What is Maslov's bath? How to make a Maslova bath with your own hands. Russian bath Maslova: new or well-forgotten old? Lighting and ventilation

Today we will visit a very interesting bath, it is named after its creator. This is the Russian bath of Maslov, it differs from all analogues known today.

Let's remember what a bath is. In principle, they are all based on the principle of heating the body and on, as it were, turning off in certain moment thermoregulation systems so that a person can warm up. If we take the eastern hammam, then in this case the temperature there is low, about 43-45 degrees. At the same time, air humidity of 99-100% is created, and the recipient of the procedure cannot actually cool his body.

Another extreme option is a dry-air sauna, where the temperature is high. The Finns propose not to raise it above 90 degrees, while the relative humidity drops to almost zero (3-5%). If someone, with such heating, tries to throw a small amount of water on the heater, then he risks getting burned in a closed volume.

The golden mean of all baths is Russian with a temperature of 50 to 60 degrees, air humidity is environment, we are used to it, that is, from 50 to 65%. It is this atmosphere that is natural for the human body, it allows you to get the maximum wellness procedure about being in the steam room. Most of the baths, for example, in the Moscow region are dry-air saunas.

Many people ask, how is it all different and what can be done to turn the sauna into a Russian bath? In principle, there is nothing complicated. You need to create a certain mode. Just do not overheat the walls and increase the amount of moisture in the air. Thus, the regime of the Russian steam bath is obtained, which has a milder effect on the human body.

The inventor of the bath Viktor Valentinovich Maslov

I didn't really have an idea to create some kind of bathhouse. It turned out due to the fact that I accidentally warmed myself in the crucible of a Russian stove. I bought a plot for my mother in the Moscow region with an old house, and began to improve it. It was necessary to create some kind of hygienic conditions so that the mother could wash herself. Laid the foundation for the bath in the first place. Bought a wood stove in the market.

By the spring he arrived and decided to prepare the house, burn any garbage that had accumulated from the previous owners. I threw a lot of unnecessary things into the crucible of a large Russian stove: chairs and so on. As a city dweller, I did not know to what extent a Russian stove could be heated. She overheated, the vault turned white, bricks fell from it.

Deciding that the stove needed to be urgently repaired, Viktor Valentinovich prepared clay mortar and climbed into the oven. After that, to wash off the ashes, he plunged into the snow. There were no other sources of water nearby. And then he climbed back into the oven, already to warm himself. The next morning, Viktor Valentinovich noticed that he did not feel the back pain that had tormented him for many years.

Immediately I slept the whole night, slept, it made a strong impression on me. I began to think why I would do something like a sauna to take a steam bath. Instead of this bath, I will make myself a warm room, where I will put it, I will make walls so as not to heat the stove, but I will immediately put heaters in them. I will put sensors, and I will have a modern analogue of the furnace of the Russian stove.

What are Maslov's baths

In fact, it is a furnace from the inside. It is like a stove that surrounds a person. We are not near the stove, but right in the stove itself. This main principle baths of the inventor. O technical solutions that Maslov used, we will talk in more detail in the next story. Now let's look at what the analogue of the crucible of the Russian stove is.
The first room is the dressing room. She is small in size. The font is an optional element, but desirable. Sometimes a person heats up so much that he needs to cool down. It is small, only 1.5 x1.5 meters. Depth is about 1.5-2 meters. It has handrails, a ladder by which a person can go down there and cool off. The temperature of the water, since it is drawn from a well here, is somewhere around 10-12 degrees. In such water, of course, one cannot stay for a long time. Not everyone can dive into the font, because it is a contrast procedure.

There is a separate room. Maslov calls it a sweatshirt. The question immediately arises: why not wood, ceramics? The fact is that ceramics conduct heat much better and give it away. The tree is a heater. Therefore, it cannot quickly give heat to a person. Since Maslov's bath is inner part Russian stove, this is ceramics.

There are special elements in the walls and floor, ceiling, which heat this room in different ways. Floor - up to a temperature of 30 to 45 degrees, walls from 40 to 60 degrees. Ceiling - up to 55-70 degrees. This is to create a favorable infrared effect on the body.

This bath has a couch, a sofa on which it is comfortable to sit. You can stay in this room for a long time. It is not very hot here, but at the same time, a person begins to sweat quickly. That's why it's called sweatshop. The ceiling has a vaulted structure, that is, it has a radius of curvature. Thus, infrared radiation envelops the entire space.

The backlighting is very beautifully done here, it can change at the request of a person. In addition, on the ceiling you see pipes, this is a steam shower. With the help of a special heat generator, steam can be supplied here, it will fall on a person located on a hot shelf.

It is a pleasure to sit on this couch, heated from the inside. It has an anatomical shape, has a backrest under the lower back. There are interesting stones here, it is convenient to put them when you lie down on a sunbed, under your neck or back.
These stones heat up, giving extra warmth to the spine. In addition, here you can pour water everywhere. There are two mixers. Spa treatments are carried out on the sunbed, and they help to wash off all the ointments.

steam room

The last room is the hottest. This is a steam room. Here, too, there is a heated ceramic ceiling. There is a heat generator in which water is supplied with the help of a ladle. High temperature steam comes out from above. It can be supplied with wonderful smells with the help of a ladle, which is put in its place. If you put there healing herbs, then the steam, passing through them, will enter the steam room.

Through the hole, the steam enters the steam shower through the air duct and onto the person who lies on the shelf.

Ventilation of the Maslova bath

Next to the head lying on the shelf - ventilation holes that are turned on with a toggle switch and then fresh air is supplied directly to the face. There is ventilation of the room, controlled by the remote control. There are 4 buttons here that switch modes depending on the need.

The main tool in this bath is brooms. In particular, oak brooms, with the help of which the bathers process a person lying on a warm shelf.

The difference between a heat generator and traditional Russian bath ovens

Recently, cases of manufacturing counterfeit Maslov Baths (R) have become more frequent - if such a bath is made by untrained and untrained specialists, then this is fraught with dangerous consequences. Maslov's official website: http://www.bani-maslova.ru

In addition to the traditional types of baths, which embody centuries-old folk experience, innovative models do not cease to appear. We are talking about modern baths, created by scientists and engineers who were able to combine scientific achievements and traditional knowledge in their inventions. One of these baths, which gained wide popularity, was the Russian bath of Maslova (RBM), named after its developer - Maslov.

The main idea of ​​Maslov's bath is healing in the Russian oven

Once upon a time in the villages in Russia there was a wonderful method of healing. Its meaning was that in the mouth of a well-heated and slightly cooled Russian stove they laid wood flooring. A man lay down on top of him, wishing to improve his health. After that, the furnace damper was closed. Thanks to the warmth emanating from all internal surfaces stoves, a person began to sweat actively, his whole body warmed up gently and healing from many ailments took place.

Here is such a steam oven and served as a prototype modern bath Maslova. Its difference from other types of baths is that the heat in it comes from all surfaces: walls, deck chairs, walls, ceiling. Under the ceramic cladding baths are hidden electrical panels, due to which uniform heating occurs. Getting into such a steam room, a person, in fact, gets into the inside of a large Russian stove - this is exactly the idea that the developer of this wonderful bath pursued.

Temperature and humidity conditions

Soft and deep heating in the Maslov bath occurs at a relatively low temperature of 40-50°C. In this case, the humidity is 10-50%. It is easy to breathe in such a steam room, there is no feeling of heat - only comfortable warmth. Surprisingly, in such a “gentle” climate, a person sweats very much, and no less than at 80 ° C in a sauna steam room. And the pleasure gets several times more!

However, if this climate is not quite ideal for a steamer, it does not matter. It is not in vain that the Maslova bath is considered universal, with almost no contraindications and suitable for all categories of the population, including pregnant women, children and the elderly. If desired, the temperature can be increased up to 80 ° C and “steam” to 100% humidity.

RBM interior: ceramics, stone, glass, metal

The Maslova bath consists of one room - a kind of bath-shower cabin. Floor, walls, ceiling, sun loungers - everything is covered here ceramic tiles, natural stone, glass mosaic. A shower is installed near the sunbed, so that the visitor of the bath can wash himself while sitting or lying down, with maximum comfort. You can clean up the steam room without hindrance - there is a ladder for water drainage on the floor.

An obligatory element of this steam room is a heat generator (steam generator), which is a rectangular stove-heater in a heat-insulated casing. To save space, the heat generator is usually fixed to the wall, at a height of 1.5 m from the floor.

RBM heating: electric panels EINT

Maslov's original bathhouse is heated by long-wavelength infrared panels EINT, mounted under the facing surfaces. The advantages of these electric panels are that the range of their thermal radiation completely coincides with the radiation of the heated wall of the Russian stove. And it is the impact of long heat waves that has a beneficial effect on human health - this has been proven by modern medical research.

The temperature of each panel can be adjusted by changing the degree of heating of the bath surfaces. It has been experimentally proved that for the most comfortable heat for the body, the floor temperature should be within 35-40˚C, loungers - 42-50˚C, wall surfaces - 45-50˚C, ceiling - 55-60˚C.

It is important to note that when using EINT panels, energy savings reach 20-30%, compared with standard systems heating.

Heat generator: stove-heater to create steam

In principle, the Maslov bath can function perfectly without steam. Then its climate will resemble a Finnish sauna, in which there is very low humidity. If you want to plunge into the atmosphere of a Russian bath, turn on the heat generator. This is a small rectangular device filled with thermal storage stones. The stones are heated to the desired temperature using a built-in steel heating element.

The heat generator is not used to heat the room, but exclusively to generate steam. How? Very simple: to increase the humidity in the bath, you need to splash a ladle of water on the heated stones of the heat generator. Depending on the amount of water poured at a time, the air humidity can rise up to 100%.

Is it possible to build a Maslov bath on your own?

Do-it-yourself Maslova bath can only be built if it is possible to completely recreate the installation technology of this structure. First of all, you will have to buy from the company that owns the rights to install the RMB, electrical panels and a heat generator. It is undesirable to replace these parts of the Maslov bath with anything, as this can lead to the fact that the wiring in the room will not withstand the load and a fire will occur. The electric panels and the heat generator developed by Maslov are characterized by minimal power consumption and complete safety - this is their great advantage.

After purchasing electrical appliances, you will need to install them in accordance with structural features baths, bring communications, provide ventilation, install deck chairs and plumbing, produce ceramic or stone cladding surfaces. As you have already seen, the technology of the RBM device is not simple, therefore, if you are not confident in your abilities, then you should not engage in amateur activities.

High demand creates not only high supply, but also different kind fraudsters who make fakes in an attempt to cash in on a well-known and respected brand. We urge you to carefully check all the necessary normative documentation, since frivolity can be fraught with at least health problems. Contact only official representatives:

PN2 wrote:

Vladimir L. I am extremely interested in your personal impressions of the RBM, is it possible to give a person with the help of a broom the same sensations as in classical Russian without any discounts.

Health, happiness, success in everything and of course a light steam.

I bring clarity - I am Lyakhov Jr., and Volodya is the eldest. And the question is most likely addressed to me, as a bathhouse attendant. The answer to this question is in the reviews of the RBM posted by Valentinych. Moreover, in the BSR there is an opportunity for everyone to create an individual regimen, starting from comfortably warm to extremely hard. After the first entry, soft comfortable sweating and deep warming up, having a little rest, drinking tea, we return to the steam room. We are waiting for a warm shelf and warm air, that is, the situation is comfortable even to a small child. By succumbing to the pebbles and raising the temperature in the steam room, I gradually increase it to the required for this client. I spend it on the threshold of comfortable tolerance, to give as much as possible, but not to "burn". If interested, I will write the procedure in more detail after the new year.


Before leaving the exhibition in Moscow, I was invited by "Pasechnik" to taste the RBM at the Red Gate.

I share my impressions. Photos can be viewed here http://foto.mail.ru/bk/pn2/310/

First, about the place, a bathhouse near the metro and train stations, very convenient. It is located on the territory of the tea club, after the procedures I also took part in the tea ceremony. In general, the spiritual atmosphere and the aromas of tea and incense free app to the bath.

The bathhouse itself is of course small, but sincere, there is where to sit, talk, drink tea. There is even a heated massage bed.

The overall impression of the steam room is positive. The layout of the couch is a little inconvenient for me - on the right is a step for sitting and you have to stretch through it when you soar your legs. It is better to make a wooden bench instead of a permanent one with the ability to remove it to the side before soaring. The tank with stones in the version of the "Beekeeper" is above the head of the person lying, there is a risk of hitting a person when steam is supplied. But these are all correctable planning costs, it can be varied. The very version of the heater - a thermos was very impressive, the steam is of high quality, with a characteristic sound. I find it difficult to determine the weight of the laying of stones, I suspect that it is forty kilograms.

The first dry warm-up had to be shortened somewhat due to the fact that the Pasechnik's partner was limited in time. However, lying down on a hot marble couch, I gave the juice very soon. Processing with brooms began with me. Vasily calls it babysitting. Actually, this was well described by Vladimir Lyakhov. My nuance of the procedure is a hopelessly tanned skin and a habit from amateur times to finish my back to a feeling of frank burning. You understand, this combination creates some problems for the one who soars me, and I always sympathize with him, in general, they nursed me together. Of Vasya's tricks, I liked the sensations of hot poultices with brooms the most.

After the rest, I had my standard steam room for my partner Vasya, I received meaningful and competent comments from him. Then they also gave me a massage with elements of a manual, then they also took a steam bath with mantras, in short, life was a success.

Today I went to a meeting with V. Maslov with a proposal to develop together a version of his bath on wood stoves. Those. garden option, not everywhere there is a lot of electricity. It turns out that he had already stumbled upon this rake, having failed to fulfill orders in hunting lodges because of "kilowatts". He puzzled me with the need for fairly clear temperature gradations at different levels.

I boasted that I discovered lowering the temperature of a person in a steam room to 28 degrees. The cunning Maslov did not argue, silently slipped me a thermocouple and said - "responsible for the market." I had to take off my shorts and go to the steam room with a thermocouple under my arm. He has it constantly maintained in standby mode, like one of the batteries in his house. (The house is heated by electricity, if not a bath, then there would be more batteries).

It turns out that within the framework of the KILOWATT required for heating, several batteries are grouped in a different order, which gives a new property - a waiting bath, and at the same time a dryer.

So - T = 43 (after closing the door T = 49), couch 42 (warm, does not burn), floor about 40, walls 50 - the hand holds, under the ceiling - the hand does not hold - for 60. We sit, chat, warm, good . After 10 minutes, the sweat began to flow. The thermocouple shows 37. I sat for 40 minutes, hoping for a decrease, but it became 38. All wet.

I rinsed right there in the steam room, went out, we drink tea. Vigor, good.

They ventilated, the window was large 50cm * 40cm, the fresh one came in well, again from 43 to 49 the air quickly warmed up. I sweated again in 20 minutes of chatting, you don’t notice the time, it’s very warm and comfortable.

They went out into the street, could not stand it - lay down on his face in the snow, walked around, wiped himself with snow, well, cheerfully. Т=38, there is no endogenous warming up, 28 degrees are also absent. Drinking tea.

The condition is vigorous, as it was usually after the bath before. I thought, at this stage, my wife would have finished the procedure - and so good. Several times they were in baths with iron stoves, after that I could no longer drag her into those steam rooms where I did sauna stoves(as a rule, iron stoves built into a brick heat storage).

We ventilate the steam room, I lie down on the couch. My personal attendant, VVM himself, lets off steam and begins to "swing with a vein".

Now I finally understand what it means to let off steam. I heard hissing, but at my altitude I didn’t feel anything until a cloud of “swept up” hot steam washed over me. I had never felt anything like it before, when they waved a broom at 120 degrees.
It turns out that this is a BROOM - a buzz ....
Then poured, then doused with cold ....
And it's warm on the stone couch, I don't want to leave...
Then fog with mint and sea ​​salt- You feel like you're breathing in.
Then he lay down in the waiting room with his back on the warm floor (22 degrees) - the floor seems so soft and comfortable.

That's all. Cheerfulness in the body, all fatigue has been removed and there is no something so heavy that it was after 120 degrees, and I don’t want to sleep - so, I’m writing at night.

It can be seen that the body did not have to defend itself and lower the temperature to 28 degrees, as in a steam room 90 degrees.

When I get to 90 degrees, I will once again check the lowering of T to 28, because I saw this and I basically don’t drink all my life.

This is Maslov's bath.

Good afternoon dear forum users.

I read your discussions on the forum with great interest. For a long time I could not decide which bath to build in my house. Thanks to this site, I learned about the existence of the RBM. However, having not experienced the bath on his own skin, he did not dare to make a final decision, and he considered it a mistake to reinvent the wheel without taking into account the experience accumulated by the author. Thus, I contacted Viktor Maslov and, together with my wife, went to take a steam bath in a bathhouse 750 kilometers away (I live in Minsk).

The impressions that both Victor's family and the bathhouse made on us exceeded all expectations.

I will not describe the process itself, since it has been discussed here repeatedly and in sufficient detail. Just in currently for myself, I finally decided that I would have a Maslov bath at home.

Maybe not everyone will have the opportunity or time to visit Maslov, so I will describe the trip in more detail.

You have to visit Moscow often. Apparently, the frantic rhythm of life in the capital leaves its mark on its inhabitants, so the warm welcome from the hosts was a pleasant surprise for us.

From childhood, a bath was the norm for me because I lived in the private sector, although in Minsk. And now there is rarely a week without taking a steam bath. Many of my friends have built baths in their homes, most often in the basement. The disadvantages are obvious. The traditional Russian bath should be located in a separate building. I have neither the opportunity nor the desire to build a separate bathhouse, because although I do not consider myself an amateur, I am not a fan either.

Now directly about the RBM. The bath is located almost in the center of the house and plays the role of a well-known Russian stove. During the rest, Victor explained that he almost never turns it off. The bath is always ready for work and is used daily and quite intensively. To begin with, we were sent to warm up for thirty minutes. We did not expect that at such a low temperature it is possible to sweat and warm up so thoroughly. They left the bath not because they were tired, but because the time was up. The owners turn on the steam generator less often, and are heated daily. The benefits of this procedure are indisputable, since the atmosphere in the bath resembles a well-heated Russian stove, on which more than one generation of our ancestors grew up.

After we had a little rest, the hosts took a steam bath for us. Having the opportunity to take a good steam bath was a decisive moment for me to make a decision. You can just warm up, even if not with such pleasure, in infrared cabin, and in the Turkish hammam. It was unexpected that in a stone steam room you can warm up so well with a whisk. Yes, and you can enjoy the procedure for a long time, because even when the park is thrown up, it is much easier to breathe than in a traditional steam room. Feelings are just great. Coming out of the steam room, they lay on the grass, moreover, for a long time, which indicates that they warmed up thoroughly.

On this, the possibilities of the bath were not exhausted. We were given a vacuum massage using blue clay, turpentine and other ingredients. The composition of the products used was described in detail to my wife.

After the next rest, we experienced the effect of the scrub, and as we could see, it is very convenient to carry out any procedures in the bath that usually require visiting salons. Very handy turned out to be a shower located right in the bath.

So for very pleasant procedures and no less pleasant conversations, more than four hours flew by.

Neither I nor my wife could imagine a more functional, hygienic, comfortable, compact bath. Victor answered all my questions.

The forum discussed the issue of the name of the bath. I want to say a phrase that the Germans told me, with whom we worked for quite a long time: "If you yourself do not love, value and respect yourself, then why should others do this?" In general, I want any worthy achievements to be associated with Slavic names and last names. No need to continue the tradition of Columbus.

I regret that Viktor Maslov stopped attending this forum. I would like to thank him again for the attention he has paid to us. Even after visiting the Maslova bath in any bath complex, we could not learn so much. I would also like to say that if Victor wants to promote his idea in our region, I will be happy to provide any assistance.

What associations does the word “banya” evoke in any Russian person? Naturally, an oak or birch broom is immediately remembered, as well as a steam room with wooden shelves. But still modern technologies touched even this area, they do not stand still. Therefore, you can find hammams, saunas, ofuro. But if you ask a question, what is Maslov's bath, and what is its peculiarity - not everyone knows about this yet. What does she represent?

What is the most basic item in a traditional Russian bath? Naturally, this is a stove, without which it is impossible to create a favorable and comfortable environment in the steam room. The oven here is something separate. And in order to understand what Maslov's bath is, you need to climb inside the furnace. And this is no joke, since it was from this that the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bbuilding such a bath appeared.

How did the idea come about?

Victor Maslov is not just a physicist, but also an inventor. Creation idea unusual bath it came about quite by accident. Having bought his mother in the suburbs an old house, I thought to put things in order there. I collected all the garbage and various rubbish, and decided to burn it not on the site, but in the Russian stove that was in the house. The stove was overheated, so it needed to be repaired.

Viktor Valentinovich had to climb inside the furnace to fix the bricks and cover the cracks with clay. The stove had not completely cooled down, it was warm and cozy there. After finishing work, he noticed that his back stopped hurting. Therefore, the idea came to him to lay a bed inside the oven and rest there for several hours. And at the same time to warm up, because after the repair I had to wash off the snow on the street. As a result, he spent the whole night there, and the next morning he got the idea to build a bathhouse according to a new principle.

Feature of the Maslova bath

So it turns out that Maslov's bath is a kind of analogue of the traditional vaulted stove. All are collected here positive points such establishments. But there are simply no shortcomings. Such a bath is not only comfortable, but it creates a unique healing effect. If we take for comparison all similar establishments such as hammams or saunas, then Maslov's invention can be called the best.

Bath Maslova only on their own design features reminiscent of a hammam. But its feature is that all surfaces can warm up here. This even applies to the ceiling. This became possible due to the creation of special electrical panels. They were developed and then patented by Viktor Maslov.

Important to know: The Maslova bath complex was certified not only in Russia, but also at the international level.

In order for the steam room to warm up not only quickly, but also evenly, a steam generator is used, as well as reliable heat cables. It is enough just to bring the temperature in the steam room up to 45 ° C, and in 15-20 minutes you will be able to sweat well. It is important that a person does not feel any load, so even pregnant women and children can bathe.

Advantages of the Maslova bath

Any innovation is sure to attract attention. And since we are talking about a new type of bath, it immediately interested those who like to take a steam bath. Naturally, they immediately tried to give an answer, what advantages does it have:

  1. A healing effect is achieved. This was made possible by uniform heating of the entire body. It uses infrared radiation, which penetrates deep into the muscles, reaching the internal organs. Having been in such a steam room, you can quickly get rid of the common cold. And if you regularly visit it, then there will be no problems with the musculoskeletal system.
  2. Good hygiene. As a cladding, it is used as ceramics, also a natural stone. There is also a glass mosaic. All this contributes to the fact that cleaning can be carried out with a variety of disinfectants. It is much more profitable than any wooden cladding, on which mold, fungus and even rot can appear.
  3. Complete fire safety. Since only non-combustible materials are used in the cladding, you should not be afraid of a fire. Everything heating elements closed with a secure cladding. Therefore, fire extinguishing systems are not even needed here.

Important to know: There is no need to worry about the temperature increase, as it is completely controlled by sensors.

  1. Air purity. It does not matter what the temperature and humidity of the air in the steam room, it will always be clean. Whatever oven is used, but it creates dust, fumes, carbon monoxide. All this may be in minimal quantities, but it is still present. And since steam rooms are not made very large, oxygen is also burned out. As for the Maslov bath, there are simply no such negative points here. There is only pure superheated steam.
  2. The convenience of use. The temperature rises very quickly and this is done automatically. It is enough to select the appropriate mode on the panel and set the parameters. Comfortable conditions will persist throughout the entire time spent in the bath.

Useful advice! To save your time, the Maslova bath can be equipped with remote control and then connect to your smartphone.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the compact dimensions of the Maslov bath. Two rooms are simultaneously combined here - a steam room and a washing room. After all, it is easy to install not only a drain, but also a shower faucet. So such a bath can be placed both in a private house and in an apartment. Even in the spa, you can allocate one room for this.

Design features

It should be noted that the Maslov bath is not done like all similar establishments. In fact, everything here is multi-layered: walls, ceiling and even a sunbed. First, a frame is made, and then it is sheathed with metal. Next come the heat-resistant panels. They are necessarily two-layer, since temperature sensors are located in the middle. Cables are laid from the sensors. All this is then covered with a galvanized mesh, and then there is waterproofing and a special thermal solution. It is already attached to a fine finish.

All this contributes to the fact that the room can warm up as much as possible. The effect is achieved not only due to this, but also due to well-heated natural materials. And first of all it concerns the sunbed. But one must take into account important point: it is better to use natural stone as a finish. But if ceramics are used, it should also be made only from natural ingredients. Otherwise, when heated, fumes harmful to health will come out of it. So now it should be clear what Maslov's bath is and what is its peculiarity.

Useful advice! If you order a ready-made Maslov's bath, Special attention you need to pay for the sunbed and seating. They should only be with an ergonomic back. This is done not only to make it comfortable to sit or lie down, but so that the body receives a sufficient dose of heat.

The premises of the Maslova bath

Maslov's bath may consist of several rooms. The first is the locker room. But in addition to it, this room can be equipped with a font. Is not mandatory requirement, you can not use the font. It is made small, only 1.5 x 1.5 m is enough. The depth can reach up to 2 meters. This is done to cool the body when a person feels overheated. Such a contrast procedure is not recommended for everyone, since the temperature in the font is usually 10-12 degrees.

The next room invented by Maslov is a sweat-house. This name is taken due to the fact that people sweat here. A certain temperature is maintained here, which allows you to stay for a long time:

  • the ceiling warms up to 65-70 degrees;
  • walls have from 40 to 60 degrees;
  • the floor has the lowest temperature - 35-40 degrees.

This room is equipped with a comfortable lounger and a sofa. Everything here is finished with ceramics.

And the last room is already a steam room. She differs most high temperature. A steam generator must be installed, where water can be periodically added with a ladle. To achieve the best effect, you can add to the water essential oils. In the Maslova bathhouse, everything is thought out to the smallest detail, and this even applies to lighting and ventilation. The ventilation passage is located near the head of the lounger. It promotes flow fresh air to the bath. Today, it is quite possible mobile bath Maslova. An example of it can be seen in the video below.

Table of contents:

As well as traditional views baths now exist and many innovative analogues. For example, you can build a Maslov bath with your own hands. It was designed and first built by Russian engineer Viktor Maslov. This one, including the advantages of the Russian, Turkish and Finnish counterparts, is completely devoid of their shortcomings. Due to this, it is unique in its healing qualities.

The benefits of the Maslova bath

In the Maslova bath, a person warms up differently than in a traditional steam room. The soft bioresonant heat that comes from the sun loungers, as well as the stone wall decoration, is similar in spectrum characteristics to human warmth.

Due to the special design of such a steam room, the body heats up evenly from all sides. This is the main advantage and healing quality of Viktor Maslov's bath - uniform and gentle heating.

As a rule, the temperature regime in such a steam room is approximately + 50 ° C, humidity is 10-50%. However, lovers of humid heat have the opportunity to warm up the room to + 80 ° C and more, increasing the relative humidity to 90-100%.

In addition to the heat generator, the Maslov Russian bath (RBM) should be equipped with a shower for holding contrast procedures. You can warm up completely in the RBM in 20 minutes. In the classic steam room, the time of one entry is 5-7 minutes, it is difficult for most people to stay in it longer.

Another difference between the Maslov bath is that it is impossible to overheat in it, because. the temperature and the amount of steam can be adjusted.

Features of use

It takes only 1-1.5 hours to fully warm up the RBM. At the same time, no more than 3 kW is spent. electrical energy. Heating a small steam room (2.5 m²) will require approximately 4 kW, which is 2 times less than what is needed to heat the same sauna with a conventional electric stove.

Heating in the Maslova steam room can be turned on according to cell phone or set its duration using a timer. Another distinctive quality of such a bath is the ability to control the temperature.

That is why the BSR is comfortable for fans of intense heat, and fans of average temperatures up to +60 ° C, and people who should not overheat - the elderly, children, pregnant women, etc. Maslov's baths are necessarily equipped with a drain for water, as well as forced "volley" ventilation.

How to build an RBM?

Now short instruction how to build such a bath.

  • First you need to assemble an insulated and vapor-insulated bath frame from sheet metal having resistance to corrosion
  • Next, the base frame is sutured in 2 layers with special wall panels from plaster. The most important qualities of this material are moisture and heat resistance.
  • Then the heating parts of the heat-resistant cable, as well as temperature sensors, are fixed on the skin.
  • After that, the structure is covered with a metal, necessarily galvanized mesh.
  • Next, a layer of plaster is applied from a special heat-resistant mortar.
  • After the plaster has dried, a layer of waterproofing material must be applied to it.
  • Best facing material for RBM it is a natural stone: shungite, marble, jadeite, goldite, soapstone, etc. A steam room with such a finish has healing qualities not only due to steam and heat, but also due to the stones themselves.
  • Sunbeds in the Maslov baths are divided into 3 zones - for the head, torso and legs. All zones must be equipped with temperature sensors that will hold the required mode. For example, in the head zone, they will provide less heating.
  • In RBM it is necessary to use door leafs from the tempered tinted glass, boxes can be both metal, and wooden.
  • A rather complicated ventilation system is mounted in the steam room, it must provide different modes. In the locker room, you can create a simple exhaust ventilation system. To assemble ventilation, use plastic boxes with a diameter of 12.5 cm. throttle valve With electric drive and a condensate collector.
  • To heat the stones, purchase a heating element specially designed for the RBM, which has a double shell. It must be made of heat-resistant stainless steel.
  • Fasten the heating element to the RBM wall at a height of about 1.5 m from the floor and line it.

After that, you can use the Maslova bath.

Such heaters are extremely economical. They, consuming minimal electricity, effectively warm up both the steam room and the entire bath. Temperature regime in the steam room, it can be brought up to + 100 ° C. The special design of heat generators completely eliminates burns, as well as burnout of the used aromatic oils.