Hansard insulation from the inside. How to insulate the attic floor for winter accommodation: do it yourself

Attic in the house has its advantages and disadvantages. What kind? About this, as shown by the voting results (), a house with an attic attracts approximately 50% of readers.

Mansard Warming Works either from above before mounting roofing, either from below After the house is protected from precipitation.

The first option is from above, more convenient in the installation, and allows you to spend faster and better.

With the second embodiment - from the bottom, you can postpone the work and costs of arrangement of the attic for later.

The structures of the insulated roofing in the other case are somewhat different.

Hansard insulation from above

In this article, the use of vapor-hydraulic membranes in the design of the insulated roof of the attic floor will be considered on the example of a system of protective materials of the IOSPAN brand. You can read about the materials of this system in the article.

Device of insulated roofing attic

1. Roofing
2. Wind-moisture protective film Izospan AS, AM
4. Insulation
5. Vaporizoation of Izospan B
6. Stropil
7. Interior decoration
8. Obshktka

The scheme of protection of the insulation of the attic of the wind, moisture and condensate in Fig.2

Window-moisture protection of the mansard insulation

Fig.2. To protect the insulation of the attic from the wind, moisture and condensate arrange a ventilated gap, and the films, the membranes of Česospan, are placed on top.

Why protect the insulation from the wind?

Mineral wool insulation, which is commonly used for roofing, has an open porous structure.

The air moving in the ventilated gap easily penetrates the insulation, blowing warm out of it. The effectiveness of thermal insulation due to air infiltration may decrease almost twice.

In addition, the air in the gap, moving under the influence of the wind, takes off and takes particles of the insulation. There is a weathering of the insulation - over time its density and thickness decreases, the insulation becomes a dust source that can penetrate the house.

To prevent these processes, the insulation from above on the side of the ventilated gap is closed with windproof vapor-permeable material.

In addition, the windband membrane (pos.2.

The wind protection membrane should not prevent the exit of steam from the insulation (vapor permeability of at least 750 g / m 2 per day).

In the design of the insulated roof as waterproofing and windproofs, it is recommended to use vapor-permeable roofing membranes Izospan AM or Izosan AS. Materials ISOSPAN AM and Izosan AS stacked directly on the insulation without a ventilation between them.

AM and IZOSPAP AS are not intended for use as the main or temporary, during the installation period, roofing.
Izospan AM and IOSPAN AS are stacked by the White side to the insulation.
When mounting the insulated roof of the Izospan AM (Izosan AS) is rolled and cut right on top of the insulation. Installation is conducted by horizontal tunnels, starting from the bottom of the roof. The overlap of the cloth horizontal and vertical joints is at least 15 cm.

Stretched material can be additionally strengthened on rafted brackets with construction stapler.

On top of the material vertically along the rafters fastened wooden antiseptic counterbours 4x5 cm on nails or self-drawing. The location of the vertical adhesion or the joint of the two horizontal cloth should be pressed by the boundary to the rafter.

Over the counterparts are mounted a dory or a solid adhesive flooring depending on the type of roofing.

For weathelation of water vapor and underfloor condensate necessarily provides for the ventilation gap between the outer side of the material Izospan AM (ISOSPA AS) and roofing On the thickness of the counterbuchny 4-5 cm.

In addition, to ensure ventilation of the underpants at the bottom of the roof and in the area of \u200b\u200bthe skate, ventilation openings are provided For air circulation.

The material isoPan AM (Izosan AS) is attached to a stretched position so that water can freely roll along its surface. The lower edge should provide natural stock drain from the surface of the membrane in the drain chute.

Parosolation of the insulation of the mansarda

Parosolation film (pos.5 in Figure 1) performs several functions at once:

  1. Protects the insulation from the penetration of water vapor From the premises of the attic. From the article, you can learn about why without vaporizolation the insulation will accumulate moisture and collapse.
  2. In addition, vaporizolation performs another function - reduces the loss of heat reducing the loss.
  3. The material protects the living space from the penetration of the microwofer (dust) of the insulation.

Izospan B. It is used as vapor barrier in insulated roofing of the attic of the attic with various types of roofing.
When installing the insulated roof, steamproofing isesan in mounted with inner Heaters on rafters or on roughing with a construction stapler or galvanized nails. Installation is lowered upwards with horizontal tunnels with overlapping horizontal and vertical joints at least 15 cm.

When finishing the room with clapboard (plywood, decorative panels, etc.) vapor barrier is fixed on the frame vertical antiseptic wooden rails 4x5 cm., And when finishing with plasterboard - galvanized profiles.

Installation of material is made with a dense adherence smooth side To insulation, rough side down. Interior decoration of the room is attached to a rush frame or galvanized profiles with ventilation gap 4-5 cm.

In order to ensure the tightness of the Parobarker, the Wesospip material is recommended to fasten the KL or SL connective tape among themselves. Places of adjoining materials of the isospan to wooden, concrete and other surfaces are sampled with adhesive ribbon ML PROFF.

Instead of the isyospana, the Izospan RS, C or Izospan DM, can be used as a vaporizolation when mounting the insulated roof. Installation scheme is similar.

Heat reflective paosoolence of the insulation of the attic

Can be applied as vaporizolation heat reflective Parosolation: Izospan FS.; Izospan FD. and Izospan FX.. The material is mounted on the insulated side of the insulation (on rafters or via roughing with the help of a construction stapler or galvanized nails) with a metallized surface toward the room.

Air clearance 4-5 must be located in front of the metallized membrane cm. Only in this case occurs reflection heat fluxwhich increases the thermal coating resistance. Installation is conducted by horizontal tunnels, starting from the bottom of the roof. Overlapping material horizontal and vertical joints - at least 15 cm (Izospan FX - Job).

Sealing vapor insulation

The vapor barrier layer prevents the insulation wet. In places with vapor barrier defects, the insulation is saturated in winter. These places begin to freeze, fungus and mold appear on the walls, and the insulation itself gradually collapses.

Careful sealing of a vapor insulating layer - prerequisite Long and reliable thermal insulation service and wooden roof parts. The same thing happens if the water falls into the insulation from above. But the developers, due to the misunderstanding, are often negotiated by the threat of moisturizing the insulation from the bottom, from the inside of the room.

TO wooden details A vapor barrier film is fastened with a staple strap. Metallic profiles shavets are glued on double-sided tape. A vapor barrier film stacked with 10 cm. Adopt. The film should not be pulled hard, since when the temperature changes, the film changes its dimensions.

The joints of the film are sicked with a scotch, made of material with a similar temperature expansion coefficient. Adjusting the film to the walls is more reliable press straps with applying the sealant onto the wallSince on rough surfaces, the adhesive tapes hold badly.

The joints of the films are more reliable to do over a solid surface, wherees besides the sizing, junctions can be pressed by remote plackets, crawls, fasten the brackets, and the like. Passages through vapor insulation of flue and ventilation pipes are also carefully sealing. Do not neglect sealing Plumbing pipelines and wiring.

We choose the insulation for the attic

For the insulation of the attic, it is recommended to choose a fireproof mineral wool insulation. In summer, the roof can heat up to 60 degrees, and in winter, through a thin layer of a wet insulation, up to 25% of heat can leave. Therefore, it is so important to lay a sufficient layer of insulation and prevent its wet.

Modern energy saving standards are recommended to provide for the roof of the attic heat transfer resistance 4-5 m 2 * k / w. In order to obtain the economically reasonable heat transfer resistance required by the norms, it is necessary to put layer of mineral wool insulation thickness 20 - 25 cm.
How to make calculation of the thickness of the mansard insulation

The height of the roof rafters, as a rule, does not exceed 15-18 cm. Additional layers of thermal insulation are placed between the inner crates of the inner crate, or the bars of the necessary height are nourished on the bottom.

Buy insulation in your city

Mineral wool

Soundproofing Mansardi

In addition to good thermal protection, the external fencing of the attic should provide sufficient sound insulation of the indoors of the attic of air noise. People sleeping on attic should not wake up rain drops or hail metal coating Roofs.

Therefore, a sufficiently strict requirements for sound insulation are presented to the outer fence of the attic.

In accordance with existing standards The index of the insulation of the air noise of the external fence of the attic - R W must be at least 45 dB. As sound insulation from air noise, the same mineral wool insulation is used as for thermal insulation.

To achieve this indicator in the outdoor fences of the attic mineral audio insulation thickness should be at least 250 mm. If the thickness is less, then sound insulation will not correspond to the standards. In order, the thickness of the mineral wool thermal insulation of the attic is chosen Based on two conditions: thermal insulation and sound insulation. The thickness is made large of the two specified.

Mansard insulation when performing work from the inside

Features of the construction of the mansard insulation when performing work from the inside, under the mounted roofing coating, are clearly visible in the figure below (to increase the scale, press the keys simultaneously: Ctrl and +):

If the overlapping of the upper floor in the house is done on wooden beams, That floors and partitions in the attic must have a small weight and provide the necessary sound insulation. Best in this case do from from hypus fiber sheets (GVLV) or other plates, as well as set. Just this option is shown in the figure.

Please note the frame partition should cut the attic of the attic as possible, and the base of the partition should be described on the draft floor. Such a design exclude the transmission of sound in the neighboring room bypassing the partition, through the coating of the finishing gender and the horsepower of the attic.

If you do not accept special measures, then soundproofing of Mansardi premises With frame outdoor walls, partitions, floors and overlaps will be insufficient.

If the overlapping of the top floor in the house with the attic is made of reinforced concrete plates or, then at such floors it is more profitable to put partitions from bricks, as well as from light gypsum or concrete building blocks.

Review the video in which the thermophysical processes in the insulated roof and the basic rules of installation are clearly shown. Looking through the film, remember both the need for windproofs of a mineral wool insulation.

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In order to do everything qualitatively and for a long time, you need to understand the basic principle of insulation of any room. First, it must be borne in mind that the air in the room where people are much wettering that on the street, especially in winter time. This moisture will rise together with warm air, soak the layer of insulation. Similar to this process, moisture from the street (during the rain, the mist, when the increased humidity, from 85%) will impregnate the dry layers of the insulation under roofing coating. That is why the sequence of layers must be done strictly as described below.

  1. The first layer is roofing materials. It may be slate, metal tile, EuroRuberoid - without a difference, the choice is only for you.
  2. Layer of waterproofing. Defence from external environment. The material is placed immediately on rafters under slate or other roofing. Machine the control rail to each rafter, so that the material is not damaged by the wind, which will walk a little there. Some builders use a regular runner, but its effectiveness is extremely dubious, because when the temperature drops, it can crack, quickly comes in disrepair.
  3. Insulation. It can be a foam, ordinary mineral wool, glass gamble, paper. The main thing is that the thickness is at least 10 centimeters so that even the biggest frosts could not pick up heat out of the room.
  4. Parobarrier. This is a protective film that does not give moisture, from the room to fall on insulating materials, and to run out warmth. This layer is mandatory and without it can not be insulated the room, since the effectiveness of such work will be less.
  5. Finishing material. Then goes lining, plastic, Osb plate, Plaster - in general, all you wish to attach. For convenience, the lamp is stuffed, to which it will be convenient to fix the finish.

Consider now step by step, how to warm the attic from the inside correctly and what needs to be done so that the heat does not run away from the room outside in the cold winter.

Step 1:Size.

You have a rafter with a height of a bar of 12-15 centimeters, then waterproofing (rubberoid), for it the roofing material. That is, you need to install only thermal insulation and parobarar. There will be 10 centimeters for this. Measure the distance between the sides of the rafter, where we will lay the pieces of thermal insulation. It can be Fiberboard, glass gamble, but best - mineral wool with a density of 45 kg / m 3. Measurement removes in such a way that it was 2-3 centimeters more than a distance between two bars so that the wool is very tight and under pressure.

Step 2:Cutting material.

You need to do this with a special sharp knife, which is meant for this case. The main thing is to comply with the rules of the cutting: you can not make the adjacent edges of the sliced \u200b\u200bbush, just a straight angle should be made. Some masters try to "choose the middle" so that 2 bushes can go into the groove. But this is already unnecessary - the joint can simply be sick by sealant, especially since the junctions of "cotton wool" you will not have with the right dimensions, only a cotton tree.

Step 3:Installation of material.

The rectangular piece of mineral wool you will succeed exactly on the cell between the rafters, 2-3 centimeters more. In order for him to sat down in his place, you will need to squeeze it a bit, press. On the sides it is possible to prevent it with the help of an acute subject, for example, screwdriver. Plates of mineral wool will make the insulation of the attic of the attic with their own hands in a matter of minutes - work with them very quickly, easily, especially compared to other insulating materials.

Step 4:Fixing insulating material.

This can be done in several ways. If you have a few unnecessary financial resources, then choose better control rails. Alcright rafted thin wooden planks that will hold mineral wool. It is very often not necessary to fill them - every 50 cm will be quite enough, especially since the wool sheet itself is rare somewhere from its landing place. The second method of consolidation is even easier, and also does not require any costs. For this you need only a few dozen carnations, you can curves and motors of threads. Scroll through every 70-80 centimeters one nail, then between them, everywhere stretch the thread or wire, it turns out a peculiar web. It is not so durable as the rail, but it is more than enough to keep a sheet of mineral wool, which can "move away" from the landing place.

Step 5:Finish.

How to insulate the attic from the inside we figured out, now we turn to the final stage - the wall decoration. Most often take the sheet of OSB, stuffing it from the inside to the rafter, it turns out a smooth surface on which wallpaper can be glued or screwed plastic, lining. Some masters simply "close" the heat sheet with a sheet of OSB, press mineral wool, after which they leave without finishing. This is done if there is a sheet of plasterboard for making attic with even vertical walls, without such "slopes". However, this is the right of each owner and choose only to you.

How to insulate the ceiling and what material to choose

After you have treated the walls of the room and raised their efficiency in terms of heat saving, you need to work on the ceiling, because it can "run away" a lot of heat, therefore, your money. As a rule, the ceiling makes smooth, that is, they are installed a sheet of drywall on tightness, approximately at a height of 220-240 centimeters, depending on the technical characteristics of the room. So that the heat efficiency is good, the ceiling must be well separated.

First, the plasterboard is screwed, the window is left, through which you can go upstairs, walk on tightening. The plasterboard is stacked by a layer of parobamire, after which 10 centimeters of mineral wool or glass gambled. Use the "petals" so that the material does not get into airwaysotherwise there may be strong irritation. Next is the wiring over the tightenings, it is attached to them with metal brackets. If there is extra money and the desire will work, you can cover the base of OSB and waterproofing from the inside. Theoretically, it should have a positive effect on the economies of electricity on the heating of the attic, completely remove the condensate, but in practice the relevance of the last action is extremely dubious. If you make a roof well, no waterproofing is needed.

What to do with the floor so that the legs do not remember

Not only the ceiling and walls should be processed. In the floor can "run away" to 10% of the heat of the room, especially if the house is brick. That this does not happen, you need to do the following actions in compliance with the strict sequence.

  1. We create a grid of a wooden bar with a height of 70 millimeters, the cell size is 60 centimeters.
  2. I fall asleep with glassic or ecobumaga, the layer should be slightly higher than the bars, so that in the process of feeding the floor itself, paper or cotton squeezed slightly.
  3. Put the OSB plate with a thickness of 12 mm or 15 mm if the load on the floor is planned large. You can fill thick boards in places where a solid load on the floor is expected, for example, the installation of a lithra aquarium at 600-700.
  4. Stay outdoor soft coat or linoleum.

The only minus of this process is high cost, because wooden bar. There are considerable money, like a thick ox plate. But these costs pay off for several years of use of the attic, as it will not work hard to be heated. There is enough device for 400-500 W, in order to increase the temperatures and save it for a long time.

If the attic is over a residential premises, it is practically no need to scatter in spring and autumn, temperatures from the first floor (through the floor) will be enough for a comfortable stay on the second. In winter, especially in windy weather, you will have to warm up a little. One radiator centralized system Heating will be enough.

Annually, the attic room is gaining increasing popularity. Owners of private cottages to increase the living area build an additional floor by raising the roofing coating to a level a little more human growth. This option allows not only to increase the number of rooms in the cottage, but also significantly save on construction and finishing.

After the construction of an attic room, it often gets up an important question - how to insulate the attic if it is intended for permanent residence. The task is not easy, as such premises lose heat faster and do not have a standard planning. But still there are certain recommendations for the work - how and in what order.

Preparation for insulation

The most important feature of most attic rooms - a floated ceiling due to the features of the roof. But at the same time, in accordance with SNIP 2.08.01-89, the height of such a premises should be at least 250 cm. In some areas (up to half of the attic area), a decrease in height is allowed.

Among other features of the attic room can be allocated:

  • the heat loss coefficient depends on the material from which the house was built - log house, gas / foam concrete, brick, stone, etc.;
  • availability of communications that "dictate" certain technical solutions on arrangement and insulation;
  • various configurations I. architectural forms The room itself, depending on the shape of the roof - one- or double, broken, direct, etc;
  • as insulation, you can use all the same materials as for the building itself;
  • it may not only be an internal content, but also the location of the room - as part of the house, expedited from the focus on the columns, as an intermediate link between individual parts.

All these features dictate the selection of the heat insulator and the method of insulation.

To insulate the attic, as well as a residential building, recommended outside. Thus, the dew point will be shifted, condensate will not accumulate inside.

Where to start

In order for this room to hold the most heat, it is necessary to choose the properly to insulate the insulation and determine the facing option. At the moment construction market Provides a wide range different insulationwhose choice is completely dependent on individual requirements.

Air circulation before and after thermal insulation

First of all, before deciding how and how to insulate the attic room, we need to study the types of thermal insulators, advantages, disadvantages, calculate the possibilities of the budget and choose cladding on the basis of technical specifications.

Selection of thermal insulation material

Among the most sought-after insulation, it is necessary to allocate:


Glass gaming is a budget option, the cost of which completely depends on need quantity Material, puster and density. On average, the price varies from 400 rubles for 3-4 sheets. However, the laying of fiberglass can cause some problems. In the process of installing is, it is strongly lifted, which contributes to the allocation of a large amount of dust, dangerous for breathing and vision.

During work, you should carefully protect yourself with a special suit, gloves, masks, glasses and shoes. The main advantages of glass gambles are considered:

Before making a decision, how to insulate the attic mineral wool, it is very important to take care of the safety of work.

Wood sawdust

Sawdust - excellent option For people seeking to create a room that meets all environmental requirements. Sawders are able to create good thermal insulation and noise insulation. Used mainly wood waste for floor insulation.

The main disabilities are considered:

  • exposure to fungal, clay lesions;
  • fast absorption of humidity;
  • a small operational period. Over time, the material is hesitated and loses its properties.


EcoWhat is distinguished by durability and also listed in the Category Environmentally pure Materials. It has a high thermal conductivity indicator - 0.043 W / MK, which is considered one of the best values \u200b\u200bof such insulation.

The thermal insulation well absorbs sounds, stable before aggressive chemical effects, passes a pair, preventing the formation of fungus, mold or corrosion. After applying, the owner will no longer have a question than to insulate the attic.

Warm plates

Fiberboard is most often used for mansard insulation in bathrooms. Plates possess simple way Installations, which "bribes" those who are trying to figure out how to insulate the attic with the help of fiberboard.

Plates have good stability before mechanical damage, are famous high indicator Heat, sound insulation. A smooth and robust surface allows you to save a significant amount of means on floor alignment, walls, ceiling.


Most of the owners of private houses faced with the task, the better to insulate the attic outside, in one voice, they claim that the foam will perfectly cope with this.

The big popularity of this material is justified by simplicity in the device, good properties Heat, noise insulation, fire safety and water resistance. For internal insulation It is not suitable because it misses couples, with the result that fungal formations may appear.

Polyfoam has two minuses - the low degree of environmental friendliness and the love of rodents. If the work on the insulation of the attic of the attic will be conducted from the inside, get ready for the fact that mice will settle in the foam.

Polyurene Foolder

Specialists unambiguously recommended to choose this particular material. Outwardly, it is not enough for little foam, but at the expense of special production technology, is much more effective. Before insulation of the attic from the inside, you need to calculate the number of sheets.

Among the main advantages are simplicity of installation, it does not require laying. It is necessary to poison the area between the rafted, which ensures a thorough thermal insulation of all gaps.

Polyurethane foam has stability before humidity, increased fire safety, a large operational period, however prevents air circulation. In such conditions, condensate accumulates and foci of mold appear.

Montage sequence

After the owner of a private house comes to a specific decisionThe better to insulate the attic, you should study the strict sequence of material installation:

  • walls;
  • roof.

This method is the most correct and convenient for obtaining the expected result.

Video: Technology insulation of the attic room

Floor insulation

In case the floor has uneven surface, It is necessary to correctly select an option, the better to insulate the attic from the inside, so that the alignments do not have to arrive. The technology is a few steps: first the floor insulation is installed on the floor, then it will fall asleep with a granular material, it is neatly aligned with the beacons and on top of the installation of fiberboard.

To prepare for the classic method of installing wooden floors, experts recommend completing the premises with mineral wool. If you plan to install the "Warm floor" system, then before insulating the attic from the inside, you need to make a standard foam screed.

In addition to the above options, clamzit, sawdust and waterproofing film can be used for floor insulation.

Heat insulation of walls

The walls of the attic room are often lined with plasterboard. At the same time, basalt plates or sheets of mineral wool are placed in the area between the basis and material.

Work with ceiling

The process of insulation of the ceiling zone is the most difficult, as the ceiling is equipped with large quantity Baok, which complicate the work of the installation of insulating material. All work must be performed by following the basic rules.

  1. First of all, it is necessary to carry out the insulation of roofing.
  2. Next - Installation of the waterproofing layer from protective filmnot allowing the penetration of moisture on the insulation.
  3. After you need to install an air layer.
  4. Laying insulation, the method of which is completely dependent on a variety.
  5. Installation ventilation holes or gaps for improved circulation of air and creating the most favorable microclimate indoors.
  6. Installing the membrane film that is responsible for the regular output of the unnecessary steam.
  7. In conclusion, the finishing cladding of plasterboard or other such finishes.

Video: Hazard roof insulation do it yourself

Competent insulation of the attic from the inside allows you to use the room round yearIn addition, it helps to significantly save on heating and electricity costs for the heating of the structure as a whole.

Cancer insulation variants depend on what stage of building a house was laid on the attic floor. In the article we will deal with how to properly perform heat insulation, the better to insulate the premises, and offer step-by-step instructions, how to make the insulation of the attic from the inside with their own hands.

How to insulate the field of mansard

How to warm the floor by reinforced concrete floor

To insulate the floor, first we clean the plate from the garbage and dust, close the gaps and irregularities cement-sandy solution. Next, we carry out the waterproofing of the slab, the coating method bituminous mastic on 2 layers, or filament ruberoid, joints should be braced and tightly glued soldering lamp - It will protect the insulation from condensate.

We put the insulation on the floor, it may be mineral or basalt wool, claymzite, foam, PPU, polystyrene foam, etc. The insulation is stacked, then the reinforcing mesh with a cell 600 * 600 mm and more, from the reinforcement with a cross section of up to 6 mm.

Armature is poured cement screedAfter that, you can proceed to finishing floor, the material is selected depending on the design of the attic.

Stock Foto Floor insulation on attic, layer of insulation should fit tightly to lagas

How to make heat insulation by wooden overlapping

Before insulationing the wooden floor on the attic, be sure to treat the old refractory coating and antiseptics. Next, lags from a bar 100 * 100 mm are stuffed for insulation, with a step of 500-600 mm. Lags are squeezed by a waterproofing membrane, and on top of it, the insulation is very tightly fit between the beams, all the gaps should be sealed with mounting foam. The insulation is covered with vapor barrier, be sure to benched 150 mm. On top can be mounted sheet Material: Phaneur, chipboard, OSB, for which and stacked finishing, either to store the sex board under painting.

How to insulate the ceiling on the attic

The ceiling on the attic is extremely rare, as it is without that low room. But if such a need arose, in mind strong frostsOr this requires the features of the interior of the attic, then, first of all, around the perimeter of the future ceiling it is necessary to pull the vaporizolation membrane. Next, set the laminate from wooden bars or metal profiles, with a cell 600 * 600 mm. Inside the crates put insulation, mineral wool. The lamp is sewn another layer of vapor barrier, then you can grab the ceiling with facing materials.

Dooming for insulation of an attic ceiling

Tip: If the attic is planned to be insulated with slaughter materials, then they are attached over the crate. The frame should be enhanced by rigidity ribs so that the lamp does not resist the insulation from the weight.

What insulation to choose for attic

The question is, the better to insulate the attic from the inside, it is very acute, and the knife, the reviews on the forums will drastically differ, each material has its undoubted advantages, as well as flaws.


Insulation foam of attic - this is the most a budget option Save heat indoors. For insulation of the attic room, a layer of polyfoam is a thickness of at least 100 mm. It is almost weightless material, easy to install, suitable for the insulation of children's and bedrooms on the attic. But he burns, infected with mold, in addition, rodents use it to organize their moves throughout the house. Despite the fact that this method of insulation has been checking the time, the question of whether the insulation of the attic of the attic of the foam is, the reviews are diverted from "in no case," to "only foam", remains open. We invite you to see the instruction, where it is described in detail how to perform the insulation of the attic of the foam, the video clearly demonstrates all the advantages and disadvantages of working with this material.

Extruded expanded polystyrene foam

The insulation of the attic floor with extruded polystyrene foam, as a rule, is performed outside the building. Despite the fact that many consider this material by foam, their chemical composition It is very different. The polystyrene foam is well tolerates chemical impacts, it has thermal conductivity lower than that of the foam, it practically does not miss moisture. Even if the water penetrated the surface of the insulation, the material during freezing and thawing will retain its thermal insulation characteristics. The polystyrene foams have different density, the higher this indicator, the difficult insulation, the smaller the density, the better heat and sound insulation properties. But extruded polystyrene foam in contact with complex carbohydrates is destroyed, it is also deformed by ultraviolet raysTherefore, having arranged the living attitudes, it is not recommended to use paints on nitroins.

Look at the video how to insulate the attic with your own hands extruded polystyrene foam


The insulation of the attic of the mansard foam is financially expensive, relative to the foam. This is new rolled insulationwhich is a competitor for mineral wool. It has a low thermal conductivity coefficient, good heat insolound, resistant to moisture. The huge advantage of foamophole - it protects the room from the effects of radioactive substances, but it does not tolerate mechanical loads, and requires skills when laying the heat insulating layer, the violation of the technology leads to a deterioration in the thermal insulation characteristics of the insulation.

Polyurethane foam spraying

The thermal insulation made by spraying polyurethane foam does not have joints, and, consequently, the besels of the cold. Such insulation does not require costs preliminary training Mansard to thermal insulation, the material is poured on the thickness of the attic of the attic and more. The insulation is sprayed right not the walls, the floor, the ceiling special equipment. PUP is resistant to fungi, and practically does not let moisture, but poorly transfers the effects of ethers and concentrated acids


Equata is 80% composed of cellulose, and by 20% of antiseptics and supplements of flames. Apply this material For the insulation of the attic, it is necessary to take into account the volume, since the insulation is very loose. To execute high-quality insulation Ancoatac attic, should be applied with a layer with a thickness of about 200 mm. This is an eco-friendly insulation, falls on the surface by the type of papier-mache, manually or by a mechanized way, does not forms the joints. It has a low thermal conductivity coefficient, a resistant to fungi and bacteria, is practically not lit. For the installation of the heat-insulating layer requires knowledge of application technology and professional skills.

Eco-weather insulation, such a method of heat-shields requires skills and knowledge of the technology of applying material on the surface

Mineral wool

The use of mineral wool for insulation is the most popular way to maintain heat on the attic. Depending on the composition and density of the wool, it can be laid in the strut or in a special framework. Mineral wool does not rot, but absorbs moisture, due to this, its thermal insulation characteristics are reduced, as well as the insulation, the insulation is noticeable with moisture, which gives significant loads on the rafter and the roof of the attic. With the insulation of the Minvat, there is practically no waste, it is easy to cut. For insulation of the attic floor, a layer is 100-200 mm thick, depending on constructive features structure. When working with the Minvat, we should wear a protective suit and glasses.

Mansard insulation, video instructions, how to properly lay the heat-insulating layer from Minvati


I would like to leave the old Dedovsky and almost free way of insulation. The device of heat-insulating cake with sawdust. This is an eco-friendly insulation method, tested by time. The sawdust is mixed with lime and laid the insulating layer with a thickness of 100 mm. Such thermal insulation is several times inferior to modern insulation, in addition, it is a fire-hazard method of insulation. But if that is country house, and on the project of the attic a cold unheated room, then such a method of insulation is quite acquitted.

For mansard insulation can be used as traditional materials, so I. modern insulation, the main thing is to correctly calculate the thickness of the heat insulating layer

Now the market is represented by a huge selection of insulation: stone Vata. Rockvul, slab polyplex, backfills, plates, mats, etc. Which insulation is better for the attic depends on what room should be inspired: if it is a warm attic, then the benefits have basalt wats, PPU, and if cold - foam and sawdust. The second criterion for selecting the insulation is how much willing to spend on thermal insulation. It's believed that universal insulation It can not be in principle, each of them has their own advantages and disadvantages. We tried to choose the most useful tips for you, how to insulate the attic, video materials will help you understand the intricacies of thermal insulation device with each specific material.

Sounds of insulation and hydraulic insulation of the attic

How to put the insulation?

Thinking about how to insulate mansard Floor, we often miss the type of important things. For example, a large role in the effectiveness of insulation is played by how correctly the material was laid.

  • The material should be laid in two layers, where the second overlaps the seams and joints of the first.
  • The thickness of the rafter legs and the first layer of the insulation must be the same. IN otherwise The plates of the second layer will be bends, which leads to the loss of density of joints.
  • The width of the insulation should be equal to the distance between the rapid legs. So the plates will fall at exactly, with a full adjoint, the insulation of the attic floor from the inside will be fully complete.

The second layer of the insulation does not hold on the spot, what to do?

With the insulation of the attic of the attic placle materials, it usually does not occur - they get up between the Rakes of the counter of the Mospus. The rolled types are soft, they savage and, as a result, fall out from their own place. There is a natural question: how to insulate the attic of the attic with their own hands, so that everything is reliably fixed? The problem is solved using nails and a synthetic cord:

  • At the edges of the regches, the counter of the crates are shaking small nails.
  • The cord is tied to the uppermost nail.
  • The material is invested in place and fixed with a cord, in a minute from one rail to another.

We work so until we finish the insulation of the attic of the attic with their own hands.

How to perform insulation of walls under the scenes of the roof?

If the inner walls of the residential attic under loan roof Made by vertical, in addition to choosing how to insulate the walls of the attic from the inside there is another task: the placement of the insulation material. You do not need to be done directly on the beams of the roof. The insulation is placed on the shields that will serve as the walls of the future room. And so that the material does not fall into space under the roof, on the reverse side of the shields are muted by the cutting boards. Wall insulation from the inside, whose photo you see below are performed in this way.

Is it possible to replace the pair of the floor with moisture protection?

Usually, the cake of insulation of the floor of the attic on the cottage consists of a layer of waterproofing, insulation and vaporizolation. The idea of \u200b\u200binstalling moisture protection instead of steamosistrates seems logical - protection of the floor from spilled water. Not so simple. The insulation works as long as it is dry. Indicators of thermal insulation decrease with increasing humidity level.

If we hill the floor with vapor barrier, water will evaporate sooner or later, and the insulation will restore its properties. When there is a moisture protection, and water somehow falls inside the overlap, there will be no moisture output. We get: no floor insulation in the attic floor and the presence, over time, mold under it.

How to install vapor barrier?

The insulation of the attic floor from the inside never costs without the installation of vapor insulation membranes. This process has its own nuances:

  • Foil membranes are installed shiny side into the room.
  • The positioning of conventional fiberglass canvases is determined on the touch - a smooth side to the insulation, Schellova - to the room.
  • Installation of any vapor insulation cloths is conducted by strips, in a horizontal direction, bottom-up.

These rules relate to the insulation of the attic floor in both the roofs, and in front of the roof.

What width should be the ventilation gap between the roof and insulation cake?

The width of the ventilation depends on the type of roofing material, and not from the fact that the attic of the attic from the inside you are going to:

  • Bituminous tile, rolled materials, asbestos-cement lists, galvanized steel - under them should be at least 50 mm.
  • Any wavy lists The type of metal tile, profiled galvanized steel - from the roofing material to the ardition layer of the attic of the attic from the inside, we leave the gap from 25 mm.

How to avoid mistakes during the insulation of the mansard foam?

  • You can not use dowel mushrooms during the insulation of the attic of the indigestion by foam. Reviews usually do not reflect this, but the multiple bridges of the cold, resulting in the process, increase the loss of heat.
  • Thinking how to insulate the attic to the foam, remember that for wooden surfaces this material does not fit.
  • Application should be avoided mounting foam To eliminate slots between foam plates. It is better to choose a material having a combination-groove combination. If you need to make cut-off parts together - just pon them with a knife.

What is better, basalt wool or slag?

Many find it difficult in the question as to which insulation is better for the attic. This is especially true of slag and basalt minvati - are called in a word, look like. The latter is better because it has a smaller thermal conductivity coefficient - 0.12. At slagotov, this indicator is 0.48. Another advantage basalt insulation - Lack of formaldehydes in the composition. Therefore, solving, the better to insulate the attic from the inside, it is preferable to stay on the basalt car.

What if the thickness of the insulation turned out to be greater than the height of the crate?

If making the insulation of the fronton of the attic of the attic from the inside, you found that the insulation is too fat and performs over the crate, in no case can it be frozen. The heat-powered properties of the material directly depend on its density: the smaller it is, the greater the effect of the insulation.

Commission, for example, slag, we compact it, worsening its properties. How to insulate the farming of the attic without rewinding the crate? Just increase its thickness, stinging on top of the rack of the desired section. Similarly, the roofs are also coming, increasing rafters in width.

Is it possible to do without insulation of the insulated floor of the attic?

Deciding how to insulate the attic for winter accommodation We often doubt whether it is necessary to take care of the hydro and vaporizolation of the floor. In theory, if the floor is well insulated and insulated on the walls and roof, this can not be done. However, do not forget that warm air It has a property climb up, and moisture rises with it. That is, floor last floor Gets moisture from around the house. Therefore B. winter version Mansard layers of the insulation must be enclosed in water and vapor insulation membranes.

Dimensions of country sites and the desire of their hosts to use the maximum fertile layer of the soil convincing making decisions on expansion useful areas In the vertical, and not in the horizontal direction. It is easier and more profitable to equip the attic over the bath, than to attach an extra relaxation room to it or build a separate house. True acceptable this option It will be only if the useful underpressure of 2.5 m height has more than 50%, and if the ceiling above the bath is arranged so that on the upper plane it can be saved without fears. In the presence of listed prerequisites, the insulation of the attic will allow it to turn it into an excellent residential compartment.

  • Let's start with the fact that the configuration of the roof is far from the form of a classic cube. Mounting the insulation will have to inclined surfaces. And since we consider the insulation of the attic of the attic from the inside, it is impossible not to take into account the complexity of the installation of soft and flexible rolled materials.
  • Recall that the prevailing majority of the upper fencing area is a roofing structure with a rafter system. Its coating from extremely lightweight materials with high waterproofing qualities, but also with a considerable thermal conductivity. Wooden elements Craps of the rafter design are stacked with gaps that do not form a thermal barrier.
  • We take into account that in the attic floor there is not only the surface of the roof, but at least two fronton and endow. Leave without insulation or badly insulate them - it means to reduce all efforts to zero.
  • It will not forget that the roofing material that does not pass by atmospheric moisture, at the same time prevents the output of evaporation, natural for the bath and not only for her.
  • We will ensure the safety of the use of the residential premises by performing the insulation of the roof of the attic materials with the environmental and hygienic characteristics required for housing.

By summing up the above criteria, make a peculiar formula from the requirements that the constructed thermal insulation system should be responsible. According to the tasks staged before insulation, we will select the material and find out all the technological nuances. For efficient work Thermal insulation is necessary to:

  • layer of insulation completely covered interior surfaces Without "rush" in a kind of carpet, so that in the heat-insulating system there was no weak places in the form of an unprotected skate and unclipped with an insulator of the frontones;
  • insulating material opposing the attacks of the cold atmospheric front outside and the warm wet front from the inside was protected from condensate formed as a result of their confrontation;
  • on the outer surface of the heat-insulating layer did not accumulate moisture, not missed by the outward waterproofing roofing, so that excess moisturizing was removed through the ventilation channels;
  • easy roofing insulation was equipped with a windproof, excluding blowing blowing from mansard into windy days;
  • the material is suitable for technical, technological and sanitary and hygienic parameters.

Listed requirements are a detailed answer to the question "How to warm the attic". If the thermal insulation system will comply with all conditions, then it will serve it for a long time and efficiently.

Choosing a suitable insulation

From a technological point of view to create a thermal insulation system, the plates are best suited from the inside. Using the material holding is easier, faster and more convenient to perform the insulation of the attic with their own hands with a minimum number of additional fixing devices. For their proper Installation The rafters are nourished longitudinal bars with dimensions, allowing to provide ventilation gap. The outer plane of the bars must coincide with the outer plane of the elements of the rafter system, the inner plane of the heat insulating material must coincide with the inner plane of the rafted.

Note. If the power of the selected insulation is larger than the width of the rafted, each of the elements of the rafter system will have to be knit or installed on screws additional bar. Wooden supplements before installation are necessarily processed by an antiseptic.

In any case, both with sufficient and in case of insufficient width of the rafted ventilation space between the insulation and the roofing material should be left.

Indicators of the thermal quality of the material determine the climatic features of the region. To find out them will help the collection of construction standards under number 23-02-2003. According to the indicator specified in Snip, the material must be selected.

  • Polyfoam - budget material and convenient way insulation. The lightweight plates will be easy to install, the heat-insulating system will insignificantly increase the weight of the roof. However, a weak ability to carry out couples and attractiveness as a talleled dish for mice are forced to think about whether the insulation of the attic of the attic foam.
  • Minvata is also a convenient and democratic option. Code-cm stripped in size for a pair of more than a gap between the slab rafters is easy to install. Before mounting, the insulation element needs to be slightly squeeze and arrange in the required place. Crawing, elastic mineral wool will be firmly "sitting" in its nest. As an almost equivalent alternative, glass wool can be applied.
  • The polystyrene foam is usually placed on top of the rainstream system, forming ventilation gap by installing the control in between the insulation plates and the roofing coating. For the insulation of the roofing system from the inside it will not work, but can be used for the insulation of the frontones.
  • Polyurethan - without problems applied to the surface of any complexity by spraying. The performer with a portable installation that supplies under pressure foamed insulation is subject to a plane with any bias. The insulation of the attic of the mansard polyurethane will allow creating a monolithic layer without the slightest gaps. In addition, it will not be needed a vapor insulation layer that protects interior decoration From the effects of condensate.
  • Eco-insulator from the discharge of sprayed materials. According to the properties is similar to the wood, in its composition there is an antiseptic that prevents the heating layer damage and the wood contacting it. Also as the previous analogue creates solid cover, not sediments in the process of many years of use. For insulation, an emotor will need to mount the tail ceiling and install the crate for fastening the vapor insulating material.
  • Folgized materials operating not only as a heater, but also as a mirror reflector, seeking to exit heat outwards. In order for the foil heat-insulator to perform work on "excellent", it is necessary to deploy it during installation with an aluminum layer inside the room and leave a 5 cm distance between it and a vapor barrier layer.

The list is quite sufficient to make attention to the attention, but the most sought-after insulation materials from the inside recognize mineral wool. Spraying polyurethane foam is popular, but not everyone is available due to the lack of an apparatus, which, however, can be rented for rent in construction organization. It remains only to find out how to insulate the attic with their own hands and get an excellent result.

What should be the right constructive cake?

Instructed heat-insulating system is the following constructive pie if you start listed the layers on the part of the core space:

  • Facing plasterboard plates.
  • A vapor barrier layer, preferably the type of membrane type. It is a solid shell created from laid laced with a 10-centimeter adhesive rolled material. The canvas are attached along horizontal and vertical joints with a special adhesive tape.
  • Disease performing three functions. Attached across rafying racks hold the insulation, serve as the basis for fixing vaporizolation and form ventilation space, especially necessary when using foil material.
  • Insulation, laid in one or more layers, depending on the generated heat engineering effect. With the insulation of the attic on the side of the room mounted between the rafters.
  • The waterproofing layer protecting the insulation from wetting, the consequence of which is to reduce heat engineering properties.

Note. Builders who thoroughly know how to insulate the attic, urgently advise the ventilation gap between thermal insulating material and waterproofing. According to technological standards, its absence is considered a gross mistake.

  • Another counterclaim that creates a ventilated space between waterproofing and roofing material. Ventilation in this case is necessary to remove moisture accumulating on the waterproofing membrane. Holes are provided for the moisture removal in the base zone of the rods and in the Endaist area. The width for ventilation determines the roofing material. If the roof is covered with tiles, slate, professional flooring or wavy ondulin, it is enough to leave 25 mm if flat Material Without profile relief you need to leave 50 mm.
  • Windproof vapor insulation, equipping ventilation space. It is necessary for maintaining heat in the case of active ventilation in the vent. Stacked above the rapid legs, attached to the rails, on top of which the roofing coating is mounted.

Performing the insulation of the attic with their own hands with all the subtleties, the owner of the bath with an attic will provide himself with a comfortable residential space, eliminating the need to erect cottage plot house. For arrangement mansard roof Under housing it is not necessary to obtain permits and ask the consent of the neighbors. But the benefits and economic effect is obvious.