How to make warm water floors in a private house. Do-it-yourself water-heating floor: device and installation of a warm water floor, step-by-step instructions

A well-functioning heating system is a guarantee comfortable stay in the house without regard to weather conditions. Along with the traditional radiator technology, heating circuit devices are actively using a warm water floor system. Its installation is laborious and financially costly, but this heating option fully pays for itself in 5 years.

In order to somehow save money, many equip a warm water floor in a private house on their own. Agree, the idea of ​​getting efficient heating with minimal investment is very attractive, isn't it? However, its implementation requires certain knowledge and skills from the performer.

We offer for consideration detailed material for the arrangement of water heated floors. The article outlines the design rules, gives advice on choosing the system components, and also describes the step-by-step progress in laying, connecting and starting the water circuit.

It is recommended to include the device of an additional heating circuit in the project even before the start of construction - it is easier to make calculations this way.

In a finished new house or a building where a radiator system has been operating for a long time, the installation of a water floor is also possible, but under certain conditions.

The advantages of water heating have long been appreciated by residents of Europe and Russia: it effectively heats rooms, saves expensive energy resources, creates the most comfortable atmosphere in bedrooms, bathrooms and children's rooms

If the desire to insulate the floor arose after the construction of the house, it should be determined whether the building is suitable for this. One of the main conditions is the pre-made thermal insulation of the house, since heat loss above 100 W / m² will make the installation of the floor useless.

Pay attention to the height of the ceilings: the assembly "pie" with pipes takes about 15 cm, or even more, from the total height of the room. After the implementation of the system, the dimensions must be maintained. doorways, height from 210 cm and more.

Such schemes are recognized as the least energy consuming, most efficient and inexpensive to operate. Variants with solid fuel boilers are also valid.

The flawless operation of the system is possible only under two conditions: professionally performed design calculations and competently carried out installation.

Therefore, the first steps on the way to installing a water heated floor in a country house or in a private house are the analysis of the structure, the choice of materials, and the preparation of the project.

The nuances of the underfloor heating device

The construction of a water floor is complex and simple at the same time. It is multicomponent in composition, so the main thing is to observe the order of laying all layers.

# 2 - deciding on the insulation

The main purpose of the insulation is to separate the screed with pipes from the base so that the heat transfer is carried out upward, and does not go in vain into the ground. Thermal insulation layer is mandatory, without it, the installation of a warm floor loses its meaning.

Most homeowners choose underfloor heating as additional device to the radiator circuit. At the same time, various wiring diagrams of water-heated floors in a private house are used. Such a heating system is effective in rooms where children live, as well as for a bathroom. Schemes are selected when designing a house individually or during renovation work.

A variant of the project scheme in a private house

Wiring diagrams of water-heated floors in a private house: features and varieties

Mounting underfloor heating produced with a cement screed. It is performed to protect the structure from various loads. Warm pipes should not be in contact with air, but with screed elements, transferring heat to the surface.

Wiring diagrams of water-heated floors used in a private house are planned and designed in accordance with the calculations of heat consumption and heat loss and have the following features:

  • The required amount of heat is calculated taking into account the dimensions wall structures and methods of insulation different surfaces... The features of a certain climatic zone are also taken into account.
  • Floor elements are not installed under the entire floor surface. Space for the installation of heavy furniture, as well as indents from the walls, remain free.
  • Premises with an area of ​​more than 30 square meters are divided into sectors. Each individual section is heated using a separate circuit connected to the collector.
  • The distance between the pipes must be the same.
  • For this design, circulating pumps are required.
  • Installation schemes for underfloor heating depend on the dimensions of the room and heating methods. If the device is used as additional heating, then the step of the loops should be 0.2-0.3 meters, and if as the main one, then the spirals should be mounted at a distance of 0.1-015 m.
  • The length of the lines and the spacing depends on the diameter of the selected pipe.
  • The height of the structure is taken into account when designing window and door openings.

Related article:

It is almost impossible to get a high-quality heating system without a competent project. Having studied this publication, you can easily calculate required power, diameter and pitch of pipes. Good luck!

Basic installation floor schemes include: spiral, snake and zigzag. The choice depends on the specifics of the room, types of pipes and other features. For example, for large rooms, using a simple snake is not entirely correct, since the water in the circuit cools down, and “cold” zones will form. While in a spiral installation, the supply and return pipes alternate, which will provide a more uniform heating.

Useful information! The pipe diameter should be no more than 20 mm. If the section bigger size, then the volume of water and heating costs increase.

Two pipe-laying technologies (video)

Underfloor heating construction device

The underfloor heating system consists of laid pipes in which heated water circulates. They are installed on concrete or wooden surfaces, and from above are covered with the selected topcoat.

Hot water is moved through the pipes. The feed is carried out using the main one. The air temperature under the floor rises, transferring heat to the outer surface of the floor covering. At the same time, the entire room is warmed up.

Design features depending on the material of the topcoat

The nuances of the installation

Technology wiring diagrams water underfloor heating in a private house is determined by the characteristics of a particular heating circuit.

Installation work of the structure has the following distinctive features:

  • The basis for the equipment is selected taking into account the floor covering.

1 - floor beam; 2 - longitudinal beam; 3 - lags; 4 - embedded pipes; 5 - pipe; 6 - finishing coat

  • A damper tape is installed around the perimeter of the room. The cushioning element reduces heat loss at the joints between the floor and wall surfaces.
  • Waterproofing, reinforcing mesh and a layer of insulation are laid on the base.
  • The pipes are mounted to the frame with clamps or steel wire.

For underfloor heating, special seamless pipes are used. The circuit is assembled from a solid line. The pipe material must be corrosion resistant and high temperature resistant.

Useful information! Profile mats made of extruded polystyrene foam... Then the canvases are covered with a layer of waterproofing.

Features of connecting the structure to a heat source

In the floor circuit, most often average temperature equals 35-40 degrees. Wiring diagrams of water in a private house function by means of forced mixing of streams. Part of the coolant from the return flow goes into the supply circuit.

Gas boilers are equipped with special automatics. Solid fuel units require a more complex device. They are equipped with circulation pumps and a special buffer tank... In this case, a more complex combustion control is used.

The best option for a floor heating system is considered electric boilers... Special automation allows you to maintain the desired temperature without loss of heat output.

Useful information! For heating small houses, a direct connection to electric boiler... Large cottages use a special distributor comb.

Advantages and disadvantages of circuits

Wiring diagrams of water-heated floors in a private house have the following advantages in comparison with others:

The disadvantages include a large amount of time to install the system. If leaks appear, most of the floor covering, including the screed, will have to be removed.

Designing schemes for underfloor heating in an apartment

Designing installation diagrams of water-heated floors in a private house differs from an apartment project. After installation, no changes can be made to the radiator layout. Installation of floor structures operating from district heating, is carried out at the construction stage by special organizations.

In apartments, the coolant flows through pipes through a separate riser, and not from the riser radiator heating... The water is heated in a special heat exchanger. If initially there is no data on the underfloor heating device in the project, then the connection of the new circuit must be agreed in management company.

Useful information! After agreeing on the project and obtaining permission, the heat exchanger is installed, as well as assembled, circulation pump and a security group. With several circuits, a manifold assembly is used.

Prices for installation work of underfloor heating

Wiring diagrams of water-heated floors made in a private house can have a different cost. It will include materials, preparatory and assembly work, as well as connection and testing of circuits for strength. The cost of work for square meter varies from 1,500 to 3,000 rubles. Also, the price is influenced by the type of base and the quality of the equipment.

Helpful advice! It is recommended to purchase ready-made kits equipment for floor heating. At the same time, many manufacturers offer free calculation of the entire system.

The density of the pipeline is determined by the required level of room heating. Near the walls and entrance doors more dense styling is performed. In this case, the distance from the highway to the wall should be more than 12 cm. The length of one circuit should not be more than 100 meters. In addition, the line joints are made using metal sleeves. The manifolds are placed in a special switch cabinet, for which a place must be selected in advance.

Full heating of the room and the creation of a favorable microclimate in the house depend on the quality of the wiring diagrams. Good luck with the repair!

Do-it-yourself water-heated floor (video)

Underfloor heating for a private house, in contrast to the radiator system, is more economical and practical. Underfloor heating creates excellent air convection in the home. There are many subtleties that should be considered when making underfloor heating in a private house. It is not easy to lay pipes in concrete or electric mats. It is important to make correct calculations here, especially if you plan to use them as the main source of heat. This article will discuss issues related to how to make a warm floor in a private house.

Underfloor heating in a private house - is it needed?

Underfloor heating is expensive, but well worth it. How is the value formed? There are many factors that influence pricing. For example, what layer of thermal insulation needs to be laid, what will be the thickness of the heating cake, how the floor will be adjusted and much more. Is it worth spending time, money and effort on creating such a complex heating system? As practice shows, underfloor heating in a private house is a reliable design that works properly and provides a stable temperature.

Note! In order to save money, some decide to make a mixed heating system. In this case, the main source of heat will be the radiator system, and the warm floor as additional element... For example, warm floors are used to equip rooms where ceramic tile or porcelain stoneware.

Underfloor heating in a private house has a number of positive sides that should not be overlooked. If you still doubt the correctness of your decision, then the following factors will dispel all doubts:

  • The even distribution of thermal energy creates an increased thermal comfort. So, the floors are pleasant to the touch, thanks to which you will never get cold on your feet.
  • Significant reduction in energy consumption for home heating.
  • Due to the low temperature of the coolant, maximum efficiency work heat pump and a condensing boiler.
  • Does not spoil the appearance of the room, as the underfloor heating system is hidden from view.
  • There are no temperature fluctuations in the room.
  • Due to the large thermal inertia, there are no sudden temperature changes in the room.

For the sake of objectivity, some disadvantages of arranging a warm floor should be highlighted:

  • If you carry out an incorrect installation, then in the event of a malfunction, it will take a lot of effort and money to eliminate them.
  • Not every finishing material can be combined with warm floors. If the heated floors are cluttered with furniture, the heat output will decrease.
  • It is important to equip the system with a circulation pump and a thermostat. Allowing the system to overheat can lead to bad consequences.
  • If a concrete warm floor is equipped, then there is an additional load on the floor of the house.
  • Unlike a radiator system, a warm floor has a high cost.

Considering all this, we have to admit that, with all the disadvantages, warm floors in a private house are great idea... Now we will consider some of the nuances that should be considered when organizing floor heating.

Calculation of heat transfer and heat loss

The values ​​of heat output and heat loss will make it possible to understand whether it is possible to use underfloor heating as the main heating in a private house. So, if you determine that there are large heat losses, then the warm floor cannot be the main one, but only additional heating.

For example, let's take a house with an area of ​​100 m 2, in which the heat loss will be 75 W / m 2. In this case, the area of ​​the heated floor is 70%, that is, 70 m 2. The average floor heating output is 90 W / m2. Multiplying two indicators of 90 W / m 2 by 70 m 2, we get an indicator for heat transfer from a floor with a capacity of 6300 W. To determine heat loss, the entire floor area, in our case 100 m 2, is multiplied by 75 W / m 2. As a result, we get 7,500 watts. With this calculation, it is clear that the heat loss is greater than the heat transfer from the floor. Therefore, warm floors cannot be basic in any way. With this example, you can easily define the task for the underfloor heating to be created.

Permissible power of underfloor heating

If your house has a lot of heat loss, then the heating power of 80 W / m 2 may not be enough, especially if the house has large windows. But problems can arise even in small room, for example, in the bathroom or toilet. So, having installed a shower cubicle, a toilet, washing machine and other items, the heated area is significantly reduced. As a result, the power of 80 W / m 2 will clearly not be enough. This also applies to bedrooms. A large area of ​​the floor will be covered by wardrobes, bedding and the like. The efficiency of underfloor heating is automatically reduced.

Note! If the warm floor will give out a power of 800 W per 10 m 2, then it is worth considering that the same power can be produced by radiators 50 × 50 × 15. This is due to the fact that the coolant for the radiator has a temperature of up to 80 ° C.

Considering these factors, we come to the conclusion that it is necessary to accurately calculate the power of the heating circuits to create warm floors as the main heating. And in some cases, you will need to install additional heating radiators or a heated towel rail (for the bathroom).

A private house can be equipped with warm floors of two types:

  1. Water.
  2. Electric.

Concerning country houses, then electric heating is used extremely rarely. There are good reasons for this, for example, the high consumption of electricity. For the most part, warm electric floors are installed in apartments as an additional source of heat. In this case, they have much more advantages, since their installation does not take much time and effort, and high power is not required to heat the apartment.

It is much more difficult to install water floors, but for a private house they are more effective. In this case, the house should be insulated, the screed should be poured and the collector should be connected. Water system heating is designed for continuous use. At correct installation, as well as subsequent maintenance, it can last up to 30 years. Among other things, water heating has a low level of inertia. If the floor warms up enough, it will retain heat well. As a consequence, constant replenishment with hot coolant is not required.

Note! It is recommended to install a warm water floor on an area of ​​no more than 15 m 2. In this case, it is necessary to make a project on which the arrangement of furniture and other items will be indicated.

With the correct organization of a warm water floor, you can completely abandon the radiators, which often interfere with the implementation design ideas... For example, you can install the so-called "French windows" (from floor to ceiling). Plus, you can save on space heating. If you are not currently using one of the rooms, then one circuit can be turned off on the collector. Accordingly, this will be reflected in the total flow rate of the heating medium.

As for the installation of underfloor heating in a private house, there are three methods of laying them:

  1. On a wooden floor.
  2. On a concrete screed.
  3. On the ground.

In most cases, the technology of laying on a concrete screed is used. The wooden, obsolete, floor is torn off and the screed is poured. In this case, a rough screed is poured. The contours of the pipes are laid on top, and then the finishing screed is poured and placed flooring.

Note! Laying heating pipes in a screed will require more power heating system, because you will have to warm up well the "pie" of heating and plus the floor covering. These nuances are taken into account when creating a heating project.

There is another widespread technology for the manufacture of underfloor heating - on the ground. To implement it, you need to remove upper layer soil. Further, a pillow is made of sand, 10 cm thick and crushed stone up to 10 cm of fine fraction. It is also necessary to install a waterproofing layer. For this, roofing material or a special membrane is used. On top of this, a rough screed is poured, a heater with a heat-reflecting surface and pipes are placed.

Note! If there are pipes at the base of your house, then the installation of a warm water floor is greatly simplified. You will need to level the floor surface, level cracks and make heating circuits.

All the work can be done by hand. To do this, you should carefully study the provided instructions:

  • As mentioned above, roofing material can be used for the waterproofing layer. Roll out roofing material or others on the surface of the base insulating materials... It is important to glue each joint well. Therefore, the sheets of roofing material are laid with an overlap of 10 cm.Gluing can be carried out using special adhesive tape, resin, high temperature etc.
  • To prevent the cold from entering the room from below, the next layer is made - thermal insulation. High density foam can be used for this purpose. As a result, the heat from the pipes will not go down, and the cold from the ground will not rise up. In most cases, a 5 cm layer of thermal insulation is sufficient.
  • At the next stage, a vapor barrier is made. This is important because, in otherwise condensation will appear on top of the insulation. For the manufacture of vapor barrier, a strong plastic film is used. The flooring, like the roofing material, is overlapped by 10 cm, after which the film is glued with tape.

Note! The thermal insulation layer is influenced by several factors, for example, the coefficient of thermal insulation, the capacity of the heating system, the location of the house, etc.

When all these preparatory work completed, it's time to start making a rough screed. To do this, lay reinforcing mesh... Usually a mesh with cells of 150 × 150 mm is used. It is necessary to put a reflective film under the mesh, which will direct the flow of thermal energy upward. The contours of the heating pipes can be laid out on the mesh. It should be noted that when arranging a water heated floor in a private house, it is important to allocate a place for installing a collector. Through it, the temperature level in the room will be controlled.

If necessary, you can create 2, 3, or even 5 heating circuits. In the collector, each circuit can be signed, for the convenience of managing underfloor heating. The pipes are fastened directly to metal mesh, special clamps. In conclusion, the finishing screed is poured. It is necessary to add a plasticizer to it, which will prevent the screed from cracking when it is heated. Also, along the entire perimeter of the room, a damper tape is laid against the wall, which will serve to compensate for thermal expansion.

Note! It is possible to fill the screed only when the system is filled with water. The water should remain in the pipes until the screed is completely dry. It is impossible to turn on the heating during this process.

At the end, all you have to do is lay the finishing floor covering, for example, tiles, parquet board, laminate and the like.

Nuances that cannot be forgotten

When arranging a warm water floor in a private house, it is important to pay Special attention little things. Non-compliance simple rules can nullify all your efforts. Below are the tips and tricks, the observance of which will help to do all the work as efficiently as possible:

  • Using a damper tape mandatory requirement... Due to this, the heating cake can expand when the temperature changes. This expansion will fully compensate for the damper tape, which is glued to the wall over the entire floor area.
  • An important condition is the arrangement of a comb or collector. It is unacceptable to save on this device. This is the place to control your warm floors. A pipeline with a hot coolant from the boiler is supplied to it. It also distributes the coolant along the heating circuits. Thanks to the mixing unit, a clear balance is achieved temperature regime... As a result, the created system works with high efficiency.
  • The thickness of the finishing screed on top of the pipes should not exceed 6 cm. In order for the mortar to be elastic, a plasticizer is added to it, which will increase the resistance to temperature extremes.
  • To prevent the screed from drying out, during the process of drying it can be covered with plastic wrap... If this is not possible, moisten the screed regularly.

So, we have considered with you one of the possible technologies arrangement of a warm floor. For example, if you want to save a wooden floor, then it can also be laid on top heating pipes... There is a technology for this, which is not used very often. We hope that the article provided will help you do all the work with your own hands so that during the cold period of time the room has a comfortable temperature. In addition to this, we offer you a video on this topic, as well as diagrams from which you can learn about other aspects of designing underfloor heating in a private house. if you have personal experience on the manufacture of such a system, then be sure to write reviews at the end of the article.


From the provided video material, you can learn more about the intricacies of creating a warm floor in a private house:


Below is a number of schemes from which you can learn some of the subtleties of making a warm water floor in a private house:

With the arrival of cold weather, many are thinking about modernizing their heating system. And the installation of a water-heated floor is one of frequent decisions such users. After all, this design allows you to significantly save on heating, while the consumption is sharply reduced, and the elements themselves that provide heating and warm air, do not take up space in the room, because they are hidden under the floor. Let's figure out what kind of warm floors are and how to install them in a private house with our own hands.

The principle of operation of a warm floor in the house

Heating and warm air in a cottage or a private house are provided using warm floors - this is a completely new system that excludes such actions as the installation and operation of convectors with radiators, as well as a large connection of their units and elements. Instead, a heating circuit built into the floor of a pipe and a manifold or several such sets is used if the length and width of the room is more than the norm, which one manifold and circuit can handle.

All this is set, as a rule, on concrete pavement, but can be installed on a wooden one (though the consumption will be higher). Also, mats for warm water floors are installed, due to which consumption is significantly reduced. But the most important thing is that all this can be done in a cottage or in a private house with your own hands. The main thing is to know how this technology works and to follow the installation rules.

So, the scheme of a warm floor in a private house is pipes with a coolant that provide heating and warm air, as well as a collector, a pump and a thermostatic mixer that make up mixing units... All this equipment is installed using joints in the floor, and from above it is poured cement strainer for a warm water floor.

When these works are completed, you can turn on the system for heating and thus start the warm air in the cottage. As you can see, doing it yourself is no more difficult than installing a bath, if you know how it works. In addition, construction costs will then be lower.

Warm floor in a private house or cottage: advantages and disadvantages

Before you understand whether it is worth choosing such a scheme in order to provide warm air in a private house, and even more so to do heating with your own hands, you need to weigh all the disadvantages and advantages of this technology.

The advantages of this design are as follows:

  1. Heating consumption in the house is reduced by at least 30%, and the air remains the same warm.
  2. The even circulation makes the air in the cottage comfortable. After all, heating extends not only to furniture near the battery, but to the entire area in the cottage.
  3. The technology that provides heating with a pipe embedded in the floor is safe since there is no direct contact with hot pipe, and the pressure in it is not so high that the rupture would lead to a serious failure of the entire structure, as is the case with radiators, the connection of which is less reliable.
  4. Improvement appearance- it will now be more comfortable inside the cottage, because there will be no big white pipe through the whole and no radiators taking up space. Instead, there will be a heating circuit under the floor of each room, covering the entire area, and in some places, a small cabinet that hides the manifold with details. It will be possible to put furniture there and increase the free space.
  5. The warm floor can be installed under the laminate, and under the tiles, linoleum and other coatings.
  6. The cost of installing equipment in a cottage is quite low, especially if you do the work yourself.

But there are also disadvantages of choosing such a principle of air heating as underfloor heating technology:

  1. To install the equipment, you need to spend a lot of time, especially if you do everything yourself;
  2. If the equipment breaks down, this leads to serious expenses for repairs, because you will have to dismantle the entire floor, take out the furniture, and at this time the heating will stop, and the air in the whole house will be cold;
  3. Some large rooms will need an additional source of heating as the underfloor heating technology is not designed for high heating power. To keep the air warm, you will have to install covectors with radiators.

This is where the disadvantages of this equipment end.

Wiring diagrams for installing warm water floors

To install equipment for heating air in a home with your own hands (pipes, a manifold, a pump to regulate pressure), you need to know the diagrams of how to install a heating circuit under the floor, taking into account how the furniture is installed, how long the room is and other characteristics.

Diy pipe installation schemes are as follows:

  • Snail;
  • Snake;
  • Net;
  • Combination different ways so that the contour is positioned on all surfaces.

Calculation of underfloor heating and the amount of required materials

Calculation of a warm water floor - important detail building a house with your own hands. But it is better to do this stage not on your own, but with the help of professionals. They will calculate how long the pipe should have, the type that the heating circuit should have, they will advise you to choose the best way installation (mesh, snake, etc.), they will calculate how much money will be spent on repairs. But you can calculate everything with your own hands according to well-known schemes.

So, first, they draw diagrams according to which the grid of pipes, circuits will be mounted, as well as a collector for each room.

This takes into account furniture, windows and other elements of the rooms. Then they calculate where the pressure regulating pump and other required equipment will stand, according to the diagram. After that, they choose a coating for a warm water floor, calculate what its thickness should be, etc. As soon as the preparatory work on paper is completed, you can proceed directly to the installation.

Collector installation features

The collector and its auxiliary equipment are installed in a special collector cabinet. This is not furniture, but a special niche with dimensions of 500x500 (length and width) on average. Its thickness is small - the main thing is that all the equipment fits and it is convenient to adjust it.

Once the cabinet is installed, install the supply and return pipes for hot and cold water respectively. The collector for hot water is connected to the supply pipe, and the collector that joins the end sections of the pipes is connected to the return pipe.

Then a shut-off valve is installed where the pipes are connected to the manifold so that the system can be repaired. Remember to install a drain valve on the other side of the manifold. If it is difficult to install the collector yourself, you can buy a ready-made one, in which all the necessary equipment will be installed, and it will not have to be adjusted.

Surface preparation

Before installing mats for a warm water floor, which must have the proper thickness to retain heat, as well as the heating circuit itself, the length of which allows you to cover the entire surface of the room, they begin to prepare the surface. It is necessary to remove debris, close up places where reinforced mesh or other interfering parts protrude, remove furniture in the room. If the floor thickness is different, that is, it is curved, this must be adjusted before installing the warm circuit.

The principle of preparation is as follows: first, a waterproofing layer is laid, the length and thickness of which is known from the size of the room (made of dense polyethylene), a damper tape is attached at the edges with self-tapping screws, after which thermal insulation is laid - insulation for a warm water floor. The thicker it is, the better, because it reduces heat consumption. Reinforcement mesh is laid on top.

How to lay pipes

A heating circuit made of a pipe, the length of which should allow heating the entire room, is laid in a concrete screed using either a mounting mesh, or mats, or grooves of a rough wooden floor. The thickness of the screed must be sufficient. The ideal thickness is 3-5 cm above the surface of the slabs. If the screed is made under the tiles, and not laminate or linoleum, the thickness should be greater.

Heating circuit connection diagram

As a rule, any underfloor heating heating circuit is connected to the boiler. It creates the proper power and pressure. But its power should exceed the power of the heated floors themselves by 15-20%. In this case, between it and the collector, you need to install expansion tank and other security elements. They will not affect consumption. In addition, in a private house, this is a common element of any heating scheme.

Then the pipe is connected to a manifold installed in the cabinet away from the furniture. From the collector, the pipe goes to ourselves warm floors... It is laid over the entire area of ​​the room - this is the heating circuit. You do not need to lay it under areas with bulky furniture if it will always be there. The end of the pipe is connected to a return manifold. If the pressure in the pipes is weak, pumping and mixing units are installed. They will also help reduce consumption.

System health check

Before laying laminate or tiles over pipes, you need to check them. This is done like this:

  1. Air is pumped into the system with a compressor - the pressure should be up to 4 bar. The system is checked for depressurization. Such high pressure will reveal even the smallest gap.
  2. The system is filled with water - the pressure is from 0.6 MPa. At first, in the first half hour, the pressure should not decrease by more than 0.06 MPa. At the second stage, the pressure is brought to 1 MPa, and in 2 hours it should not decrease by more than 0.02 MPa.

If the test is passed, you can pour the screed and lay the floor, choosing laminate, tile or other covering as a covering, and then install furniture.

Laying the floor on concrete

Traditionally, a concrete floor acts as a base for underfloor heating. It is reliable, strong, resistant to temperature extremes, and even. Laying is done as follows:

  1. Prepare the room for work (take out furniture, tear off the old floor). Level the base by cleaning it.
  2. Install a waterproofing layer and a damper tape.
  3. Install heat and vapor barrier.
  4. Reinforcement mesh is laid.
  5. Install the heated floor itself, check its performance.
  6. The screed is poured on top (2-3 cm above the level of the pipes) and left to dry.
  7. Laying flooring (laminate, tiles), arranging furniture.

Warm floor under wooden beams

If wood is the basis for the floor, this is not a problem - heating can also be installed. Insulation is installed between the logs and pipes - it will reduce heat consumption and remove contact between the pipe and the tree.

You can also install waterproof and vapor barrier. It will also be helpful in reducing heat consumption. Next, they make a classic warm floor, at the end of which a laminate is laid on top. But in order for the heat return to be maximum, logs are laid on the insulation, boards are nailed to them, between which gaps of 2 cm are made for pipes. Metal gutters are installed in them, in which there will be pipes.

Thanks to this, the topcoat (laminate or tile) will be completely warmed up. A screed is made on top and the floor is installed - either polymer coating(slab, porcelain stoneware), or laminate that can withstand temperature extremes. Parquet and board will not work.

This design is very successful. Indeed, when repairing, it is enough to rip off the laminate and fix the problem. But the concrete floor will have to be destroyed for a long time before getting to the source of the problem. Laminate is easy to remove and just as practical to install. But a wooden warm floor gives less heat output- this must be taken into account.

In rooms heated using underfloor heating technology, the sensations are much more comfortable than with a traditional radiator system. When the floor is heated, the temperature will be distributed in an optimal way: it is warmer for the legs, and at head level it is already cooler. There are two heating methods: water and electric. Water is more expensive to install, but cheaper to operate, so that it is more often done. You can slightly reduce installation costs if you make a water-heated floor with your own hands. The technology is not the simplest one, but it also does not require encyclopedic knowledge.

Device and principle of operation

For water heating of the warm floor, a system of pipes is used through which the coolant circulates. Most often, pipes are poured into a screed, but there are dry installation systems - wood or polystyrene. In any case, there is a large number of small cross-section pipes laid under the floor covering.

Where can you mount

Because of a large number water heating pipes are made mainly in private houses. The fact is that the heating system of high-rise buildings of early construction is not designed for such a heating method. It is possible to make a warm floor from heating, but there is a high probability that either it will be too cold for you, or at the neighbors above or below, depending on the type of power supply to the system. Sometimes the entire riser becomes cold: the hydraulic resistance of the water floor is several times higher than that of the radiator heating system and it can clog the movement of the coolant. For this reason, it is very difficult to obtain permission from the management company to install a warm floor (installation without permission is an administrative offense).

The good news is that in new buildings they began to make two systems: one for radiator heating, the second for a water-heated floor. In such houses and permission is not required: an appropriate system was developed taking into account the higher hydraulic resistance.

Organization principles

To understand what you need in order to make a water-heated floor with your own hands, you need to understand what the system consists of and how it works.

Heating medium temperature control

To make your feet comfortable on the floor, the temperature of the coolant should not exceed 40-45 ° C. Then the floor heats up to comfortable values ​​- about 28 ° C. Most of heating equipment it cannot produce such a temperature: at least 60-65 ° C. Exception - condensation gas boilers... They are showing maximum efficiency precisely at low temperatures. From their outlet, the heated coolant can be fed directly into the pipes of the underfloor heating.

When using any other type of boiler, a mixing unit is required. In it to hot water the cooled heat carrier is added from the boiler from the return pipeline. You can see the composition of this bond on the diagram for connecting the warm floor to the boiler.

The principle of operation is as follows. The heated coolant is supplied from the boiler. It goes to the thermostatic valve, which, when the temperature threshold is exceeded, opens the water admixture from the return pipe. In the photo, there is a jumper in front of the circulation pump. A two-way or three-way valve is installed in it. Opening it and mix in the cooled coolant.

The mixed flow through the circulation pump enters the thermostat, which controls the operation of the thermostatic valve. When the set temperature is reached, the flow from the return flow stops, if it is exceeded, it opens again. This is how the temperature of the coolant of the water underfloor heating is regulated.

Contour distribution

Then the coolant enters the distribution manifold. If a water-heated floor is made in one small room (bathroom, for example), in which only one loop of pipes is laid, this unit may not exist. If there are several loops, then between them it is necessary to distribute the coolant in some way, and then somehow collect it and send it to the return pipeline. This task is performed by the distribution comb or, as it is also called, the underfloor heating collector. In fact, these are two pipes - on the supply and return, to which the inputs and outputs of all the underfloor heating circuits are connected. This is the easiest option.

If the underfloor heating is made in several rooms, then it is better to install a collector with the ability to adjust the temperature. First, in different rooms required different temperature: Someone prefers + 18 ° C in the bedroom, someone needs + 25 ° C. Secondly, most often, the contours have different lengths, and can transfer different amounts of heat. Thirdly, there are “internal” premises - in which one wall faces the street, and there are corner ones - with two or even three external walls. Naturally, the amount of heat in them should be different. Combs with thermostats provide this. The equipment is not cheap, the circuit is more complicated, but such an installation allows you to maintain a given temperature in the room.

There are different thermostats. Some control the air temperature in the room, the second - the floor temperature. You choose the type yourself. Regardless, they control the servo motors mounted on the feed comb. The servomotors, depending on the command, increase or decrease the flow area, adjusting the flow rate of the coolant.

Theoretically (and in practice it happens) situations may arise when the supply to all circuits is blocked. In this case, the circulation will stop, the boiler may boil and fail. To prevent this from happening, be sure to make a bypass through which part of the coolant passes. With this construction of the system, the boiler is safe.

You can watch one of the system options in the video.

Laying a warm water floor

One of the key components of the system is pipes and their fixing system. There are two technologies:

Both systems are imperfect, but screed pipes are cheaper. Although it has a lot of disadvantages, it is it that is more popular due to its lower cost.

Which system to choose

In terms of cost, dry systems are more expensive: their components (if you take ready-made, factory-made) cost more. But they weigh much less and are quicker to put into service. There are several reasons why you should use them.

First: the heavy weight of the screed. Not all foundations and floors of houses are able to withstand the load created by a water-heated floor in concrete screed... Above the surface of the pipes there must be a layer of concrete of at least 3 cm.Considering that outside diameter the pipe is also about 3 cm, then the total thickness of the screed is 6 cm. The weight is more than significant. And on top there is often a tile on a layer of glue. It's good if the foundation is designed with a margin - it will withstand, and if not, problems will begin. If there is a suspicion that the floor or foundation will not bear the load, it is better to make a wooden or polystyrene system.

Second: low maintainability of the screed system. Although it is recommended to lay only one-piece coils of pipes without connections when laying the underfloor heating contours, the pipes are periodically damaged. Or, during the repair, they got hit with a drill, or they burst due to a marriage. The place of damage can be determined by a damp spot, but it is difficult to repair: you have to break the screed. In this case, adjacent hinges can be damaged, due to which the damaged zone becomes larger. Even if it was possible to do it carefully, you have to make two seams, namely, they are potential places for the next damage.

Third: the commissioning of a heated floor in a screed is possible only after the concrete has reached 100% strength resource. This takes at least 28 days. Until this time, you cannot turn on the warm floor.

Fourth, you have a wooden floor made. By itself is heavy on wooden floor- not the best idea, but also a screed with an increased temperature. The wood quickly collapses, the entire system collapses.

The reasons are serious. Therefore, in some cases, it is more expedient to use dry technologies. Moreover, a wooden water-heated floor with your own hands is not so expensive. The most expensive component is metal plates, but they can also be made from thin sheet metal and better - aluminum. It is important to be able to bend when shaping pipe grooves.

A variant of a polystyrene underfloor heating system without a screed is demonstrated in the video.

Materials for warm water floor

Most often they make a water-heated floor in a screed. About its structure and necessary materials and the speech will go. A diagram of a warm water floor is shown in the photo below.

All work begins with leveling the base: without insulation, heating costs will be too high, and insulation can only be laid on a flat surface. Therefore, the first thing they do is prepare the foundation - they do rough screed... Next, we describe step by step the order of work and the materials used in the process:

  • A damper tape is also rolled along the perimeter of the room. This is the strip thermal insulation material, no more than 1 cm thick. It prevents heat loss for heating walls. Its second task is to compensate for the thermal expansion that occurs when materials are heated. The tape can be special, or you can lay it cut into strips thin foam(no more than 1 cm thick) or other insulation of the same thickness.
  • A layer of heat-insulating materials is laid on the rough screed. For underfloor heating the best choice- expanded polystyrene. Best of all - extruded. Its density should be at least 35kg / m 2. It is dense enough to withstand the weight of the screed and operational loads, has excellent performance and long term operation. Its disadvantage is that it is expensive. Other, cheaper materials (polystyrene, mineral wool, expanded clay), have a lot of disadvantages. If possible, use expanded polystyrene. The thickness of the insulation depends on many parameters - on the region, the characteristics of the foundation material and insulation, the method of organizing the subfloor. Therefore, it must be calculated in relation to each case.

  • Next, they often put a reinforcing mesh with a step of 5 cm. Pipes are also tied to it - with wire or plastic clamps. If polystyrene foam was used, you can do without reinforcement - you can fix it with special plastic brackets that are driven into the material. For other heaters, a reinforcing mesh is required.
  • Beacons are installed on top, after which the screed is poured. Its thickness is less than 3 cm above the level of the pipes.
  • Next, the finishing flooring is laid. Anything suitable for use in a heated floor system.

These are all the main layers that need to be laid when you make a water-heated floor with your own hands.

Underfloor heating pipes and laying patterns

The main element of the system is pipes. Most often they use polymeric ones - from cross-linked polyethylene or metal-plastic. They bend well and have a long service life. Their only obvious drawback is not too high thermal conductivity. The recently appeared ones do not have this disadvantage. corrugated pipes made of stainless steel. They bend better, cost no more, but due to their low popularity, they are not often used so far.

The diameter of pipes for underfloor heating depends on the material, but usually it is 16-20 mm. They fit in several ways. The most common are a spiral and a snake; there are several modifications that take into account some of the features of the premises.

Laying with a snake is the simplest, but passing through the pipes the coolant gradually cools down and it reaches the end of the circuit that is much colder than it was at the beginning. Therefore, the zone where the coolant enters will be the warmest. This feature is used - the styling starts from the very cold zone- along exterior walls or under a window.

This drawback is almost devoid of a double snake and a spiral, but they are more difficult to install - you need to draw a diagram on paper so as not to get confused when laying.


Can be used to fill a water-heated floor with a regular cement-sand mortar based on Portland cement. The Portland cement brand should be high - M-400, or better M-500. - not lower than M-350.

But ordinary "wet" screeds take a very long time to gain their design strength: at least 28 days. All this time, you cannot turn on the warm floor: cracks will go, which can even break pipes. Therefore, the so-called semi-dry screeds are increasingly used - with additives that increase the plasticity of the solution, significantly reducing the amount of water and the time for "ripening". You can add them yourself or look for dry mixes with appropriate properties. They are more expensive, but they are less troublesome: according to the instructions, add the required amount of water and mix.

It is realistic to make a water-heated floor with your own hands, but it will take a decent period of time and considerable funds.