Mansard finish with their own hands. Mansard Finish MDF Panels Cleaning Mansard Plywood

After finishing the attic, you can significantly expand useful Square private house. The room can be used for various purposes: to be the office, bedroom or children's room. It is only necessary to choose the right to finish the attic of the attic with their own hands. Photo ready-made solutions Allows you to find an idea for subsequent incarnation. We offer to get acquainted, as well as the sequence of finishing work.

The main difference between the attic and the attic room is their appointment. Mansard is a residential room located under the scope. The attic refers to the technical premises. May be warm or cold. Dersighted room should warm and have.

TO constructive features attic room Clear requirements are not presented. The attic should have the height of the ceiling - at least 2.5 m. From the point where the roof raids are fitted with the wall, the distance should not be less than 1.5 m.

The costs of the decoration of the attic and attic room are significantly different. The attic decoration is much more expensive than the attic equipment. Here it is necessary not only to perform thermal insulation work, but also. Options for mansard finishing are similar to those used in the design of any residential premises.

Attention!The residential area of \u200b\u200bthe private house includes the square of the attic. The attic area is not counted.

How to equip the attic in the country house - the main rules, choosing the design of the attic floor

To the arrangement and decoration of the attic resorts in the case of lack of living space. The room is quite specific, so it should be competent to the design of the attic design. Photo implemented projects You can use as an idea for subsequent incarnation. With their help, you can rationate to dispose of the available quadrature, providing special niches or auxiliary premises. How to equip the attic in cottage house? The answer will depend on the selected room assignment, as well as from the preferred finish option. In case of choosing a complex version, not all work can be made with your own hands.

Mansard Floor Design: Basic Development Rules

Given that the room will be residential, regardless of the selected finish option, you should start with insulation and installation. The latter will significantly reduce the affordable area, which should be taken into account when developing an embarrass of attic with their own hands. Photo before and after are this confirmation.

Unused space can be issued as a niche, placing in them different household appliances. In low places can be installed or. If you stand in this zone will be uncomfortable, sitting or lying, you can feel comfortable enough. The finish should be done based on the destination.

Special attention deserved decoration Materials. They should not only have a beautiful appearance, but also be light, especially if on the attic with the slope. The photos presented in manufacturers catalogs will always allow you to choose the appropriate option.

Getting Started to lay the finish coating, it is necessary to properly prepare the reason so that in the operation of the flooring does not arise problems. A special substrate is placed under parquet or laminate. It will improve the soundproofing of the attic, adding the soft floor to the floating floor. A cement with reinforcing grid is poured under the tile.

Mansard finishing with a broken roof - Photo, nuances

What will be the interior mansard premises from loan rooflargely depends on the preferences of the owners and the appointment of a particular room. Universal is considered to finish with materials made from natural wood. Permissible use if previously completed chernovo finish walls.

The house with a broken roof allows the use of attic as a full room. For this mounted suspended design. Suppose installation. We offer to see photos of the attic of the attic with a broken roof.

The decoration of the attic floor with their own hands - the main stages

Before the beginning interior decoration A certain preparation of the room is performed. Special attention It is paid to the device and execution. If the room is already operated, the order of work will depend on the previously performed insulation. We offer to see the master class with the photo of the attic of the attic wooden house Inside, including several stages.

Preparation of the room

So that the room is functional, it should be sorted out when it is advisable to perform the arrangement of the attic in wooden house. Photos of implemented projects suggest that preference is given to buildings with broken roofing: one slot leaves gentle, the second is made steep.

The need for execution is determined heat-insulating work. If at the construction stage, the house outside was not insulated, the insulation is laid from the inside into the roof and walls.

Installation of carcass

The attic decoration starts from the installation of the frame. Depending on the weight of the materials used, the preference may be removed wooden or metal frame. For work it will be necessary:

  • roulette;
  • suspension.

When installing a metal frame, you need to prepare a knife. After performing markup and cutting the elements of the structure in size throughout the perimeter, guides are mounted. Every 0.6 m using self-samples are attached vertical profiles.

Wooden beams before the start of installation are carefully dried. Their quality is checked: there should not be black on the surface, blue and mold traces. Apply special composition, slowing down the process of rotting. Installation is made wooden beams. Self-tapping screws are used for fastening elements.

Warming and waterproofing

As a heat insulator for residential premises can be used various materials. When performing work, the mineral wool uses its own popularity. If the waterproofing layer has already been laid at the roofing device, insulation is performed in the following sequence:

Photo Description of work

We prepare enough mineral wool necessary thicknessDepending on the location of the house with an attic.

Determine the distance between the elements of the rafter system.

Insulation is reproducing in size.

For formation smooth line The cut is to use the template, which can be the board or plywood of a suitable form and size.

Having retreated 5 cm from the edge, we perform marking under the T-shaped fastener for metal guides.

We note the attachment points of the T-shaped fastener. They must be located every 40 cm.

Breeping T-shaped guides, carefully controlling their spatial position.

We establish a metal profile, check the quality of its fastening and then remove.

Between the beams lay mineral wool. There should be a gap to ensure natural ventilation between the roof and layer of the insulation.

To improve the quality of thermal insulation on top of the thick layer of the insulation, we lay the mineral wool of a smaller thickness.

We install metal guides.

Each metal guide secure bilateral scotch.

Decorating parosolation materialwhich will be attached to a metal profile using a two-way layer.

Remove with a tape protective layer.

Evenly distribute the material over the entire surface of the roof, fixing with the help of a tape.

Apply additionally glue the scotch layer, roll over and pressing it with the roller.

In the fields of the junction of the skate and the wall material fix with the help of a bracket.

Similarly, we carry out the insulation of walls and frontoths.


Almost every owner of a private house has an attic room. Sometimes it is used as a warehouse of various things, sometimes even idle empty. But when the issue of extension of the housing is sharply arising, many remember the attic. After all, you do not need to hold anything to the house - it is enough to warm and equip the attic floor, to produce an internal decoration of the room.

In this article, we will demonstrate the most common finishes options. mansard floorand also introduce you to full technology Performance.

To avoid unpleasant consequences, insulation and penthouse finish is better thought out at the design stage of the house. This will help properly organize a sequence of execution. preparatory work. Unlike construction and insulation an attic floorthat specialists must perform, it is quite realistic to finish the attic of the attic with their own hands.

How to separate the attic inside: preparatory work

Before separating the attic with their own hands, insulation should be carried out endless walls An attic room, as well as heat and vaporizoation of roofing rods.

Tip: The comfort of the insulation and isolation depends on the comfort of this room in the future. If at this stage, it can be reduced, it may not be reduced to the entire attitude of the attic.

Choosing finishing materials

When the attic floor is reliably insulated, the question arises: how to separate the attic from the inside? Materials for placing the room on construction market Many - consider the most popular.


Plastic lining - one of the most inexpensive and popular materials for internal trim Buildings. It can be used to finish the attic. The material provides ample opportunities in the implementation of the design of the room, in choosing a color and drawing. The covering of plastic slats is performed very quickly and does not require possession of special installation skills. To disadvantages plastic lining It is possible to include its fragility - the material can crack from the blow.

Mansard Oven Clapboard (Plastic)

On a note: If you want to give the attic floor of special energy and coziness, use wooden lining for its finish.

Benefits of natural wood lining: color uniqueness, natural texture, environmental friendliness. The decoration of the marsard walls with a tree allows you to create a beautiful and "warm" room in which it is pleasant.

Among the minuses of a tree: poor resistance to moisture and temperature drops. Therefore, use wooden lining for the attic of the attic only if you are confident that the room is reliably isolated and insulated.

Beautiful mansard finish with clapboard: photo example

Recommendation: When working with one or another casing material, strictly follow the technology of its installation. The better the work performed - the longer the finish will last.


Good idea - to strip the house block House. Such a mansion will resemble fabulous terme, because the material creates a timber imitation. Externally, the cover of the house is similar to the blockhouse log cabin. But this material has one advantage over natural tree - On such a trim, cracks are not formed over time. Finishing by block key is not scary moisture, and it does not require regular cosmetic repair. The attached shape of the blocks is already in itself the decor, and the panels are tightly adjacent to each other.

The only drawback of Blokhasa is that such a covering "steals" several centimeters of the area of \u200b\u200bthe attic room.

Elegant Mansard Finish Blockchaus, photo


If there is a question than to shelter the attic inside is cheap, the plywood is quite suitable for these purposes. Usually, this material used to level the surfaces under the finish finish, but it may well serve as self-trim. Among the advantages of plywood are lightness, simplicity in montage, efficiency, strength.

Attention: Faneur can be used to finish the attic room only if the level of moisture and temperature correspond to the standards set for residential buildings.

The walls of the walls and the ceiling plywood is a great base under wallpaper, textile finish. And if plywood is used as an independent finishing material, then in order to protect and amplify decorative effect You can cover the material with varnish, or paint.

Plywood Plywood Stress the texture of the material


Many owners of private houses use dersighted Floor Finish Plasterboard. Among the advantages of the trimming of this material: its ease, non-causing, small cost. With the help of plasterboard sheets, you can quickly align any surface, be it wall, or ceiling. But since the attic may be increased humidity, it is better to use moisture resistant material for its finishes.

An example of what multi-level structures can be built - mansard trim plasterboard, photo

Tip: Often for plasterboard trim hide wires and various communications. But if the attic is located in the country where you are infrequently, it is better to lay the wires in special boxes. So it will always be possible to get to them, besides, they will not be able to damage rodents.

Plasterboard trimming can be saved by wallpaper, send, arrange the usual or decorative plaster.

The illusion of the ward in the clouds will create beautiful photo wallpapers - an option for mansard finish, photo

Ideas for arrangement of the attic of different types

So that the attic room has become original and not similar to hundreds of the same projects, various decorative techniques should be applied in its finishing. Using simple designer techniques, you can shortcoming mansard construction turn into advantage

Features of the woodland floor of a wooden house

Attic in a wooden house requires a more thorough approach to her finish. But if you properly prepare the ceiling, the surface of the walls, then you can use almost any materials for the trim. How the indoor finishing of the attic can be performed original, photos from our gallery will demonstrate more clearly.

The attitude of the attic in a wooden house can be executed not only in the country style, or Provence. You can apply I. bold solutionsFor example, make an attic in the style of Loft. But what to sheathe the attic from the inside?

As for the finishing of the attic of a wooden house or cottage, it either completely consists of a tree, or includes wooden elements.

Speecually looks a combination of several materials for placing

Since the room under the roof contains a certain proportion of romanticism, it will be advisable to look at the fabric in its design. It can be drapery with motifs repeating pattern soft furniture, or cavalry over the bed in the attic bedroom.

Textiles in the decoration of the attic room, photo

Methods of ceiling design

Depending on the design dersighted roof, the ceiling in the attic may have different shape, slope, sometimes may not be available. Therefore, it is difficult to choose the materials for its trim. They may be the same as for wall decoration, and they can and differ.

Give the volume I. beautiful view An attic room can be using a stretch ceiling. The covering of plasterboard allows you to create a multi-level construction that diversifies the interior of the room.

With the help of a stretch ceiling, you can create a starry sky effect

Make an attic on the dacha unusual possible, painting wooden trim ceiling and walls in different colors. They can be monophonic, or with an ornament.

Harmoniously looks like the painting of the room in which no more than three colors are used

Mansard Oven: Question Cost

The question is what is better to separate the attic that the room looks luxurious, one answer is a natural tree. And to save funds to the trim, plywood and lining will help.

Mansard Finish Plasterton: Step-by-step instructions

The finish of the attic floor can be performed independently. In this section, we will describe how to see the attic plasterboard.

Since the attic room is located directly under the roof, it is often subjected to atmospheric influences: rain, wind, snow, soaring the sun. Therefore, before separating the attic inside, it is necessary to take care of reliable vaporizolation and insulation of the structure, paying special attention to the thermal insulation of the roof.

  1. To trim the attic plasterboard sheets, It is necessary to build a frame. To do this is used wooden bars or metal profile. They are installed in increments of 40-60 cm.

The first profile is attached by level

  1. After the horizontal profile is installed, proceed to the markup and fixation of the vertical.

CD profile attached with 40 cm increments

On a note: In a small attic room, the cleaning of the attic plasterboard can be performed without mounting the carrier frame.
  1. In the presence of a horizontal roof, first begin to cover the walls and frontones, and at the end - the ceiling. If the roof is attached - first chatting. To do this, screw plasterboard sheets to the frame of self-drawing, which are screwed at a distance of approximately 25 cm from each other.
Important: In the process of decoration between sheets of drywall, there are gaps of approximately 0.5 cm. This is necessary so that they can withstand minor oscillations of the attic when strong wind, snow.

To securely fix the casing material, each screws must enter the slab at least 1 cm

  1. After all the surfaces are trimmed, the gaps between the sheets of drywall are put off.

On the joints between the plates, you can additionally impose a reinforcing mesh, and the location of the compound with other material is processed by an acrylic putty

After the attachment of the attic plasterboard, it is embarked on her finish finish. It may be putty and painting, sticking with wallpaper.

More details about the finishing of the attic plasterboard - video:


The space under the roof can become an additional living area in the house. There are many options for its use - as a cabinet, bedrooms, children's ... depending on how purpose it is supposed to use the floor, the inner cover of the attic, which will give the room a complete aesthetic appearance will make it cozy and comfortable for living.

Many owners of private houses dream of an additional area. It is for this reason that a decision arises to complete the attic decoration. This room can be used as another residential room, gym, office or library. It is enough to have certain construction skills in order to perform repairs and internal decoration for a couple of weeks. For this purpose, plasterboard and lining fits optimally suitable, although it is possible to give preference to other materials.



First of all in the attic it is necessary to insulate the wallsWhat will help to avoid significant heat loss. As a heater, it is best to purchase mineral wool.

First, the waterproofing layer is stacked. Material is fixed by braziness with the help of ridges or a construction stapler.

The next stage is the choice of the location of all walls. Depending on this factor, the waterproofing material can be laid between the rafters, leaving a small gap for air circulation.

It must be remembered that if there is brick partition The insulation is worth fill on two sides of the wall. On the inside, the material is placed together with the waterproofing layer, and the exterior uses waterproofing and insulation, on top of which plasterboard is mounted or lining. At the same time, the skates are not necessarily insulated. Just attach a little to them waterproofing materialTo protect the room from excess moisture.

Preparation of partitions

To perform the zoning of the attic, follows make several partitions.

  • From the last bar on the ceiling to the very floor, it is necessary to install a $ 10-15 cm boards and 2 cm thick.
  • Then the installation of horizontal bars.
  • The open-side partition is trimmed by boards, between which it is necessary to leave the gap of 0.5 mm.
  • FROM inner The layer of hydro and thermal insulation is fixed.

Only after the fulfillment of these works can be started to decorate the attic plasterboard.

For execution interior partitions must prepare special foundations of wood. The width of the partition should be from 10 to 15 cm. Some masters prefer to use a chamber. Such profiles are secured in the wall on both sides by self-draws. Inside the design, it is necessary to omit the channel, and then install these products horizontally. On the one hand, the partition is trimmed with finishing material. So, plasterboard are fixed by self-drawing to metal design, and the lining fastened with nails on horizontal bars. After that, it is necessary to start finishing the second party.

Plasterton covering

To deal with how to see the attic plasterboard, even a novice master will be able to. So, first of all, it is necessary to persuade the frontones and rocks, and after that there is a turn of the ceiling.

  • To cover the slopes on the rafters, it is necessary to consolidate the bars at a distance of 1 m.
  • Then, in these spaces, the bars are installed horizontally.
  • Next, the installation of drywall is based on the basis.
  • After that, it remains to close holes and gaps.


There are many options for the internal finish of the attic, the photo of which it is confirmed. So, especially often for this purpose cleaning is used. It is neatly cut and attached to wooden based With the help of nails in the joint location. After each sheet, you must check the location of the material using the level. If this is not done, then the skew will be inevitable. At the end of the work, the lining should be covered with varnish.

Plywood trim

If for some reason do not want to use drywall or lining, then you can purchase a conventional faeer. In this case, the surface of the walls will be smooth, and therefore for finish finish Ideal as wallpaper and paint.

For the finishing of the attic, a plywood of 1.25-1.52 cm wide is used, a length of 1.52-2.5 m, a thickness of 3-5 mm. Best give away preference in moisture resistant materialSince the mansard is not excluded in the attic.

Phaneur is mounted on the frame using nails or self-tapping screws. In the central part, the material is placed with gaps of 30 cm. It is also necessary to leave the gaps of 3 mm. They will not be needed if the plywood shows the edges. The finish is starting from the rods and frontones, and then proceed to the ceiling trim.


The advantage of OSB-boards is the possibility of fixing the material directly to the rafters. In other words, the installation of an additional framework required when finishing the attic plasterboard, in this case it will not be required. For consolidation conventional nails are suitable. Before starting work, you must make sure that the surface is perfectly smooth. For internal sheat, it is best to use polished products, because it is much easier to work with them.

Thanks to the use of OSB, the monsard walls can be separated by wallpaper or tissue, pre-trusted the surface with the addition of PVA glue and applies a layer of latex putty. Also on OSB -plit can be applied with a sprayer or acrylic and brush and oil paint. Water-emulsion composition is better used only for internal or exterior decorationAfter all, because of it, the stove can argue.


For floor insulation used various thermal insulation materials. Best to give preference mineral Wath or glasswater. They should be stacked throughout the area of \u200b\u200bthe attic between individual beams. The thickness of this layer should be at least 10 cm. It is also necessary to protect the attic from excess moisture. It is for this purpose that a waterproofing layer is used. If the overlapping between the floors is represented by the concrete slab, then the screed should be made.

Outdoor coating of mansardes needs a special basis. We are talking about a hood of 4 cm thick, which stacked on the beams. Best to give preference coniferous rocks, in particular, fir, larch and pine. The popularity of this wood is explained by its strength, ease of processing and durability. At the same time you need to make sure that the boards are dry. Otherwise, large gaps will appear during operation. The material before installing should be covered with antiseptic compositions capable of protecting flooring From fungus, pests and rot.

Placement of boards are produced by lags, between which it is necessary to leave a gap to 2 mm. For convenience, all materials are numbered. First, mount the first board and check its location. The rest of the boards are then installed in order and fixed with nails.


Performing an internal finish of the attic, it is necessary decide the height of the ceiling. The optimal parameter is 2.2 m. If the ceiling is lower, then high people will feel discomfort, as well as difficulties with the installation of cabinets may occur.

It is necessary to perform measurements from the floor to the rafter. Only after that you can proceed to the base of the base of the ceiling. First, the bar is installed between the opposite rafters. So that the design is more durable, you should nail a few additional bRUSEV in increments of 50-100 cm.

The finished attitudes of the attic of the attic or drywall, and on top are fixed with a layer of waterproofing and insulation. As an finishing finish, it is often a stretch ceiling. If desired wooden surface You can simply cover varnish.

Examples of indigestion

Thanks to non-standard geometry, indoors of the attic there are much more opportunities for design than in any other room. The roofing rates can serve as an attic ceiling, and at the same time be its walls.
An exclusive interior can be created thanks to the windows on the ceiling, or well located carrier beams. Great importance Has the functional destination of the attic - the interior decoration should correspond to it.

As a rule, the attic is located in a house having scope roof. It may be one cool, and the other gentle slot or both of the gentle.
If two steep slide, and get out of the overlap, then it's just a attic:

  • In order for it to turn him into the attic, the attic should be raised height, due to the small wall around the perimeter of the house. A person must be able to walk in the attic, not bending his head.

  • There was a time when the attic was not heated, and were intended to accommodate servants, poor students and a poor intelligentsia. Today, a look at this room has changed - it has become a full-fledged residential premises, subject to its qualitative insulation.
  • Many materials with which the internal is produced, allow you to produce a thermal insulation device during their installation. Special attention is paid to the rocks of the roof, because they are atmospheric precipitation, wind loads and exposure to low or high temperatures, depending on the season.
  • In the process roofing work, the heat insulation of the roof is necessarily executed. In any case, if planned to do residential mansardu.
    Regardless of this, the same list of work on the insulation of the roof rods should be performed inside. The double layer of heat insulation guarantees the placement of protection against frozen and drafts.

As for the walls and frontones (see), if they were insulated during the outdoor finish of the house, then inside this work there is no need. To go into the details of the thermal insulation device, we will not, on our site there are similar articles.
In addition to them, watch the video. Let's just say that many materials used in the inner finish of the attic themselves possess thermal insulation properties - For example: plasterboard, fiberboard, cement-chip and magnesite plates.

Mansard flooring device

When the device is under the roof of the kitchen or bathroom, the indoor decoration of the attic floor must be appropriate. Since the attachment of the attic is quite spacious and has windows that allow it to be regularly ventilated, high level Humidity in it will not be.

  • The focus when preparing for decoration should be directed to the floor so that emergency situation from tap pipes, the ceiling of the room located below is not injured.

  • Therefore, you need to try to perform a hermetic design on the floor, and it is not difficult to do it with your own hands. Consider a version of a brick or stone house, with reinforced concrete slab Overlapping.
    In this case, the performance of waterproofing can be the same as in the apartments.

  • First, the surface treatment of the concrete penetration waterproofing mixture, with the capture of the walls on the height of fifteen centimeters. First of all, the shakes of the floor and walls are missing, sticking a special insulating tape from above.

  • When all the angles and joints are sealed, the primer is applied to the rest of the floor. After drying the mastic, you can make a bulk sex using a dry self-leveling mixture diluted with water.
    As a result, it turns out perfectly even and hermetic base for laying a porcelain booking, tile or mosaic tile.
  • In principle, in the same way you can perform the floor and in cases where it is planned to make an ordinary in the attic residential room, only you can do without a tape, and waterproofing mastic Replace ordinary primer.
  • But there are other options for the floor. It all depends on what decorative coating Preference is given, and whether it is necessary to raise the floor mark higher.
    If necessary, then on top of the waterproofing layer, which can also be a conventional rubberoid, a shining flange, wooden lags are mounted.
  • If the space between them is empty, and do it, for example, a boardwall, each step by the floor will be given to a humorous sound. Therefore, the formed cells are filled with any bulk insulation: granulated foaming, clayjit or polystyrene crumb.

  • Thus, you can kill two hares at once: it will turn out not only insulation, but also good sound insulation Floor. So: in cells with insulation poured liquid cement mortar - It will be absolutely a hermetic base of foam concrete, and its price will be minimal.

In order to put on such a base of the tile or laminate, in a non-frozen solution, you will need to drown the reinforcing mesh, then perform the leveling screed. If the boarding floor is mounted, the grid will not need.
Work on the device of the draft floor should be carried out after plastering of the walls, if such is made.

Decorative mansard decoration

If a outdoor finish The walls were performed without insulation or not performed at all, the walls and frontones need to be insulated from the inside. With this state of affairs, the most convenient option will be the inner finish of the attic clapboard, the MDF panels, plasterboard (see) or other material that requires the installation of the root.
In her inner space Very convenient to lay insulation.

  • Most often, the owners prefer natural materials, and the board-lining on this list is one. And it is not necessary to obscure absolutely the entire room - you can do it: only a boarding ceiling or only the walls of the walls.

  • As for the interior design, here you need to show fantasy so that the room does not look dull and monotonous. And the decoration options are many.
    These are doors, plinth and contrasting curtains; Beautiful carved railing on the staircase leading to the attic.
  • It is the painting of a board surface in original colors that hide the texture of a tree. Moreover, painting is not a monophonic, but alternating light tones with more dark, as in the photo below.
  • It would seem: the board lining - the most affordable Material, known to all and everyone. How can I make an exclusive interior in the attic of the attic?
    It turns out you can! In proof, give an example designer decoration This room is a board.

  • We look at what techniques used a designer. The first: the room is divided into zones by applying the board with a different cross section - "block house" and "standard".
    The boundaries of the zones determine and rafters of the roofs that make up the color of the contrast to the walls. For coloring the board, a very pleasant shade was chosen.
  • Wall decoration serve frames with a web stretched on them. And perhaps, these are silk wallpapers pasted on plywood base, or straight on the wall, and framed by decorative molding.
  • The windowspace is also decorated. The interior of the lamps and furniture "under ancient" - which costs one chest standing in the corner.
    And it seems to be nothing supernatural in the finish, but the picture is attracted.
  • In order to "dilute" a tree in the interior of the room, you can use a variety of finishing materials. In our next example, two of them serve for this purpose: decorative rockwhich is lined with part of the wall, and glass in suspended ceiling.
    Beautiful twisted poles and bales of railing serve as a contrast ornament.

  • Cleaning the walls of the attic, with the same success, can be performed by the MDF panels. As in the case of a clapboard, to achieve harmony in such an interior, it is important to avoid monotony.
    In this case, the lower part of the walls is decorated with panels with cork coating, Wooden plinths and racks are more dark.

  • In the decoration of the attic space, drywall is successfully used. With it, insulation and alignment of the walls, the creation of suspended ceiling structures and wall partitions.
    And in this case, the design of the attic room will not give way to any other. Fortunately, the surface of the hypina can be painted, shut up with wallpaper, decorated with tiles or volume panels.

  • If there is no need for insulation of the monsard walls, they can be aligned with usual, or decorative plaster. Brick and slag concrete walls are processed by universal primer, then, after drying it, the starting layer of plaster is applied.
    Giving him to capture, the surface is rejected again.
  • The finishing layer of plaster can be structural. The relief in this case is created by adding to a solution of stone crumbs or other fillers.
    To achieve this goal, the masters use and various toolsWith the help of which the relief is applied on the wall.

  • Playing walls can be simply painted, sack the wallpaper in the flower, or use more dear views wall coatings With veneer from traffic jam, bamboo, or stone.

  • Upon example, the walls of the room are separated by one of these coatings. The interior highlight is a small wall, lined with 3D panels with a volumetric relief.
    A very decorate attic and bars mounted around the ceiling perimeter and roofing rates, which constitute the contrast to decorative coating.

As you can see, there are many ways to separate the attic floor, and we very much hope that our small instruction helped you in this. Strain fantasy, dare and delight beautiful interior yourself and your loved ones!

Attic is the attic of the house, which many owners are reworked under residential premises. The main advantage of the attic is an isolated - here is always calm and quiet. From it you can make a room for recreation, bedroom, children's or working office. This requires the interior decoration of the attic floor.

What needs to be done before finishing

So that the lounges are cozy, dry and warm, first of all need to check the roof - whether there are leaks in it. In addition, you should pay attention to the strength of beams and rafters. They should be dry, without mold and rot, as the finishing material will be attached to them.

It is not recommended to carry out fresh wooden design Due to the content in it large number moisture. This can lead to displacement. facing material. The decoration of the attic floor is carried out after the insulation of the walls and the ceiling.

Mansard insulation

It depends on the right depends on the premises located on it. The first under the roofing material is placed by a layer of waterproofing, which prevents the moisture accumulation. Fill his bangs. Waterproofing are fixed special building stapler Or with the help of rails. Then the insulation is tightly laid. It should be known that laid in several rows, should not coincide on the seams. The most practical I. suitable option For the insulation of the attic is the elastic basalt that has the properties of non-combustible and noise insulation. Next lace a layer of vaporizolation. Rafters on both sides are trimmed that provide air layer between hydro and vapor insulation layers and insulation. Finishing material is attached to complete.

The laying scheme of heat-insulating material includes such elements:

  • roofing material;
  • wooden doom;
  • layer of waterproofing;
  • laying insulation;
  • vapor insulation layer;
  • monitoring;
  • material for performing interior decoration.

Finishing the ceiling

For finishing ceilings, you can use different finishing materials. It all depends on the height of the room. So that the room was comfortable, her optimal height Must be 2.1 m. It will be not bad to look at the ceiling, covered with clay or plasterboard. Also possible installation stretch ceilingsthat form a smooth beautiful surface.

Insulation and floor trim

Mansard floor produced heat insulating material throughout the area. To do this, it is better to use mineral or glass wool. It is placed tightly between the beams. The thickness of the insulation layer should be at least 80 mm, on top of which waterproofing. If overlapping is monolithic plate, Floors are better to insulate the screed.

In most cases, the basis of the floor make up the boards with a thickness of 4-6 cm, laid on the beams. For air circulation between them and insulating material Leave the gap. The flooring boards themselves should be high-quality, dry, from the bottom of the processed antiseptic. Wooden floors can be covered with linoleum, laminate or carpet.

Requirements for facing material

The indoor decoration of the attic floor is often performed by plasterboard, which has moisture-resistant and refractory qualities, or other fireproof materials. If the finish is carried out by a block house or wood, then they must be impregnated with special antipirens.

Options for mansard finish

The practicality of the premises located on the attic depends on their internal cladding. Exist various options Dersighted floor decorations that help create a unique unique interior.

If the attic is small, it stands in bright color palettewhat makes it possible to visually increase its area, and pastel shades allow you to soften the approach of the ceiling and walls. For the decoration of the attic room, regardless of the style of the design, it is recommended to use the materials of one shade.

Finishing clap

Mansard will look great if it is separated wooden clapboard. This is universal natural materialwhich is well combined with other types of facing.

The decoration of the attic floor is thus produced very simple and quickly. The main condition - the installation of the lining should be taken carefully and check the position of the board in terms of the level to prevent distortions. Fucking lining on wooden crate Carnations without hats. After installation, it is covered with colorless varnish, which will protect the material from burnout.

Finishing plasterboard

The decoration of the attic floor made of drywall is very popular due to its low cost and excellent technical characteristics. He attached, like lining, on a wooden or made of metal profile Crane screws.

Conducting plasterboard can be carried out with a single-layer or two-layer trim. If the finish is performed in two layers, the first layer is fixed first, and then the second. In this case, the sheets are exhibited in such a way that their seams of the first and second row do not coincide. Plasterboard decoration of the attic floor, the photo of which is presented in the article, not difficult, but requiring time spending. After the installation is completed, all the joints and seats from the self-sustain should be sharpened.

Equipment of the attic floor under residential premises helps to significantly expand the area of \u200b\u200bthe house. After performing high-quality finishing, a great room can be equipped according to the needs of residents.