How to drop the room without electricity. Device and operation

You are the owner of a country house, where the main gas is not supplied, and the electrical networks are not designed for greater load, hence the dedicated limit of 5 kW for all needs. More variation on the topic: You are a rural resident of Ukraine, where the cost of blue fuel jumped to 7.2 UAH. (0.3 y. E.) For 1 m³, so it is not possible to use it because of low income. There are other, more complex situations.

With this situation, you are faced with the task of ensuring the heating of a private house without gas and electricity, it is desirable - economical. Let's determine alternative methods of heating and examine all the nuances associated with their implementation.

Options for heating without the use of electricity and gas

To list all the ways how you can warm vacation home Or a cottage, we assume that the electricity is still served there. An enterprise has a small limit of power consumption (3-5 kW), which does not allow electricity to make the source of heat, but the opportunity to connect the heating equipment. With a detailed study of each option, we highlight those that do not require the use of the power grid.

Houses located on the severity often not gasified

So, if there is no gas and electricity (sufficient power), then the home heating can be organized in the following ways:

  1. Put the furnace or a solid fuel boiler connected to the water heating system. As an energy carrier, use firewood, coal, fuel briquettes or pellets.
  2. Arrange an autonomous heating with liquefied propane from ramp with cylinders or a Gazgolder. The source of heat will serve as a conventional gas boiler or convectors, heating rooms with warm air.
  3. Use for heat to heat diesel fuel and waste oil by setting the appropriate equipment.
  4. To draw energy from renewable natural sources, applying solar collectors and a heat pump for alternative heating of a country house.

Note. Unfortunately, almost all of the specified ways become useless when you need to solve the question than to drop apartments. We will have to do without liquefied gas and firewood, but about liquid fuel And there can be no speech. Output one - economical heating with electricity with infrared heaters or thermal pump The air-air type (in the southern regions, inverter air conditioning will come down for it).

Options for flat equipment for apartments

We highlight the sources of heat that do not require the connection to the connection to the house power grid:

  • wood stoves metal and brick, fireplaces;
  • solid fuel boilers equipped with a mechanical thrust regulator and working together with a gravitational (samotane) heating system;
  • non-volatile outdoor boilerscapable of functioning on liquefied gas and connected to a water samotane system with radiators.

To implement other methods, electricity is needed, albeit in small quantities. If you do not take into account various homemade devices, To burn diesel fuel, you need a burner with a pump and a fan that is fed from the network. The same is the case with all thermal pumps and TT-boilers with forced submission air, including pellet. Now consider ways to consider how to dig a country house or a cottage, if there is no gas and the supply of electricity is limited.

Solid fuel combustion

One of the most common methods to organize home heating without gas is the use of coal, firewood and briquette, compressed from various bottles of biomass (sawdust, straw, sunflower husks, needles and so on). To burn them and get the required heat volume, a variety of furnaces and boilers are applied. The first is designed for direct air heating in the premises, the second work with water systems - radiators or warm floors.

The easiest option is to put a pretty metal furnace

Amendment. In the room where the wood or coal stove is placed, heat is distributed not only by the convective path of air, but also with the help of infrared radiation that is released by it by disintegration walls.

The heating stoves are three types: steel, cast iron and brick. Positive nuances of their operation are as follows:

  1. Arrange heated house steel or cast-iron stove Cheaper and easier. To install and launch it is not necessary to invite masters, everything can be done with your own hands.
  2. Stationary brick oven is able to heat several rooms, accumulating a large amount of heat in the thickness of the walls.
  3. Any of these heat sources can be accommodated for cooking, drying clothes and shoes.
  4. The device of many stoves is provided in the water circuit mounted in the formation of a tank or a coil connected to several radiators located in the neighboring rooms. There is a moment: for the movement of the coolant, it is necessary to lay the pipes of the increased diameter with the observance of the slope (samotane system) or put circulation pump.
  5. Firewood and coal are the cheapest fuel among all energy carriers, so heating costs are acceptable for most homeowners.
  6. The ovens do not need electricity at all.
Brick stove gives a pleasant healthy warmth, but it is not easy to build it

Note. It is impossible to exclude such a source of heat as a woodchain. True, it is enough for heating only one room in which he is.

Not without negative:

  • the furnace heating of a private house without gas is a ring and carrying firewood, their loading and daily cleaning from ash;
  • to work the heater requires chimney with a good natural burden;
  • metal stoves are unable to warm up large country cottages, there are enough power, except for the country house or 1-2 rooms;
  • construction brick oven - The pleasure is not cheap, but the place for it must be foreseen at the stage of designing and building a building.

It should be borne in mind that the brick oven is being built on the foundation

Heating stone or wooden house Through a water system with a solid fuel boiler, more economical, since the efficiency of these aggregates is higher (75% against a maximum of 60% of the stoves). Due to this, the duration of burning from one fuel laying is increasing, plus the issue of complete heating of the building spread through rooms with heating devices was resolved. From here there is an opportunity for heating of large areas of the house in the absence of gas and regulating the intensity of the heating of the premises.

TT-boiler with a mechanical thrust regulator in work

The rest of the TT-boilers inherit the features of the work of the furnaces. They also need chimney, periodic cleaning and loading new portions of firewood and coal. If we compare the cost, then solid fuel boiler Together with the system occupies an average position between the purchase of a metal stove and the construction of a brick.

Important moment. Water truck, working on firewood or briquettes, can be installed in any caught house. With a lack of place for the building, an extension is made, where heating equipment is installed.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the automatic pellet boilers, significantly simplifying the life of the homeowner, because it is necessary to clean them and add fuel once a week. Another thing is the price of equipment and fuel, and also - increased electricity consumption. In addition to automation, in such heat generators such electrical installations are involved:

  • the engine of the feed screw;
  • fan electric motor - supercharger or;
  • heating element used for automatic ignition pellets.

Automatic pellet or coal boiler - an excellent choice, but he also needs electricity

The listed elements are installed in the pellet burner and in total consumes of the order of 500 W, which is essential for the private house without gas and with a limited limit for the use of electricity. On the other hand, pellet boilers are more efficient and more economical than usual (efficiency - 80% against 75%), and their operation is more comfortable and safe (automation will not give the unit to boil). The question is the financial capabilities of the homeowner and the magnitude of the allocated limit of electrical power.

Heated with liquefied gas

Immediately disclaim that in the absence of a main gas and electricity, it is not profitable to use this flammable in all countries of the former USSR. If the Russian prices of liquefied propane still allow them to give them at home, then in Ukraine this method Almost anywhere does not apply, because the fuel is too expensive. The exact layout at the cost of heating with different energy carriers you can see.

To work on propane, any gas heat generator will suit, only the walls will have to be connected to the power grid.

For burning propane-butane mixture, you will need a conventional gas boiler, it is desirable non-volatile in the outdoor execution so as not to connect electricity to it. Accordingly, the heating system is water gravitational with expansion Baku open type. Gas is supplied to the boiler in two ways - from ramps with cylinders or a large underground capacity - Gazgolder.

When installing and operating equipment, you will encounter the following moments:

  1. Installation of a gas ramp with cylinders (it takes a minimum of 4 pieces) will cost inexpensively, but cash spending will have to compensate for labor costs. For permanent accommodation You warm up with the carriage and refueling of the cylinders much more than if you snap the house to firewood.
  2. Mounting Gazgolder - event cost. But as a result, you will receive autonomous heating without connecting to the gas highway.
  3. Liquefied propane - no less efficient and comfortable energy than natural gasand gives the same benefits during the operation of the equipment.

Methods for supplying liquefied fuel to heat generator

Council. Heating with cylinders is better to organize in a small summer cottage, where you are hitting and live for 2-3 days. Our experienced expert in his video will tell more about all the nuances of using liquefied gas.

Diesel fuel - more minuses than pluses

As a rule, the burning of diesel fox and waste machine oil is realized in situations where the private house has nothing more. Sometimes this option is used as temporary until the built house is not yet connected to the natural gas highway. In this case, you buy a universal gas boiler temporarily equipped with a diesel burner.

The unpopularity of liquid fuel as an energy source for the heating of private housing is due to such reasons:

  • economic heating at home with a saline - the concept is unreal, since the price of fuel is quite high;
  • diesel burners are decent money and do not function without electricity (we do not take into account all sorts of homemade homemagemm masses);
  • liquid fuel is dirt and smell in the boiler room, no matter how hard to keep it clean;
  • due to the low quality of fuel, equipment must often be serviced, and with the help of qualified personnel.

Heated country cottage diesel boiler Buderus

For reference. if you have reliable supplier Exhaust oil at a reasonable price, then you can try to make a burner of Babbington yourself, saving on the purchase of equipment. Manufacturing instructions - in.

So, the diesel engine is not economical option, but in some situations it can help. It is better to organize such heating than to leave the house without heating.

Alternative sources of thermal energy

The first thing comes to mind when country cottage There is no gas or electricity - to organize in some way the generation of electricity. For example, to establish solar panels and a wind power plant capable of providing all the needs of the private farm and serve as a power source for any boiler. But such a project you are unlikely to master alone because of the decent cost of equipment and work on its installation. Is that you manage to connect to the implementation of the project still dozen neighbors.

Generation free electricity With the help of windmills and solar panels will require significant investments

A more real version of alternative heating is to use a heat pump. This brainchild of advanced technologies is widely used in Western Europe and the United States, but in the post-Soviet space it is not available to everyone. Cause - Again the high price. The principle of operation of the pump is similar to air conditioning: thermal energy is extracted in one place (from natural sources) and moves to another (inside the private house).

There are 4 varieties of thermal pumps that we point together with the cost of equipment:

  1. "Air - air." It acts exactly as a household split-system that is heated. Question price - from 1800 y. e., plus a minimum mounting of 150 y. e.
  2. "Air - water." It differs from the previous version in that the thermal energy, taken away from the outside air, is transmitted to water into the heating system. The cost of installing average quality - from 2000 y. e., Installation - about 1700 y. e.
  3. "Water is water." These aggregates heat the coolant in the house due to energy taken from groundwater or nearby reservoir. More or less reliable equipment will cost you 3000-3300 y. e., and the cost of installation depends on the number of wells, the remoteness of the reservoir and other factors.
  4. Geothermal installation "Earth - Water". Here, the outer contour from the pipes delivers heat to the house from the depths of the Earth, heating the heat carrier for heating. The most reliable and expensive system, the price starts from 8000 y. e., Installation - minimum of 2000 y. e.

Contours from pipes (left) take away thermal energy Earth and water, and the installation (right) sends it to heating at home

The focus is that to move thermal energy to these aggregates, electricity needs anyway. To get 3-4 kW of heat and send it to heating, it is necessary to spend 1 kW of electricity.

When the electric power limit on entering the house is limited to 5 kilowatts, then we can spend 3 of them for heating. The geothermal pump will give 12 kW of thermal energy, which is enough for the heating of a living area of \u200b\u200b120-160 m², not more.

For reference. When purchasing and operating thermal pumps at current prices, no payback of equipment is not taken into account, the subsequent economy of energy saves is taken into account. More information will give you our expert in your video:

Finally, let's say a few words about how to dig a private house with solar collectors. These are groups of glass tubes with the heat carrier under the coolant, which are heated from the infrared radiation of the Sun. Unfortunately, such installations cannot act independently and that's why:

  • at night, the sun is absent, there is no heating of the coolant;
  • in winter, especially in the northern regions, the energy of the Sun goes too little;
  • to move the coolant, the circulation pump operating from electricity will be required.

Connection diagram Solar collectors to heating system

Due to the listed causes, solar collectors are usually joined by pipes to special fittings of the buffer container, where they give the resulting heat. But the reservoir is heated from other sources (boilers, furnaces), so the outdoor temperature is enough to warm the house.


In the current conditions, the best way to fully heat the country house without gas and electricity - burn solid fuel in boilers or furnaces. The main role here is the combination of value heating Installations And prices of firewood, coal and other briquettes with pellets. Other options will cost more.

Economically beneficial energy carrier - firewood

Note that when choosing a heating equipment, there is a simple rule: the smaller the initial cash investments, the more bitter operation. Which of the homeowners wishes to organize super - economical heating in a cheap, must invest more work and time. Conversely, when buying and installing expensive thermal pumps, one concern remains with the owner of the house - sometimes monitor the temperature and control the operation of the aggregates.

Methods economic heating Private house without gas and electricity

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Unfortunately, even in the long-standing and quite "civilized" regions, there is no possibility to connect to a centralized gas highway, and therefore the question of how to organize heating in a private house without gas is quite relevant for many developers. Consider the most popular options, their strengths and weaknesses.

Furnaces and fireplaces - tribute tradition

The furnaces - one of the most ancient ways to warm up the house, and today are successfully used where there is no gas, but there is an opportunity to deal with inexpensive wood and coal.

Their closest relative fireplace increasingly performs a decorative function, but the furnace as a heating device did not lose its relevance, especially if heating without gas and electricity is planned. Here are the advantages of this system:

  • The cost of building the furnace and its maintenance is not too large.
  • Available for the price of fuel is available in the larger territory of the country.
  • The furnace and the fireplace fit perfectly into the "traditional" design, organically feel in the country interior, attach to the room.

The minuses include complexity in operation: the oven during the cold season it is necessary to trample every day (sometimes more than once), the chimney requires periodic cleaning. Unfortunately refer to the risk of poisoning carnant gas, high fire hazard and large dimensions of this structure, soot and harness, which eventually settle on walls and furniture, as well as uneven warming up of the room.

In our next material, a step-by-step instruction on the masonry of a brick furnace is presented :.

Solid fuel boilers: firewood, coal, pellets

Firewood and coal are used as fuel not only in the furnaces, but also in solid fuel boilers of various types. In addition, they use chip, sawdust, straw, pellets. The last form of "fuel", due to its environmental friendliness, becomes more and more popular as abroad, and we have granules (capsules) from compressed wood residues.

Solid fuel boiler, at the moment - the best replacement of the main gas

As a result of fusion burning, water is heated, which circulates in the heating system, due to this, and the rooms are heated. Such a system is quite safe and effective, but time-consuming operation reduces this dignity to no: multiple loading of fuel, regular cleaning of the combustion chamber, etc. - All this are unpleasant and tedious procedures.

Now solid fuel boilers are becoming more convenient: so many stop their choice on boilers with automatic fuel supply, the loading of which is carried out once a few days, or on pyrolysis boilershaving an unusually high efficiency.

Solid fuel boilers with automatic fuel supply, according to experts, are one of the best options to "arrange" the heating of a private house without gas.

Liquid fuel boilers: effectively and reliable

In terms of performance and characteristics, liquid fuel boilers were very close to the gas, a significant difference is only in cost and type of fuel, which is used for them: fuel oil, diesel fuel (diesel or kerosene), less often rapeseed oil. Here are their most important features:

  • Difficulties often occur upon delivery and storage of fuel, which is characterized by high cost and flammability.
  • When using these boilers, there is a need for an additional room - boiler room.
  • Diesel boilers "bypassed" everyone else by emission harmful substances The atmosphere, in addition, they need high-quality protective automation.
  • Liquid fuel boilers have an excellent efficiency.

With power up to 10 kW, for example, it is easily warm up the house with an area of \u200b\u200bup to 100 m2, so they are suitable even for large buildings. There are water-playing I. steam boilersMost of them differ compactness and simplicity of installation.

Overview of boilers with a description of the principle of operation, models and characteristics you will find in our article :.

Electricity - a decent alternative to gas

Electric boilers can be used both as the main and as a backup heat source. The second option is preferable, since the high cost of electricity makes this type of heating one of the most expensive. Their advantages:

  • They are environmentally friendly and safe, can be installed directly in the residential room.
  • Have a small size and easy easy.
  • They are simply mounted and not capricious in operation.

The use of electrocallo is possible only with reliable, modern power grids and a sufficiently large highlighted electrical power in the house. So, for heating a modest cottage in 100 m 2, a power of 10 kW will be required, the larger the size of the building, the amount of power above. Installation of a powerful boiler will require coordination with the Energonadzor authorities.

Compact and lightweight electric boiler can be installed in a residential room

Modern electric boilers allow you to establish an effective heating of a wooden house without gas. Houses from other materials require more "solid" equipment.

Compact, economical, durable and unpretentious modern electroconvectors are becoming increasingly popular as heating devices. Another option of additional heating is an electric warm floor.

Autonomous gasification: expensive pleasure

The heating of liquefied gas is exactly the option to be considered in special, exceptional cases: not only that fuel is quite expensive in itself, it is still necessary to establish a massive gas tellner, the cost of which depends on its volume, in general, gasification costs may be Pretty significant.

Heating with liquefied gas will require the installation of Gazgolder

You can, of course, use small cylinders for heating, but it is inconvenient for a variety of reasons, especially in large homes that live constantly, and not from time to time. Thus, autonomous gas systems can not be called a popular way to organize heating.

The energy of the Sun is one of the available alternatives.

As an addition to traditional methods, it is increasingly using solar collectors, which are a device for converting solar energy to thermal and serve to transmit its heat carrier.

solar collector serves to convert solar energy to thermal

While the heliosystems are still very dependent on natural factors, and therefore are not always effective, they have and other disadvantages:

  • high cost of mounting system and its maintenance;
  • it will take high quality and expensive building insulation to reduce possible heat loss.

And yet, solar energy is one of the available and most promising alternatives, which is no longer perceived as exotic.

Our next material presents recommendations for the assembly of a solar collector with their own hands :.

Geothermal heating - "Environmental" heat

One of the "fashionable" alternatives to traditional heating is the use of heat accumulated in the depths of the earth's surface. The system consists of a thermal pump and a collector, which is located in the ground or under water.

Geothermal heating is quite expensive

This "design" pays for no, but has a number of important advantages:

  • geothermal energy is renewable and environmentally friendly;
  • the system is characterized by high efficiency and durability.

This technology is already quite widely implemented abroad, we, by virtue of our high cost, is rarely applied.

Of course, the main gas today is the best option for organizing the heating of a private house, but we have convinced that there are plenty of other interesting optionswhich can be used both in the complex and independently of each other.

There are many ways to organize full-fledged heating in a household, in which there is no light and gas. In any case, without a gas pipeline, you can certainly do, while electricity is almost everywhere. But it is very expensive, the operation of such heating systems leads to wild expenditures. In this review, we will tell you how to create the heating of a private house without gas and electricity (in any case, with its minimum cost).

Main methods of heating

Warm house without heating - a few more decades ago it was fantastic. Today there are such houses, they are built using energy-saving technologies and a thorough approach to identifying heat energy leaks. The task of developers and builders is to maintain the heat inside the house and do not let it slip out. Solar collectors are as sources of initial thermal energy.

For most of the territory of Russia, building a house without heating is also difficult and because we have a rather cold country. A risk to a similar experiment can be somewhere in the southern regions. About the central strip and Siberia can not even stutter.

Build a house without heating is really possible. For this will have to:

  • Move to a suitable climatic zone;
  • Invest in consultation of specialists;
  • Invest money in the purchase of energy-saving building materials.

Costs will turn out to be high, for many of our compatriots they will become unlucky. After all, we think about heating without gas and electricity only for two reasons - no money for payment municipal services Or in the settlement there is really no main gas pipeline.

Alternative solutions

Let's figure out how to make alternative heating of a private house without gas and electricity. We can use:

  • Traditional gas boilers powered by a cylinder;
  • Gas convectors working on a balloon gas;
  • Solid fuel boilers different designsworking without electricity;
  • Liquid boilers operating on diesel or development;
  • Thermal pumps are quite expensive, but an economical method of heating (with low electricity costs).

Consider these options in more detail.

Why no electricity is good

Energy-saving heating without pipes, boilers and batteries is based on the fine infrared film of PLEN, laid for ceiling structures and wall panels. Infrared radiation generated by them warms the room, creating a comfortable atmosphere in them. This heating is obtained economical, which is typical for IR systems. But if you compare with conventional heating on natural gas, then expenses will be large.

To assemble the heating without pipes with your own hands, based on the film, is simpler simple - it is enough to mount it behind the walls and under ceiling structures, after which it is to ensure the connection to the power grid.

Heating systems on electricity are obtained simple in the installation, but expensive in operation. The same film pays off for several years, but the monthly costs of its work are poured into thousands and even tens of thousands of rubles, which depends on the area of \u200b\u200bhome ownership. Electro removers also allow you to do without boilers and pipes, but even being equipped with electronic thermostats, they are unable to reduce costs to an acceptable level. Therefore, we will tell about more economical methods of heating.

Use of boilers on liquefied gas

Almost any modern boiler is easily reconfigured to work with liquefied gas. If there is no gas highway in the settlement, then there is most likely a liquefied gas-propane. And it can be used to create a heating system based on traditional pipes and radiators.

By creating autonomous heating with your own hands, do not forget to reconfigure the equipment. To do this, you will need to replace the jets installed in the boiler. Also needed proper setting Heating equipment. And it is best to entrust this procedure to specialists. Next, we mount radiators in the rooms, laying pipes, carry out connecting works and enjoy the operation of heating.

It should be noted that the work of heating on liquefied gas is more expensive than if it worked on the main fuel. But still it is cheaper than electricity.

Gas convectors

The previous way is not entirely honest - no matter how much, but the gas is still used there. But the next type of heating also does not differ honesty - we again need liquefied gas and a little electricity. Create heating without pipes and boilers will help gas convectors. These compact heaters are equipped with autonomous gas burners warming steel or cast iron internal heat exchangers. Next, convection takes into account:

  • Cold air is sucked through the lower ventilation holes and heated by the heat exchanger;
  • Heated air masses rise to the ceiling, displacing cold air from there;
  • The procedure is repeated cyclically to full warm-up.

Controls the entire process of automation. True, it works from electricity, but consumes it in limited quantities - after all, it is not electric heating.

Full-fledged heating of a private house without gas and electricity is organized by solid fuel heating equipment. Some samples are really capable of working absolutely autonomously, without requiring gas cylinders and connecting to the power grid. It turns out that we produce heat without gas, simply and cheap - with the help of ordinary firewood. These firewood will be absolutely free, if they are able to in the forest, where full of fallen trees (we do not recommend illegal cutting)).

Heating at home without gas and electricity begins with the choice of a suitable boiler. Here it is necessary to pay attention to non-volatile models that can work autonomously. Their market is fully, the cost of adequate durable samples starts from a mark of 13-15 thousand rubles, but can be found cheaper. The power is selected in quadrature - for example, a 10-kW model can drop up to 100 square meters. m. Living Square.

The most simple wood boiler is able to work without gas and electricity in the autonomous heating system. But in this case you have to constantly monitor the amount of firewood in the furnace - the lamps burn quickly. Also need temperature control in the pipeline so as not to overheat the coolant. That is, automation here is practically no - the exception is the models with mechanical traction regulators.

Mechanical regulation of thrust cannot be adjusted to the heat capacity of the boiler in a wide range.

Automated equipment

Heat the room with automation of the combustion control of solid fuel will help the pyrolysis boiler. Lena combustion is combined here with the release of gaseous pyrolysis products. These combustible gases are burned in the afterburning chamber. Such a scheme increases the efficiency of equipment and allows you to adjust the incineration process. Most often, automation is implemented at the expense of the blowing fan - first and turn off, it provides the regulation of thermal power in the large range.

Another way to create a more efficient and convenient heating is to put a pellet boiler with automatic fuel supply. Being a well-equipped spacious bunker for pellets, he will be able to work for days, independently dosing the fuel supply to the combustion chamber. Such equipment operates in automatic mode - it is sufficient to set the desired temperature on the thermostat.

Liquid equipment

If you do not want to mess around with firewood, and there is no balloon gas in the village, there is an opportunity to implement automatic heating On liquid fuel - diesel or used oil. To do this, a liquid boiler is mounted in the heating circuit. It feeds from a container with a flammable installed in another room or beyond. Features and advantages of liquid boilers:

  • For their work, electricity is necessary - it feeds the nozzle and automation (minimum costs);
  • Fully automatic work - It is only necessary to monitor the presence of fuel in the tank;
  • No gas is required - the main thing is to find a source of inexpensive fuel;
  • There is no need for unnecessary service, which is characteristic of solid fuel technology - it is often necessary to clean the ash.

But there are disadvantages - to heat the apartment without electricity and gas using a liquid boiler, problematic. It's all about security, it is unlikely that someone will solve the operation of such equipment in the apartment. apartment house. It is best to use liquid boilers in private households.

Use heat pumps

Heating without gas and firewood, pipes and boilers are possible. But only with the use of electricity. We are talking about thermal pumps mining thermal energy from air, land and water. This burglar energy is assembled by special pipelines in the thickness of the soil or in the thickness of the water in rivers and lakes, after which it is sent to the thermal pump. At the outlet of the pump, we get lined heat.

To work such heating will require electricity. But it is consumed in limited quantities - up to 80% of heat is taken from the environment, which ensures reasonable savings. Heat can be submored airmized or through pipes with radiators. The disadvantage of heat pumps is their high cost - heating costs will be giant, farewell for limited in the user's tools.

Do not please the time for which the initial costs "will be" - can pass up to 15 years before the heating begins to work in a plus.


The cheapest option to create heating without gas and electricity is to apply wood boilers. Firewood is cheap, sometimes you can get it for free. Available solid fuel boilers will be able to provide absolutely autonomous operation throughout the heating period.


Heating a private house without gas and electricity can be equipped with everyone. Such heating sources may be needed to people who do not have a gas pipeline nearby, or those who just want to hold economical heating Private house without gas and electricity.

Some heating sources are able to provide full heat in the house, while others can serve as an additional one. Choosing one or another version of the heating equipment, you should carefully weigh all the advantages and disadvantages.

How to carry out the installation of heating in a private house, read . With the rules for installing the heating convector, you can read .

Autonomous heating without gas: ovens

The most affordable systems of heating of private houses without gas - furnaces. This is an excellent option for a private country house. The principle of operation of the heating system is simple: the coolant (as a rule, water) heats up from the fire and goes into radiators. The furnaces can be brick or metal.

The main advantages of the Heating System:

  • fast heating;
  • low financial expenses for installation and additional equipment;
  • durability;
  • creating incredible cozy atmosphere in the House;
  • modern design that does not violate the harmony of the interior.

From the disadvantages you can allocate:

  • bulkiness (furnace systems occupy a lot of space);
  • constant need for firewood;
  • high fire hazard;
  • the uneven heating in different parts of the room.

In the furnaces that are heated by firewood, you can also cook food.

Heating boilers without gas

Alternatively, there is a heating of the house without electricity and gas using solid and liquid-fuel boilers - aggregates similar to construction with furnaces. The modern market of heating equipment offers a wide range of various models of boilers developed by the latest technologies. Everyone can find suitable option for yourself. Heating boilers without gas work on solid and liquid stuel.

Solid fuel boilers

Most solid fuel boilers give heat from wood and coal. Solid fuel boilers are classic, pyrolysis and gas generator. The most reliable and, unfortunately, expensive are gas-generated boilers.

The advantages of solid fuel boilers include:

  • reliability and durability (serve more than 10 years);
  • efficiency of using raw materials for burning;
  • Efficiency more than 75%;
  • cheap fuel consumed.

It is important to choose the right fuel for boilers. For example, for pyrolysis models should buy raw materials of low humidity. In addition, it is necessary to regularly purify the aggregates from ash.

Liquid fuel boilers

Liquid fuel heating systems can operate on exhaust oil, synthetic, motor oils. The most common types of fuel are solard and kerosene. There are water heating and steam boilers on a liquid stuel.

Pluses of boilers on liquid fuel:

  • high efficiency (possibly heating a large house);
  • full autonomy;
  • comfortable operation.

Liquid fuel boilers have some drawbacks:

  • increased fire hazard;
  • expensive fuel.

The most compact steam boilers are easy to accommodate them even in a small house.

Autonomous heating without electricity: fireplaces

Additional options for heating a private house without gas - fireplaces. Standard air fireplaces are available available prices and simple installation. No need to connect the tank drive, bring the pipe and purned to thermal protection. All you need is a chimney building. For efficient work The fireplace is necessary to spend aircraft from it all over the house. Thus, it is possible to heat not only the room in which the device is located, but also other rooms.

A fireplace with a water contour is a kind of "Mix" of a solid fuel and a standard fireplace. Initially, it is mounted in the house, after which it is connected to general System Heating. Capacity with water, located in the middle of the fireplace, heats up with the burning of raw materials. The fireplace can be heated not only air in the house, but also water in the heating system, which is transmitted to radiators, heated floor, etc.

The pellet fireplace heats the air only in the room in which it is installed. The main advantage of the device is the automatic fuel supply. The fireplace requires only control over the amount of fuel pellets in the bunker.

Heating of the Big House with heat pumps

Modern heating of a private house without gas with the help of heat pumps will ensure the savings of financial resources for heating and heating water. The heat pump is a device that accumulates and gives heat using natural sources. Coolants may be groundwater, rock rocks, air, earth. For the operation of the heat pump, you will need 3 kW of electricity or solar panels.

Advantages of the pumping heating system:

  • high-quality and reliable equipment materials;
  • simple and economical operation;
  • the possibility of using as an air conditioner;
  • automatic control;
  • compactness.


  • high cost of equipment and installation;
  • a relatively short life (about 20 years).

Thermal pumps are suitable for effective heating Big house. Despite the expensive installation during operation, the device is very economical and does not require additional maintenance costs.

Solar collectors as an option of heating a private house without gas

Solar collectors have nothing to do with sunny batteries. The solar collector is a device consisting of a large number of pipes interconnected. Water flowing over them is heated by sunlight. Collectors are installed on the roof of the house from the south side.


  • energy efficiency (with small expenditures you can fill the big house with heat);
  • easy installation and use;
  • environmental Safety.


  • low efficiency of heat carrier warm-up (almost all collector models heat the water only to 60 °);
  • weather dependence (the efficiency of the unit decreases during rain and wind);
  • difficulties in maintenance (during frosts may occur).

Solar collectors About 90% of the heat reaching the surface of the earth with solar rays accumulate, and are modern autonomous heating without gas and electricity. Despite the disadvantages, the devices are very in demand from consumers.

Alternative home heating home without gas: infrared

Options alternative sources Heat, which is able to ensure the heating of a private house is not so much, as it seems at first glance. Many of them may somehow require energy costs, differing only by their volumes, features. functionality and other nuances. In any case, the heating of the house without gas and electricity is associated with money investments, so it will be quite difficult to find a cheap option.

Among the most reasonable alternative options You can select infrared heating.

Principles of operation and organization of infrared heating

So, consider the principle of operation of infrared heating. It lies in the fact that heat devices borrow energy in the sun. Outgoing waves heat the items, heat is transferred to surfaces, and they, in turn, warm the air indoors. The comfort begins to feel at 15 degrees. This heating uses different types heat panels. So to feel the action this type heating is enough to get out of the cool shadow under direct sun rays. Today infrared type Heating is applied at industrial enterprises and in industrial zones for heating large warehouses.

Species diversity of infrared heat

Today, the organization of infrared heating also uses the usual sources of energy, in accordance with which it is customary to classify infrared heating on:

  • radiant;
  • electric;
  • diesel;
  • gas.

In general, infrared is quite economical heating, allowing to provide a quick and less cost way to heat the premises. Infrared heating of radiant type is also an eco-friendly heating.

Preferential features of infrared heat transfer

The modern heating of a private house without gas is considered in the quality of the option using high-tech equipment, the cost of which, as well as installation and installation costs, make it uneconomical. In fact, systems are available, the installation of which can be carried out with their own hands, and the cost of structures and devices will further be justified by savings on the usual energy carriers, such as gas or diesel fuel. In general, the heating of the house without gas involves a lot alternative ways Heating room. So, if we compare the cost and installation of gas heating equipment with installation infrared panelsThe cost will be an order of magnitude less. In addition, it will provide an opportunity to avoid a number of bureaucratic procedures, such as checking premises and systems for compliance with regulations and obtain permits from different services.

At the same time, autonomous heating in the form of infrared panels is safe and environmentally friendly.

For a complete understanding of the principles and features of the work of infrared thermal equipment, We list a number of its main advantages:

  1. Infrared equipment does not spend the strength for heating air, and heats the items from which the room is heated;
  2. Such systems of heating of private houses without gas do not drown air and do not kill oxygen indoors;
  3. Radial systems do not assume installation of radiators, batteries and pipes, which allows you to preserve the useful space and do not damage the design of the room;
  4. Such options for heating at home without gas are quite economical;
  5. Safe for health;
  6. Do not require specialized services and care.

Types of infrared heating

At the moment, alternative home heating without electricity and gas is in demand and interesting to most of the homeowners. And all electrical infrared heaters used are divided into two groups: panel and film. A new product appeared on the market - wearing plasterboard panels. Her specialists allocate in a separate category. So you can already talk about three types of heaters.

According to the method of placing the heater, they are divided into outdoor, wall and ceiling. But as practice shows, they are rarely used separately, most often used combined options accommodation.

Varieties of electrical panels

Installation occurs during repair or construction workAnd at any stage. Externally, these devices are compact structures in solid metal housings. The heat heating occurs with the help of a tubular electric heater or heating spiral. Recently, more and more likely for these purposes, manufacturers use ceramic, tungsten or quartz tans. In the role of radiator of long waves, there is a plate of aluminum.

For ceiling heaters manufacturers produce special designs. Their feature is that they are embedded in the design of the ceiling, which makes them practically not visible on the ceiling background. You can also embed with the features of the operational characteristics of the room. For example, if you fix the heater over the seating area, while at the same time making it so that the site remains over the cabinet (wardrobe), you can achieve significant reductions in electricity costs.

Film heaters

These are the thinnest appliances among all heating devices. The heat elements from carbon are used as a source of radiation. The same film can be used as a ceiling, outdoor or wall heater.

A feature of this type infrared heater It is that it can be embedded in almost any decorative coating and not be afraid of overheating. Film installation options depend on which material will be used as a finish coating.

Usually the film heater is fixed on plasterboard. If the heater is installed under stretch ceilings, the film is fixed directly on the draft ceiling. The only requirement for the heater film and the ceiling finish remains at least 5 cm.

Novelty in heating - Heating plasterboard

Outwardly, this design, despite its novelty, is very simple - a sheet of plasterboard, on the back of which the heater is attached in the form of an electrically conductive carbon thread. The leaf itself from the heater is protected by electrical insulation, and the heater is covered with a solid coating of the polymer.

The novelty is appreciated by almost all interior designers, as it can be embedded in the interior so that no one will notice it. At the same time, the installation of the heating system itself is practically no different from the installation of ordinary plasterboard sheets. Most often, the novelty is used as a backup heat source for houses with central heating.

Choose the necessary type of infrared heating is best with professionals. They will make it taking into account the features of housing, its square and other parameters. Installation is also better to entrust professionals.

Scope of application IR

The advantage of these heaters is that they can be used in any room. Especially they are good for rapid heating country houses. Such panels are not afraid of freezing, and start working almost immediately.

In perfectly, they have proven as a heating system in greenhouses. After all, the heat allocated by these heaters is close in its properties to sunny, therefore the plants grow very quickly. The only one must take into account the distance from the device to landing. It is recommended as plants grow to move the device further.

Another direction of use is the heating of the garage. Especially if you use the zonal arrangement of heaters. In this case, you do not have to spend electricity for heating unnecessary sites at the moment.

What is the option of heating at home without gas to choose?

Summing up, it should be noted that truly full and safe are Heating systems of the private house without the use of gas and electricity in the form of solid and liquid fuel boilers. Other options serve as a rule, add-on to each other or to the main heating system.

Error the heating of a private house without gas with their own hands is not at all difficult. Alternative heating at home without electricity and gas always costs cheaper than gas or electric. Another weighty advantage is a high level of security.

The costs of heating any private house depends on the volume of heat loss, to reduce which can be used with the help of insulation of houses with modern thermal insulation materials.

On the modern market A variety of options are presented - ranging from solid fuel boilers for home heating and ending with thermal pumps. Most of the homeowners believe that heating the house with a gas boiler is profitable, but Forumhouse users know that under certain conditions it is not the most optimal solution.

Due to the permanent increase in energy prices and the high-cost connection, many developers are worried about the following questions.

  • Whether there is an alternative to the main gas;
  • What features can be from different heating systems;
  • How to calculate the price of a type of fuel;
  • It is profitable to use solid fuel heating systems;
  • How to warm the house with electricity and do not go broke;
  • Can a home thermal pump replace the traditional heating systems.

And the answers to these questions will help you to find experts and users of our forum!

The main criteria for selecting the heating system

The construction experience suggests that the autonomous heating of a private house is selected taking into account the set of factors: the degree of availability of a type of fuel, alleged monthly heating costs, climatic conditions Accommodation and heat loss building.

Highway the house in a temperate climate is one task, and completely different requirements are presented to the heating system in the regions with even a colder climate than in Moscow, and the multi-month heating season.

The effectiveness of the heating system of the house depends not only from the heat engineering characteristics of fuel and efficiency of the boiler, but also from constructive features Houses and degrees of its heat loss.

Bad insulated housing negates the work of the highest efficient heating system!

Therefore, the choice of the heating system and boiler equipment must be started at the design stage of your future at home. Any of experienced developers will agree with the statement that there are no little things here, and any error or defects can lead to expensive alterations.

First consider .

Alexander KhadyshskyHead of heating systems Companies "My Fireplace"

The choice of heating system, first of all, depends on which communications are connected to the house. If the main gas is already connected, then this choice of fuel usually ends, because At the moment, heating at home due to the main gas is recognized as the best solution.

It is also worth considering the convenience of operating the heating system with different residence modes: daily, output mode, one-time arrivals. Only after weighing all "for" and "against" you can choose the optimal option.

In the absence of a main gas, a process of home heating on, the so-called Gazgolder - a hermetic container, buried on the site and in need of periodic refueling.

Pluses of liquefied gas, like the main, it is a pure exhaust, the possibility of installing compact chimneys and small boilers for the nucleus.

With all the advantages, this system of autonomous heating at home has a number of shortcomings.

Anatoly Gurin General Director of the Company "House of Engineering Systems"

The main disadvantage of the Gazagolder includes: expensive installation, inconvenience of refueling, receiving permits, the need for periodic maintenance by highly qualified personnel. In addition, the Gazagolder takes a lot of space on the plot.

Igor Larin Leader "Boiler equipment" Wirbel

The choice of fuel, and therefore the boiler equipment depends on the extent of its availability in a particular region. If there is a main natural gas in the house, then the choice is obvious in its favor, if not - then it is necessary to evaluate the cost and availability of other types of fuel for heating in this area, based on this and install equipment.

Than replace gas

The advantages of the gas are well known, but they all leve away from an extremely high price of its summing up. Consider alternatives.

Liquid fuel

Diesel heating requires the installation of expensive and complex equipment.

It is necessary to find a place to install the container under fuel. Diesel fuel has a kind and not for everyone a pleasant smell. Also because of the permanent increase in hydrocarbon fuel prices, heating with diesel fuel is one of the most expensive ways of heating at home. Among the main advantages For this type of heating, the heating of the house can be highlighted with a high degree of automation of the boiler operation and the widespread prevalence of diesel fuel.


Electric boilers are easy to use, eco-friendly, safe and silent.

Alexander Khadyshsky

However, at low initial costs for the purchase of equipment, electricity is very expensive, and during interruptions with electricity supply, it is possible to stay without heating, and without hot water. Also electric boiler For home heating, it will be necessary to put a separate wiring, and if its power exceeds 9 kW - three-phase network in 380 V.

In addition to electrical boilers, there are heating devices such as electrical convectors and infrared emitters.

The pluses of heating with electrical convectors and infrared emitters include minimal initial costs and simplicity of equipment. You will not have to deal with the arrangement of boiler room or carry out heating pipes. It would seem - got the device out of the box, turned on and use. But, as practice shows, not everything is so simple.

Oleg Dunaev Engineer-builder

Well warmed house can be successfully dried electrical convector Only with sufficient electrical capacity.

  • high efficiency equipment;
  • ease of installation;
  • presentable appearance;
  • use of use;
  • the ability to program energy-saving modes.

The minuses include:

  • additional costs for high quality wiring;
  • increased requirements for the quality of electricity elements.

Unlike the electrocotel, to install a convector or any model of an IR-emitter, a pipe laying and the presence of a coolant are not required, as a result, the inefficient energy costs for heating water (coolant), boiler and pipes are reduced, heat loss is reduced.

Here are the main criteria for choosing such a heating system.

Oleg Dunaev :

- We choose this: the power of one convector is up to 1.5 kW (more - the fork is melted and the relay contacts are burning).

Programmer - with its power source (when the energy is turned off, settings are saved). By 10 sq.m. Square requires approximately 1 kW power convector.

Elektricity - 380V, 3 phases, permitted power - minimum 15 kW. Wiring with a cross section - 3x2.5 We pave selected converter lines and connect no more than three convectors per line.

The wall electroconvector is best suspended under the window of about 15 cm from the floor.

Heating on electricity is one of the most expensive ways of heating at home. It would seem that, cheap heating Electricity is a myth. However, the user of our forum Alexander Fedortsov (nickname on the forum Skeptic ) In its example refutes this statement.

Skeptic User forumhouse.

I independently built a skeleton-warmed house on the foundation of the UCP. First, on the project for heating a house of 186 sq.m. A solid fuel boiler was assumed. Thinking a little, I decided that I didn't want to become a fireman at all, but it is better to take advantage of the night tariff and warm the water in a reliable homemade heat accelerator with a volume of 1.7 cubic meters.

Water, heated for the night by electric tanks up to 50 C, it allows you to successfully warm the house in the winter months with a water warm floor system. And watch the temperature can be using a self-made regulator.

Alexander Fedortsov

I put the floor in the boiler room on a sheet of foam of the 35th density and a thickness of 10 cm. The heatacumulator is well insulated - 20 cm stone wati On the tank lid, on the walls - 15 cm. I can say that the cost of heating for December amounted to 1.5 thousand rubles. In January, she wound no more than 2 thousand rubles.

Solid fuel

Firewood, coal, fuel briquettes.

Alexander Khadyshsky

Boiler on solid fuel (Coal, Firewood) requires constant attention, practically turning his host in the Kochegar. Such structures can be used in places where neither gas nor electricity is supplied. They are the most affordable and distinguished by cheaper. When using solid fuel boilers, it is especially important to observe fire safety measures.

Igor Larin

The degree of autonomy in solid fuel boilers can be increased when used in the system buffer tank - heat accumulator. Thanks to the heat accumulated and the number of bookmarks in the boiler decreases.

On average, the operation time of the solid fuel boiler on one bookmark is at least 3 hours, the maximum is 12 or more hours. The thermostat controls the air supply to the combustion chamber, and the protection against overheating provides a special valve and heat exchanger of overheating.

When using solid fuel, the need to communicate with companies supplying and receiving permits for the installation of the boiler disappears. Everything is regulated by the SNIPS, which must be adhere to with the installation of heating equipment. Also follow the recommendations of fire safety manufacturers.

As a backup system of heating in case of disconnection of electricity, it makes sense to establish a multi-fuel boiler or combine several heating devices.

Alexander Khadyshsky

Auxiliary boiler is often used to increase the degree of automation of a solid fuel boiler, an electric boiler or a fireplace with a water circuit is connected to a chain.

Heating system In a private house, through combined boiler houses - expensive option. These types of boilers are combined at once three types of boilers - solid fuel, electric with a gas or diesel burner and are expensive from household boilers themselves. In case of disconnection of electricity, it is better to connect the source uninterrupted powerwhich will allow during the electricity shutdown period to continue the equipment to work up to 48 hours.

Igor Larin

It is possible to combine different instruments for heating the premises and even need, especially in such regions where fuel interruptions are possible.

Practical are systems where solid fuel boilers with wood fireplaces are combined, i.e. the system includes an additional heat generator (fireplace) that supports or accelerates the heating system.

The benefit from the use of multi-fuel boilers is to combine two types of fuel in one equipment. In a boiler with two fireboxes in one can burn solid fuel (firewood, coal, briquettes), and to another install the burner (diesel or pellet). Thus, a homeowner, depending on the situation, can choose a convenient type of heating.

Anatoly Gurin :

- The undoubted advantages of pellet heating include: autonomy, its cheapness relative to electricity and diesel fuel with propane. Among the minuses can be noted that it is necessary to find a place for warehousing Pellets.

And low-quality pellets due to incomplete combustion reduce the CPD of the boiler.

The boiler itself requires weekly attention, because It is necessary to clean the burner and fall asleep pellets.

The continuous operation of the boiler can be significantly increased due to the installation of an additional bunker for pellets.

In recent years, becoming more and more popular alternative heating systems Houses built on the basis thermal pumpand so on (see the scheme).

Anatoly Gurin

Principle of work - simple: heat pump tolerate warm air from the street to the house. The easiest way to present a heat pump as a refrigerator: freezer - in the ground, and the radiator is in the house.

Experience in using such a heating system shows that, spending only 1 kW of electricity, we get 5 kW heat.

Despite the fact that a similar heating system is known for more than a dozen years, many stop the high initial costs required during its installation.

The heating system is a long-term investment in your home, and lower initial costs are further leveled by a high fuel board and boiler room service.

Benefits from the use of the heat pump:

  • low, 5 times less than when heated houses electricity, ;
  • when circulating air from the street to the house there are no exhausts;
  • the system does not need maintenance;
  • autonomy of work: For the heat pump, only electricity is required, and when the electricity is disconnected, the heat pump can easily be powered by a benzogenerator.

How to understand what is more profitable to pump a house

The heating price consists of the cost of fuel. Universal fuel, equally suitable for each region or home, does not exist. Therefore, it is necessary to make calculation based on the specific situation.

There may also be a situation where gas should be held after 1-2 years. At this time, you can put the boiler on solid fuel and then install a gas burner in it.

Anatoly Gurin

It is necessary to choose the cheapest fuel in the region. It is that they will be most advantageous to trample a house. For an objective calculation, it is best to make a summary table, in which the types of available heat sources are displayed, the costs of them during construction, operating costs and service life.

In the long run, it is important to consider such a factor as the convenience of using heat source. Experience shows that whatever cheap fuel, its low price can cross the minimum degree of autonomy of the boiler and the increased degree of attention to the operation of this equipment.

Alexander Khadyshsky

A brief analysis of the most likely methods of heating in one or another type of fuel should be carried out.

Knowing the power of the boiler, you can calculate the cost of heating costs per month. Approximate calculation - 1 kW needed for heating 10 sq.m. (provided if the floor distance to the ceiling is up to - 3 m), additionally need to take a stock of 15-20% necessary to prepare hot water.

Average boiler equipment It works about 10 hours / day. Heating season In the middle lane, Russia lasts 7-8 months a year, the remainder the boiler works for the preparation of hot water and maintaining the minimum temperature in the house + 8c.


Electricity: To obtain thermal energy in 1 kW / hour, approximately 1 kW / hour of electricity is consumed.

Solid fuel: to obtain 1 kW / hour of thermal energy consumes about 0.4 kg / hour of firewood.

Diesel fuel: To obtain 1 kW / hour of thermal energy, approximately 0.1 liters of diesel fuel are consumed.

Gas: To obtain thermal energy in 1 kW / hour, approximately 0.1 kg of liquefied gas is consumed.

In the long run, it is necessary to take into account the rise in fuel prices, based on trends recent years, and the payback period of costs at initial investments.

In this way, the choice of heating system consists of a whole complex of measures and engineering solutions that require a balanced approach and a thorough analysis of each specific situation.

Look at the video about the unusual wiring of the heating system and how to independently organize an effective and cheap heating with electricity on