 m. Stands are fixed by temporary struts. The height of the beams is 10 cm more than the planned height of the ceilings.

Between the racks, runs from edged board. As a result, a ready-made framework for the inner walls of the attic should turn out.

Installation of tightening

Transverse beams are connected not with racks, but with runs, with the help of metal roofing corners. If the width of the room is large, under each tightening it is worth installing temporary struts so that when driving on them, during the construction of the upper slopes, the beams do not break down and have not flashed.

Installing timing

First, the bottom rafters are mounted. Put them in the following order:

  • mounting points on Mauerlat - the step between them should be 1-1.2 m;
  • on the rafting legs, fastening places on the pattern are fixed;
  • first, the extreme rafylics are attached, then, as before, in the twine - intermediate;
  • in accordance with the drawing, the scrolls are installed.

The upper rafters are put in the same way - by the template. They are attached to the tightness and are connected together; The longitudinal connection of the skate beam is required only if the length of the attic exceeds 10 m. Otherwise, it is possible to do with the pan, with which the design of the nuclear roof is quite rigid.

Latest stages of work - the trimming of the frontones and the fastening of the roofing crate. In the front, the window openings should be left (at least 1/8 of the total area of \u200b\u200bthe outer walls of the attic).

Insulation design

On the finished frame will only stay to lay roofing pie. The first layer is a vaporizolation that does not make moisture to penetrate the insulation. The thermal insulation material is placed on the steam-insulation membrane - it is recommended to use stone basalt plates. They put them in several layers with a shift shift, which will protect the cold from the occurrence of cold bridges. The size of the plates should be several cm more than a step between the beams of the counterbalax. So that the insulation does not ask and not losing his performance characteristics, Its density should be at least 35 kg / m 3.

From above, the insulation is covered with a hydraulic protection membrane that passes pairs, but does not give liquid moisture to penetrate the inside of the room. The roof is stacked on top of the waterproofing layer - its installation features depend on the material selected.

After installing the roof, only finishing strokes will remain - installing waterproofs, decorative finish. Inside the finishing material is also attached to the crate over thermal insulation. The broken roof is built. As you can see, this is quite possible with your own hands - only design and calculation is likely to be entrusted to professionals.

The broken roof is essentially a type of scope roof. It is chosen when they want to get an additional free space on the attic floor or someone such designs are more likely than ordinary bounce, three-tight, four-tight. The arrangement of the broken roof is a difficult process, but it is estimated by a beautiful appearance, increased functionality and cozy roomsuitable for housing. Consider in detail the structure of the broken roof and how to do it yourself.

What is a broken roof

The name of the broken roof received due to its form. She has big number Lines with fades and pentagonal (and not triangular, like classic scanty) projection of the front of the building. Many developers intentionally choose it for the sake of form, since the house with a broken roof looks good, solid, and with the help of good elements, and even a contrast tone of the main finish of the roof and facade, you can get a real masterpiece.

Cottage with a broken roof looks unusual and original

But for the most part it is ideal when the desired attitude of the attic does not fit into a conventional scope roof, which does not provide a sufficient height of the attic room for a comfortable stay there. The balance of the same design thanks to the fracture of the skate significantly reduces the "Dead Zones" - unsuitable space for habitat.

By the way, it is not always a roof with a breakdown choose for the arrangement of the residential room. It can be "cold" rooms - wine cellar for winemakers, a gym for sports lovers.

For wine storage, any room is suitable in the house - basement, attic, storage room - the main thing to ensure the necessary climatic conditions for storing wine

In the attic you can arrange a dressing room or just a chelter for household needsequipped with various lockers and shelves.

A small dressing room in the attic - a vivid example of how it can be practically used all square meters of our own housing

Loan roof options:

  1. Single-car - Samea simple designwhich can be easily made independently.

    Single-skate roof with a small slim of a skate - stylish and simple design

  2. Divan - make it possible to equip a big attic room.

    The streamlined form makes a duplex broken roof resistant to the gusts of wind and snow slopes

  3. Trekskaya - long-known in Russia and popular today.

    The aesthetics of a three-tier lonic roof on one side is unobtrusive, and on the other - it has a certain attractiveness

  4. Four-tight - complex in construction, but beautiful outwardly and light, thanks to the design features. This allows you to equip a large attic room, without loading overly the foundation. Therefore, four-tight broken roofs are very in demand in private house-building.

    Four-tight broken structures are in demand in private construction

  5. Walm, tent broken, forceps, combined, etc.

    Walm broken roof has a complex design and increased value, but provides rational use of free space on the attic floor

That is, the ohow of the roof, allowing to increase the attic space, is applied almost everywhere. According to builders - if something can be drawn, it means that it can be built. So it is so, but it is important to calculate the estimate in advance so that it never happened "I was blind from what was."

The specificity of the structure of the broken roof

The presence of a special rafter system from rather impressive elements is distinguished by the construction of a broken roof from the construction of a typical scope. However, it is not necessary to fear. The roofs are not so complex in the installation, as it may seem initially. They are quite realistic to do their own.

The main advantage of broken roofs is that, despite the impressive supports of the supports, most of the rafter systems are mounted according to a modular circuit. Many components are collected on earth and ready to raise upstairs. Therefore, heavy construction machinery will not need. Racks and rafters in places of fractures are trimmed under a certain slope. The entire rafter system is fixed by special compounds.

Looped roof rafters are mounted according to the scheme

The best width of the building width for arranging the roof of the roof is 6 m. With a greater width of the flights, it is advisable to use other technologies, since the ability of the sling of the lonic roof to withstand the reinforced load is significantly reduced. If the width of the house is smaller, then the beams are trimming and amplifying ceiling will be based on the Mauerlat from the bar with a cross section of 90x140 mm.

The basis of the broken roof is either bearing wallsOr the rafter system of hanging rafters and the ulissive, which is better to do wooden, so as not to lose design. Use of metal I. reinforced concrete products undesirable. The board must be thick, not less than 50 mm in cross section, up to 18% humidity treated with oil. More often used to create a supporting structural roof construction of wood coniferous wood, like inexpensive.

A characteristic feature of the roofs with a break is a breakdown of a skate into two parts, each of which (top or bottom) is mounted at its angle - the upper parts are usually 15-30 °, the lower 60-70 °. A broken design is assembled using brackets. Their number and location of the installation depends on the type and area of \u200b\u200bthe roof. The elements of the structure depend on this, nonetheless in the main species necessarily inherent:

Created correct design of the roof with a break in the finished form consists of:

  • finishing material, drywall, steam, heat and waterproofing layer;
  • grubes, controlled and roofing flooring.

Calculation of broken roofing

Calculation is carried out taking into account the type of main roofing coating, as well as the corners of the sling. Calculate necessary volume Purpose material on the broken roof is simple:

  • measured the length and width of the rods, it is prolonged, get the area of \u200b\u200beach slope;
  • the calculated areas are summarized and the result obtained is divided into roofing area (sheets of metal tile, ondulin, etc.) + 10-15% on the back and stock.

Insulating materials are calculated similarly.

Before calculating the rafter system, you need to make a plan at home and watch maps snow loads and wind loads by regions. Anyone who is familiar with ArchiCAD or SolidWorks and knows construction aces, can create a project of the roof of his house in these programs, where all the elements have weight and size. Based on what can immediately make a estimate and find out what the cost of arranging the selected roof is coming.

Video: Terminal roof system, design in ArchiCAD and SolidWorks

Draw on the checkered leaves. Sketch of the house, where you display the features of the rafter system of the broken roof - the shape, width of the wall, the angles of the slope, etc.. Take as an example sketch from the photo.

When drawing up a house scheme, you must comply with the proportions

The starting data is the width of the wall, on which the roof end is formed (in d) 6.4 m, is built, for example, in Tyumen, the height of the sketch of 2.3 m, the distance from the overlap to the roof of 3.5 m, the corners of the rod - Angle A 60 ° Between the overlap and the rod and the angle of the slot of 30 °, the desired height of the room (N M) 2.5 m, the removal of the beam of overlapping beyond the wall (in B) is not, the step of the rafter will take 0.6 m .

Find the location of the construction on the map and learn the magnitude of the snow loads for the locality. At the same time, if the construction is conducted on the border of the regions, then prefer more important. In our example, the snow load (Tyumen) is 180 kg / m².

The magnitude of snow loads is determined depending on the locality

We determine the value of the wind power according to the wind load card and multiply on the correction factor (k) from the table below, since the type of terrain and the height of the future structure are important. In our example, the wind load for Tyumen is 24 kg / m², k 0.65 (column "B"). Total we get 24 x 0.65 \u003d 15.6 kg / m².

Along the wind load card determines the wind power in all regions

Table: coefficient (K) for terrain types

If the house is built in the urban art, but near the sea, they take the value of the column "A".

In our example, the value of the column "B" is taken - the height of the house is over 5 m and it is built in the city feature (Tyumen) in the cottage village where there are no high-rise homes.

Video: Loaven roof with attic, part 1 - settlement scheme, load, RSU

We carry out calculations.

  1. Calculate the dependence of the width of the attic from the krugyzna of the attic slide (angle A) according to the laws of the geometry - in m \u003d in d - (2 x (n m: tq a)) \u003d 6.4 - (2 x (2.5: TQ 60 °) ) \u003d 3.51 m. The calculation is made without carrying the beams when the rafters are based on Mauerlat. With the removal of the beam overlap outside, let's say, 0.5 m, the width of the attic room will increase to 4.01 m. Hence the outlet - the larger the removal of the beam overlap, the wider can make the place of attic.
  2. We calculate the overall height of the roof: n M + n K (height of the skate triangle), where n k \u003d 0.5 x v x tq b \u003d 2.5 m + (0.5 x 3,51 x Tq 30 °) \u003d 2 , 5 m + 1.01 m \u003d 3.51 m.
  3. We calculate the length of the rafter feet: for calculating the lower rafter feet N M: Sin angle A \u003d 2.5: SIN 60 ° \u003d 2.89 M The length of the rafter leg; To calculate the skate rafter n to: Sin angle B \u003d 1.01: SIN 30 ° \u003d 2.02 m. If the design is formed with the imposition of the beams of the overlap, i.e., the roof is formed due to the removal, then on this, the calculations of the rafter legs are completed . If the removal of the beams is not, then the elongation of the rafter is required, it means that it is necessary to carry out an additional calculation.
  4. We calculate the lengthening of the rafter - the working length of the falc - on the planned magnitude of the cornese swell according to the formula - the desired length of the cornese swell (K): Cos an angle A \u003d 0.5 m, for example: COS 60 ° \u003d 1 m.
  5. We learn the slope slope and load size, focusing on the table "Recommended slopes scanty roofs"Located below.
  6. Calculate the load on the rafyled. To do this, we use the source and calculated data. The load due to the slope of the skate (for example, a metal tile roof) + snow load, according to the snow load card + wind load (defined on the card with adjustment to the coefficient). Total: 5 kg / m² + 180 kg / m² + 15.6 kg / m² \u003d 200.6 kg / m² x The set step setting rafter (we are 0.6 m) ≈ 110 kg / mongo meter.

Knowing the load value can be properly chosen by the cross section of the lifting lumber.

Table: Load relationship and timing thickness for the rafter system

Note: When choosing a load, rounded in a big way.

Video: Loaven roof with attic, part 2 - calculation in SCAD, selection of cross sections of roofing elements

When purchasing lumber, you need to take into account the insulation, as well as the ventilation gap and the steamproof layer of the roofing "pie" (which is 20-30 mm).

Calculation of the broken roof volume, but simple. It can be done on its own manually or using the SCAD calculation program. You can also use the online calculator calculating the solo system on the construction sites, where you need to enter the requested data and get ready-made calculation.

Video: Light roof with attic, part 3 - constructive and layout

Projects of houses with different types of broken roofs

Thanks to constructive features, broken roofs vary in appearance:

  • with the support of the lower rafters on Mauerlat;
  • with the removal of the lower part of the spelling rafters beyond the walls;
  • using only sprinkling rafters.

Depending on the characteristics of the rafting system, the broken roofs have different species

In the first version, the ceiling beams are installed so that they do not slightly reach the bottom floor walls. The lower part of the skates consists of sprinkling rafters and is attached to the walls of the construction using Maurolat. From the vertical elements (racks) make a skeleton of an attic room. Appeal composite elements The roofs in the form of triangles along the walls connected between the fights. And they already join the top pieces of the skates from the hanging rafters.

In the second embodiment, the lower edges of the rafter are outward outside the house, which makes it possible to increase the dimensions of the attic. And the more removal, as mentioned above, the wider you can make a room under the roof. Support for rafters In this case, it is not Mauerlat, but the beams of overlappings that are held by Mauerlat. Supported rafters with pins. Racks are shredded in overlappings, but not more than 1/3 thickness.

In the third version there are no hanging rafters. The upper rods consist of also the weeds, which are tightening.

Roof Design without vertical elements

There are also other versions of the broken roof, one of which is rather interesting - there are no vertical racks in such a configuration, and the raftered all the same length. Externally, the roof resembles an oct. The ceiling of the underpants will be in the form of a quadruple arch.

A key feature of such a device is to increase the bearing capacity of the rafted, for which 2 metal plates (metal thickness 3 mm) are fixed at each of them (metal thickness 3 mm) on both sides. In addition, in the upper part of the structure, the riggers are installed, thereby additionally the load with a flatter part of the broken roof is removed. Such a solution makes it possible to strengthen the rafters, to redistribute the load of the carrier elements, remove the racks and by significantly expanding the room.

Broken roofing with attic

Houses with a nice nice set, as it is:

  • attractive roof silhouette, and with her and everything at home;
  • increase useful Square through the rational use of the available;
  • fast exhibition and small costs.

The design with a malcular roof of a holm type allows to use as efficient as possible. inner space Mansardes

Especially unusually looking at the attic houses with a broken roof, which is one slot with a break, and another straight line. It is used by such an architectural admission, when the project is designed for the project asymmetry and it is necessary to move the attachment of the attic to one or another wall. Externally, such a house looks stylish. On the asymmetric roof is easy to install solar panels, climatic or heating systems and other technological equipment.

The broken roof is wonderfully combined with different futuristic forms, including asymmetry.

Loaven roof with your own hands: Step by step instructions

Before mounting, the roof is treated with all the wooden elements by antiseptics, antipirens and impregnation from rotting. Painted by the main roofing material, insulating and metal fasteners for fixing rafted to Mauerlat.

Of course, this is not the only glomaging roof technology. There are a number of others, and the choice depends on many factors - material used, layout, roof type, conditions for conducting mounting work etc.

Video: Loars of the attic stage

Installing the rafter system independently

The installation of the lonic roof is convenient because it allows, as already written above, collect many design elements on Earth.

Align all elements of the rafter system on a stretched cord can only be a prototype roofer. Even the minimum deviation (0.5-1 cm, for example), will lead to the fact that the roof will "walk". And this is unacceptable, especially when it comes to the arrangement of residential premises under the roof.

Video: Simple advice - how to install rafting legs exactly and in the same plane

Registration of a broken roof

Under the design of the roof is understood as the arrangement of the eaves (soles), the insulation of the attic, the trimming of the fronton. These works can be attributed to the category of minor, nevertheless very important. The arrangement of the eaves is to strengthen the protection of the house from the penetration of moisture, garbage and dust into the underpants space. To make eaves, the lower rafters are out of buildings by 50-60 cm. This minimum size Svezov, which, if desired, can be increased.

Roofing sills are linked and not linked, boxed and shortened. The optimal option is the linked skes, which significantly increases functionality Roofs and gives the house complete view. For the binder, any material is suitable - lining, board, metal, plastic, sofita. The whole thing is to taste the owners and in the design of the house.

To binder broken roof cornices are used different materials

In addition to the eaves, it is desirable to protect the front of the roof, because in the broken structures, the frontton performs serious functions - retains and maintains thermal regime in the attic. Therefore, it should be not only durable, but also well insulated and attractive. If the project does not provide for complete glazing of the fronton, then it is usually crushed by the same material as the whole house is lined. Often use a tree if the house is brick or frame, according to which threads are applied. The skillful design of the fronter makes it possible to beautifully beat the most conventional design of the broken roof.

Spectacular element of architecture country house With a broken attic roof is a continuous glazing of the fronton and the arrangement of the balcony

Warming of a broken roof

Due to the characteristics of its design, the broken roof should have good thermal insulation. If the attic room remains "cold", it will be enough to heat only the overlap separating it from the house itself. As for the premises planned for housing (attic), then everything is already insulated here - skates, fronton, overlaps and walls.

The most popular heat insulator for the attic is a mineral basalt wool, laid by layers. It is distinguished by almost zero moisture absorption, excellent ability to skip steam, good resistance to fire and a small price.

Mineral wool - common material for mansard insulation

If the insulation scheme has a polymer structure, then it is better to use a foam that is not inferior to basalt wad. Although the vapor permeability coefficient mineral Wat. Above, but steam almost does not accumulate in the foam, and it is removed through irregularities and insulation joints. It is worth noting the extruded polystyrene foam, which is capable of listening for many years without losing its properties. Well, of course, sawdust, the main advantage of which is low cost, environmental purity and excellent heat insulating properties.

Insulating materials Located between the rafters as close as possible, it is unacceptable to leave emptiness.

Video: How to insulate sawdust roofs of attic

The structure of the nuclear roof leakage implies a single system from waterproofing, insulation and vaporizolation. All layers are placed in a certain order with compulsory ventilation gaps, which will allow display of moisture from the insulation. Consequently, water vapors will not accumulate in the underfloor space, which means the roof will be able to freely "breathe."

The room under the roof, intended for housing, is insulated by all the rules of thermal insulation of buildings

From the inside the entire design is trimmed with plasterboard for further finish finish Mansard premises.

Video: Warming of a broken roof of the attic

Roof shelter - one of final Stages Roofing work, which is held according to the following scheme:

At this stage it is important to correctly pick up the underfloor material. Here again we return to the roads of snow and wind loads and look at what zone the site is located, and what loads will come on the roof.

If in this area strong winds And abundant snowfalls, the use of light roofing materials is not recommended, otherwise there is a risk of their breakdown. And also do not use rolled materials in climatic zones With hot summer.

Slate and metal tile are considered the most common from roofing coatings.

Obstruction of the front of the broken roof with their own hands

FRONTON - the facial part of the wall between the roofs. Its form depends on the configuration of the rafter system and the preferences of the owners of the house. Most often, the fronton is equipped with houses with broken roofs and multi-men. Less often - with single-sided roofs and houses from a log house, where the fronton is already part of the structure.

Close the frontoth can be alone. This does not need special knowledge and skills. Outproofing vinyl siding, PVC panels, tree, professional flooring.

You can shelter the frontoth alone

When working with siding, as more popular facing material, Using different technologies for the skin - on the rafter system, a doom or a pre-equipped aluminum frame. The easiest option is to fasten the siding on the cut.

VIDEO: Crouching the front of the roof siding with their own hands

As you can see anything difficult, if you adhere to the rules and features of the installation inherent in any observer material.

Video: How to build an attic with your own hands

Construction of a naked roof - the best way For a private house, as it allows you to get an additional living area, which sometimes lacks. Having studied the installation technology and adhering to uncomplicated rules Installation, trim and insulation of the roof, you can make a broken roof with your own hands and with ease to bring dreams to reality. And also to enjoy the work done on your own.

Its feature in dividing a slope into several planes, which makes it possible to use the space under the roof for the attic of the attic. The presence of a room under the roof will reduce the overall heat loss at home. The broken roof can be properly built with your own hands only in the presence of competent calculations and following all regulations when building.

How to choose angle of inclination

When choosing an angle under which the roofs are installed, it is necessary to consider:

  • kind of roofing;
  • the amount of precipitation and wind strength;
  • purpose of the room - for residential premises, the height of the skate should not be placed below 2.5 meters.

The optimal value for the upper skates is considered 30-45 degrees, for the lower - 60 degrees.

Project preparation

Any construction begins with the drawing, and such a complex design as a broken roof will require a detailed scheme with all sizes and calculations. You can get started with viewing photos and schemes that will help to understand how to build a structural roof design. Knowing the size of the building, the type of roofing and insulation material, it is possible to calculate the dimensions of the components for the solo system by special calculators.

The consumption of the material for the roofing coating, as well as waterproofing, is calculated by the magnitude of the roof area, which is calculated, folding the magnitude of all the rods. The layer of insulation for the attic roof should be at least 20 cm.


Before making a broken roof, pick up high-quality material for erection. For this, the dry glued bar is acquired, whose humidity is 18-22%. Before starting the installation, it undergoes a mandatory treatment with an antiseptic and means of preventing burning. The processing of the compositions are carried out in the open space, the means are applied with two layers.

  • bar for Maurolalat 200 × 200 mm, for subposses 50 × 100 mm;
  • 50 × 150 mm board;
  • unedged board;
  • metal brackets, corners, bolts, nails, selflessness;
  • reiki for clamps 25 × 50 mm;
  • parosolation membrane, insulation, waterproofing;
  • roofing material.

Stages of construction

Maurylalat.The installation of the rafter design is assumed at the construction stage. In the upper row, special studs are laid for the subsequent mounting of Maurolala, which is the basis of the roof. This timber is stacked throughout the perimeter of the walls, drilled holes The cooked studs are inserted and tightened with nuts. The pitch of studs is two meters, optimal optionIf they are located between the rafters. Under Maurylalat stacked backrueroid, providing protection against moisture. To reliably hold the design use wire strapping.

Beams.Thick bar with a cross-section of 200 × 200 mm is laid directly on Mauerlat or in special pockets left in the wall masonry. The edges of the beams located on the masonry are wicked by mastic. The bar serves as a support for vertical racks. They are attached to Mauerlat with metal corners. It requires strict compliance with the horizontal level to work out quality base For the roof. You can change the position of the beam, putting the boards.

Setting rafters.The first vertical stodils on the frontons are exhibited. Their level is controlled by plumbing. Racks are temporarily fixed with spacers. Between the shores exhibited, the cord is stretched and installed all the remaining racks in increasing the location of the beams. Racks are stacked from the board, their mount is carried out by corners and self-drawing. Territory tightening, connecting parallel racks and final upper strapping. Until the final installation of the remaining rafters, the tightening is maintained by pins.

The lower rafters are installed with a support for run and Mauerlat. To facilitate the work on the preparation of bars, the template is pre-executed. A thin board is applied to run and pumping under the desired angle. All lower rafters are trimmed according to the sample and are installed. The lower part lying on Mauerlat is peeping on the spot. For fastening, plates or corners are used, spinning them with self-draws or clogging with nails.

Before installing the upper hanging rafters, you need to schedule the roof center. To do this, use a temporary rack, fixed in the center of Mauerlat and the frontal tightening. The top edge of the board will indicate the center of the roof. To this chalkboard, apply the foundation for the template for which the upper rafter will be performed, the second edge of the workpiece relies on the run.

All the upper rafters have the same size, so they are fed by one template. The upper ends of the rafters are combined by cropping boards, plates or bots. The lower part is inserted into the run and attached to the corners. Each rapid foot is supported by a suspended resistant size of 25 × 150 mm, which is attached to the connection site rafters and tightening.

The lower rafters are strengthened by constant pins. To do this, use a 50 × 150 mm board, the bottom end is cut at an angle and installed on the beam, the top is attached to the rafter with a bolt or hairpin. By installing all the saws, remove temporary backups.

After the installation of the rafter design, it is necessary to competently put all the layers of roofing cake. Initially, the rafters are trimmed by a vapor insulating membrane, starting from the bottom of the roof. The joints of the material are sickling with scotch. Then the insulation is placed. Between the layer of the insulation of the roof, it is necessary to install products for ventilation of space. Low air quality will lead to condensate and dampness. Roofing It is worth picking up its thermal insulation qualities, so the use of metal is not desirable. As a heater, choose safe non-combustible materials that are not exposed to moisture. Such materials include foam polystyrene and foam glass. After insulation, laying waterproofing is performed.

The lamp is performed directly under the selected view of the roofing. Command with the attic