Drawings of homemade devices and fixtures. Homemade fixtures for workshop

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If you have accumulated many different tools and you want to somehow streamline them in one place, then making the tool box with your own hands you decide this problem. Of course, you can buy a ready-made plastic box, which are now in abundance there are on store shelves, but is it a path of real self-relocine? Also do not forget about ...

Most recently, I found the old knife on the closet, his handle was broken, but I decided not to throw it out and give him a second chance. I like this knife by the fact that it is lightweight - the blade thickness is only a millimeter, for sure they are comfortable to crumble and cut the greens and vegetables. For the manufacture of knobs for a knife will need: ...

A total of two aluminum cans, you can make a simple and reliable burner, which will help both a tourist and a hunter. Unlike purchased burners, it is characterized by small sizes and light weight. In addition, it can be made from the remedies. In order to make a burner from the beer can we need: two half-liter ...

Homemade masters are quite often faced with the problem of high-quality cutting and cutting various foams, for example, during repair home furniture or the manufacture of various models. Meanwhile, the foam meezer will make it much easier for this process and improve the quality of the cut. And the most ...

By the nature of the activity, I often have to solder a large number of small amateurs and microcircuits, I tried several variants of corporate soldiers, but they were all rather rough for the shallow soldering. Most. good option It turned out homemade Sarel Made from the resistor. It is reliable, easy to manufacture and easy to work. With his ...

Basically, most of the defects of modern radio electronic equipment are associated with faulty electrolytic capacitors. In this case, the search for defective capacitors using a container meter is rather difficult, due to the fact that the container of the defective capacitor may differ at all of the nominal, and the ESR value can be large. In most cases, it is ...

The glass cutter for bottles is an excellent device for those who like to make something with their own hands. From a glass bottle, you can make a lot of things: a transparent glass, a vase handmade, candlestick, ceiling, chandelier and much more. But how to cut it? Especially neat. Of course, you can cut a bottle of thread or ...

I suggest you make a homemade lantern working on the water. This is a great thing for tourists, hunters and just lovers make something with their own hands. Moreover - the manufactured flashlight is absolutely environmental and does not harm environment, unlike conventional lanterns whose batteries contain such harmful metals like lead ...

In this article, I will tell you in detail how to make a device for spot welding with your own hands from the old microwave oven. Made point welding can produce current up to 800 amps, which is quite enough for the welding of thin (1 - 1.5 mm) sheet metal (for example, a repacking rechargeable batteries etc). Primarily...

The home workshop is a place where every master is given the opportunity to realize his most bold ideas and do something with their own hands. But in order for the work to be productive and comfortable, it is necessary to make equipment for the workshop. Consider how to make homemade machines And devices for a home workshop with their own hands.

Homemade machines and accessories for a home workshop: Preparation for work

Almost all filling a personal workshop is quite possible to make yourself. Main question It is only that you want to get as a result of your work. At the same time, you should not forget about the source data that you have to be considered, for example, the size of the machines must be adequate to the size of the room, etc.

The main difficulties with which you have to face in the process of arrangement of a home workshop:

  • lack of free space for location of devices, as well as movement;
  • strong noise that makes machines in the process of work;
  • compliance with safety requirements.

The first two points have a solution, you will certainly find drawings of machine tools of suitable models or folding structures. The problem of strong noise can be solved by setting up in sufficient remoteness from the residential rooms or by providing an additional noise insulating finish. The third item must be observed extremely strictly.

Compliance with safety - very important momentTherefore, it is not necessary to treat it frivolous. Before you begin making or installing any item for a home workshop, be sure to read the requirements of its operation.

Milling machine on wood for homemade workshop do it yourself

If you believe in specialized Internet resources, you make your own hands the milling machine for metal or wood is quite possible. Moreover, you can easily find many different drawings and schemes that are designed to help you in this task. Consider one of the easiest and at the same time popular options.

It is necessary to start work with the fact that a leaf of laminated plywood or chipboard is cut into parts, according to the dimensions specified in the drawing. It will be a tabletop and the face of the future machine.

In order to ensure the functionality of the machine, as a rule, use a manual milling machine, which is fixed on the tabletop strictly perpendicularly. Then, using drawings, you can make additional devices that will allow you to comfortably adjust the level of inclination and the depth of the material processing.

The final stage is the manufacture of a parallel stop device, which is responsible for ensuring that the part that entered the processing is sent to the cutting element strictly at one angle.

Of course, this is only the easiest option, and reading the drawings of milling machines on a CNC tree with your own hands, you will make sure that this unit can be infinite, and everything depends on your skills here.

How to make a raysmovy machine with your own hands

Another, no less popular, machine, which is used at home - flights. It is not difficult to make it, but the process of wood processing is able to ease at times, and its popularity is caused.

First of all it is necessary to pick up fit drawing, or using an example to make your own scheme, specifying the dimensions, location location of all elements, as well as the method of their bonded.

Helpful advice! One of the most simple ways is to make a flight from the electruruck. With your own hands, such a design is assembled elementary.

After the preparatory work is completed, you can start assembling. You need to start with a support frame consisting of pipes cooked with each other. After that, the corresponding markup is applied to the fiberboard and the tabletop is cut out the desired size. If you plan to place a cutting element vertically, then at this stage it is necessary to prepare the openings of the appropriate size.

After all the elements are available, you can start assembling, attaching an electric motor, spindle, restrictive bar, etc.

Helpful advice! If, after the assembly and launch, the machine vibrates strongly, it is recommended to take care of the installation of rigidity edges.

Homemade lathe on wood with their own hands

A latter takes a special place in almost any workshop. But its manufacture has its own characteristics that need to be taken into account during the work. So, important role It is assigned a bed, which determines the stability of the entire structure. It can be made from metal and from wood. The main thing is that it is strong enough and heavy.

For a lathe on a tree for a domestic workshop, it is quite possible to do with a motor, the capacity of which is 200-250 W. At the same time, its standard speed will not exceed 15 thousand revolutions per minute.

Otherwise, the parts are necessary for the creation of the machine are standard: manual milling, stops, locks. The mill must be placed on a table top in which the holes for fastening are pre-triggered. In order to properly assemble a homemade lathe, you need to navigate the drawing and stick to the specified sizes.

Cutters for lathe on wood

The main task that stands in the process of manufacture turning machine Wooden - properly choppers. The quality of this element is determined immediately in several indicators, among which the hardness of the metal, as well as the strength of the attachment to the retainer.

Ideally, for their manufacture, it is necessary to use instrumental steel, but in reality it is not always possible, and often you have to do with infirous materials. So, for this purpose, steel fittings, a file, automobile springs and the like can be suitable.

Helpful advice! If you use old metal parts, be sure to make sure there are no serious damage on them, as well as deep chips.

In the process of manufacture of incisors, it is important not only how to sharpen the edge, but also harden it. So you will ensure the additional strength of the element and allow it to withstand significantly heavy loads without any risks to be damaged.

How to make a stationary circular saw with your own hands

As in the case of other machines, the manufacture of a stationary circular saw begins with a countertop, which will later be placed cutting elements, a control unit, engine and other components. It is better to do metal, and additionally strengthen the rigidity ribs.

In addition, in the process of developing and creating a device, it is important to take into account what depth you are planning to make sawing, as well as some characteristics of the electromotor used. For simple home use, it is quite enough to be the power of 800 W at 1600 rpm.

Helpful advice! An excellent addition to your workshop can be a device for sharpening knives with your own hands. Drawings and schemes needed for its manufacture, you can easily find on the Internet.

Of course, the above machines and devices listed above are not all that mono make with their own hands for a domestic workshop. For example, you can also make a carpentry workbench. Drawings, video and step-by-step photo instructions provide for this more than enough information.

In the same way, you can make a self-made drilling machine with your own hands. After all, if you have at least the basic level of the necessary skills to work with the tool and can read the scheme, then no difficulties in the process of work you will have, for what you did not take. After all, make machines and devices on their own - this is a great opportunity to save, while equipping a home workshop on your own way.

When we, that we produce your own hands, are necessary various tools, fixtures but just do not smooth and just not really have everything. Therefore, the insigning craftsman usually uses various homemade adaptations from what is at hand. In this article, only a small part of the masters came up with.

Required device: Sawdust drive

Having equipped the workshop, I decided to remove very small sawdust from the milling machine. The dust homing systems that comes on sale were too expensive, and I decided to make a similar device myself.

To a rigid lid plastic barrel Attached the drum of the vacuum vacuum cleaner. A dense fit was provided with a rubber seal, and the impermeability of the lid itself is a sealant. At the top of the barrel cut the hole 100 mm and the screws attached the fitting for the hose of the vacuum cleaner. The input of the dust collector was selected by the rubber gasket. With the attached flexible hose, the extractor works efficiently, and the barrel is easily unloaded.


When drilling a hole in the wall with a manual electric door to make it strictly horizontal, it is not always possible. A rubber washer with a hole can help, the diameter of which is more drill. The washer, reliably on the drill and having the possibility of free movement on it, when the drill is tilted up will move towards the cartridge drill, and when the slope is down - removed from it. We must try so that the washer remains in one place. This means that the drill is in a horizontal position.

Fixture: Circle Joiner

Circle that can be conducted with a circle with a diameter of up to 900 mm, can be made of tongs for linen, two steel stripes and arrows from the game of darts. If you can not find linen tongs, the legs can be made of trimming enough hardwood, better buckus. The upper ends of the circular legs are connected by a spring steel strip, in the lower ends, the holes for the pencil and the arrow tip are drilled. Fix a pencil and tip with small screws-self-storms. The circulator's feet of the circulator's solution consists of two steel plates connected by a bolt with a bars nut. Other ends of the plates are fixed on the feet of the circulation.

Capped caps from ballpoint balls

Tanks with glue are usually equipped with regular caps that often come off. They can be replaced with caps from ballpoint pens. And the color of the cap from the ballpoint handle will additionally inform about the contents of the bottle.

Fixes for milling

Sampling of a certain depth and width in board plaque can be made manual milling via simple adaptation (See Fig.), which provides constant parameters of immersion cutters into the board when moving the milling milling.

Pen for clamp

I was always annoyed by a handle with a gate of a cutlery clamp, for which I was always lying to cling to something. I replaced the knob with a wooden cylindrical handle. To fix the knob on the screw, drilled the hole in it, put the bolt and delayed the nut.

Bear for sharpening drills

When sharpening tools, high speed sharpened - a big advantage, but it is often difficult to maintain the right sharpening angle. You have to remove the tool from the girlfriend and dip it into the water.

It helps me a small wooden block that is tightly put on a metal girlfriend. Thus, the angle of the tool based on it (the chisels or iron rubles) when contacting the grinding circle is always the same.

Most often, the tools are sharpened at a standard angle, so several small blocks of nozzles on the standard girlfriend will help in most situations. To get an accurate necessary angle, I processed the ends of the metal plate at the angle of sharpening and used it as a template for installing a wooden block.

Without changing the positions of the main girlfriend, the unit can be replaced in a few seconds.

The home workshop is far from uncommon in the courtyard of any rapid owner. With its arrangement there are some features that need to be observed. Our review will help you choose and make self-made machine tools and devices for a home workshop, as well as sort out the technology of their manufacture. Each owner can independently choose the necessary equipment. And if you know the technical features of the structures, then you can equip the room on your own. When equipping equipment, it is important to schedule a sufficient number of space. Better if the workshop is equipped in a separate room.

The quality of work and the functional arrangement of the home workshop depends on comfortable conditions Labor

Before selecting a set of homemade machines and garage fixtures, you need to create optimal operating conditions. In this case, the size of the room should be at least 6 square meters. m. You can attach an additional room to the garage or to the house. It is important to determine what types of work you will conduct, as well as draw up a list of equipment and the necessary tools.

Storage of certain types of tools are most convenient to organize on the wall. This will save space. It is also convenient to use racks and shelves.

When choosing homemade machines and devices for a domestic workshop, you can pick up mini equipment of different types. Options are used to work with metals:

  • sharpening equipment Used to treat metal surfaces: grinding, polishing and sharpening. For its manufacture, the minimum number of components and parts is required. The equipment includes sharpening stones and electric motor. For stability of the device, mounting elements are used;

  • milling Machine Used to drill holes. In the manufacture of this design of the lifting mechanism used steering Reika. In addition, the device of the angular milling machine can be installed.

For wood processing, different self-relocities are used tools and devices with their own hands. Most often, species such as cutting, lathe and grinding are used. With their help, you can perform all the types of work at home. For wood processing, such equipment is used:

  • cutting machines. The simplest device is a benzo- or electric saw. Such aggregates can be disk, ribbon, or by panel from chainsaws. In the manufacture of homemade equipment it is worth considering the disk diameter, as well as the width of the cutting part;

  • grinding device. The easiest option is made of a steady table, a vertical grinding shaft and an electric motor. A abrasive tape is used, which processes the ends of the wood blanks.

Article on the topic:

Significantly simplifies the processing of wood blanks. Specialized equipment with an electric drive. But the acquisition of it is associated with significant investments. To solve a successful task, the materials of this article should be examined.

Shelves for tools do it yourself: Popular designs and manufacture

It is worth noting such storage options tools:

  • racks;
  • suspended shelves;
  • wall structures;
  • shelves in the form of shields on which minor tools can be fixed.

The shield shelf under the tool with your own hands can be done like this:

  • drink off the shield from plywood and make the markup of the places where the shelves will be installed;
  • make the shelves with side walls, the length of which must correspond to the length of the shield;
  • shelves are fixed on a shield using self-tapping screws;
  • mounted hooks that are equipped with special threads;
  • installing brackets on the back of the shield.

For your information! Functional shield shelves. You can consolidate hooks or special holders. Above such design you can suspend an additional lamp. In this case, you can use a small light bulb.

Designing a joinery workbench do it yourself: drawings, video

Let's start learning useful devices For household with their own hands from the workbench. This beneficial unit is the following varieties: stationary, mobile and folding.

Remember that the drawing of the folding workbench should contain such details:

  • the working surface, to create which the board is required by a thickness of at least 6 cm. At the same time, ram, beech or oak apply. You can apply the boards colored by oil;

  • on the top cover mounted the design of the vice;
  • the bearing legs of the workbench are made of pine and linden. There are longitudinal connecting beams between them for the sustainability of the entire design;
  • shelves for tools are mounted under the workbench.

How to make a simple workbench, you can see on this video:

Technology and drawings of a joinery workbench do it yourself: a simple design

To make such a fixture you need drawings with dimensions joiner's workbench.

In this photo, you can see how the folding design is done

Consider how you can build a similar device:

  • to make the cover you will need thick boards. The shield dimensions must be 0.7 * 2 meters. For fasteners, long nails are used;
  • the roof finish is performed using a bar;
  • depending on the dimensions of the joinery of the workbench, vertical supports are used;
  • the height is determined working surface Devices for carpentry workshop do it yourself. Marking under the bars is applied on Earth where the elements are injected;
  • installation of the workbench cover is performed. Support bars are attached to pairs. In this case, long screws are used.

Features of the creation and design of wooden workbench do it yourself

You can buy a wooden workbench or make it with your own hands. Additionally, the design can be equipped drawers. So, consider the manufacturing technology:

  • vertical supports are fixed using horizontal jumpers. They make grooves for connecting fittings. This can use the chisel and hammer;
  • when jumpers are installed at the desired level, the holes in the bars on the support are done. Then the bolt is mounted, after that the elements are tightened;
  • horizontal jumpers are installed two pieces on each side. Details under the table top will be required for installation above the working surface;
  • bolts are used to fasten the working surface. The countertop drives holes for fastening elements. Bolts are mounted so that the bolts are recessed.

You can easily make a tape grinding machine At home. At the same time, the emery canvas of the grinding ribbon will be needed. Its sticker is joined. To enhance the seam, it is necessary to put under the bottom of the dense material. In this case, low-quality glue should not be applied.

The diameter of the ribbon shaft must be several mm sewn in the center than from the edge. To the tape does not slide, you need to make winding out of fine rubber. For the manufacture of grinding devices, it is possible to choose designs such as planetary, round-fluff and flat octic.


For workbenks are often made with their own hands at home. Video allows you to see this process:

To make a similar design, special studs will be required. To work, you will need a screw pin having threads. It is also necessary to prepare a couple of boards. One element will be fixed, and the second move. In the manufacture of necessarily the use of drawings of vice with their own hands. In each of the boards, it is necessary to do the holes for the studs that are connected with nails. Then in them are inserted screws and nuts with washers. When designing homemade vise, you should apply instructions and ready-made schemes.

Helpful information! If you make pins moving, you can perform blanks of various sizes.

Creating a metal plumbing workrist with your own hands: Drawings

With frequent operation with metals, the best solution will be the creation of a metal workbench with their own hands. Wood material is not suitable for such purposes, since when processing metal products will often be damaged.

It is worth noting the following elements of such a device:

  • horizontal jumpers are used to provide longitudinal rigidity;
  • from profiled pipes are made of small beams of small size. They are used to assemble the frame side of the pipes. In the angular zone there are welded struts that are made from steel strips;
  • for racking beams, profile pipes with a wall thickness of 3-4 mm are used;
  • corner No. 50 is required for the racks on which the toolkit is attached.

To create high-quality seams, it is necessary to use carbon dioxide semi-automatic, as well as a welding machine of a pulse type.

Build a universal device begins with a frame. For this welded long and short beams. So that they do not twist among themselves, follow these actions:

  • put elements on a flat plane;
  • in areas of the location of the docking nodes, the beams are seized using spot welding;
  • at the same time, welding seams are made on one side of the frame, and then to another.

After that, the rear beam and vertical racks are mounted. It is important to check how exactly they are located relative to each other. If there are any deviations, you can be adjusted using a hammer. When the frame is ready, there are special corners to enhance the design. The countertop is performed from wooden boards, which are impregnated with fire-resistant fluid. The steel sheet is superimposed on top. On vertical racking items attached a shield from plywood. The same material is used to cover the couch.

Table 1. Creating a metal plumbing workbench do it yourself

PictureStages of mounting
For welding design, carbon dioxide semiautomatic is used.
Creating a frame frame. For welding, all the details must be put on a flat surface. The docking nodes of the beginning are simply grabbed, and then all the stitches risen. Rear racks and beam are welded to the frame.
After welding all the elements of rigidity, such a frame is obtained.
Then the enhancing corner is mounted for fasteners of the table top. Before mounting the board, it is necessary to treat with a special fire resistant composition. The sheet of metal is fastened from above.
Side walls are bursting with plywood shields, and in the right endament wooden boxes. To protect the base of the surface are covered by different paint and varnish materials. First, the soil is distributed, and then special enamel is used.

Fixture for sharpening knives with their own hands: drawings and nuances

For the manufacture, he sharpened from the engine from their own hands, you can take parts from the old Soviet devices. To build a sharpening machine will need such details:

  • tube for shading flanges;
  • grindstone;
  • special nuts;
  • steel elements for the design of protective housings;
  • cable lace;
  • launch device;
  • wood lump or metal corner.

The flange cross section should coincide with the sleeve dimensions. The grinding stone will be put on this element. Special thread will be performed on this detail. At the same time, the flange is pressed on the engine shaft. Fasteners are carried out by a welding or bolted compound.

The working winding is fixed to the cable. At the same time, it has a resistance of 12 ohms, which can be calculated using a multimeter. Stanna is also made for which a metal corner is taken.

How to make a sharpening of the drill on metal: do-it-yourself fixture

You can make a simple sharpening machine for metal drills from ordinary devices. For this, the abrasive bar is suitable.

At home, you can take advantage of such equipment:

  • electricity can be treated with a drill. In this case, the sharpening is performed from the edge. Using sharpened, it is necessary to pay attention to the sharpening angle, on fixing the drill on the axis of rotation. Excess metal should be removed gradually. In the end of the edges attached the form of cone;
  • bulgarian applies with their own hands as a sharpening machine. For sharpening the cutting tool is attached in the vice. To do this, the fastening angle is selected, and the disk is mounted.

It should be borne in mind that Bulgarian is mounted on a flat surface. At the same time, the disk should be placed on the book. If the grinding device is fixed unreliable, it can spoil the drill. It is possible to sharpen the grinder only for products with a small diameter. With the help of a grinding device, it is impossible to make an adjustment. To stand the cutting tool, the edge of the shield is used.

You can apply a drill nozzle, which is worth equipping a grinding disk with sandpaper. To grind the elements of the drill, you must find two smooth surfaces.

Drilling machine for a domestic workshop

You can make an adaptation of a drilling machine from a drill with your own hands. The drawings will help to deal with the design. Such elements will be needed for such a design:

  • base or bed;
  • rotational device;
  • mechanism to provide feed;
  • rack for mounting the door.

Here are the main stages in the manufacture of homemade drilling machine do it yourself:

  • chipboard is used for racks. It is necessary to choose a thickness of at least 20 mm;
  • to withstand the accuracy of the machine from a drill, you must apply guides. It can use steel strips;
  • for the pads are taken clan from steel.

To make a drilling machine, you will need a mechanism for feeding the rotational tool. For the design, springs and lever are used. Exist various devices For sharpening drills.

Build a drilling machine with your own hands: Drawings with dimensions

Also, the design will require the manufacture of homemade vice for a boring machine. The simplest device can be collected from a drill, without a steering rack. To minimize vibration processes, you need to build a more massive table. The rack and the table are connected at right angles. At the same time, the drill can be attached with the help of clamps. Things are mounted on the surface of the table.

Designing the press for the garage with your own hands

The design is designed to perform the rattling, pressing, bends sheet materials and for compression. Devices for fitter work are characterized by a compact and simple design. Efforts from such a press may vary within 5-100 tons. For garage works It is enough indicator of 10-20 tons. To make a similar design, a manual drive is applied. The hydraulic device contains two chambers with pistons.

Press your hands from the jack drawings

How to make a simple device can be viewed on a special video presses from the jack with your own hands:

A simple variant is a hydraulic that can be constructed from a bottle jack. An important element is the bed, inside which the jack is located. A platform is used as a reliable base. The upper surface is used for the support of the elements processed. The table must move freely on the bed up and down.At the same time, rigid springs are attached to the base on one side, and to the working surface on the other.

Here simple scheme Assembly:

  • drawings are cut out the necessary elements;
  • with welding, the base is mounted. In this case, the steel structure must resemble the letter P;
  • performed mobile table from the pipe and schveller;
  • at the end, springs are fixed.

Technology of cutting machine for metal with their own hands

It will help to make the design of the cutting machine for metal with their own hands - drawings. Devices from a special frame or platform are performed from disk cutting machines. The machine is equipped with elements that provide solid fixation. A drive of steel is used as cutting parts. To cut the metal applies a coated circle in the form of an abrasive material.

Cutting parts are driven using an electric motor. Disk machines Fools with pendulum, frontal and lower components.

You can also look at the video: how to make cutting machine From the Bulgarian do it yourself:

The machine is done like this:

  • protective covers are made on which the drive belt is mounted;
  • the engine is attached;
  • a shaft is made, on which the pulley of the drive and the cutting disk is fixed;
  • in the pendulum element, the moving upper part of the design is installed;
  • mounted shaft for fixing the pendulum;
  • rama is made for mounting machine;
  • the pendulum is fixed on the frame;
  • tool starts and adjusting devices.

Compost Yama Do it yourself: Production options, photos and useful tips How to make a toilet for giving odorless and pumping: popular varieties and installation features

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The home workshop is far from uncommon in the courtyard of any rapid owner. With its arrangement there are some features that need to be observed. Our review will help you choose and make self-made machine tools and devices for a home workshop, as well as sort out the technology of their manufacture. Each owner can independently choose the necessary equipment. And if you know the technical features of the structures, then you can equip the room on your own.When equipping equipment, it is important to schedule a sufficient number of space. Better if the workshop is equipped in a separate room.

The quality of work and comfortable working conditions depends on the functional arrangement of the domestic workshop

Before selecting a set of homemade machines and you need to create optimal working conditions. In this case, the size of the room should be at least 6 square meters. m. You can attach an additional room to the garage or to the house.It is important to determine what types of work you will conduct, as well as draw up a list of equipment and the necessary tools.

Storage of certain types of tools are most convenient to organize on the wall. This will save space. It is also convenient to use racks and shelves.To save the useful area, it is worth making universal devices that combine several functions. The table should be equipped with drawers, as well as apply it as a carpentry workbench.

When choosing homemade machines and devices for a domestic workshop, you can pick up mini equipment different types. Options are used to work with metals:

  • sharpening equipment Used to treat metal surfaces: grinding, polishing and. For its manufacture, the minimum number of components and parts is required. The equipment includes sharpening stones and electric motor. For stability of the device, mounting elements are used;

  • milling Machine Used to drill holes. In the manufacture of this design of the lifting mechanism, the steering rail is used. In addition, the device of the angular milling machine can be installed.

For wood processing, different self-relocities are used tools and devices with their own hands. Most often, species such as cutting, lathe and grinding are used. With their help, you can perform all the types of work at home. For wood processing, such equipment is used:

  • cutting machines. The simplest device is electrical or. Such aggregates can be disk, ribbon, or by panel from chainsaws. In the manufacture of homemade equipment it is worth considering the disk diameter, as well as the width of the cutting part;

  • grinding device. The easiest option is made of a steady table, a vertical grinding shaft and an electric motor. A abrasive tape is used, which processes the ends of the wood blanks.

Article on the topic:

Significantly simplifies the processing of wood blanks. Specialized equipment with an electric drive. But the acquisition of it is associated with significant investments. To solve a successful task, the materials of this article should be examined.

Shelves for tools do it yourself: Popular designs and manufacture

It is worth noting such storage options tools:

  • racks;
  • suspended shelves;
  • wall structures;
  • shelves in the form of shields on which minor tools can be fixed.

The shield shelf under the tool with your own hands can be done like this:

  • drink off the shield from plywood and make the markup of the places where the shelves will be installed;
  • make the shelves with side walls, the length of which must correspond to the length of the shield;
  • shelves are fixed on a shield using self-tapping screws;
  • mounted hooks that are equipped with special threads;
  • installing brackets on the back of the shield.

For your information! Functional shield shelves. You can consolidate hooks or special holders. Above such design you can suspend an additional lamp. In this case, you can use a small light bulb.

Designing a joinery workbench do it yourself: drawings, video

Let's start studying the useful devices for the household with their own hands from the workbench. This beneficial unit is the following varieties: stationary, mobile and folding.

Remember that the drawing of the folding workbench should contain such details:

  • the working surface, to create which the board is required by a thickness of at least 6 cm. At the same time, ram, beech or oak apply. You can apply the boards colored by oil;

  • on the top cover mounted the design of the vice;
  • the bearing legs of the workbench are made of pine and linden. There are longitudinal connecting beams between them for the sustainability of the entire design;
  • shelves for tools are mounted under the workbench.

How to make a simple workbench, you can see in this video:

Technology and drawings of a joinery workbench do it yourself: a simple design

To make such a device, you will need drawings with the dimensions of the joinery.

In this photo, you can see how the folding design is done

Consider how you can build a similar device:

  • to make the cover you will need thick boards. The shield dimensions must be 0.7 * 2 meters. For fasteners, long nails are used;
  • the roof finish is performed using;
  • depending on the dimensions of the joinery of the workbench, vertical supports are used;
  • the height of the working surface of the devices for the joinery workshop is determined. Marking under the bars is applied on Earth where the elements are injected;
  • installation of the workbench cover is performed. Support bars are attached to pairs. This uses long.

Features of the creation and design of wooden workbench do it yourself

You can buy a wooden workbench or make it with your own hands. Additionally, the design can be equipped with drawers. So, consider the manufacturing technology:

  • vertical supports are fixed using horizontal jumpers. They make grooves for connecting fittings. This can use the chisel and hammer;
  • when jumpers are installed at the desired level, the holes in the bars on the support are done. Then the bolt is mounted, after that the elements are tightened;
  • horizontal jumpers are installed two pieces on each side. Details under the table top will be required for installation above the working surface;
  • bolts are used to fasten the working surface. The countertop drives holes for fastening elements. Bolts are mounted so that the bolts are recessed.

You can easily do at home. At the same time, the emery canvas of the grinding ribbon will be needed. Its sticker is joined. To enhance the seam, it is necessary to put under the bottom of the dense material. In this case, low-quality glue should not be applied.

The diameter of the ribbon shaft must be several mm sewn in the center than from the edge. To the tape does not slide, you need to make winding out of fine rubber.For the manufacture of grinding devices, it is possible to choose designs such as planetary, round-fluff and flat octic.


For workbenks are often made with their own hands at home. Video allows you to see this process:

To make a similar design, special studs will be required.To work, you will need a screw pin having threads. It is also necessary to prepare a couple of boards. One element will be fixed, and the second move. In the manufacture of necessarily the use of drawings of vice with their own hands. In each of the boards, it is necessary to do the holes for the studs that are connected with nails. Then in them are inserted screws and nuts with washers. When designing homemade vise, you should apply instructions and ready-made schemes.

Helpful information! If you make pins moving, you can perform blanks of various sizes.

Creating a metal plumbing workrist with your own hands: Drawings

With frequent operation with metals better decision It will be the creation of a metal workbench with their own hands. Wood material is not suitable for such purposes, since when processing metal products will often be damaged.

It is worth noting the following elements of such a device:

  • horizontal jumpers are used to provide longitudinal rigidity;
  • from profiled pipes are made of small beams of small size. They are used to assemble the frame side of the pipes. In the angular zone there are welded struts that are made from steel strips;
  • for racking beams, profile pipes with a wall thickness of 3-4 mm are used;
  • corner No. 50 is required for the racks on which the toolkit is attached.

To create high-quality seams, it is necessary to use carbon dioxide semi-automatic, as well as welding machine Pulse type.

Build a universal device begins with a frame. For this welded long and short beams. So that they do not twist among themselves, follow these actions:

After that, the rear beam and vertical racks are mounted. It is important to check how exactly they are located relative to each other. If there are any deviations, you can be adjusted using a hammer. When the frame is ready, there are special corners to enhance the design. The countertop is performed from wooden boards, which are impregnated with fire-resistant fluid. The steel sheet is superimposed on top.On vertical racking items attached a shield from. The same material is used to cover the couch.

Table 1. Creating a metal locksmith workrist with your own hands

PictureStages of mounting
For welding design, carbon dioxide semiautomatic is used.
Creating a frame frame. For welding, all the details must be put on a flat surface. The docking nodes of the beginning are simply grabbed, and then all the stitches risen. Rear racks and beam are welded to the frame.
After welding all the elements of rigidity, such a frame is obtained.
Then the enhancing corner is mounted for fasteners of the table top. Before mounting the board, it is necessary to treat with a special fire resistant composition. The sheet of metal is fastened from above.
Side walls are burst with plywood shields, and wooden boxes are placed in the right end. To protect the base of the surface are covered with different paints and varnishes. First, the soil is distributed, and then special enamel is used.

Fixture for sharpening knives with their own hands: drawings and nuances

For the manufacture, he sharpened from the engine from their own hands, you can take parts from the old Soviet devices. To build a sharpening machine will need such details:

  • tube for shading flanges;
  • grindstone;
  • special nuts;
  • steel elements for the design of protective housings;
  • cable lace;
  • launch device;
  • wood lump or metal corner.

The flange cross section should coincide with the sleeve dimensions. The grinding stone will be put on this element. Special thread will be performed on this detail. At the same time, the flange is pressed on the engine shaft. Fasteners are carried out by a welding or bolted compound.

The working winding is fixed to the cable. At the same time, it has a resistance of 12 ohms, which can be calculated using a multimeter. Stanna is also made for which a metal corner is taken.

How to make a sharpening of the drill on metal: do-it-yourself fixture

You can make a simple sharpening machine for metal drills from ordinary devices. For this, the abrasive bar is suitable.

At home, you can take advantage of such equipment:

  • electricity can be treated with a drill. In this case, the sharpening is performed from the edge. Using sharpened, it is necessary to pay attention to the sharpening angle, on fixing the drill on the axis of rotation. Excess metal should be removed gradually. In the end of the edges attached the form of cone;
  • bulgarian applies with their own hands as a sharpening machine. For sharpening the cutting tool is attached in the vice. To do this, the fastening angle is selected, and the disk is mounted.

It should be borne in mind that Bulgarian is mounted on a flat surface. At the same time, the disk should be placed on the book. If the grinding device is fixed unreliable, it can spoil the drill. It is possible to sharpen the grinder only for products with a small diameter. With the help of a grinding device, it is impossible to make an adjustment. To stand the cutting tool, the edge of the shield is used.

You can apply a drill nozzle, which is worth equipping a grinding disk with sandpaper. To grind the elements of the drill, you must find two smooth surfaces.

Drilling machine for a domestic workshop

You can make an adaptation of a drilling machine from a drill with your own hands. The drawings will help to deal with the design. Such elements will be needed for such a design:

  • base or bed;
  • rotational device;
  • mechanism to provide feed;
  • rack for mounting the door.

Here are the main stages in the manufacture of a self-made drilling machine with their own hands:

To make a drilling machine, you will need a mechanism for feeding the rotational tool. For the design, springs and lever are used. There are various fixtures for sharpening drills.

Build a drilling machine with your own hands: Drawings with dimensions

Also, the design will require the manufacture of homemade vice for a boring machine. The simplest device can be collected from a drill, without a steering rack. To minimize vibration processes, you need to build a more massive table. The rack and the table are connected at right angles. At the same time, the drill can be attached with the help of clamps. Things are mounted on the surface of the table.

Designing the press for the garage with your own hands

The design is designed to perform the rotational works, pressing, flexural sheet materials and for compression. Devices for fitter work are characterized by a compact and simple design. Efforts from such a press may vary within 5-100 tons. For garage works, there is quite enough indicator of 10-20 tons.To make a similar design, a manual drive is applied. The hydraulic device contains two chambers with pistons.

Press your hands from the jack drawings

How to make a simple device can be viewed on a special video presses from the jack with your own hands:

A simple variant is a hydraulic that can be constructed from a bottle jack.An important element is the bed, inside which the jack is located. A platform is used as a reliable base. The upper surface is used for the support of the elements processed. The table must move freely on the bed up and down.At the same time, rigid springs are attached to the base on one side, and to the working surface on the other.

Here is a simple assembly scheme:

  • drawings are cut out the necessary elements;
  • with welding, the base is mounted. In this case, the steel structure must resemble the letter P;
  • a mobile table is performed from the pipe and a schuleler;
  • at the end, springs are fixed.

Technology of cutting machine for metal with their own hands

It will help to make the design of the cutting machine for metal with their own hands - drawings. Devices from a special frame or platform are performed from disk cutting machines. The machine is equipped with elements that provide solid fixation. A drive of steel is used as cutting parts. To cut the metal applies a coated circle in the form of an abrasive material.

Cutting parts are driven using an electric motor. Disk machines are equipped with pendulum, front and lower components.

You can also look in the video below how to make a cutting machine from the grinder with your own hands:

The machine is done like this:

  • protective covers are made on which the drive belt is mounted;
  • the engine is attached;
  • a shaft is made, on which the pulley of the drive and the cutting disk is fixed;
  • in the pendulum element, the moving upper part of the design is installed;
  • mounted shaft for fixing the pendulum;
  • rama is made for mounting machine;
  • the pendulum is fixed on the frame;

Today for home repairs and works on country plot A variety of power tools are applied. For them, special auxiliary devices and devices are produced, many of them can be made with their own hands. Sophisticated technical devices It is better to purchase ready-made, and workbenches, tables for a milling mill, nozzles and much more can be made independently. Homemade devices For power tools, you can adjust the required conditions.

Classification of fixture tools

They are customary to classify into the following groups:

  1. Tools and nozzles for processing. it manual devicesThe number of which includes grinding nozzles and bars for Bulgarian and drill.
  2. Devices that are intended to change position, setting a specific cutting angle, drilling and other things. These are supporting surfaces, templates guide and so on. They can take different appearance, often made from metal or wood.
  3. Devices for dusting. Such devices are used to remove with the working surface of the sawdust, dust, chips. Such adaptations do with their own hands is not as difficult, usually already existing ventilation holes on the equipment are used for fastening.
  4. With their own hands, grinding nozzles, blocks or bars intended for surface treatment are collected. For example, for polishing wooden surface Or metal cleaning can be used a wooden plate with a handle from above. At its working side attached sandpaper necessary graininess. The form of the platform can be any, it is only important to choose the right grinding material.

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Milling tables

Fixtures for power tools are different, but sometimes they have dimensions, as in the case of milling machines and saws. It is recommended to assemble a solid table that will have everything you need for convenient and safe work. Most. simple option is an milling table, made in the form of a large board having a hole for a milling and blackboard-guide. The size of the working countertop may be different, it all depends on which work will be performed. A more perfect option is a table with legs of the required height. Working and guide boards are made from the Listel sheet. On the surface, vice, clamps, and so on can be provided. The feet for the table is best done removable, provide a spare kit.

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Workbenches for power tools

To work with many tools requires the organization of the workspace. For a home workshop or a garage, a small, compact and multifunction workshop can become an indispensable. It is not so difficult to make it, it is only necessary to determine what functions it is necessary for which functions. It is best to make a workbench that can be used at any height, including on the table.

Figure 1. Basic workbench elements.

Then the power tool can be conveniently placed, change its position if necessary. It is recommended to use any solid wood, the most popular material is maple, which is easily processed, and has the necessary hardness and durability.

For fixing on the table to the device, convenient legs or clamps can be attached.

For workbenk need vice, they are often used in work. An example of the main elements of the workbench is shown in Fig. 1.

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Shooting for a drill

For a drill during operation, a variety of nozzles may be required. They allow you to facilitate work, make it simpler, comfortable and fast. For a drill, a large number of homemade are used, which many manufacturers today have been taken as the basis for developing special sets. List of devices that can be made with your own hands, big.

Fixtures for power tools:

  1. Limiter nozzles. During repair and construction work It is required to prepare the holes of the required diameter on a strictly specified depth. It is for this that a pretty simple nozzle is used, which consists of 3-parts. It can be done with your own hands, and the parameters of the holes are easily and quickly changed if necessary. The first part of the device is a clamp for retention, it is placed directly on the tool body. Such a clamp has 2 holes, the stops are inserted in the form of a 6 mm metal rods. The rods are bent if necessary. During operation, the desired end of the drill is set to prepare holes with specified parameters.
  2. The circleses are a special device that externally resembles a large circulation. Metal rods are collected. The vertical part performs the role of stop, at its end there is a special thickening. A horizontal is mounted to the vertical part, on the one hand, a convenient handle is made, and on the other - the ring is welded. For the device, it is necessary to provide the diameter of the fastening ring so that the drill does not slip, tightly kept in it during operation. It is best to glue a rubber ring that will help make fixation more reliable.

Different devices with their own hands for the power tool are necessary in order to make the work more comfortable and simple.

Buying such devices is not always possible, and often they need a couple of times. Therefore, it is much easier to make them yourself, spending not so much time.

The master is not distinguished by greed, which is suffering from some masters who do not want to share their finds with others and like a dog on Seine - neither to themselves. And this inventor of self-taught invented a magnificent device, with which you will always be at the height and can even improve the standard of living. Why there, you can put on the flow production of such a tool and sell it to everyone. Maybe it says too loudly, but it is worth thinking about the automation and mechanization of the entire routine work at home.

8 fixtures for masters.

Many of them you probably did not see. Cool tools create self-relocities. These devices will help more comfortably work in the workshop. Video shot on the "Hands of the shoulders" channel.

Folding Table for Master

1. Let's start by S. folding tablewho will be an excellent assistant in a small workshop. It will help to save and so small area. The table provides compartment for all small things. Shelf for which you can decompose required tool. Thanks large number Holes using clamp can be convenient and quickly fixed processed blanks. They are inserted into them. It is convenient to fix items in a vertical position. If you insert into guide bolts, we will get additional emphasis. Having a set of clamps and such a table, you can comfortably perform a variety of works.

Folding Stand Samodelkin

2. very original idea folding stand for manual tool. All lie in their places. He does not take up much space. The basis of the design contains furniture guides. Hold the stand in the upper position. Failure tools from their lies prevent neodymium magnets. Great idea For self-timer, who love to do everything with their own hands.

Embrellator for apples

3.Solders will be interested in fruit puller. His advantage over the analogues is the absolute free and simplicity of manufacture. It is not at all difficult to find plastic bottle, rope and cut off a stick. 5 minutes and you can go for apples.


4. If the harvest is big, then the question arises where to give it? Excellent option - Apple juice. For purchased juicers, apples need to cut and clean, which is uncomfortable. The grater presented below can cope with the whole apples. Dali only remains to press the resulting mass under the press. As a result, we get natural delicious juice and practically dry cakes.

Tool truck

5. Mobile trolley for the tool is very convenient for the workshop. When, for example, the workbench is littered with details. Or there is no it at all. After downloading everything you need at the moment, we get the entire tool in one place at hand.

What can be done from the electrolake do it yourself

6. Another interesting design of the reysmaus is based on the electrolack. With the help of the guides, it moves in 2 planes. Movement occurs with the elevator. For accurate adjustment on each side of the device there are ruler.

Fitting for grinding

7. Having an electrolybiz, you can get a cool grinding. Interestingly, it moves not abrasive, but the work being processed itself.

Cheap homemade grinder

8. The most budget version of the Greenman created by self-relocated. Plastic bottles are used as rollers. They are planted for bearings. Adjusting the ribbon on the rollers occurs with the help of bars. The tension is regulated by a bolt. Construction is driven with a drill. It is possible to improve the design of the self-relocine a little, replacing plastic bottles on polypropylene tubes.

Samodelkin-self-taught shovels his video network

Izobretal-self-taught conquered a network community of masters with his video, in which he posted a fundamentally new utility model to improve the efficiency of workshops and lovers to work in the garage. The most pleasant thing is that it does not require the purchase of ideas. And moreover, all this can be fascinated and even a novice master will cope. All this is for the benefit of every resident of the cities in which the masters settled, because with such high levels Mastery now does not want to hammer the walls on the weekend at home or rattle some kind of ultra-dedicable grinding machine of incomprehensible destination. With such an adaptation, you can safely do your separate workshop and live the rich life of the Russian master.

The homemade tool shovel the network

This video stirred by the community of lovers of inventions in the global network. Master for years I thought over this idea and finally issued a brilliant discussion on the simplicity and a radically profitable idea for those who used to dwell the walls with a perforator, realizing his inclinations of the diatrie and a brilliant grinding builder, and now it can make himself completely free to make himself rich, working in silence workshop in the garage or even in a separate building.

And at the same time it is not necessary to spend money and remove money from the sleep, seized on beer. All this is free - the master loves to show the world the usefulness, which invents.

Each master seeks to maximize their sphere, saturate the workspace with machine equipment and fixtures. Homemade machine tools and devices for a home workshop are greatly benefited.

Among homemade economic crafts and equipment can be allocated:

  • joinery;
  • crafting table;
  • stool;
  • shelves;
  • racks.
  • Crafting table

    Dimensions of the workbench

    The height of the countertop surface should be such that the worker standing can operate with tools and equipment. The height of the workshop master determines itself - according to its growth. The height of the desktop varies from 75 cm to 80 cm.

    The size of the countertops is determined by the area of \u200b\u200bthe utility room. The table should not prevent the free passage around it.

    Vistak material

    Often use wooden table. The workbench makes from a bar and boards. The feet of the table for reliability fasten with diagonal cross.

    The countertop is made in the form of a shield from a knocked-up bruse cuts. The shield is based on the feet of the table and fasten with nails or screws. Details of the connections are made from steel corner.

    Assembly options wooden workbench Different, but in one they are one - the design of the table should be stable and withstand static and dynamic loads.

    If the surface of the workbench will be subjected to random impacts of cutting and sharp tools, then the countertop is frown or put a metal sheet from above.

    The most reliable design of the desktop is the workbench cooked from metal products. The manufacture of the welded product implies the presence of a welding machine and experience with it.

    The support frame and the feet of the table are welded from steel corner and stripes. For utility parts use segments of reinforcement.

    The countertop is made of metal sheet, 8 - 12 mm thick. Thick sheet will significantly increase the weight of the workbench, which is associated with difficulties in its move.


    Stool make it yourself quite simple:

  1. From the bar of 40 x 40 mm make 4 supports, 50 cm long.
  2. The legs in the middle of the length are bonded by cross.
  3. In the supports of the chisel make grooves.
  4. At the ends of the transverse strokes, the protrusions on the size of the grooves are cut out.
  5. The protrusions are lubricated with joinery glue and insert into the grooves.
  6. At the time of drying, the glue supports is tightened with a belt.
  7. The seat is filled with a disk saw from a wide board with a thickness of 30 mm.
  8. The seat of 300 x 300 mm is nailed with nails or fasten with screws to the legs of the toaster.


Shelves make from the board, chipboard or MDF. They are open or with side walls. For fasteners, use mounted furniture loops.

In the wall, drill holes in which dowels are driven. Screws screw in a dowel not to the end so that the shelves loops can be put on them.

The loops are screwed to the back of the shelf. Shelves hang on the wall, dressing the loops on the head of the screws.


Racks - this is a whole set of shelves different sizes. They are good to do from chipboard. The lattice structure is based on the pedestal or just put on the floor. For the stability of the rack, the corners are screwed to the side sides of the furniture. Free shelves of the corners with holes are nourished with a dowel to the wall.

Vertical tool holders

Each craftsman seeks to organize his workplace So that the tools are at a distance of an elongated arm. This contributes vertical holders.

Holder of wrench keys

  1. On the wall above the workbenk fasten the wooden bar. Rake is screwed into the dowels installed in advance.
  2. Small nails are driven into the bar with gaps equal to the width of the span keys.
  3. The keys hang on the rail.
  4. Hats nails hold keys in the horizontal and vertical plane.

Holder of dumping

  1. In the segment of a bar of 40 x 40 mm, the holes are drilled by the corresponding diversion with the diameters, at a distance of 30 - 40 mm from each other.
  2. The segment of the bar is naked to the wall of the dowels so that the holes are vertically.
  3. Unscrewing inserted into the obtained sockets. Now you can quickly get the desired tool without leaving the workplace.

Belt for chisels

  1. The bar is fixed with dowels to the wall.
  2. The belt or belt is navigated with carnations to the bar so that peculiar end-to-end pockets.
  3. The pockets are lowered by the chisels through which only steel blades pass. Handles are held with a belt.

In the device you can keep hammers, ticks, passatias and other tools.

Homemade soldering iron stand

Working with a soldering iron, the situation occurs when you need to postpone the tool. Put a soldering iron with a declared stale on a tabletop or any item - always risky. Homemade stand Decides this problem.

Example of making support for soldering iron

  1. The holder is made of wire in the form of a spiral. To do this, the wire hanger is inflicted.
  2. Wires are wound on a cylindrical object, a diameter of 1.5 - 2 cm. It will suit the chisel knob or another tool.
  3. On the one hand, the spring leaves the free end of the wire.
  4. The end bend the rounds into the loop.
  5. For the base of the stand take a board of 200 x 100 x 20 mm.
  6. Based on the end-to-end hole Ø 4 mm.
  7. FROM back side Boards The hole is drilled by a large drill - under the screw head.
  8. The screw is from bottom to top.
  9. On the screw dress the springs loop and tighten the nut.
  10. In the board, the crown cut circles under the size of the cup for candles or similar products.
  11. The chisel makes the sample of wood in 3 recesses.
  12. Inserted cups, which are filled with solder, tin and napkin to clean the sting.
  13. The soldering iron is inserted into the spring.
  14. The board make a small hole for fastening the flexible steel cord from the lamp.
  15. At the end of the cord, the clamp is fixed, which fix various parts for soldering.

The design may have a different look - it all depends on the imagination and the author's ingenuity.

The simplest mousetrap in the world

This name can be assigned to many homemade mousetrapInhibited craftsmen. They are united by one - this is a humane treatment with animals who fell into the trap. The device does not kill the animal, but isolates it. Several examples, how to make a simple mousetrap:

Plastic funnel

Cutting plastic 3 liter balloon in half. The sliced \u200b\u200bneck is turned over and insert it into the lower part of the bottle. At the bottom, the bait (seeds, grain and so on) is embroidered.

The trap put a close item by which the mouse could climb. Rodent, having fallen into a funnel, can no longer get out of the bottle.


The design is a tipping platform. She is made of a piece of cardboard or plastic. The bar is placed on the plane so that its half has pissed in the air.

The bait is placed on the edge of the console so that the plank is on the verge of equilibrium. The animal, having reached the bait, overturns the bar and falls along with it into the substituted bucket.


On the edge of the table is put a blank plastic bottle with bait at the bottom. The cord is fixed to the neck, pushing the plastic with a crochet from the stationery clips. The other end of the cord is tied to any support.

The mouse attracted by the smell of food penetrates the tank. A bottle overturns under the severity of the rodent and hangs on the cord.

Mini vice from a metal loop

When performing minor operations, it is often necessary to hold small parts. For this use mini vice made from an indefinite door loop.

The coinciding holes are drilled in both hinge sash.

They have a suitable diameter bolt. On the other hand, the bolt thread is screwed. Details are created in the opening between the sash and clamp, spinning the nut. The device can be used as a clamp.

Beer portable

Box for drinks in glass Tare.comfortable device For carrying several bottles at once in the country or picnic. To make this drawer with your own hands, you will need the following tools and materials:


  • electrolovik;
  • saw on a tree;
  • schlifmashinka;
  • drill-screwdriver;
  • drill;
  • a hammer;
  • chisel;
  • feather drill.


  • edged board - 1050 x 170 x 15 mm;
  • planks from the fruit box - 5 pcs.;
  • stalk Ø 36 mm and 350 mm long;
  • morilka;
  • screws;
  • nails.

Step-by-step instructions for assembling box

  1. The edged board is collected by three identical parts (bottom and two sidewalls), 350 mm long.
  2. Two boards are cut off by an electrolybic so that from their middle of the sidewalls, the oval vertex is frightened and end.
  3. In the vertices, the sidewall is drilled by a feather drill hole Ø 36 mm.
  4. All wooden parts are cleaned with grinding with a sandpaper. Skyrenok sketch manually emery.
  5. Thin drill drill 4 holes on the edges of the bottom. On the bottom of the openings of the holes are annkedy.
  6. The sidewalls are installed on the sides of the bottom. Screws screw the bottom at the bottom. Heads of screws "hide" in the holes of the holes.
  7. Two planks from each side of the box are nauseated to the sidewalls of cloves. They will become a vertical fence for bottles.
  8. In three boards, they make feeds so as to arouse them, it turned out a doomer with square loops under the glass container.
  9. The makeup laid on the bottom between the sidewalls.
  10. Carnations are naked in those places where the ends of the roasters rest in the sidewalls and enclosing strips.
  11. In the holes of the vertices, sidewalls do a stalk Ø 36 mm.
  12. Driving nails at an angle, bonded sidewalls with a stalk.
  13. The entire surface of the box is treated with a mourn.

Box is ready for use. In portable capacitance, 6 bottles of beer or other beverage are freely placed. Dooming and box fencing will not give bottles during carrying breakdown or fall out.

Modernization hammer

Frequent phenomenon is loss wooden knob From the nest of the hammer. One of the ways to create reliable fastening Handles - in the upper end handles do the cut. The holder is inserted into the hammer nest. Propyl is filled with "moment" glue. In the groove drive a wooden wedge.

In order to do not look for nails while working, and even more so - do not keep their teeth, a round magnet is glued into the handle in the handle. Nails on the magnet will always be at hand of the employee.
Dangerly random dropping hammer from hand at height. So that this does not happen, the hole is drilled in the handle, through which the cord has been told. The worker believes in the loop.

Homemade tools and machines

Pipe bender

Fixture for flexing metal pipes is a metal rod welded to the bed. I make a rod from cutting reinforcement. The pipe is dressed on the pin, and on the other hand, a long segment of reinforcement is inserted into the pipe. Pressing the lever, the pipe bend under the desired angle. The device is suitable for small segments of round pipes.

Fixture for flexing profiled pipes

The owners of greenhouse farms know how important it is to be a device for flexing the lengths from the profile pipe. The curved profile is used as arched construction For the formation of polyethylene coatings of greenhouses.

Pipe bender allows you to save considerable money on the construction of the greenhouse. The design consists of 3 rollers - two are guides, and the third roller performs the master function.

The profile tube is set in the opening between two wheels and a rink. The roller has an emphasis and a rotary device in the form of a lever or drive of an electric motor.

Production of pipe-bender do it yourself

  1. Two axis from the segments of smooth reinforcements are welded to the metal bed, which dresses old car hubs.
  2. From the hubs remove protruding chamfers so that the side surfaces of the rollers were smooth.
  3. In the opening between the hubs put the channel shelves up.
  4. In the channel invests the same profile less than the width of the shelves down.
  5. To the inner profile, the axis is welding from above, to which the third hub is dressed.
  6. To the bed welded a vertical shelf of steel sheet.
  7. The vertical bar cut the hole and the bearing will be pressed into it.
  8. On the middle channel, the nut is fixed with a nut.
  9. One end of the screw rod is screwed into the nut.
  10. The screw shank is drawn through the bearing in the vertical bar.
  11. On the back side of the plank to the shank weld the rotary handle.
  12. A swivel lever is welded to the axis of the leading hub.

The machine is ready to work. Between the rollers are breeding profile pipe And clamp it with a screw. The swivel lever is driven by rollers that stretch the pipe, flexing it. The bend radius is installed by a rotary knob of the screw.

Pipe bender from car hubs is one of the variants of devices. There are many designs of bending devices. In some models, the presenter roller is coaxially connected with the motor shaft.

Shock rebreak

There are situations where you cannot unscrew the rusted bolt or screw. Impact dumping with this business perfectly copes. The tool is made with their own hands from the parts of the automotive starter:

  1. A shaft and sleeve remove from the starter housing.
  2. The shaft is cut off, leaving the rod with the slots.
  3. On the sleeve we dress the cut pipe, suitable size.
  4. By the end of the pipe, the trim of the bolt of equal diameter is welded.
  5. The end of the shaft is cleaned in the form of a quadrupleman, which dresses heads desired size. For screws in the head insert the bit.

When hitting the hammer on the bolt head, the shaft slides the slopes inside the sleeve, performing a rotational movement. The stronger the blow, the higher the shaft turns the shaft.

Homemade circular saw

The cutting machine from the Bulgarian, made by their own hands, is not inferior to some samples of factory manufacture. Bulgarian is a rather powerful manual circular saw.

The brand-based machine performs precise cuts of sawn timber and metal products. For its manufacture, it will take the power tools, welding machine and metal-plastic.

Step-by-step instruction assembling machine

  1. Two metal slats are welded to the pipe cut, in which the mounting holes are drilled.
  2. Accordingly, the Bulgarian casing also makes two holes.
  3. The planks are screwed to bolts to the casing.
  4. Make a steel sheet from a metal sheet with a welded back corner.
  5. The welding is fixed to the bed vertical segment of the corner in which the hole is drilled.
  6. To the lower end of the lever, the segment of the corner is welded and drilled along with a pipe through.
  7. The bolt is drawn through the holes and the nut tighten the hinge joint of the vertical rack with the lever. Additionally set locknut.
  8. In the vertical position, the lever of the grinder takes a stable position.
  9. In the place of contacting the saw blade with the bed, they cut the disk to completely cut the workpiece.
  10. The handle of the power tool is rearranged at the end of the lever.
  11. As additional devices, a cross and corner stop are installed on the bed.

If necessary, the power tools are removed from the machine and use a circular saw in manual mode.

Homemade Basic Pila

Great sawing a convenient tool for sawing the trunks of trees and sawn timber. Saw construction simple, make hand tool do it yourself easy. To do this, you need to prepare tools and materials:


  • drill;
  • saw-knife;
  • chisel;
  • a hammer;


  • cord;
  • wooden rail 20 x 40 mm;
  • slingles - 2 pcs.;
  • stalk Ø 10 mm;
  • saw blade;
  • morilka;
  • wooden varnish.

Step-by-step instructions for the manufacture of an archery saw

  1. Rake is cut into three parts (two vertical side planks and an average horizontal bar).
  2. In the side handles of the chisel make grooves.
  3. At the ends of the center, the styers cut out the protrusions under the grooves.
  4. The furnace is connected to the side handles.
  5. In places of compounds drill through holes. They are clogged with wooden spop.
  6. Shplops form hinged connections. This is necessary for the mobility of the lower ends of the side rails when tensioning the web.
  7. In the lower ends of the sidewalls make feeders - parallel to the student.
  8. In holes saw blades Insert short bolts and tighten with nuts.
  9. The canvas start to the cuts so that the bolts are outside the design.
  10. In the upper ends of the handles cut circular grooves.
  11. At the ends of the double cord make loops that dress on the grooves.
  12. A stalk is inserted between the values \u200b\u200bof the cord, the long end of which rests in the furnace.
  13. The feed of the saws is spinning with a cutter, seeking the desired degree of tension of the saw blade.
  14. Wood is covered with a mourn and two layers of varnish.
  15. After drying, the varnish saw ready to work.


Homemade fixtures, tools and machines bring not only a significant benefit of nauded, garage and household, but also significantly save family budget. In the manufacture and use of homemakes, you can not forget about safety rules.