Preparation of loggia for plastic. Logging Logging Plastic Panels - Fastening Methods

On the Internet, you can find something big, but a huge number of articles on how to install plastic windows In the apartment, but the articles that would fully talked about how to install plastic windows on a balcony or loggia - no. Therefore, today we want to tell you about the insulation of the balconies, namely, describe the complete sequence of actions for independent glazing the balcony with a metal-plastic window profile.

For what reasons it is worth producing glazing balcony or loggia

For insulation of the room

The installation of plastic windows on the balcony is most often carried out in order to insulate the room in which the balcony is located. By installing plastic windows onto a balcony, and insulating it, between the street and your room will, so to speak, the layer, which is largely reflected in the warmth in the winter room.

To expand the room

Many resort to a rather rational way - expand the room at the expense of a balcony or loggia. Of course, most often it is easier to do with the loggia in view of the fact that it is already done room and for insulation it is necessary to simply install the window, the balcony in this situation requires more costs for this procedure, but the question is quite solved.

Make an extra room

Glazing of balconies by plastic windows, produce in order to make another room from the balcony. Someone makes the cabinet on the balcony, someone living room and rests on it, and someone as a simple room or storage room.

The causes of the insulation of the balcony are quite weighty, so thinking about what length we need a window profile and producing all the corresponding measurements - we go for the purchase of the window. About how to choose plastic windows, we devoted one of our past articles. It is worth paying attention to the sliding plastic windows for the balcony, which are very convenient and practical to use.

Balcony preparation

When the window is bought, and the weather forecast does not foreshand the rains - begin the installation of the plastic window to the balcony. If you have a frame on the balcony, then it must be dismantled. Also get rid of other structures that will interfere with the installation of the plastic window. If necessary, if you have double railing on the balcony, and the upper crossbar is fixed enough, it is better to dismantle it.

Separately, we want to touch the fact that some are installed on the balcony of the sandwich panel, and for this you have to dismantle the railing with a frame. Do not recommend this, because this design It has a rather significant mass, and even when proper montageIt will vibrate when opening and closing the sash, as well as with a strong impact cut, no street.

Installation of plastic windows on the balcony

First of all, it is recommended to strengthen the visor, which will be above the window profile. It is better to do it in advance so that later we do not have to suffer with the attachment of the visor, driving it under the top plate and profile. Trump Kepim K. ceiling plate With the help of a dowel-nail. Please note that if necessary, the mounting of the anchor fasteners fixing the frame must be carried out through the visor.

If two or more frames are used for glazing the balcony, then you must apply sealant to the edges of the seal joints and then connect them using a special connecting rail.

When the visor is fixed, and the window profiles are connected - on top and on the sides of the frame by self-draws fix the anchor plates with which the profile of the walls will be recorded. Now proceed directly to the installation.

And here you may have a question: if the width of the railing is larger than the width of the window profile, then how to fix the frame: closer to the inner edge or to external. The answer is unequivocal and categorical: in such a situation, the profile must be attached to aligning under the inner edge. Why!? With such an installation technology, the coldest place will be under the windowson, and as a rule, the insulation will later be under the windowsill and the problem will be solved. If the window is aligned by the outer edge of the railing or in the middle, then the coldest place will have to the junction of the windowsill and windows, where in the cold season, moisture can be formed or even the ice and this problem cannot be solved.

After we installed the profile on the railing, with the help of the level align it from all sides. If the railing is uneven or between the ceiling and the profile there is a distance, then under the frame, put special lining, with which you can adjust the profile level. When the profile is aligned, fasten it from all sides. From above and on the sides, the anchor plates are attached to the wall using a dowel-nail, and at the bottom we make a hole in the profile and on the concrete railing is secure with anchors, or self-drawers - if the metal railing.

When the profile is assigned, check again the evenness of its installation. Then, with the help of mounting foam, we process the lower seam (between the profile and railings) and the self-draws are fixed to the bottom of the drain frame. Further on the sides, we set out outdoor nachets, and close in all the available slots of the mounting foam.

Now you can hang out window sash and install double-glazed windows in the deaf outlets of the window. Do not save on the mounting foam - this can be negatively affected by thermal insulation, both rooms and a profile. The window may die, or worse, it can be treated with ice during frosty weather, or from the side of the sides and can be at the bottom. Therefore, do not regret the foam, its surplus can be easily cut, and the flaws will bring a lot of inconvenience.

At the very end of the installation of the plastic window, we set the windowsill. With the help of self-tapping screws, fix the fasteners for the windowsill and we propine the area between the railing and the profile, after which, we plant the window sill itself. Blinds on plastic windows Krepim after finishing window slopes.

The balcony, as an integral part of the apartment, must fit it in everything. It must maintain a comfortable temperature, protect from wind, frost and heat, to be waterproof and with all this aesthetic. In order to implement the latest function, it is necessary to conduct a balcony finish plastic panels.

Types of materials for balcony

On the construction market A huge variety of trimming materials for the loggia is sold. Here are just some of them:

  • Wooden lining. It happens two species - from coniferous treesrepresented by pine and cedar, and deciduous - from alder, oak and linden. An indisputable advantage is the ecology and durability of this material, and the minus is the price and weight of the trim.
  • Sandwich panels. They have two facial layers, between which the insulation is located. With a smooth surface, they can be mounted with adhesive way. The minus is that they are only white.
  • MDF panels. Finishing balcony MDF panels - easy to maintain and is one of the common ways to decorate the balcony. This material is nothing but pressed wood chipswhich glued together with lignin. For the decor, such a chips are covered with thin film, imitating various natural materials, For example, a stone or tree.

Diagram of finishing balcony panels PVC

PVC panels or plastic

A separate item should consider the features of plastic panels, as the most popular and affordable casing material.

  • Affordable price. The cost of plastic panels will depend on various configurations. However, for most middle-income families, the price will remain acceptable.
  • Simple installation. Finishing the balcony panels PVC is a completely simple process. With a careful approach to the instructions, independent sheathing The entire balcony is quite real. An important factor in favor of plastic is the easy replacement of one plate on another in the event of a small damage, or a simple dismantling of all materials during major repairs.
  • Durability. The service life of plastic panels is from 25 to 50 years. This material does not allocate harmful substances And it is completely harmless (exception - in a fire). The preservation of panels is provided by endurance to aggressive detergents and accidentally poured chemical compounds, as well as resistance to all kinds of rotting and fungi.
  • Quality. With long-term intake of sunlight on the surface, the plastic panels do not fade. Therefore, in the case of replacing one plate on another, there will be no difference and the balcony will save its initial View. In addition, PVC antistasses perfectly opposes dust, which greatly facilitates the cleaning process.
  • Practicality. Thanks to thoughtful trifles, such as microloors between the panels, the walls are free to "breathe." This fact perfectly counteracts the fungus with mold.
  • Cellular panel structure. Internal chambers Plastic guarantee additional sound and thermal insulation of the material, which allows the use of an additional area as a residential premises.
  • Variety of models. PVC plastic panels have the widest palette of shades and textures, so even the most demanding buyer will find "their" option.

Important! Plastic coating is easy to mechanically damage. Even a slight blow to a sharp or solid object leads to its discontinuity, so with such material you need to contact very carefully and neatly.

How to choose plastic panels

In order to purchase high-quality trim, it is necessary to pay attention to its following properties:

  • Thickness external surface. What it is thicker, the panel will be more resistant to different damage. It can be from 1.5 to 2.5 mm.
  • The number of rigidity ribs. The number of edges will indicate the strength of the plastic - the more, the better. European Standard - 29 pcs.
  • The quality of rigidity. They must be smooth - without destruction.
  • Weight. It depends on the thickness of the walls and the number of edges and can vary from 1.7 - 2.2 kg.
  • The content of chalk in plastic. With a large number of chalk in the composition, the panel loses its flexibility and cracks. Qualitative material, during bending by 30-50%, does not leave a single dent.
  • Plates should be from one batch, otherwise they can be varied in color.

Important! Panel color should not be grayish. IN otherwise This will mean that plastic cast from poor-quality recycling.

The orientation of the balcony on the parties of the world is very an important aspect, especially when choosing a color gamut material. If the balcony is low, oriented to the north side, and high bushes shade it, then it is impractical to choose a dark color finish - a small room will look even less in volume.

How to calculate the necessary number of plastic panels

In order not to buy excess squares of the material, you need to pre-make accurate calculations Planned area under the trim.

  • Measure the area of \u200b\u200beach surface. To do this, multiply the width to the height.
  • We summarize all areas.
  • We calculate the "unnecessary" area of \u200b\u200bopenings - windows and doors.
  • From the amount of all areas, take square meters of openings - this will be the end result.
  • Now the difference is divided into one plastic panel area. They are different, so it is very important to refine the size of the selected model in advance.

What are you need tools for finishing the loggia with plastic panels

Before proceeding with work, you need to take care not only about the material, but also about the presence of all tools. Below is a list of the main "helpers":

  • Stationery knife or hacksaw. They are needed for cutting plastic panels. And the one and the other tool is great for these purposes.
  • Building level. It is necessary when installing a wooden basis.
  • Cornel and ruler.
  • Drill. A wooden cutture is fastened with dowels or long screws with plastic sleeves, which require drill.
  • Building stapler. The panel itself is attached to the wooden bar. A variant with a screwdriver or a screwdriver is possible.

Plastic Panel Installation Methods

The lining of the balcony with plastic panels is possible in two versions:

  • Adhesive method. In order to save a place, some resort to simple sticking panels on the wall. This is done very easily and quickly. However, it should be borne in mind that working surface It must be perfect - smooth and clean. The adhesive method has two significant drawbacks - the loss of thermal insulation, because The air chamber between the wall and the panel is missing and impracticable partial repair in the future.
  • Fastening plastic on a wooden crate. This method requires a little more accuracy than the previous one, but all his minuses turn into pluses here.

Important! Using plastic panels, you need to know that at high or low temperatures They can deform. Therefore, the fastening should be undesirable, which will prevent the deterioration of the material.

Step-by-step instruction of the luggage

In order to sew a balcony with plastic panels, you need to stick to a simple instruction. No special training for work wizard is required.

Preparation of work surfaces

So that the covering was high-quality and durable, first need to take care of the base:

  • Initially, carefully inspect the walls for cracks and disadvantages - you need to be favorable to get rid of them.
  • Then you need to increase the crack slightly. To expand the gaps, you can use the grinder.
  • Then the crack must be well cleaned from dust and garbage.
  • The resulting recess is necessary.
  • The entire surface is necessary with the introduction of protective composition (sealing and antiseptic properties). In the construction market, they are presented a huge amount, but if you need economical optionthen the putty PVA should be used. It has a low cost, and the quality is acceptable.

Surface primer

Fastening the crate

The lamp is a special frame that is attached to the wall and on which plastic panels will be fixed. It happens two types - wooden and metal. The latter is well suited for raw room, because The profile will not recruit moisture and dance, but the cost will be significantly higher than wood and the installation will require certain professional skills.

High-quality installation of the lattice, in the future, will make it possible to make partial repairs, replacing only one or more damaged plates. With a complete replacement of plastic on any other material, the crate does not need to change - old excellent withstands the similar thickness of the material.

  • Before installing the crate on the walls you need to mark. This will greatly simplify the work of the installation of the guides. When applying lines should be used. Such actions will be suitable later and in the inspection of the quality of installation.
  • Until fastening wooden bars It is necessary to handle the protective composition. To do this, you can take a PVA putty or engine oil. Such impregnation will protect the tree from rotting, mold and fungi.
  • Now it is necessary to fill the rails every 40-50 cm. First you need to attach a 5 cm from the ceiling, checking the clarity of the direction construction level. All subsequent bars should go into strict parallelism to the previous one.
  • The mounting of the planks is carried out at the expense of dowels or self-tapping screws with plastic tips. With the tightening of the rails to the wall it is not worth a hurry. There may be a situation where the level will show the skew and then it will have to put small plates to restore the perfectly smooth surface. The dowel should go to the wall at 3-4 cm (excluding plaster).

Important! When fastening the lattice should take into account the place where the plastic breaks most often - at the knee level, belt and shoulder. In these places, the fixation of the panels to the tree is obligatory.

Plastic panels

Warming loggia

How to see the balcony so that it become not only beautiful, but also warm? It worries many who wishes to see a balcony on their own. For this you need:

  • Select insulation. The simplest is an inexpensive foam. It is acceptable in density and is not afraid of moisture, which makes it the most running option. The extruded polystyrene foam will significantly exceed the foam in its characteristics, however, the price of such a insulation will be an order of magnitude more expensive. Mineral wool - excellent option, only there is one minus - she needs additional waterproofing. Without it, when moisture gets into the material, the insulation immediately loses its properties.
  • Place uniformly insulation. Polyfoam needs to fit tightly between a wooden crate, and enlighten the assembly foam.

Important! With warm climatic conditionsAs a heater, you can use foil foam. It is smoothly distributed and attached to the wall before starting work with a wooden crate.

The installation of plastic on the walls, usually, is performed vertically, and on the ceiling - transverse stripes. There is also a third option of laying - diagonal, but here without the help of specialists can not do - very good skill need. In addition, the amount of waste will be much larger than with other methods.

  • First you need to attach the first guide to the stapler. They are different types: P-shaped, for the initial installation of the first strip, n-shaped to increase the short strip, F-shaped to hide cavities, L-shaped, angular, ceiling and outdoor, respectively, each for its destination.
  • Fixation of the first strip. The process of the trim should begin with the distant and most difficult corner of the balcony. The bar must be inserted into the guide profile and align its vertical level. Then fix it by attaching a thin side to a wooden crate with self-draws.
  • Subsequent strips are inserted into the grooves of the previous one in turn, using a special lock (clicking).
  • Fastening plastic K. wooden bars Must occur in a checker order - through one panel.
  • In order to fit plastic under right size For cutting across, it is necessary to use hacksaw for metal, and for longitudinal cutting - a regular stationery knife.
  • For reliable docile, the extreme plates should be pre-trimmed under the desired size and only then put it in a row.

Thus, you need to walk on all surfaces. The joints should be closed with special plastic corners.

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Plastic Balcony Finish - 2 Most available options

At the moment, the market offers a fairly wide range facing materialssuitable for balcony or loggia. Choose from anything, the problem is different: one half of these materials costs serious money, and the other requires professional skills in the installation. For the usual owner of a real outstand is a plastic loggia finish. IN this material I will tell you why people love plastic so much, and the main thing will be given a step-by-step instruction of the installation of this plastic in two in two different ways.

Why did I put my balcony plastic

The first of my experience of evulsing his glazed balcony was not successful, I decided to wake his textured vinyl wallpaper. Alone, the Wallpaper material is good, but on the balcony they did not want to hold on, even on insulated and glazed.

After the first winter, all my efforts were on the floor. After consulting the people and waging on the net, I decided to close the balcony plastic. For such a decision, I was promoted several reasons:

  • The balcony is, as it were, not quite a residential premises and investing serious money in it, like most owners were not ready. It was necessary to have an inexpensive and decent decision, and from the point of view of investment, the finish of the PVC balcony was the most suitable option. The price of wooden lining is incommensurable above, and plasterboard, it is more difficult to mount, plus such a coating requires additional finishing cladding;

  • The next decisive factor was simple instruction. With a drill, hammer and hacksaw, I have no problems, therefore, to mount your own plastic cladding hands will not be a lot of work;
  • The helpful manager of the construction store promised that the warranty service life of such panels starts from 25 years. I do not know what will be through a quarter of a century. But for those who have passed since the installation of 7 years, the plastic facing has not changed at all, and I have every reason to trust the promises of manufacturers;
  • When I chose the material, I was frightened by the fact that such plastic is not safe from the point of view of ecology, allegedly under the sunny rays it will have a sharp and strong smell. So this is not true, the goods that I took was in the average price category and I did not hear any outsider. Later, smart people clarified that indeed 20 years ago, when this facing only appeared, both production and the goods themselves were considered harmful. Now the technologies are other and plastic for the balcony are absolutely neutral in environmental terms;

  • For me, a big plus was maintainability of such a coating. When I accidentally broke one of the panels, no tragedy happened. I just got the same from the "Books" the same and changed within 10 minutes;
  • Such plastic has a cellular structure, therefore, it will be an additional heat and sound insulation. Of course, with foam flags, it does not hide on these characteristics, but the stock never existed;
  • Finally, plastic panels boasts huge number Proposals in terms of design. The finishing of the PVC loggia differs not only in color, but also by texture. Plus, a relatively recently, a luxurious photoconduct on plastic appeared, I don't know how much pleasure is, but it looks just gorgeous.

Naturally, the finishing of the loggia from PVC panels is not without flaws, because in this world there are no material things that would be absolutely perfect. From the most noticeable I allocated 3 options:

  1. Such panels have rather low impact resistance to them easily break or break any solid or acute subject. Plastic is plastic, the more hollow. But as I mentioned, this significant drawback is compensated by high maintainability. The average price for the material allows you to take it with a margin, and therefore, with a reasonable approach, the problems with the replacement will not arise;
  2. The polyvinyl chloride itself is deservedly considered a fire hazardous material, in addition, he distinguishes the caustic smoke when burning. But the same wooden lining burns even better and, nevertheless, it does not confuse anyone;
  3. There is an opinion that plastic is not prestigious, roughly speaking, working and peasant material. So it was before, until the above-mentioned photoconduct with a 3D effect appeared. This beauty fits perfectly into the most expensive designs of the premises.

How to bless the balcony plastic

Few people will argue with the fact that the finishing of the PVC loggia panels begins at the stage of procurement of the material. Selection of colors and textures This is a personal matter, there is nothing to help you here.

But with that huge assortment, with which you almost certainly come across the store, the likelihood of an error is quite large, so it will not be superfluous to know what to pay attention to when choosing.

Several important points when choosing PVC panels

Professionals distinguish PVC panels and PVC lining. In my opinion, the difference here is conditional. It is believed that the width of the panels oscillates within 250 - 400 mm, and the lining is made width of 100 - 200 mm. For a simple alone, the trim of the loggia plastic can be conducted as one and other material, it is already someone else.

  • Due to non-compliance with the technology, the planks become fragile. They are badly bent both along and across. Here you need to try to bend the experienced sample yourself or ask for this seller. The high-quality product will bend, and the fake will burst and worry;
  • Try to fingers to mix the slice of the strip, as well as press on the bar in the center. If the material is easily deformed and the inner ribs of stiffness in it are crushed, then you are trying to sell marriage. Of course, if desired strong man can minimize plastic, but believe me, with a quality product it will be done quite problematic;

  • If the goods are expensive, it does not mean that it is 100% high-quality. Pricing is also highly dependent on the length and width of the plank. Often a thin and not very high-quality plank costs more, because it is wider and longer, therefore, compare the goods with the same dimensions;
  • One of the most important rules of choice. If with lateral consideration on the plane you see where the inner ribs are passing, then you are one hundred percent marriage;
  • A grayish tint on supposedly white panels indicates what they were made of recycling. But this is a purely conditional minus, such planks may well have good performance and cost significantly cheaper. If all the parameters are normal and you do not confuse the difference in shades, you can take;

  • The decoration of the loggia of plastic without the appropriate fittings is impossible. Naturally, when purchasing panels, you need to immediately take accessories. Here most often people are coming on rake. The most common strip thickness is 5, 8 and 10 mm. Under this thickness, the same fittings are produced.

So, when you have shipped goods, it will not be superfluous to personally control whether the thickness of the panels coincides with the size of the fittings for them. Loaders often do not give it values, and then you crumpled your head when the bar does not climb into the profile or hang out in it.

If you take 2 or more packaging, be sure to require them from one batch. After all, even the most honest producers, the goods in different parties can slightly differ in shades.

Preparation for work

I think how to calculate the balcony Square knows any sane owner who studied at school. Therefore, I will tell you about the preparation of the walls and the ceiling. Any plastic has one not very pleasant feature, he does not miss moisture and steam. So, if you leave the walls without attention, mold and fungus will begin to grow on them sooner or later.

If the walls are old and have plenty of cracks, then all these cracks need to expand and well clean up until the bottom of the bottom, because it is often the disputes of molds that are often saved. The usual Bulgarian is best suited for this purpose. After stripping, all irregularities are sweeping. There are now quite different putty on the market, although I personally did not bother myself with this problem, I just took and smelled all the alabaster.

Further, the instruction instructs to treat walls and ceiling by complex primer. But high-quality soil of comprehensive action is expensive. And then, it is designed to prepare for, in this case we only need to protect the surface from unwanted vegetation. Therefore, B. budget variant It is possible to do with a five percent solution of copper mood.

Option number 1. glue panels on walls and ceiling

Such a trim of loggia PVC panels is considered the easiest and accessible to self-mount. The main requirement, without which this option is impossible, this is an absolutely smooth surface of the base. If you have a concrete slab on top and it often does not occur with it, then not every balcony in our homes can boast of perfect walls.

Align the walls for gluing plastic on them makes sense only if the use of the useful space deficit is acute. The fact is that both financial investments and labor costs for such arrangement are significantly higher. frame option Installation.

The second underwater stone is maintainability. It is not difficult to guess that if you plan the planks on quality glue, to tear them quite problematic.

If you have not frightened such difficulties, then step-by-step instructions in this technology will be more than simple. As an adhesive composition, as a rule, the "Liquid nails" adhesive or dry mixtures from the Ceresit brand is used. By the way, the surface of the walls and the ceiling of deep penetration will have to be applied to gluits.

"Liquid nails" are implemented in tubes and applied with construction pistol. And Ceresit after bringing working condition, i.e. mixing with water, flashes on the wall with a toothed spatula with a depth of tooth from 5 to 12 mm. It all depends on how flat you have.

Start the salary is better from the ceiling. The planks are mounted across the balcony, it is non-sharply, but so much easier. The first fittings are mounted. Then the base is flawed with glue, the planks are slightly bent, are inserted into the groovers, glued and put together in a solid carpet.

But one of my friend found a phenomenal, in my opinion, the decision. No wonder they say that all ingenious simply. He did not mess around with adhesives for a long time, but used for mounting two-way foamed tape. The thickness of such a tape fluctuates in the area of \u200b\u200b4 mm and if the curvature of the basis does not exceed this value, then this option is suitable for you.

Initially, the tape is glued under the guide enclosure. Further, in step of about half a meter, I mount it onto the walls and the ceiling, it is possible more often, but not less often. After that, start the bar in the groovers of the guides and connect to the characteristic click with the previous bar. And only then pull the upper, protective layer from bilateral scotch.

Plastic for the balcony is a light and foamed tape completely, it is quite possible to hold it for a long time on the walls and on the ceiling. Not so long ago, this acquaintance decided to change the cladding and, according to him, the plastic from Scotch was very problematic. Plus, in this embodiment, the replacement of the damaged plank will not be difficult.

If you decide to take advantage of the board and mount the plastic facing on bilateral construction scotch, then keep in mind, the scotch will not hold on to the whitelle or on any other water-emulsion paint. He needs a dense and rigid surface. In this case, the tile, smooth concrete or oil paint fit well.

Option 2. Old kind dolet

The doomle is currently deserved considered the most universal option. Judge yourself, if you qualitatively and competently mounted the crate under the plastic, then in the future you can easily replace the plastic panels, for example, on good lining or upscale siding. After all, all these materials are also mounted on the crate.

Here you will have to choose. The lamp can be wooden or metal, assembled from galvanized UD and CD profiles. These are the most profiles that you probably had to see under drywall.

I will now stop on the crate of wooden bars. Not to say that the metal is mounted much more difficult, you just need experience there. Anyone will be able to work with a tree, even quite far from such technologies a person, the main thing that he is not afraid of the hacksaws and drills.

Now you can buy special guides under the lamp for plastic panels. They are a bar, inside which moves a kleimer with a protruding tongue. The thing is very convenient, but compared to wooden design, Such pleasure will cost an order of magnitude more.

Planks should be dry and smooth, the fresh forest will not go, it may later be a story. As for the cross section of the bar, then the minimum is 30x20 mm. If you are going to arrange insulation under plastic, the bar is selected in the thickness of the insulation.

By the way, in this case, the insulation is best to use foam. Cut the sheets on the size of the niches, lay and bloom the gaps of the mounting foam. Extruded expanded polystyrenex (PESEROPLEX) at least 2 times more expensive, and under mineral wool it will be necessary to install waterproofing separately, as it is afraid of moisture.

Initially, the starting bar is mounted around the perimeter of walls and ceilings, that is, in all corners, plus around the window and door openings. After that, the intermediate bars are installed horizontally in step to half a meter.

Fixed blocks by anchors or dowels "quick installation". And do not forget to impregnate the wood in advance by any protective composition, cheaper to use for these objectives to work out machine oil or olif.

As in the case of gluing, the first fittings are mounted. As for the installation specifically, it can be done in three versions.

  • It is easier and easier to use a building stapler. Moreover, it is suitable for both installation of fittings and for fastening the panels themselves. But here will have to buy the stapler itself;
  • I like to fix similar things with flew (small screws). It is so easiest to dismantle the cladding if necessary;

  • The third option is a carnation of 20 mm. But I do not advise you. Carnations go well under the installation of wooden lining. In the case of plastic, you should miss you all over a hat and a barn bar, you will need to change.

Then everything is as usual. We start from the nearest angle. Almost all similar types of facing are mounted on the principle of spike-grooves. So, the spike of the first plank starts in the groove of the starting profile and behind the plank is attached to the wooden guide.

After that, the remaining planks are mounted in the same way. If you ever had to see how the lining or siding is assembled, then the principle is the same.

Theoretically plastic can be mounted vertically, horizontally and diagonally. But how much I saw and heard, plastic for the balcony is attached exclusively vertically. Accordingly, wooden guides should be placed horizontally, in other words, perpendicular to plastic plars.

Many have problems with the installation of an extreme plank in a row. There is nothing complicated there. The bar is cut along, with such a calculation so that it does not take about 10 mm before the stop.

Now you will need an assistant. It will be necessary to take 2 thin metal spatula. Bend the edges of the upper and lower start guides at the same time, then insert the cropped bar and plug it up to the angle.

When she takes her place, it will need to move to the spike to go into the groove. No need to worry about the resulting clearance, the starting profile width is about 20 mm, which means that he will reliably cover this gap.

In working with plastic there is one very important moment. Polyvinyl chloride is inclined to temperature deformations.
In other words, when heat becomes, plastic expands, and when it is cold, it is compressed. It is necessary to consider this when you will measure and cut off the planks. For a balcony, the so-called damper clearance is left at 5 mm.


September 24, 2016.

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Before you go to purchase plastic panels for finishing your balcony, prepare all required tool and materials. It depends on such trifles how quickly you will handle repair and how much money will spend.

So, in order to make conceived repairs on the balcony, do not do without the following tools and devices:

  • hacksaw or stationery building knife;
  • level, square and ruler;
  • drill with a drill;
  • construction stapler, screwdriver or screwdriver with self-drawers;
  • electrical tester (to check the voltage on the network).


Building materials on the market today Great set: it is wooden lining, and polyvinyl chloride panels, and sandwich panels, and MDF panels, and moisture-resistant plasterboard, and more whole line other materials, but most often do the correct installation of most of them - the case is not easy, and for only experienced professionals.

Yes, and cost building materialsusually high enough. If you give advice for most ordinary owners who know how to handle the tool and carefully spend money, then for the internal decoration of the balcony right choices PVC will become panels.



Simply put, this material is called plastic. For a loggia or balcony, such a finish can become a real decoration, and this is the more important, if at the expense of the balcony, it was decided to increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. Beautiful and high-quality balcony plastic finish - the phenomenon is very common, and this contributes to a number of factors.

Dignity of material

  1. Availability.First of all, the decoration of the balcony with plastic panels will be quite affordable for money for the average family.
  2. Ease of installation. A second factor that has no less important can be called relatively affordable and simple installation of panels, which can be performed independently. Moreover, when installing with your own hands, you have the opportunity in the future easy dismantling if such a need for a need for a fragmentary repair of one of the coverage sections will arise.
  3. Durability. Plastic panels have a long durability, they are guaranteed to be operated and 25, and even 50 years. Plastic panels relate to environmentally friendly materials, are not subject to the process of rotting, they are not afraid of the effects of any aggressive detergents or random to enter their surface of the chemical.
  4. Quality. Plastic refers to high quality materials: it will not be fused if directly directly affect him sun raysSo, the material that will remain in your reserve will always be renovating some kind of section of the finish, and there will be no difference in the tone.
  5. Practicality. Despite what looks like wall coatingAs a monolithic material, the gaps for ventilation in it are available, and this fact does not allow you to make fungus or mold under it.
  6. Ferry structure. Due to the cellular structure of the panels, enhanced sound insulation and thermal insulation are provided. In addition, the product is antistatic and therefore does not attract dust to its surface.


Another big plus of plastic panels is that they have the widest coloring palette, tones and drawings.

Cons of material

The material that would have only worthy of virtues, and did not have a single shortage, until they still invented (if it is generally possible). Here and the PVC panels for finishing the balcony are also not a versatile option.

  1. Mechanical damage. Instability to mechanical exposure is the main and undisputed minus plastic coating. If the panel is accidentally hit by something hard or sharp, it will easily break. In addition to this, it will not stand and relatively small, but point pressure - in this place the material is deformed outside. In such cases, the position can only be corrected by a complete replacement of the spoiled panel.
  2. Toxic. If there is a fire inside the room with a decoration of this material, then the melted plastic will fill the room with toxic substances, although this disadvantage today has the overwhelming part of the materials.
  3. From a psychological point of view. Human psychology is so arranged that it is customary, since the material is so inexpensive, it will not prestigious to use it if we are talking about the elite repair in the room.


How to choose?

  • Cost. It is often possible to face allegations like that good cheap does not happen, but it does not mean that the material for decoration should choose the most expensive. The choice should always be reasonable.
  • Quality. Unfortunately, there are manufacturers who are unfair referred to their work. They can, for example, to move in composition with the content of the chalk in it, and then the panel will turn out to be strangers, and when trying to do it just burst.
  • Elasticity. Try the finger to put pressure on the surface of the plastic. The dent was easily formed and it does not pass - the material is too thin and the balcony is not suitable for finishing. The plastic of the quality necessary in this case should be solid and elastic, only in this case the service life will be quite long.

  • Stiffening rib. Pay attention to the roof of the inner rigidity. It is necessary to take the bar and from the end to squeeze it with your fingers. In the event that, under the influence of your fingers, the inner roam of the panels broke down, and the plank went, then this is the most real marriage. If the product is performed qualitatively, it will not happen, only a small deformation of the Ryube is allowed.
  • Dimensions. Planks are different in length and width, and it also affects the cost of the product. A threshing strap can cost much cheaper, because it is already shorter than a thin line.
  • Front side. If manufacturers in the manufacture of panels were occupied not with quality, but savings, and front side It turned out too thin, then when examining a plank at an angle, you will see the awesome ribs of stiffness, and this is also a clear marriage.

  • Color. PVC panels are available in a wide variety of color and size. The most practical panels include panels of light shades, as they visually increase the closer space of the loggia or balcony. Transparent panels for interior decoration are not suitable, but sometimes they are used instead of window glass.

From colorful and dark slats it is better to refuse, but the panel with any image will look attractive, creating on the balcony amazing designwhich will suit any atmosphere.

You should alert the material of the grayish color - this happens if the plastic is cast using recycling.

In addition, if you decide to purchase a lot of plastic panels, you need to make sure that they all belong to one party. If the parties are different, your balcony may not work out in one-time.

About Montaja technology

Work on the decoration of the balcony using PVC panels - the lesson is quite simple. Guided by this step-by-step instruction and having a desire, such work can be accessible to any owner. All work is divided into certain stages:

  • Adhesive. To such a finish method, when the plastic panel is mounted directly to the balcony wall, resort in the event that they want to save useful Square. Yes, some are done exactly, but this method has a lot of drawbacks, and therefore experts will never advise you. There are many reasons for this: it is not necessary to talk about the insulation of the premises in this case; stick panels only on absolutely smooth wallSo it will be necessary preliminary preparation; After the entire panel is planted for glue, as it is provided for this method of installation, to repair in the future any fragment of the surface will not work.

We carry out the installation step by step

Preparing the walls

Carefully view balcony walls over their entire surface. We are looking for visible cracks and defects from which we safely get rid of. In this case, it is best to use a grinder - the crack is expanding and completely cleaned, and then we close the waterproof shtakula.

The next step will be a primer of the surface using a protective composition with sealing and antiseptic qualities. Such solutions today are available on sale in a large range, but if we talk about the budget version, then you should use the PVA apple. It has an affordable price, a little less frequently than glue, and the quality is permissible.

Mount the doom

For the root, as a rule, wooden slats are always used. If the premises are raw, it is recommended a metal profile, but its installation requires certain skills, and for the price it is more expensive than wood.

Make the installation of a good doom is very important, because it gives you the opportunity to get rid of plastic at any time if, let's say, you have the opportunity to replace it on more expensive material. Moreover, the thickness of the new facing can be any.

Before mounting, the rail should be processed. For this, used protective composition - You can take the same putty PVA, and you can handle the rails motor Oil. Attach the bar should be attached using dowels or long self-tapping screws to which plastic sleeves are put.

Immediately rake to the wall do not fully attract, because it still has to fit it with the help of a vertical level, and it may well be that under the rail will still need to put the gasket.

According to the classics, rails are stuffed in 40-50 centimeters, but there is one subtlety here: they should be confused at the knee level, at the level of the belt and at the level of shoulder. This trick is dictated by an experienced way, because it is in these places most often plastic can be sold if it is blocked.


When the guides are attached, the dowel must be immersed in the wall of the centimeter by 3-4 (without taking into account the layer of plaster). In the thickness of the rails are selected in accordance with the type and thickness of the insulation.

About insulation

Warming immediately before finishing makes sense when you have double-glazed windows from metal plastic (or you plan to do this). Therefore, the insulation is mounted immediately, otherwise then you will have to dismantle the entire design.

The most running insulation for the balcony is made of foam. It is inexpensive, the moisture is not scary to him and he is quite acceptable by density. It is possible, of course, as insulation in this case, use and extruded polystyrene foam, but at a price it is more expensive, but it is better in density and on technical data.

Such popular insulation, as mineral woolHere is not suitable for the reason that, in this case, do not do without additional waterproofing. If this is not done, as soon as moisture falls on your cotton, it will lose its insulation.

Foam installation - a simple matter: Polyfoam should be placed tightly between the guides, and in the gap blew mounting foam. Attach the foam leaf itself on the wall is not necessary, because it will be in the subsequent mount directly plastic.

For regions with a warm climate, you can advise as a heater to use the foil foam, but it is mounted on the wall and to the ceiling before installing the root.

Mount panels

Separate the inner surface of the balcony using PVC panels, begin with the fact that we mount the guides. They differ in their intended purpose and are P-shaped (this is an initial profile), n-shaped (used for increasing the short strip), F-shaped (help to hide the cavity that the plastic bar and the surface), L-shaped, as well as angular , ceiling and outdoor (plinth) - they are all attached in place.

It is most convenient to mount the guides, of course, building staplerBut they are suitable for this purpose and self-tapping screws having a sealing washer. In the extreme case, it is possible to use nails, but this is the most uncomfortable option.

Usually, at the final stage overhaul apartments interior surfaces The balcony is cured with plastic panels. This allows you to make a balcony not only an attractive look, but also use it as a residential premises.

Among many pVC features Panels, a significant advantage is simple installation. Enough small skills in construction to with step by step instructions Make high-quality trim.

Advantages of PVC panels

Construction material from polyvinyl chloride (PVC) Specialists are called plastic.

For its intended purpose, two varieties of material are distinguished on the market:

  • wall panels - Different with durability and low flexibility. Thanks to such qualities, they are not afraid of heavy loads, therefore, they withstand the weight of a small locker or shelf;
  • ceiling panels - have low strength, as they should withstand only their own weight. Sold at a lower price than wall panels.

Depending on the size of the plastic panels relate to one of the groups:

PVC panels are popular with balcony owners thanks to such features:

  • when installing does not need a special tool and does not need large skills in construction. Works are simplified due to low panel weight. In addition, there is no need for high-quality surface preparation;
  • under the trim from the panels, communications are easily hidden;
  • improved thermal and sound insulation of the room;
  • uncomplicated replacement of damaged sites;
  • simple care, a sufficiently damp cloth wipe surface;
  • preserved an attractive view - more than 20 years;
  • environmental safety is ensured by the absence of toxic components;
  • a large selection of color and textured options for creating a unique interior;
  • affordable price.

Calculation of the number of panels

Before buying is calculated the right amount panels, depending on the size of the balcony.

When calculating, a number of features are taken into account:

  • at panels different width. With a complex configuration of the walls, narrow models (10 centimeters) are purchased, and a medium-sized model is better suited for conventional cladding of the ceiling and walls (25 centimeters);
  • for a glazed and insulated balcony, panels are suitable for any width, and a narrow plastic will fit the insulated balcony for not a warmed balcony, since it is better to withstand temperature fluctuations;
  • the panels are produced by a maximum length of 6 meters.

The best thing, for the finishing of the standard balcony, the panels are suitable for 2.5 meters long.

The number of panels for the ceiling and walls is calculated in different ways:

  • the ceiling - the area is measured and divided into the width of the panel;
  • walls - the perimeter of the balcony is measured and multiplied to the height of the ceiling. The resulting area is divided into the width of the panel. The opening area is usually not excluded from the calculations, as it is required to have a stock in case of an assumed error.

1. If during the calculations, a fractional number of panels will be, then rounding to an integer is performed in the most side.

2. Before work, a stock of two panels is created.

In addition to panels, during trim, various finishing elements are installed.

  1. Starting profile - with a form in the form of the letter "P". The mounting of the panels begins with the installation of such an element.
  2. Finish profile - with a form in the form of the letter "F". Laying panels ends with such an element.
  3. External angle - used when the walls are trimmed with a direct outer angle.
  4. Inner angle - used when the walls are trimmed with a direct inner angle.
  5. Universal angle - Used to close the jacks in the corners. Usually has a decorative look.
  6. Connecting profile - with a form in the form of the letter "N". The element is used to build panels in length.
  7. Ceiling plinth - stacked along the joints of the ceiling and wall panels. As a rule, it is used in conjunction with connecting corners.

Choosing elements of doomles

For laying PVC panels, one of the ways is selected:

A frameless way has a significant drawback that limits its use. With this attachment, you can not change the damaged panel. In addition, in this case it is impossible to lay the insulation that is necessary for the balcony.

In this regard, the balconies are usually trimmed with PVC panels. frame fashion. With this method, the root is mounted from various materials:

  • wooden rails - inexpensive and easily processed material. When special impregnation The material does not rot and does not burn. A significant drawback is a deformation when drying;
  • metal profiles - have increased strength and durability. A significant drawback is a high price;
  • plastic profiles - resistant moisture. Essential drawbacks are high cost and ability to withstand small loads. Most often, such profiles are used when the ceiling is trimmed.

Balconies are mainly used doom wooden Reques. With good, they do not wet, and therefore do not deform after drying.

For the root, the rails are needed with dimensions of 40x20 mm. Their number is calculated as follows:

  • measurements of the length of each wall and distance to the ceiling are made. The interval between the rails is selected up to 50 cm. After that, the distance to the ceiling is divided by 50 and is multiplied by the magnitude of the length of all walls. The resulting number is rounded;
  • measurement of door and window opening lengths are made. The resulting rack lengths are rounded and added to the resulting length for the walls;
  • additionally, two rails are mounted on each wall to the ceiling. Their total length is added to the value obtained earlier;
  • 5% of the lengths are added to the resulting total length of the ridges, which will be sought after trimming.

Preparatory activities

High levels of comfort and comfort after facing by plastic panels can be achieved when the glazing balcony has good sealing and insulated. There are such rules for preparing for the trim.

  1. Plastic windows are installed for glazing the balcony. They are in demand due to high tightness, durability and low prices.
  2. A foam or foamed polystyrene is preparing over the trim to insulate the balcony.
  3. Performed with mortar or mounting foam.
  4. And the fungus is necessarily removed, and the affected area is processed by a special composition.
  5. If the main walls are made on the balcony, they are dismantled, and the free space is closed with brick or other materials.

Installation of wooden dohes

The condition of the laid surface is largely depends on the root. Before installing it, the direction of laying panels is selected. Without a doubt, horizontal panels visually increase the width of the balcony, and the vertical panels increase its height.

The feature of the root installation feature is: for horizontal panels, the planks are attached vertically, and for vertical panels are attached horizontally.

Experts believe that the most convenient installation, when the walls are squeezed vertically, and the ceiling across the balcony.

Wooden doom is mounted in the following order:

  • the markup of the ceiling and walls is performed;
  • reiki are cut into size, and the fasteners are drilled in them;
  • in terms of the level, starting from the corners, the rails on the walls and on the ceiling with a step of 50 cm are attached. The first rail is installed at an altitude of 30 mm from the floor. Be sure to need rails around the perimeter of the door and window outlook. Fastening is recommended to perform dowels;

Installation of panels

The balcony, covered with plastic panels, looks attractive if complied with general rules Installation:

  • each panel is reliably fixed in the groove of the previous panel to a characteristic click;

Step-by-step balcony is made as follows:

  • the first ceiling is trimmed. Initially, a starting profile is installed around the perimeter. In order not to skew panels, the installation is regulated by level;

  • the entire surface of the ceiling is sequentially isolated;

  • the panels are cut in size and fit with the starting panel, and then, together. In this way, the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe walls is covered;

So that the surface of the surface looked monolithic and had an even look, mounting work Performed gently and without a rush.

So, to make the lining of the balcony from plastic panels does not represent much work. It is no secret that any repairs in the apartment requires financial costs. The cost of repair will significantly decrease if the balcony finishes to perform in such material.

To secure information, look at our video instruction: