What to do with the ceiling during the renovation. Do-it-yourself ceiling repair in an apartment

And then proceed to the finishing of the upper part of the room and whitewash the ceiling. This would be wrong, because doing repair work in this way can spoil the appearance walls. From a design point of view, the ceiling can become the main element in the decoration of an apartment.

The modern construction market allows you to fulfill almost any ideas for decorating the ceiling surface: you can whitewash, paste over with wallpaper, put mirror panels, trim with fabric, make a suspended ceiling.

Ceiling repair prices vary depending on the design method and depend on the building materials used.
The official website of the company presents the current prices for 2017. The price list shows the prices per sq. m to RUB

Name of worksUnit rev.Price
Visual alignmentsq. mfrom 320 rubles
Beacon alignmentsq. mfrom 450 rubles
Ceiling primersq. mfrom 60 rubles
Ceiling primer 2 layerssq. mfrom 90 rubles
Application of concrete contactsq. mfrom 90 rubles
Putty in 1 layersq. mfrom 160 rubles
Putty 2 layerssq. mfrom 230 rubles
Pasting the ceiling with mesh, cobwebsq. mfrom 160 rubles
Finishing putty for paintingsq. mfrom 220 rubles
Sandingsq. mfrom 100 rubles
Ceiling paintingsq. mfrom 180 rubles
Ceiling painting 2 layerssq. mfrom 230 rubles
2 layers, primer / putty / sanding / paintingsq. mfrom 650 rubles
Ceiling reinforcementsq. mfrom 160 rubles
Installation of a false ceiling of the "Armstrong" typesq. mfrom 450 rubles
Installation of gypsum plasterboard ceiling (1st level) 1st layersq. mfrom 750 rubles
Multilevel plasterboard ceiling with rectilinear el-misq. mfrom 900 rubles
Multilevel plasterboard ceiling with curved el-misq. mfrom 1250 rub
Niche device for hidden lightingm / nfrom 750 rubles
Additional layer of gypsum boardsq. mfrom 120 rubles
Installation of perforated cornersm / nfrom 180 rubles
Antiseptic treatmentsq. mfrom 155 rub
Stretch ceiling installationsq. mfrom 650 rubles
Installation of a false ceiling mirroredsq. mfrom 3100 rub
Installation of slatted ceilingssq. mfrom 550 rubles
Clapboard sheathingsq. mfrom 350 rubles
Sound-waterproofing devicesq. mfrom 450 rubles
Installation of ceiling plinthm / nfrom 135 rubles
Painting the ceiling plinthm / nfrom 180 rubles
Installation of ceiling moldingm / nfrom 180 rubles
Stucco preparation and paintingsq. mfrom 410 rub
Venetian plaster / each layersq. mfrom 310 rubles
Pasting wallpaper (paper) without selectionsq. mfrom 290 rubles
Pasting wallpaper (paper) with selectionsq. mfrom 320 rubles
Installation of polystyrene platessq. mfrom 250 rubles
Sealing of rustic materials (joints of slabs)m / nfrom 260 rubles
Rust finishing (slab joints)m / nfrom 320 rubles
Installation of a ceiling curbm / nfrom 145 rubles
Installation of stucco molding under the chandelierPCS.from 455 rubles
Cornice of 2 levelsPCS.from 850 rubles


This method of finishing work when renovating apartments in Moscow is now inferior to many other types of finishing the ceiling space. Unfortunately, the light shade does not last long, and after a few years it already darkens and requires re-staining. Therefore, in modern decoration rarely resort to this type of repair.

And although whitewash is a very outdated material, they also have advantages:

  • First, the price. The cost of materials will be insignificant, therefore this option is quite suitable for budget optimization.
  • Secondly, the simplicity of the technology. Since the quality of the resulting surface is not too high demands, it is very easy to cope with the work. And the most primitive tools can be used: there are cases when the ceiling was whitewashed with a broom. Literally.
  • Also, a positive quality is the hygroscopicity of the lime layer: due to it, the humidity in the room is normalized.

There are much more disadvantages to this finishing method:

  • First, as we have already noted, in most cases questions arise about the surface quality.
  • Secondly, over time, almost any whitewash begins to crack, so you need to update it regularly.
  • Secondly, the wear resistance of this coating is practically absent. An attempt to remove even the slightest contamination will necessarily lead to the appearance of a permanent stain or trace.


Due to the low cost, this type of repair is considered inexpensive. An extended palette allows you to choose any color and carry out interesting design solutions. It must be remembered that before painting, it is imperative to carry out ceiling cleaning and leveling work. It is necessary to treat these works with special care, as well as to putty and plaster, in order to avoid the appearance of cracks on the surface. Apply / spray paint evenly, avoiding smudges.

Dropped ceilings

This type of attached structures is very good for its ability to hide any defects on the ceiling and allow you to hide wires and various communications.
pros false ceilings:

  • all communications are carefully hidden under the ceiling. It is interesting that at the same time access to them is not difficult, and at any time it is possible without special efforts repair the wiring or cable;
  • thanks to the use of suspended ceilings, you can hide some of the imperfections of the ceiling and walls;
  • there is a possibility of replacing the mountings;
  • suspended structures are mounted without much difficulty;
  • such ceilings are usually durable;
  • they are also easy to clean;
  • look good;
  • have a high level of heat and sound insulation.

Cons of false ceilings:

  • quite high price;
  • reducing the height of the room by 15-20 centimeters;
  • work should be carried out only under the guidance of a specialist;
  • joints between slabs of modular ceilings can become very noticeable, especially with inept installation;
  • structures are not resistant to moisture

Plasterboard ceiling structures

As the most commonly used type of finishing work in the ceiling space, they are quite common in design due to the environmentally friendly properties of drywall and the possibility of creating a multi-level ceiling. This type of work should be trusted only to professionals in their field, because it is very easy to make mistakes due to inexperience, and they can later cost additional costs. This type of structure allows you to attach them directly to ceilings, a metal frame, as well as mount lamps in them to divide the space into light zones.

Stretch ceiling

Thanks to the latest developments, it became possible to use polymer fabrics when installing stretch ceilings. In doing so, you can create stunning visual effects. Despite this, the surface is characterized by a uniform textile coating and does not require special preparatory work alignment. A wide range of colors is available at the customer's choice. These types of ceilings have unique properties for moisture resistance, allowing you to keep a large column of water when flooded from above. The coating is low maintenance and durable.

October 28, 2016
Specialization: Master in the construction of plasterboard structures, finishing works and laying floor coverings. Installation of door and window blocks, decoration of facades, installation of electrical, plumbing and heating - I can give detailed advice on all types of work.

The ceiling is one of the most visible parts of the room, therefore, if any problems appear on the surface, the appearance of the entire room deteriorates. Today I will tell you how to conduct simple repair ceiling with your own hands. We will consider the four most common situations and figure out how to return the surface to an ideal appearance, any of the technologies is within the power of even those who have never held a spatula in their hands.

Repair types and their description

I will make a reservation right away - I will not talk about how to putty the ceiling from scratch or make a plasterboard structure, since this is a full-fledged alteration, not repair. We will deal with situations when it makes no sense to carry out a large-scale reconstruction and it is easier to carry out certain cosmetic work in order to make the ceiling attractive again.

I am often asked the question what to repair first - the floor or the ceiling? Everything is simple here: so as not to pollute flooring when working, it is best to work with it last.

Option 1 - renewing the paint layer

Let's start with the simplest situation, when the color of the ceiling has become dull over time or the white surface has begun to turn yellow. Also, this can include cases when you just want to change the color of the surface. It is assumed here that there is no damage to the surface, you just need to renew the paint layer.

Let's figure out what materials we need for work:

  • Paint of the color you need, it is best to use water-based or acrylic compositions, they adhere very well to the surface and are very easy to use. If work is carried out in rooms with high humidity, then special compounds should be selected that tolerate moisture well;

  • To strengthen the base and improve the coverage of the surface, it is imperative to apply a primer. The choice of options is huge, the easiest is to take a primer deep penetration, it is sold both ready-made and in the form of a concentrate that is diluted with water before use.

From the tool, we need the following:

  • Roller and brush for applying primer and paint, the first element is used for finishing flat surfaces, and the second is needed for abutments and others hard-to-reach areas... In order to distribute the composition evenly over the roller, it is better to immediately buy a paint bath, it will be excellent for both painting and with a ceiling;

  • You can use a table or deck to provide access to the surface. A step-ladder is also suitable, it all depends on what is more convenient for you or what is at the moment at hand;
  • In order not to spoil the wallpaper or paint the walls when repairing the ceiling, all connections should be pre-pasted with masking tape. I advise you to choose options with a width of at least 45 mm, a narrow tape does not provide reliable protection.

Now let's move on to the workflow, it is quite simple:

  • First of all, you need to clean the surface of dust, if there are any spots on it, then they must be removed. Wet areas, if any, must be dried;
  • Then you can start priming the surface, if the composition is ready, then you need to shake it thoroughly, and if you have a concentrate, then you need to add the amount of warm indicated on the package pure water and stir the liquid until smooth. The primer is applied over the entire surface, try not to miss a single area;

  • The paint is being prepared, there is always an instruction on the package that will tell you what needs to be done. Most often, the composition must be thoroughly mixed, if its consistency is too thick, then a small amount of water is added, since all the compositions we have considered are made on a water basis. You need to stir the paint just before use, if you did this and walked away for half an hour, then the procedure should be repeated;
  • First of all, you need to stick the masking tape around the perimeter, if you have not done this before, then this is a mandatory step before painting. Everything is simple here, so there is no point in focusing on this. If the walls are not finished, then the tape can naturally not be glued;
  • Then, with the help of a brush, all junctions and complex areas are tinted, try to apply the paint in an even layer, without streaks and sagging. Paint over a strip about 5 cm wide so that you do not have to crawl under the wall with a roller;

  • Next, a roller is taken, a little paint is poured into the bath, and it is distributed over the working roller. This is done as follows: the surface is dipped on one side into the paint, rotated along the grate, again dipped into the paint, after which the composition is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the roller on the same grate of the bath;

  • Painting starts from the most prominent corner and is done in stripes, each new pass should go slightly into the previous one. For convenience, you can use a special roller handle extension, it is especially convenient for high rooms and irregular ceilings. It is important to distribute the composition evenly over the entire surface, without leaving unpainted areas;

  • Experience shows that the application of a second layer is most often required for the highest quality staining and uniform color. The work is carried out in a similar sequence, it can be started only after the previous layer has completely dried.

Option 2 - repairing minor damage

We are talking about putty surfaces on which part of the finish has fallen off or cracks and bulges have appeared. In this case, we need the following materials:

  • Putty composition, it is better to choose ready-to-use mixtures of increased strength (this is indicated on the package). The price of such compositions is much higher than that of dry ones, but, as practice shows, they are much better suited for repair work and provide more high-quality result... Moreover, you can buy a small package, thereby saving money;

  • You cannot do without soil, with its help the surface is strengthened, and the putty lays down much better. Also, the primer is applied for painting. You can use the same option as in the case above - the composition of deep penetration;
  • The paint should be the same color as the ceiling, but you can buy another shade and repaint the entire surface, it all depends on your desire.

From the tools we will use the following:

  • A wide and narrow spatula for applying the finishing compound, I advise you to take options for 25 and 10 cm, in the absence of experience it will be very difficult to work with a tool wider than 30 cm;

  • A sanding block with sandpaper or mesh will perfectly sand the repair area and make it almost invisible. For work, use abrasive materials with grain size P150-P180;

  • For painting, you can use a roller or a brush, it all depends on the area of ​​damage. It is better to use a roller as it distributes the paint more evenly.

Let's figure out how to properly repair the ceiling in this case:

  • First, you must examine the surface and find any areas that need repair. Often there are no cracks on the surface, but irregularities are formed, which can be both subtle and quite large, most often they are formed from moisture or due to improper finishing technology;

  • All damaged areas are cleaned of putty, this is easiest to do with a narrow spatula... You must remove anything that does not hold well, this is very important to achieve good result repair. It is necessary to reach a strong layer and only there stop the removal of the finish from the base;
  • The area to be repaired must be carefully treated with a primer, apply it to the surrounding surface at a distance of at least 20 centimeters. You can continue to work after the soil has completely dried;

  • Putty is taken and applied to the damaged area, and distribute the composition so that it goes onto a flat surface, you can then easily eliminate all irregularities. It is important to level the ceiling and remove excess putty from it; after work, a slight bulge should remain, it is important that the damage is completely repaired. If the unevenness is large, then it is better to apply the putty in a couple of layers of 3 mm, it will turn out much more reliable;

  • After the putty has dried, the place of repair is polished, a light bulb is used to control the plane, with it the repair of the ceiling will be ideal, since the light reveals all the irregularities. If after processing you find minor flaws, then you can apply the putty again, and then repeat the alignment, it is important to achieve perfect result so that the place of repair is invisible;

  • Before you paint over the ceiling after a partial repair, it must be primed without fail. This allows you to strengthen the surface and reduce its absorbency, and the adhesion of the paint also improves, which is very important;
  • If you have chosen the paint exactly, then you can try to paint only the place of repair with a call to the painted surface. The composition is distributed in a thin layer, most often the paint must be applied twice for the best result;

  • If, after drying, the place of repair is still visible, then you will have to apply the composition to the entire surface. In this case, the work is carried out as described above.

Option 3 - surface putty

If you are flooded by neighbors from above, there are too many damaged areas on the surface or after removal old whitewash it turned out that the surface is not very even, it is better to level and paint it. This is also a fairly simple ceiling repair - shingles do not count, if you have such a surface, you will have to plaster the missing areas and only then level it.

We will analyze a standard situation when there are many small irregularities on the base.

To work, we need the same materials and tools as in the section above, so it makes no sense to consider these aspects in detail. Naturally, the amount of putty and primer will be much higher, but otherwise there is no particular difference.

Consider how to repair the ceiling with your own hands in this case:

  • First you need to clean the surface of dirt and remove the cracked areas of the putty. If there are stains from moisture on the surface, then you need to walk over them with a stiff brush to remove loose material. The result should be a clean and durable surface;
  • The ceiling is treated with a deep penetration primer, and if your ceiling is damaged due to water leakage, then it is better to use a composition with antiseptic additives to prevent the development of mold. It is important to strengthen the ceiling and protect it from any problems that can cause damage to the putty layer from the inside;

  • If there are significant irregularities on the surface (more than 3 mm), then it is better to putty them first, so as not to put the composition in a too thick layer later. At this stage, you just need to align the common plane, do not get too carried away with neatness, all the same, the surface will get off solid;

  • After the putty has dried, you can proceed to the continuous finishing, the work starts from one wall and is performed in order, you should apply an even layer about 2 mm thick over the entire surface. If it was not possible to level the plane in one pass, then the putty is done in two stages, the second layer is applied after the first one has completely dried, there is no need to apply a primer;

  • When the surface is completely dry, you can start sanding it, for this a block with sandpaper or mesh is used. A light bulb or flashlight is used to control the plane, so you will immediately see all the flaws and eliminate them. Remember that this is a dusty process, so it is better to stock up on a respirator and goggles in advance;

  • After leveling the ceiling, you need to clean it of dust, it is best to use a vacuum cleaner, but, as a last resort, you can wipe the surface with a slightly damp cloth. It is important to remove dust from the base, which impairs adhesion and spoils the appearance of the surface;
  • A primer is applied to a clean, dry ceiling, it strengthens the finishing layer and reduces its absorbency, thus reducing paint consumption. The composition is applied in one layer, its drying, depending on the temperature, takes from several hours to a day;
  • Painting is done in the same way as in the first paragraph, here I would like to draw your attention to only one aspect: last layer must be applied along the direction of natural light. Most often, two coats are applied, but even if you have more of them, you need to remember how the top coat is painted, this will reduce the visibility of streaks and ensure the perfect appearance of the surface.

Option 4 - sealing cracks at the joints of the plasterboard ceiling

Another very common problem, which is most often caused by a violation of the work technology and the use of low-quality materials, is cracks at the joints. drywall sheets... Let's figure out how to repair the ceiling in this case. For work, we need a certain list of materials, they are presented in the table.

Material Description
Putty "Knauf Uniflot" It is one of the best compound for sealing joints, it has the highest strength, does not shrink and is ideal for any joints on drywall. The price of the composition is quite high, a 25 kg package will cost about 1,500 rubles, but if you do not want to redo the repair in a year or two, then you should not save. In addition, you can purchase a small package of 5 or 10 kg.
Serpyanka mesh With its help, we will strengthen the joints and reinforce them, a 45 mm mesh is used, it is best to choose self-adhesive options, as they are more convenient to use.
Strengthening soil Deep penetration soil will be very useful in this case, without it work should not be carried out

As for the tool, its set is the same as for putty work, the only one additional element- for drywall, with which we will embroider the joints and free them from the old material.

Now let's figure out how you can repair cracks so that they never spoil the appearance of your ceiling again:

  • First of all, we need to clean the joints; for this, a putty and paper layer is cut with a construction knife at a distance of 3 cm on both sides of the seam. It is unlikely that it will be possible to remove the finish without damaging the paper layer, but it's okay that we remove it, our repair will strengthen the surface and the joint will become much stronger even in this form;

  • If, after releasing the joint, you see that this is a joint between the side ends and there is no chamfer on it, then be sure to cut it out, it should have a depth of 5 mm;

After removing the paper layer, it may turn out that the self-tapping screws will be in this area, so that they hold the material securely, they can be carefully tightened with a screwdriver.

  • Next, you need to prepare a small amount of putty composition and fill the seam between the sheets with it, you just need to take a narrow spatula and use it to fill all the voids with the mixture. It is important to distribute the putty as best as possible so that there are no voids left inside;
  • On top of the fresh mass, glue the serpyanka net. This can be done after it dries, but if you lightly press the material into the putty, you get the most durable reinforcement of the joint, which is exactly what we need;

  • "Uniflot" dries very quickly, so after a couple of hours you can prepare a new portion of the mixture and fill the joint with it flush with the rest of the surface. It is already more convenient to work with a wide spatula. Sometimes it is difficult to level the surface in one layer, then after a while the second is applied;

  • When our finish is completely dry, you can start sanding the surface, a lot has already been written about this work in the sections above, so we will not consider it in detail. Here I will only note that it is advisable to grind along the joints in order to make the seam as less noticeable as possible;
  • An even base is primed and painted, on this the work can be considered successfully completed, the likelihood of cracks in this place will be minimal.


Ceiling repair is a simple, but responsible job, if you miss something, then problems will appear very soon, so follow all the recommendations and use only quality materials... The video in this article will tell you about some of the nuances in more detail, and if you don't understand something, then ask in the comments.

October 28, 2016

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The ceiling is one of the most important functional spaces of any room, which means that, like the walls and floor, it needs periodic repairs. Its frequency will depend primarily on the timeliness of cleaning, as well as on the desire to change the owners of the premises. Ceiling repair is a very simple task, you can do it yourself, you just need to choose the right color and type of finish, and then it's up to the little.


Features of the ceiling repair will be primarily determined by the choice of material for decoration.

When choosing a material, you must be guided by the main aspects.

  • The type of house to be renovated. The choice of material and aspects of renovation will differ in a private house and in a panel nine-story building, a studio apartment in a new house and in a room in a Khrushchev building.
  • The choice of material will also directly depend on the amount that is planned to be spent on repair work, since all materials have different costs and require different investments.

  • In addition, the initial condition of the ceiling base will affect the progress of the renovation. If it has many cracks and irregularities, you will first need to level the surface for applying paint or wallpaper.
  • In addition, it is also important to decide on who exactly will be involved in the repair. If you plan to carry out repairs on your own, you can count on a fairly limited range of materials and types of finishes. With the involvement of masters, this circle is somewhat expanding.

Types ceiling structures can be divided into two large groups. The first of these is the so-called main ceilings, when Finishing work pass directly on the rough basis. In this case, paint, wallpaper or textured plaster, you can also carry out whitewashing work. A large group of suspended structures also stands out. This includes all stretch ceiling, regardless of material and color, all suspended and panel structures, as well as all plasterboard ceilings, which are mounted at some distance from the rough base.

The choice of material that will be used for finishing the ceiling will be determined by the purpose of the room, its size and functionality. So, for example, for a bathroom, the most common option is slatted ceilings, they can be made of various moisture-resistant materials, as well as be of completely different colors. In addition, sheets of waterproof cardboard can be an excellent solution for the bathroom, which can later be plastered, painted or covered with plastic panels of any suitable color. This design is not only very convenient and practical, but also looks quite aesthetically pleasing and beautiful. Besides, given type repair work can be done by hand without the involvement of specialists.

For an office or any other public space, suspended ceilings are most often used. They are very convenient because they have long term service, not subject to pollution. In addition, since this type of repair involves the use of individual tiles of different colors, if necessary, individual elements can be replaced at any time, and it is quite possible to hide an abundance of office wires inside the structure.

In the rooms residential apartments the system of stretch ceilings is being used more and more often. This is a very convenient option that does not require any effort at all to level the base, since the canvas is located at some distance. The fabric is used both matte and glossy of any color and texture. The advantage of this type ceiling covering is that in case of possible flooding from above, such a ceiling will not allow water to enter the apartment, it will collect on the fabric, and if a special valve is installed, the water can be easily drained. However, it is better to entrust the installation of such a coating to specialists, otherwise a violation is possible. technological process, which will entail incorrect installation, and subsequently - a reduced service life.

The total time spent on repairs will also depend on the choice of coverage. For example, whitewashing or painting can take several times longer than a stretch ceiling, however, the cost will be strikingly different. So, for finishing 1 sq. meter of surface on average can be spent from 200 to 4000 rubles.

Materials (edit)

The variety of finishing materials today offers many possible options. Each material will have its own cost, suitable for various premises, as well as have a different service life and different complexity of installation.

One of the cheapest and easiest to apply options is paint. and various blends for whitewashing. Painting does not change the height of the ceiling, unlike tension or hinged structures, in addition, depending on the type of paint, painting can be carried out in rooms that are different for the purpose, including in the bathroom and in the kitchen.

The service life of such a finish will also depend on the type of paint, since different kinds may have varying degrees of sun exposure. Humidity in the room can also shorten the life of some coatings, and light versions of certain paints can simply quickly become dirty. Thus, a properly selected dyeing mixture can serve up to 10 years without any complaints before its renewal is required.

The most popular today are water-based paint, as well as lime or chalk whitewash. The popularity of these coatings is due to their environmental friendliness, ease of application, the absence of an unpleasant chemical odor, and also a short drying time. In addition, these materials can be tinted in any desired color. This can be done either independently, by purchasing a special tinting paste, or by contacting a specialist in any large hardware store. However, choosing between whitewashing and water-based dyeing, it is worth remembering that the paint is still a more resistant and durable material, it excludes peeling and yellowing, which cannot be avoided during service when using lime and coated solutions.

When choosing a finishing method such as painting, it is better to take care of leveling the surface in advance, you can use plaster, attach drywall to the ceiling or stick fiberglass.

You can decorate the ceiling using of various types wallpaper. Such options, of course, are more suitable for rooms with low traffic and normal temperature conditions with normal humidity. Wallpaper can be perfect for a bedroom or living room.

There are several types of wallpaper that are suitable for decoration.

  • Paper- the cheapest coverage option. When choosing paper, it should be borne in mind that they are completely unsuitable for wet rooms, have a short service life, quickly get dirty and fade.

  • Vinyl. Such wallpapers can be paper-based or non-woven, they are more durable, however, given their weight, the correct pasting of the ceiling can require quite serious efforts. Due to the moisture-resistant structure, such wallpaper can be wiped with a damp cloth, which allows you to extend the life of the coating and keep it intact for a longer period.
  • Non-woven. Such wallpapers have a dense structure and a fairly large weight. It is necessary to choose correct glue and carefully coat the canvases and the ceiling. Non-woven wallpaper can be made in different colors, as well as just white. If you wish, you can paint them in any color you like.

Another fairly common option that does not require special equipment and special skills for self-installation is the use of ceiling panels. Such panels are made of lightweight foam or expanded polystyrene. This option will help create an unusual stucco effect. In addition to panels, caissons can be used. Most often they are made of wood. There is also a plastic analogue of this material for decorating the ceiling group. However, this option is more acceptable for rooms with fairly high ceilings.

All stretch ceilings are fabric with special impregnation or PVC film of various thicknesses and colors. Fixing such a ceiling is always done using metal frame... Profile, which is most often made from aluminum alloy, is installed around the perimeter of the room, subsequently the ceiling material is pulled over it.

Another finishing option is fixing MDF or plastic panels over the entire area of ​​the ceiling space. Such panels are easy to clean, they are not afraid of moisture and temperature changes, which means they can be used in the bathroom, in addition, today you can find a huge range of colors of this type of coating on sale. She can imitate various materials eg stone, wood, tiles.


Choosing a ceiling space design is one of the most important aspects for creating the perfect space. The correct selection of material, and most importantly, the design of the ceiling will help you get the most harmonious and comfortable room.

However, the choice of design will depend not only on the personal preferences of the owners, but also, first of all, on the purpose of the space itself. The way it will be used dictates the choice of materials and, of course, design.

When choosing options for finishing the kitchen, you must always remember that this room is always high humidity, temperature drops and an increased possibility of fire. Splashes are possible here, dirty spots, dust and grease deposits cannot be avoided. Therefore, the choice of finishing will be influenced by the possibility of washing it. An easy-to-clean surface of the ceiling and walls will be the best option for the kitchen. The most suitable coating options for the kitchen would be waterproof drywall, plastic panels, stretch ceilings and slatted covering.

In addition, in the kitchen it is worth giving up the abundant decor, since it is usually the most difficult to remove dirt from it. The best option would be a smooth decorative ceiling light color, in this case, it is better if it is a matte coating option, since all dirt on the gloss will be more noticeable. If desired, you can supplement it with built-in lighting. Interesting placement spotlights can become the main decoration of the kitchen, create a unique design and add volume and air to the space.

When planning the design of the ceiling in the bedroom, it is worth considering the main purpose of this room. The bedroom is intended for relaxation, which means that you should not use too bright aggressive colors in the design. It is better to give preference to something pastel or vice versa, deeper and darker. In addition, the bedroom is exactly the room where you can use any material for decoration. Stretch ceilings and wallpaper are appropriate here, and even paint or whitewash will harmoniously fit into general interior... However, it is better to stick to matte finishes without prints. Textured plaster or wallpaper with convex textures would also be an excellent option.

If enough light enters the bedroom from the windows, you can give preference to dark shades: black, deep blue, burgundy, emerald. But darker and too small rooms from dark colors can visually become even smaller, so it is better to take into account the lighter pastel shades and create an interior based on them.

If necessary, zoning space, you can pay attention to coverings with pictures. So, for example, large floral prints will look good in the area of ​​the window opening, while it will have to turn into a light monochromatic cover. Also, the print can be placed above the bed. This will visually highlight it and create a very interesting effect.

A ceiling imitating a starry sky can also be an excellent solution for a bedroom. For creating this effect exists great amount options - from drawing stars with luminescent paint to installing small LEDs directly into the ceiling surface.

For the ceiling in the living room, multilevel options with recessed spotlights and a dimensional chandelier in the center of the room are the most relevant. However, with all the love for multi-level ceilings, the coating is still most often chosen to be monochromatic, one that can be easily cleaned if necessary and which will visually expand the space. Or 2 colors are used that are in harmony with each other as much as possible.

In addition, if options with matte ceilings are more appropriate in the bedroom and kitchen, then glass or glossy surfaces are quite appropriate for the living room. If you choose the right general decoration of the room, such a ceiling will look quite appropriate and harmonious.

There is another type of premises in which it is extremely important correct selection material and design of the ceiling covering - a hallway and a bathroom. Here it is imperative to stop the choice on moisture-resistant coatings that are not afraid of wet cleaning. Panels, tiles, slats or stretch ceilings will become the most suitable option... As for the choice of color, it will directly depend on the dimensions of the room and the wishes of the consumer. The surface is also better to use matte, however, mirror options are not uncommon lately.


Before proceeding with the design of the ceiling, it is recommended to draw up a design project. Especially this procedure relevant when creating multilevel options. And this means that before creating a project, you need to decide on the type and material of the coating, plan the approximate location of the light elements. With the help of such a plan, you can not only visually represent the future ceiling, but also correctly calculate the amount of materials required for repairs.

Before creating a plan, it is necessary to measure the room and calculate the total ceiling area. To do this, you need to multiply the length by the width. Based on this area, it is necessary to sketch the plan of the future ceiling on the right scale. This will be the base drawing from which further design will be born.

After the scaled base plan has been created, you can proceed to sketching the design, recreating the future real version. So, if necessary, steps are drawn, if we are talking about a multi-stage design, or the location of patterns and various color transitions is noted. On the basis of this plan, in the future, the total amount of material that will be needed for the implementation of a particular project will be calculated.

The next step is the layout of the lighting elements, their exact number and layout, if spotlights are used, or just placement points if single light sources are used that cannot be turned into a drawing. With multi-stage placement, it is better to create a lighting plan for each stage, so it will be more convenient to mount them in the future.

As for lighting, it is advisable to create a separate project for the placement of all wiring, because internal organization and installation is also quite an important aspect when carrying out repair work.

When creating plans, it is better to trust the interior design specialists, however, you can independently create the most complete and convenient plan that will facilitate the repair.

Number of levels

If during the renovation there is a need to diversify the entourage of the room, then better solution than a tiered ceiling is not to be found.

Moreover, if you choose drywall as the main material, then the installation of a two-level ceiling can be done with your own hands and with minimal cost, as a result, to get a zest for the space.

At the heart of the multi-level design, no matter how trite it may seem, is an ordinary frame, which is firmly fixed to the ceiling as well as to the walls at the desired height. Most often, a metal profile is used as a base, it is he who is the most durable and easy-to-use material. Alternatively, you can use a wooden base. It is somewhat cheaper, but it is inferior in strength and service life.

The first level of the ceiling is formed by sheathing the frame with plasterboard sheets. Correct installation of the first level is the most important stage in the installation, since if it is planned to place spotlights in the steps, then all the wiring should be hidden in this first level. Until subsequent levels, only wires will be carried out, to which the lighting elements themselves will be directly attached.

If a two-level ceiling is planned, then the already familiar frame for the second stage is attached to the fully sheathed first level, and drywall of the second level is distributed to it, similarly to the first.

Two-level ceilings can have completely different arrangements and can imitate semicircular steps or steps with right angles, create various geometric shapes and patterns, and complemented by spotlights, they will add even more charm and attractiveness to the room. Most often, the second and third steps do not occupy the entire perimeter of the ceiling, but fill only a certain part of it, so here on help will come a pre-created plan-diagram of the location of the steps.

A feature of the second step and, if necessary, subsequent steps is that, in addition to the base, it is necessary to sheathe the side space of the step with plasterboard. This technique is used to hide the wiring and other internal components of the ceiling.

Tiered ceilings are most often installed in the bedroom, dining room or living room., because it is these spaces that usually have the most impressive dimensions, and multi-level structures look best and unfold precisely in spacious rooms with a sufficient height of the rough ceiling.

For different rooms

A ceiling design project may have its own special rules, depending on the purpose of the room and on the type of house. So, the project of a bedroom in "Khrushchev" can be quite different from the same project in panel house... The consumption of materials will be different, the measurements of typical rooms will also differ, the presence or absence of load-bearing walls will also dictate the possibility of installing one or another coating.

So, for example, the hallway is usually quite small overall dimensions, which is important to take into account when creating drawings and selecting material. If a multi-level ceiling option was chosen, it can be used to divide the space into two zones - one will be closer to the door, the second will extend the hallway space. And if this division into zones is supplemented with zoning when decorating walls, you can get a rather interesting end result. Choosing the right colors, it is better to stay on white or any other light paint, which will help not only not to distract from the interesting design, but also visually expand the hallway.

A bathroom with a small size is extremely whimsical to materials and to a lighting device. All wires must be ideally insulated from contact with water, and the ceiling material must be selected with high rate hydro protection. He should not be afraid of water, condensation and temperature changes. Otherwise, mold and mildew may form, which are very difficult to get rid of later. Ideal options here will be various tiles and plastic panels. When choosing a color, you should pay attention to white, all shades of blue, blue, green, sandy and soft peach color is also popular.

Without exaggeration, the most close attention should be paid to the choice of a ceiling project in the bedroom, because it is this ceiling that a person sees most often, as a person spends most of the time in the bedroom lying on the bed. One of the most common and simple solutions there was and remains the "starry sky". With the help of LEDs, a model of the sky with stars is embodied in the room. This option not only looks very beautiful, but also forms a natural night light right on the ceiling.

Important advice in the case of the selection of projects for several rooms at once, it is that for each room it is necessary to create individual design project, and only then it will be possible to get a truly unique and interesting end result when creating an interior.

Work technology

Ceiling finishing technology may vary depending on the original surface finish. In addition, the initial surface treatment for finishing will depend on how long the renovation is planned to be maintained. If a long service life is not required, the preparatory phase can be shortened.

Ceiling finishing technology includes several stages.

  • Development of a plan-scheme according to the type of ceiling, shape, color solutions, placement of wiring and fixtures.
  • Preparation of the base for the installation of the ceiling finish directly. This stage may include dismantling the old coating, leveling the surfaces, sanding, priming and other manipulations to prepare the base for the coating. If the ceiling has been painted with oil paint, the recoating will be the most difficult. Other paint will not fit on such a base, therefore, to change the surface, you will have to apply a fresh layer of the same oil paint or completely get rid of the existing layer. In addition, complete dismantling must be carried out on the basis of wallpaper. Experts do not recommend sticking several layers of wallpaper, since an unnecessarily heavy structure will simply pull them away from the ceiling.
  • Directly the installation of the selected structure.

It is worth considering the main stages of finishing in more detail.

The main stage in the repair is surface preparation. This stage must be approached very carefully, since the convenience of subsequent finishing and the service life of the coating will largely depend on the initial preparation.

Preparation usually takes place in several stages. The very first step is to isolate the walls and floor from the ingress of building materials, if they are not planned to be updated. Then the most difficult stage follows. It includes removing the old cover, if any. It is necessary to get rid of old wallpaper, oil-based coatings, for example, oil paints, whitewash layers. To remove paint, you can use special removers, which can be purchased at hardware stores. Their cost is low, but they will help save time and effort for other repair work.

If the repair is carried out in a room with high humidity, it is possible that fungus can be found on the ceiling and walls. If, upon careful examination of the surface, black-brown spots are found, it is urgent to get rid of them with the help of special antifungal agents, which can also be purchased at hardware stores. You can protect yourself from this problem if you add a special agent against the fungus to the material used, which is an excellent prevention of the secondary appearance and spread of the virus. If the lesions are too large and deeply embedded in the concrete, then you can remove it with a perforator or gouge it out with a special tool, and then go through the plaster, covering the holes.

Another important step in the preparation process is to check the surface for evenness. This can be done with building level, which will show the degree of relief of the ceiling. For capricious coatings such as ceiling panels or, if necessary, glue thin paper wallpapers, it is necessary to level the surface with a special finishing plaster... Alignment may require additional cuts plaster mesh, it will help to avoid detachment of the plaster mixture.

After leveling the ceiling, it is necessary to secure the surface with another thin layer of finishing putty, and then walk around the entire perimeter of the ceiling with a primer, which will help get rid of unnecessary dust and improve the adhesion of the finish and the rough ceiling.

At the same stage and in the case of choosing a multi-level ceiling, you can fix the frame or box, which will be the basis for the fasteners.


After the preparatory stage is completed, it will be possible to proceed directly to the installation of the ceiling. The ceiling can be repaired absolutely different ways... Installation methods will depend on the selected material. So, the wallpaper will simply be glued to the primed surface with the appropriate glue for their type. In order to glue the wallpaper, you do not need any superpowers, so this type of installation will also not cause difficulties. The paint is also applied over the primer. Each of her words should dry out as much as possible before another layer lies on top of it.

It is better to entrust the installation of suspended and stretch ceilings to specialists., but plasterboard ceilings can be made with your own hands. The step-by-step installation will look like this. Everything will start with preparatory work. The surface must be leveled and free of dust. Grinding can help here. Further, it is important to carefully prime the surface, to make markings at those points where in the future it will be possible to fasten the guides for the frame. Next comes the fastening stage. In this case, the installation of the frame for the ceiling takes place. The design will be different and will depend on the type of the chosen ceiling - it will be multi-level or regular even.

After the frame has been successfully attached, it is important to slowly, slowly, step by step fasten the drywall sheets over the base. The first layer is necessary to sheathe the entire ceiling, then, if desired, you can fix another frame and create multilevel structure... You can decorate it with spotlights, easily hiding the wires in the first level of the structure.

  • For different premises, it is necessary to select the most suitable material and type of ceiling covering. So, for example, for rooms with high humidity such as baths and toilets, materials with waterproofing are in the first place.
  • The first stage installation works it is imperative to create a design project that will help not only correctly place all the guides and the selected type of material, but also correctly calculate its required amount.

  • If you want to make a stretch ceiling, it is better to use the services of specialists. The installer will help you carry out the preparatory work and directly install the desired surface.
  • The cheapest repair option is whitewashing and papering.
  • When choosing a color scheme, you must focus on the size and purpose of the room. So, for small rooms it is better not to choose dark shades, but for finishing large bedrooms they may well be suitable.
  • Textures will help to add light to the space. light wallpaper and light textured plaster.

  • To work, you must have the following tools: a perforator and dowels with screws, a level, a stepladder, a hacksaw for metal, a spatula, squares for measuring angles.
  • Installation of a stretch ceiling is not recommended when the room temperature is less than 40 degrees.
  • It is better to start the installation of the frame for all types of suspended structures from the corner that is closer to the doorway.
  • Among the range of stretch ceilings, there are three types of surface: matte, satin and glossy. It is best to choose the type of surface based on personal preference and the purpose of the room. So, for the living room and bedroom, you can pick up glossy surfaces, but in the kitchen it is better to pick up a matte or satin ceiling.

  • Installing any type of false ceiling will help hide small irregularities or scratches on the ceiling surface.
  • The lifespan of the ceiling will depend on the type of room as well as the material chosen. On average, between renovation works it can take up to 10 years.
  • An excellent addition to suspended ceilings will be the use of recessed spotlights .. Also, you cannot do without such fixtures when creating popular design starry sky.

Beautiful examples in the interior

Examples of beautiful ceilings in the bedroom.

Multilevel ceilings.

When entering a room, the ceiling is one of the first to enter the field of vision of any person. The impression of the interior as a whole will depend on the ceiling, its type and condition. Therefore, it is so important to maintain the ceiling in good condition, to monitor its cleanliness and integrity. Whether we like it or not, in order for the interior to look great, sometimes we have to carry out full or partial repairs to the ceilings. To do this, you can hire craftsmen, or you can do everything yourself, especially since anyone who knows how to handle a tool can do the repair of the ceiling with his own hands.

I would like to note right away that if you are not confident in your abilities, it is still better to turn to professionals. Prices for repairing ceilings depend primarily on the complexity of the work. So the cheapest are priming and insulation works. For their implementation, they can ask for about $ 1. for 1 m2. The most expensive are the work on plastering, plastering and applying liquid wallpaper... The price for these types of work ranges from $ 7 to $ 10. for 1 m2. All other ceiling repairs usually cost from $ 3 to $ 6. for 1 m2.

Types of ceilings

Variety of interior styles, building materials and creative design ideas reflected on the ceiling. Today in the premises you can see various types of ceilings, from the simplest to the most complex multi-tiered with a variety of lighting fixtures. Among the most common types of ceilings are the following:

  • painted ceiling;
  • whitewashed ceiling;
  • papered ceiling;
  • suspended ceiling;
  • stretch ceiling.

Each of these types of ceilings has its own advantages and disadvantages, design features that affect the cost of repairing the ceiling and labor costs. It should also be noted that it is possible to carry out partial or complete repairs of any kind of ceiling. The amount of work performed will depend on what kind of repairs will have to be done.

As with any others construction works, ceiling repair begins with preparation. At this stage, it is necessary to clean the ceiling from the old coating, prime and level the surface, as well as repair the joints and seams on the ceiling. The thoroughness of the preparation depends on what type of ceiling you plan to do. For example, the surface of the ceiling for whitewash or wallpaper must be made as flat as possible, at the same time, such a flat surface is not critical for suspended or stretch ceilings.

Cleaning the ceiling

If the repair is carried out in a new room immediately after the builders, then you can skip such a stage of work as removing the old coating and go straight to repairing joints and priming. V otherwise we start by cleaning the surface of the ceiling.

Most often ceilings whitewash, plastered lime mortar or simply pasted over with wallpaper... Clear the ceiling of these finishing materials will not be difficult. To do this, you need to take the usual paint roller and a barbell under it. The roller must be moistened with warm water and squeezed out a little so that no water drips from it and it remains sufficiently wet. After that, we roll a part of the ceiling, at first we do not press the roller very hard, but with each new rental we increase the pressure. As soon as we noticed that the roller is practically dry, we dip it into water again and repeat the whole procedure on a new section of the ceiling. After wetting a part of the ceiling a couple of square meters in size, we take a spatula and begin to clean off the whitewash, wallpaper or plaster until concrete base or putty.

Important! Having found a layer of old putty under the finish, we check it for strength with a spatula. If it adheres firmly enough to the surface of the ceiling, then we leave it in place. If the putty begins to crumble and flake off, then remove it and then apply a new one.

Sometimes ceilings painted with oil or water-based paint... Removing paint is a laborious process. This can be done in two ways: mechanical and chemical. The first option involves cleaning the paint with a spatula or sandpaper... It is quite long and dusty. For the second removal option, you will need a special wash, which can be purchased at the store. After impregnation with a remover, the paint is easily separated from the surface, the process of softening the paint can take up to 12 hours.

If there are any glued on the ceiling decorative elements or polystyrene tiles then they can be removed with a trowel with a hard metal blade. It may be that some of the glue will remain on the ceiling. You will have to make some effort to remove it, but the result should remain a clean surface.

By doing overhaul ceiling with any kind of suspended or tensile structure, you will have to completely disassemble and remove it to get to the overlap. There are no special recommendations here, except to be extremely careful and make every effort not to damage the elements of the suspended or stretch ceiling.

Ceiling primer

After cleaning the ceiling from the topcoat and decorative elements proceed to priming the surface. It starts by checking the joints and seams on the ceiling. They must be filled with plaster or gypsum solution, which is firmly and securely held there. If the solution in the joints partially crumbles or falls off from a light blow on it, then we clean the joints and re-fill them with a solution based on gypsum and cement or a solution from special dry building mixtures with the addition of fiber. Having filled the seams, we compare the protruding solution with the plane of the ceiling and let it dry completely, only after that we proceed to priming the ceiling for further work... Apply a deep penetration primer to the surface in order to achieve better adhesion and strengthen the base. To apply the primer, you can use a roller or brush and take care of protecting your hands and eyes from getting the primer. After the primer has dried, proceed to further work.

Putty and plaster

The performance of these works is a strict necessity, since the surface of the concrete base is far from perfectly flat. This is especially critical if the ceiling is being repaired with wallpaper, or if it is planned to be painted or whitewashed. Which of these two methods of leveling the surface to choose depends on the personal preference and skills of the craftsman. But there are a number of features that can tip the scales in one direction or another. So the plaster reduces the useful height of the room by 2 - 3 cm and has a rather large mass. And the putty shrinks quite a lot and requires the application of several layers, which affects the time and complexity of this type of work. The advantage of plastering the ceiling is the ease of work and ease of leveling the surface. At the same time, the putty allows you to achieve a perfectly flat surface with a minimum layer thickness and low weight.


If you decide to plaster the ceiling, then this will require: a primer "Betonokontakt", special dry building mixtures, for example, "Rotband" and plaster beacons with fasteners. From the tool you will need: a 1.5 m rule, a drill or perforator and a level. The work itself is performed after cleaning the ceiling surface as follows:

  • stepping back 15 - 20 cm from the wall, put a mark for the guide, put the second mark for the guide with the same indentation at the other end of the room. Using a painter's thread, draw a line between these two marks;
  • we retreat 1.25 m from the first line and repeat the algorithm for applying markings for the guide;
  • when the marking is applied, we drill the holes for the fasteners;
  • we fix the guides to the ceiling with self-tapping screws. With the help of a level, we make sure that the guides are strictly along the horizon and in the same plane. If necessary, unscrew or fasten the screws, thereby adjusting the height;
  • as soon as the guides are set, we fix them with a thick solution of plaster mixture and let dry completely;
  • it remains to fill in the gaps between the guides plaster mix and align them with the guides using a metal rule.

The process of plastering the ceiling itself is very similar to plastering walls, the only difficulty is that the surface is non-vertical and is located above the head. After complete drying, a flat surface is obtained, on which the filler and topcoat can be applied.

Ceiling repair: video - ceiling plaster lesson


Plastering the ceiling also allows the surface to be leveled, but this may take a little longer than plaster. In addition, the work itself is quite difficult to perform if there is no skill in handling the tool. The following materials will be required for work: coarse putty "Izogyps" and fine "Satengips", primer "Betonokontakt", painting net. Of the tools you will need: a wide and narrow spatulas, a kneading container. Ceiling filling is as follows:

  • if after cleaning and priming the surface there are large potholes or drops, then first of all we apply several layers of coarse putty. It has the smallest shrinkage, and the thickness of its layer can reach 5 cm. To level the plane of the ceiling and remove excess putty, we use a wide spatula or a rule;
  • on top of the still raw, coarse putty, lay a paint net. This simple reinforcement will give the ceiling strength. We carry it with a wide spatula along the mesh with slight pressure so that it is pressed into the layer of putty;
  • if the surface of the ceiling is relatively flat, then you can immediately use the finishing filler "Satengips". It is applied to the ceiling surface with a wide spatula, and the excess is removed with it. For reliability, it can be reinforced with a painting net;
  • after base layer the putties are completely dry, you can proceed to the finishing filling and bringing to the ideal.

To get a perfectly flat surface, we use special graters with sandpaper. As soon as you have achieved a flat surface, you can start applying the finishing finishing coating ceiling.

Ceiling repair: video - ceiling putty lesson

Another option for creating a flat ceiling surface is to repair the ceiling with drywall panels. The entire surface can be simply sheathed with them, and then finally leveled with putty. Such a careful leveling of the ceiling surface is required for it further painting, whitewashing or pasting with various materials.

This finishing option is perhaps the simplest due to the availability of materials and their ease of use. In addition, a painted ceiling in a kitchen or bathroom is much more practical than all other methods of finishing the ceiling in these rooms. As noted earlier, an essential feature of ceiling painting is high-quality surface preparation. It must be perfectly flat, otherwise the appearance of the ceiling will be spoiled.

Painting repair of ceilings: photo - example

For painting usually use oil paints or water-based. Preparation of paint comes down to thorough stirring and bringing it to optimal density. Then you can start painting. From the tool you will need a roller on a long rod and a brush. The painting process itself is quite simple. We start painting from the edges, which we paint with a brush. The rest of the area is painted with a roller.

Sometimes they carry out cosmetic or partial repairs to the painted ceiling. First, inspect the surface for peeling or swollen paint, if any, they are cleaned with a spatula. Then they paint over again, but this option is only a half-measure and will require a full-fledged repair in the future. If the paint adheres firmly everywhere, then a new layer of paint is applied to the entire surface and left to dry.

Ceiling whitewashing is considered one of the most common. The whitewashed ceiling is suitable for almost any interior of the premises, but compared to painting, whitewashing the ceiling is somewhat more difficult. The material for whitewashing is quicklime, which is diluted with water, filtered through a sieve and then applied to the ceiling. To do this, use a roller, brush, spray gun or vacuum cleaner. Using a roller and a brush will not apply the lime evenly enough, but the technique will give you better results. Unfortunately, whitewashed ceiling not as durable as painted. It is required to renew the whitewash once a year or completely clean and whiten again. As well as for painting, it is necessary to prepare the surface with special care. The indisputable advantage of whitewashing is its price and availability of material.

Pasting the ceiling

Not so long ago, a ceiling covered with wallpaper was at the height of popularity. Later, in addition to the wallpaper, a special ceiling tiles... And today, ceiling repair with polystyrene tiles is one of the most popular finishing options. As well as for painting and whitewashing, the base of the ceiling for wallpaper and slabs must be perfectly flat.

Pasting the ceiling with wallpaper

Pasting the ceiling with wallpaper a somewhat complicated process, since it will be necessary to coordinate the actions of at least two people. And holding the wallpaper above your head is not an easy task. We need wallpaper glue and wallpaper for the entire ceiling area. From the tool: wallpaper knife, roller, containers for glue and rags. Wallpaper is glued as follows:

  • after completing all the surface preparation work, we prepare the glue according to the instructions;
  • we cut off several canvases of the required length from the common roll, while making sure that the drawing coincides on the adjacent canvases;
  • having spread the canvases on the floor with a pattern down, spread glue on them with a brush and let them soak a little;
  • while the wallpaper absorbs the glue, we spread the glue on the ceiling along the entire length of the gluing of the canvas;
  • now we fold the canvas into an accordion and, gradually expanding it, glue it to the ceiling;
  • we level the canvas with a roller, making sure that no air bubbles remain under the canvas. Remove excess glue with a slightly damp cloth.

We glue the rest of the canvases according to the above algorithm, while making sure that the pattern coincides at the joints. Let it dry indoors for a week.

Pasting the ceiling with tiles

Unlike wallpapering tile gluing process much easier and one person can handle it. For work you will need: tiles, special acrylic glue. From the tool you will need: an assembly gun, a spatula, a cutting knife, a paint thread. We carry out all work as follows:

  • after preparing the surface, we find the center of the room. To do this, you can draw two diagonals from the corners, after which we draw two lines intersected at right angles from wall to wall through the center;
  • we begin to glue the tiles from the center of the room. On the tile itself, dotted along the edges and a little in the center, apply glue and glue it to the ceiling. Place the tile with one corner strictly along the lines in the center;
  • repeating the algorithm, glue the rest of the tiles. If at the edges of the tile will not fit entirely, we cut it with a knife;
  • the final touch will be the gluing of skirting boards and borders in the corners of the room.

Ceiling repair: photo - example

Within the framework of this article, we examined the most simple options for repairing ceilings. Repair of more complex structures of suspended and suspended ceilings is a rather extensive and complex topic that requires writing a separate article.

Many apartment owners come to the decision to make repairs with their own hands. This, of course, requires a lot of effort, but the savings are more than noticeable. Most of the funds are spent on building materials and tools. If the work is done on their own, then no one needs to pay for it.

However, you should take into account the fact that not all your dreams of a new apartment interior can be realized without using the services of professionals. Some materials sold in hardware stores require specific skills, work experience, and a certain amount of dexterity. If you are not sure about own forces and make repairs for the first time, it is better to use "proven methods" that will be easy even for a beginner in such a difficult area as repairs.

In this article, we will look at types of ceiling decoration with your own hands... Some are suitable for absolutely everyone; others should be paid attention only to people who already have experience in finishing work.

DIY ceiling made of plastic panels

The main advantage of this method is that you will not need to prepare the ceiling for decoration. Long-term leveling, puttying, plastering and priming is not required. You can even leave the wallpaper on the ceiling as long as it doesn't peel off.

In order to secure the plastic, you need to make a frame to which the panels will be attached. The cost of plastic is not high, the speed of installation of the panels depends on your skills. The first 2-3 panels may take more time, but the subsequent ones you will fasten very quickly. Great option according to the ratio of the time spent and the cost of materials.

Another plus of plastic panels is moisture resistance. That is why ceilings in bathrooms, utility rooms and toilets are usually finished with plastic. Wide choose colors and textures is also an advantage of this method.

The only (dubious) disadvantage of this method is that plastic is considered not environmentally friendly material... But in this regard, different people different opinion.

Bottom line: you can make a ceiling from plastic panels with your own hands not only quickly, but also inexpensively.

DIY plastic ceiling - video

Decorating the ceiling with wallpaper with your own hands

Wallpaper has long been used not only for wall decoration. Depending on which wallpaper you choose, repairs can be quite cheap or quite expensive.

A clear disadvantage of this method is the need for preparatory work. You will need to remove the previous ceiling covering (if present), then level the ceiling, putty it, prime it, and only then proceed with wallpapering.

When calculating funds, do not forget to include plaster, putty and primer in the estimate. Also, the preparatory stage will take time, because each layer must dry.

Ideally flat ceilings you can rarely find them, and making them that way, without having experience, is not easy. If you stick even the most beautiful wallpaper on an uneven ceiling, then they will not look very good, since joints, gaps and bends of the ceiling will become noticeable.

The advantages of this method include relatively quick and easy installation, a huge assortment and quick replacement if necessary (if the wallpaper fades, then it can be changed to others without a repeated preparatory stage).

Bottom line: it is best to use wallpaper for decorating the ceiling with your own hands, if there are no defects on the surface. Quick way suitable for any budget.

How to glue wallpaper on the ceiling - video

DIY plasterboard ceiling

If the ceiling in your apartment is far from ideal, then plasterboard finishing is an excellent solution. To begin with, you will need to mount the frame, to which the drywall will be attached. This construction material- one of the most popular on the market, since it is easy even for beginners to work with it, and more experienced apartment owners can create real works of art from drywall. Tiered plasterboard ceilings will help to visually highlight a certain area of ​​the room or simply decorate your ceiling.

We do not recommend using multi-layer structures in small rooms and in rooms with low ceilings... To visually enlarge the room, use the "concave" ceilings. And ovals and radii will help to give a large room coziness.

Another plus of this material is that it can be used in damp rooms (extremely moisture-resistant drywall): bathrooms, toilets, storerooms.

The only obvious drawback is the need additional work after installation. You will need to carefully putty the entire surface to hide the joints.

Bottom line: an inexpensive but time-consuming way to decorate the ceiling with your own hands.

There is also such a finishing option as stretch ceilings. However, the process of installing a stretch ceiling is quite laborious and requires certain skills. Therefore, you are unlikely to be able to independently install a stretch ceiling with your own hands. It is better to contact a specialized company that carries out both sewing and installation of stretch ceilings. For residents of the south of Russia, we recommend buying stretch ceilings in Rostov from the RostovPotolok company, since it has established itself as a team of professionals in its field and has existed on the market since 2006.

How to make a plasterboard ceiling - video

DIY ceiling painting

This option has been used for many years in the decoration of apartments and does not lose its relevance. The main advantage of this method is its durability and reliability. You do not need to be afraid of the "flood", arranged by the neighbors above, a ceiling finished with paint can easily cope with such a misfortune.

However, painting the ceiling requires the most serious preparatory stage. If you want your ceiling to look great, then it should not only be perfectly flat, but also perfectly smooth.

To do this, you will have to delete existing coverage, cover the ceiling with putty and carefully bring it to an impeccable smoothness using sandpaper (or a special mesh). This is a difficult job that requires not only time, but also accuracy. If you “remove the excess” in some place, then you will have to putty the ceiling again. It will be very difficult for a layman to achieve the perfect ceiling.

The advantages of painting the ceiling with your own hands are that you are not limited in the choice of colors and textures. There are paints with various effects: matte, glossy, with mother-of-pearl, fluorescent (glowing in the dark). You can even find paint that creates a stretch ceiling effect.

Bottom line: a great way to decorate the ceiling with your own hands, if you have a ready-made flat surface. Otherwise, the repair will require a lot of time, effort and money.

How to paint the ceiling with your own hands - video