Insulation of the outer walls of a panel apartment building. External insulation of a panel house Thermal insulation of a panel house with expanded polystyrene

Panel houses have always been considered not too "warm" because the internal and external walls in them are quite thin. It is for this reason that wall insulation panel house outside - a very demanded service. Thermal insulation of concrete panels will allow the apartment to keep warm well in the winter cold, as well as keep the air cool in summer time... So thermal insulation panel houses- this is universal remedy, allowing to increase the degree of comfort of the home. Work can be done on your own, but this is only possible if the apartment is located on the first or second floor of a building. If the housing is located higher, it will not be possible to do without the help of specialists. Services of this kind are provided by high-rise builders or industrial climbers.

Insulation of panel walls from the facade

Warming facade surface walls of a house built of panels is a much more reasonable measure, unwanted internal thermal insulation... And that's why:

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Konstantin Alexandrovich

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From the above, we can conclude that it is advisable to insulate the walls of the house from panels with outside... Insulation from the inside is used only if other options for some reason cannot be implemented.

Varieties of insulation

On the selection process suitable material for wall insulation, the following indicators affect:

The estimate of materials and the project of the planned work is most often ordered by house manager company or homeowners' association. The very work on the thermal insulation of the facade is carried out by a team of professional climbers.

For use in panel houses, the following types are most often used insulating materials:


Slabs mineral wool- a very convenient material for the production of external work on the thermal insulation of the facade. It is produced under different brands, but the main characteristics of the material in different manufacturers differ insignificantly. The material has a low coefficient of thermal conductivity, but care must be taken so that the material does not become wet. If this happens, its ability to insulate heat will be significantly reduced. To avoid this problem, under insulating layer a special membrane is laid, which will be responsible for steam removal.

If for finishing the building will use a ventilated facade, moisture vapors will be promptly removed by an air flow penetrating into the gap between the wall itself and the insulation. In this situation, there is no need to lay the membrane layer.


The material is lightweight, the slabs are easily attached to the wall surface. Heat and noise insulation parameters are at a high level. For outdoor work, you can use only that type of insulator that is not capable of spontaneous combustion. On this type of expanded polystyrene, the G1 marking should be applied, which denotes low-combustible materials. Sadly, not all types of foam available on the market are actually non-flammable. Therefore, when purchasing material for insulation, it is necessary to clarify whether the products are certified in accordance with the requirements of GOST.

With external insulation of a panel house, there are restrictions on the thickness of the material for thermal insulation that can be used in work. This indicator deduced by complex calculations that include the average temperature indicator of the climatic region, and also take into account the type of house - industrial building, office or residential building.


A significant part of the useful heat inside a panel house can be lost through interpanel seams. You can solve the problem by processing them. The distance between the ends of the slabs is filled with a monolithic mortar, which easily eliminates cracks and cavities in the seams, increasing the efficiency of thermal insulation of the entire structure. Mixtures suitable for processing interpanel seams v concrete houses, can be sold both in a form that is completely suitable for use, and for self-preparation of solutions. These compositions may contain in their structure polystyrene foam granules capable of retaining heat flow or air particles to protect against cold air from outside.

With a large inter-seam distance, it is allowed to fill it with an insulating fiber of a soft texture. This can be mineral wool, which has proven itself in external work.

List of her most important qualities:

Fragments of mineral wool fibers are highly volatile and contain formaldehyde components. The combination of these factors does not allow the use of such material for insulating the seams of a panel house everywhere. The best practicality for such work is different stone wool... This insulation poses no danger to human health and has a stronger fiber structure.

Stages of arranging the insulation of an apartment building from panels

A well-made installation of insulation material is a guarantee of its long term service. Installation quality indicators can depend on many circumstances. One of important factors is the type of material to which the insulation will be bonded. Most often, they use special glue for construction or specialized dowel fasteners. Meet and combined options fastening. The process of warming takes more than one day, because you need to wait for one or another material to dry completely before proceeding to the next stage of warming.

ADVICE! The best time for arranging wall insulation - the summer months and the beginning of autumn, that is, it is better to complete all work before the onset of the rainy season. Number of people wanting to improve thermal insulation characteristics their apartments, from year to year only multiplies. It is from these considerations that it is better to decide this important issue in advance. In organizations with extensive experience in such work, all days are scheduled ahead for at least several months.

Insulation laying

The insulated surface must be smeared adhesive composition, which is applied either with a special spatula with teeth, or laid out with flat cakes. If you press on it with a plate of insulation, the solution is distributed evenly in the space between the wall and the insulation. The rows are laid out in the direction from top to bottom according to the principle of brickwork. Each slab is aligned to the horizon. Vertical alignment is done along the beacons or by pulling a vertical thread between opposite fragments.

To increase the reliability of the connection of the foam plates to the wall, the insulation is fixed not only to glue, but also to special dowels. 5 fasteners are sufficient for each insulator plate. The tops of the fasteners should be slightly pressed into the surface of the insulation. When the apartment located on the corner of the building is insulated, the inter-slab joint is also insulated. To eliminate the appearance of inconsistencies and the formation of gaps, alternate rows in corner zone.

If gaps nevertheless form between the foam plates, they are closed with scraps of insulating material and fixed adhesive solution... The available corners are closed with a perforated corner, aluminum or metal. Attach it to a solution of glue, alabaster or gypsum. The heat-insulated surface can only be wiped off and covered with a layer of plaster. It should be as smooth as possible, since the fiberglass reinforcing mesh will still be laid on top.

Reinforcing mesh installation

A layer of glue, 0.5 centimeters thick, must be applied to the insulation material. It will absorb the reinforcement mesh while fixing it. The grid is needed in order to keep plaster layer therefore the editing is done with the utmost attention and concentration. It is better to fix at once a large and solid piece of material, leaving room for window openings... An adhesive layer is applied on top again. It must dry completely before leveling it.


The process of thermal insulation of the wall of a panel house from the outside is completed by priming and plastering the surface. The primer layer is applied twice, conveniently done with a roller. When the primer is dry, the first thin layer of plaster can be applied. After an hour, it dries up, then it is rubbed, and the surface is given a certain texture with the help of a special textured roller... After that, the main stage of work is considered completed. It remains only to paint the insulated surface in the desired color. The paint is used on the basis of acrylic. If the installation technique is perfect, external insulation will last at least 10 years.

Thermal insulation of a facade is a laborious and expensive process. But he has a number undeniable merits, which are much more important than time and financial costs. This is the creation of comfort and warmth in your own home.


All insulation methods are good in their own way. The main thing is to strictly adhere to the recommendations for the use and installation of this or that insulator. If you do not consider yourself a specialist in this field, then for the production of such work it is better to use the services construction organizations... Such firms have all the necessary licenses, have practical knowledge, specialists work there. high level... They will be able to quickly and efficiently perform all work with a guarantee.

Video about the insulation of the outer wall of an apartment in a panel house

Houses built in the last 2-3 decades keep heat much better than buildings of the past Soviet Union... This is especially noticeable in the cold season - "Khrushchevs", erected from panels or bricks, freeze an order of magnitude faster, so they need large quantity insulation materials and heating. Since millions of people live in such houses, the issue of wall insulation is especially relevant for them.

To normalize the microclimate of the room, residents can use one or two methods of thermal insulation:

  • outdoor;
  • internal.

The implementation of the first method is often complicated by two factors:

  • location of the apartment on the upper floors;
  • the layout of the living space, in which most of the walls are bordered by the walls of neighboring rooms (it happens that outside it is possible to sheathe only a balcony).

The second method is not without a number of disadvantages:

  • inevitably decrease useful area premises;
  • for good insulation from the inside, you will have to thoroughly prepare the walls, destroying the usual way of life;
  • temporary relocation of residents is required, especially if work is carried out with materials containing harmful impurities;
  • insulation from the inside reduces the service life of the panel structure, since in winter the wall falls into the zone of negative temperatures.

Nevertheless, internal insulation walls are preferable to thermal insulation outside, saving money - tenants will not have to spend money on high-rise work. They will also spend less on insulation.

Materials for insulating walls of a panel house

The operation of an apartment is accompanied by a periodic increase and decrease in the air temperature inside the premises.

Therefore, the material should not only be an excellent heat insulator, but also have acceptable moisture-resistant properties.

This requirement is fully met by the two most popular insulation, which we will consider. Recently, they are gaining popularity and liquid heaters, but these are already topics of our other articles.

Insulation supplied in the form of foam that hardens after application. It has a low coefficient of thermal conductivity, therefore it keeps the heated air well in the house. For uniform application and crystallization, formwork must be used. Its role can be played by bars with a section of 25 × 25 mm or a little more, located vertically and horizontally along the wall. The formed cells (sections) will be uniformly filled with polyurethane foam.

Thermal insulation of the walls of a panel house using PPU has several more features:

  • after the polyurethane foam has hardened, an additional layer of waterproofing is required (to reduce the amount of condensate formed);
  • the impossibility of finishing and cladding (you will have to build a second plasterboard wall over the PPU, on which you can apply wallpaper, plaster, etc.);
  • if the previously listed conditions are met, a minimum of condensation will occur, after which it will be diverted to the junction of the wall with the insulation.

The cost of work on thermal insulation of the walls of a panel house outside or inside with the help of polyurethane foam is high - you will need special equipment, as well as skilled workers. Therefore, consumers give preference to the second good material.

Extruded expanded polystyrene (foam)

The greatest difficulties when working with material arise at the stage of its installation. Styrofoam is supplied in even slabs of 100 × 50 cm or more, therefore, when sheathing uneven walls its imbalance is inevitable. Therefore, it is required to carefully prepare the original surface, otherwise air spaces where condensation penetrates.

Plates are fixed to the wall special glue applied to the entire sheet evenly, and the joints are coated with sealant. The use of anchoring connections is excluded - leaking transitions may occur throughout the entire foam layer. It is better to use a T-shaped profile fixed to the floor and ceiling.

Work technology

When insulating, it is worth adhering to the stages of work described below.

  1. The choice of the method of insulation (outside / inside; the second is easier to implement).
  2. Calculation of the area to be insulated, purchase of material; transition to the preparatory stage.
  3. Drying the surface (used heat guns, heaters). The walls are insulated strictly during the warm season!
  4. Old coatings (wallpaper, paint, decor) are removed, the plaster is removed to the concrete base.
  5. The surface is cleaned of dirt, dust (a broom or a vacuum cleaner is used).
  6. Treatment interior walls antiseptic.
  7. Priming the original surface (it is better to use a primer deep penetration and apply it in several layers).
  8. Allow the walls to dry thoroughly.
  9. Align with special mixtures(those used in the decoration of bathrooms are acceptable). When the plaster dries, no heaters are used - so it will acquire normal strength.
  10. Installation of polystyrene. Unlike polyurethane foam, it does not require formwork - the boards are glued directly to the dry surface. When using polyurethane foam, the insulation is applied a little later after the manufacture of the wooden frame.
  11. Following the complete drying of the glue, the joints of the plates are sealed with a sealant.
  12. A second wall with final finishing is applied on top of the resulting structure.

If all steps are performed correctly, an increase in the temperature inside the prefabricated house is guaranteed. If the work has not brought results, you will also have to insulate the floor of the apartment.

Spectrum good insulation large enough, however, few of them are suitable for panel buildings. Due to the impossibility of insulating the apartment from the outside, residents have to spend internal work, which are not very difficult, effective and do not require special skills or knowledge. Even residents of hopelessly freezing panel buildings can achieve an increase in room comfort indicators if they use the heaters recommended above.

Increasingly on multi-storey buildings“spots” appear in the form of bright multicolored squares around the windows. This indicates that the owners of the apartments have taken care of the insulation of their homes. This service is often used by residents of panel houses. What is panel insulation apartment building, and what does it give?

A little about the insulation of external walls

In winter, everyone's desire is to return to the warm cozy apartment and relax after hard day... But expectations do not always coincide with reality. Because of the rains, winds, high humidity, temperature drops freeze the walls of houses. The facade of the building is gradually collapsing, cracks appear. On inside load-bearing structures, from a lack of heat, mold occurs, the humidity of the air rises. Warming concrete walls solves this problem.

A layer of insulation helps to avoid destruction of the front part of the wall and to keep heat within the apartment. In addition, there are a number of advantages when insulating the outer walls of a panel house:

  • the room is protected from strong winds and drafts;
  • heat is retained and the air temperature in the apartment becomes a couple of degrees higher;
  • all the cracks are eliminated, due to which the partitions in the room freeze and get wet;
  • when strengthening a small part of the facade, the operational life of the entire panel building is extended;
  • sound insulation improves slightly;
  • there is no need to move, during the work on the insulation of the outer walls.

The price depends on the area of ​​insulation and the quality of the materials used. But when the issue of heat is at stake in winter period then the situation speaks for itself.

Types of materials

The quality and durability of insulation depends on the selected material. Mineral wool and polystyrene are popular.

  1. Extruded expanded polystyrene or expanded polystyrene - the most available material... Foam boards differ only in thickness. It is lightweight, absorbs excess sound well, does not release heat from the room. It may seem that it is an unreliable and fragile material. This is true. But this problem is easily solved with plastering. The weight is minimal, and the excess is cut with a knife, which makes it easier to work with it at height. Polyfoam practically does not absorb water - this prolongs the service life of the material.

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  1. Mineral wool is produced by dozens of manufacturers. It has good thermal conductivity. It is convenient to work with it, but not at high altitudes. The weight of a slab made of such material is quite large and, when fastening, it is necessary to use dowels. During installation, use a membrane that prevents vaporization. V otherwise, mineral wool will get wet and lose its properties.
  2. The most expensive material is foam glass. It repels water, retains heat, protects against extraneous noise... Prevents mold and mildew growth. Differs in durability.

The amount of material used is calculated from the calculation of the area of ​​the wall section that needs to be insulated. Plus 15% of the total in reserve. Before attaching the insulation to the panel house, the walls go through a preparation stage.

Preliminary preparation of walls

In order for the insulation to fit snugly against the wall, the surface must be leveled, and the gaps must be covered.

Important! All stages are carried out by specialists only. You need to thoroughly know the sequence of work and its features.

The process of preparing the base goes through several stages:

  • the wall is cleaned of old layers of any coating (paint, plaster, whitewash, etc.);
  • dust and dirt are removed, the surface is sprayed with water;
  • interpanel seams and cracks are cleaned of dust and insulated with foam for installation, and the hardened excess is removed;
  • stripping is performed again.

Together with the preparation of the walls, the slopes of the windows are put in order. To avoid the formation of fungus, the surface is primed. For this, a sprayer is used, less often a special roller.

Interesting! This type of work is carried out mainly at a height. This is a dangerous activity, and most often 2-3 people are involved in the installation. But there are also loners who got used to independently performing all the stages.

Stages of insulation of a panel apartment building

High-quality installation is the basis for the durability of insulation. It depends on many factors. One of them is the material to which it is attached. Mostly construction glue, dowels or a combination of both are used. The whole process takes several days so that the materials have time to dry as they are used.

Recommendation! Warming is carried out in the summer and early autumn until the rainy season. There are more and more people who want to keep warm in the room every year. Therefore, it is worthwhile to tackle this issue in advance. After all, an entry in the best firms for wall insulation begins literally six months in advance, or even earlier.


The adhesive is applied to the surface either in lumps or with a notched trowel. Thus, when pressed, the glue evenly fills the space between the insulation and the wall. The rows are laid out in a checkerboard pattern from bottom to top. The slab is applied to the surface from the bottom corner to the top, and is aligned with building level... Also for the level, beacon corners are used or pull a vertical thread between opposite sheets.

The question of how to insulate a panel house becomes relevant a few years after its construction. Thermal insulation properties concrete panels decrease significantly over time. Heat is escaped not only through windows, but also through walls and joints between panels and even through ventilation ducts. Over time, cracks are often formed in the walls of panel houses, through which, depending on their size, heat can go away rather quickly. The lack of available heating is especially felt in winter and when temperatures drop.

Insulation installed outside the building allows you to keep warm in winter time and cool on hot days.

Keep warm without resorting to additional heating devices, insulation of walls and their elements, which is carried out both in private and in multi-storey buildings, can help; insulation may be needed and non-residential premises... There are several ways to insulate a panel house:

  • plaster;
  • drywall;
  • mineral wool;
  • Styrofoam.

High effect high-quality insulation exterior walls require the use of new high quality materials. Currently, there are many materials that are designed and manufactured specifically for facades. In addition to increasing the overall temperature in the room, such materials update the facade, and for their use there is no need to evict the tenants. A little time is also spent on insulation.

How to insulate a house: methods and materials

Insulation methods are divided into 2 types - dry and wet insulation... Wet means finishing the outer walls with various mixtures intended for this, which are diluted with water. Decorative plaster of this type has a large color range and various effects... The dry method does not imply the use of water, plate-type heaters are mounted on the facade of the building, creating a protective screen that retains heat.

It is permissible to use ventilated facades, consisting of many elements, in the application of the dry method of insulation. For the installation of insulation plates, metal brackets and guides are used. First, a frame is mounted on the wall of the building, consisting of metal profile, subsequently it is insulated and cladding is made on top of it. Cladding material can be different, choose it in accordance with the rules fire safety desired decorative effect and finance. For these purposes, fiber cement plates, alucobond, cement particle boards, and porcelain stoneware are used.

A panel house is most often insulated in this way, since it is convenient to use it in all weather conditions, including low temperatures when impossible wet way... The materials used for dry insulation differ in some parameters. They have different properties of sound insulation and thermal conductivity, strength and durability. Before insulating a house, you need to check the selected material for resistance to temperature extremes and mechanical influences.

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Styrofoam and home insulation with this material

For work you will need:

  • Styrofoam;
  • glue;
  • sealant;
  • fasteners;
  • reinforcing mesh;
  • decorative coating;
  • putty knife.

This insulation is in many ways inferior to modern ones in its characteristics, but its use is still popular. This is due to the fact that the cost of the material is very economical; anyone can buy it to insulate a room for any purpose. Insulation work can be done independently, or with the help of special qualified workers. If the insulation is carried out on the high floor of a panel house, then most likely it will not be possible to do without the services of industrial climbers.

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Preparatory activities

Using for insulation quality materials and working according to all the rules, you can turn the apartment into a thermally insulated room, which will keep warm in winter and cool in summer. Residents of the first floors or residents of those apartments that are located on the edges of the house suffer most from cold and dampness, since the area of ​​contact with the street is larger near the corner rooms. The first signs of dampness and cold are often traces of black mold that appears in the corners of apartments and in bathrooms. In such rooms, it always smells of dampness.

Before the work on the insulation itself begins, it is necessary to properly process all the joints between the plates, and then seal them. The sealing steps include a thorough cleaning of different kinds debris of all existing cracks, and then the joints are primed and dried so that later they are completely filled with a sealing compound. If the gaps are very large, it makes sense to seal them with heat-insulating materials from the inside, and then put a layer of mastic on top.

Quite a lot of apartment owners who are located in panel house, one has to face the fact that living in such real estate is simply impossible and very difficult, due to the fact that there is always a strong cold in the premises in winter. This is due to the fact that the walls of a panel house are usually very poorly insulated, as a result of which a draft and cold penetrates through them, as well as through windows and other surfaces in the apartment, and it is impossible to cope with them even with the help of high-quality and reliable heating included at full capacity. As a result, living in such an apartment will not be very comfortable and pleasant, as well as safe, since you can easily get a cold. That is why, in order to increase the comfort of living, each owner of an apartment in a panel house should take care of a full and effective insulation your apartment, which should be not only internal, but also external. Only in this case it is possible to achieve the best and optimal result of all the planned work. Also, if there is no opportunity or money to insulate both outside and inside, then in this case the most optimal solution will carry out work related to external insulation as it is considered to be the most effective.

Features of warming a panel house

Initially, you should determine what material will be used for these purposes. It must meet certain requirements, which include safety for people, as well as high thermal insulation parameters, since in this case, the insulation will act as a really correct solution for full and comprehensive insulation. Most often, popular and affordable mineral wool is used for these purposes, and it is also allowed to use foam for this, which meets all the requirements, and is also a material with which it is very simple and easy to work.

It is best to choose external insulation, because in this case, not only the premises themselves will be reliably protected from the penetration of cold, but the walls themselves will be well protected from the cold, which is considered the most effective and correct solution.

Internal insulation will ensure the creation of an insulating layer that will protect the premises from the cold that already penetrates the walls of the house.

How to insulate the walls of a panel house from the outside?

These works can be done completely different methods with specific differences. To do this, you can make a curtain facade, which is considered the most optimal solution. In this case, a special frame is formed along the entire perimeter of the wall from slats or profiles, and plate heat-insulating materials are laid in its cavity, which must be mounted with a small joint. Further, the resulting structure is sheathed with any suitable decorative materials that will not stand out too much against the background of the overall decoration of the house. With this construction, you can really get perfect result work, but it will require an investment of quite a large number money, as well as the work itself has certain difficulties. Therefore, it is often simply impossible to cope with all the work with your own hands, especially if the apartment is at a rather high altitude, as a result of which you will have to constantly use special equipment for work.

Another method of external insulation is to create an insulating layer on the walls of the house, which is then covered with a layer of plaster. This method is considered quite effective and efficient, as well as simpler and faster, and at the same time, you can handle all the work quite easily with your own hands. However, you should first evaluate the wall for any defects or all kinds of obstacles to applying a plaster layer to the walls. The fact is that often it is simply impossible to carry out the intended work due to the presence of significant obstacles to this. In this case, you will have to deal with the creation curtain facade... However, if there are no barriers to applying plaster, then you can proceed with insulation using this method. To do this, initially waterproofing materials begin to be fixed on the outer walls of the building, and it is advisable to choose for this special unique membranes that will not only protect the walls from moisture penetration from the outside, but will additionally allow steam and moisture to pass from the walls. After that, you can proceed to fixing the layer of foam or mineral wool, however, in the latter case, it is advisable to additionally wrap each plate waterproofing materials... The fact is that this insulation does not at all have any resistance to moisture, which can even cause damage to the material or the fact that it will no longer cope with its main tasks. Fastening can be carried out using special and reliable polyurethane glue or using dowels, and experts say that better result work can only be achieved by a combination of these fastening methods. However, it is allowed to do this only for foam, which has a fairly high density. Once thermal insulation layer will be fully formed on the walls of the house, you can start creating a decorative layer, for which it is used decorative plaster designed for outdoor use. It is also possible to carry out siding installation using suitable fasteners. The specific choice depends entirely on what exactly the goals are supposed to be achieved with the help of insulation, since it is often important not only to insulate the walls of the house, but even to decorate them, as well as to give them an updated and interesting appearance.

Features of internal insulation

The walls of a panel house can be insulated not only from the outside, but also from the inside, and at the same time it is desirable to carry out these works only in conjunction with external insulation. Also, internal work is the only solution if it is simply impossible to carry out them outside. Insulation inside the house is a fairly simple work, since for this, a frame of profiles is created around the entire perimeter of the walls, into which insulation is laid, and after that it is sheathed with sheets of drywall, on which the last stage work is applied to any suitable Decoration Materials... Such work is considered quick and simple, but as a result, it will be necessary to reduce the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe premises, and insulation will not be the most effective.

Thus, the insulation of the walls of a panel house is considered quite simple and quick work, which you can easily handle with your own hands, and at the same time you can independently choose which method of insulation will be used.