How to determine the main sizes of the window block. Standard window opening: what sizes need to be observed during construction

Door openings are the mandatory elements of any room, and on their size depends on how convenient to pass into the room, move large items. Overviews, the sizes of which should provide the necessary level of natural light and access have the premises. fresh air. Doors sizes I. door openings, as well as windows are governed by standards (GOST), as well as construction norms and rules (SNiP).

This allows you to avoid confusion when designing and building the creation of normal conditions for the operation of residential, industrial and public buildings and structures. The size of the doorway is chosen on the basis of the convenience of the passage of people, as well as in accordance with the intensity of movements inward and outside the room. There are criteria for which typical dimensions of windows are determined.

Dimensions of openings for interroom doors and standard door opening of the entrance door

Speaking of standard doorway It is necessary to take into account the size of the door canvase. These are interconnected parameters affecting the convenience of entering and exiting the room. In accordance with GOST 6629-80, the width of the opening is taken from 670 to 1872 mm, and the door canvase from 600 to 1802 mm. In this case, the deaf doors have a slightly smaller width than glazed. The height of the openings can be 2071 and 2371 mm, and the canvas this value is 2000 and 2300 mm, respectively.

There is a dependence that takes into account when choosing ordinary swing doors. First, the chisty dimensions of the opening under the door are determined, the dimensions of which are 70-80 mm more than the canvas. Based on this ratio, and the door is selected. Height and width interior doors In accordance with existing standards and requirements less than the input. This is due to the need to ensure a more free passage and breaks of large-sized items.

Dimensions of the opening for sliding doors are governed by the same standard, while door leaf It has several other dimensions. Unlike conventional sliding doors by 50-60 mm more than the corresponding open parameter. This is due to the fact that in this case the canvas moves parallel to the wall and must completely overlap the entrance to the room.

Standard window openings: How is the width and height of the window opening determine?

At window openings, GOST 11214-86 are regulated in size. This standard also defines the dimensions of the balcony doors. In accordance with it, the width of the windows can be from 870 to 2670 mm, and height from 1160 to 2060 mm. The size of these parameters has an influence area of \u200b\u200bthe room, the required level of illumination, as well as the architectural features of the building as a whole and the premises in particular. As a rule, the area of \u200b\u200bthe window is selected in proportion to the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, as well as the size of the whole house.

The size of the opening affects the window glazing scheme, the number of sash and fraamug. GOST 11214-86 determines the dimensions of the doors to access the balcony or loggia. Balcony doors have a standard height of 2755 mm, but depending on the number of sashs and features of the canvas can be 870, 1170 and 1778 mm wide.

Windows are one of the important composite elementsaffecting the architectural appearance of the building, and therefore they are chosen in such a way that they organically looked at its facades. Standard dimensions windows are used for all typical solutionsAlthough B. individual projects It is allowed to use other sizes to allocate the original architectural solution.

And a little more about GOST

What are the standard windows dimensions used in residential buildings?

To date, the standard sizes of windows sets GOST 11214-86 and GOST 23166-99 "Windows and balcony doors wooden with double glazing for residential and public buildings." It is clearly indicated. technical requirements Constructions, types, types, labeling and standard size of windows and window openings in residential buildings. According to GOST, the size of the windows is influenced by the size of the windows, the material from which the window is done, and its type. Therefore, standardization was carried out in all directions and the norms of the size of the opening and windows for height 60, 90, 120, 135, 150, 180 cm and widths, 60, 90, 100, 120, 150, 180 are determined. For example, GOSTs offer such values: 560x870 (opening 610x910); 560x1170 (opening 610x1210); 860x870; 860x1170; 860x1320; 860x1470; 1160x870 (1170, 1320,1470); 1460s (1170, 1320,1470).

What do the dimensions can be used in residential premises?

GOST 6629-88 indicates that the minimum width of the inner deaf door is 670 mm at the same time the web is 600 mm, and for glass - 740 mm. As practice shows this is not always enough for comfortable accommodation. It is worth remembering that through the opening, perhaps you will have to put furniture, and therefore the dimensions are desirable to increase. Thus, for the bedroom and others residential rooms Doors sizes must be at least 90 cm, and the clearance must be at least 80 cm, and the size of the doors in GOST can be used for the bathroom.

Standards for balcony doors

Standard width balcony doors Depends on the type of construction. For instance, standard width Balcony doors for the designs of the Khrushchev era was 680 mm. At the moment there is no strict SNiP (rules and rules of construction), which establish certain minimum standards for the balcony door. Therefore, it should be proceeded from technical capabilities. For example, the minimum width of the flaps of the plastic balcony door is 450 mm, but if you install such a design, then it will be problematic through it. Therefore, the optimal option is considered to be the opening of 610 mm wide. Figure presents various options Installation of the balcony door in the residential premises ..

Window width during design. What needs to be considered?

During the design of the future at home, you must pay attention to the width of the window opening, its height, on geographical position Houses and side in which the window will go. First of all, the area of \u200b\u200bthe opening should provide the normal lighting ability of the window block, sunlight Must fall into the room for 2.5 hours with continuous lighting, as well as the ratio of the area of \u200b\u200bthe room to the window square should be at least 1: 8. After the area is calculated, it is necessary to select the size of the opening. Best turn to GOST 11214-86 and use standard sizes for country housesSince non-standard values \u200b\u200bwill lead to additional costs and problems.

Standard window sizes in the panel house. How to perform measurements?

Standard window sizes in the panel house have long been known. For example, if the house of the P-49 series, then the sizes of the window 1310 are 1520 mm, if P-46, then 1470 is 1420 mm. But very often the builders did misses, and even in one house, the windows may differ in size among themselves. That is why it is worth making accurate measurements. To do this, you need a roulette and a metal line. We measure the width and height of the window, and the line is sent to the slope and measure its depth. Thus, the sum of the width of the window and the depth of the slope from both sides is the width of the opening. After you need to check the diagonals, and if they are the same, you can proceed to the calculation of the size of the window. As a rule, the width of the opening takes 2-4 cm. As for the height, we will take 2 cm from the height of the window above, and the height of the profile plank under the windowsill.

How to choose the size of the front door?

In order to properly select the size of the input door, you need to know the value of the opening, then you can use the table values \u200b\u200bof the door sizes and the doorway and choose yourself suitable option. If the size of the input door is different from standard values, then you will have to use a two-born, or a semi-hearth entrance door. It is also necessary to remember that the door that opens out, not only saves space in the hallway, but also more secure.

Dimensions of doorways. What do you need to remember?

When choosing door and window openings, it is necessary to remember certain subtleties. First of all, I would like to note that the best way to design the door and window dimensionsthat meet standards. There is an incorrect view that the more, the better. The greater the connector, the hardest it will be a design, and this becomes a problem, especially with drafts. Also very often, fittings come out. As for the window, it is also the main thing here is not to rearrange, since huge windows in small rooms create sensations of discomfort and insecurity. Making calculations, do not forget to take into account the mounted gap and the box material, since the thickness depends on it.

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Height and windows width due to typical building

Reference dimensions depend on the model model of the house and materials, of which the house is built. There are a huge set of such models, but several common types are distinguished:

- House of the Old Foundation. They built in pre-revolutionary years, they differ in high ceilings and, accordingly, high window openings. In such buildings, both narrow and wide windows: 850 1150mm, 1150 at 1900mm, 1300 per 2200mm, 1500 per 1900mm.

- Stalin's houses. The so-called "Stalinkins" are built in the middle of the 20th century are allocated by their monumentality and high ceiling levels. Here, the standard size of the windows varies from 1150 to 1900mm to 1500 per 1900mm for two-dimensional products. For three-range windows, the only option is selected - 1700 per 1900mm.

- "Khrushchevki". Panel I. brick housesBuilt in the second half of the last century, in contrast to the two previous types, are known to the smallness of the apartments and the small height of the ceilings. In this case, the parameters of the windows are selected based on the following standards: 690 to 1530mm, 1280 to 1340mm, 1490 to 1530mm, 2080 per 1530 mm.

- Home improved layout. These are high and spacious buildings, the width of the windows of which is not less than 1450mm. Typical sizes of such windows: 1450 by 1210mm, 1450 by 1410mm, 1700 to 1410mm, 2100 per 1450mm, 2380 to 1130mm, 2380 per 1420mm, 2690 per 1420mm.

- Modern new buildings. In the houses under construction at our days there are more than 40 episodes, but conditionally the size of the windows in them are limited to several indicators: 1150 per 1420mm, 1450 at 1410mm, 1490 at 1530mm, 1700 per 1410mm, 1700 per 1420mm, 2060 per 1520mm.

The existing possibilities of organizing the window opening, the size of the elements used, their configurations can be viewed in the table:

The relativity of recognized standards and their validity

In the production of windows, a slight mismatch of linear dimensions with design documents is allowed. Accepted for the rate of deviation + 2mm and -1mm.

Verified long time Reliable operation The ratio of width and height allows you to guarantee durability window structures. It is impossible for greater illumination or aesthetic effect thoughtlessly increase the size of the windows. This leads to deformation of products, their breakdown or damage to specific mechanisms and parts.

Standard size, the width of the window for a particular room is calculated taking into account the purpose of the building, its location and scale. As the level of natural sunlight, depending on geographical factors, determines the intensity of room lighting. Construction standards The percentage of the area has been determined, which the window opening has, and the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. The total area of \u200b\u200bglazing should be from 1/8 to 1/10 of the entire floor surface.

It is worth clarifying that all regulations recognized in architecture and construction are quite relative. The most important requirement remains the preservation of all proportions both in the calculation of the size of the windows installed in the room and in the process of their production.

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different buildings and residential premises "\u003e

Often a person who has decided to build his own a private house, faces the problem of choice - what size to make window openings in the dwelling and how many of them should be. Of course, in our time it is easy to order the frames of any size, but these are extra spending. Is it better to observe the standard size of windows and acquire ready-made frames that are ideal and at the same time will cost much cheaper? It is on the generally accepted dimensions of the windows for various buildings and it is worth paying attention today. And it will help not only general information, but also the norms established by Goste.

Standard window with one open flap

Why need to comply with the standard sizes of windows - some clarifications

Let's start with the fact that in the strict framework these standards are not driven by anyone. Everyone is free to make openings as, in his opinion, will be convenient for him. But it should be understood that the size of the window, the standard of its width and height is based on numerous studies and are designed to ensure optimal natural lighting of the premises, as well as the convenience of its location.

Concerning apartment houses, Here, knowledge of standard sizes can also help. After all, if you measure the frame and order exactly such new products, they will be small and installers will have to be tinked upon installation. That is why, when determining the cost, all more people Dimensions do not measure themselves, but invite specialists who are subsequent and install new glazing. But if someone from the respected readers has already come across this question, most often when a call to the installation of double-glazed windows, the specialist only clarifies the type apartment house And the purpose of the premises where the replacement will be made. It is enough for this information to determine the standard sizes of window openings.

The aspect of the cost of windows to order, affected earlier, also plays very important role. After all, it's no secret that when building your own private house in our time, financial costs are significant. Therefore, cheaper standard windows will be more beneficial than the frame and double-glazed windows to order on their own sizes and a kind of form.

But windows of apartment buildings also have their differences. After all, if you take the houses of Stalin's buildings, then these are high ceilings that require and bigger size Operactions. The exact opposite is the buildings referred to as "Khrushchev". Let's try to understand what are all the same standards and how they changed over time.

Sizes of window openings according to GOST - change standards

Nowadays, compliance with the requirements of the GOST in the size of the openings is not mandatory. And yet it is worth paying attention to them. After all, unreasonably large windows can reduce the strength of the structure, and this is unacceptable for any construction. There are sanitary rules and norms (SanPiN), regulating the illumination of the premises. Unnecessarily small openings reduce the lighting of the room, which entails not only impairment of vision, but also other unpleasant consequences for the body.

For general Information Consider the table of windows size standards adopted in different years:

Year of construction of buildings and their name in the peopleSize of two-dimensional windows, cmSize of three-risk windows, seeNuances
1930-1960 "Stalinka"115x195 170x190.
1950-1985 "Khrushchev"Panel housesBrick housesPanel housesBrick housesIt should be remembered that the windowsill in brick houses wider, and therefore the cost of installation is slightly higher
Recessed to this day "Brezhnevka"145x121141x145210x145141x170.Of course, the largest windows are openings with three sash in brick houses

Thus, when replacing in standard apartment housesNo need to check the size of the windows. GOST during construction respected strictly. As for private houses, independent measurements are rarely taken into account by installation firms, which is becoming treated in its own reputation. Even if the homeowner calls the size of the glazing frames when ordering, usually masters themselves come to the place for their own measurements.

Height from floor to the top of the window opening

For any type of construction, whether it is a multi-apartment house or private dwelling, usually used standard height window. When erecting its own housing, more large-sized openings can be used, and at the same time not to go beyond the standards established by GOST. To do this, you can take the height of the openings for the "Stalinist" buildings. With such sizes of natural lighting, the room will be more than enough.

Of course, if a homeowner assumes to establish unusual glazing (figure or panoramic), no one forbits it. It all depends on the financial capabilities of the customer. After all, the huge glass opening from the floor to the ceiling (and possibly with the mounted in it glass door) Will look very aesthetic, if not to say gorgeous. But it is worth repeating - the cost of such a design will be quite impressive.

Important advice! If almost any work can be performed independently, the installation of modern double-glazed windows should trust professionals. Different settings of the handles, loops, and quite high the cost of glass make the installation quite complicated. This does not apply to home masters having experience like this.

As for the height of the window from floors in private houses, it can vary in the range from 0 to 900 mm, depending on the purpose of the room. For more accurate data, we will dwell a little later.

Window width standards - a rather important parameter

It makes sense to draw attention to the fact that the standard windows width in apartment buildings cannot be changed, because outdoor Wall It is carrier, which means to increase the opening no one will allow. But in private homes, during construction, it is worth paying special attention to this parameter.

Important! An irrational and ill-impaired increased width of window openings contributes to a decrease in the strength of the structure, which means it creates a risk of collapse. This must be remembered when designing housing.

Many people want to have a panoramic window in a private house over the wall. But when designing such a building, it is necessary to have engineering knowledge. In the absence of those, you will have to turn to a specialist. After all, some racks to strengthen such stitches are necessary.

Separately, it is worth paying attention to the option of increasing the width of the opening in some houses, called "Brezhnevsky". For example, in four room apartment The possibility of combining the glazing of the kitchen and the living room appears. At the same time, the central glass is usually toned. It is done so that from the street behind him is not visible a wall that divides these two rooms. Of course, it is not a carrier, but still there is an additional strength from it.

The optimal height from the floors to the windowsill in apartments and private houses

It is worth paying attention to the functionality of the room. In private houses, different windowsill is allowed for different rooms. For instance:

  • Living room - For a larger view, it is allowed to underestimate the windowsill. Often, a standard of 40 cm is accepted for the standard, but you can do without it in general, making glazing from the floor.
  • Kitchen. Here the height of the windowsill is measured with the surface dining table.and therefore the most acceptable will be the distance from the floor of 90 cm;
  • Storerooms and bathroom. It is allowed to install windows not lower than 120 cm, because There is enough such a height for multiple daylight.

But this is all that is indicated in Guest, which is practically not fully respected in our time. Therefore, in private homes, everyone makes openings according to their size, and in apartment buildings the height of the windowsills in all rooms is the same and equal to 80-90 cm.

The width of the windowsill of the plastic window, as well as structures from other materials depends on the thickness of the walls and the installation options for the heating radiators. Therefore, specific standards for this parameter do not exist in our time.

Windows of different types - their dimensions and some characteristics

Now the range of the material from which the windows are manufactured is quite large. But the most common are:

  • Wooden windows - the most common. The cheapest and at the same time natural material;
  • Plastic - More expensive. Currently, they are becoming increasingly popular, which is not surprising. Their service life at proper installation is quite large;
  • Aluminum profile windows. Such products are fairly in demand due to thin frames and large glasses. For panoramic windows, this is the most optimal option. In addition, they have a small weight.

It makes sense to consider some of the types in more detail.

What are the standard dimensions of plastic windows and their approximate cost

For wooden houses The dimensions of plastic windows are similar to those produced for apartment buildings. But this is if you take standards. Naturally, the frames to order can be made according to any drawings. But about it is slightly lower.

Standard window opening dimensions for a plastic window are 1300x1200 mm. If you take, for example, the living room, then there is a slightly different width. Then such a window will have dimensions - 1300x2040. But still there is an error in the region of 100 mm, and by the amount of the accurate standard in size can not be called.

Dependence on the size of the standard plastic window price is the most direct. Anyone is understandable that the larger the frame, the higher and the cost. Is there a big difference? If you take the dimensions mentioned above, then the difference for the price between them will be about 5,000 rubles.

Of course, the standard sizes of PVC windows, or rather their width and height are spelled out in Guest, but where exactly to look for and what to be guided during construction or design should be clarified. The fact is that each of the norms stipulated by this document has its own number. Knowing a numerical designation of the rule will not hope to find it, and therefore it will not have to shift the mountain of documentation. For example, according to this topic it is necessary to look for GOST 30674-99 - the standard size of PVC windows.

Although plastic windows and are a rather popular type of glazing, they are quite difficult in the installation. The fact is that in addition to their proper Installation Special setup is required. Yes, and the slightest errors when installing, which are not visible right away, will let yourself know after a couple of years. And this, you see enough unpleasant. It is for this reason that there are practically not found in building stores of such windows. Of the company, which are engaged in installing and debugging.

Another minus such designs is the need to replace sealing rubber With a frequency of 2-4 years. At the same time, their service life depends precisely from the adjustment of the fittings. For this reason, during the construction of a private house or cottage and planning installation there, there should be openings under the standard of sizes of PVC windows. The meaning of this is that if necessary, their replacement, generally accepted dimensions will cost a smaller amount.

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Wooden windows: Size Standards and Choice Nuances

Undoubtedly, the classic will never come out of fashion. And the wooden windows have long become a classic. There are reasons for it. First, it is a habit. After all, before the apartments of other material it was not envisaged. And if the frames and were made of aluminum, it was made exclusively for industrial stained glass windows.

Standard wooden window size is a fairly wide range. It is believed that the specific figure in this case does not exist. And in general, now the wooden windows are unlikely to be able to find. Making them is easy. That is why you can independently measure the window opening, order the design almost on any furniture manufacturing And install it with your own hands.

Important advice! When installing a wooden frame, you need to use a laser or regular level. The experience of working with mounting foam. Otherwise, the risk of skew frames.

Dimensions wooden windows With one sash can be 400-870 mm in width and 400-1470 in height. If there are three sfolders, then the size range is: width - 1770-2070 mm, and height is 1170-1470.

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In this review we will look at, as well as what materials it is better to use. This is not a complex process that allows you to preserve about half of the heat spent.

Metal-plastic windows, their features and differences from plastic

The windows and doors made of metal plastic in our time are quite common, which is not surprising. And although in appearance They are very difficult to distinguish from the designs of PVC, they have a number indisputable advantages. The main of them can be called greater durability and strength. They are not afraid of temperature drops. If the PVC Sun can be a story, meloplastics is not subject to risk. Cost and different design solutionswhich can be implemented in them.

Important information! If the window or door is made in the form of an arches or another rounded figure - it is the metal-plastic design.

The question is particularly important, how to choose the right windows from metal plastic. After all, its value is somewhat higher than other materials, and therefore it does not want to make mistakes. The main thing is the manufacturer. It is worth choosing the one of which there is more positive information. This can help both the reviews on the Internet and the advice of acquaintances, who have such structures already installed.

No matter how patriotic it sounds, but best quality Foreign production has products. What concerns russian manufacturers, It is often used as a material for manufacturing a recycling to reduce cost. And this is unacceptable in the production of such structures and adversely affects specifications and their service life.

Mansard windows - sizes and materials manufacturing

Pretty interesting view windows manufactured (mainly) from glued wood. We offer to see a few examples of such designs and compare their cost. All the attic frames described in the table below have a saline glass filled with argon.

Brand and model
Size, seeManufacturer country
price, rub.

FAKRO FTS-V U2 "Standard"
Handle from below

VELUX, GZR 3050B "Optima Standard"
Handle from below78x98.Denmark14000

VELUX, GLR 3073B TIS Optima Comfort "Universal"
Handles on top and bottom78x140.Denmark24600

VELUX, PREMIUM, GGU 0070 "Classic"
Handle from above78x160Denmark43000

Handle from below

VELUX (Velux), GGL 307021 Integra® - MK10
Remote control

How can you make sure the cost of such structures is quite high. As for the size standards mansard windows, To date, they are not.

Important advice! If you plan to install such a design, it makes sense to purchase a window before cutting the opening. Otherwise, it can happen that the necessary sizes are simply absent on sale.

Three-trimmed windows - sizes and materials

The size of the standard three-risk window has already been mentioned in our article. The only thing to add is the lack of accuracy in such standards. Any window can be adjusted under the norms of the GOST only approximately, but no clear delimitation. Most producers of such products are foreign firms. And the standards of Russian norms and rules are not converged with foreign.

During construction, it is worth adding 10 cm to the glands of the window or door opening. After all, it is easy to put the bar on the edge, than to increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe future window.

Private house and apartment - differences in windows

As already mentioned, the standards of such structures such as windows and doors - the concept is very blurred. The only thing that is really important is that the size of the window itself should be less than the window opening by 20-30 cm in width and height. Otherwise, their installation is complicated. It turns out that the standard sizes of windows for a private house are those that are convenient (without prejudice to the strength of the structure). The greatest window openings are made under the stained glass windows. The interior from such structures wins significantly. It is only important that it does not go to the detriment of strength, but this moment is entirely on the conscience of the designer. In order to be clearer how similar solutions look like in the interior, we suggest viewing a small photo gallery of stained glass windows in private houses.

The dimensions of the window openings in a private house are most often made in large than in apartments. The reason for this is the desire of a person as much as possible to obtain natural sunlight and enjoy views from the window. After all, it is not quite convenient to sit on a chair before small window? Much more pleasant to settle down from him on a sofa or a chair with a cup of hot coffee. Especially if the windows falling the peaceful flakes of snow falling.

There is pretty interesting solution For such situations. Below we will present photos of large windows in private houses. Through them also flows a sufficient amount of sunlight. Well, watching them for nature, although not so pleasant as through stained glass, but also quite comfortable.

Surely everyone became clear that the size of window openings in a private house would be exactly what a homeowner wants to see them. Well, if the house is purchased already in the finished form, you can easily undress the windowsill or try to expand the window itself. Work is a time-consuming, but quite fulfilling.

Important advice! If it is decided to expand the window openings, you need to do it without fanaticism. Remember the safety and strength of the design. As a last resort, if there is no confidence that the wall after alteration will stand, it makes sense to simply remove the windowsill, making the window "to the floor". In this case, no risk for the building arises. After all, the main danger for the walls is the extension of the window.

Changing window size in wooden houses

Wooden houses are good because it is easy to remove or remove the windowsill in them. To do this, dismantle old Rama And repeat the plaster (if it is) is slightly wider windows to the floor. Previously makes sense to measure the future opening and order or purchase a frame that will be installed. Next, with a gasoline or electric saw, it is necessary to cut the logs or a bar on both sides to the floor. It makes sense to bore the logs or a timber among themselves (bottom-up) metal bus on nails or screws.

Dimensions of windows in panel houses - are they subject to change

Unfortunately, change the size of the window in Khrushchevka is unlikely to succeed. It is possible and it will be possible to agree on the documents for such a work, but only on the decrease. And such actions are not needed by anyone. Increase the window opening will not succeed. After all, it will be a change in design carrier wallWhat is unacceptable in such buildings.

Nevertheless, update the interior and slightly increase the size of standard windows in the panel house. The trick is in the installation instead of plastic or wooden Ram. Aluminum frame. But this option, although visually expanding the window, is suitable only for warm regions. The fact is that thermal insulation of this type of frames is quite low.

You can glazed panoramic windows PVC balcony or loggia, pre-insulated walls floor and ceiling. This will dismiss the window and the door to the balcony, will expand the living area and create the visibility of the increase standard window Panel house.

Important information! Sell \u200b\u200ban apartment in this form will not succeed. To do this, you will have to restore the frame and the door to the loggia. For this reason, it is necessary to think carefully before starting this work.

Windows in brick houses - what features they have

In fact, the size of windows in brick and panel houses do not differ. The only thing that can be noted is the windowsill width. Such houses most often have sufficiently thick walls. With standard sizes of windows in brick houses, their windowsill can reach 50-60 cm.

If we consider the dismantling option described slightly higher, it is more appropriate for such buildings. The reason for this is exactly the width of the windowsill. With the right interior layout, it can serve letter table or stand for a bookshelf. You can even smash a small oasis. Just imagine how wonderful will look in the middle of the Green Island room.

At the same time, the dimensions of the window of the brick "Khrushchevka" are visually incremented, which can not but rejoice.

How to locate windows in a private house or in the country

How many windows should be in the house, their size and location require a clear calculation. There are several rules on this issue.

Important! When designing a residential building, it should be understood that the living room, like the kitchen, should be located on the sunny side, while on the other you can place the bedroom, pantry, bathroom and toilet, as well as a rest room and, for example, billiard room. As for the latter, many may doubt the correctness of such reasoning. But everything is simple. There is no natural light for billiard room. By Sanmpin, powerful lamps must be located above the table. That is why the sun does not play a special role here.

The number of windows, as well as their width, should be calculated by masters with engineering skills. It is on the designer that the issue is assigned to how to calculate the size of the window in wooden house. Well, the height of the opening is to solve the owner.

As for the location of windows in private houses, it is usually a living room and a kitchen have them the greatest number. Natural lighting is important in the children's room. It does not hurt a large number of windows on. They can be installed without any harm for carrier structures. The only thing that could be restricted for homemade Masters In this case, this is the cost of such windows. Otherwise, no restrictions exist.


Summing up today's conversation I would like to remind you of what. Natural sunlight is needed for normal well-being. After all, being at work in the office or in the workshop, a person constantly exposes his vision test. Fluorescent lamps, which are installed in most rooms, adversely affect not only vision. According to the studies, the inner layer of such light instruments, which converts the ultraviolet to the visible lighting, is not able to keep all the UV rays. And they not only spoil eyesight. Also, such lighting is caused by depression, worsening sleep, fatigue and nervousness.

For this reason, being at home, a person must give rest to his eyes, and the body as a whole. And better natural lighting for this nothing exists. It is necessary to increase the number and size of window openings (of course without fanaticism) as far as possible.

It is worth reminding the quality of the material for windows. After all, it also depends a lot too. It is clear that the cost of branded products will be higher than less quality analogs, but still it is worth thinking - a lot of people can save and what price. It is unlikely that health is that product that can be exchanged for money.

On this we will finish today's topic. We really hope that the information was helpful. If the questions remained - ask them in discussions below. Site specialists will always come to the rescue. And perhaps other readers will be able to answer your questions.

The dimensions of the doorway (as well as window) can be standard and non-standard. In order to put the box and the canvas in the latter, there is a need to manufacture the door (or windows) under the order. This, of course, will significantly affect the final cost of the order, as well as to increase the duration of the work time. To avoid these nuances, there is a concept as standard. Standard doorway (or window) will save time and money. Kindle in it the design will not be of great work. In addition, today manufacturers offer a huge selection of various models of windows and doors of standard sizes.

Standard doorway size for interior and apartment entrance doors

In order not to emerge unexpected situations, it is necessary to seriously consider the size of doors and doorways. It is best to choose a company in advance in which you will order interroom or entrance design, and consult with specialists regarding the dimensions of the free space for it. It is worth noting that the standards of these indicators in some firms may be different. Nevertheless, many firms adhere to the following door standards:

  • Height 2 meters, width - 60; 70; 80 cm.
  • Height 1.9 meters, width - 55 cm

Highly important aspect - What room is installed design (with or without window). For rooms without windows is characteristic the following parameters Opening under the door (standard dimensions):

  • 2070 x 970 mm
  • 2070 x 870 mm
  • 2070 x 770 mm
  • 2070 x 670 mm
  • 1970 x 670 mm
  • 1970 x 62 mm

Here, however, it is necessary to clarify that these sizes are suitable for recesses for bivalve doors.

For rooms with windows, their dimensions:

  • 2070 x970 mm
  • 2070 x 870 mm
  • 2070 x 770 mm
  • 2070 x 670 mm
  • 1970 x 670 mm
  • 1970 x 620 mm

To calculate the sizes of the opening for sliding doors, it is necessary to know that the standard door with a sliding kit (rollers with a barbell, the lower guide check box) has a height of 2005 mm. Space under sliding design It should be less and already canvases, vary in the range of 1900-2002 mm.

For input structures The standards are openings with a height of 2050 mm or 2150 mm, the most common width is 1000 mm or 900 mm.

How the height and width of the window opening are determined during the construction of a residential building

When designing and building apartment buildings most often adhere to standard window openings. The same practice is observed in the construction of a private dwelling. It saves a significant part of the time and money when installing double-glazed windows.

Standard space sizes under windows are designed with functional purpose Buildings, dimensions of the room, natural illumination, depending on the location of the house.

For example, residential apartment panel house It has the following parameters:

  • Two-rolled windows - height 1400 mm and width 1300 mm.
  • Three-rolled - height 1400 mm, and width 2050 mm or 2070 mm.

In Khrushchev, a completely different approach to window openings: dimensions depend on the width of the windowsill. The double glass windows with a wide window sill is installed in the opening of 1450x1500 mm, three-rolled - 2040x1500 mm. Narrow window sills in Khrushchev are assumed 1300x1350 mm (for two sash) and 2040x1350 mm (for three sash)

Designing buildings of any type, residential or administrative and industrial, assumes to orientation to certain norms and standards. Engineering communications, door and window openings in any case must meet the standards prescribed in the documentation approved at the state level. Standards are not invented for complication of life, but repel from certain data obtained by experimentally laboratory research. The parameters of window openings are no exception.

Standards for residential premises

Standardization of window openings is designed primarily in order to regulate the lighting intensity in the room. Graduation in the parameters of the openings depends on the purpose of the room. But not only this is taken into account:

Dimensions are calculated based on the construction standards and rules, and it simply cannot be different. For each residential premises, the rules define the mandatory value of the lighting coefficient in our latitudes - south of 60˚ and north of 45˚ latitude. It is assumed that the cleaning of the glass will be carried out twice a year in ordinary rooms and four times a year for regions with a certain amount of combustion products. It is clear that this is meant by environmentally ungabondal areas. Nevertheless, it is possible to talk on this topic for a long time, and the dimensions from this do not change. The first table - according to standard single windows.

Bivalve and triple windows

For areas that are on border areas with specified latitudes, there is a certain correction factor. If the construction is south of the region specified in the standard standard, the amendment ratio will be 0.75. If the house is built north, then the opening area should be increased - the coefficient increases 1.2 times. Recently, another important coefficient is taken into account - the number of glasses in the package and the distance between them. The fact is that individually calculate the refractive index of the beam in the triple glass, no one will become, and the efficiency of lighting will deteriorate.

For this, GOST and tested such modifications of window blocks. However, there are certain mean sizes that are suitable for most territories and most designs of double-barakers. The table shows the dimensions for a bivalve and three-risk window approved by GOST.

Aluminum windows in private houses

If we touched upon the topic of the glazing area of \u200b\u200bthe house, it will simply be missed by the aluminum windows that moved the plastic. For obvious reasons, plastic windows are much cheaper. But not about the price conversation, but about sizes. And here are elegant and luxurious aluminum windows - on the summit According to the lighting coefficient. Aluminum windows, due to their design, just alien minimalistic design. It is worth seeing aluminum windows once, and it will not want to look at the plastic, although it may be an opinion subjective.

Increased light transmission capacity provides windows design of specific accessories and accessories. Mechanical and mechatronic hidden Systems They allowed not to simply increase the reliability of the system, but also seriously increase the glazing area with the same standard openings. Aluminum structures Can reach the highest quality of thermal insulation, noise insulation and resistance to hacking in the European Class WK3.

In general, existing standards on the windows, regardless of the manufacturing material, fully cover the need for the dwelling in the daylight, in different ways reacting to the temperature differences outside the window and indoors. Carefully choosing the windows, we will provide bright, warm and safe housing for many years.